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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, VTUBERCULOSIS HATE, WHERE IS RIN

Previous thread: >>48093423
ao is becoming more active
rin is nowhere to be found
cursed as fuck
Nowa is playing Mahjong Soul.
Aoi is still all over the place and keeps going back and forth with her plans.
Nowa is playing Valorant.
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CF goods when?
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She did actually say something about that on her super secret sub sub twitter and that she knows she still has to do them and plans to.
I'll believe it if she actually make a muevo update or something
I believe in my unreliable dumb green daughter
There's a new one again?
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Why is the bear still shilling Shisupara stuff?
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At least we still have our green girl.
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Aoi's new cover.
Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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Neru is playing Green Hell.
I don't like this new anti-spam feature that prevents me from bumping the thread if my modem gets reseted.
I'm surprised that she likes this game that much.
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it is what it is
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
Rin is strapped for cash. She sells the Rin Fuuka persona, rig and accounts to a new girl. Do you follow?
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Rin is still alive, and recently went to Round One with Ahoge and the bear.
round one is that entertainment centre with karaoke and shit, right?
It's the one with all the gangbangers and shootings

...at least in the US
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Aoi's new cover.
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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Come back failure daughter
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Neru is playing Mahjong Soul.
but I wanna watch other stream...
Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
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cute horse
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I don't even remember that outfit
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I just went and checked on Rin's spa trip crowdfund thing. Looks like it fell apart and there are some interesting comments on there.

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apparently it's about reincarnated vtubers?
Nowa's zatsudan.
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Neru is playing Green Hell.
Ahoge is still planning to ship the crowd fund stuff. Next march now?
I've already forgotten about those
So had she. Maybe someone complained to her?
Aoi's zatsudan.
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AHOGE zatsu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o51oFeK_kw
I wonder if the original song with Tatsh is ever going to happen.
Neru is playing Oh Deer.
what is this dumb game, looks interesting
Neru's utawaku.
she's not coughing?
Vtuberculosis in remission
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Ahoge utawaku.
>to be a fulltime vtuber you need work other than streaming
>give me work so I can be a full time vtuber
She has it all so backwards.
maybe she's talking about a work as vtuber
Yes, she means work as a vtuber, but to get work as a vtuber you first need to put effort into streaming and get popular so that people will offer work to you.
She won't do the required part and wants to skip past it.
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cute creepy daughter
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I miss Rin
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The bear is not that stacked
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I can't believe she unlisted that stream it was so fun. I don't understand her at all.
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Imagine Miside but with Rin.
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Neru's Christmas stream.
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Sudden 3D reveal.
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wait what the fuck 3d
It's V-katsu or something similar. Nothing special.
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the face is weird but the hands are cute
Man Gipt sucks. I wish Ahoge still had a Amazon wishlist.
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There are no reindeer... That sleigh is going down. RIP cute tapir.
What are the odds Rin has already reincarnated as some small corpo indie on a weird app or something and we just dont know about it yet?
Decently high, but it's all down to luck. There's not many companies that can offer any kind of stable income.
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Aoi's Christmas zatsudan.
Nowa's Christmas zatsudan.
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Rin said she'd try to do a test stream after the start of the year if she's not too busy. So I guess that theoretically means she hasn't outright quit yet.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
Aoi's zatsudan.
https://gofile.io/d/Fuifjs archive
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Rin just posted a Nijisanji EN debut stream on her sub sub twitter? Maria Marionette
Is Neru a gal? Why does she say Yahou when people join her stream?
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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https://gofile.io/d/pwGIuq archive
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I really wish there were some way to get that 3D model
Try asking in the fan club.
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I'm not in there
Ahoge's new year stream.
She sang earlier too.
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Aoi and Nowa singing WWW.
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Aoi's zatsudan.
https://gofile.io/d/Wtde14 archive
whoa whoa whoa rin posted a shorts
no, 2 shorts!
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I wish we had the old big ahoge sticker for the chat not this new tiny one.
Oh also Ahoge is doing karaoke
It's tiny because she thought she could just upload the line sticker and it would be animated
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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Uh oh... Fauna is stealing Neru's bit.
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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Did Ahoge quit her job or something? She is constantly doing singing streams lately.
Possible, but I don't think she ever had a full time job in the first place. She did talk about showing her channel to coworkers but her schedule never seemed like she was working every day.
Neru is playing Super Mario World.
At least she is not calling herself Nell Nighmare.
Nelu Nightmare.
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Nimi Karaoke
She's singing Loli God Requiem.
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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https://gofile.io/d/0qFz0R archive
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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I'm gonna be so sad when she moves on to her next outfit.
Ahoge fingers
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Aoi's zatsudan.
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cute bear
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What is even happening here

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