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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
must be pekomami in her youth
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I love Towa!
Please listen to the newest HP song!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkx4HOLIrEM 「GET THE CROWN」
As well as to her latest covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4vCJggx2LY 「Bansanka」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jNnT1Mn0b8 「Tenbyouno Uta」
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Z cup Pekora that rivals even Noel's breasts...
Roboco... come on..
Flatfags lost
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God I fucking love fat tits.
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she has been gaining weight
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
Shoushin Ryokou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6GCUYJvdRI
Bansanka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4vCJggx2LY
Rabbit Hole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB23j752A-0

Taking a break today.
sinful woman...
nenechi a shit
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girls are scary
Censored pubes
When is Ookami Mio going to play Okami?
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I love Roboco's huge milkers.
Flat chest > huge milkers
Seriously what's the point of Aki? First gen debut but is the LAST one to get 1m subs excluding the new debuts what the hell
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Fat tits are the best
Roboco is pretty bad at this.
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Wait a minute this not Hololive
Haachama used to me my go-to holo for fapping.
who's mdk of hololive?
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko stream at 21JST! https://youtu.be/HVhII3CnvLc
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Just play Jump King instead.
She already played it
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So fucking huge.
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I think you mean “flat tits”
Subachocolunatan COD tonight!
Probably Prophunt.
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Z cup Pekora
>Ayasuba last night
>Subachocoluna tonight
Subaru is graduating...
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subaru is motherless and will never be loved
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I will destroy the Riot servers
Roboco is pretty cute.
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Fuck Friend
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How about you tell your whore to stream, ayamecucks
She streams way more than your ENwhores
"Ayame streams more than Marine" they said
Ojou is streaming today while Marine is getting fingered by Ao all day again
I get jealous even if it's Ayame.
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not big enough
Sigh why do girls do these things
Why does it feel like people were born with emotions and instincts I cannot obtain or learn
Marine will stream today she just hasn't woke up
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Finally some good fucking posts
I don't get it
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so perky
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vicious sex with ojous cute small feet
Even Pekora ditched Marine. Meanwhile Ayame is loved by everyone in Hololive
Tusk, hold my hand
do what
Biboo finishing Dead Space!
NLO god
we'll trampoline
The needful
finally through the roof
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I typed this.
oh no i missed asa niko
>I'm pussy biboo
Interesting phrasing
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poyoyo POV
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Roboco, please stop losing...
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Do you think Japanese women realize just how attractive they are?
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Ayame is not for lewds
Why are Ayametomos spamming?
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Holo for this feel?
They got BTFO by ichimi again
Did you finish your Towa dailies?
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Pekora refuses to be management's dog and is part of the resistance. Miko could never...
Is she divorced? This doesn't sound like something a married person would say.
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It seriously doesn’t sound like something someone in any kind of loving relationship would say
That's what she wants you to think.
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I love both flat and fat tits as long as they're attached to my oshi
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It appears she needs someone to save her. Not to worry, I'll take one for the team.
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Yeah Pekora only does things on her own volition
What is Subaru's problem
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There is nothing a sex session with Kanata can't fix
Not really, if you don't love and care about yourself, well you can't really love others in the first place.
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How do I book one?
yeah they're pretty manipulative
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Anya's fanbase name. I know I was confused by it too for the longest time.
Melfriends... not to be confused with Elfumin
Lmao, knowing Nayuta, she was probably just listening to some songs and got caught in the mood. It is not that serious.
Ayame is a kind sweetheart while Marine is a horrid bitch. That is why kind Holos like Watame, Mio and Noel love Ayame and only horrid bitches like Kanata and Lui love Marine.
I want a Japanese woman to manipulate me...
Even Lamy hates Marine now.
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>no holosummer
>no maikura natsumatsuri
>supposedly no christmas karaoke relay
This year has been pretty lacking in events outside of hakoge.
I want my own menhera married woman... it's not fair...
Oh okay I don't follow her religiously so I was just wondering if she'd ever hinted at being divorced at some point and I just didn't know.
Marine is straight
*swallows gum*
first of all
marineschizo is a cute
It's Marine's fault. All the resources are being wasted on her GARBAGE sololive
I heard that there will be no hololive next year too
Marine fucks bunnies for fun
despite her model and voice ao is not actually a boy
secondly.. i love the feeling of... hehehe
ichitroons are drinking cum
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no i actually ate the gum part of a lollipop
Fubuki fucking despises Marine. That's definitely not Marine's clique.
this is like the fourth marineschizo impersonator I've seen, get your own personality please
Marine sucked me under my kilt in Scotland
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So mad when it's Ayame's fault your stupid statement made you look dumb.
it feels good to have something in your mouth
We love Ayame and HATE Marine here
Based nousagi whoring out Peko to twitch turds
Are you sure it's not the real Marineschizo?
What's the full list of Marineschizos?
Marineschizo 1, who was also the original Noelschizo and Gokiseischizo
Marineschizo 2, the fujo one that showed up after the Amuro Rape incident
Marineschizo 3, the one that was obsessed with Marine liking things he didn't, like Undertale and HxH
Marineschizo 4, the low energy one nobody remembers
Any more?
The real one died in a Chinese mudslide in 2022
