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I need to go there. Inb4 "You're too weak and will get killed/eaten by youkai." Whether I live a long fulfilling life or become youkai dinner as soon as I arrive doesn't matter to me. I'm satisfied with either.
I've been praying to Moriya Shrine for awhile now, and express my desire to be transported to Gensokyo often. No luck on that front but I understand that it's a big ask.
It is not a simple task. It might be impossible, due to the various reasons, up to and including possibly vacuous reference.
I am not competent enough to tell much on those matters beyond some simple ontological/epistemic perspective. But I want to say that if it is possible to reach Gensokyo, then you will need to work hard to achieve it, most probably. And that means you need to be patient, diligent and alive.
How did Sumireko do it?
I'm willing to do what it takes as long as I can be sure about it. it's hard to stay motivated when there's assurance my efforts will amount to anything and there's the tempting gamble of just dying and hoping my soul is picked up by someone who can help.

If only I knew. I'm sure her powers played a role in it but sadly, I have no such abilities.
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Let Flan-chan guide you.
Monitoring this thread. I would take any old isekai world over this one but Gensokyo would be nice too.
If/when I kill myself, I won't be hanging myself. I've tried before, it's very painful and scary! I want to at least thoroughly explore other options for getting to Gensokyo first anyways.

There are many things nice about Gensokyo. The biggest one for me is the people. Even though I've never met them, they've brought me so much comfort through hard times.
>it's hard to stay motivated when there's assurance my efforts will amount to anything
This goes ultimately for all things you can set up as a goal in your life. Why do you try to stand up from your bed? There is no assurance some cosmic, natural law won't prevent you this time around.
It can't be rushed. Have you ever tried befriending a wild animal? Stray cat or birds perhaps? You know there are some drives and intelligence behind an animal, you may know something about how it behaves and what it doesn't like, but you are trying to communicate with something that doesn't understand you the way you think it does. You can't be sure how it actually perceives your actions. But, despite this, befriending an animal is possible. Sometimes it will go faster, if you're lucky; sometimes slower, and there will be even times when the relationship will look like it regresses. The only thing that can help you is persistence and perceptiveness, to not repeat mistakes.
If there are any spiritual entities, they are likely to have a different modality of communication as well. Metaphysical is from definition something "beyond physical". Any forays into it and any relationship with spirits would need time and experience to even begin to understand what something there might mean. You might be sometimes lucky, but you can't and shouldn't count on this.
To add to what >>48253187 said, I'd advise you to keep every possibility in mind, even the most unpleasant ones. Namely the chance that Gensokyo might not be a location you can physically travel to from this world, at least without the direct intervention of a higher being that is most likely unwilling to interfere with the process. Or how the destruction of life (including yours) is almost universally considered a serious offence in spiritualism. If you internalize the latter, you may begin to see your current existence as "training" and an opportunity to build connections for what may come next. I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but it's all I've got. Best of luck.
If Gensokyo is a place you can like physicaly enter, it's most likely somewhere in Nagano. ZUN grew up there, and a lot of locations in Gensokyo and much of lore in Touhou draws from places like Hakuba (the town he grew up in), Suwa and the Yatsugatake mountains.

There's a shrine in Hakuba that's thought to possibly be the likely inspiration behind Hakurei Shrine. Some elements of Gensokyo's geography line up with Hakuba, such it as being described as a mountain valley with a river running through it and having three prominent mountain peaks.

Suwa is home to Suwa Grand Shrine, the mythology surrounding it is intensively reference to in Touhou. It's the most prominent shrine in all of Nagano and ZUN would have been very familiar with it.

The "original form" of Yatsugatake mountains (related to a myth about the kami of Mt. Fuji destroying the original mountain in anger) is described as being the same as Gensokyo's Youkai Mountain. What exactly this means, I don't quite know, but it feels a bit pointed that Mt. Tengu is one of the Yatsugatake mountains...

