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Previous thread: >>48492533

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
hating yuzusoft does not make you cool
I want Uino route...
I like yuzusoft, but I also hate them because they always fuck their games up by adding some half-assed fantasy setting that never gets used to even 30% of its potential.
this + pointless drama + overused, recycled plotlines + barely any anal
Their games dont have threesomes so they are kusoge maker in my book
Never read any Yuzuslop. Never will. Simple as.
dracu riot has the coolest setting but I agree it could be much more.
I just booted up Majikoi and it told me merry christmas, checked and realized it is actually christmas. So I'm here. Merry kuri and happy holidays.
I read SeaBed and it was pretty good
>all ages
You should also remember to boot up Majikoi S on your birthday (assuming you input it during install).
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Merry Christmas
Wish they were smaller...
Thank you Sara.
Wait until you find out she has a complex because they are too small.
I already knew, and it annoys me.
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merikuri anon~
but Tenshin Ranman...
Joke endings don't really count.
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A bit late but I posted it
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cute suzakuin
Merry Christmas Anon!
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Now that's a plot twist
Why was Garden never finished?
Oh no?
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Any non-nukige VNs with a female protagonist who is usually nice and innocent, but can whore out in one of the routes?
Thanks in advance sirs
>killing can be justified as a moral necessity
Any VNs with this theme? Basically ones with the opposite of Muramasa's philosophy.
sneed this what game good sir
Finished Bansenjin, so now that's all of Senshinkan complete.

Bansenjin is a very strange VN. It feels inspired by F/HA - alternating between using a map to select characters for comedy scenes during the day and action/drama at night, one of the two new main heroines is a female version of and a descendent of one of the main antagonists of the previous VN, and there's a big twist involving bodily possession. My biggest problem with the VN is that while I really liked everything in it, there's a lot I wish got more time to be better fleshed out. Kriemheld is in literally two scenes, Inverted Cross Mark 2 is an actual palette swap and also stuck in only two scenes, and Fan Jinlong is cool as fuck and is a fucking incredible antagonist with a really interesting backstory, philosophy, and powerset, so I really wish he got to be in more than the last 5% of the VN. I mostly came out of it wishing this was Senshinkan 3 and Masada had made a VN about the Manchuria Incident that was Senshinkan 2.

All in all I really liked Senshinkan. Fun set of VNs, well worth reading if you like chuunige. Also, fuck you Masada, you seriously made me replay the game four times to get all the hidden medals to get the super secret bonus scenes for all the heroines and all Rinko gets is a gag scene where a bird shits on her?
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I don't think these all got posted here so if you or anyone else wants to read Masada's recent Senshinkan blog posts with G's extra drawings here they are.
Poor Nobuaki...not even invited...
Kira Kira
Late reply but no one ever mentions every time I look at the credits for a random MAGES game made after like 2010 it's almost all nukige writers even if it's the same guy providing the plot structure. I think occultic nine and anonymous code flopped too and the latter seemed like they actually tried with the budget
Will the giant finally wake up?
I hope it's not bait for gacha bullshit.
The last part of Bansenjin is amazing. But yeah there were some pretty obvious missteps that could have been easily missed. Keira also felt really underused.
Anyone got any suggestions for an engrossing VN for an early intermediate learner? Not really looking for anything pornographic.
I'm also gonna try Doki Doki Literature Club in Japanese, despite it being a Western game.
>I'm also gonna try Doki Doki Literature Club in Japanese,
don't, the blatant MTL is actually painful
Image to text ratio is so high that it's more like a colored manga with voice acting than a novel, which would make it way easier for you. Without exaggeration there's less than like 5 lines of narration it's all imagery and dialogue. Also has cute lolis with a few ecchi shots but no porn. No porn means they were able to hire big name anime VAs if you care about that. Overall story is kind of hard to care about but the individual scenes that make it up are really good so it's entertaining
I've started my Japanese journey with Sanoba Witch. Yuzusoft titles seem like a good way to get into the language.
obviously get a hooker
>not a fully formed from birth pure blooded jop
>all ages
>please wait 999 seconds before posting
I jerk off and the need for hookers vanishes
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The Emit Trilogy by Koei is a great choice for beginners.