this but all of sankisei and I was wearing full white knight armor
he's a breath of fresh air compared to the number obsessed pkmkschizo
These people are incredibly obnoxious
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This destroyed Marineschizos
this pack of cigarettes has lasted me about 7 years
why would people do this
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yeah fuck that
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ADHD hours
probably the same bored loser to be honest
I think Gura should collab with CookieSwirlC
cummable forehead
I'll never understand how Watame's three sets of brows work and that massive, MASSIVE HEAD. Really trash art once you start focusing.
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Love Omarun
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This is pretty hot.
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>no anus_peek
you postin you mp4's tusker? way to go dude
C'mon tusk bro add audio to the MP4s
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idiot you forgot the r *starts pinching myself all over* idiot moron everyone hates you now kill yourself
>browse gallery
>suddenly see sora
>instant cummies
wew did not expect that
I don't get why they don't let us post audio
moot doesn't like screamers.
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Already gotten used to losing
Just mute it by default? 5ch does fine with their imgur video links always muted.
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maririn eroi
imageboard, not videoboard.
DEI hire
Based spics
Damn, where does he live? Brazil?
Honduras apparently
Literally Hololive
Towa's friend
Guess I'll fap to senchou again...
Marine is too sexy lately wtf happened is it all the night gown outfit?
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So what went wrong?
4 more hours before I can sleep
anyone have a good way of filling 4 hours?
Watch Miko's holocure archive.
Watch Biboo?
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inflexible yo...
Flare is the worst holo.
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Objectively speaking that would be Aki
Clownfish fins typed this
What a terribly inefficient way to eat cake.
dead hours are saved
all my mp4s have audio
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Have a few drinks
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I am forgotten
loud whores
looking forward to animal crossing.
Noel's daughter is cute
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strap looks weird just running straight down
poor girl. she has to find her niche
She cut like half an hour from the karaoke, was she not allowed to sing some of the songs?
Riona in the house
/#/ is making fun of Riona...
but she's not streaming
my headcanon is yes
but more realistically it's probably this
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sakunyan was perfect today
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deso won
suso > deso > taso
Is she barren or is her husband just too gay
Suso Suso my beloved Suso
taso yen
Is it cool to like Riona yet?
Nobody calls her Suso you dumbfuck go fuck yourself
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My poor poor debiru...
i’m watching riona’s ao oni stream and she seems to be getting more comfortable and showing a bit more personality
hope she settles in and finds what works for her
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I don't remember if she ever talked about it but I wonder if Towa considered getting a new dog
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that dog belongs to someone else
stand back and stand by
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2 days...
2 days is a long ways away, hopefully my beloved vivitaso streams in the meantime…
We have Suzy and Jimmy
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Towa is crying over her dead dog and you're laughing
*cums on narumi’s toes while she cries*
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Did Miosha finish P3R?
my dumb.. dumb bunny...
Did she say why she was using a different voice? I only watched the end of the stream when she was live
towa is being haunted by the spirits of the dead and you're laughing
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don’t open
both are dead
She shouldn't have mocked sakamatard then
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It's a doggy dog world out there...
Why did Towa do it...
It's the same clip but this one is cute and that one is full of sexual tension
blacked holo when
Sex with Lunaito while Luna watches
I will always laugh at Towa
I will always cum at Towa
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Sakuna's boobs are too big
Did Towa deserve it?
Right size
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You either die an idol or you live long enough to see yourself become Sakura Miko
Does your oshi have two sets of tits?
Just wait until she's 3D
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Towa does
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Can we finally stop pretending that we hate Ru?
just post your ENs if you want attention
No, just one set of tits
Only the micomet eop hates her
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Reminder that Mio was also part of the Usan leak
We love Rui here
We love cats here.
>it's fine when Shion kills her cat but bad if Ru does it
Towa loves cats a bit too much
wish they would kill you instead
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What happened?
Do canine holos have 8 nipples?>>48272544
Miosha sex!
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>Ayasubapeko Maripa
Holyshit yes
>global Usada
>queen of otakus and bots
i wonder why
I tried that once, but then I got lost in the forest
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Sorry I'm not really into used goods especially if they're a lying whore
Imagine Towa at Durnholde Keep
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Single mother behavior
That's part of the thrill.
Whore, whore, whore, whore, virgin
Can we finally stop pretending that we hate Towa?
Okayu's model looks strange these days.
I will never forget you, Minato Aqua
Can we finally stop pretending that we hate Roboco?
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I'm sick of Towa
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matsuri should pick more fitting people to collab with, these recent ones just don't feel right
Towa is the source, the ailment itself is called purple disease
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non 4chanx test
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That is a steal
Don't use mp4 they don't work in my Android app
Nose is so cool...
>500 yen for a full meal
I bet the portion is legit tiny
The fact that holos still say yes when Matsuri comes begging for collabs really shows how nice everyone is
it comes with a small packet of towa's semen
you dumb faggot
I've never even been subbed to her because her vibes were so fucked even while she was in hololive.
bitch is crazy and it's on you for falling to her shit again and again
I guess there aren't that many human wrecks on her level to do collabs with.
youtube happened
Indeed. If I saw Matsuri approaching me with anything I would probably change my address and name.
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>The prototypical JPcel
roru roru rumao EN wins again
I bet Luna doesn't
Matsuri paid them
would you want Matsuri to hold a grudge against you?
