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This is Shimmy!
looks tiny.
Protect and nurture Shimmy.
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This is also Shimmy.
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The Inchling Princess of the Shining Needle Sword has many adventures!

So exciting!
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This cannot be...
big shimmies
she's a big eater. all that food must go somewhere.
Effect of the mallet.
Made for bullying and abuse.

Quick /jp/, without looking it up.
What's Shinmyoumaru's eye color?
i thought they were light red or light purple and apparently they're both true.
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What is her opinion of big people? Mere tools to be used, or true friends?
Sources of heat during winter
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This is peak Shimmy.
It's not allowed for a small girl to love a bigger.
>It's not allowed
Stop. You're just making Seija more turned on.
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the smelly jaku needs to buy a bra
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shimmy be comfy
Squirmy dildo for when bored.
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I would definitely end up doting on her
A small gift from you would be massive for her!
My dream is to take the inchming to try out various toys, doll houses, pirate ships, model trains, RC cars and the like.
Would she enjoy it or find it patronizing I wonder...
Depends on how you present it.
That's a nice dream, as long there's an adventure i'm sure shimmy would gladly jump on it.
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Sukuna Shinmyoumaru, launching!
mechamusume shimmy!
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the best shinmy webm
please continue to post it in the future in every shinmy thread
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This is my favorite Shinmy image, and I post it in every Shinmy thread. It has just the right amount of creative bullying without going into outright murderous territory.
Sukuna has a very small fanbase
Man Shimmy's not what I'm looking at
Shinmy POV: https://youtu.be/kUav4hsldBE?t=74
While all I provided was a request for the image I still feel proud of myself for thinking of the idea.
Next we need an action shot of her running through a field of them as they go off behind her.
Rest in peace Shimmythread
you baka, bump it properly
Be gentle bumping Shinmy, she could die
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i softbumped her, i swear it!
Don't hold back when bumping Shinmy, she can take it!
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Even the kitties lick Shinmy very much!
Why is she being attacked by shivering condoms?
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Those are little rubber poppers. They’re domes that you turn inside out, and they snap back either over time or when you touch them. So, to Shinmy, they're land mines.
a cute. cute!!!!!!
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She may have used the mallet to make herself bigger first, but after that she has only used it to help others!
Is there any other hu as pure hearted and kind as this tiny inchling?!
She looks full of impure thoughts!
I wonder why that is?
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>uses the mallet to make herself human sized
>uses it to make me tiny
>teases me with her cute feet
Who are you quoting degenerate?
There's a serious question of balance here
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The inchling would never abuse her power to bully the weak.
well said.
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Ah, young love. Cute.
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My inchling princess cant be this cute!
small is cute, and she's just an inch.
I want to treat her like a pet but I wonder if she'd get annoyed by getting pet so much or picked up and carried around.
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I think it would depend on her level of trust with you like in
Low trust: she'd probably wanna stay autonomous, maybe you could carry her in her bowl.
High trust: put her in your front shirt pocket so she can curl up against you and go to sleep.
I shall be a mighty chariot for her.
Carrying her around wherever she wants, who is the pet now?
she looks a bit chubby here. maybe it's time for a diet.
A diet of more of the same!!!
Evil Shimmy up to no good
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She's gonna fucking GET you
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