I recommend against reading works translated into Japanese as an early learner. Japanese translations are in my experience often worse and less accurate than even typical English Translations.
I was ill on chrismas day, so I couldn't be there to hear my waifu say merry chistmas... I've never felt so lonely...
what if i dont want to read about a nigress
Youre already plnning on reading western slop, why not go all in on western ideology
i hate i don't have a quip to counter that
fuck you fag kys m8
fucking damn it i didn't expect to close out the year by losing a meme argument on 4chan this fucking badly over A FUCKING QUIP
understandable, I wouldn't want to read about your life either
you ruined it, it was so perfect up until this point
why are you like this? you are not getting upvotes here either for that low effort "please upvote this" bait
epic post, upvoted
thanks kind saar
Fair. I guess it was kind of silly of me to expect it to have anything other than a machine translation. Yeah, I'll probably skip it then because I'm trying to only really use content with natural Japanese.
I'll take a look at this. I can handle something a little more difficult though, by the looks of it.
I'll take a look at this as well as other Yuzusoft titles. I have a text hooker and all that set up already.
I'll check it out, thanks. Fairly straightforward setup?
This looks neat. I very much enjoyed my time in Okinawa. Been thinking about finding some content that takes place there.

Thanks, guys.
Unrelated but I'm actually annoyed how fucking awful most westoid game JP translations are, unironically even MTL would be better from how shit they can be.
One particular example that still sticks with me is trying to play one step to eden when I was first starting out and not only almost nothing in the menus lining up to how you would normally write them in japanese (and some being outright wrong), but basically all the card names being in raw katakana, making the game functionally unplayable if you try to read instead of going off images and prior game knowledge.
Why even bother at that point?
Heh, you can't even superimpose the actual meaning over the katakana in your mind? This is practically the first skillus superior MTLers learn when we replace mistranslated "he" with the correct "she".
You can't even figure that out? Huh Jop-virgin? how sad!
>Resolution 1024x576
Dangerously based
Looks like the new milk factory site is up. It is taking a LONG time to load, though. Maybe it'd be better to try after most of the Japanese aren't rushing the site.
You need more?
Have there been any good games with loli heroines released this year?
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how do I reduce eye strain?
Think you missed your search engine.
Read in better lighting.
Sleep + vitamin a (preferably from natural source).
Yep, we are back. Hopefully one of those is Dohna Dohna 2
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>Dohna Dohna 2
Yeah, good luck with that.
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Write a spoiler-free review anons
"it was all a dream" Sucks ass.
Stop reading in a dark ass room with a searing bright monitor in front of you.
Reduce the brightness of your monitor as low as you can handle until you actually start straining to read from how dark it is, then bump it back up 3-5 points (usually this will be in the 15-25 brightness of most monitors, the nits war of oled is a scam btw).
Then get one of those shitty meme night lights for kids, any kind of book reading lamp, or straight up RGoyB led strips, then turn them on and blast warm light around your room, anywhere will do, just NOT right behind the monitor (an actual lightbulb is too bright and will cause issues).
Aside from that it's just the usual combo meal of sunlight, looking at far away objects for 30 seconds every 30 minutes to stop eye muscle cramps long term, better diets, and not having a shit sleep schedule.
Freelancers can work in their previous home must fine
Gyokai does all-ages gacha now and Ittenchiroku already made a Dohna Dohna clone for another company (also all-ages). The only one that would potentially come back would be Dice, and the scenario was by far the worst part about Dohna Dohna.
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For real? I started reading it recently.
Make sure to watch Eidelweiss too if you like philosophy, they're very good VNs.
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Anyone played their other game カガミハラ/ジャスティス? It's on sw*tch sale too.
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BIG announcement
Everyone looks good except purple who looks like she's having a stroke.
Looks like AI garbage
Milk factory is hard carried by the format of their games which is really good and also the protagonists being hardcore womanizers. Imagine that redone with actually cute heroines and you'd have something