What's the worst thing she could do? Force me to see her naked?
I'd want her to hold a knife against me
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Can you fuck off? What did Matsuri do to make you react like this?
So those weird pube artworks where like 80% of the body is covered with hair, do you actually get off to it?
Thi post is too heterosexual for this gay ass general.
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Wrench holo when
5 hours until hime saves dead hours
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kill yourself freak
That's gross, only pubes are approved.
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Pubes are fucking disgusting
Pubes should be cherished and worshipped as they're a symbol of natural beauty, virtue and rightfulness.
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Every holos that collab with Matsuri should show their nipples
I don't watch my oshi's zatsudan streams, ever. She always spoke so slowly, and I would always just download the transcript and read it the day after the stream
i learned from kancolle that during wartime, wives would sometimes give their husbands charms with their pubic hair inside
I have my doubts, there was a recent thread and you pubefags were extra horny that day posting abominations
the fancuck always acts out if you make fun of it or rushia
Friend has never gone over overseas?
better question is when isn't that loser mad about hololive's success
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Get fucked
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That's a falseflagger probably.
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Rate my oshi's tastes.
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Sex, vicious 18h sex with aqua's girlfriends
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>instantly deleted
>meanwhile the pictures of random dudes are not
My bad, didn't know twinktomo was part of the janny clique I won't make fun of his pathetic spergs again
>go to america
>tip whores
>shoot guns
Do americans really?
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What's the best kind of potechi anyway? Lay's Classics?
Nice guns fucking loser
>guess ill just get stabbed by a crack head
choco covered potechi
What other things are there to do there? Aside from gambling which they also did
Lays Wavy Texas BBQ
Does Choco like potechi?
told you that twinktomo is a nousacuck
how do I join the janny's clique?
my POV
what is Sakuna doing right now?
>twink faggot vanishes
>fanbase wars faggot appears
hmmm im nyooticing, it's seen more obvious when it's 15m between posts
go to c*tube and start ERP ing
learning about some basic bitch stream games to become another e-thot
it got mass reported by nijiniggers because that stream beat tokyo ghoul's street fighter tournament numbers lmao
Signing cards
lie to yourself about being a woman and you'll get there easily
Yeah, mine
so Lapmate is in the clique? fucking whore
Extracting goo from biboo's holes
It's always some boogeyman with you
erp on discord
kek that guy was such a loser, so glad be hanged himself
Ukrainian lion....
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lmao you know I'm right, even when nijinigs tried to bot tokyo ghoul's stream he couldn't beat Miko still
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kek nijinigs are so obvious, see I was right, even they botted tokyo ghoul's stream to make the stream got almost the same numbers as that Miko's stream. And yet they still failed to beat Miko lmao
hey loser go back >>>/vt/numbers
>go to scotland
you know the charm that your childhood friend gave you in dq11? yes
yeah with white men
>gave proof
>g-go back loser
so sad
you go back to >>>reddit/r/nijisanji lol
Why are you so invested in streamers' numbers, you know these aren't your own accomplishments right?
You forgot:
>Order a Bailey's
>starts spamming and sperging about nijis and numbers randomly
yeah go the fuck back /vt/ard
I just mass reported Towa channel for sexual content, you are welcome
>anon asked why a video got took down
>provides explanation
>w-why are you s-sperging out
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bet you don't even know what happened on 1st june 2020
You're ban evading again
did miko or korone say anything about it? no so it's not an explanation, you're just being a whiny little bitch looking for something to bitch about
more like
>go to scotland
>gets glassed
My oshi's accomplishments are my accomplishments, that's the idolCHAD's way.
yeah, let's just wait like that time korone explained to everyone about her ultraman and gt2 stream getting taken down.
yeah by white men
>go to overseas
>eat mcdonalds
Explain this behavior
idol otakeks are like that. They are pathetic human beings
comfort food
they wanted to try the REAL mcdonalds, even thought there's nothing real in those ingredients
Mcdonalds menu is different for each country
are makudo in japan really that much better? why do all the holos love it so much
I had it when I was over there and it was pretty good
blud is trying too hard to paint "idol otaku" as le bad, like does little bro not realized where he's at? :_skull: :_skull:
The disappointment from Suisei when she realized the US McDonalds doesn't have anything unique is funny
Real chemicals.
>go overseas
>see foreigners
should have gone for barbeque or something like that
your mom is chemical, anon.
what's the diff and which menus?
yeah white men
Are there really no US exclusive items?
You mean you don't go to Japan to specifically eat Yoshinoya?
They usually have the big mac / quarter pounder etc, but then they have the rest of the menu filled out with food that the region enjoys like egypt has falafel, SEA has a few more spicy burgers that I can't remember right now, angus beef option burgers in australia.
I went a few years ago so it looks like they don't have what I bought on their current menu but it was a chicken burger variant from memory.
Breakfast burrito I guess?
Or is that a menu from carlsjr/jackinthebox I forgot
Huh? You can't go home before your senior? Is there a rule like that in japan?
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>not the superior sukiya
Where's my daily menhera tweets from fubuchandayo?
It's been work culture past decades yes.
I thought you guys said holo numbers comparisons are fine if it's used against nijis or non-holos lmao. you nijinigs (nousanjis) are too goddamn obvious
>Instead of Matsuya
have you never went to Japan??
I wonder how they reacted after tasting that disgusting radioactive yellow "cheese" americans love
Shouldn't the one with more responsibility go home after their junior?
Is the Chained Together tournament today or tomorrow?
Is 22nd today or tomorrow my dear anon
Don't question Japanese work mindset.
Anyways, >>48272907, please listen to me.
This has nothing to do with this thread but I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya? Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't even find a seat. So I looked around a bit, and I found a sign that said "150 yen off". What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you idiots or something? Any other day you wouldn't even think of going to Yoshinoya, but if it's 150 yen off, you all flock in here? It's just 150 fucking yen! 1-5-0 YEN! And you're bringing the kids too. Look at that, a family of four going to Yoshinoya. How fucking nice. And now the guy's going, "Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch. You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.

