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Can you keep up with her? She's not for the faint of heart, but she's a top tier girl!
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; /
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I LOVE Rika! I wish she had more artwork, she's very underapreciated.
hot sweaty tank sex
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The anime Giant Robo the Day the Earth Stood Still reminds me of Rika a lot. It's one of my favorite anime.
Rika is far too busy with her important engineering doohickeys to worry about things like sex!
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I love Rika as well, but I'm an AIslopper.

It's the perfect tool for dealing with that lack of artwork, though. Maybe Rika would do AI art!
>hot sweaty
go on...
Didn't know one of Tina's hair bows was purple

Phoneposting fucking sucks, I meant Rika
Crap, I could've easily fixed it but I somehow didn't notice it.
Nah, she’s flat and fun-sized. She works too much to eat.
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But legit, I wanna see her meet Sanae. Sanae would totally introduce her to the world of mecha, and then Rika would start building Zakus.
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>Maybe Rika would do AI art!
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Would she get along with Rika?
I don't know... after all of the things Rika did to Rika, I don't think Rika could ever forgive Rika. Maybe Rika forgot all about it though, but personally even I wouldn't get along with Rika if I were in Rika's place.
If you read the Touhou wiki:
>In her speech patterns, she's shown to use the auxiliary "It's assuredly that—" (~なのです ~nanodesu).
I'm sure they would get along just fine.
Nanodesu :D
That Engineer is a bloody- SENTRY- *laugh taunt*
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Rika in the Touhou anime!
I miss the :D era of Touhou, ZUN please...
Looks great, her butt even more so.
Don't stare! Creep!
Cute dork
What are those 2 round things next to the tank's gun?
Play SoEW stage1 and you'll probably figure it out
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She's been getting some good art recently! I'm decently surprised.
Also the AIslopper here does a good job with her.
I always wondered what her relationship would be like with Nitori and Takane
Maybe it's just me but haven't the PC-98 games been getting way more attention in the last 3 years? Maybe it has to do with how accessible to current PCs they've finally become?
Mima, Shinki, Gengetsu and Mugetsu got released as playable characters in Touhou Lost Word so their popularity increased because of that. Yumemi and Chiyuri have also been featured quite heavily even though they're not playable so their popularity increased as well. Can't say I noticed any other PC-98 characters increasing in popularity, though.
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I could use more Rika. I think she has plenty of potential for cute interactions with Windows characters.
Reimu would want her to build an AC at the Hakurei Shrine. Sanae would want her to make Hisoutensoku an actual pilotable Super Robot
And Nitori would kill her for interfering with the kappa's monopoly on technology
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And they both have to fight in Super Robots
>Super Robots
Nah, no need. Tank beats everything.
Forgot pic
Rika wins because Kappa have ADHD when building shit
What if they take her shirikodama?
Not if I do it first
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By PC-98 standards, I suppose you're right... but it's still been almost a whole month since her last Pixiv upload.