There's also a ton of other stuff related to Nagano in the Touhou games. So if Gensokyo is somewhere, literally, physically, as some kind of a spirit world existing on the flip side of material reality, it's there. Adding further to this is the fact that Nagano is home to several notable magnetic anomalies (most likely from all the mountains), and these seem to be strongly correlated with spirit activity.

The problem is that nothing quite lines up 100% with the geography of Gensokyo and that some of these locations are fairly popular and frequented by people. Hakuba once hosted some games of the Winter Olympics. Suwa is a big city. Yatsugatake mountains are a natural park and Mt. Tengu is a popular day-hike destination. That said, the national parks in the US are popular tourist destinations and people have strange experiences and mysteriously vanish there all the time. Hakuba also seems to be quite out in the boonies by Japanese standards. Who knows what goes outside of the village.

If one was able to locate Gensokyo, I have no idea how to enter there. There's also a high risk that you will just find some local Kitsune/Tengu/Bake-danuki who will be very confused and either straight up eat you or then mercilessly prank you and the Japanese press gets to write about a gajin found in the woods, gone insane, rambling on about youkai...
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I'm a hardcore Touhou fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be at Moriya Shrine where I would often train with Suwako in the training center and help Sanae with the Autumn Festival, but one day as I was talking to Sanae , we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Kanako-sama and she agreed that you would be PERFECT for Gensokyo, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Kanako-sama said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Don't do it anon
Taboo of blood spilling should be a dead giveaway that something is wrong. While there are traces of human sacrifice in Shinto, no miko, one that is also a living kami, would advise you to go out with a gunshot.
Don't do it Anon.
It's ancient pasta https://warosu.org/jp/thread/3928901
NTA but whether it's ancient pasta or not, discouracing suicide is important.
There is a probably schizo anon here who have the ability to enter Gensokyo and other worlds with his dreams depending on the phases of the moon or stars related shit.
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Build a small shrine, learn the proper ways of presenting offerings and worship, change your perspective on the spiritual (western spirituality is very different from eastern), and have faith. Even if the fruits aren't immediately apparent it can be comforting which leads into the next point. Physical and mental health issues will hold you back, with both poor meditation quality and—for lack of a better term—the bad vibes you're constantly putting off with negative thoughts and emotions. Your body is a temple, take care of it.
You needed a reason?
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>How do I get to Gensokyo?
The only working solution is lucid dreaming.
There's literally the anon who has extremely vivid dreams of Yukari depending on the phase of the Moon.
All very good advice and if you follow this and never end up in Gensokyo you are going to be living a healthier, happier, more connected life so it's just upside.
I don't know about the only solution, but it has very little risk of local spirit wildlife eating you. The groundwork for it (dream journaling) is also pretty low effort, if probably very unsatisfying at first because it takes a while before dream recall starts improving.
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You need only one thing.
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psyop thread
How so?
It's really not, and just a continuation of the last couple we've had here sans the nameposters like the big 4 anon or eclipse or cherry. Give it time, we'll all start filing in to post.
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You have to go into a deep sleep with a smartphone. That is how Sumireko does it in Touhou: Artificial Dreams in Arcadia.
Then you can capture a mindless clone called a sleeper of a well-endowed Touhou character like Yukari and then bone her.
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This is the most "Ufufu" Yukari
I can't believe ZUN!! approved that scene...
I've returned from an extensive stay in Japan, much of it was spent in very remote areas and hiking and staying on far off and lonely summits. I like to think this is getting as close as I really can to what Gensokyo would be like, a primordial and distant Japan, a "far away" where things work differently hidden beyond an imperceptible shroud.
Maybe I'll go again soon and just disappear in the mountains.
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It's a great scene.
Cleaning up and looking after the abandoned shrines, hokora, and jizou statues dotting the mountains could be something worth doing. Though that's something that needs a lot of research and care to make sure you're doing it correctly, lest you end up disturbing something that had a very good reason to be abandoned.
i know its a meme to create a chemical concoction to kill me but honestly im at that point where i might just anyways. Yukari is in the background and im on a train right now, maybe thats a sign.
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>Maybe I'll go again soon and just disappear in the mountains.
That has long been a fantasy of mine. To vanish in a distant mountain off the beaten path somewhere in Tohoku... that would be my Gensokyo.
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>You have to go into a deep sleep with a smartphone.
You merely jest, but biology has been slowly, at the margins, reversing the stance that weak electromagnetic fields have no effects on living systems. Who knows what would happen if you would tweak the frequencies your smartphone sends and received and then went to sleep with it haha.
>Then you can capture a mindless clone called a sleeper of a well-endowed Touhou character like Yukari and then bone her.
If you want to bone a 2hu you should just ask your local sex entities to cosplay them for you. Judging by the succubus threads on /x/ there might be downsides to it though.
Honestly that sounds really wonderful and I do understand the urge to just vanish into nature. But maybe you could find something like that where you live, or work towards moving somewhere that is closer to that.
I think the biggest risk with abandoned shrines is that the residents are upset from lack of care and attention, not that they got abandoned for some particular reason. That or mistreating them somehow, so your point about care stands.
Don't do it anon...
Do you want to vanish or be closer to nature or what is it?
don’t worry it sounds too painful for me to probably do it
if i ever gensokyo myself itll be in a quick and painless way like a shotgun or something
I really don't think doing that will send you to Gensokyo either...
Vanish off into nature lol. Why, I don't know. Maybe the freedom? To be honest, this has been a wish of mine for long, but the biggest call was when I was watching a 5 hour long Noh play, and the desire to do it at some point sprang completely unrelated with absolute certainty. It totally felt like I was being told, rather than choosing it myself.
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>Maybe the freedom?
It could very well be part of it.