Yosinoya should be a bloody place. That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place. Women and children should screw off and stay home.

Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce." Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron? I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?" I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour. Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?

Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion. That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating. Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key. And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable. However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs. What this all really means, though, is that you, should just stick with today's special.
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Biboo's reaction on Dead Space ending; ''Why? Why? But why? Why though? Why?''
btw the gyudon store vivi went to was matsuya which was known in yakuza as akaushimaru
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Fuck off Fubuki we're not old like you
Hey ESL retard that can't read the room and thinks hes an oldfag for reading warosu, the asacoco and kanata vs watame shitposting was ironic, nobody actually gives or gave a fuck about number comparisons except for you /vt/ards, go home and take your kind with you, maybe you can beg for some translations over there
Don't bully friend :(
>i-it was ironic because I said so
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Thoughts on Chihaya?
My first language is English, yours isn't. ESLs statistically can't pick up on sarcasm.
i think it would be quite nice to have sex with her
You can't stand numbers now because your oshit got shit numbers nowadays
I went to various sushi places to find traces of Towa
Tits not big enough
I feel so numb
chihaya probably doesn't shave
when will bleachbooru be back online...
Numberposting has always been fine here. We used to post superchat numbers and subscribers numbers all the time here.
All you found was a fishy smell
Hm? Kanata will have to record her live using a different studio?
Can I have a list of holos who don't shave?
>hoping some of the c*ckbox holos have relative success and being happy about it is the same as making a pseudo fanbase war about numbers
And there's the goalpost.
If you're just going to repost retarded shit that you've read off of suki kira then do it on /vt/
we're a wan piss board here
I didn't say anything about the cuckbox, plus you ignored the superchat numbers posting, it seemed to me you're actually the one moving the goalpost
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AZKi, bring me to the nearest love hotel
meanwhile this entire thread just made fun of Aki for crying and not having 1M subs yet earlier, what a bunch of hypocrites.
Yes, that's what happens when you don't kick out /vt/ards. They start to feel welcome and invite their friends
I made fun of any holos that cried
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Did somebody say superchat?
and yet you didn't say anything about /vt/ards earlier when they made fun of Aki. I bet you also shit on other holos if your oshi got big numbers and other holos got low numbers, hypocrite
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Remember when we made fun of Iroha when she cried because of numbers once she hit 1 mil?
peko in da telly
We only made fun of her for not having a personality
Best to wait for some patches shishiron
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The fact that you cant even see the point I'm trying to make about how comparing subscriber counts with vitriol and talking about their success naturally with no conflict is different just comes off as if you're justifying your own actions and trying to convince yourself that you're doing the right thing when you just look like a retard.
>no you shit on holos because you don't agree with me because numbers despite all the other statements made
Actual mouthbreather
Hoshiyomi will now learn the pain of Radentomos
We made fun of her because of her lack of internet security and got herself HACKED
Why is the Joeker always smiling?
debunked btw
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I wonder who are the dogs according to Marine?
still only 500 posts, no need to rush
Cover is a black company
Kishida almost joined Abe.
The harley quinn and joker of vtubing...
Didn't mean to quote, sorry.
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Why won't this thighslut undress like this on stream? What a waste.
She's saving it for her first membership stream
>joins hololive just to help her boyfriend's failed career
raiden is such a nice girl.
I will never forget how the Radentomos bit the dust
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*gust of wind*
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I forgot about Raden since that Raden poster disappeared
Get fucked chiikawa
We know because you can't stop beating a dead horse
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for me, it's hakujin dansei
Time is relative so for future people it's yesterday for some it's tomorrow
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*Wrong side Watame*
tax evasion holo when?
Didn't she almost quit regloss but the clown guy encourage her to stay
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why don't jp holos do 24h streams anymore
They can remake that kino song from that niji concert
obviously, how is she gonna help him if she quits.
Don't matter if you're twap or white
*cricket noises*
I'd love to see twap on white...
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here you go
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>Watching kpop
This is how we solve racism
k*reans *puke*
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Is this Bibi
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Chiikawa holos when
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i was looking at the youtube gaming stuff on twitter and going through various profiles and found a nousagi with fucking x120 the average viewer, that's insane for example if you watched every single pekora stream for every single hour out of the year you would reach somewhere around 40x, also his favorite game was elden ring
The average statement isn't accurate you can see this looking at people hitting the same % on the same holoo but having a different average statement
oh, that's pretty lame then
I mean depending on how it rounds you could have two people at "0.1%" with significantly different watch times.

