We are working on a /jp/ Touhou visual novel.Ideas are still being floated around.Previous: >>48279006
Much of the technical work and organization is being done on wapchan:https://wapchan.org/vnt/res/589.htmlThis /jp/ thread is to gather ideas for the most part.
>>48373689Would it be a great deal of workload? In most cases it would be along the lines of"You looked Akyuu, giving her a reassuring smile.""You looked up at Akyuu, giving her a reassuring smile.""You pulled Hecatia in for a hug, resting your head on her shoulder while she teared up.""You were pulled in for a hug by Hecatia, as she shoved your face into her breasts, tearing up while doing so."Nothing which would necessitate changing the plot or scenes (unless a writer really wanted to get into that). Mainly just have someone do a second pass of a scene and anything where height would be relevant gets touched up slightly. It could be a nice detail that can make the game more immersive, and any little bit helps considering the slew of VNs out there.>Besides, I think the amount of people who want women that are taller than them is *less* than you're expecting it to be. The "younger" part throws me off too. There's definitely a double digit number of people that likes it, but still...Hard disagree, we have people on this board who want to be a hardcore arachnaphobe dating a spider youkai, or to be kidnapped and made into a househusband by a tengu. The proclivities of anons is well understood that there's at least a sizable amount who would want a faceful of breasts everytime they went out with their touhou.
I missed the first thread, but i'm mildly interested. I tried my hand but never finished a small project around Seiran with RPGmaker (since I used to fuck with it when I was younger)Along with that, I still had & do have a bit of fondness for Charon's works that I had discovered when I was younger, and intended to take the game in practically the same direction, but didnt do so because i'm frail around commission money & ultimately didnt go through with the project anyway, plus I was having constant back & forths about being judged, and the clash between this premise some would describe as childish along with moments of introspection & reflection that could really speak to adultsI wish everyone working on that project a good time regardless, may it come to fruition & be fun for all. I'll probably stay lurking or maybe contributing small bits, I do have some free time ahead. My one wish is that the project unites enough folks that we get a blend of popular & lesser used characters, for all. I really can barely entertain SDM or 1st Gen girls only games (unless they were from that time, of course).
>>48374017Hi, same anon.Now that you put it that way, yes, it seems considerably simpler than what I thought you were suggesting. Still, we've yet to get anything out, and expanding the scope before we've even managed basic things is something I'm sure people would be weary of. It's not my place to decide anything at all, howeverAs for how many people like it, yeah. There's a lot of people out there with a lot of different preferences and that's one of the more tame ones (?), personally I'm not into it, but I certainly do know people who are... still, I'm not sure if it's really that big of a selling point.Whatever the case thank you for providing an idea and I hope other anons chime in as well.
Reposting my pitch for the MC's personality,>>48373510I think something outside of the generic snarky loner archetype who somehow manages to swoon women despite being a virgin for 20+ years would be fun to have.
>>48374048I'm also interested in writing, though I'm definitely going to wait for something more concrete to promise much further.>My one wish is that the project unites enough folks that we get a blend of popular & lesser used characters, for all. I really can barely entertain SDM or 1st Gen girls only games (unless they were from that time, of course).If I did a 2hu it'd probably be Shou or Mike, honestly.
>>48373510>>48374371>someone who's been sheltered in the human village>he's inexperienced dealing with the various youkai and their wacky antics and gets a bit flustered when things get too nonsensical>core traits being someone polite with good social etiquette and reading people, desiring to be helpful and friendly, formal but becoming more casual the stronger his relationship is with someone, trusting, and inexperienced with youkai and the magical in generalI think that all sounds pretty decent, can easily be synthesized into what I've already thrown around with the outline and that does color him in a little more positively than how my suggestions could be interpreted. Whenever the first thread's OP comes around again and we start hashing out more details on wapchan (just happened a few minutes ago actually funny enough) then I don't think it'd be farfetched to say we'd have a locked-in baseline for what little background our MC will have.I'm leaning more towards the protective family idea myself since that'd leave him fairly humble despite his lack of total socialization. My only suggestion would be adding the twist of the guy having already attempted living on his own for a few years leading to his current state of emotional isolation/mild alienation. He can still find ways to connect with his fellow man but his confidence has been slightly undermined and he's simply starting to desire more beyond what has been a very familiar village life thus far.>>48374017While I was of two minds with that initial suggestion of yours (I'd stick with just height but that's just me) and honestly a little suspicious over its timing, the way it could be more casually implemented like that wouldn't be too hard. It'd just increase how mindful writers would need to be when it comes to planning out their scenarios, watching out for certain tells when they'd pop up and making those mild changes as you've said. I'm not gonna contest against how many people would be interested in having certain girls be taller since I'm one of those height fools and I'm not sure how much pressure it'd put on the programming/implementation side of things but, either way, I'm with >>48374064 when it comes to not wanting to expand the scope with finer details like that at this point. It'd be far easier to start implementing during or after the scenarios themselves start being written & processed anyways so I think that'd be something to put a pin in for now. If we start opening the floodgates for 'preferred' details like that too soon we'll have a wave of other ideaguys coming in and start mucking things up with their own charged suggestions. Initial scripts for the finalized characters as they come first, then little changes for what mild customization we may or may not end up allowing after.>>48374678I'm with the anon you quoted as well, if anyone makes it in from the EoSD cast then I'd want it to be Meiling though I'm also slightly biased. Either than that I'd do my best to emphasize inclusion of some newer girls (Marisa being the other current locked-in exception, she's just her own route now). I think the initial scope of characters can start being hashed out once we've moved on from the basic premise/MC baseline and from there we can start refining better structural details as well. I may put together a rough list to whittle down on wapchan first (stemming from future suggestions as well as writer availability & what I put down in that txt file), then bring the remaining girls to deliberate over here with something like a strawpoll.In time, of course.>Shou or MikeHonestly was debating with myself over whether or not to include Mike in that initial list I made since I'm biased towards including a catgirl that isn't just Chen but Shou could also possibly fill that role and give a heavily underappreciated cast member some well-deserved attention. I'm for it so I'll at least keep that in-mind, though may not be the best writer for her desu.By the way, might not be completely available today either (or just spotty if nothing else) since I'm embarrassingly behind on some art goals I wanted to set for myself this month and would like to spend the day doing that. My sleep schedule has been pretty wonky as of late but I'm finally working off a full amount of rest so today is a good day for focus, will do my best on both fronts regardless.
>>48373872You should add Rika.She is an underrated PC-98 pick.
I'll read if I can date Medicine.
>>48378292>I'm leaning more towards the protective family idea myself since that'd leave him fairly humble despite his lack of total socializationI like this idea. I'm thinking maybe middle class family, and something happens to the dad early on which causes the mom to become much more paranoid, sheltering the MC more, having home tutors, all the nine yards.>My only suggestion would be adding the twist of the guy having already attempted living on his own for a few years leading to his current state of emotional isolation/mild alienationDid he try to live on his own, fail, and return to his family? Or did he live on his own and we start as him struggling to get by? I really love the former, though the latter is fine too. The former could work great as an emotional point of connection for several 2hus, as well as giving a strong reason for why he'd have more self-confidence issues having already tasted failure before. I'd say not have it be years though. Keep the period of time unmentioned and ambiguous (fits the weird nature of time in Gensokyo anyways), but also it's hard to call someone who managed to live on their own for years as a failure since, well, they survived for years. It also pushes our MC into being older, and I think the age should be kept ambiguous, so people can imagine them as anywhere from 15-29. General young adult.Side note, I think having the more "nicer" protagonist will also help the Touhou characters stand out more, since our beloved Touhous tend to be jerks. It makes a good contrast and allows the Touhous to do their thing.For the height stuff, to me it seems like a more late-game thing to add, and just something to keep in mind. I definitely think there's a strong interest in it (and it helps to alleviate the trouble of people having different ideas of each Touhou's canon appearance in a round-about way). If this VN is able to make it to a proof-of-concept stage, I'd like to see it at least make it into that, and people could judge if the work needed to make it is worth the pay-off.In regards to what people are saying in the other board, I think doing a strawpoll on what characters should be added is a bad idea. See what writers you can bring up and what characters they're interested in doing and go with those. If the writers are struggling to pick one or two, then have a dialogue with the thread, but deciding it via poll is a bad idea. I could see a character winning that no one is interested in writing for, which will lead to trouble. Not to mention some people will be salty if their favorite 2hu loses a poll.Polls are great for generating hype but they can cause way too many issues.
Not necessarily related to the planning, but more of a thought experiment, which might be helpful to anyone planning or any writers. If you could make a Touhou VN roster with 6 characers to pick from to date, who would you pick? How would you decide and balance the roster?
>>48383632id use my dick as a sort of barometer and whichever ones make it the hardest get included
>>48383677This. I did it and Okuu and Yuugi are totally in, Kisume and Koishi caused no reaction.
>>48383632My favorites, but limiting one per game.Im a good writer, Im sure I could come up with ways to justify any roster.
>>48383632What if Seiga, one of Touhou's most evil characters who reeks of "you can't fix her", was a route? Could you dare to try and fix her?
>>48373872I WANT TO BE WITH YOUMU A YOUMU ROUTE IS WIN A YOUMU ROUTE IS LIFE THE YOUMU ROUTE IS WHAT I LIVE FOR I-*ejem*Being romanced by Youmu as a MC who is overreaching and trying to do EVERYTHING by himself would be a good idea, I think. Make the MC seethe as he hopelessly tries to have a one-sided relationship in which he sacrifices himself, only to get pampered with his choices of looking cool in front of his beloved being cut again and again.This was written out of my own free will
>>48386347Based on discussion in the wapchan thread i dont think that there will be any loli routes and id say that youmu fits that description
>>48374048are you the guy who wrote the fic where seiran gets healed from ptsd by a villager?
>>48384278Bad end is her making you worse lol
>>48386377I think Seiga would instantly lose interest in you if that happened (Thus, definitely solidifying it as a bad end). I think Zounose kinda touches on this idea. Seiga might try to make you fall because it amuses her, and if you managed to stay virtuous she'd find you interesting. If you fell, she'd probably have fun witnessing the fall but then move on to whatever strikes her fancy next.Ultimately, evil girls are attracted to good boys.
>>48386368That's nice, but since this is a FANWORK made by fans, it's safe to interpret Youmu as a grown woman, able of taking her own choices and even surprising any MC who expects her to be a damself or someone to protect. Or are you suggesting that she should stay as a small girl unable of thinking and deciding for herself forever, just because other fans interpreted her like that? Do you want her to stay enclosed on a box, an archetype that someone else decided? I sure don't. Writing, drawings and imaginations are all about hoping to give your characters life and making them flow, even doing the unexpected and surprising their creator.
>>48386368>and id say that youmu fits that descriptionWho considers youmu a loli?
>>48386531>evil girls are attracted to good boys.Combine this with >>48382805 friendly player character. Some innocent village boy who just wants to be a decent person in a fantasy land filled with jerks managing to attract some of Gensokyo's biggest scumbags to him.
