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everyone forgot about her
this umbrella is sad and lonely
After I get married to a generic black haired down-to-earth human woman in the human village I let Kogasa babysit my children.
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>>48375555 (OP)
Kogaser a cute
>>48375555 (OP)
Cute adorable dork
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The cutest tongue in 2hu
Lesbian umbrella
You should marry Kogasa instead
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My wife Kogasa isn't sad anymore because she's safe and sound with me and I shower her with love every day
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I'd give her a little kiss to her tongue
Post Kogasa yuri
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Post Kogasa paizuri
Reimu's forehead is enormous
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Since the actual Kogasa is the umbrella, does what happens here count as masturbation?
>actual Kogasa
Both are equally Kogasa. There's no such thing.
Both umbrella and girl are Kogasa. They're two bodies, but neither of them is truer than the other.
Really? I thought it was the same case as with Kokoro, where the actual yokai is the object they carry around.
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Len'en umbrella?!?!
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You think too much in terms of singular bodies. There are many characters in 2hu that have more than one body, and with few exceptions (like Medicine) almost none of these characters have a body that's truer than the other. You have to think the following: your arm is a different entity or part of your body? You can clearly define it, it can be separated from you and you can continue living. And yet your arm is also part of you, right?
Kokoro is actually the same as Kogasa. In HM she loses her Mask of Hope, one of the masks that you would count as the "actual youkai". Yet she doesn't die because of it, nor can she feel where the mask is, something that we'd expect to happen if that was her "true body". All of the masks and the cute girl are Kokoro at the same time, just like you and all of your neurons in your brain are you at the same time.
Now, you could say that the masks and the umbrella are their original bodies. That much is true and undeniable; before there ever was the cute girl, there was a purple umbrella abandoned. However, just as humans can grow hair, youkai can grow (or change!) bodies. So you could definitely say that the umbrella is the original body, but both bodies are as Kogasa as the other. There's no such thing as a fake body.
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But does Kogasa(cute girl) like the same stimuli as Kogasa(umbrella)? Or are raindrops on Kogasa-CS head annoying, while raindrops on Kogasa-U top pleasant? This is important.
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They're the absolute same, but does your arm like the same things as your hair? A hot drink might feel good in your throat, but not as much in your penis, right? Kogasa is the same.
Both bodies are the same being, but due to their constitution some stimuli might be felt different. Although I think that Kogasa is a simple girl.
But you shouldn't refer to her bodies as different people. There's no Kogasa-U and Kogasa-CS, there's Kogasa's umbrella body and Kogasa's humanoid body.
>(like Medicine)
Do elaborate.
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The umbrella smile
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I like this artist
They're dating, how cute!
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A kyute
>>48375555 (OP)
Kogasa is for smile, not sad
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Umbrella a cute
Except for your image, that's a fake Kogasa.
beware the umbrella left there forever
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Wrong quote?
Merry suprisemas and a spooky new year!
It’s the yuri spammer. Don’t pay him any mind. He just shits up threads with inane comments.
I'll pleasantly surprise Kogasa by giving her a present!
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Is that so? How exactly, is it a cookie or something similar?
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Poke poke
The eyes are wrong, hence the flipped image was a first reply >>48391412
Since you asked I decided to find out how to tell if it is a c*okie and for Kogasa it's if she doesn't have sleeves and the eyes are the wrong way around, which is weird cause any cookie art on Danbooru has the canon eyes.
Pic unrelated.
>which is weird cause any cookie art on Danbooru has the canon eyes
Almost like c*okiefags can't even keep up with their own retarded bootleg designs
A new friend to teach the art of surprises to!
I wouldn't call her a friend, personally... seems more like an evil scheming mastermind.
Looks can deceive.
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>The eyes are wrong
I have horrible awareness, it would've been very hard for me to notice. Thanks for the heads-up but don't be surprised if I post more Kogasa with wrong eyes. I can't really tell which is which...
Just like Kogasa is really a scary and terrifying youkai even if she looks so darn cute?
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What do you guys think dating Kogasa would be like (aside of the habitual jumpscare attempt)? Would she be annoyingly clingy due to her fear of abandonment, or would she just be really happy and confident she has someone that finally appreciates her?