But yeah anyone with more than ~40x average watched on their favourite holo is a freak (or YT is just counting wrong)
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You either die a quitter or content creator of the year Nepo nominee
Well specifically the difference I've seen between two similar % was 20x which makes 0 fucking sense with the same %
lapmate hi lapmate
>USAN TASUKETE https://x.com/mikochisub/status/1859468986326581630
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nousanji lost
Miko won
>didn't say anything when nousagi numberfagging earlier
>didn't say anything when the entire thread made fun of Aki for not having 1M subs
>didn't say anything when the thread made fun of Iroha crying about her numbers
But the moment someone posted nijisanji/pekora low numbers you sperged out and suddenly numbers are bad and it's the /vt/ard boogeymen fault huh? what you're doing is called selective outrage, it's the same thing as when a schizo shit on someone else's oshi but you'll turn a blind eye about it and let the schizo roam free anyway because they're not shitting on your oshi so it's fine for you (after all not your oshi not your problem amirite) and you'll only come out after they shit on your oshi. The thing is, unlike you I'm not being hypocrite about it.
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Hook, line and sinker
That's how you do it baby
Jun tasukete tasukete
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why is /hlg/ so boring now
Miko is the only virgin there
I don't need an erection when driving...
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More like "Kojima Kojima tasukete let me suck your cock and get me a nomination because I'm reclining hard and need the attention now" lol
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Wow another thing nobody ask for
CoverEdge=pronounced “COVERAGE”
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i hate corporate bullshit but i cant stop watching my oshi
>the middle sample
what the fuck that's too dangerous
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can i get miko jav?
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Need to excuse the 600 employees somehow
>Why have we been able to grow COVER to this extent?
>Growing to this scale reflects naturally the support of our users but is also thanks to our employees who boldly strive to achieve our mission on a global scale. Above all, we owe it to co-creation with the creators and partners who work with us.
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I only got peko jav
So, they want to give a 'face' and a 'voice' to the staff and the management beyond the holos themselves.
What the fuck am I reading?
>Luna Holocure
What the fuck is this for
nice one Mr #599
Middle management trying to justify their positions.
Perhaps they feel that the holos are getting all the plaudits for their successes and that the people behind the scenes are underappreciated.
Now that I think about it. They don't really need 600 employees.
Through COVERedge, we will provide an in-depth and broad-based look at COVER’s vision, initiatives, people, and technologies from a wide range of perspectives of those involved with COVER.
Her character in holocure is not bad, but her note piano thing special attack is lazy as fuck
Hope she fights her gojira version
Sakutan won.
>Our mission is “Together. Let’s Create Culture Loved by All”.
>In addition to developing the VTuber business and other globally expanding, Japan-originated 2D entertainment, COVER aims to create virtual culture loved worldwide by leveraging content x technology, including platform and metaverse development as new methods of communication.
Content: Many rejected project. Studio is not available half of the time
Technology: Holoass
99.9% percent of hololive success they owe it to holos themselves not the employees
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Amatsuki's cock
>huffing their own farts about elevating the vtubing sphere not because of the talents but because of the metaverse shit they sink money into
i don't care still voting peko
its rigged anyway
And the only non-holo employees that deserve credit were the talent scouts that found said holos.
>Mio DBD
>when her most hated trope in horror games is being chased
Man, Mio's facing all of her fears this year.
not giving any Luknights in her kit should be a fucking crime
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1) Even Aqua did a better job on her own website
>with holo pro members
So males.
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it's rigged for the Kojima's cock sucker to win it
Are you one of the jury?
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Trump won already
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>Our Talents with Infuluencers(Influencers)
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I am applying
Yes, a large chunk of the world speak it.
Easy money
I love taso's movement in 3D
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my worst nightmare is Hololive going mainstream and the west starts pushing their political agenda like they did with japanese game companies
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We already have Suisei
That is a lot of ramen
Nasty ass sick fuck
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Read through the articles, they are headed that way. As much as I love Hololive, vtubing is becoming a gateway that is pushing Otaku Culture into the mainstream even faster than ever before.
still voting
where is this one from
You just know Cover hired 5 people to maintain this glorified blog site
some detective should piece together bits from all the images and identify the location of the hololive studio
Shortly after her return from exploding pancreas, yeah. She got upset when she saw the ending cutscene because she can't become Mitsuru's fiancée.
Takashi Kato
Executive Officer, Head of the Administration /Human Resource