>>48386545I wouldn't call Youmu a loli or incapable of thinking for herself, just kind of dumb. And part of that is Yuyuko being a 500IQ mastermind who talks in riddles all the time, so Youmu has just resigned herself to never understanding what she wants.Ironically that's not too far from where a husband can end up. So Youmu might approach dating the MC in a guyish way, convincing herself that she needs to take the initiative in asking you out, setting up situations where she saves you from youkai to look cool in front of you, etc.
>>48386774>setting up situations where she saves you from youkai to look cool in front of youAnd then she bungles it, looking like a moron in front of you and nearly getting you killed, so she breaks down sobbing and you have to comfort her.
>>48386368Youmu is a midget, not a loli. She's rarely ever depicted that way.
>zounouse>in my touhou romance vnLOL
>>48386717You should have the option to either try and push the touhous towards being good or give into debauchery and turn bad yourself.
>>48382805Does the plot still involve MC going to the Kirisame Magic Shop?If yes then he needs a motivation that would drive him to make such a dangerous trip; that seems like one of the first things to decide on in order to figure out his characterisation.
>>48387164NoThe current idea we are considering portrays the MC as living in the human village alone. He wants to find a girl to go flower viewing with, so he leaves to find one elsewhere due to being isolated from the human village.There has been some discussion about making the reason for leaving the different, perhaps he isn't looking for a girlfriend at first.
If you guys get this off the ground I'd be down to write an entire route for nitori or lunasa
>>48387199>Flower viewingoh yeah, oh yeah.
>>48387815Will I be able to convince the 2hus that coneflowers are the best?
>>48387616I wonder if the team has any plans to allow route contributions after game launch.
What engine is going to be used? Ren'py?
>>48386875It took Hecatia, the character at the very top of the power rankings and the goddess of hell itself to get Aya to make slightly less fake news. What hope do you have of getting her to not publish even one slanderous article?Would being nice really help make Aya less sleazy?
>>48387616>lunasaI think this would be really sick because Lunasa often gets buried together with all the other Prismrivers, it'd be nice to see one get content specifically for her.
I think a Kasen route would be fun, as her malice was completely stripped into her arm, she's been wanting to get closer to people as a hermit.An interesting way you could go with things is to have it all focus into a final plotline similar to WaHH wherein at the end she tries to get a grip on her arm and its malice. But this time there's the power of your RABU to tame it. In the end, she could end up settling on a balanced life as a mellowed out oni, thanks to you. Maybe with an alternate path where you end up flushing the malice out of the arm, then giving you the decision on if you want both the hermit and arm or not.You even have the whole of WaHH and her ULiL stuff for reference so there'd be a lot of material to use for reference.
>>48389025Just think what would help you being less slanderous. Considering how grave lies you're peddling, whatever works with you, will certainly work with pure and honest reporter.
>>48373872i can trust this project knowing that whoever designed this graphic has massive amounts of autism
>>48390378Maybe if Anon gives Aya the "I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed" look at her after she publishes another newspaper of slanderous lies after she carelessly promised that she'd be more analytical and fact check her "sources".All things considered, Aya probably would be among the easier of the "honest men" for Anon's good-heart to actually impact and influence for the better, since I think deep down there is a good person in Aya, and her passion for journalism is itself pure.
>>48373872Cool stuff. Better actually amount to something though...
>>48388620Something unique would be nicer than ren'py
Willing to do the coding bits, i can do everything up until simple animations and anything that doesn't require artistic or as i said animation knowledge, but that could perhaps be delegated for someone else and i can handle the engine per se. If this gets off the ground we can see about features and other things that would be nice to have.Also possibly a writer, but i'm already writing my own 'route' with my waifu, so still considering it
I tried posting this on the alternative chan, but it keeps saying that my request looks automated and discards my post. So this is what i was trying to writePerhaps something akin to True Love, the 1995 galge, could be nice to have in a VN like this. It could implement what has already been discussed of each day picking a location or activity to do, that would determine the girls you meet, the activities that you did, and based on those we could diverge to a few routes depending on the choices or stats of the MC, which could also dictate the girls and the routes you can go for
If you deleted your post and tried to repost quickly this can happen. Sometimes it gets tripped up but this doesn't usually happen
>>48406477I had never posted before there, i also tried filling in a name and email but it still failed, but i suppose the people there are also lurking here so it doesn't matter too much
>>48374371An advantage of the outsider type of MC is that at the very beginning you can have the player being lost in somewhere. You can then ask the player some personality questions disguised as survival questions such as:Go deeper into the forest vs walk through the first path you findApproach to the first silhouette you see vs being cautious and let it passGo upstream vs downstream once you stumble upon a riverThat way, the first girl that eventually finds you can change.You can do something funny even: If you keep rejecting social contact, you end up in the road of reconsideration as your last chance before choosing death.
I've been away for a while but this whole project looks super cool. I really hope the best of luck for the lot of you.Side note, if any of you are interested in writers, I can help a lot.
>>48382387If we end up with a dedicated-enough Rika writer, anything can happen. Ideally she'd be my PC98 pick too but that'd be finalized in the future.>>48382805>I'm thinking maybe middle class family, and something happens to the dad early on which causes the mom to become much more paranoid, sheltering the MC more, having home tutors, all the nine yards.This does seem like a pretty decent setup, but I believe we're going to have to end up going with the guy struggling while having already been on his own for a short time for expediency's sake. There's a desire to have certain traits of our MC remain semi-ambiguous or at least directly independent of factors such as family on the part of the original anon behind all this but the sheltered & tutored origins combined with the issues of independent living would still give reason for his possible insecurities/drive to action. The current plan is to have small in-between scenes at the end/start of each day that'll allow us to learn more about the guy and it'd also allow for brief interactions with village regulars like Keine, someone there'd be potential to already have a connection with via our MC's history with tutors for example.The 'back to living with his parents' angle would be funny for a number of reasons but the 'already isolated' route to things would keep a tighter grip over our concepts which I'll need to finalize in terms of our MC/the Setup soon enough.>If this VN is able to make it to a proof-of-concept stage, I'd like to see it at least make it into that, and people could judge if the work needed to make it is worth the pay-off.Once I have the initial Marisa route fleshed out, I'll try playing around with any height details and see what could be done there. My only other concern would be if other writers would struggle with making that relevant but I suppose we'll know when we know.>Polls are great for generating hype but they can cause way too many issues.Good point. What I've done for now is make a small list of characters others have already expressed interest in writing for to set aside and we'll start hashing out full availability once the Marisa route is out as an example. The working plan is to have 6-8 girls to pick from depending on who ends up willing, plus that works within our in-game time constraint of 2 weeks for a number of mechanical reasons.>>48383632I'd mostly go off of influencing details others have already mentioned previously. A good balance of differing personality, general fanon overuse/underuse and a little bit of bias on the part of my own preferences. Just as long as there isn't total dissonance between each & every pick (like the Mima, Renko, etc. example someone threw out last thread).>>48386832>>48386774>>48386830If someone manages to come along for a Youmu route, this would be how I'd do it. I wouldn't consider her lolibait really, the thing holding her back imo would just be her being one of the more popular 'hus out there is all. But there's always a chance we'd still need a slot to fill by the end of things so she could end up included with the right writer behind her.
>>48386875I could see some endings turning out this way honestly...>>48387825A cute idea, but I believe the endings are going to be more ubiquitously centered around cherry blossoms or any other potential seasonal flowers. I did suggest each character could have a slight variance on what flowers they might come across over on wapchan but it might end up as another layer of unneeded complexity so that's on hold for now.>>48388535After the demo is wrapped up, certainly. It'll include a Marisa route written by myself and one other route to go with which could either also be written by me or end up in the hands of someone else depending, though to be honest I think the current "team" is about 2 or 3 anons (myself included) with room for more in the future.>>48388620>>48397305>>48404179The OP behind this project seems pretty determined to create a custom engine using SFML coding so there you go, it'll be dependent on how successful that turns out.>>48389137Kasen seems like one of our most consistently-popular picks here though nobody has explicitly suggested they'd be willing to write for her. I currently have no confidence in adequately satisfying the Kasenbros so hopefully someone crops up eventually.>>48393120Appreciate it, though that can also very well be my Achilles Heel in a worst case scenario!
>>48397374You'd definitely need to collaborate with us in the other thread should you get that far but, like I mentioned, OP seems pretty set on handling the coding largely on his own terms. It'll be dependent on any middle-ground you two could reach or how transparent the coding process winds up.>>48410984The current plan has been to have our MC be a Gensokyan native, there's been a desire from others to not simply have our guy whisked away from the outside like a lot of other fanworks and I've already been trying to solidify his personality/origins so we can move ahead with development. It'd be a neat way to structure the beginning, it just doesn't quite fit with the direction we seem to be heading is all which is a little more simple than that. Plus, if we do have some room for customization, it'll take place before the game really gets started anyways.>>48416003Thank you! Right now we're just settling on the long-term details for future progress but it's good to know we have the interest of a lot of willing writers for that future.I'll try to be more consistent with my updates here from this point on so the walls of replies are kept to a minimum btw. Right now we have our pacing for the overall gameplay settled and I'm just about ready to wrap up the info for our MC & his backstory, just trying to balance a few irl shenanigans as well is all (lame, I know).
>>48388620>>48397305>>48404179>>48419751i will honestly lose interest if its on renpysfml seems interesting, will this visual novel be open source or proprietary?
>>48373872Crossposting from wapchan:I haven't read much through this thread; have you decided on an engine? I'm highly proficient in ONScripter-EN if you want to use that - it'd be great for giving it a retro VN feel out of the box (think Higurashi, Tsukihime), and it's recently been updated with recent builds and new features so you can do widescreen and other cool stuff. Super easy to use, too.https://github.com/galladite27/onscripter-en
>>48419813>The current plan has been to have our MC be a Gensokyan nativeYes I know. That is what the OP image says. I was just pointing out some advantages for the other type of origin. Now we all know isekai has been done to death so I have to agree that being a native has its perks
>>48421815touhou is my favorite isekai
>>48424139We know, Zoomie.
>>48382428Pretty sure she dislikes humans...
>>48426674Even better, we'll have to fix her!