>Also the AIslopper here does a good job with her.
Thanks! I try my best believe it or not. AI art is still pretty frowned upon so I'll take any compliment I can get.
NTA but I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's just another method of expressing your creativity, as long as your slop looks good it shouldn't really matter.
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Why did she create them?
god I wish that were me
*gets instantly killed by one of Reimu's stray bullets*
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I would gladly die for Rika
Rika created the bakebake by committing mass genocide. Don't be fooled. This girl is a war criminal.
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well, duh, what did you think the tank was for?
I thought she was just an enthusiast...
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What do you like about Rika?
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Rude. Nanodesu.
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Lots of things. When I get interested in something, the first instinct is to look for the most obscure corners; that was how I quickly got into PC98 when I started looking into Touhou. I can't exactly list the events that took me to liking Rika, but there's a lot about her that I like.
First off, her design is great. Despite a big part of her body never being shown and thus most of her lower half being entirely fanon, her silly little SoEW portraits are great. The cute hair combined with her defiant angry face makes her look a lot more serious than most stage one bosses. Of course this is due to her actually being more serious than them as an Extra boss, but her design is still light enough to not look cluttered and too impossible for a normal human from our world. Most PC98hus look otherwordly, even if they're mostly generic blondes, but they're still generally simple. Rika is simple like them but looks more real. She looks interesting enough but still approachable; I can easily imagine her wading through the streets of a metropolis. She wouldn't look out of place if she were by my side right now.
Now, mad engineers are somewhat of a rare breed. Sure, mad scientists are a dime a dozen, and many build some sort of mechanical vehicles with weapons, but mad engineers entirely dedicated to the craft of building tanks aren't as common, and even moreso these that infuse magic into their creations as Rika. She puts a lot of effort into her craft, given that beside the bakebake and other stage enemies she also built three different tanks, each one with a different motif beautifully engraved into its design. Rika is a girl with a lot of love for what she does! And I think this is great. She does it all alone, and all of it for herself. I also really like that she changes into a more ritual attire for the Extra fight.
I also like that she wasn't pacified into becoming a tea drinking friend of Reimu. I like to imagine she's still out there, preparing a great new plan for catching Reimu and getting revenge on her. I'd like to see her in the outside world. Maybe she'd be in the WarThunder forums waiting for people to inevitably leak secret tank manuals to let her study how modern tanks work and take that knowledge into building new magical machines.
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Proof that /07th/ and touhou can coexist on the same board
Unlike some other groups.
Such as?
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>First off, her design is great.
I agree, I like how "normal" she looks, if that makes any sense. The fact that she looks this way in a franchise full of crazy outlandish designs is very eye-catching even though it shouldn't really be in concept. She's also really cute!
>She looks interesting enough but still approachable
I think her being a human helps her feel a lot more "grounded" and therefore relatable, even if she's probably a lot smarter than any of us.
>mad engineers entirely dedicated to the craft of building tanks aren't as common
Agreed! Mad scientists are very overdone Touhou has about, what, 3? Mad engineers are extremely rare in most media.
Reminder that EOSD and Onikakushi both came out at Comiket 62
I don't particularly like anything about her but I like tanks so she's fine I guess
That's a good enough reason!
I like her shorts
The shorts aren't an official design. She's just never been shown outside of profile so we don't know what she would wear but shorts/jeans makes sense for a field engineer
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Her shorts are so iconic I can't imagine her wearing anything else in her stage one getup. This has been talked about in the past, but I wonder who was the first fanartist to have the idea to give her shorts. They fit her so well and have such a remarkably consistent design that it almost makes it look suspicious.
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> I wonder who was the first fanartist to have the idea to give her shorts.
I wonder that as well. Maybe there are some old archived threads in 2chan?
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Extra Rika a cute
ex Rika has a different hair color than normal Rika. More like purple than brown
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This has gotta be the strangest ship I’ve ever seen.
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Rika with freckles... hmm...
I dig it.
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As someone who's REALLY into freckles I cannot believe I never considered this so I IMMEDIATELY generated Rika freckle pics. This is my new obsession now.

I had always assumed it's just different lighting.

I've always prefered her normal outfit, I don't like her EX hat very much, I think it looks too silly. Maybe it'll grow on me someday.
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people care about this character?
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You know, at least she has a portrait.
And dialogue.
And not one, but two boss fights.
And two t hemes.

That's more than a lot of more popular characters can say.
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Pic related.
Huh, I always thought freckles was a pretty natural fit for Rika. I mean, I think that's how some artists interpret the hearts (?) in her cheeks.
I love her
And at least two other people on /jp/ do which is a lot.
I always just thought they were blush marks
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>Despite a big part of her body never being shown and thus most of her lower half being entirely fanon
Where is this from? It doesnt look like Rika
From touhou 2, it's rika
Most of it is covered by shadows... how would you interpret it?
You can see a black line that could be interpreted as a belt, so it's not entirely fanon. The colors of her shorts are also from there but she doesn't seem to be wearing one.
she looks like Narumi
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