That's a curious experience you had for sure. Noh is rather ritualistic, isn't it though? Maybe you were being told, haha.

As for me, I guess it's more about wanting to find a place where I could connect with the outside world without having to have to hold up so many filters and barriers.

Cities are meat grinders, they draw in people with hopes and dreams, crush them and turn them into a paste. The energies are really rancid. If you were to "open up" you would invite every drunkard, junkie and beggar to hassle with you. Being receptive to everyone's misfortune and suffering would be unbearable, make me sick, kill me. Even those who aren't that misfortunate are often so unhappy. So many people who are incredibly stressed out and resentful that things did not turn out as they dreamed.

There's good, well-adjusted people too of course, but there's more than people to consider too. There's all the noise, the pollution, congestion, diseases, artificial light and if you want to be schizo about it, overall negative energies and thousands and thousands of random sources of unsolicted EM radiation around.

The place where I live isn't the most hellish urban area either, there's like parks and the sea and such, but sometimes it's all a bit too much for me as of lately.

I don't really want to romanticize some kind of premodern rural life or running off into the woods, but I do miss the smaller city where I lived as a child, that had actual forests that were easy to access. I really feel if I could go to a proper natural setting for once I wouldn't have to be so...defensive all the time. Or at least the defences would be something that comes to all living things naturally and is thus less exhausting.

Maybe there's something that feels familiar in this hideous blogpost. Hopefully it helps others who feel like they just want to run into the woods contextualize how they feel.

One can of course see how Gensokyo (as much as you would have to keep up your defences against the youkai haha) and the more rural, nature-oriented aspects of Japanese culture would be appealing to people who feel something like this.
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Theoretically, there are infinitely many Gensokyos within infinitely many pseudoexistent paradigms that can organize and interpret the Monad. It likely doesn't "exist" to us (for existence is a quality relative to the subject), but that is only insofar as it is inaccessible. Best you can do is accumulate good karma and hope for the best once you die (not by your own hands please!)