>>48419958>i will honestly lose interest if its on renpyYeah that's fair, there is a chance that ONScripter could be used as another potential backup engine per >>48421334 but the final say isn't exactly in my own hands.Open source coding would be nice but that'll be up to the OP behind all this, I'm sorta just a writer/general planner ('director' still sounds lofty to me but what do I know)>>48421815>Yes I know. That is what the OP image says.Oh yeah, oops. Sorry about that lol, in a different world maybe we wouldn't be collectively sick of isekais.By the way, I've created yet another txt document with most relevant information to this project that's been somewhat finalized as of now:https://files.catbox.moe/1day3n.txtIt includes updated references on our protagonist's description, general setup/backstory, an outline of the mechanics centered around a 2 week timespan, various details such as thematic ideas and a small list of potential characters for our route roster (sans Medicine, gomen >>48382428) which will be one of the last things we'll collectively settle on. This could still have some small changes made based on general feedback or if OP wants to make any executive decisions but this should be considered to have more relevant information moving ahead compared to what I initially put down in that MSOutline picture. I've been treating it as my own master document of sorts while things continue on and to share with others involved. Just wanted to put this out there for you guys as well for the sake of being forthright and as a way to further drive discussion and/or suggestions/criticisms.While I'm still here, I also need to let you all know that myself (writing/planning) and OP (organizing/coding/other details) are going to be wrapped up in our own respective personal business likely for the remaining duration of December. I can't entirely speak for the OP but for me this is somewhat involuntary and sudden, especially because I really did want to commit myself to consistent updates from here on but fate currently has other plans with how I'll be able to use my time effective near-immediately. Egg on my face I guess, I'll have to go back to inconsistent check-ins for at least another 2-ish weeks or so. If things get painfully slow for a while just know that's why, the thread can either be kept alive for a while with others hashing out ideas/plans based on that new document there or restarted again once development can really start progressing further. For now I can only say I hope anyone still invested in the future of this will be able to bide that time accordingly, and just know I have every intention on resuming my own contributions to this when I can. It would indeed be nice to actually see this through to completion.Thanks and take care this season.
>>483836326 characters is way too little for a franchise as big as touhou, you HAVE to allow more, that's just how it is
>>48426674She doesn't hate humans as much as the fandom claims, It's just that people don't read as much on her character so they think that's her only personality trait.>>48428346Well that sucks...
>>48428540I think for now it's an issue of scope. If we can get a game with at least 6-8 characters done then we can start adding more.
>>48428540Idealistically it would be great to have a full roster of 8 girls with room for more should there be enough dedicated writers, NTA btw but I just see where you're coming from is all. If scale wasn't an obvious hurdle I'm sure we'd be planning for about 12 to 15 characters as disparate as they may or may not be (basically what >>48428628 said).>>48428563Tell me about it...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bitter myself but I'm only pivoting into a forced hiatus from details I was informed of just a few short hours ago. It does suck and kinda kills me inside tbdesu but my ability to keep living my stupid little NEET life is on the line so I gotta bite the bullet on my current creative endeavors. Such is the way...
>>48428540I rather have a few well done girls and many routes than a lot of half baked girlsIf you ask me, sure I'd like to have more girls too, but we have to be realistic here
>>48428834Quality over quantity is a tried and true saying for a reason after all
I bet ONScripter is fine, but any VN engine worthy of the name 'engine' is going to be flexible enough to recreate basically any VN. Ren'py works. Any VN you want to create with any looks, you can do in ren'py, and if ren'py ends up holding you back severely, you probably should have used a general purpose game-engine like Godot or Unity.(Writing your own engine is fine, of course, if your goal is to have fun and learn things along the way.)The big advantage of ren'py is that there is a large community of people who speak English who have done amazing things with it.You don't have to reinvent the wheel if you just want to make a good looking Touhou VN.
>>48434263Yes, any engine would work if you put in the effort, but if you want to style the VN after a classic style it would take re-inventing the wheel (at least partially) with ren'py whereas ONScripter-EN (onsen) just looks like that.This isn't just to do with things like text, but all the menus built into onsen, the default effects, the default timings for everything and so on. It just has a "feel" to it that would take a lot of work to replicate in any other engine.
>>48434439Here is where the large userbase helps. I've used a ren'py template that looks just like Tsukihime, for example. With unlockable CG gallery.It's very likely someone using ren'py has already done the work if it's some standard style you want to replicate.Also, if you want something that looks unique, you have to put in the work regardless of engine.
Here's a question: How should art assets be handled in the final? I know (hopefully) we're not using AI for any of the final product's assets, but are we going to want a single artist for all the characters, or different artists for each character?
>>48436638Single artist
>>48436638Single artist for characters, a different artist for backgrounds, potentially a different one for CGs... but that would be it. 2-3 artists max since the CGs could be done with the character and background artists working together.We're basically forming a circle here, so it helps to see how others are organized.https://x.com/enapro_circleHere's a recent one that formed. It's important for the game to have the same visual style throughout, or it will look like a mishmash/asset flip.
>>48436638>I know (hopefully) we're not using AIWhy not? Good luck finding an artist willing to draw dozens and dozens of good quality character portraits for free.
>>48437303If I wanted to see an AI make a VN I could just type everything up myself and have it pop out some generic slop art and writing. It's soulless and against the entire point of making something together.
>>48437329>generic slop artWe're not in 2022 anymore anon.
>>48437353Cool then just make your AI generated VN and publish it so I can see what your AI made. But I'm more interested in seeing what actual people here can make.
>>48437303>>48437353You are free to make your own visual novel using AI art but no one else here is interested in AI art or writing being used in this project.>Good luck finding an artist willing to draw dozens and dozens of good quality character portraits for free.Maybe one day you'll learn that not everyone only does stuff for a paycheck.
I am bumping this thread free of charge.And for something different, what are opinions on Hifuu route? Too far fetched?
>>48443027I think it would be better if this VN had at least 5 routes on the ready and kept gradually expanding with more content, rather than trying to deliver everything at once. Hifuu should be after.
>>48444031From what was posted, it seems there will be between 6 and 8 routes. I don't think all 8 are already set.But I am asking about Renko and/or Maribel, because they are different in logistics sense, compared to other 2hus. Even moonies are more accessible. So I was wondering, if Hifuu could even squeeze in the first place.
>>48443027>>48444519A hifuu route would need to be something weird and secret to unlock. Maybe the MC meeting the hifuu duo in his sleep, something mirroring Sumireko? And then if we go the unhinged yandere Renko route, this was all a secret ritual she did to pull a man from Merry's dreams to their reality.The yandere hifuu club stuff from earlier this year would be really cool to incorporate if possible, and non-yuri hifuu stuff would be pretty noteworthy to have.
>>48444519I don't know about renko but anon-kun can see maribel when she is dreaming
>>48444519>>48444898To unlock the secret Hifuu Club route, maybe our Anon could visit a bookshop (Kosuzu, Rinnosuke, Kosuzu, it doesn't matter) and if you pick up a book you might be prompted to enter a page to go to. Most numbers will just give you generic short dialogue, but if you enter the right page number ( https://touhoucalendar.github.io/ ) it unlocks the Hifuu club route.We could also include a bunch of other secrets or easter eggs this way too.
As far as H-scenes go, there doesn't need to be anything explicit if you're iffy on their inclusion. If sex is a natural next step depending on the writing and character chemistry, then you can't go wrong with a fade to black and pick up the story after. Heavily implied is infinitely better than blueballing with a cockblock. The "morning after" scene doesn't even need to be right after either, carry on the implications.If you see something like this after a fade to black you know exactly what transpired. Nothing more needs to be said, dialogue can be cheeky and beat around the bush too: "Oh don't be such a baby, it's not that deep. No you don't need stitches. No you don't need to go to Eientei, I have everything right here. Now stop squirming, this is going to sting a little~"
>>48449334The problem with H-scenes is that if they're included in one route, they will be expected in every route. Unless every writer wants to write sex into the story then I would imagine that a fade to black is the only way to handle it.
Bump for Rika
>>48437329>>48437577There are people right here on /jp/ who combine AI and manual drawing to create what is basically original art. Real artists on Pixiv use AI in their workflows. Times have changed. I'm sure either would be glad to work on a project like this and they couldn't even charge you due to AI licensing. Just saying.
Don't mind me, just bumping the thread with perfectly normal, soulful Touhou art. Nothing strange here.
>>48461094Why are you trying so hard to push for AI in the novel? No one else wants it, its use goes against the whole point of making something together, why bother trying to get people on board with it?
>>48461531Nobody's pushing anything, no need for the paranoia. I'm just pointing out the silliness of outdated and plainly misinformed sentiments. Careful you don't accidentally end up with something soulless in the finished product, if it bothers you that much. I guess.
Oh shit this is gonna be like a snoot game/katawa shoujo kind of deal right? I'm really glad creatives here are willing to make an actual game, I really hope we get a demo or whatever soon.
Forgive me for being retarded, but what's wrong with Ren'py? It seems versatile enough at a glance, and much simpler than creating an engine from scratch. But maybe there are limitations to it that I'm not aware of.Regardless, if there are any plans to write a route for Satori or Koishi, I would be interested in volunteering.
>>48462270It's a little buggy, eats memory like you wouldn't believe, and also looks and feels generic which some people are really opposed to. Personally I think it's perfectly adequate for making a VN and a lot of the hate comes from people trying to squeeze the engine into things it can't do well, like QTEs or RPG mechanics, and there's a fair few 2hu VNs around using it.
>>48462291Looking into it, the gui seems simple to customize; it's really just swapping textures and specifying coords to set up the menus. I can't argue with it eating up a lot of memory though. It could be a good last ditch solution in case starting from the ground up doesn't pan out, I'm familiar with Python and it wouldn't be hard to teach others along the way. But I'm content to wait and see what the project organizers come up with.
>>48419751>Kasen seems like one of our most consistently-popular picks here though nobody has explicitly suggested they'd be willing to write for her. I currently have no confidence in adequately satisfying the Kasenbros so hopefully someone crops up eventually.I've written fanfics many many years ago but I would never consider myself a really good writer (I think prose is my greatest issue), but if I needed to come up a storyboard of sorts I could work it out.
>>48461563>>48460202>>48461094There is no reason to bump this thread since we are on wapchan and we are a little inactive right now due to lack of time. Regarding AI art I think it can really have good results if it has post editing, but we won't use it simply because I don't want to
anon keeping a thread alive for no reason moment
>>48469083>for no reasonThread sliding.
>>48463725>>48469083might aswell make this novel for wapchan then
>>48462270every ren'py novel relying on python2 i have is broken and cannot be booted anymore. ren'py is popular for shovelware novels you see on steam/gog, which i am not a fan of.
>>48469478>>48462291lmao you guys keep sucking the cock of Katawa Shoujo ITT all the time but suddenly the engine they used is not good enough for your VN that doesn't even has a single asset yet? Gimme a break.
>>48469646I just said I think Ren'py is fine for what it does and people who hate it are mostly misusing it.
>>48469646nobody is derailing to suggest its kuso as python itself is flexible
>>48469646Katawa Shoujo is also over a decade old. Tech marches on.
Alright, hear me out. Make it in Java.
>>48470147No, it... only released... a few years ago...
>>48469646tell me 1 famous nip vn that was made in renpy
>>48470147>Tech marches on.But then again, you guys still don't want to use said tech advancements like the AI either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>48470193If you care about muh fame and sales: DokiDoki Literature Club was made in Renpy and their creators are now MULTI-MILLIONAIRES. just sayin'.
>>48470201Actually, I'm a regular AIslopper and (less regular) writer. Also, been onboard projects exactly like this one before. Eerily similar, actually.
>>48470266thats not made by nips
It's weird how everyone in the thread is pretty chill and happy, but the one person who both is an AI shill and for some reason upset over Renpy is very uneasy.Please, be an easy mister! Don't be uneasy!
