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It feels like it's been a long time since she's had a thread. Sure it hasn't been that long, but it feels that way to me! She may not be perfect, but she's the best to me.
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Old saggy fat hag who has never touched a man before
autumn is kanako season.
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Dear lady, beloved by a handsome, competent, young man.
Even if she were to fail to gather faith, I know I could, and do, everyday. People even bring me food and other treats for going far above expectations and helping them.
Best time of the year.
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I love it when art references the spellcards.
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Snakes don't like the cold, she can use me as a cuddle pillow to warm herself up if she likes
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Indeed. So I have a Kanako dakimakura. I'd like to imagine she reciprocates from Gensokyo somehow. Either way, one of my favorite fantasies is cuddling Kanako from behind and feeling her magnificent fluff in my face, kissing her neck, holding her soft waist..
kanako is slute
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I do not feel that fits her character. Kanako is supposed to be the immature but adult appearing goddess, where Suwako is the more reliable lolibaba.
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The shimenawa she wears must make doors way really annoying
How is she supposed to walk through any doorway with the shimewa on her back?
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Her gorgeous Lotus Eaters outfit excludes the shimenawa. The shimenawa doesn't really serve much purpose outside the shrine. At the shrine it makes it obvious, she's the god of Moriya Shrine. Outside the shrine however, it doesn't matter. I can't imagine she herself would go to the village to proselytize.
We've gone through a Suwako thread and a Sanae thread already, so it's about time Kanako gets some love
I forget if it was in the ending of MoF where it's clearly pointed out that it's just a ceremonial decoration that she can take off
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>I forget if it was in the ending of MoF where it's clearly pointed out that it's just a ceremonial decoration that she can take off
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How many times a day do you offer your faith to Kanako?
sometimes i masturbate to kanako, but i'm not sure if you call that an offering.
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Excellent timing with this one actually, I was thinking of making a thread for her myself a day or two ago but the moment wasn't 100% ideal for it on my end. Glad you had the same idea & could follow through with it!
I've decided to start carefully praying to her as well every so often, even though it's not exactly a regular routine. There's a lot more I could be doing in general if I had the resources but my meager displays so far have already exhibited a crazy amount of return. "Highly Responsive" would be the obvious descriptor but it really does feel far too on-the-nose at this point...unbelievable stuff.
She's a married woman, anon. That's completely inappropriate.
Just because her husband never touched her, constantly chases after other women, and has been sealed away since the age of the gods, doesn't mean she's not committed to making things work.
...I think a divorce might've occurred.
I always forget about her long lost husband, I was about to say 'glad she still tries at least I suppose' but...
Feel like there'd be more than a few cracks in the ice during that year's crossing
Kanako is a lot of things, but she ain't a quitter, anon.
She's going to put her everything into it until it works out, and she'll continue to reject Tenma's advances no matter how much of the mountain he promises her in exchange for just one night with her.
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You post this to bait for responses about masturbation, but I literally, unironicaly make offerings and pray to her every day.
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It wasn't like that! I had no lewd thoughts I swear!
Originally I was going to ask how much faith per day do anons give to Kanako, but then I started thinking about what quantified a unit of faith, so I reworded it after getting nowhere.
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Okay, fine, I believe you. Whether or not faith can be quantified into discreet units is an interesting question. I don't have an answer. "Acts of worship" are something that come to mind but are not a good unit because you can do the act without actually believing in it.
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It depends on what you consider offering faith. I can't exactly offer anything as I don't have a kamidana, much less a proper shintai.
I do however keep her in my heart always and think of her often. It gives me strength when I need it, because I'd hate to disappoint.
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Faith is measured in FAG (Faith Acquired - Genuine, different from Faith Acquired - Fake AKA FAF). The most powerful deities have millions of FAG.
One FAG equals 100 prayers.
What constitutes a single prayer?
Our faith science experts are still figuring out the details. We'll get back to you on that one.
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See, now you've done it. Here I was thinking it was some random bullshit like DBZ powerlevels, but now you put into terms that I can abuse. By this definition, I can stick some ignorant and devout faithful into a box and have them do nothing but prayer all day every day for some water and bread, and that will supercharge my deity of choice by thousands of prayers per day. Imagine, if you will, 20 poor bastards sharing a 6 and a half tatami apartment providing a thousand prayers per day each. That's 200 FAGs per day per "faith cell". Assuming the deity can fatten up on FAGs and not have to spend them right away, with a few dozen cells that's an easy 10k a day. In a just a single year she'll have millions off the backs of only a few hundred. It's also very manageable for low power expenditure.
If it means best War-Sky-Creation Goddess Kanako throwing hands with the big boys and winning, I have no problem minmaxing the shit out of divine metaphysics through human rights violations. No cost too great…
Resident faith experts claim they'll be watching with great interest. Expect to receive letters detailing how to improve your FAG farming setup soon.
Note: Moriya shrine does not condone grievous violations of human rights. (Publicly)
Cute and canon lesbians.
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If you really wanted to, you could just pray and make offerings to her. She (much like in canon) doesn't seem to mind the particulars that much. If you wanted to do things "by the book" you could do yohai for Suwa Grand Shrine. But keeping her in your heart, finding that she gives you strenght and all that are very important, maybe the most important of all. I don't think they really "hear" prayers made with an empty heart anyway.
>"faith cell"
Anon...what do you think monasteries are?
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Could you post Kanako(333)?
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POV you propose to mommy goddess.
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Hurrah, a thread for Best Goddess.
Have any of you ever read A Fox In Paradise? It has a lot of good Kanako in it.
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Absolute top tier taste
No, we are not divorced.
Cute yuri
She didn't force you to write that though did she?
He has no arms, she wrote it for him
Figures I'd be blindsided by overlooked mythological lore again, fair enough
Apologies Kanako-sama...
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333 and all 3 of them...nice...very cute picture too.
Wrong. I'm even more technologically adept then her, I used speech to text devices.
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When I get drunk I often go on a rant on how difficult it is to gather faith. Not strictly in the religious sense, but in everyday life. You have to work very hard at it to both gain and maintain faith. Not only do you have to gather it in the first place, any mistake and you'll lose it very fast.
It may be hard, but it is worth it once you reap the rewards.
Well, for an ordinary human it might be, getting trust and having people place their faith in you takes time and lots of effort
A god can just fearmonger and send preachers out to do their job for them. Seems to work for Kanako, at least
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It should be hard to gather such as a human.
I liked that moment where it went into her backstory, like whether or not Kanako is the same person she was before becoming a god, or how the Suwa shrine was before modernity. She's also very cute there, in a military mom kind of way.
That whole story is pretty good, even if it's portrayal of Gensokyo is a bit inconsistent.
So how is your unwilling settlement on the moon to the moon going lately, missing your wife ?
>missing your wife ?
Like you wouldn't believe.
Fucking moonies... at least the bunnies are cute.
It's the story that kickstarted my love for Kanako, now my favorite hu.
I took a lot of Moriya headcanon from it.

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