I think this thread would be more productive (if a bit off-topic) if you shared what is clearly bothering you. In lieu of that information, I can only recommend that you take steps to better your life. You could likely benefit from better sleeping habits, better eating habits, exercise, and abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and masturbation. I wish you the best of luck, and will be praying for you tonight.
Touch meds. Take grass. Or take a bunch of window pane lsd and microdots of mescaline while playing the games. That should do it. Don't do this if you have never taken drugs before as you will most likely end up tied down to a hospital bed.
"existence is a quality relative to the subject"
While there are plenty of things that weigh me down, my desire to reach Gensokyo is mostly one of detatchment to my current life. I don’t form strong connections with people often, and the people I do resonate with all wish to/believe they will go to Gensokyo when they die. When it comes to the inhabitants, my attachment to them is stronger than anyone I’ve met, or anything I possess. Somewhat more recently this grew stronger as I’ve started experiencing parental instincts towards some of them. For those who I don’t feel such a way towards as the opposite as I feel I have much that I could be mentored on. I think being closer to nature, while not completely disconnecting from civilization is also a big one for me. Truly, I have no purpose or attachments to this world and so Gensokyo is less of an “afterlife” for me but instead rebirth into a world where my life can have meaning.
>I think being closer to nature, ... is also a big one for me.
Since you have time before you die (and go to Gensokyo), perhaps consider taking up hiking, gardening, or some other nature related activity. I understand not having any attachments to this world, but surely it doesn't have to be entirely suffering while you're here.
I know it sounds contradictory, but I am extremely anxious about going outside. Real people scare me, I can tell that I always make a bad first impression. Not to mention how just tired I always am. I never sleep well, and that combined with how exhausting it is to spend my day in an aimless slave-trance makes me dread spending my free time doing anything physical.
I regret not spending more time in tohoku this time. It's such a nice place with the most affectionate people I've seen in the world and it's also an affordable place to be.
The real people you encounter in life are not going have any impression of you or remember you for over 15 minutes unless you do something like start screaming and shitting everywhere or attacking them stabbing them or whatever the fuck.
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Here's what else got approved involving Kanako.
Gensokyo is a fictional location made up by some drunk jap teenager. you cant go there because it doesn't exist
Allow me to qualify this: Unless you are in High School or Junior High or whatever. I was a kid once and yeah we could sure be dicks. Most everybody fucks with everybody in school. Nature rule anon-san, not mine. But all that shit fades pretty quickly.
When the magnetic pole weakens,
When the super volcanos erupt,
When the planet shudders and tilts,
When the oceans spill onto the land,
The Gateway to Gensokyo shall open.
I want Kanako-sama to breastfeed me.
Incredible, look at the size of Kanako's dish!
In all seriousness, I'm amazed at how quickly this sort of thread cropped up again. This feels really early relative to the last one for this sort of thing.
Crazy how the people on the Touhou containment board want to go to the Touhou world.
I wouldn't be surprised if some dumbfuck actually roped himself and left behind a 2hu cum tribute, and a note saying how /jp/ told him this was the only way he could go to Gensokyo
I want to marry a cute and shy kappa girl with glasses for a wife and start an engineering firm with her, eventually owning a plot of land on which we could build a big house and have many children together.
Nice try kappa, but you're not getting my shirikodama
Credit clear every single one of the games on lunatic, fighting ones not included excepting the 7.5, 10.5 & 12.3 trio, then you'll understand how.
Pretty straightforward really.
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>I never sleep well
Honestly this might be the one big single issue you have. Everything else could flow downstream from this - anxiety about people, being exhauted during day, not having the energy for physical activity, feeling disconnected. If you can identify and fix what it is that is making your sleep quality shit, things will improve a lot.
Interesting. I'm always suspicious of these doomer narratives though, but some of them are poeticaly true while literally wrong. The timewave zero maya apocalypse 2012 thing was a prime example of this.
You would have to be reborn as her child for that to happen, yes?
These type of posts just keep on happening.
Stay strong anon, your root chakra belongs to you and only you!
>fighting ones not included excepting the 7.5, 10.5 & 12.3 trio
Why exclude those?
>You would have to be reborn as her child for that to happen, yes?
Deal! When do I start?
I know exactly what keeps me up at night and it’s simply my desire to be in Gensokyo; to live the life I spend every other moment dreaming of. I get caught up in elaborate fantasies both during the day and while trying to sleep. Sometimes I have to wonder that if every person has a purpose, wouldn’t mine be to live my dream? Why else would I be born with nothing else I care about?
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I have no idea actually. You could try devoutly and sincerely praying to Kanako-sama. Respectfully ask to become her child. Live in a manner that embodies honesty, sincerity, dedicated work and apreciation towards all that makes our lives possible. That's your best shot.
I see. So, hypotheticaly speaking, if there was a way to Gensokyo that would require you to live and work on yourself in the outside world for 10 years, would it be worth it? 20 years? 30?