You'd be constantly licked by the giant tongue of her umbrella
She'd like dates on rainy days
She'd be a fun girl but you would have to help her all the time
I don't think she'd be clingy, it's more like these dogs that start crying the moment their owners leave their field of vision. Kogasa would try to be strong but she'd definitely fear you abandoning her
Her biggest fear would be being forgotten again
As such you must always meet her every day
I don't think you'd have to help her all the time, she seems really capable but just lacks a bit of confidence and support a lover would bring.
In fact she would get out of her comfort zone with a little encouragement and flourish since she already has many interesting qualities
Abandonment issues would be your main hurdle, but yeah, she has potential. Give her a push and she'll go far
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What’s this here misfortune god doin’?
don't forget her please
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No! I mean, don't forget her as well. But don't forget the cute umbrella girl!
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silly umbrella is very cute
those CDS pages of her jumping around the gravestones are pure joy too
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All I want for Christmas is you~~
Kogasa is precious
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precious santa umbrella
She keeps hiding on page 10.
Saami Kogasa?
The description just says traditional clothing. Could be Saami or Ainu.
Whatever it is Kogasa looks cute in it.
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she's trying to surprise us every time she goes back to page 1
Nope, Ainu
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Did any otaku anon archive writeanon’s kogasa stories and chronicles?
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Long haired 'brella
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The cute umbrella kicks a dumb bird
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Beware the next time you will be on the news, punk.
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she's already on the news because of her cuteness
the true news not the rag aya uses to litter the land
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>she's already on the news because of her cuteness
Sure, lets go with that.
Kogasa needs to stop touching shotas!
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Adorable little umbrella.
So adorable
Needs to be hugged
Cheeks pinched
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Kogasa's umbrella is actually quite big.
That's because Kogasa's heart is just as big.
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Give candy to all umbrellas
Where have all the umbrella fans gone?
They are all hiding, looking for a chance to surprise Kogasa.
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I hope she won't try to surprise me when I'm in such a vulnerable position to her.
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Bump to surprise page 9!
why post the small version?
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I a rarted. Want another one?
Anon, these lower quality Kogasas are scaring me...
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Kogasa... is scaring you?
You're making her blush...
>>48375555 (OP)
Ha, get fucked loser.
My little umbrella girl can't be this adorable.
>>48375555 (OP)
I would never
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what do you think of images of Kogasa without her umbrella body?
personally they make me very uncomfortable
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I think its weird and unnatural but i'll respect her wishes if she wants to try a different look
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very true anon
But I feel like artists are way too carefree sometimes in not drawing her umbrella body.
The umbrella is integral, it should be on her in at least SOME way
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this artist keeps drawing some cute Kogasas
but he had that issue that sometimes he draws her without her umbrella body
in this one the umbrella is there but it's way too far from the human body
must be very confusing for Kogasa to have two bodies at such great distances
N-No way! Kogasa! It's you! You're the Young Descendant of Tepes!
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Clearly Kogasa just experiences it like a puzzle video game where you can swap between controlling two different characters with varying abilities to progress through the level. I don't think it'd be that confusing for her.
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That's nice. Could definitely be like this.
I think one of the bodies maybe just has an inherent lower responsiveness as well, so that she doesn't get overwhelmed with stimuli.
Kogasa is going to be my valentine again this year.
Isn't her umbrella tearing up bad for her?
She can repair it easily. She sometimes alters her appearance a little bit to seem more scary.
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The most erotic part of the brella is her long tongue
Wouldn't Kogasa prefer to not get candies, so that she could play trick?
For her, it’s trick AND treat.
And I will forget her again!
Kogasa suffers from self-esteem problems, as she is easily pushed into lamenting about wondering what her purpose is, or that she might be better off if she just went back to being an umbrella. Perhaps due to this, Kogasa is seeking a true purpose of existence for youkai, tsukumogami, and herself. She attempted this by starting a career in babysitting (which did not seem to go very well), surprising people (which also isn't going very well, though she's found some success in the Myouren Temple graveyard), and was even considering going back to being an umbrella just so she can be useful in that regard. She's stated that she's trying to imagine what humans want, and then plans on becoming that something they can use. Deep down, it appears this pitiable illegally dumped object and troubled forgotten item just wants to be desired.