Kanako Sakamoto
Manager, Recruitment Team, Human Resource Department
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Replied to the wrong post?
Mio has gotten so lewd lately...
Kanako Sakamoto

I would like to choose the word “acceleration.” When COVER was still small, with only around 200 employees, I had to do everything in my area of responsibility by myself. But now that the organization has grown, I have an environment where I can get a lot of people involved. I feel that we’re in a phase where we can leverage this environment to accelerate even further, And with global expansion, we are now at a phase where we can achieve 10 or even 100 times more growth. You could say the curtain is rising on our next act.
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>using the money my oshi generates to do dogshit like this
I hate it.
can't make this shit up
They are recruiting a lot
Where Suisei 1:1 scale?
my dad works at cover
Probably for the Hologra subtitles.
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700+ employees soon
>At the moment, we are viewed as a YouTube performer production company, and I don’t think we have much of an image as a platformer, but I would like to demonstrate more of our platformer aspects as we develop things like the metaverse in the future.
>For example, the flea market application Mercari has created a virtuous cycle of increasing the number of buyers by thoroughly considering how to empower sellers and implementing measures that make it easy for them to list items for sale, such as by making it possible to easily send items from convenience stores. By developing tools and investing in facilities that empower creators, we also hope to create a virtuous cycle in which more attractive creators become involved, resulting in an increase in fans, enabling us to further improve our systems. The term creator does not just refer to VTubers, illustrators and designers, but also includes those who are involved in activities that support VTubers through clipped videos and fan art, among others. Some have become professionals after being exposed to creative activities through their support activities. It would be ideal if the fans’ skills naturally improved while enjoying hololive production.
>pointing fingers in the case of failure
All for Botan.
They are trying to branch out and move away from being primarily a vtuber company. Seems like the Metaverse thing is where they are really setting their sights on.
I will not support and in some cases boycott any project or idea that does come directly from the talents themselves.
did you left out a word there
Is Yagoo just Japanese Zuckberg?
It will fail and we will all laughing, but then realize our oshi will be the one who get their project cancelled because the company wasted all the budget on some dumb shits
Cover employers:600
hlg anons 40
It's just the current technological holy grail that entrepreneurs like them think is the next big thing like smartphones.
Make Towa the CEO
I've never thought I would read such thing from a japanese company. They have their own propaganda department now?
i hate cover so much, they're the real parasites
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The supposed condominium complex that one poster talked about is only about 30 mins away from the office, wonder if there's any actual truth in that.
>the Metaverse
So focusing in a failure?
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lil bro's emptying his peko vs miko folder again
takashi kato graduated my oshi
>lil bro
get that zoomerfag speak out of here
it's not that deep grandpa
Can I have a side job?

aIf you apply in advance and are approved, you can have a side job. In fact, there are many employees in the company who have side jobs.
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that guy must be Kami
Nijisanji = family
Hololive = corposlop
slopppa skippa
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Holos for this feeling?
me and the SADBOYS
Aqua unironically won. Her money won't be used on shit like this
I can smell it
Cover will implode in 2025
Remember when Iroha cried for 30 minutes?
Remember when Towa shidded
Is it true what they say about Kanata?
Which way, anons?
>As the workshop began, employees chose between the three values, “Bold-spirited,” “United without boundaries,” and “Outcome driven,” and were divided into three teams. They were then split into groups of four to five to discuss these two points: “What specific actions or words embody these values,” and “Why do you think so?”
>While some groups engaged in serious discussions, others digressed and engaged in small talk. Overall, everyone was relaxed, and conversations were lively. Groups were formed twice with different people to exchange opinions, which allowed employees to interact with those they do not usually speak to. There was also a segment to experience the values physically by asking everyone to “strike a pose that they think embodies the value.”
>At the end of the workshop, the hosts appointed all the employees as ambassadors of the values they had chosen. Special badges with the words “Bold-spirited,” “United without boundaries,” and “Outcome driven” printed on them were handed out to employees in the respective teams, and the workshop ended off with an encouragement to work hard while embodying the values they chose starting tomorrow.
Not the one Matsuri takes that's for sure.
that she's a whore? it's true
I'm going for a walk
Mio just likes seeing titties spin
She has big boobs, yes.
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In Cover, there's no such thing as a bad proposal
Don't you ever dare to dismiss even the shittiest idea someone came up with
Wrong account Chocotente...
I have been thinking about this for a while. But why is Kanata channel has it entire name written in english?
i feel better
what kind of things does sakamata talk about in her zatsus?
prison break and the mentalist
endless superchat reading
guess i'll pass then
hey man!!
We need to save aki
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Sakamata desu~
Nice boobs
jumping jehoshaphats...
I love Chloe's breasts
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This is the booba thread after all.
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talk to me
Post more boobs
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those aren't boobs
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Miko with 36k average ccv
I kneel
why does she want to be a loli so much despite having breasts like that