She's upset that she isn't actively turning her tits into B cups. I wonder if she's a test run for a smaller boob game or something.
>with actually cute heroines
Here you go >>48548777
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>AI filter
What happened?
It's not the Select Oblige artist, so it's time to downgrade back to that garbage art.
dont forget to join the sadpanda new year thread
madosoft target audience are not plot lovers they really shot themselves in the foot making their latest release that way (it's more plot oriented rather than moege), guess they had to make that anime and release that spin off in order to retain their audience
Looks worse than the maid one
The problem with Select Oblige is it tried to pivot to moege in the routes. The routes were largely terrible but the common route was really great. It was pretty disappointing, but a strong showing for a new studio. I hope they can focus on their strengths in future titles
I can only tell who the redhead is inspired by.
best version of portopia?
>I'm also gonna try Doki Doki Literature Club in Japanese
Why anyone ever play a game made by an ironyweeb that hates you and everything you stand for? It's beyond me.
Skill issue
Ensemble did fine
I agree that the routes are disappointing but the common route still show potential. I hope that madosoft do a plotge in one year and a moege in another year. No need to completely pivot in one way or another.
>is it tried to pivot to moege in the routes
How many moege feature karate duels with your evil half-sister?
there's people that pay for not-gay nukige with 3 times the male characters compared to the female ones.
Is there a nodisc patch for Oretsuba Prelude? I can't get the game running even when I mount the disc virtually.
found it in the archive
thanks buddy
Ah fucking hell, I'm about halfway through a VN when I just relalised its an enfored route VN and it doesn't give any choies on the first playhrough. I will NEVER play a heroine's route I don't want.
skill issue
This place is so dead, im going to /vn/
w-we have better quality discussion tho, we're smarter too!
some of us are actually busy reading eroge and not spamming the same shitpost over and over again like in /vn/
Ironyweeb bros...
Ironyweeb vinnie enjoyer bros... I'm not feeling too well.
Go read eroge and spend time with your current heroine instead of wanting to shitpost in an anonymous forum
But DDLC taught me (>>48546324) that dating sims are evil and I shouldn't like fictional characters.
i only read pre-2000 vinnies
Hehehe... Casual. post-2000 VNs are all escapist slop. Now the 1980s had real art, just like in anime and manga.
I'm doing both though
any good nukige with hag heroines?
There are like an ocean of those man just pick one
Try studio pork games.
to correct myself, i'm not referring to the standard mother or aunt type heroine but actual grandmother. i haven't found anything outside of like 2 or 3 games from appetite but since it's appetite i bet they are garbage
thanks anon, will check it out
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>studio pork
Stop eating buta inshallah.
>double ahoge
Why is she like this
do you guys also read good vinnies? or only stuff without en patches?
you know what ahoge represents? it's because she is double that
I enjoy those types of charas. Is she best girl?
Anything my MTL can handle is good enough for me.
She has no route mate.
this anon reads pork studio visual novelas
John Pork is a great developer, always enjoy his content.
>/uvng/ has fallen...
Ok I will play fuck you all
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my review: it's shit
not at all my brother, I'm a jopper just like you since nowadays I only read untranslated vinnies.
>She has no route mate.
We need to cancel the game for making a double ahoge chara without a route.
gotten to the point where i have to brute force my attention span and set a timer so all i do is read and do absolutely nothing else
i dont know how i got to this point but hope its fixable, i used be able to spend all day sitting just reading a vn
You're just losing interest in the stories, or the stories just aren't good. If it doesn't grab your attention immediately just skip to the interesting parts.
it's like this for everything, video games, books, manga, anime/shows
i cant stop alttabing and doing something else
I need to switch of my internet if I want to read anything
Are you doing all those things in the same room, on the same computer?
yes aside from books and manga which i use a tablet for
wonder why the fuck do irony faggots love that shit so much
What worked for me was bringing my tablet to my bedroom to read, no distractions, no computer, if I had a desire to mindlessly scroll youtube I would have had to go through the effort to get out my bed and enter a new room so that would keep me were I was.

