This is Shimmy!
>>48555895looks tiny.
Protect and nurture Shimmy.
>>48555895This is also Shimmy.
The Inchling Princess of the Shining Needle Sword has many adventures!So exciting!
>>48556804This cannot be...
>>48556804big shimmies
>>48558828she's a big eater. all that food must go somewhere.
>>48558828Effect of the mallet.
>>48555895Made for bullying and abuse.
>>48555895Purple>>48556804Magenta>>48558841Blue>>48558905RedQuick /jp/, without looking it up.What's Shinmyoumaru's eye color?
>>48559092i thought they were light red or light purple and apparently they're both true.
What is her opinion of big people? Mere tools to be used, or true friends?
>>48562907Sources of heat during winter
This is peak Shimmy.
>>48563874It's not allowed for a small girl to love a bigger.
>>48563910>It's not allowedStop. You're just making Seija more turned on.
>>48562907the smelly jaku needs to buy a bra
shimmy be comfy
>>48562907Squirmy dildo for when bored.
>>48564822>>48562907I would definitely end up doting on her
>>48570431A small gift from you would be massive for her!
>>48576083My dream is to take the inchming to try out various toys, doll houses, pirate ships, model trains, RC cars and the like.Would she enjoy it or find it patronizing I wonder...
>>48579079Depends on how you present it.
>>48579079That's a nice dream, as long there's an adventure i'm sure shimmy would gladly jump on it.
Sukuna Shinmyoumaru, launching!
>>48582615mechamusume shimmy!
>>48586556the best shinmy webmplease continue to post it in the future in every shinmy thread
This is my favorite Shinmy image, and I post it in every Shinmy thread. It has just the right amount of creative bullying without going into outright murderous territory.
Sukuna has a very small fanbase
>>48562907Man Shimmy's not what I'm looking at
>>48599031Shinmy POV:
>>48599031While all I provided was a request for the image I still feel proud of myself for thinking of the idea.Next we need an action shot of her running through a field of them as they go off behind her.
Rest in peace Shimmythread
>>48609333you baka, bump it properly
Be gentle bumping Shinmy, she could die
i softbumped her, i swear it!
Don't hold back when bumping Shinmy, she can take it!
Even the kitties lick Shinmy very much!
>>48599031Why is she being attacked by shivering condoms?
>>48618477Those are little rubber poppers. They’re domes that you turn inside out, and they snap back either over time or when you touch them. So, to Shinmy, they're land mines.
a cute. cute!!!!!!
She may have used the mallet to make herself bigger first, but after that she has only used it to help others!Is there any other hu as pure hearted and kind as this tiny inchling?!
>>48626255>>48630623She looks full of impure thoughts!
>>48631803I wonder why that is?
>>48631802>uses the mallet to make herself human sized>uses it to make me tiny>teases me with her cute feet
>>48632364Who are you quoting degenerate?
>>48632165There's a serious question of balance here
>>48632364The inchling would never abuse her power to bully the weak.
>>48638732well said.
>>48640999Ah, young love. Cute.
My inchling princess cant be this cute!
>>48641604small is cute, and she's just an inch.
I want to treat her like a pet but I wonder if she'd get annoyed by getting pet so much or picked up and carried around.
>>48648186I think it would depend on her level of trust with you like in>>48564822Low trust: she'd probably wanna stay autonomous, maybe you could carry her in her bowl.High trust: put her in your front shirt pocket so she can curl up against you and go to sleep.
>>48648252I shall be a mighty chariot for her.
>>48648186>>48648252>>48648286Carrying her around wherever she wants, who is the pet now?
>>48653969she looks a bit chubby here. maybe it's time for a diet.
>>48654042A diet of more of the same!!!
>>48659317Evil Shimmy up to no good
>>48659329She's gonna fucking GET you
>>48661047Looks like Seija has a reddit hat
>>48559092Purple in DDC, red in the fighting games. I prefer red.
>>48664565Look at her tiny little socks
Do you think she gives good bodyjobs
>>48680307This made me realize how often she's depicted as barefoot.
