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I do not want a Seija thread going on here, alright?
Inb4 ntr/cuck/futa/yuri posts.
The ntrhu!
I'd love to marry Seija and support her, but how can I be sure that in return she'll provide me with a lifetime of suitably heartbreaking NTR?
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Seija is designed to be the anti-waifu. The more you try to love her, the more she'll do everything in her power to cause you strife. It's not her fetish, not her hobby, it's her very nature. Like a lion going for the throat, or the hyena eating their prey alive.
So it stands to reason that, once in a relationship, she'll ruin it even for herself by betraying her partner's trust. It's like a drug, not only for her, but for the partner as well.
Heed these words, said by a wise man fishing by the village: "Never go 'jaku, you can't go backu."
I'm sorry.
I actually don't
I hope Seija stops cheating on me.
Lots of people don't understand Seija itt
If Seija loves you she will love you. It's just that Seija's priorities are inverted; she will try to push away people from her, but if you fight her impulse to drive you away and show her real love she would definitely enter in a normal relationship with you. Now there's no need to invert things here; when Seija was Shinmy's ally, she didn't do everything to hurt the princess or betray Shinmy, right? Why would she do that with her beloved husband?
At most she'd have a dirty mouth and tell you to be a househusband. But she'd never go around trying to betray your trust.
She'll go long periods without giving you any ntr just to make you suffer and worry and just when you think she's totally stopped, she'll ntr you again. Truly a devilish girl!
She won't
If you really hated Seija that much you should at least make sure her thread stays on the catalog so everyone can see how much you hate her...
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
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Heh, good one.

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