You need to make doing the distracting thing more difficult or inconvenient to want to do, even just slightly. Changing scenery also adjusts you to a different mindset which can help.
Turn off your internet, get enough sleep, try lo limit outside distractions like noises and lighting (simply changing the position of your desk/laptop might be enough), take a break and do something else (with limited or no access to the internet) until you start wanting to read something.
Not him but thanks for the advice. I'm struggling recently with altabbing issues too.
If you're really desperate and want to stay in the same room and pc you could use coldturkey it's paid tho
Would anyone here know how would rezero (ln or wn) compare in difficulty to something like masada
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Can't seem to find any good recap about what's coming in 2025, are any of those true? Innogrey, doko?
黒白のアヴェスター should come out 2025
Baldr reboot by the now defunct Giga, really?
do you niggers actually find it hard to focus on media when you want to? is the zoomie AHDH this fucking bad?
It kinda makes me realize why he never goes where i want him to go in his works

I'm betting on a new mobilçe/gacha shit or worse an all ages shit
Both parts or only the first one? Supposedly, the first one should have come out in 2023...
I want to believe, but something feels wrong with how the whole thing is going.
The first one. They got back to working on it this year and just have bug fixes left.
I've got like 50 VNs in my drive and only enough time to finish one a month, and that's if I concentrate all my efforts on it. I'm almost regretting getting into the medium, I always have a good time but it's a massive timesink.
Yeah it's crazy how long a good VN is compared to multiple arcs of a good manga
No different than your average book, both take the same amount of time for me.
It shouldn't take you more than 2 days for medium 3 for long. (SO long as you're only pursuing one heroine as you should, you're not a filthy cheater are you? You wouldn't make your waifu cry finding out you fuck other girls right?)
Reading a good VN is superior to the vast majority of ways people typically kill time. Don't feel bad.
See the good side
Once they get banned or once the internet shuts down you will have years of entertainment saved for you to enjoy
Well, you could be wasting time on shittier media like the usual anime, ongoing manga or modern video game trash instead.
Untranslated VNs is the superior medium because they are generally complete stories and you can learn more advanced Japanese while you're at it as well. Besides real books, everything else to consume is an opportunity lost on the latter case.
japanese media shitter than VNs is still better than "real books"
untranslated LNs, untranslated anime, untranslated manga and untranslated Japanese games are so superior to "real books" it's not even funny.
I thought Asimov's foundatinon series was pretty good.
Still lower than Japanese media, and some VN/LN probably does its themes better anyway.
Hm, guess you're right. Looking at all my favourited fiction the highest ones are all JP LNs and 2 Chinese web novels.
Don't you love how despite being a super niche medium, and the english discussion of untranslated japanese media being even more more rare, we somehow still get cancer like this on a weekly basis?
when does fsn get good?
Haha... sorry, it doesn't.
Was my first VN so I thought it was amazing from start to finish. Have to reread it sometime.
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yeah i did some research and indeed it was peak on launch, but nowadays it's kinda mid ngl
Does it filter by untranslated rating?
none of those were translated at launch
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Recently i finally finished "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky. I read half of it in Africa, and the other half here in Denmark.
Let me tell you, if you ever wondered why Poccnrs are the way they are, this book explains everything. Prince Myshkin? A "hero" who stumbles around like a Poccnr tourist, clueless and causing disasters everywhere he goes. They call him an idiot, but honestly, he fits right in with the poccnr hedA.

Then there’s Nastasya Filippovna, the ultimate Poccnr diva. She’s either throwing money into fires or sprinting into the arms of lunatics like it’s a national sport. And Rogozhin? Oh, just your typical Poccnr Romeo obsessed, creepy, and probably carrying a knife in his pocket just in case. Ganya? He’s like the Poccnr cousin no one invites to family gatherings because he’s always whining about how unfair life is while contributing nothing.

And Dostoevsky? My man really sat down and thought, “How many pages of pure Poccnr suffering can I cram into one book?”
Reading this was like watching a Poccnr soap opera, except everyone is sad, drunk, or about to die sometimes all three at once.

