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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48208865
Based thread
Deleted thread
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My prophecy
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Romantic confessions are always so kino
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Every. Single. Thread.
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His insecurity is at it's peak because of Reiwa.
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Maybe you should make another thread if you want to bitch and moan?
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Shippers are weak.
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He's such a happy kek!
That's Rika's thought bubble, Kisaku is raising Sakiko (K1 and Satoko's child).
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He's like a shipper with the obsession that would usually be in a waifufag.
He want's to be a waifufag so bad, but must not have the pride in himself to move past the barrier.
Stop forcing your ntr fetish into Higurashi, Satocuck
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>Simps for Satoko for over 30 years
>Get rejected and told to fuck off every single time
>Only agrees to marry Simpsaku after Sakiko and Keitarou have already been born
>Thinks about murdering him and divorcing him all the time
Kiskau may be raising Keiichi's daughter and Satoko may not love him but he's the dad who STEPPED up to raise Sakiko and damn it he's doing the best he can!
Imagine the utter mindbreak that will happen to Sakiko and Keitarou once they learn the truth about their father
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SatoCuck is as dead as RikaCuck or KeiiCuck or any other ship involving Cuck.
Can someone explain to me what the schizo is trying to say when he says this over and over?
I'm sure it's a clever play on words but it makes no sense to me.
I've never seen the ritalin anon repeat what that other anon said, but I think what he is trying to say is that Cuck has no chance of ending up in a relationship with Keiichi, Satoko, or Rika.
Your autistic 50 times repeated joke doesn't land if nobody understands it satoschizo.
Whtat? Did you reply to the wrong post?
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Rika saves.
She's a yellow japanese person though.
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You eat a racism b&? lol.
I don't support those though. You should be b& for a hundred other reasons.
By cuck you mean yourself, since shipping is self-cucking?
Shipping is forgivable if it's light and not obsessive. It's just story investment. It's when you get so insanely invested you think about it every day you might as well become a waifufag.
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It's also a disservice to K1 to genuinely think you could ever TRULY be him.
I didn't but I think someone else did in the other thread.
What reason do I have to be banned? I don't break rules.
What? No I mean Cuck, the cuckold from higurashi. Xir won't ever end up with Keiichi, Satoko, or Rika, that's all.
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They won
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Cute artist.
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when she sees your tbp
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Original image
this makes zero fucking sense, wouldn't she be at that school in the 90s?
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how did a kid with no real friends and a penchant for harassing little girls become the village chad in just month?
You know I can see why Keiichi/Satoko have dedicated shitposters they do have a really cute dynamic in EP 3. Helps that she's presented as the least villainous out of the girls.
i wanted to take satoko and run so bad in onikakushi. the op made her look like the one uninfected girl in a town full of ghouls
to expand on that, especially after Rena starts namedropping Satoshi, I wanted to get details out of his sister. In hindsight, Satoko wouldve only given Keiichi another schizo episode to further his insanity. But maybe Keiichi was going L5 in a setup like ep 3, she could have noticed the signs and tried to help him from ending up like her brother. In a "I dont want to lose you too" type confrontation.
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"Least villainous presented" would be Ms.Never goes L5, the girl that makes the shitposter insecure.
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they're precious to me
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I will die for these two if I must, true love must endure at all costs
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She does not love K1
She used cunnyslut powers to lure him to her house and bash his head in
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Explain this image.
She will always love K1
Her pure and innocent heart made Keiichi fight against the whole world to save her
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She doesn't love him
She preys upon K1's siscon/lolicon tastes to bend his fragile heart to her whims
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She loves him
In her darkest moments it was Keiichi she called out to save her and like a knight on a white horse he will always come to rescue his princess
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It's a cute crossover where Erika came to Hinamizawa and started worshipping Rika's cunny cause she's Bern. Rika is dressed as Chiester sister for some reason I forget.
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Wow Satocucks really are delusional everything she does proves she's only using him but you really think she's literally in love
She ended up marrying Kimiyoshi lol not even Keiichi you have no argument she is simply making a simp of Keiichi and this is why she deserves to be viciously raped she is an evil manipulative bitch
You're talking to one guy that samefags to a comedic amount.
You mean there's a reverse-Rikaschizo?
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Take your cuck fetish back to /a/ retard
>so mentally broken by Satokochads you have to scream samefag
It's kinda hot that Satoko kills people
i want fuck both in my ship so i get a pass
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I have a whole sabbatical year so I plan on reading the entirety of 07th expansion works, I have actually wanted to do this for a while but the situation is perfect right now. So fellas, educate me, please. In what order should I read all of this? Yes, I will read it in one go, I have that willpower and free time.
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Higurashi then Umineko then Circona
Use 07th mod for higu with original sprites and backgrounds, and Umineko project
Rose gun games doesn't matter.
I would say you should try Higanbana as well after Umi. It fits very well into the series.

