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Warm Biki for a cold December.
biki gonna catch a cold.
tanned sweaty biki!
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The pube idol.
Long soft sexy jet black bush idol.
Watch out, Hibiki! Your boobies might flop out!
>>48480049 (OP)
Go back to /vt/rash
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this baka doesnt know about imas
Where are the pubes?
in my mouth
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Holy based.
I'm going to cum all over Hibiki's bush!
sweaty idol
I'm happy that everyone loves Hibiki and her pretty bush.
i like her cute little fang more.
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>>48480049 (OP)
Are Idolm@ster threads allowed now?
always have been
My mischievous daughterus.
this santa is giving me funny feelings.
this is a 2hu board btw
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Hibiki Ganaha from Dream C Club.
Takane sexo.
I love Takane.
Takane is only good for one thing. Hibiki is good for six.
Cuddling with the biki on Christmas!
The smelly idol.
The nice smell idol.
The neutral smell idol.
The big bush idol.
lungs getting infested by Biki feet air
It may be cold outside but I'm always warm if I'm near Hibiki's bush.
i'm gonna shave biki's big bush and make a stylish fur coat out of it.
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Very erotic.
Just a little bit more...
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yeah, quite sexy, but biki is not the only bikini sexy idol in town.
The sex on the beach idol.
>>48480049 (OP)
When will Orange Maru make a Biki doujin?
After 50 more Madoka ones?
biki boobies are quite nice. i bet they're no smaller than the miki ones.
sata andagi
Give or receive from her?
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i'm the generous type, like the kong.
Yes. Biki head to toe.
I remember going to a water park with some cousins when I was 11 and seeing one of my older cousins take off her clothes the moment we arrived to the parking lot. She was already wearing her swimsuit underneath so she let her shorts fall to the ground and then lifted her blouse without any care in the world. Needless to say, this was a potent image for a kid my age who was just starting to take notice of girls' bodies and it's still engraved in my memory.
Yeah stuff like that stays with you.
all according to biki's master plan.
What's Hibiki's master plan?
Crashing this board...with no survivors.
to get more fans as possible. isnt this what being an idol is about, business-wise?
Stank Manko
Sweet Clamp
Hibiki is the hottest of the OG girls
dont say this to miki
the biki hungers
Or Takane.
They look bigger than I remember.
takane doesnt care about such fooleries
takane's lunarian headlock of the death! i'm sorry biki, if only you had a wiser producer.
do not die die the biki
Going down on Hibiki
She ate too much champuru.
winter biki
would spank
would impregnate
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I can almost see them...
stupid sexy biki
lewdpit biki
Open shorts is pure sex.
More biki bra please
wakibiki is good, but wakim\ami is better.
biki soft thighs
You'll never get the pubes out of your mouth
>implying I want to
Hibiki knows.
about what?
I NEED to suck on them!
You don't actually need to. You'll be fine.
Not true.
on our wedding night.
Okinawa love.
too small.
Hmm, Hibiki wearing heels...
garter strap snappin'
I like this picture.
big biki
Biki splits!
Do all vampire girls have a sexy full bush like biki? Or just the Okinawan vampire girls?
biki is not a vampire but a dhampir. that's why she only got a single fang.
So her mother was a sexy, hairy human woman that had a baby fucked into her by a vampire?
Hibiki's parents love her very much please stop talking about them thank you.
Hibiki's bra and panties...
biki the wolf
>>48480049 (OP)
cold where? surely not where i live
look at that flattie
Don't talk about Makoto like that!
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pet the bikipet
non existent
non existent is the most attractive out of the 4
pretty navel
Biki and the bigger Biki
give hamuzou a new home in between those tits.
biki doesnt like winter
How come that hamsters gets to have FOUR tits?
I can see your pantsu, Hibiki!
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it was this size
Damn, Hamuzou is hung!
I love jabara tornado.
Hibiki boobs or Hibiki butt?
Hibiki bush.
Hibiki pits.
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biki tanlines
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please dont eat the biki
sorry but the biki too tasty
It's just a little suck, bro.
paizuri on the beach
Shorts biki is sexo.
This is the type of thing I would expect from Yayoi.
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those tanlines with that bikini are turbo sexo.
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Hibiki in her natural habitat.
So much sweat...
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This means war!
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Iori sucks
b-but biki got a better footwork! this cant be true.
She is taking a dive for the 765.
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Jaypee has made Hibiki really happy :3
Lift it up!
very cute biki butt
Lie perpetuated by Chihaya.
all boobies related lies come from miki.
Why would mikimiki say this about her friends? D:
sexy biki.
mikimiki fears the biki, she knows biki just have to dye her hair to steal her fans.
Will visit Okinawa for the first time this Summer. Please tell me her address.
1933 Uza, Yomitan Village, Nakagami District, Okinawa Prefecture.
Shiisaa Yaibiin
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100年生きてる ロリータ
ルビーの瞳 濡れたまつげの ヴァンパイアガール きゅんっ!
big lie
So we have:
Hibiki - bush idol
Haruka - butt idol
Iori - anal idol
What are the others for?
chihaya - killer idol
Takane- moon idol.
Yayoi- poor idol.
Yukiho- shovel idol
yayoi is the fertile idol. and what do shovel idol is supposed to mean?
i dont get it, i tought she was the closet pervert s\m idol.
Insane idol.
poke her poke her!
Is that true?
true as the colour of her hair.
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Will this thread last until Summer?
Spring maybe.
Hibiki makes me feel warm in a certain part of my body.
Careful biki, she bites!
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you gotta spank the biki into action
Gorgeous biki butt.
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anyone have optimized settings for running the fully updated, full DLC added, and english-patched imas OFA on RPCS3? it seems like no matter what I do the FMVs are running at 1 fps and the lives are all fucked up. I have an amd ryzen 5700X, 32 gb of ram, and an 8gb radeon RX 6600 gpu. I've tried the default settings and multiple "improve performance" RPCS3 guides on youtube as well as setting RPCS3 priority to High in the task manager
just get yourself a ps3
last time i tried it they had fixed the desync problem in lives which was the only real problem.
ill look at settings tomorrow
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start with a lower resolution scale
The biki is getting cold.
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but it's almost spring.
That dolphin is gonna rape her
Hibiki can 1v1 a dolphin.
biki got bonus damage against animals. she's an apex predator.
Very cold
frozen bush
bush popsicle
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Biki nipple!
Post more huge tit biki.
what the hell, how?
just winter fat, nothing to worry about.
Hibiki is so precious.
Thank you dear Biki for staying through the winter and reminding us of the promise of the warmth to come.
it's still winter, you bakabiki.
Thank you dear Biki for your huge bush.
What a lovely sight.
Thank you Hibiki!
Sailorbiki my beloved.
Imagine the combined smell.
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biki asking for tickles, how shameless. tickle tickle the biki.
>This is hot pantie
sexy open shorts
soft biki boobies
Why choose Hibiki over Haruka or Iori?
hibiki is a better dancer.
Hibiki is the one and only
>This is not pantie
Hibiki wants to play.
I want to play with her tits.
I'm not ready to say goodbye to biki's boobies :(
they must be ready for the summer by now
>>48480049 (OP)
I want to cum all over her.
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Does this looks ready to you?
delicious Biki pit sweat
dont forget to water your biki daily.
Thanks for visiting us Hibiki!
goodbye biki-chan
goodnight sweet biki
One last Biki Boobie for the road.
holy boobiki
Thank you for keeping us warm biki!
I'm going to miss the biki...

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