In the end, The Idiot is less of a novel and more of a guide to Poccnr misery. If this is their idea of a "classic," then としあき is better off sticking to good, sensible German authors. At least we know how to write about life without crying into a bowl of borscht every five minutes.

I r8 it 5 out of 10.
>i lost all hope there
Why did you even have hope to lose? They'll praise whatever is acceptable in the moment and turn on it when it's no longer profitable to them. Or even if they remain loyal to it it won't be because it's a part of Japanese media, but because they think it's a "deconstruction" that initially presents itself as a "slop media" or whatever.
i know that "popular = 100iq" but for example when looking at old mal's top 10, it was mostly nostalgiaslop like fmab (which is cringe but understandable if it was your first anime and you watched it on launch) and after that niche show that are actually good

but then frieren came out, and it's STILL #1, with neither recency nor nostalgia bias (unlike slop like oshi no ko and bocchi or whatever) so i literally can't find a single explaination that doesn't involve normies being literal cattle with no taste
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>losing hope with the frieren anime
>and not with the manga being so low effort actual literal AIslop may have been preferable
the only reason it's not gookshit tier is because the mangaka SOMETIMES actually draws objects and background NPCs instead of having everything be an unity store asset 3d model
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Dostoevsky was a proto-VN script writer though.
are there unironically any manga worth reading for elitists like us?

wasn't g senjou basically crime and punishment?
But only ironyweebs call any Japanese media slop.
Let's not pretend vns are better when fucking Jeweha was the undisputed vn of the year when it released
Unless you just want to speedread it to get some examples to use in your imagination, no.
Just stick to the source material, especially given you already know japanese.
The manga industry has been in the shitter since the early 10s and it's only getting increasingly worse and worse now, especially after the ironygger crash that konosuba caused.
and what about linnies?
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AI will truly will bring death to the visual medium
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Bocchi is otaku media. Don't insult it. You can't let the cattles dictate your dislike of any Japanese media.
Never was, jeweha is and will always be shit.
Unironically just VNs without VAs or music depending on what and where you look.
Sadly due to having a lower entry it's full of ironygger trash, thankfully it's a double edged sword because you can get kino from schizos that can't make VNs, but also the trash tends to never last more than 3 volumes unless normalgroids cling to it, so sorting the chaff from the good is actually rather easy, especially if you avoid mainstream garbage like the aforementioned konosuba.
This makes me wonder, who's the most quoted proto otaku writer in otaku media?
bocchit is a failed normalfag that desperately wants to be a proper normalfag
while their love to music and performance is commendable, their normalniggery is not
somehow the blue bitch ends up being far more "otaku" than the pink attention whore schizo
we like monogatari linnies, yes?
>it's full of ironygger trash
Some examples? I wonder how VNs have been mostly avoiding this cancer and how the future countermeasures to it would look like.
>I want to be le normal
Is this not a common theme? Are you going to say K-On! isn't otaku now because the characters aren't otaku?
nta but the main reason vinnies filter normies it's not the sus content (normies LOVE thinly veiled incest and other safe horny shit) but their length. anything above 10h is gatekept because nobody has the attention spam to read all that, and unlike serialized media where you can stay "updated" you get the whole thing all at once so it's very overwhelming for adhd zoomer
>Some examples?
Oh boy throw a stone in the room dedicated to wacky parody isekai and you will hit three series.
> I wonder how VNs have been mostly avoiding this cancer
Higher barrier of entry, any rando can write something on the WN sites and get lucky with a publisher, especially now that everyone is sharking the waters to chip away at kadokawa's monopoly.
But a VN? That takes more effort than a normalnigger is ever willing to do.
>and how the future countermeasures to it would look like.
Thankfully it's largely a self-solving problem because the people that would make normalfag slop like that also tend to not have the drive to see it all the way through.
LNs got breached during covid because everyone was stuck in their homes but that bubble popped by 2022, and these days the market is so cutthroat that soulless ironytrash is simply not cutting it anymore.
The fact you have to call Bocchi what is effectively just aliexpress K-On, which in turn was just bootleg Lucky Star somehow not raise any self awareness red flags?
i really don't want hate on bocchi but it WAS a fotm, and it's main selling point was the "she's literally me!" protagonist. not saying it's bad or not worth watching, but it slop
>call Bocchi
I didn't call it K-On! but now you're getting too ironic by demeaning K-On!, hating on any sincere otaku media is a sign that the virus is attacking you.
>placing weight on western cattle opinions
see >>48556663
I mean it is what it is.
FSN may be one of those I like regardless because of nasu's particular strain of autism (and I will even double down and say I like FGO's story, even if I don't play it), but at the end of the day it was FOTM, and it was something a lot of irony monkeys clung to alongside Tsukihime.
bocchi isn't sincere, unlike lucky star also slop but SOVL or k-on