>>48688986it's not easy to find socks for inchlings.
>>48688986Tiny little feet, stepping all over me
>>48690436This does NOT happen
>>48691570Why not?
Shinmy is a cute
What's her endgame?
>>48700918Shinyamaru Shinyameowru Shinyameowmrr Pspsnyameowmrr
>>48703725>Shinyameowruthis one is good.
>>48709098Cute lesbians
>>48709657Aa usual you have no idea what you are talking about, Seija is an amanojaku.
>>48558828We explained this a while back, a tiny creature like Shimmy must be able to store a relatively large percentage of her bodyweight as fat, and rapidly gain and lose it. Otherwise she would starve very quickly.
>>48714719small creatures often have a fast metabolism.
You've 1ccd her game right? :3
>>48724680what a bad tengu reporter, she didnt even mention the winner.
Imagine the look of awe and confusion on reimu and friends face after they see you with your tiny pregnant wife shimmy
>>48724934I wonder if inchling/human children will be infertile like mules.
>>48724803Winning is just being first. Being a star is about the good story. And in this regard, Shimmy simply beat everyone else.
>>48727475Nothing a visit to Eientei couldn't fix if there is a problem
>>48724934I think they'd be more confused on why she became a blood splatter on the wall anon
>>48728510anon, inchling women are VERY stretchy
She knows how to have fun in the snow!
>>48737281Little qt
>>48555895Noted thanks.
>>48741461note better
>>48733385Shinmy strong...
10,000 years of Shinmyoumaru
>>48747391lot of years for such a tiny princess
>>48748661Heaven lasts long and earth abides. What is the secret of their durability? Is it because they are so small and cute that they can live so long?
>>48751773>Is it because they are so small and cute that they can live so long?it does work with puppies and kittens, i guess it can work with inchlings too.
A Shimmy artist I follow mentions reading stuff in the Narratograph about the inchling and the castle. say stuff like the castle has been abandonned and is around the bamboo forest. Also that Shinmyoumaru had become very childish.Any idea what they're talking about? I don't see any mention of that in the narratograph english pdf that's around.
>>48758999I may be wrong, but I believe an expansion for the Narratograph was released sometime this week (Monday?) I think it was adding DDC characters, among other things, so maybe that's what he's referring to.
>>48758999>>48759361I must live under a fuckin rockWhen did this narratograph come out?
>>48759361Oh shit, any idea if some parts are written by ZUN too? The castle being abandoned makes me sad, but I guess a traveling princess doesn't stick to one place. Still though...
>>48759478Narratograph is the tabletop RPG that came out a while back.ZUN wrote some blurbs and character quotes for the guide. You can check it out here.
>>48759539NeatThanks for the link anon
>>48759539I think he wrote the blurbs for the locations so that Shinmy info about the castle could be technically canonI remember in the base game he wrote some new info about Mayohiga such as it being built before the human village and having been a private estate
>>48760385I wonder if we could host /jp/ gamenight sessions for Gensokyo Narratograph actually. It'd certainly be something seeing /jp/sies roleplay as Touhou characters
>>48767996qt shimmy
Believe it or not, this is canon and on model Shinmyoumaru
>>48768557Gonna put her in my mouth now.
>>48768557she does get lazy in winter, but not this much.
>>48773250Delicious shimmy ass
I'm still torn up that we'll never get a conclusion to Vector Spectacle
>>48777666Why won't we get one? ;_;
>>48780456it's been 6 years since the last chapter was releasedIt's fucking over, bro
>>48782918Any other recommended Shinmyoumaru doujinshi?
>>48773265I am going to vore that creature.
>>48787569shimmy, you're a few months late.
>>48792578nice boobies
>>48789414Shimmy drinking that beer as if it's going to make it human-sized
>>48795100>her human-sized*
>>48792578That jaku has implants!
>>48797388The Shinmy Shimmy
Don't die motherfucker...I wanna...I wanna live
>>48810579s-shimmy would never use such language!
