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Why did you let her thread be archived? You ought to appreciate the cute librarian more!
I'll make another thread for Kosuzu because today is my birthday! Let's not forget about her again!
cute finger
book renter paizuri
I only like Kosuzu when she's a dumb bitch with giant paizuri tits
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>Why did you let her thread be archived?
This board is way too fast.
Anyway, I'd finished >>48152118 two weeks ago, but it was so unremarkable that I've forgot to mention it. The author started strong, but later on she devolved into repeating broad-strokes frameworks proposed by various folklorists and ethnologists without any critical assessment or getting into finer details. I guess there is little material, but we have XXI century, when your takes are less developed then grandpa Frazer's ones, then something went wrong. There were salvageable details here and there, and the reference list could prove useful later, but I am disappointed.
I envy Kosuzu. She probably has access to previous volumes of Gensokyo Chronicle, so she can easily see how views and knowledge on youkai developed over time.
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I shall allow you to have a bump. Use this added time wisely
If you could give Kosuzu any one book from the outside world, what would you give her?
The Kama Sutra
My erotic fanfiction of her.
Spinal Catastrophism by Thomas Moynihan
The 120 Days of Sodom. I want to see how she handles it.
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Would Suzu take up arms against Big Youkai again after reading it?
Suzu is a smart girl but I don't think she's particularly good at interpreting outside world books. I don't think she'd make the parallels between her own situation and the one described in the book.
She'd probably make a cute dumb comment after reading it, and return to her day.
Better yet, tell her it's a true story.
Wouldn't her power tell her otherwise?
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Kama Sutra
titty sex
Would suzu be interested in outside world boys?
Kosuzu isn't interested in boys, she has her hole gaped by Mamizou's penis every day.
She needs castration.
Fuck librarians!
Kosuzu can glean information from the text she reads, (see previous thread) so she could likely intuit that it's fictional.
How so? She doesn't even get the story behind the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Her power has been explicitly stated to have grown since then
>Why did you let her thread be archived?
Sorry, I was fucking youkai women.
Wrong thread? Never forget Kosuzu lost her virginity to fortune teller guy.
The 9n appears to be mad about something. How could you help the Suzu in this situation?
I'd punch the kyuun in the face.
I'm the fortune teller
That explains her blowjob techniques
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I'd marry the Qyun and make her happy, thus preventing such angry outbursts as depicted.

Then I'd punch Kosuzu in the face.
Kosuzu has the hots for her grandpa. I know because I wrote a fic about it once.
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New Suzu doll
Since last time there weren't any takers now she will be mine!
>How could you help the Suzu in this situation?
I'd ask Suzu and Akyuu to wish me good luck, adding an off-hand comment to Akyuu about how she should hurry up with finding a husband before she kicks the bucket.
Then I'd go on a date with a cute reporter.
Wrong pic...
Would Kosuzu know how to organise my files better?
Suzu would be confused and slightly intimidated by a computer
You think so? There are probably more then a couple of old books on programming that went to Gensokyo as most turned to online courses. She might be no better then Rinnosuke, but I wouldn't outright reject possibility that Suzu knows a thing or two.
Related, would Suzu's ability allow her to understand programming languages? What about binary?
>There are probably more then a couple of old books on programming that went to Gensokyo
That is probably true, but without a computer on hand, would Kosuzu actually care enough to try and learn from these? Furthermore, there is a learn-by-doing aspect to programming that books cannot replace, so even if she did read and learn from these books, that wouldn't necessarily mean she is now a competent programmer.
>would Suzu's ability allow her to understand programming languages?
I think so, but would this improve her ability to write code? I think not, given she was able to read English, but still had much difficulty writing it.
>What about binary?
Probably not, as it isn't a human-readable language.
Forgot the Suzu so I'll post this again.
Finished An Invisible Thread. Good book, very entertaining to read about the different religious movements that sprung up in Spain while the Reformation was raging on. Maybe I'll go read a little bit more about the Inquisition in the future.
I've already started Van Diemen's Land - An Aboriginal History. Got a bit curious about the Tasmanian Aboriginals and wanted to learn at least something about them.
Oh, and please, everyone feel free to post about books you're reading in Kosuzu's thread! Let's share some nice books with her.
>>48375370 #
Nice that you read it, unfortunate that it wasn't as good as you hoped. No book is ever a complete waste but sometimes I do feel a bit robbed of my time. Hope you managed to find some good references and a better book to read next time.
suzu the CUTE
CUTE human girl
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I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil! I wasn't very much interested in Nietzche before, but I'm glad I gave him a shot!
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Good, I was looking for this picture to save it. Thank you, Anon.
The trifecta is a girl who is nice, dumb and has huge tits.
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Suzu is not dumb! Take that back!!
She's dumbcute! She's a smart girl but I like it when she trips up in FS due to being too confident. I imagine she'd be all smug in the outside world, thinking that just because she's read widely about it she's not going to have any problem adapting to it. I'd love to see her try to gripe with the complexities of the Modern age and fail miserably at it.
Glad you're enjoying your reading! I still haven't given him a chance.
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Shamefully reposting images from last thread for Suzu!
She's also a flattie!
It's only fair since last thread died before it was its time...
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I can't believe she hasn't appeared in Lotus Eaters yet, do all the official touhou manga artists just have some sort of no using eachothers' characters rule? Ridiculous...
Whaletits cameoed in CDS, and the three fairies have cameoed many times in FS and LE, which only makes Kosuzu's absence stranger. Maybe ZUN forgot about her? It would've been perfect for her to show up when Mamizou postmarked the village.
The only explanation is that Suzu became a nerd shut-in who never leaves Suzunaan...
I'm not talking about cameos, though. I think Kosuzu has cameo'd in the fairy mangas and LE, I mean having actual dialogue, even if it's just one or two throwaway lines.
>Kosuzu has cameo'd in
I am pretty sure she haven't done even that.
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Can confirm, she has not cameoed in LE, and she only made a single panel appearence in VFiS. From the way FS ended, it seemed ZUN was not done yet with Kosuzu's story, so why the hell hasn't he done anything with her since? IMO she is way more interesting than whatever bullshit is going on in the mainline games right now.