girls band cry had way more sincere that bocchi and look! normies ignored it completely, how strange
>irony monkeys
Why are they informing your views of a work? Isn't it insane to form your opinions based on western cattle? How is this not the same irony virus that causes one to turn on something one sincerely loved because of external factors.
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i still think that's understandable, tsukihime was also peak on release, it's not people's fault that there was nothing better out there so the standards were pretty low

but slop like frieren outranking logh? truly baffling
I'd respectfully suggest to lay down the irony, you're heading towards a very dangerous path.
>slop but SOVL
meant for >>48556669
>tsukihime was also peak on release,
And it still is the exact same work. It could only become worse relative to better works being released, not because of becoming popular among a certain crowd.
Are you the bocchi/kita spammer?
Fuck you and your bocchishit shilling i watched it last month and dropped it after i realized it was watamote for zoomers and unironically made me hate zoomers even more.
>girls band cry
Didn't it literally mention "those folx" in one of the first episodes?
>And it still is the exact same work.
and it's still mid for today's standards, and it will only get worse.
For me it was when Shitgeki no fagjin got big.
I knew it was all downhill from then.
Why are you trying to imply shit being liked by normalgroids somehow affects me? It does not, and it neither should affect you.
It is simply stating a fact, nothing more.
huh... weird how it's right...
you mean when normies ate about anything from s4 onwards? i wasn't surprised there desu
>It is simply stating a fact
But Japanese media is superior and never slop. Slop is western content.
Not that anon, but the original Tsukihime is still fucking great and awesome to read. I reject the "for today's standands" types of claims. Its scenario is up there with the best in the medium.
>for today's standards
Because we should adapt to modern American tastes, amiright fellow otakus?
Japanese do make slop>>48548777
>Why are you trying to imply shit being liked by normalgroids somehow affects me? It does not, and it neither should affect you.
nobody is saying that "normies like x therefore it's slop". it's more "x is slop so normies will eat it up"

>Slop is western content.
no, slop is anything soulless and not kino. japan creates tons of slop, look at seasonal anime
>Japanese do make slo
>japan creates tons of slop
Is it ironyweeb raid hour yet?
It's the same, am I right fellow otakus?
>slop, Japan
>but the original Tsukihime is still fucking great and awesome to read.
You can't say that! You have to realize it's slop but that you only like it because of nostalgia. That's a mature and smart reason to like a work.
it's not about america, it's about the evolution of human culture. look at >>48556688

afaik none of those were translated for a while, and the previous "best" localized game was SNATCHER from 10 years ago. and then tsukihime drops and of course it becomes fucking peak. same goes for stuff like yu-no (top 5 on egs i think), ever17 (top 5 on bangumi), fsn, etc... all those were unironic peaks at launch

