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From the day she first came to this world
Her beauty was a miracle to behold
From the day she made her first spell
Her immense tallent was easy to tell
Alice, a miraculous girl
Words are not enough for you
Wonderful wild rose
Perfection in all the ways true
she hates you, brownoid nigger.
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We all know Alice's grimoire contains impossibly powerful world-ending magic, but what's actually written in it?
"Dear Diary, today there was a bit of excitement near my house. It was a villager who probably got lost, looking for a safe path in the forest. Before I could build confidence and help him, Marisa appeared! She looked as radiant as ever! When I reunited all my resolve and tried to wave at them, he hopped on her broom, and then departed with her at high speed. Next time I am sure I'll befriend them!
Reminder to ask Mother for more allowance, for I need to buy more passes. I keep getting banned for no reason."
Alice is a cuck...
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The last Alice thread had 3 (three) N-words. This one already has one.
Why are Alice fans like this?
All these pathetic loser Alice jokes are making me want to help her more and more
Fuck Alice.
Will that fix her? If so then I'll gladly sacrifice myself
it's just 3 / 0 = ?
Shinki is one hell of a powerful dork.
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That's the plan
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Let a thousand flowers bloom
In each one, a thread for Alice
Such was my wish
>Let a thousand flowers bloom
>In each one, a thread for Alice
Threads for her sewing needs, right?
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Like flowers blooming in full
A thousand threads
I hoped would soon be born
But I forgot that /jp/ is full of faggots
That can't be relied on
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Alice, Alice, that's not malice:
You act like retard, you keep losing.
But please go on, it's quite amusing.
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The most beautiful of flowers!
The most talentend magician!
The most incredible maiden!
Stop bumping her thread. Alice threads are the shittiest on the board except maybe the holo and vtoob ones.
Please be good, please be good to me~
Please be good, please be good to me~
Hovering over me at night
Comfort me, make me feel alright~
alice is just a pervert loser
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Alice can't be a loser, because Alice never loses!
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She lost to a fairy. A fairy!

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Neither were fighting at full power, therefore it doesn't count.
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I'd love to zip along in a ferrari with Alice.
alice becoming whole with her ferrari and a telephone pole
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this made me laugh way more than it should've, have an Alice coming out of the hospital
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Alice... You're the best present I could ever hope for.
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*Everytime you post in this thread alice gets pet in the head with tender hands
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Truth be told
Every post is for Alice a rose
Your beauty shines through
The words dedicated to you
Alice! Wild Flower of Makai
I like her because she's a fraud.
>base Cirno enters
>help Marisa please support my heavy breasts while i flail my arms around pretending to give a shit about winning the fight
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Not true cuz Alice uses her dolls to support her breasts.
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I like Alice.
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Don't we all?
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I knew it, Alice deploys bots to bump her thread if it goes down to page ten when she's asleep.
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Love and Alice
Words so closely related in meaning that I can't tell them apart
Alice and Love
Damned be the monster who would take these beautiful words apart
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does not deserve
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besides mine
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murder sex with alice
Alice should be loved, nigger. Alice is for love. Spic nigger.
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this is what Alice does to her haters
Wrong, she sleeps with them. That shows them who's the boss!
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When I see Alice
I am suddenly reminded
Of the foolishness of men
. alice gets lonely;
. she annoys anons with her "makai superiority";
. anons get angry;
. they pump and dump her as punishment;
. alice feels smug and empowered;
. she gets ghosted;
. repeat from step one;

man, she sure got me! that explains everything!
Alice? I prefer Dorothy.
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Yes Alice
I have in fact been sleeping with your mother and with at least three of your sisters.
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So short a word
So full of wonders
So sweet the sound
Where my happiness is found
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Since when did Alice dye her hair?
Alice! You look GORGEOUS today! Go out with me!
Alice, you're...smellier than I remember.
instead of the usual pee smell, there are also the ones of sulfur and cats and birds and deers and dogs and monkeys and...
Alice doesn't pee herself! That was only an accident! You can't prove it was pee anyway!
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She's been experimenting a lot with her hair recently huh
guys! today alice was really strange! she barged into my home, and demanded me to go on a date with her! strange, but just a little more forward than usual. it was then, when I was preparing my usual "no", that my mouth just muttered a very weak "yes"? what the hell did happen? she claimed to every person we met that I was her boyfriend, and just complained about her father the entire afternoon! I thought she didn't had any father at all?
I feel like I am being swept up by this established doll freak loser! what do I do?
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Did you give Alice something nice for Christmas?
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Alice is the best present there could ever be. Her presence alone makes the universe worth it. All suffering is nothing at the sight of Alice.
I'll get her my boundless love. It's not like I could ever match her, even if I offered the stars and heavens to her.
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Alice! Alice! Alice!

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