Anyways, could someone tell me why Suzu is wearing a swimsuit indoors? And why is she giving me that look? I don't get this picture at all.
She's patiently waiting for you to construct a pool on her property so she can take a nice swim. The only places where she can swim are lakes and rivers and those are way too cold!
Do I look Mexican? I can't dig a pool! Besides, there's no room for it in Suzunaan. Suzu really is a silly girl huh.
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What a lewd girl!
Don't let the Suzu be cold!
Do the right thing! Hug the Suzu!
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Sorry Suzu... I have basically not read anything this week at all! But now I'll be back to full steam. Let's read with the Suzu!
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Top tier Suzu. Really cute face
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Another very cute Suzu
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Gift the Suzu a book this Christmas!
What books should we get her?
doggy style with the 'suzu nonstop
Gift multiple books!
No, I'm not just trying to be cheap by giving her stuff I already read years ago. It's a thoughtful gift. Promise.
Force 'suzu to have sex with the random guy while I watch from the corner!
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Suzu will respond to impure acts with force!
But it's my Christmas present ;_;
Force 'suzu to have a yuri threesome with Akyuu and Mamizou while I watch and jack off in the corner!
Nah, she is a futanari.
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Suzu is lost in the Outside World!
Get the Suzu to a library NOW!
Give her some copies of undeciphered texts! We need to use this opportunity!
Rape time!!!
Don't violate the Suzu! It's Christmas! Get her a book instead!
I thought about it and I came to conclusion, that I have no idea what book I could give Suzu. Old books probably are in Gensokyo already, so something recent would be the best gift for her, just so she could keep up with times. Then I realised that I don't read anything modern at all, so I don't know what's good and what's not from recently published titles.
Maybe I would gift Suzu some Japanese classics, but translated. She would read them and then comment on translation's quality.
Does anyone know how to send books to Gensokyo? I have a book about the institutions of Catalonia during the second Spanish Republic. It's in Catalan as well so I can't read it but the Suzu sure can. I'm sure she would enjoy it somehow, but I'm struggling to find an option to send her the book. Any ideas?
And to answer your question, I think she's a bibliophile so she'd enjoy almost any crap you threw to her. She doesn't read only literature, I bet you could toss her some scientific articles and laugh at her misinterpretations of what a protein is supposed to be.
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Finnegan's Wake, then call her stupid when she doesn't understand it and tell her it set the standard for the average outside world book for the past 100 years

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