>>48470315AI should clarify that I don't know shit about game engines. The Ren'py guy is someone else. I just wanted to make you feel old by pointing out KS's age.
>>48470315Some people need to relax. My opinion is that Renpy is always a fallback option (and would be the best if this ever wants a chance of being multiplatform), but that I'd like to give this custom engine a chance if for no other reason than to be a bit different. There is also the option of ONScripter, though I am not sure if that is really a better option. Here's a very interesting if outdated poll on the topic:http://www.stack.nl/~vdz/enbloc/oldthreads/which-engine-should-we-use--t53.html>>48469397No reason this can't be for both us and them, right?>>48470337Fair enough>>48470153You're responsible for all the AbstractSingleTouhouRouteConstructors.
>>48470436>No reason this can't be for both us and them, right?Nah. At some point you're going to move on to IRC/Skype/Discord for organisation purposes, stop taking feedback from your purported place of origin and further dissociate yourself from this board. Then, someone in the management will get into their head to completely remove all references or nods to /jp/ from the script, as connections with 4chan might make the product less marketable and approachable on other social media, possibly a crowdfunding platform. Ultimately, the project will either die in obscurity having failed to deliver - or release in a state that is a far cry from the original concept and self-avowed target audience's preferences.A far-seeing fish told me.
>>48470578cool fanfic bro. i don't think anyone had expectations of selling this for money in the first place. also>skypeit's not 2011 anymore grandpa.if you don't want to work with altchans thats fine but dont act like you can speak for the rest of us.
>>48469397What does this even mean? When we need it I will make another thread here in /jp/, now it's not necessary. You guys can continue to discuss ren'py or whatever here if you want, but please remember that I'm not checking this thread anymore
>>48470600Not that anonymous and not involved with the project, but if this loses its beachhead in /jp/ (this thread) I don't see why call it a /jp/ visual novel anymore. It will be a wapchan project that had its first sparks on /jp/, but it will still be a wapchan project. I'm not against using the alternative imageboards for long term projects, but if this thread dies and the project continues elsewhere only ever coming back here to announce a release I wouldn't feel like it would deserve the /jp/ moniker.
>>48470670I guess it's for the best. I doubt any long term project can truly come through communicating exclusively on here. People always call Katawa Shoujo a "4chan project" even though they moved to a separate forum early on because they knew this kind of ephemeral site isn't the way to go to make long term progress.In any case I hope the finished project is up to the standards of people on here even if it isn't "truly" /jp/.
>>48470600>2011Try 2009. Then 2012. Then 2016.
God I hate schizophrenic doomsayers. They're more likely to get this to cease being a "le epic four channels" project than whatever they're freaking out about
>>48470815Probably best to stop giving them (You)s. There's no reasoning with some people.
>>48470815More reasons to sever ties and move elsewhere.
>>48470859And now you're just resorting to false flagging? Good God how did you get so assblasted over a 2hu vn that doesn't even exist?
>>48470875>2hu vn that doesn't even existnew creepypasta...
>>48470897>new2hu VNs that don't exist are a long /jp/ tradition.
>>48470436Are you planning for your custom engine to be cross-platform (or, at least, open source)?And about that old thread, onsen has changed a bit since then and you can use any resolution now, including other aspect ratios such as widescreen, and even multiple resolution and scaling options.
>>48470942Is there ANY 2hu VNs from /jp/ ever successfully completed and release? All that I have played aren't touhous.
>>48470969I'm not the one building the engine but I would assume it would be multiplatform and open source. I don't think any of us would feel comfortable using a closed source engine. Thanks for the info on onsen by the way. Perhaps we all need to hop on an IRC chat or something one of these days to sort out the finer details. At the very least the game logic is seemingly simple enough that if an engine move is necessary it would not be too much work.
we can unironically make it in godot
make it in ffmpreg
make it in reimu's womb
>>48386368touhou doesnt have any lolis they are midgets
ending my life if theres futa and yuri
Will this run on my Atari 2600?
onscripter is best choice if multiplatform
>>48473524so then just futa or yuri is fine?>>4847355850/50
>>48473600Agreed. Stock ONScripter is massively multiplatform.Onsen (which you'd want to use over ONScripter) isn't quite as extensive, but the new versions already have builds for 32 and 64 bit Windows and 64 bit Linux and OpenBSD (and hopefully soon PPC systems??), and there are slow but steady plans for expanding that to include MacOS and various other smaller systems.You can see a (probably out of date now) list of intended future systems to target here: https://github.com/playmer/simd_ons_experiments/blob/main/Build.mdThis list of builds marks Linux as failing. That's because there are two build systems - the old, hand-written configure script and makefiles, and this experimental new system using CMake which is an alternative for niche platforms. See here for more info:https://github.com/galladite27/onscripter-en-eps
I think multi-artist would be fun. So that I can draw all of the Shinki h-scenes and leave someone else to do the tedious spritework.
>>48476277arigatou gozaimasu
>>48421815There should be at least the optiomEspecially if there's no detail put into making them an actual meiji era jap
>>48470315>AI shillYou are obsolete.
48482127Go poison the well elsewhere, thank you
>>48482111Gensokyo villagers aren't 1:1 Meiji era people. Even isolated, they still have their own culture which probably hasn't stayed stagnant for 200 years. Additionally stuff from the outside world appears to them, along with outsiders who decide to stay and assimilate and share their knowledge of the outside world and culture to them.In short, just a basic idea of Meiji culture should be more than enough to carry us, it's not like villager life will be the focus anyways.
>>48482127I've never posted in these threads before but, now that I have, I want to be added to the credits.
Well I’m back earlier than I expected myself to be, or I at least have access to the internet again for now. I’m not going to weigh in on the AI art usage debacle since I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said/contested but I do believe in its potential with the right kind of post-generative editing, my own lingering thoughts over the topic aside. If that isn’t the route we’re taking then so be it, not sure I can say much as a writer here anyways.>>48449334Honestly this is almost exactly how I was planning on approaching those scenes if allowed to, buildup to fade to black followed by tongue-in-cheek after-dialogue and all. It would be a decent payoff to everything the player will have gone through and I’d like to not end up blueballing too terribly when all is said and done. Personally I don’t believe, or would at least like to think, that the issue presented in >>48452571 would turn out to be much of a problem considering…well, where most of us are stemming from here but I don’t mean to assume too much. If it can be tastefully done without being brazen or forced then I don’t see why each writer comfortable enough to go that far couldn’t give it a shot. If it seriously turns out to be too hard to consistently include then we can burn that bridge when we get there.>>48463634Good to know! I do think she’d be a great addition to the roster, I’d just likely end up adding too much fanon to her characterization so a more passionate devotee might be better there.>>48470578While I can’t wholly deny the possibility of eventually moving someplace else for more direct planning, as much as I wouldn’t like to completely close things off since this is an inherently communal effort, I personally wasn’t exactly planning on disengaging from the board (or at least this thread) any time soon because of that inherent fact. I would genuinely like to see a decent level of /jp/ influence be reflected in the final product and I really don’t think any sort of crowdfunding is going to be in the cards for us here anyways. This project is, to me, more experimental than anything else and can still end up defying expectations by eventually managing to even exist in any ultimate capacity at all. If I was worried about this being “approachable” in some broader sense then I never would have even engaged with the thing in the first place, let alone most of the board as a whole. This ought to be something enjoyed by the anons here first and foremost while still being open for any other touhou-brained anon from other altchans to enjoy, though that could simply be too altruistic of me for some. As long as we keep an ear & an eye open here, the chances of it ultimately failing to deliver should be slimmed.Thank you to those that kept the thread going for now, at least from me. I was prepared for it to fall off but wouldn’t want discussion to get too heated as an alternative. In terms of any progress updates, coding/BG development will get going soon afaik and I’ll begin fleshing out the meat of the Marisa route throughout the rest of the month. I have a few scenarios I’m planning for but, to try pivoting the thread subject to something more constructive, are there any specific happenings you all would like to maybe see or just suggest between the Witch and our MC? I figured some audience feedback here might be nice and it could help me out if I have any trouble filling out gaps for the later-route moments. Just let me know if you’d like, up to anyone interested.
>>48482473>are there any specific happenings you all would like to maybe see or just suggest between the Witch and our MC?A scene in which marisa drugs anon, on purpose or not, and strange things begin to happen but the player only discovers that it was a hallucination later
>>48482473>are there any specific happenings you all would like to maybe see or just suggest between the Witch and our MC?Marisa stealing books from Suzunaan together with MC. With ambiguity whether this is 'partners in crime' situation, or whether Marisa uses him in calculated manner.
>>48482473>>are there any specific happenings you all would like to maybe see or just suggest between the Witch and our MC?One sequence per route where Marisa tries to "help" the MC getting closer with the girl for that route.For example, >>48485890 can work in either a Patchy or Alice route. A sequence where marisa pours something funny in MC's tea and you start thinking the romantic interest is suddenly extroverted and things go awkward, winning you a slap to the face.For a Reimu route, maybe marisa could lend you money so you donate to the shrine, only for reimu to find out that the money is fake.For an Ichirin route, maybe have Marisa get the girl drunk while still in the temple's grounds and you have to deal with Byakuren thinking you're a very very bad influence.Anyway, you get the idea, Marisa tries to help and it backfires.I'd also like to see Marisa just being herself and try to pull stunts like these >>48486099As for anything "Specific". A scene with Reimu being mad at her for trying to hook up a human with Youkai would be funny
>>48487632>only for reimu to find out that the money is fakeForget about it, have Marisa steal from the donation box and give it to the MC to donate it back. Of course, you don't know the money is stolenReimu finds out the money you donated was taken from her and now you really are in a tight spot thanks to Marisa's "help"
>>48373872I wrote a story on alice a few months ago. Never finished it (it will happen, just very busy right now with life).But I'm willing to contribute.
>>48386377that is plenty common,>Oh I don't want to fix her, why would I do that shes perfect>I want her to break *me*or such. totally relatable desu
>>48383632From the thread, I take 8 or less is a fine number and then add girls as needed/requested.As for how to decide. I'd suggest to give points to girls that have:1.- Anons that already have written good story for them, that way you get to save a lot of work.2.- Girls that have something interesting to explore or to interact with. For example: Kasen and her arm, Satori/Koishi and mind reading/fuckery, Akyuu and having to deal with her past lives, Tengu/Kappa and helping with their articles/inventions, Junko and you-know-what, Seiga and trying not to get killed, etc3.- Popularity because of reasonsI think that by doing this, we can narrow down things a lot. After all 8 is not a great number, so you better give a good impression no matter what route you take.If anons here can follow up this list with pros and cons of the listed 2hus or add their own that would be great!
>>48493751>Anons that have already written a good story for themYeah, but do we really need a FOURTH Yamame story?
>>48493823Yeah, but let's be real, how many anons have read those stories. Words with a picture of your waifu have higher reach than just the words.There is a bit of "if its not broken don't fix it here". If we know the story is good and the writers are willing to share, why not go for it?