How badly do you really want to go there, and how much do you believe it's real? Would it be still worth it if you had to spend less time daydreaming about it and more time working towards it?

What if it was certain that death couldn't take you to Gensokyo? What if there really were no shortcuts? Would you still dream of going there?
I’d spend my entire life if even if all it would earn was Rumia disemboweling me. If I could go to Gensokyo it wouldn’t just be something to look forward to, it would be hope, something which is entirely lacking from my life.
When it comes to how real I believe it is, I’m wholly unsure. On one hand, I’ve had some experiences during pray but at the same time it’s possible still that I’m just a desperate schizo.
And it would be disappointing to learn the the easy way out isn’t an option, and having a real fear of dying outside of the physical pain involved in the process would likely leave me paranoid, but I would want to endure as best as I could.
Alas, knowing my luck, it’s safest to assume that it’s not the former and that I’m just fucking insane. If Gensokyo isn’t real/a place I can go to then my time is best spent on autopilot, continuing to dream.
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>If Gensokyo isn’t real/a place I can go to
How much effort are you willing to put into figuring out that?

For what's it worth, I very much believe the various entities we associate with Gensokyo are real. I'm much less sure about Gensokyo being a literal place with literal anime girls.

Your prayers are, in my opinion, likely being heard, but you are of course asking much. If Gensokyo is a real place, it's somewhere in Nagano, and you would need to have to skillset to find it, enter it and survive it. And don't give me that getting eating by Rumia stuff, you can do much better.

But it's going to take a lot of effort. Learning Japanese, truly understanding the myths and inspirations behind Touhou and what they can teach to us, putting that into practice, finding the means to go to Japan, spending all that time looking for it...

I don't believe - my research has led me to conclude - that human souls survive death intact by default. That's why I think that way to Gensokyo won't work. They probably don't need any more ghosts there either. Some believe you can however cultivate a soul that can survive death intact. It's years of hard work. I have not done it. I don't know if it works, so committing to such would be entirely a matter of faith.

So whether you want to go looking for a literal spirit world or you want to survive death, it's a lot of work. That said, you said you want to be mentored by them. You could ask them to mentor you here and now. They can help with the things needed, but it's still a long road and a lot of hard work.

There is of course always the risk that I am a schizo on the internet talking shit. But even if I were delusional and one day realized it, would I regret the effort I have put into researching the lore behind Touhou and how deep it goes? No. The things I have studied have opened up entire new ways to view the world, new reasons to live, new ways to take care of myself. Even if it was a delusion, I would have opened new paths to take, lived life truly according to my beliefs.

You obviously have intense desire to go to Gensokyo, much more than I have. You sound pretty depressed, and I think it's partly because that drive is not going anywhere, not getting channeled into activity so it's consuming you in this kind of negative way.

It's OK to daydream sometimes, but you need to dedicate your nights to sleep. If you could do just that you would find you have much more energy in the day and a less negative outlook on things. You could then spend some of that energy on then figuring out for yourself if Gensokyo is real or not. Then your choice of whether you want to look for it, keep on dreaming or maybe find a new dream would be an informed one. I believe you can do this, anon, and I hope you can find that much faith in yourself too.
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Sanae > Selphie
You are in fact a schizo on the internet talking shit.
You too. Especially you.
Were you surprised? This is a thread about going to a fictional world after all.

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