In that folder there you have Higruashi, Higurashi Kai (which is part 2) and Higurashi Rei (which is the afterstory). But theoretically Hou is a remaster that should contain everything already.
Or just go on nyaa and get the English mangagamer releases. Much easier
Why are Higurashi Gou and Sotsu not in the archive? hasn't anyone managed to pirate it or what?
Higurashi Gou and Sotsu? What's that?
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Mion is literally red herring, the cuckracter.
SatoCuck never end up together, Cuck never ends up with either Keiichi, Satoko, or Rika.
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Cute and sexy
There's first a story where as a birthday gift Bern sends some of the Higurashi crew for Beatrice to play with in her catbox. But Nao takes Rena's invite for some reason. Erika who was sent there by Bern ends up implicating with Nao and in the end the game that should have been Nao vs Beatrice ends up as Nao vs Erika, with Nao winning and then returning to her world.

Erika then steals some unmentioned item that allows her to jump between worlds and goes after Nao in the Erika and Rika character stories. 1st time, she finds Rika thinks she's Bern, works for her for a while, until she realizes her mistake and leaves, then when she meets "Rika" at the end she mouths off on her, but this "Rika" turns out to be Bern. Right before Bern lashes out, Erika notices the Furude Rika = Frederica thing.

Then in the Rika character story, in another world already, Erika pops up again after Nao, but ends up running into Rika again. Rika is dressed as a Chiester due to magical cards that the Mei characters use that had some interference during the Umineko event. Anyway, this time she points out the Furude Rika = Frederica thing and refuses any objections from Rika, staying as her servant for a while until she just gives up and goes along with it.
Im almost done with the higurashi answer arcs. Is there any supplemental works like in the console arcs that enhances the sequel anime?
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read Saikoroshi
Saikoroshi is the actual epilogue to the original story.

