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Previous thread: >>48273312
guts killed that poor kid wtf
wish I bought the bidet with the air drying feature desu
bleach is the best anime airing this season
based op
>if i had a medal for every time i dabbed on tards id be obliged to change my last name to goldberg
wonder how many times he's dabbed on me
we heard it the first time lil bro
>gotta make sure the ol djt knows that i dabbed on them
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very deep
translate it
ayo i love a good translation challenge
let's see if 876 is up to the task
why don't you want me to play little busters?
i failed at the first word
I can feel it
My brain is done with being content with doing nothing
I actually wanna do hobbies again
Immersion time is back
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red red to
the wet stage ni
pine needles fall
heaven mo cross
come now hell made
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isn't that gay?
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yes, and?
not interested in porn games made for manchildren
>porn games made for manchildren
only thing im interested in
I wonder
I write to online Japanese friends and they tell me that I’m actually jouzo but long term I’m curious what separates having text that is merely grammatically correct and clear and text that sounds more natural
I guess it would mostly be stuff like contractions, colloquialisms / expressions, etc
start saying the equivalent of nigga every other sentence and you'll sound pretty casual nigga
What if mereum was born in 2024 instead of 2005 or whatever. He would had a tablet and the internet instead of playing tabletop games. He would have became a gooner or sports betting degen I'm afraid.
glad i skipped the latest DEIslop
he'd nuke us after getting btfo by alphago zero 3 or whatever the fuck the latest meme go ai is
meruem would have been killed by camilla either way
Nuh uh Komugi in turn would be an introverted shy egirl who streams to 5 viewers and one day randomly gets matched up to him. Meruem malds so hard he stalks her account and streamsnipes her irl. But then her reception towards it is positive and she mistakes him for a fan. She overtime thaws his incel heart. Shortly after however she dies of cancer because her Gofundme couldn't reach its goal. Then Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura show up to merk him.
does this help with japanese learning?
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what's written in the top bubble
you forgot the part where komugi fucks her dog
damn i can't read
imagine being named wheat l o l
Aren’t you learning Japanese to talk to jk girls
Haven’t watched anime in so long hoping my listening skills derust quickly lol
never really learned to listen so my nonexistent skills can't rust or derust
That’s smart can’t get worse if you’re at rock bottom
Shonen stuff is usually easy but whenever Mayuri speaks it’s hard to understand
i can't believe tohru was about to say ニーgger
wtf is 青臭い感じ, he/she is talking about cucumbers.
>not interested in porn games

that's not a thing on playstation 2. the closest thing you'll get to a porn game is Bullet Girls Phantasia for the ps4 and pc.
fuck forgot i signed for n4 next week, where do i find scanned/sample/mock exams

he/she wants to put a cucumber up his ass clearly
man these cukes taste like 7 miles of cock (love it)
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GODZILLA appeared (「・ω・)「ガオー
How to get better at listening: listen more
How to get better at reading: read more
How to get better at writing: write more
How to get better at speaking: speak more
Basically the only point of these threads is to complain, get time you’re dekinai, and use that as inspiration to keep at it
remember the two retards arguing 青臭い being cum like 5 threads ago
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wotd: 窮鼠
im a retard lol. like, i've always known of godzillas existence in pop culture, but not until i watched minus did i realize: "wow, so godzillas actually pure evil monster"
just read 三者面談 as さんしゃかだん
>pure evil monster
Gojira is a restraining mechanism against an overdeveloped civilization
is that a fact or a symbolic interpretation, idk.
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mine these n5 words:
are you posting these thinking they're "hard" words and trying to flex on N5 newbies? cringe!
try mining 沼
why are you like this
i dont know a single one of those
n5 means easy not hard. if the idea of 'hard' got into your mind when seeing the words, that is your problem
brutal self own by that guy i would close the thread out of shame
im gonna jerk off to your post?
what if he ctrl+shift+t's his way back though
looks like share so prolly means to look stylish

entai? i know 掩護 but not this so no idea

ez this is antai and means heiwa

ez haiseki, rejecting something but i think the nuance was that its hard to accept

atsuraeru right? to make something happen? i don't remember this one all too well

sounds like nannkouzai some kind of oil or slime lmao

i know this one all too well! daenkei, eliptic

no idea shakou, shakura, sakekura, zakekura? damn im defeated but it prolly means alcohol storage

*blush* lewd but ez word, matagura: groin

rikyuu some royal building that is placed away from the actualy kingdom or something like that only heard it once and it was recently
nta, godzilla started out as a metaphor for atomic weapons.
Now it's just franchise monster slop for idiots.
very relatable, you have my respect
*metaphor may not be the right word, allegory perhaps.
i too cant read
a simile if you will
>metaphor for atomic weapons
how though?