>>48810596Shimmy called me a faggot (╥﹏╥)
>>48814721that was shammy, shimmy's evil twin.
>>48814735Hey yo Shammers, hey man wassup?Oh man i'm just getting ready for my BBQ this weekendOH BBQ? What will you have at this BBQ?Oh dawg I think you already know.Uh- MANMEAT!? Aw- WHAAAT?
The inchling bought a car!
>>48820884next time better use the mallet on the car.
Your hot choccy, Anon
Shimmy's the big one now!
>>48821018Oppai Shinmy a best
>>48823369She made herself bigger.
>>48825617How the fuck can she lift the miracle mallet?
>>48825658Well it is an ancient inchling artifact I'm guessing she's attuned to it somehow.
>>48825658Shimmy stronk!
>>48777666Unironically the greatest love story never told.
>>48830609Seija reversed her petite body! Shimny must fix this injustice!
>>48830232Shinmy taking Seija back to the Shinmy colony to be dismembered and eaten.
>>48570431I would definitely end up doing her.
>>48843506How are you supposed to mating press this flea?
>>48840960lots of food for a small princess
>>48727475Only one way to find out.
>>48833968I think you mean to become their new queen and forced to breed and give birth endlessly.
>>48846623With clear intent and blazing determination.
>>48846623>get her to enlarge herself with the mallet>take mallet away>plap plap plap plap
shinmy shimmy shimny shimimi
>>48820884JP practice turned into typesetting practice
>>48850475>>48846623She shrinks you smaller than herself with the mallet and uses you like a dildo
>>48848722Come on, she's waiting for the guests.
Shews growing!
>>48809196>>48866257actually she's getting smaller!
It'sa her!
Take her hand!
uh oh
>>48890967Biggest ant
>>48890967I want to be hugged and cuddled by big Shimmy
>>48903270Reimu is a menace for letting this happen.
>>48903274It's fine, she called for help.
>>48555957No, bully and abuse Shimmy.
<Happy valentine's day!!!>
Meaty Shimmy.
>>48911307will she be my valentine?
>>48913022I'm jealous I wanna pick up big shim
>>48916759you mean your valentiny
Girls are enjoying Reimu's lap
>>48930711Two of my top five hu's
>>48930746I, too, am partial to Koakuma and Aya.
>>48930759That's nice
>>48913022This is an absolute fucking onahole.
>>48944336That's not advisable.
>>48949579Someone should tell her that the slide moves back. It's probably going to do very bad things to her arm.
>>48949579this cant end well.
>>48949925Her arm, her shoulder, and probably her head, considering she’s practically got a cheek weld. And that’s a Deagle, so it’s probably chambered for some ridiculous magnum cartridge.
>>48947403Canon lesbians
MG MG MG shinmy
>>48955183Fat fuck
>>48949579She doesn't have the GUTS to use it
>>48555895Protect and nurture Shimmy.
>>48994563Someone post the one where it's Shinmy combing her let down hair
>>49000280Thank you ^_^
if I ever had to pick a 2hu to live with IRL, it'd be shimmy
>>49006602she's low maintenance.
>>49006602I wish I could live with Shimmy, but I own two cats.
>>49006656Shimmy wouldn't bother your cats, she coexists with a hell cat in canon.
>>49011544mounted catvalry
>>49011544>>49013910A cataphract!
>>49014286nice one.
>>48762555I would love to participate in that if it became reality.
>>49006602Yeah she'd be pretty chill. I'd be worried about accidentally stepping on her or something
>>49020818Pretty likely you will honestly
>>49020818She will deathbomb your foot, and you'll never make that mistake again!
Summer with Shimmy
>>49014286Hehehe i geddit
>>49021955tfw you have to go back to the Shinmy shelter because your kid stepped on the one you adopted and broke its back
Shimmy is too small to reach the keyboard to bump her thread...
>>49031540epic battle
How did such a small 2hu get such a big thread?
>>49037991small size, big heart.
>>49037991She did lewd favors for us so that we'd bump her thread