For actual side-material, the closest thing to relevant is probably Miotsukushi PS2 (not Omote). Several concepts from it are revisited in Gou/Sotsu's timeskip, especially what happens to the club after the ending and some of Satoko's characterization late into the arc (even though Gou/Sotsu is explicitly following Matsuribayashi's ending, not Mio).
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i miss the days where i could think of satoko as a cute little gremlin requiring protection and not that... THING that she is now
and no, no amount of "well she could technically have turned out that way in those exact circumstances" will make it any better
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I don't even think about Sotsugyou and neither should you.
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So, Rika isn't the only one who gets to dress like a slut in Reiwa.
So it seems that beloved characters have only two uses according to Ryukishi's most recent interpretation. It's a shame that neither is part of a compelling story. I'm looking forward to him brainwashing readers through the characters again with claims of what an amazing story this is, and if they don't like it, they're not true fans.
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>i can't confirm any ships in this side-story explicitly mentioned to be in one specific set of fragments and not definitively the future of all fragments, that might make people upset!
>how should i conclude this thrilling tale? oh i know, let's make all the 'happily married' old cast dress up as bdsm whores for some new weirdo's babyplay fetish!
the inner machinations of his mind are an enigma
Could you imagine if ZUN or Rumiko did this with their roster of famous characters? Sometimes the money really, really isn't worth it.
Looks like the one and only person who could have stopped this madness has been dead for over a decade.
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Rika still the coolest. A face with not even a hint of smug, full of contempt.
>Uh dude Satoko was always like this did you even READ Umineko? So what if they're dressed like literal whores engaging in infant play dude they're all just pieces on a chess board without love it cannot be seen goat
murder retard07 NOW before he humiliates himself even further
God I love Umineko but I love Higurashi more, everyday that passes I'm starting to dislike Umineko more and more
I love both but yeah, Umineko's influence hasn't done anything good for Higurashi. It's actually odd to me, since Higurashi's way more popular than Umineko, so you'd think the influence would be the other way around.
Ryukishi thinks he knows batter than his stupid goat fans who couldn't understand his masterpiece so he's just going to inject those ideas in Higurashi and force them to like it
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>start reading umineko and get to the part where the first bodies are found
>rave music starts playing.
I miss the days where I could like them both and have them completely separated with only a few nods and winks to Higurashi in Umineko
Honestly I could forgive it if R07 was at least trying to be ambitious like Umineko was. This just reads like a cheap parody. Making people act OoC was explicitly villainized.
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The fact r07 hasn't backed down from the flood of death threats means literally nobody gives a shit about higurashi anymore
imagine if a popular gacha whored out their main cast
i don't have to imagine, honkai impact did that and mihoyo almost got kyoani'd over it
It's only a matter of time before this >>48257058 becomes canon, making a hentai is the next logical conclusion Ryukishi could make
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I don't think something like Reiwa's ending would be drawn unless Higurashi fans these days are largely brainless coomers
Then again, R07 has misunderstood his fanbase before
Barely anyone reads Reiwa in the first place. There were like 10 comments on the Japanese twitter hours after the chapter was out.
If he did do this he's going to get killed, Satokofags have become so unstable in the last 4 years all they need is one more push
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I love Rena.
All he needs to do is give them an official satokei h doujin and theyll never speak a bad word about him again
higurashi already doing fetish stuff, why you fags so upset
even EUA got punishment in club game
seems like you guys want to be stay mad
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What does Umineko even have to do with Higurashi girls dressing like whores?
The whole "characters can do almost anything because they're just pieces in a board" concept.
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Man Tomato suddenly started posting Higu art again fairly often and is gushing about every Reiwa update. I'd be really surprised if this isn't leading to a new Higurashi manga from him as soon as Reiwa is over.
But in Umineko the reason pieces could do anything is because they were someone else's interpretation of what happened in Rokkenjima, and the story argues that you should treat the characters with respect instead of making them act whatever way you want for entertainment (e.g Natsuhi sleeping with Kinzo).
We need another Ryukishi07, this one is broken.
Without hate it cannot be seen (the sorry state of When They Cry)
Why does Rena look like she's going to rape me until all I can think about is loving her?
Wow, sure wokism and feminism are trashing the other side of the sex "cumtent".
The other side of the "war":
Gou fuck yourself.
The problem is that right now he really only cares about the fetish stuff, and not the main plot.
That´s why everyone is so upset right now anon...
>The fact r07 hasn't backed down from the flood of death threats means literally nobody gives a shit about higurashi anymore
If would be a shame if he got murdered or worst.
Nobody right now wouldn´t give a crap right now anon...
>set up a mysterious character in your story that seems to be up to something
>3 whole fucking manga arcs - 2 fucking years - of wondering what his deal is
>turns out he's just into baby play and all the OG cast play into his fetish for... reasons
>all this setup thrown out for a punchline that's clearly just an excuse to draw the old ladies in some BDSM gear
imagine if after all that shit with takano for several arcs, it just turned out she wanted to watch rika wipe a window with her butt
What is the actual status of Oryou manga? Judging by how long I haven't heard of it, I'm guessing it's very profitable and popular...
You know, I actually have a pretty neutral view of Umineko, but I'm starting to feel like the author is trying really hard to make me hate Umineko quite a lot due to his own retardation.
>imagine if after all that shit with takano for several arcs, it just turned out she wanted to watch rika wipe a window with her butt
Please don't give Ryukishi any ideas. Out of spite, he's still going to rewrite the ending of Chapter 8 for the ultimate definitive Hou+++ 2025 collector's edition with a special prostitution bonus chapter for pre-orders only.
Ryukishi gave me a NTR fetish
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main plot was end before final chapter
making Hinamizawa and Polaris peace is the plot, respect each other, and keep distance is the way
Dealing with Marutake is just a bonus joke part
just like a kamiokashi
no one gives a fuck, tourist
How does that post make him a tourist retard?
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Reiwa was ass but yeah, the VNs had enough sex jokes to where something like this isn't unreasonable. I think it's just because Higurashi has had a huge string of misses. R07 should just let it die, or ruin Umineko for a change of pace.
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New Mei stuff:
Deadly Punishment event rerun:
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are we really pretending sex jokes are on the same level as infantplay bdsm now?
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This is just completely different from anything you'd see in the VN, like >>48263428 said it's just so unsatisfying for literally EVERY plot point to end in a fucking gag even worse seeing the girls dress like whores to sexually torture Marutake if they were doing it to Keiichi it'd be different but we're seeing them do this to another man
look Kazuho's smile!
can I get a quick summary of Reiwa's conclusion? I gave up on reading it awhile ago
Basically, there was no grand conspiracy, just a bunch of different incidents. Marutake is considered the main villain because he was inciting Polaris vs Hinamizawa by spreading rumors by planting trash on both sides (Nevermind that Sakiko was fanning the flames online).