>irl pandora's box
>can annihilate humanity
>but can also deter wars via MAD
>a big monster that destroys stuff
>gets destroyed by a mad scientist's magic potion

can you stop
i dont like to think about things beyond a surface level
gozilla was birthed as a byproduct of nuclear testing
he then (at least for a few films) wreaks havoc on japan
you do the math
it's not nice to insult someone's posts like this
that would be the case if someone did write them
but you quoted me and i swear i'm not a bot
why are you gay
>gozilla was birthed as a byproduct of nuclear testing


> The government sends paleontologist Kyohei Yamane to lead an investigation on the island, where giant radioactive footprints and a trilobite are discovered. The village alarm bell is rung and Yamane and the villagers rush to see the monster, retreating after seeing that it is a giant dinosaur. Yamane presents his findings in Tokyo, estimating that Godzilla is 50 meters (160 ft) tall and has evolved from an ancient sea creature becoming a terrestrial creature.
yeah he's definitely just a dino, the guys that made godzilla said they were inspired from this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Arctic_Giant
wish i could read what this anon is saying
>Originally and in most iterations of the creature, Godzilla is a colossal prehistoric reptilian or dinosaurian monster that is amphibious or resides partially in the ocean, awakened and empowered after many years by exposure to nuclear radiation and nuclear testing.
those thieving little fucks
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>those thieving little fucks
no barrels held
Da Godfather
Just told my a native Japanese speaker that my Japanese sucks, dear lord I have so much more motivation now.
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wait what, this image claims they ripped off a different film...

>It pioneered the "atomic monster" genre and is credited with launching the giant monster and kaiju movie trend that ensured its initial release.

>physicist Thomas Nesbitt muses "What the cumulative effects of all these atomic explosions and tests will be, only time will tell". The explosion awakens a 200-foot (61 m) long carnivorous dinosaur known as a Rhedosaurus, thawing it out of the ice where it had been held in suspended animation for millions of years.
finally a good post and its from twitter
kamo sirenai = if A is the case isn't even known
no nora posts yet, did she give up?
no norafawn is still sexy as always
nora is making big nihongo gains backstage
hate that i had to look up who this is, what will i do about this boner :(
you realise this is about as unlikely as getting hit by lightning 50 times in a row, right?

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you're right anon, that was my mistake. it*
has one of those autistic savants tried learning japanese? i only know one did with icelandic
It’s strange I know I like anime and other such things and I’ve enjoyed learning Japanese but I’ve been feeling just fine being complacent doing nothing for weeks now
Even though I know I’d feel better actually doing things I’m content doom scrolling and lightly gaming
Idk how to push myself and make my brain realize it is even more pleasurable to actually do things
force yourself to start doing the things you think you should be doing. has helped me a lot, and after a while it'll become habit :) until everything goes to shit again and you have to force yourself to start once more (this can take weeks)
>no nora posts yet, did she give up?

i was at work. just got home and did 2 hours of reps. i'm now deciding what game i should play tonight
Lmao yep that’s pretty much how it is
Snowball one way, slip up, snowball the other rinse repeat
what's your job nora, working at the dekinai plant? HAHA!
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i chose corpse party

give me a break
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can you read this word, djt?
no that's what the kakos are for
talking about japanese bidets? z0mg robots!
a cute jap girl in a skirt sat beside me on the train so I immediately stopped what I was doing, opened up jp anki collection on my tablet and turned the brightness full
based anon, protect your virginity at all costs. it is precious and whores want to steal it
すいかくって読む! >:3
gotta be sukkaku
im back after my 4 month djt hiatus bros what did i miss
I'm actually getting better at listening by reading more so I'm starting to think all you people are full of shit and have been this whole time.

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