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thanks chatgpt nice text
I want to help her find a purpose in life!
I like to think she hums her own theme.
She uses it as a lullaby while babysitting.
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Oh. That's very cute...
why is Kogasa such a cute youkai...
>not as much in your penis, right?
You don't fucking speak for me.
I want to pick her up and shower her in hugs and kisses!
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Kogasa easily surprised me this time, but it doesn't seem like she's happy at all! Why?
I think you surprised her more than she surprised you, Anon...
Kogasa's beauty takes so much space uploadinh full images is hard.
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Why is my wife Kogasa so perfect?
Genuinely asking
To put it simply, it's her personality.
Dumb umbrella.
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She’s such a cinnamon bun.
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This artist does great stuff.
>>48375555 (OP)
who's the artist? I remember seeing a comment someone made under this art piece that made masturbate furiously but I forgot to save him.
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>forgot the the file
here you go
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found it! so many few words have been spoken and yet i can see the scenario as clear as day making me masturbate like there is no tomorrow. I need to commission this I need to write this
obviously translator fucked up but it says its supposed to be her going to school naked
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I think his cute stuff is best.
Cute to the MAX!
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>>48375555 (OP)
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the way too cute umbrella is getting forgotten again...
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I really love drawings with lighter tones, it just makes Kogasa 100x cuter
Ligher tones do make the character look extra soft
forgotten big butt umbrella
hell yeah
Two of these words is true.
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I will not forget Kogasa.
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this is the reason for her failing to scare us
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this umbrella is just so damn cute man.
The cutest
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first umbrella in space
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Look at this dorky cutie patootie. Are you not FRIGHTENED?
Not scary. Get better material.
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Uh oh, I made her cry.
Hug the umbrella to make her feel better!
I want to send Kogasa to school naked!
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making this umbrella sad should be a crime
Kill the one who made her cry
We should protect the umbrella.
This umbrella will die.
All beautiful things are temporary, but her time to go is still far away.
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Sometimes I forget she actually has a valuable job as a blacksmith.
It is easy to forget that such a terrifying youkai has many skills.
jack of all trades but being scary
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I would let this umbrella babysit our beautiful children.
Pet the umbrella. I dare you.
She's giving me a scary look... it's pretty unsettling...
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Easiest decision of my life.
Kogasa somehow appeared in the outside world!
Will you help her?
This image reminds me of one of the Kogastories, the one where you find her as a broken umbrella outside your house.
I wish there were 2hu in the outside world stories
I've seen a grand total of two thus far
Crossovers that just staple a 2hu's face to an OC don't count
You can't stop me
Join Sister Brella in prayer, will you?
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I really liked that Kogastory I mentioned so I completely agree with you
But honestly I've tried to imagine it once and I couldn't come up with much interesting. I get a feeling that most 2hus would just find the outside world unremarkable. Kogasa for sure could be scared of the constant lights and noises and movement but I don't think there's much for her to do over here honestly.
>I don't think there's much for her to do over here honestly
Kogasa meets someone in emotional slump. She then decides to motivate that person to carry on with life despite hardships. As the Umbrella herself struggles to adapt to the modern Outside World
>scared of the constant lights and noises and movement
and still attempt to scare that unmotivated person from time to time, hijinks ensue.
Cliche? Sure, but also heart-warming.
Sometimes I fantasize how I would support Kogasa setup a forge in the outside world.
Giga cute umbrella
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Cute ideas, but I don't know if I'd like to see Kogasa adapt to the modern world. Like there's nothing outside for her. This world is nothing but depressing. I'd much rather have a forge with her in Gensokyo, or at least in the past.
I think she'd work best in an urban setting. Like these scenes in movies, when it's raining at night. But cities actually are disgusting and unclean while Kogasa is cute and beautiful, so it isn't really that nice.
I feel a little bit bad about fantasizing Kogasa with big badonkadons.
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damn dumbrella is trying to scare me even in my very own bed!
Goodbye umbrella.
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Not if I have anything to say about it!
im gonna nut in the umbrella.
Something felt off and checking the source I knew I was right to be wary of this cookie
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You should be.
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to me, the umbrella is a sign of hope.
sad umbrella again...