but in 2025? there are dozens of vinnies who are at least twice better than tsukihime. not saying it's not worth reading, but saying that it's still peak post s;g/umineko/wa2/subahibi/etc (regardless of personal tastes) is just cope
Westoid concept.
Westoid buzzword.
Are we getting raided again?
NTA but some anime are completely anti-otaku and made for ironic weebs
the most eop post itt
what a horrible thread
>and these are the people calling something "slop"
lmao even
kek, if you will
f/a/g is leaking
They lose their anime status if they become anti-otaku.
Now I really believe that any hatred of Japanese media celebrated by otaku is just veiled ironyweebery.
all pre-2012 (aka pre-aot), cope harder nostalgiacuck
*sensible chuckle.jpeg*
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concession accepted
report them, maybe try the contact us to alert someone about how shit the thread is, something will eventually work
Finally an intelligent reader who sees through the otaku pandering and challenges his mind with dark and new concepts. I applaud you, kind stranger.
I never said I disagree with that statement.
I do agree with it.
That was not what I said, dumb monkey.
I said it's FOTM, nothing more.
are we getting raided again?
>I do agree with it.
Sorry. I was just getting heated because of people calling core otaku media slop.
>80 posts in half an hour
What do you think?
Unironically this. If you're not willing to die defending anything pro otaku against attacks by westerners then you're just another ironybro.
>i lost all hope there
apply this to any otaku medium.
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>is just veiled
i was going to make a quip over >thinly
but you didn't even say that at all
this annoying kind of definition shifting is sadly something westoids specialize in, like how the definition of "woke" is intentionally kept as vague as humanly possible
while i agree with your sentiment, i would rather still call them anime for better and for worse
i simply call them trash for race traitors instead
>i would rather still call them anime for better and for worse
Yeah I was being needlessly hyperbolic, it's still anime at the very least because of the artistic value. But that shouldn't give us license to call Japanese media with words reserved only for westoid content.
I am reading 桜の詩, after 5 hours I am sick of 圭
but why tho, that's part of it's charm
>eop screenshot
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But anon... screens aren't 本
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Japanes is such a cute language.
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haha yeah that totally happens to me
>Could read it and understand it almost perfectly.
>Except for the のって which I have no fucking idea what it means.
stop using anki
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Haruki would scold you for this post.
Can I play it just for her?
>I base my opinions on "normies" (sic) and not the otaku values of the works
Woah, ironyweebs?
Why are you replaying to a 14 month old post?
Gotta love how these raiders can never fit in and their language gives them away
no idea why is it so consistent either
is it unironically some kind of mind cancer fuckery or something?
What are you currently reading?
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still Celenaria, hit a bit of a slump since the plot meanders around without a very clear sense of direction, but it captures the 冒険 spirit very well.
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natsukumo still, haven't had much time for eroge lately
I finally got around to reading oretsuba.
Nobody told me that it's actually a cringe comedy about the most autistic man in the world failing to hold basic conversations.
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I needed a gyaru bitch
I miss pakopakosoft.
I know they're back from the dead but their new games are bad so they're still dead to me.
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The new doujin game by the ryuusei world actor/koichoco artist. For their first game it's really impressive.
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Play it for HER
Sayooshi but worse
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Finished Vizal Diary, It's a good vn. The game starts a bit slow because it's just an info dump about the world, the h-scene where you unlock it after reading certain parts of the game, and sol scenes about the protagonist living in his beloved city. After that, the game turned into chuuniutsuge

Lamunation/Dohna Dohna composer is debuting as a scenario writer
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How difficult is Dies Irae to read? Will I ruin the experience if I read it with inadequate comprehension, or is it one of those media you can return to many times and gain something new?
>or is it one of those media you can return to many times and gain something new?
I'd argue for this, but there's nothing like the first read through. Everything is so mysterious, you have no idea where people stand or where things are going.
>is it one of those media you can return to many times and gain something new?
In a way, re-reading dies irae over and over and over and over is the most accurate way to read dies irae.
Too "difficult" for you, that's for sure.
This. If you have to ask then it's too difficult for you or at least you're not confident enough to just read it without self doubt.
I'm not necessarily concerned with difficulty, since a difficult text just means you need to spend more time to understand it (anything is comprehensible if you have enough time), but with the question of whether a subpar first reading will ruin this particular VN, since I have a bad habit of saving the "best" VNs for when my reading is perfect and reading boring moege instead of what I want to read, leading to dropping them and just starting the cycle again.
I would not read this unless you're like 10 years into Japanese or feel 100% confident. Even 1% of not understanding things takes away a lot from the experience.
the mc makes my pp hard but it looks mid af
>NPC japan
Give it a try for the first chapters at least and see if you enjoy it and dont feel like "wasting" the experience. At some point you will have to butcher a bit some novels to improve anyways.
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This was a boring VN, with very dumb characters who literally couldn't put 1+1 together when all the evidence was right infront of them. It probably has an interesting mystery story to it but I skipped it all because I didn't want to be on a fourced route. The girls are interesting tho.

