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Who is your first 2hu crush? Do you still love her?
Doesn't matter.
All touhous are gay and hate men.
How was your vacation? Gonna go straight back to spamming or lay low for a while?
2hu? Crush? I'm gay and rinnosuke is not my type.
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>Who is your first 2hu crush?
Alice. She was also the first 2hu I ever saw, and the reason I chose to look into the series.
>Do you still love her?
She's not my favorite anymore, but I do still love her.
Who replaced her?
It's a long story, but let's just say I switched one autist for another.
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Yes, how did you know?
Mayumi. It wasn't really a crush, I only thought she looked pretty.
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Is the second most autistic 2hu
Reisen and we are married.
which ones?
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Not sure if i felt exactly a crush on her. But i still like her a lot, wife
I was expecting all the characters in this thread to be from the early games. Did you wait alot before picking your favorite, or did you have a more unique entry into the series?
By the time i was old enough to feel for a character or another person for that matter, Akyuu was already out. So it's not like i had to wait a lot
Was Akyuu one of the first characters you saw or something? I'm asking because I found out about her relativelly late.
Not even, i think the first characters that caught my attention by looks alone were Remilia and Clownpiece,because i played ESD and LoLK as my first touhou games when i heard about it. From then on i moved to fangames, and eventually i found Akyuu which at first i took as another nice but not overly outstanding character, but overtime grew on me more than any other character. Sometimes i still Remilia post or lust after Clownpeice, but Akyuu is my actual waifu
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My first 2hu crush was Remimi. She was also my first fumo and we went on a lot of adventures in Japan, so she's always gonna have my affection.
But did you travel to the mountains of Nagano to find her in person like I did?
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I don't remember how or why she ended up my favorite since it's been so long but for me it's Yuugi and it still is. Last spring I went to Mr. Ooe in her honor. It wasn't the main purpose of the trip or anything but I thought it would be nice to see the place for myself.
Post adventures with Remiry
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I dunno if she was the FIRST 2hu I ever got familiar with, but she was absolutely among the first. I loved Patchy from the start and still do <3
>Who is your first 2hu crush?
Reimu. She'd the first 2hu I ever saw and the reason I got into touhou. She's also the first Shrine Maiden I've seen.
>Do you still love her?
Yes however she's not my favourite anymore. Kaguya has that spot now.
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I just think she's neat
Is there were Gensokyo is located? Can you elaborate?
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First? She’s my one and only and i love her with every fiber of my being! My beloved yamawaro wife
My first was definitely Reimu even before I knew what Touhou was, although when I actually started playing the games (at PCB) I started to dislike her due to her personality and I shifted more towards Marisa since she was cute (and because I liked her shot type more). Nowadays there's a lot of characters I like but only 1 that I truly love and that is Kokoro.
Tenshi. Once and forever.

>I hope one day, me, an anon, will be together with his beloved celestial...

Another variants: Koishi, Satori, Kokoro... Okay, I love every girl, I would be happy with anybody, but specially with Ten-chon.
What did you think Reimu's personality was going to be like?
A wife to go to army surplus stores with...
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I could listen to her all day autistically but happily explaining the intricacies and history of her favorite guns since seeing her happy makes me happy
Why would you fall for her over one of the beautiful and friendly kappa...?
She’s the only 2hu that me really feel something towards her and made actively want to learn more info about her, the yamawaro, and the mythological counterpart they’re based on (also helps they don’t have a kill count recorded in mythology unlike the kappa and instead just get angry and run off if you don’t give them the promised goods you offered them for their labor). Her design also just clicked with me I love her camo clothes since it makes me think if of military stuff and other characters I like in other forms of media that have militaristic designs. She’s also a merchant and a hard worker as she says herself that she and the other yamawaro built the aerial tram way. And in my point of view I consider an under dog since her popularity and presence is vastly out classed by most of the other characters in her game and by her rival nitori so it feels more special that I love her despite her lack of recognition. I oh so so long for the day to see appear in one of the official manga or in a future game (ignoring 18.5 since there was basically no story and she didn’t even get a unique theme or her own theme to appear as the true final boss).
I don't know... most of the art I saw of her made her look either majestic or cute. Just from the art nothing made me think she'd be such a jaded cunt.
i wasn't seriously into touhou until last year
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Kaguya. I still like her, but nowadays i love Yuuka just as much. She still makes me a bit nostalgic though.
Why did you dump her for an old hag like Yuuka?
Always and forever.
Interesting how so many anons kept the same favorite from the start.
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Sure, I'll post some pics of fun things I took her to. Here's one night I got wasted at the 2hu bar.
Familiar things are comfy.
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For how long was Reimu your favorite, and how did you come to like Kaguya?
Mines Sanae, she still has a place in my heart
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>the 2hu bar
I need as much documentation of this as you're willing to provide
I hope there was a Yuugi themed drink.
The bird is still my second favorite. I'm very happy that after so many years I've finally had the chance to get a fumo and have it be hers.
I really don't get people that have 2hus as their crushes. From the very start I saw the girls as friends to be respected, never as possible romantic partners. My favorite remains the same from the earliest day but I'd never say she was my crush.
That's kind of how I feel about Yuuka who is my second favorite. I respect the way she chooses to live her life too much to lewd her.
first, forever, and always
I miss mmd ranfag...
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Of course, I still love Eiki-sama, I'm ready to meet her when I finally arrive to Gensokyo

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