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I think she’d like me because I startle very easily.
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moments before extemination
Moments before I (Kogasa's husband) get in between them and bribe Reimu to not attack us.*
>>48375555 (OP)
Anyone remember that manga panel where she is unleashing that extra stage spellcard?
Not. Scary. At. All.
i hope you've got an lifetime of donations ready, otherwise your umbrella is getting a new hole
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>35% power at 3AM
that's the real scare
I always keep an extra rice coupon on me for safety.
impregnate the umbrella
Would pregnancy scare you?
Actually, yes.
...don't say that to her.
First time in history she'll scare someone
You didn't hear me saying that, you can't quote me.
How are you so sure?
It's cold out there...
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My precious brella...
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Okay, who asked her out now?
Be surprised! Eh?
In her defense, this also happens to every other 2hu.
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Would unironically jump if this happened because of how easily startled I am.
You only like this umbrella for its body.
It's a really nice body...
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Kogasa's bubbly butt!
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Terrifying thread
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do not open...
For the crime of not being scary, I now declare this thread over.
Silly umbrella
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Don’t dead open inside
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Kogasa, no!
lovely dumbrella
You wouldn't dare rub her cheeks.
How humiliating would it be to actually be surprised by Kogasa? Imagine you're living in the human village, out for a walk in broad daylight. After a while, you start hearing another set of footsteps, just out of sync with yours. It's probably just a fairy, but to be safe you turn around and head back towards home, but the footsteps get closer and louder, and you start running through the list of youkai you know how to deal with in your head. Unfortunately, you run through that list pretty quickly, and you start thinking about the ones you can't handle.

Just as you're getting to some of the really mean ones, Kogasa drops down in front of you, hanging by her knees from a tree-branch. You were so absorbed in thought that you reflexively jump back, and before you can recover yourself, her huge umbrella-tongue gives your face a nice long lick. She giggles, says "Thanks for the meal, mister!", and floats away into the sky, leaving you weak and drained, barely able to get back to your warm house.

You're bedridden for a few days, but the worst part is when you recover and have to face your friends. "So, what's the story?" asks a man who lost his left arm to Rumia. "Yeah, tell us" says the young boy who courageously rescued his two brothers from Yukari. There's a hush in the bar, and everyone's listening.

You try to obscure the details, saying you didn't really get a good look at the creature, but nobody's buying it. "You say it was a young girl?" they say. "Well, what did she look like? What's this about a long tongue?" The schoolteacher gives you a knowing smirk, and you have to admit that Kogasa surprised you.

The crowd erupts in laughter. Young children who have to be warned about fairies jeer at you. The man who once tripped over Youmu's phantom half sighs in relief: there will be a new butt of jokes in the village.
I easily startle, so all she’d need to do is come up behind me and start talking while I’m focused on something else.

That being said, if you’re like that, Kogasa would probably like to have easy access to someone like you, so she might offer you a job at her forge, wherever that is. It’s a mutually-beneficial arrangement. You get a stable job, a youkai friend who might show you life outside of the human village, and probably an employee discount on a weapon to defend yourself with. She gets help around the shop (because holding hot cut tools and other such things between your legs sucks), an easy scaring target, and perhaps better public relations with human customers. I think I’d take some jokes for that.
Villagers notice that Anon keeps getting startled!
They also notice that Anon keeps coming back for more!
They finally notice that Kogasa, despite scaring Anon stiff, arms him to his teeth, as if she was very protective of Anon!
Villagers start wondering if there is something more going on between Anon and Kogasa!
Anon stops being the subject of jokes, instead he becomes the subject of gossip in the Village!
Kogasa hears those rumors and becomes very shy and flustered the next time Anon visits!
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The cool heroine and her silly sidekick.
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this was the first writefag story I actually enjoyed
lowkey very big butt
You don't like standard writefagging, or are you usually indifferent?
>Thanks for the meal, mister
That's what she said
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Anon looks especially dumb today!
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indifferent but at the same time when I first saw it I don't think that it was that common to see writefagging in /jp/
I mean it existed but there weren't threads just for it or dedicated writers for certain characters. The kogastories were the first I saw that I liked. A shame that since then I've seen basically zero good stories with Kogasa.

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