I posted this in the other place, but I figured I'd post it here too for the Anons lurking. I'm hoping to write up a Chimata route, and did a quick refresher on her canon appearances to make sure I understood her personality well.https://files.catbox.moe/mgtqnk.txtI'm definitely getting the vibe of a girl who's not an idiot, but more pure-hearted and idealistic than people expect of her, with this attitude and flair for the theatrical leading to her dorky reputation. She's someone who, though she acts like an arrogant god who wants people to show her reverence, is pretty deeply concerned about pleasing people with her work. If someone called her card garbage, she'd get extremely flustered and angry, but then think back to it weeks later in dread and embarrassment.But perhaps the most interesting thing I found is that in LE Chimata is taller than both Marisa and Reimu I always imagined her as on the shorter side but she actually isn'tAre there any thoughts here about Chimata, and what you'd like to see, or if you disagree with some of my assessments of her?
>>48495042Mostly agree. As you pointed out in the txt, she would not have been near death if she was a schemer, but also a person that enjoy to bath herself in public exposure.Like you said, in LE, she let Reimu be the face of the market event, while she takes the backseat. The way she acts contradicts the way she talks and how she dresses. Just look at her, those clothes scream "Here I am!". There is an obvious mask as you pointed out leaving the question of "Why?"If you think about it. The fact that she was found dying and that she doesn't expose herself much can be explained if Chimata believes that markets (and by extension, her existence) are a thing that must happen naturally. Meaning that if they don't happen naturally, then she accepts death.There are themes to be explored. What if she doesn't want to be a god at all?
There was talk about only using one artist for all the character art which should really be reconsidered. Allowing multiple artists allows for showcasing more of /jp/'s talents, which I think it one of the more admirable goals of this project. Also, asking one artist to do all of the character art is a big fucking ask, not to mention a big point of failure. What if the artist disappears after doing half the art? Accept what you have and switch to multiple artists then, or just start from scratch?It's not like a VN using multiple artists is unheard of.
>>48499716Claiming Shinki.
>>48499716>What if the artist disappears after doing half the art?Worth pointing out that this exact thing happened with Hater. The whole VN they were working on got delayed for a while and they eventually had to get someone else to finish the art.
can i be in da creditz as "Anonymous"
>>48499716That's fair. But I would like them to at least follow the same style guide. I just don't want the game to look like it has no cohesion.
>>48500324It's one of those things that sounds sketchy before it, but I imagine, outside of artists who have far more unconventional styles, it won't be a problem. Some people might not even notice since usually, especially with the premise we have, two characters will rarely be on screen together. You could also just embrace the art stylre differences, Gensokyo accepts all and all that jazz.And honestly, artists with said unconventional styles could probably still contribute in other ways, maybe making the art for a non-route NPC character, or a dream sequence or something for a route. If someone like that volunteered, I'm sure that their art could be used somewhere. I guess overall I'm advocating for a more "accept as much as we can (within reason and quaity)" approach.
>>48500354>unconventional styles could probably still contribute in other wayswacky styles can always be used in comedy sectionsSpeaking of art styles. If there is a Reimu route, can we have a scene where she gets so mad that she reverts to ZUN art? (not a rip of course)
I'd like to imagine if the first batch goes well the VN can just get updated over the years with new 2hus slowly every yearUntil eventually everyone is here
>>48499716>It's not like a VN using multiple artists is unheard of.Case in point Monster Girl Quest, which has had issues regarding artists. Such as the artist creating problems and had to be let go from the project (thomas), or one of your most important artists just up and falling off the face of the earth (xelvy).Personally I don't think multiple artists is a problem, it sure looks better with one uniform style but it's just not always in the cards to have one style unless the creator is the one making all the art like the case of Black Souls.
This is the touhou project that will save /jp/. I hope you are all highly responsive to prayers for good luck on this.
>>48493751Given those requirements and the Ran threads, I would be extremely surprised if we didn't get a Ran route.
>>48503331The folks on wapchan are big fans of Ran. Granted it's an entirely different Ran but I think the name carries weight around there.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ran_(Urusei_Yatsura)
Outline of the Chimata path, let me know what you think!https://files.catbox.moe/7gofgk.txt>>48495485Thank you! One of the ways I interpret Chimata being more introverted though still dressing flashy and being involved in something that naturally attracts crowds of people is that Chimata enjoys setting up these events and making people happy, but she doesn't feel the need to put herself out there, maybe she's a bit more shy than people expect. She wouldn't actively seek out praise, but she'd be listening in intently and hoping people were having a good time (and praising her would endear you to her a lot). She's like an imagineer, or... well, an even organizer. Chimata's love of the markets and what they do, serving as places for people to meet, exchange, share, and have fun, is genuine and pure.>What if she doesn't want to be a god at all?I do want to explore her feelings about being a goddess, but I think I'd want to lean more towards her feeling that she's not living up to the goddess she wants to be. There are aspects about being a goddess that she probably has frustrations with (mainly that people misunderstand what her domain involves, and that she finds herself surrounded by shady schemers), and those deserve focus too.On this note, I do wish there was a way I could work Remilia into the story, since I feel like of all the people in Gensokyo, she's the closest one to "getting" Chimata, and they'd probably be good friends. Remilia has a love of the theatrical and wanted to set up a market in her mansion not because of profit, but just for the fun of it. I just didn't have any good place to squeeze her in.
>>48503638>[Act 1]Regarding how Marisa sets MC with Chimata, we have to remember the 3 options that OP stated in the outline: Getting lost in the forest, failing to convince Marisa to help and succeeding to convince Marisa to help you (letting you choose a girl).I think the second option fits the best: failing to convince Marisa. Picture the following scenario. Marisa refuses to cooperate, but if you are insistent enough, she will ask a favor for a favor. Here, Marisa could present a list of favors that would lead you to girls that she didn't indent to hook you with if she would've agreed to help you. In exchange for one of those favors, Marisa will help you.One of Marisa's favors you can take is to get a blessing from a certain goddess for a market event that will happen during the flower viewing that will take place in a couple of weeks. She would point directions to MC and from that point, act 1 can happen as you wrote it in the txt: MC comes to get a blessing, but Chimata had bigger plans already and wants to make that market a special market. The fact that you come asking for a blessing can inflate a bit her ego, making the arrogance and dorkiness a bit more natural.After you report back to Marisa, she agrees to help and you get to meet a girl of your choice (that exists in Marisa's list, but Chimata is an added to the options since you did the previous event).From what I understood, there is nothing wrong with meeting multiple 2hus as long as you don't lock your route with a second date. Meaning that if MC wants to meet Chimata, he has to tell Marisa. This will surprise her a bit, but she'll quickly rationalize that "rich girls can cover all of your expenses".>[Act 2]The actual first date (the first encounter was more of an introduction to the character than a date). You stated in your previous post that Chimata lacks friends, it makes sense she would get a bit too excited explaining everything about markets to MC and, of course, talk a bit of herself since no one seems to ask her about that. MC needs to prove to be both proactive and empathetic for her to want you to be around. I wouldn't lock the player here immediately though. Chimata can offer to the player the "privilege to help her set up the market", unlocking the second date, but not locking you until you do take the second date.>[Act 3]If you really want to put Remilia in this story, act 3 is the place.>[...] she has struggled to set up or control markets on her own without the help of others, and that the people who do help view their relationship with her as purely transactional.This can fly over MC since she is a god associated with markets and all that, but if one of the many deals she has to make for the special event for the flower view involves talking with Remi, after they leave the mansion, you can have the MC realize that the little vampire is the first person you ever seen to talk to Chimata with a friendly tone rather than a "lets make some business" tone. Of course, MC would like to ask Chimata what's up with that. However, since it is a delicate topic for this iteration of Chimata, how do you ask the question should be the first of many things to add or substract points towards the good/bad endings.I like your idea of Megumu showing up and use some emotional extortion to get some profits. It really highlights her position and how weak she truly is. I think you should leave her showing up in person for the climax. Just oppressive messengers should suffice, making Megumu's appearance carry more weight later.Regarding needing Keine to tell MC that the tengu are bad news. I think Marisa or Reimu can fill that role just fine. If you want a comedic scene with those 2, this is the moment to have one. Both of them have a thing or two to say about the tengu. Also, Reimu should go "eeehhhhh!!" when she finds out that Marisa is trying to hook you with Chimata. Which would make Chimata blush etc etc.I'd give more feedback, but I'm tired right now
What girls are confirmed so far?
>>48506719Just Marisa because of how the intro worksHowever, I'd expect some girls to be I this just because of popularity. Reimu, Alice, Yamame at this point too and of course someone from the scarlet mansion
>>48486099>>48485890I like these, I can definitely incorporate the Suzunaan idea but I’ll have to get creative with the inebriated Anon scenario. Thanks! The only problem with something like >>48487632 is that, since we’ve moved away from Marisa centrism, it could end up feeling forced if she’s suddenly there in every route to help you out in some way. As funny as it would be to have one of her schemes backfire, I think I could still work with that but it’d have to be relegated to her own scenarios. We’re trying to keep character overlap to the post-choice scenes if we can help it, at least those that’ll likely make it into the final roster anyways, so /maybe/ it could hold weight for an eventual Alice route (or other Kirisame-adjacent girl) if we had someone take a crack at that and we needed a slot filled.>>48493751Those guidelines seem fine in theory, I take it that most anons who have expressed interest in writing for a particular girl already have some experience there so what I’ve organized already in that newer master doc would still be a good starting point. I agree with wanting each route to feel solid in its own right but currently don’t have the time to hash out a pros & cons list of my own. Adding more in the future when all is said and done could also work out with the right kind of coordination but as long as we get our 6 to 8 to start that should be enough.>>48499716Wanted to give my two cents on this with the last post but couldn’t have too many replies. I have been thinking it’d be neat to have multiple artists covering each character as a way to make things feel that much more unique, plus it’d get the talents of even more anons out there, but the concerns over cohesion are still valid. Not to mention artists that would even volunteer with this. However, we would be in an embarrassingly tight spot if obvious complications involving a single artist were to occur like others have pointed out. Most contributions to this project would fall under the “accept what we can within reason & quality” approach so the character art can easily be treated in the same fashion. Placeholder art in the form of Kaoru’s assets can be used in the meantime/as a reference for what would eventually be needed but that’s obviously something that’ll need to be settled once more actual route writing is out there, wouldn’t be surprised if some girls ended up with the same artist either depending.>>48503322We’ll do our best Chief! It’ll be fantastic if that’s the reputation this would end up having, good motivation there though regardless. It’s really nice seeing so much interest & support.>>48506719Marisa for sure, who I’ve begun writing for, as well as Seija via another writer and more than likely Ran as well. I was planning on also taking care of Ran myself after Marisa (if nobody beats me to it) but I care about her a stupid amount so that isn’t without a fair bit of pressure to do her ‘true justice’ desu. If that one Sagume advocate is still around then she might be included and, at this rate, it seems like Chimata is also likely going to be on the roster if the efforts of her current patron anon are any indication. Rika could be fun but I’m not autistic enough over tanks to feel comfortable writing for her so someone else would need to step up, we still need to consider that writer availability alongside potential & relevance/overuse when it comes down to it.By the way, I’ll give more detailed thoughts over that Chimata path outline in the wapchan thread a little later. Given what has been stated so far though, gentle reminder that Marisa has been relegated to her own route and relinquished of her role as anyone’s in-between so a fair bit of what’s stated in the thread pic is somewhat obsolete. Unfortunately, some of that feedback (like Marisa’s favor for a favor) wouldn’t be able to carry over to the most recent framework of things (files.catbox.moe/1day3n.txt) and our MC would wind up running into Chimata on his own terms without specifically knowing she’d be hosting an open market at the festival. Knowledge of the market at the festival could provide a decent thru line for other girls that would be attending but we’d need to make sure we coordinate that for the relevant characters. I can upload my WIP roadmap of Marisa’s route later as well and then that can help better format those Chima ideas to the current structure, as well as assist others who’d like to start feeling out their own scenario ideas.