Marutake was collaborating with Mifune from the Sonozaki. It turns out the Sonozaki have been weakened because the Yakuza side broke off from the main family after the death of Mion's father. Then Keiichi and Mion go face Mifune... and it turns out the whole thing started because he lost a game to Mion and Shion in the past and was forced to crossdress in an Angel Mort uniform, so he was plotting vengeance with Marutake since then. Keiichi gives a silly speech about how cross dressing is actually good and solves the problems.

Marutake then calls Inori's father just to cause trouble in the Polaris village, but all of Hinamizawa suddenly go for their side. No, there was no Minagoroshi-like sequence with convincing Hinamizawa's people to help. It's just done off-screen, with Rena and Shion leading the charge. Satoshi standing in the background.

Then it's revealed Kisaku, Satoko's husband, was behind the curse and killed Keiichi, Mion and even his own assistant in previous worlds. Satoko gives him some sleeping pills and sends him to Irie to cure the Syndrome. No big confrontation or anything.

Now, we go back to Marutake, who is getting pushed as the main villain. The club's lead to him was a card he showed sometimes BBKB. It turns out to be some masochist club with an infant gimmick, Rika infiltrates it dressed up as a whore and captures him.

Keiichi gives him a bunch of speeches to make him give up and settle things peacefully, but Rika notes Marutake is pure selfishness and Keiichi's is too good to see and argue against that. Marutake thinks he's going to be threatened but dismisses it and then proposes some agreement with money. Then the update ends with the other club girls arriving dressed up as whores too. It hasn't ended yet, but considering how the stupid Marutake stuff is getting dragged out, it's clear this is supposed to be the "climax".
Man, I'm happy Mei will 100% last longer than Reiwa.
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New ShiToko gold
I haven't read Reiwa but I thought it was gonna be like, some Boruto premise. Putting aside the weird kink shit, why is the original cast handling the bad guy?
The difference is that unlike Tomitake's brother,Takano was the mastermind behind the events of the original story
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The first two arcs were, but I guess they realized the kids weren't popular and gave the spotlight back to the club in the final arc. The kids did have some moments in the first half of this arc, but they've been heavily sidelined in the actual resolution. You also have stuff like how Rika had an accident was stuck in the hospital throughout the entire story so far (even Oniokoshi where the events went several days beyond Watanagashi) but in this arc she is up and running freely one day after Watanagashi.

