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The cutest stone stacker
She just stacks
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What if you stacked her?
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good thing eika got so many friends, i'm always worried about her.
Hmmmm I don't think she gets it
Literally me
Spank the jelly
Maybe she's actually playing Tetris the right way and we've been playing it wrong all along anon
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She will never lose at Jenga
Does Eika deserve to be happy?
It's not about deserving to be happy, it's about choosing happiness regardless of whether you deserve it or not.
no one "deserves" happiness, but everyone can achieve it. happiness is freedom, to stack stones regardless of stupid oni topling it down.
Does Eika deserve a bump?
Eika has no porn
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Time for bulli!
Cease at once.
You may proceed.
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Eika not so tough after getting bullied
I mean, she’s a stillborn baby that just wants to pile rocks atop each other. Don’t be mean to her.
Just kidding, I would never bully this poor lil fella
I bet y*umu is behind this!
why y*umu? i dont think she's a bully.
You thought wrong!
My bad, I thought she wasn't going to wake up after those hits.
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Lotta talk from the crybaby dork
This is the only way Youmu can look “better”: by beating up an actual baby.
jikoku ga jigoku da
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Do not slap the baby.
that's a bunny, you baka. probably tewi, since she's so small, but maybe it's just a big spoon.
All jelly babies are to be protected.
wise words.
presents soon
Getting presents for Eika and Lemontene is very inexpensive...
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you still need to find the right stones, the problem is that the flat ones are the best ones for both stackin and skippin. you wont gift them some random bumpy stones, right?
She is so excited!
This rock pile keeps moving.
some piles are a bit unruly, but the challenge is part of the fun.
It’s almost as if the pile has a mind of its own!
Eika sure is lucky. If she behaves, she gets nice stones. If she misbehaves, she gets bituminous coal. No matter what, more stones to stack.
eika and friends.
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look at her go!
high energy jelly baby
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‘Brella frens!




>He doesn't know
No friends...
i-it's not true!

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