The touhous are hard at work designing this game!
>>484937511 & 3 defeat the purpose of the entire thing in my opinion. Why play a game that tells a story that already has been told thousands of times? Do we really need an umpteenth project fawning over the SDM? The opportunity to express something new yet respectful of the character's canon is always possible & could cultivate the curiosity of jp & others towards these neglected characters or generations.Ultimately, it'll be a matter of the writers since they're the ones doing the hard work. I just hope we're not ending up with something like Reimu/Marisa/Meiling/Sakuya/Youmu/Yukari/Satori/Tenshi.
>>48510017I mean if an anon who wants to rep one of those shows up I guess they could do them, but if people who make the VN are more interested in other characters, they should focus on them.
How's it going, to we have a finished visual novel yet
derailing this thread or something
>>48509967Cirno is from Denver?
I'm hoping we'll get more write ups and planning documents soon, I want to see the plans for the other routes.
>>48522675It is kurisumasu my friend. Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.
>>48523495Not all of us get to have a メリクリスマス...
>>48530392Anon...Merry Christmas
>>48384278>>48386531Seiga route where if you don't do everything perfect you either become a Jiangshi or you become wicked yourself. Are there even any Seiga dating routes in other stories or vns, because I don't think I've seen it before
>>48534323the op in the wapchan thread doesn't seem to want stuff like that, they only want bad ends to come BEFORE the route.Which doesn't really make much sense to me, especially when 2hu is so ripe for bad end scenarios
>>48538853This is probably one of those things where we need to make a poll and see what everyone feels best about. Of course this assumes the losing side isn't a bad sport who just quits...
You all need to learn to accept a 'no' as an answer, otherwise this project will never succeed!! I would also like other bad endings, but we need to keep the complexity low. Maybe (maybe) we can add more content after the initial release...
>>48538853>>48539004>>48539115I agree with the second anon, bad ends should at least be a poll, otherwise it'd be a glaring omission. Also look at the stories here and say that bad ends aren't wanted.
>>48539347I didn't say I don't want bad endings, but unfortunately I can't add everything I want. This is the biggest mistake made by those who create games
>>48373872Has this been done before, though?
>>48539347I think there also should be degrees of bad ends. I can see why one would hate the idea of a bad end, but there is also what to expectIf the bad end is rumia eat your balls then yeah, thats very bad. But if the bad end is that she just friendzones you, thats less badStill, I'm with >>48538853 in the sense that there are many bad end scenarios that just make sense with some 2hus.Like >>48539115 said, "no" as an answer must be a possibilty. Otherwise, why have choices beyond selecting who you want to date?
>>48541960UAB is a very good example of having a good range of bad ends lmao
>>48545034Ur Anus Byakuren lmao
>>48546790That's not niceAnyways what would a theoretical Hecatia route be like?
>>48548074She would want to do a fashion parade during the flower view with (you) as her assistant, but after a while you get to model too.You either have to deal with the Blue Hecc leaving the other 2 as a surprise for MC at the good end or deal with the 3 right away, making it very confusing for the poor villager.Saying her t-shirt is weird will award you an insta bad end with Red Hecc in hell
>>48548249>but after a while you get to model too.The outfit isn't her weird outfit right?
>>48550409Hecatia will make you wear her weird shirt and skirt, and you just have to go with it. If you want your threesome with a goddess, you gotta accept the weird shit she's into.
Is the visual novel finished yet?
What might the first day of a Chimata route look like? Maybe something like this! (Please note this is still very early, and the style of the writing might change depending on what direction is decided to go down.)https://files.catbox.moe/jn1ivv.txtFor the record, the musical device I gave the MC is a Walkman. I imagine he's listening to some vaporwave or new age Ecco the Dolphin synth music that he lacks the outside world knowledge to accurately describe. Could be fun if whoever does the music makes something like that, but far from necessary. It might also be fun to have a scene listening to music together with girl you pick the route of.>>48508508>By the way, I’ll give more detailed thoughts over that Chimata path outline in the wapchan thread a little laterI'm looking forward to this! In regards to how Chimata's market evolves in other routes, I imagine it would either be small or nonexistent. The market isn't able to thrive without the help of our Anon protagonist. (This makes it more meaningful and also means that it shouldn't be much of an issue to come up in other routes).
>>48504011Also, I meant to reply to this a while back, but thank you for your feedback! In regards to Remilia, I go back and forth on if her making an appearance would be a good idea. It may deemphasize Chimata's loneliness to have her there, but it could also serve as a great "let's put Chimata and Anon in a situation together" slot. Also, having SDM appear means more backgrounds and more characters needed, and since currently neither the SDM cast nor anyone adjacent seem to be of interest, they'd be assets used only in this route, which I want to avoid if possible. We already have Megumu and possibly faceless-Tengu, I don't want to push for more.Megumu showing up just in the climax (and ending) is fine, that probably helps build her up proper.One thing I was thinking was that there probably wouldn't be much of a formal "we're dating now" announcement, until Chimata realizes her feelings for you in the climax. I imagine it be more you helping Chimata from the beginning and her enjoying your presence and wanting to see you more and more, until it finally dawns on her.That said, Chimata does seem a bit old-fashioned and wanting to do things in a formal way, so I could see at some point she'd want to do a more proper love confession.On a small unrelated note, I've been thinking of what Chimata would be interested in, outside of markets, since Chimata being that one-note runs the risk of making her feel flat. I feel like a smaller side-hobby she'd have is foreign literature, specifically fiction. It's something that has probably turned up in her markets many times in the past, giving her exposure to it, it seems cute and dorky enough, it fits her theatrical and verbose nature, and gives another potential connection to people around Gensokyo (The SDM, Kosuzu, Akyuu, and so on.) As for why foreign literature specifically, because it's easier to write for on a meta level, and in-universe it makes her seem that more odd.
>>48508508>I was planning on also taking care of Ran myself after Marisa (if nobody beats me to it) but I care about her a stupid amount so that isn’t without a fair bit of pressure to do her ‘true justice’ desu.There are two great stories on touhou-project that have great Rans, focusing hard on the supercomputer/shikigami aspect of her, is your Ran similar to those or a much different direction?
>>48562196>[...] what Chimata would be interested in, outside of marketsDefinetly fashion. I bet she would enjoy a talk with Hecatia. Books are fine too.
>>48564738As fun as the idea of Chimata and Hecatia talking about fashion is, it's way too much of a memey choice for her.
>>48561331>Chimata: "Good day to you sir. May I browse your wares?"This one line made me laughGood job Chimata anon
>>48564738Blocks your path
>>48538853>>48539004>>48539347>>48539602>>48541960Bad ends are confirmed in! We're cooking!Also, the Marisa route got its draft posted, along with some other goodies.
>>48562196>what Chimata would be interested in, outside of marketsTravels. Merchants of old were often a window to a place you would never visit in your lifetime, so markets doubled as important cultural places. And while logistics are outside of Chimata's sphere of influence, I would imagine that goddess relying on markets would take an interest in how people sustaining the markets do their job.This could tie into books, as another form of hearing about others' experiences.
>>48571649>TravelsThat makes sense. How about news? Traveler merchants were also a common source of news in old times.Would be funny if Chimata was unironically subscribed to bunbunmaru and maybe kakashi spirit news
>>48383632I always wanted to do more Remilia stuff, though my depiction of her has her acting like an old world aristocrat, which may not be everyone's cup of tea when it comes to Remilia depictions. I had fun doing her like that in a yandere thread a very long time ago though.
>>48573347You mean the one where the Anon turns her down for looking too young and she charisma breaks?
>>48573923Yeah, that's the one.
>>48574292Oh fuck that was one of my favorite short Remilia stories, you should absolutely write more
>>48574305Never touched a VN in my life and only have a basic understand of how they are formatted but I'd still like to take a crack at doing a Remilia route for one. Possibly with a good end version of that scenario where the protagonist does take her up on her proposition. It would depend on what the overall plot of the final concept is and what Remilia's part in it is.
>>48574354Honestly I've wanted to see a continuation of some form of that story you made for ages, your Remilia was fantastic. If that came in the form of a VN route that'd be stellar. I want to see a cute aristocrat become charmed by my antics. And then slowly realize too late that she's still a monster underneath her aura of Western nobility
>>48571649>>48573259Chimata liking travel is an interesting idea, but I have a few mixed things about it. The biggest one being that if Chimata liked travel, being confined to Gensokyo would completely bar her from that, at least once she got her fill of Gensokyo. At the least, it would severely confine her. I think her taking interest in other cultures and places could work well, if she took you on a date she'd know all the best places to visit and restaurants a head of time. She'd already know about all the stuff they'd display in the museum and tell you about each one, somewhat defeating the purpose of going there but it'd be hard to argue with Chimata on it. I think she'd want to impress (you) with her knowledge and recommendations, which she would stay up all night researching.My second reservation with travel specifically is that it would imply to me that Chimata is a worldly person, which doesn't seem quite right to me. I also feel like a Chimata who was into traveling herself would've had a harder time getting herself into the state Megumu found her in (though maybe COVID played a role in that?)While I'm a bit iffy on travel specifically, I do think that general line of her being interested in new places, cultures, and people could work. I like the idea of Chimata deciding to be your personal tour guide. Thank you!
If there's going to be potential yandere remi, what other hus will get to be yandere and jealous?
>>48579205A parsee route would be very interesting but we would need a very good writer for that
>>48579296>>48579205Yandere characters being included at all also seems like it would depend on what the final story is and whether such a character would have a place in it.
>>48579296The local eratoho guy did an incredible job with his parsee writings to the point of the Japanese translating it. Of course, if someone here did a Parsee, they'd have to figure out how to make it unique from that.
>>48579524QRD on what made it so good?
>>48579570Persian Parsee with multiple layers you gotta work through before she's even willing to date you
>>48582305A nut for only the truest Parsee lovers to crack...
>>48373872the graph looks like a bacteriophage. I think it's funny.