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Praying for the day usagoro misclick and posts Kanata/Shion/Ayame picture
why are yuckymin like this
About how she almost committed suicide and Nayuta stopped her? Yeah that is true
shes cute and fashionable is what Lamy says
Not the first time...
The undoxxable can't be undoxxable forever
Holo for this feel?
Reminder Lamy bought a gaming laptop for diablo that weights 5kg
Check Iwara now
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me in the middle, looking cute
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Yonkisei anniversary live...
I believe...
Confirmed by Kanata multiple times by now
And Hime.
Lamy wants to hang out more with everyone
what about... other holo
I want to hang out more with Lamy
she was really cute last night being troublesome
More 1:1 collab from Kanata please.
How's the year so far
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Vivi first utawaku + monetization stream
hime's live
hey that's me
luv vivi
>subachocolunatan later
Wtf they are alive
Korosan sure likes Sonikku
now when is the CVD playthrough endurance stream?
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Getting cucked by Sonic now too.
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Whose hand do you take, anon?
CD even...
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Hime's luck getting everyone in a single 10
Hime is gen 4 unity
kanaken shorts!
Korone's obviously
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Lucky girl
Should change kanaken to grandma gathering club. What is with this group and old ass songs?
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Does look like you're a bit lewd
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Wrong choice! You died.
Sounds like the right choice to me
I'll Sonic's and never let it go.
She's not gonna be able to see nanora with low stats
And then there's
I think hololive wouldn't have dropped off if Coco didn't graduate.
So where does Kanata fit in that division
Bold spirited?
still wondering who's the one down there below sankisei
No baby
United without boundaries. Kanata has no enemies
Wrong kit on Luna since she has more stamina now..
i think they might have imploded if coco didn't happen and they kept growing the cn branch that was practically a rogue organization.
Even she's surprised but that's how the foreign fanbase sees her unfortunately.
she is there for Noel
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*kills Inu in search of immortality*
either towa or ayame?
Why do you post things with zero context?
Anon, your pattern recognition?
Sakamata zatsudan is always fun to watch
Loud tummy growl
Luna doesn't know how to use her ult?
She forgot yea
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>If I get reincarnated, I want to become a witch
But Sakamata you were already a witch...
the amount of red supers sakamata gets is so weird cant watch that shit
all waves must ebb and crest
Hime is too weak for Luna
I don't remember taking this image
Maybe she just likes witches
That is like the fantasy of every girl
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Not just girls. Everyone wants magic powers.
Might be a bit difficult to reach Nanora today.
Is Chloe talking about anime
she got some of those lost rushia viewers back then
*throws stones*
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My glass house!
Luna is kinda bad at Holocure
Blue whores of hololive
Giga whore pekora
Blue saints of hololive
by having every stream a collab
babe blain
Yeah it won't happen today
She was decent but she forgets how to play a game if she hasn't played it in a week
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how was asa niko?
Bibi is too sexy for Xitter
I think that is fine. That means her viewers are comfortable enough to show their own ego. You can clearly see why she is good at making money from superchat
Not really, even both of her solo streams yesterday had more than 36k people watching (39k and 42k)
Pekora is probably the fifth nikisei member now
heh >>48272145
No Maripa with Ui today.
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What's wrong with Chloe?
Sakamata excuse me but WHAT did you say just now
Chloe needs to graduate
Like Papakin like Bibidaughter
>Pekhoe played the update first out of every holos buff
>Miko played the update after every holos already played it
now pekhoe can only got sub 30k playing it lol
Based you owned him
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What with Cover suddenly extending everybody work recently?
And it always a collab that got interrupted by it.
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current 5ch hololive ranking:

