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Remember to ignore the retard and post more of the extremley cute Taters!
At least there is no single futafag here.
Taters naizuri
Sometimes i find it cute when girls make cute innocent shy poses like that.
Then it occurs to me that such girls are usually on their 7th or 8th boyfrien, with a body count of 20+ at least and I get disgusted. He he you pretend to be an innocent maiden but more men have seen you naked than 4 generations of women that you decsnded from - combined. Stop trying to be cute you whore.
Hatate is cute and beautiful and a wonderful partner and all her current boyfriends agree with me.

t. her husband
Ha, pfft. Hahaaa. Psshhh.
Agreed my fellow supreme gentleman.
Not much fanart of Hatate have been posted since the beginning of this year. Did something happened to her on Youkai Mountain?
Taters giga paizuri
Being on smaller side fits Hatate better.
up yours, incel
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Look at this Hata
No that's Megumu's job
Go twerk in front of thirsty lowlifes and get fucked by them like the whore you are
nice thigh
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The Taters is so cute! She looks adorable with this style.
Looks like a typical Jirai Kei.
I think jirai kei is more elaborate no? Either way she looks amazing with it as well.
Well, Hatate has a long tradition of being associated with land-mine girls before fashion for such girls had even appeared.
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Slow day, huh?
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Hatate is a nice girl. She's a lot more friendly and approachable than Aya, who always seems like she's just trying to butter you up or fish for blackmail material. Having a tengu buddy I can text and share pictures with sounds comfy.
>She's a lot more friendly and approachable than Aya
Then why doesn't Hatate come to Human Village? To me it seems that Hatate simply gets along other Tengu better.
>Then why doesn't Hatate come to Human Village?
she's a bit shy around human men.
What about Tengu men?
they're boring and pretentious.
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Very true! She isn't a racist snob too, so even if you don't understand all the intricacies of tengu etiquette she wouldn't start calling you a pale monkey like some other tengu.
Would be nice to go drinking with her.
What's Hatate's taste in alcohol?
probably lightweight stuff like beer, not too bitter. i cant strike her as a good drinker, i bet she's down after a couple of sips.
>i cant strike her as a good drinker, i bet she's down after a couple of sips.
Hatate might prefer softer drinks as a matter of tastes, but she's a Tengu, they have absurd alcohol tolerance.
i refuse to believe hatate can outdrink me. megumu? sure. aya? maybe. but hatate? my pride couldnt take it.
>aya? maybe.
If you're that much of an alcoholic that you can put down multiple BOTTLES of sake without feeling anything then you need to haul your ass to an AA meeting.

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