A few heroines deliberately lie and decieves the MC, for... apparently no real reason, drama? It's right infront of the MC's eyes and is to any sane person incredibly obvious what's going on, it just doesn't make for a fun story and the heroine's who's supposed to be the main character has nobody but herself to blame that I don't want to associate with a deceptive woman.

Also atleast on the route I played you get scammed, your waifu recoveres lost memories from her future self and she loses her innocent demenour from there on.], it's kinda okay because all the romantic development has already happened by then, Also it's annoyingthat they didn't spend the time to age up the characters appropriately.
>but I skipped it all
Imagine giving your thoughts on anime VN and expect to be taking seriously while saying that
Then they shouldn't have made it enforced playing order. Have they completely forgotten what VN are about? letting you CHOOSE your waifu. I'm not playing their stupid game and cheating on my favoured girl with some other useless sluts just because they say so.
What you're saying makes no sense unless you only play games with your wife (singular) in it. If you dislike enforced routes just drop it.
It makes perfect sense. Nobody likes forced anything.
i like forced routes
concession accepted
I guess it's easier to get mad at people who want to talk about vns than to actually talk about vns, is this /v/?
Looks cool, I'll check it out.
You're kidding, most VNs are like 5 books+ long
Just read faster
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Okay it wasn't first, only 2nd thanks to henpri
Would've been vnoty 2022 if henpri hadn't been delayed
I read VNs slower because voice acting and I don't like skipping the audio
Then read the unvoiced parts faster.
Are the H scenes in Monobeno like Maitetsu, in a separate menu and disconnected from the story?
made me insta drop the game
poor soul
it is known
But VNs have more dialogue relative to non-dialogue than books, because visuals do part of the narration work..
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Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?
No, but at least I had a good time rereading some VNs.
not a fan of slop
Stop faling in love with gyarus and find yourself a yamato nadeshiko
This, not reading yuzu soft or milk factory.
same, if she has tits larger than a cup just throw it in the trash
>23 votes 7.06 average
Found the issue. BTW, Is this game a moege?
I'm not well versed in -ge types, but I think it would be more charage probably, it's got a amnesia themed mystery story which every girl seems to have some part in, but the MC is oblivious as hell the the obvious hints.
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THIS, read a 9.11 average vinny instead
>My Japanese is finally good enough
>go to EGS
>can't connect
how do I use that shit site? Do I really have to contact the admin to ask him to whitelist my IP?
Who are you quoting?
Use Tor.
meeiidoooos the fujoshits are leaking outside of /blog/ agaaain...
It works. Thanks!
how is this so far? was interested in picking it up because of the tags
Yeah just ask him on twitter
He was nice and whitelisted me. I should have done it way earlier instead of dicking around with VPNs and proxies and shit
How exactly are you supposed to play nukgies? Do I turn it off after the H-scene is done and I fapped? And save the transition to the next scene for the next time? Or am I supposed to play the transition to the next scene after I fap? Are you supposed to fap once per H-scene or once per two? Sometimes an H-scene is too short for one fap, but then sometimes it's just too long. What about when the protag cums multiple times in one scene? Are you meant to as well?
Are you supposed to be not fapping at any point while playing or are you meant to play it even if you aren't fapping? Are you supposed to stop when the H-scene isn't on?

I'm pretty sure I've been doing it wrong all this time.
You're supposed to edge yourself for hours all the way through
I can't do this anymore, RIP
just do what you want
New Asapro OP
They really need to hire some better colorists because even after hiring some good artists like the Giga Kiss series artist it still looks like shit.

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