>God/King/Hall of Fame
>30000 avg CCV

>First Army
>20000 avg CCV
Suisei, Marine, Kanata, AZKi, Pekora, Subaru, Koyori

>Second Army
>10000 avg CCV
Fubuki, Korone, Lamy, Okayu, Watame, Ririka, Kanade
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I blame Ui
>numberbrown raid
oh boy
New Years countdown?
wonder who will win this mario party
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I am once again listening to a vapid woman talk about inane shit for hours on end.
>abandoned marine to leech on multiple chuubas
Ranking with be
>i-i hate this poster
>yes i will not filter and read every thing he post and comment about him every thread
In her defense big hero 6 and changing your alarm sound every now and then is really good
It is a post straight from /vt/:
>pekora mario again
still weird after being peach all the time
>Pekora is the mots kouhai of them
>but also the oldest in age
nikisei and matsuri started
oh yeah she is kouhai in this collab
>its me mario
Peach rhymes with leech afterall
Every collab has been on other channels meanwhile Miko collabs are on her channel
Yeah, on Bowser's cock
she's gonna postpone the collab with Marine so she can move the collab stream to her channel lol leech behaviour
figured as much
>ass is good too
subaru is older
But Miko just had a collab with Subaru and Mio on Subaru's channel
sad news, koyo's tits are 100% covered
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no more mayo
>Subaru the only one experienced with the map
>"Would be embarassing if you lose here right"
come on mario win this
very grim
Stop acting like clowns in a slapfight. Go post in that /vt/, you'll feel right at home there.
Because pekora is trying to farm fans after nousagis left her hence trying to appeal on someone else audience to get their trust again,in other words leeching
pekoloser lol
Kek embarrassing
Oh yeah Pekora is super good at this minigame
pekora is good in this minigame
Didn't see you posting this shit when this numberbrown >>48272145 >>48273838 >>48273539 post that shit. It's okay if it's not against pekora, I guess?
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Why does pekora's thumbnail reminds me of this
Oh lmao at that thread's 89922634
So that's where the guy got his new buzzword from
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I need my personal Azukichi navi...
ez 4 usada
is this the matsuri bullying stream
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Oh shit she started!
I wish AZKi would make herself bigger.
Matsuri is so fucking loud, jesus.
At last some good stream
That isnt how that works, Miko attracts other holofans to her channel making most collabs on her channel and she has been farming this for a while
i wonder if that item can be only use once?
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Yeah she needs to make herself bigger
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She's being very cute.
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Miko owns the holobox now, it's her viewers who are watching other holos not the opposite
Rip Pekora I don't think she's very good at this one
Subaru lmao
The difference is Miko didn't recline, pekora does hence pekora is leeching from others to regain her fanbase back
Guys Matsuri is the host you know she's the one who invited all of them please talk about her more instead of a "she's too loud"....
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>after nousagis left her
Well maybe I wouldn't leave if she invited Mami to her stream more often.
Miko had to take a week off to give other holos their moments to shine. She is just that powerful
>zatsudan mo
azki navi is going to distract someone and cause an accident.
lol subaru is targeting pekora
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I wish the matsuri I know and love wouldn't be collabing with these sluts and had picked 3 men instead
i hope you never come back
Why is pekora leeching on Miko's friend subaru
>slamming my car full speed into a tree while listening to AZKi's directions
Finally I can leave this mortal coil happy...
wtf even happened to Ayame
she's looking for a new host
Everybody here is instantly willing to form a 3v1 alliance against whoever seems like they have a slight advantage.
I don't think I've ever seen people more excited for a shill stream
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You too can have a nagging AZKi wife in your car for the low low price of 550 yen.
Everyone just buying the stupid glove
lol everyone pick the glove
This map has a tide gimmick where certain paths become impassable every X turns or when someone triggers it with a special item, Ayame was in one of the paths when it became blocked so she got kicked back to an island.
this is already retarded with everyone buying dueling gloves
That is the most women thing to do
Why did pekora ghosted marine yesterday
And i like her too.
You 35shits are genuinely the worst
subaru is so weak...
Masturbating to azkiis instructions while driving my car
being shuba is suffering
>not doing it to your friends
You're just no fun
she was busy sucking Kojima's cock
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>AZKi suddenly shouting "FORGETTI BEAM" while you're focusing on the road
Thank you azki, very cool.

Well I say this but it's pretty nice how she talks to you so you don't fall asleep on the wheel or something. She also reminds you to put gas in your tank. This is truly the nagging wife experience...
Kek she abandoned shion too?
Shion rarely stream so she's not a good host for her anyway
Ayame SEX
shuba suffering is endless
surely subaru will have her comeback right
the copy ability sucks, because you need to go past someone
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>And i like her too
There's nothing to like about her these days, I stopped watching her a long time ago.
All for the meme award lol
too obvious shitsagi
Everyone takes so much delight in Subaru's suffering
circle of hell
just gid gud shuba
what happened to ayapeko
It is quite fun
>only pekora notice the ice cream color
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The illustration is pretty cute.
Yeah. Too business-like these days.
Man Pekora just doesn't pay attention to the reference shot after she works out where it is.

They're busy taking turns teasing Subaru
oh no its subaru comeback
It's been a month since the last time Pekora got the gold. What went wrong?
Miko is just better
Hime with reflex of a grandma
>if you die on the yahoo navi app you die in real life

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