>>48584439At a glance I thought it was going to be schizophrenic babble about the Sephirot and how it ties into Touhou lore.
The last update for this project was last year. It's time to admit that it's fucking over
What if Anon first starts off seeking youkai, but then Akyuu appears, gently scolds and corrects Anon, and Anon sees the error of his ways and begins to ask out Akyuu, holding her hand and giving her many offspring in her route?
>>48592327Projects like this are always a bit of a logistical challenge when trying to coordinate over an anonymous image board.
>>48592327I can see you do not live in the EST time zone like real people do
I bless the Touhou Visual Novel Project developers with snacks for a successful year!
Have you guys decided the engine yet?
>>48596854It's going to be homemade it seems. So not Renpy.
>>48594390The real time is GMT. UTC +09:00 is also useful to coordinate with Gensokyo.
For the soundtrack, what if stage themes were used for generic scenes (happy theme, sad theme, etc), but at the end of a character's route, their theme plays to celebrate you making it to them? Or would it be better if each character's theme was something to be associated with them during their route?
>>48599029For the soundtrack, what if stage themes were used for generic scenes (happy theme, sad theme, etc), but at the end of a character's route, their theme plays to celebrate you making it to them? Or would it be better if each character's theme was something to be associated with them during their route?
>>48599157I didn't hear you correctly, please repeat again
>>48574530I really need to just bite the bullet and make an account on one of those fanfic sites to compile the few short bits I do have saved that I posted here and there on this board featuring that version of Remilia.
>>48601209Do it now rather than later. AO3 for example has an approval queue that takes a while and when you're ready to get things uploaded you'll wish you had it set up already.
>>48601209AO3 is great for a larger appeal, though https://www.touhou-project.com/ is pretty popular for Touhou fics specifically, though theirs is more of a CYOA, but you could still dump your writings there with no problem.You should still absolutely make a Remilia route for the VN though, Remilia should be in every visual novel.
>>48598730Alice in Wonderland needs to be in
Alright, new year means new chances & opportunity for this. I explained my situation a little more over on wapchan but basically I won’t have stable access to conveniences like my computer again until the first half of February at the latest. I hate phoneposting as much as the next anon but unfortunate bullshit happens sometimes. However, in spite of needing to get my life back in order I’ve still been able to recently finish work on my first rough draft for Marisa’s scenario per >>48571481 (and the accompanying scenes that would occur between pre-route selections) in the form of 23 pages of notebook scribblings. I converted that into a basic PDF which can be viewed at your discretion via the following link for those that are only sticking to this thread:https://files.catbox.moe/m4cfxb.pdfPages 1-7 include the first four days of map-based choices, 8-17 are mostly Marisa-centric and the remaining pages cover the scenes that’ll occur when/if you don’t end up with anyone in time. Feel free to share any thoughts you’d like but keep in mind the following changes I’ll be making in the face of what feedback I’ve gotten so far:- those scenes within the Village are going to be condensed together, when applicable, and specificity when it comes to the exact time they take place will likely be deemphasized for the sake of providing greater freedom for when other writers want to start/end their scenarios, like that Chimata example starting in the early morning for instance- some overall trimming when it comes to certain single use locations/scenarios to curb the over-ambition put into what was supposed to be something a bit simpler/more generalized (typical blunder of mine)- the intro scenario will instead take the form of what was penned down for Day 3’s Village Morning scene to kick everything off, the book our MC rents from Suzunaan also needing to be changed (though that’s still being worked out)- small alterations to a few of Marisa’s scenes to keep her more in-character, such as moving away from the explicit quid-pro-quo on her part at least during her first sceneThis should all be more than enough for me to keep moving forward with writing. Work on the custom engine has been slow but steady and I believe a few tests for the CG backgrounds are also in the works. It’ll be a little hard for me to cross-reference certain information tidbits for a good while but progress is at least still being made here. Hope that’s enough of an update for some of you, though I have some more things to say in a minute here.>>48594507Thank you, I’m actually very hungry right now so this is just what I need!>>48514600>if people who make the VN are more interested in other characters, they should focus on themThis is what I’ll be encouraging for future character inclusions, popularity is one thing but I’d be specifically leaning towards characters that are popular here/among writers rather than overall typical popularity. I’m also not exactly jazzed at the idea of a bunch of obvious picks and, ideally, around 2/3 of the final initial roster would be more interesting than that.>>48534323Luckily something could potentially come from this now that we’ve gotten the clear on route specific bad ends when applicable. Seiga I’ve been going back & forth on even bringing up since…yeah I have no idea how you wouldn’t end up corrupted by that girl, but a good writer for her coming along can always change that.
>>48562627Coming from a place of not having read those stories, I’d definitely want my Ran to come off as intellectually capable as she’s ought to be but there’s a certain doting charm & non-assuming presentation I’d like for her to carry as well. The latter trait is a little hard to better describe but those who are painfully familiar with her ‘moments’ throughout SSiB might know what I’m talking about. I don’t mean to imply that I’d want her to be an emotional dumbass tied to Gappy’s hip, I just think it’d be cute to have moments where she could be pleasantly surprised/bewildered over certain actions while still maintaining her more refined characteristics. I’d want a Ran that could express how much she cares in a million different little ways, subtle or otherwise, though can still be somewhat grounded by the unexpected or that care being satisfyingly reflected right back at her. A Ran that would be thinking of all the ways to help make your life more worth living well in advance after a certain point of investment, though one that could still let that composure slip a tad if you manage to meet her more than halfway with that. If I continue talking about her though then I’d start gushing in a manner more suited for a charged Ranthread post so hopefully that answers your question.>>48574354I’ve avoided discussing much over the EoSD cast for previously-stated reasons (outside of my Meiling bias) but if we seriously need a slot filled after a few more less-common inclusions then I’d say your version of Remi could fit quite nicely. You’d just have to get creative with why a ‘traditionally’ classy lady such as herself would even want to bother with a lesser serf like Anon-kun.>>48579274Fear.But I could definitely see girls like her, Alice, Kaguya (maybe), Parcheesi, Seiga, Yachie, or Tsukasa (another maybe) ending up as unfortunate Yan cases if you play your cards wrong (or maybe that’d be just fine for some)>>48582305This is just how I’d want her to be treated if at all possible, though making it still feel unique to the VN would definitely need to be prioritized.>>48598730I don’t see why a mix of both certain stage themes or alternate tracks and some broader character themes couldn’t be used for the generic scenes, though I figured it’d be obvious that more relevant character-specific themes would be used for the especially impactful scenes. Seems a bit early to start working out the finer OST details though, we still don’t even have a solid place to source our placeholder music from afaik.
>>48609569Music-wise, if the proyect is small, I think a selection of key themes should be used for certain situations instead of stage and boss specific themes per character.Parsee's theme is emotional and sad by default. The gensokyo the gods loved is uplifting, suited for a morning scene, etc.Music can be hard to make. Some themes are too wacky to make them sound in a certain way. I would personally like to have each girl with her theme too, but we are not exactly swimming talents. The proyect is small and we should aim to make the most with what we have. If this does great and get to the point where we start adding more girls, then additional ost per girl is something that can be considered.
>>48609569>but if we seriously need a slot filled after a few more less-common inclusionsI think a SDM cast member would be very welcome to the roster. A VN roster of Ebisu, Benben, Nameless Fox from Forbidden Scrollery, Seiran, and Fighting Polygon Team will struggle to get any attention. Popular characters are popular for a reason. But hopefully, a big name will attract attention which will hopefully rub off on the costars, giving them a chance to rise up and maybe be the next big shot. Datable Marisa and Remilia would be a big draw.
Wouldn't Remilia be classified as a loli? I don't think we can do that
>>48609879She's more petite than loli I'd say. The only Touhou character I'd say would be difficult to portray as anything but a loli would be jellyfetus.But regardless even if you portrayed them as a loli, so what? Police aren't busting down anyones door because the fourcham visual novel did the age old thousand year old little girl thing
>>48609756>I think a selection of key themes should be used for certain situations instead of stage and boss specific themes per character>I would personally like to have each girl with her theme too, but we are not exactly swimming talents.Fair point. When the right time comes then maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to set aside what tracks would be best suited for the right situation. Haven’t exactly thought that far ahead yet though.>>48609840We can include /one/ SDM member if the right anons get involved here, I just wouldn’t want oversaturation of the same-old-same-old is all. Variety is the spice of something something after all, plus I can relate to the lamentations of >>48510017 as well as others>>48609879>>48609909Honestly I’m just really not a fan of lolis, plus I somewhat doubt there’d be an anon coming along willing to put in the effort for a legitimate Fairy route or something involving someone like Kisume. I penned down the no fetish stuff without much outer input but it’s not like I’ve gotten any real protest over it from anyone else involved. If others wanna try their hands at anything potentially dubious then take it up with the project OP over on wapchan I guess, not like I could technically stop that much.Anyways, I don’t really think of Remi in that way either but it’s not like she’s terribly high on my personal radar in the first place. Even so, there’s more to her than just the spoiled child angle imo which is why I’m fond of how that other anon might want to approach any potential scenario of hers with a better outcome. If she is to even be one of the other token popular girls of the VN that is.
>>48609569>Coming from a place of not having read those storiesDo you read the writing that goes on in the Ran threads? I am fond of how sweet and caring she can be, having that as the end for her route would be nice.
>>48610260>Do you read the writing that goes on in the Ran threads?Oh yes, Yes I do…There’s been some real top-notch writings in those threads before I’ll tell you what. That’s partially where the pressure to treat her route right is coming from though, gotta give those anons something quality without leaning into my own biases too much.
whaoh jp is making a video game! what is the story so far?
>>48610322Glad to hear that. That really makes me look forwards to seeing how that turns out.
>>48609514>pdfShort and sweet overall, nice work! There are some little things that I'd like to give you feedback about:>Day 3. 1.3.0Here, MC has to choose to either tail Marisa or Talk to Kosuzu. This can be very unintuitive without prior meta knowledge about who Marisa is. Anyone who wants to be with a person would pick interest in whatever that person is doing. Therefore, tailing Marisa is the logical choice. However, MC is only rewarded if he is a partner in crime.To fix this, I would add some text in Day 2 1.2.0 where MC, regardless of choice, he notices that when either he or Marisa are sorting the books, some of them have expired rental dates. This should click on MC's head that she really llikes books and she would steal to get them.Back to day 3. MC now knows the meaning of each choice. If anything, the whole kleptomancy thing should be a point of talk. Girls have her ups and downs and if MC wants to live with the witch, he has to find a way to deal with that. Maybe he's just OK with it. Maybe MC talks Marisa into reconsidering what she's doing. Maybe they become partners in crime.>Day 4I like how the meal functions both as a "thanks for everything" and a "lets date">Day 6 1.6.1The inversion of this >>48487948 ends up as a cute moment of growth. However, it comes weird since at no point there was a conversation of why do such things. A previous scene where Marisa sees MC being charitable to some unfortunate guy and Marisa asking why he did that should suffice.