There is a bunch of weird shit to make the club more important in this final arc too, like how it turns out Keiichi is close to the Polaris leadership even though that was never mentioned in the previous arcs, and they acted like getting close to Keitaro would give the some kind of benefit, -never- referencing Keitaro as son of the Holy Mother's close friend Keiichi.
lol what the fuck

I'm not surprised the kids didn't become popular. It's pretty rare for the whole "next generation" concept to really stick, and things are further stacked against the kids since the club had a million words to be fleshed out with. If I was good at drawing I'd make joke fanart of Umineko Reiwa starring the children of Yasu's incest reverse harem.
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I like all the characters in Higurashi
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This stuff makes no sense with the context Iroutotoshi gives.
Is there a torrent for the onedrive archive? My internet is being stupid again and keeps breaking all one drive downloads halfway through :c
It's already passed in Japan, but happy belated birthday to Ryukishi!
Fuck you ryukishi I hope you celebrated your birthday alone you old fuck
did anyone see "You Are Trapped"?
I don't know, but it seems to me that this is how Ryukishi always proceeds. He throws a bunch of stuff at the wall in the early stages to see what sticks, with so much that the story can go in multiple directions, and then he develops some things further, with everyone applauding dumbly how he has everything perfectly planned and thought out. The fact that half the clues were forgotten or just dropped doesn't matter to the average reader.
Attention redirected to adults with important information never mentioned before?
>You voted for it yourself, you dumb bastards, and you've given me a lot of extra work because I wanted to write exclusively about children, but you don't want that. So there you have it, I hope you like how I've pretty much voluntarily humiliated your waifus... I mean elevated them to the center of the action. Hahaha... And if you won't be buying in bulk this gem, know that my writer's restraints know no bounds. That's not a threat, that's a promise. And I want my money!
Is the translation correct?
I had a dream there was another part of When They Cry series set in a future and there was something about storks
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Those were merely your memories from another Fragment.
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Don't forget this is canon
Even outside of the Steins Gate event, once Mei Rika was wondering if Okabe's theory of worldlines doesn't apply to her world, with the universe itself conspiring for her death as a fixed event since she got out of the Takano loops but died and was thrown back anyway now with a different conspiracy behind.
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What clues were forgotten or dropped in higurashi?
She's just mad about red herrings
Not that anon, but there are two seemingly dropped plot points that he didn't even attempt to address/excuse later on.

Mion talking about how she should have killed Oishi in the past in Onikakushi (probably a result of Shion not existing at.this point, so Mion was probably intended to be a potential L5/culprit too when he was writing Onikakushi).

Hanyuu being able to easily solve the mystery and not doing so (something R07 outright mentioned in a post Minagoroshi interview that would be addressed in Matsuribayashi, and it was tied to Hanyuu's fear of living without Rika, but it just wasn't anywhere in it).
The Mion thing can easily be written off as a HS-induced delusion that did not resemble anything she actually said. It's not really something that needs a deeper explanation after what we see in Tatarigoroshi and Tsumihoroboshi.
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Sweet beautiful Enje
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Did anyone ever find a way to scan this series of "comic anthologies"
I think the translator group has a bunch of anthologies for scanning, but for now they're prioritizing the newer running manga. Once Reiwa has ended we might see more old anthologies translated.
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>dude everything is just HS lol am I a good writer yet
>dude everything battler doesn't see is just magic scenes lol am I a good writer yet
Favorite extra arc and why?
I know the anthology you posted has been fully scanned and is currently being translated by a translation group, I fully scanned the 13th case anthology book but I am just way too lazy to clean up the pages in photoshop. I have never done this before maybe I might just dump the scans I have here for some other anon to clean up or read it as is
Yeah that image is from the 13th case as well, maybe they're already scanning and translating it now from someone else
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>"reading" VNs in English and thinking you actually experienced them
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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I only know English, anon. I can't read moon runes.
a literal tranny shipper
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phase 2?
Traslation: I hope you learn how sexual relationships are in the bad way (as per usuall for you, shits of man).
In the actual VN Hinamizawa Syndrome didn't create any lines for Keiichi though, outside of that scene every line we hear makes sense in context. It's just the tone that's distorted.
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Never ever.
I don't ship Beatrice, however.
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That doesn't really matter much. In Tatari, Satoko has a fully imaginary Teppei call her smelly and tell her to take a bath, establishing it as part of what HS can do.
Even if it wasn't intended that way originally, the later story details do enough to retroactively explain it so that it doesn't count as a plot hole, unlike the Hanyuu thing, where Ryukishi clearly hoped that no-one would pay attention to it.
But youre a literal discordian tranny chud. There are also tranny trump voters and trump will execute all of you anyway :33
Have you seen the news?
Phase 2 is happening soon IRL.

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