>>48609879>>48609909Funny enough, I never really thought of her as one either despite clearly not looking like a full grown adult either. My mind just classifies her under "supernatural entity" which has its own body types.
>>48609840Which SDM member is popular enough that she would be a draw yet not so popular that she would outshine the rest of the cast based on that popularity alone?
>>48613438Pick one.
>>48613461Koakuma seems like a blank enough slate that whoever is writing her has the creative freedom to portray her however they want.
>>48613438Flandre, Remilia, and Sakuya are the big three. Meiling, Patchy, and Koakuma are the minor three, and Koakuma is barely even a character.It's a bit of a false dichotomy to say that a character on the roster would entirely outshine the rest. Again, popular characters mixed with unpopular characters allow for a good mix of both worlds, drawing in both niche fans and mainstream fans, and hopefully the mainstream fans will be interested when they stumble upon the other girls and give them a shot.>>48610157>>48510017I get being tired of overexposure, but going hard in the opposite direction can be even more alienating to all but the most specific of crowds. We're not Seija, balance can be achieved.
OP here, I should have said this earlier but it is not a problem if you want to write a route for a popular touhou character. Yes some are overrepresented in writing works, but VNs are different, and we don’t have many (decent) touhou VNs in english (and even if that were the case, I dont care)
>>48613729what the story so far, OP?
>>48613761see wapchannel
>>48613761>>48612547A lot of it has been posted here, it's all still WIP, and the only routes that are seeing any work done for them beyond "wouldn't it be cool if we had her in the game" are Marisa and Chimata, both of which have their route outlines made.
>>48612547The best tl;dr I can offer so far is main character (YNH), local young slightly-impoverished villager trying to live on his own for the first time after tiring over his over-protective family, is equally tired with the stagnant life he struggles to lead & his blatant lack of socialization. He knows just enough about the sort of things that go on in the rest of Gensokyo to be insatiably curious/willing to risk his safety to start talking with the kind of girls he wouldn’t normally see around all that often inside those walls. He’s got gumption, a map and a little under two weeks to (hopefully) find someone to take to a Flower Viewing festival being held at the Hakurei Shrine or at least just anyone interesting at all. He just needs to make the right moves with the right people, or what might even be the wrong moves in the eyes of other ‘normal’ villagers.But that other anon does have a point, development is still very much in its infancy and right now we only have those two characters being worked on (demo will have at least two ‘hus anyways).>>48613365Thanks for the feedback! It’s real appreciated to see that described as “short and sweet” since I feel like I tend to write a lot when I’m really into a concept.>This can be very unintuitive without prior meta knowledge about who Marisa is>To fix this, I would add some text in Day 2 1.2.0 where MC, regardless of choice, he notices that when either he or Marisa are sorting the books, some of them have expired rental dates.That’s actually a pretty clever work-around to a minor oversight within Day 3’s choices. I was definitely planning on pointing out how some of the sorted books from Day 2 were 100% not Marisas so that idea should be able to play out quite nicely.>If anything, the whole kleptomancy thing should be a point of talk>Maybe he's just OK with it. Maybe MC talks Marisa into reconsidering what she's doing. Maybe they become partners in crime.Now that bad/corruption ends have been given the clear, and since I can’t really imagine Marisa ending up killing the guy somehow, I was thinking a neat little way to twist her possible ending outcome would be either enflaming or subduing her more reprehensible tendencies. Brought to its extreme/opposing the more positive ending I’ve already written, this could possibly end with Marisa & our MC turning into a pair of devious schemers that cause subtle mischief at the Festival. Or, at the very least, Marisa is pushed towards turning into even more of a loose cannon and maybe even a less-than-Ordinary Human though I wouldn’t want to go full fanon there. Just an idea I could toy around with, I’ll have to flesh out the buildup before her route-specific stuff first anyways.>A previous scene where Marisa sees MC being charitable to some unfortunate guy and Marisa asking why he did that should suffice.I can work with that, already got a small idea on how to go about it so I’ll make sure that makes it in somehow.>>48613438I pretty much agree with >>48613521 when it comes to ranking them in such a manner. On the subject of that anon as well,>popular characters mixed with unpopular characters allow for a good mix of both worlds>balance can be achieved.That is a fair enough point, I’m just one to encourage out-the-box thinking when applicable is all. I’ll bite my tongue then if we end up with some more ‘average’ roster additions, just as long as we still strike that varied balance.By the way, forgot to mention this earlier but we got a working title for the VN as suggested by the anon behind Chimata’s route if I’m not mistaken:>Touhou - Japonaiserie PatchworkWhat do you all think? If nothing else then it at least gives us another name to call the thing besides ‘the /jp/ touhou vn’ for now. Better ideas can always be suggested, though I am a fan of that one myself tbdesu. Also, if I can help it, then my next major update here is going to include the necessary dialogue for Day 1’s content & Marisa-based choices. T-minus a week or so at the latest for that, should honestly be pretty easy to tackle now that I’ve had this chance to gestate these concepts.
>>48617394You're welcome. I can't into writing really, but I'll try to keep giving feedback to you, chimata anon and anyone who posts here.>corruption endingNow that is an interesting idea. Is the corruption ending still """romantic""" or just another form of bad ending?If its the later and you want to keep it light hearted, you could stick to the "cause mischief at the Festival" so Marisa can steal something. However, Anon gets caught and Marisa leaves him there with all the Youkai and an angry shrine maiden to be taught a lesson. Marisa wouldnt come back to save him since its all strictly business. Furthermore, if you got caught, maybe you're not good enough for her... or something like that.If its the former, a "partners in crime" thing could be interesting.>Touhou - Japonaiserie PatchworkI have not posted anything on wap, but I was lurking and saw the title. I like it. I'll copy the meaning of "Japonaiserie" from that one post since I think its kind of important:>[...] it describes the influence of Japan on the arts, which works amazingly for a project like this, inspired by Touhou. It also is a beautiful word that feels very Touhou-esque.
>>48617474>Now that is an interesting idea. Is the corruption ending still """romantic""" or just another form of bad ending?The bad ends for the routes seem to be up to the writer how they'll be (or if they'll be there period). The Chimata bad route is supposed to end with her cracking under pressure, buying you as a slave, and being Megumu's pawn. Considering the tastes of Anons, I imagine they're going to range anywhere from "She can make me worse" to "Yandere mode activated".Since the early game bad end involves the Touhou turning you down, making the end game bad end be the same would feel redundant unless you went out of your way to differentiate them.
>>48619703I haven't really figured things out but bad ends seem like you could use to really push aspects of the character we don't usually see. Or at least a human guy would never see, which can also make it clear how weird the girls are.For Kasen I had a few ideas already but they'll probably be clearer when I reread WaHH.Something likeA simple turn down followed by an earfull nagging that sends you reeling in early game if you're being too flirty or somethingGiven she wants to "get closer to people" I was considering becoming her "disciple" as a relationship thing but only like how Reimu was taken from her Shrine to train her discipline early in WaHH, if you fail the exercises she'll probably say it's better for (you) to take it easy and you might end up giving upMaybe much later stuff where you might end up finding Kasen's arm in her mansion and undoing the seal by accident or otherwise (i assume this is post-manga), who will probably confuse (you) unless you learn her story from Kasen ahead of time, since her face and stuff will be the same, luring you into a false sense of security until she gets bored of youSome kind of final bad end involving either Kasen losing you to the arm in some sort of showdownAnd maybe a true end where Kasen returns to her oni self because you smited the malice in her arm with the power of RABU , and where she realizes she isn't tired of this "hellish reality" yet as long as she has you, her going oni being more of a metaphor of embracing her true feelingsWith some variants depending on how things go, like her staying a hermit. Maybe a funnier route where you somehow fluster the arm without Kasen needing to fuse, giving you 2 Kasens.Maybe somewhat of a fakeout route where nothing really bad happens but you only end up as friends, decided mostly on how well you can spot her being an oni as a random villager, letting you worm your way into knowing her darkest secrets or such
>>48495042>>48561331What do you think about fandom's a dorkier version of chimata?
>>48621217Yuri in the VN project?
>>48621243Pic was not related, although, would yuri count as NTR in this context?
>>48621217I like to hope that I capture some of that dorkiness in how she's portrayed in my route! It's a very specific kind of dorkiness though. I think one of the aspects I'm hoping to capture is her bombasticness as well as her status as an Underdog, along with the bitterness underneath that comes with that.I think there's a lot to Chimata aside from just "she's a dork", and I want to do my best to capture that.
>>48619938>Maybe a funnier route where you somehow fluster the arm without Kasen needing to fuse, giving you 2 Kasens.GOD
>>48619938Kasen is definetly a character one can have lots of fun doing VN routes and endings.If a comedy scene where both kasen and arm are jealous of eachother with anon wondering how such a thing can even happen is written, then I'll be a happy man.
>>48622931Her arm is evil, do NOT get near Arm-chan.And Kasen is a nagging chubster
How many boob grabbing scenes should there be
>>48628576For laughs or fanservice?
>>48631931Serious boob-grabbing scenes.
>>48631931Not that anon, but what is the best touhou to have that dumb "oh no, we fell and now I'm grabbing her boob on accident" scene?Flathus are not eligible
>>48634182Yuugi because it'd be your entire upper body in her boobs
>>48634182lewd pink of course
>>48634182This >>48635157 or Komachi. I think other 2hus would either get too violent for such scenes, or are too level-headed and would understand that it was an accident.
If we're really doing this, I'm a female VA willing to do some work for the project for free :)
>>48639815I know this is just a shitpost, but I'll call your bluff, post some voice examples now
How can we be promised that this project isn't going to scopemog itself?
>>48641040The scope of the project is being kept pretty straightforward since it's community-driven. The outline is already set, one writer per character with 9 scenes and an ending. The goal seems to be 6 characters, but if you want more and to see your favorite 'hus added, start typing. You'll have to expand the scope yourself.
>>48639815>>48639836I was actually looking forward to hearing som voice acting...
>>48634182Parsee. Her reaction would be cute!
I'm interested in contributing as a writer, I'm not very experienced as a writer but I have a lot of free time and I would be willing to alter what I produce based on the consensus of the group or whoever is also writing. Is there any characters that are desired by the current group surrounding the project to be implemented but are not currently occupied by a writer or seem to have not been shown much interest aside from voting results?I'm just wondering what is logistically going on in a rough sense before I begin to spend time writing about a specific character interaction as I do not have much preference aside from it preferably being something that is isolated so it is easier to be slotted in somewhere in the decision tree.
>>48644085From what I've seen. There is interest in Kasen. However, I encourage you to make the character you want to do instead of one others want you to do.
>>48644332Pretty sure someone else is interested in doing Kasen
>>48644533Well, Youmu, Alice and Seiga are others that people have shown interest in
>>48642546Same. Should this VN have voice acting!
>>48653720I can't tell if you meant to this as a question or a statement
I love democracy.
>>48659241Nice to see that code-work progresses.
>>48659241Are we winning son?
>>48659241Get that text out of gensokyo. Can't risk a human uprisingKeep up the good work anon!