前: >>48640229Djt is a thread for the discussion of and questions about the japanese languageThere are no official guidesResources can be found on google.com
Ok nerds, how dekinai are you>Your level>How long you've been studying>Your personalized study methodN3 reading level, N5 listening level.6 months.I grinded the first 200 words of core1k then started reading. After that I'd do maybe 10 new cards in anki a day when I first woke up then read the rest of the day. I neglected listening practice which is why it's worse than reading by a lot.
>>48646647>n5>5 years>shit posting on djt pretending to know everything
>>486466471. I'm heavily reliant on a dictionary still, but given a sentence where I'm familiar with all the words being used I usually won't have too much trouble. That said, I'm by no means fluent and still struggle with things.2. I made a prior failed attempt at learning Japanese where I did some of Core2k, read Tae Kim and like an idiot tried to learn kanji by rote, but it was a pretty miserable experience so I quit took a long break after that. I came back to Japanese again in late July last year, I think, so for this current session at least I've been studying for about 14 months.3. Sooner than re-read Tae Kim, I watched the first season of Let's Learn Japanese Basic then went straight into reading Flyable Heart from there. Since then I've read a bunch of other VNs, a few manga, and one LN volume (which I read the scan of, only for it to appear in HTML format in the DJT library shortly after I finished it). I had seriously neglected listening until recently so I've been making an effort lately to watch raw anime (so far sticking to rewatches of shows I've already seen), and I've also been watching Virtual YouTuber stuff as well for listening exposure.Didn't do Anki at all until a few weeks ago when I picked it up in hopes of helping me remember the readings of words written in kanji (I have the meanings on the backs of my card as well but they only show up on hover and 99% of the time I don't need them). I've only been adding words I'm already familiar with so far (just to be on the safe side, I've been adding pretty much every word I know except for cases like 楽しい and 楽しむ where I will only add one of them), and I'm now up to 3200 words. Not sure yet what I'm going to do with the deck when I run out of familiar words to add.
Is the "learn kana in 1-2 hours" meme legit and I'm just retarded or is it purely for language autists?
>>48646757i'm not exactly sure how many hours i spent, but yeah i learned hiragana in 1 day then katakana the next day since it was weekend. probably around 2 hours for each day sounds right. just gotta grind them either in anki or on that one website https://gohoneko.neocities.org/learn/kana
>>48646610>Your leveldon't know, don't give a shit. but I can read without too many lookups nowadays. Reading basic stuff (manga, 99% of video games, moeshit) goes by fast but anything actually hard (chuunige), it's snail pace>How long you've been studyingI don't count time wasted on ankislopping so a year and a half>Your personalized study methodVNs. The harder the VN is, the more I learn.
I enjoy koto melodies in case anyone was wondering
>>48646757counter question: do you think you can tell whether or not it took someone a couple of days longer than average getting the alphabet down back in elementary? no? then why the fuck would you care? most of the people here can neither handwrite or ouput even after years of studying. no that's a bigger issue than looking back and saying, you know it took me like a week to learn hiragana. that shit doesn't matter whatsoever.
>>48646888i can handwrite kana and most of the kanji. that's just basic literacy
Haven't been studying for about half a year now. I worked through my 3k anki backlog, but I've completely forgotten ~1k words, and they're overloading my reviews every day. What should I do in this situation?
>i can write most of the kanji
>>48646956delete anki
Are 支障 and 障害 about the same?I can't figure out what 何様 means,and is 筋書き the only word for 'plot' in story context? I see it used as an Eng translation for stuff like 構想
How do I know if I'm whitenoising?
try posting a vocaroo. if you can't then yeah, you are whitenoising
>>48646647who says im studying japanese lol
*flips pages*i..just understand itnot losing the wonder of this feeling is key
>>48646647>>48647260it does raise an interesting point tbqh, i havent done anything beyond consuming other than the odd dictionary lookup here and there for 4 years at this point so does that still count as "studying" strictly speaking?
if you could actually write most of the kanji that would imply you know more Japanese than most Japanese people.related, when 女実況者s read text and struggle with kanji, do you guys think they're just pretending to be dumb for their audience, or are they actually illiterate?
the "natives never misread or flat out dont know a reading" meme was invented by people trying to piss queefster off but im sure some of the more retarded denizens itt actually believe it at this point
>>48647093You could have asked an AI these questions instead of posting here.
sucks that djt is so fuckin dead the thrash thread is dead this thread is dead not even gonna check the int one
It just means that people are busy learning.
yeah thats all the world needs a bunch more jsl failsons
>>48646647>idk>7 months>don't have one
>>48647390the guy i shared some doujinshi with is very "busy" right now
>>48646647good enough8 yearsi just watch and read stuff
>>48647378blame shota poster for these dogshit OPs, nobody new is coming in and everyone who was in is leaving because shota poster and trip fags are ruining the quality of the threadsoh well
>>48647446yeah its partially his fault but the real issue is that the split threads arent sustainable cause there arent enough people in either of them plus in this threads case there is only so many fuckin times u can talk about the same "learning topics"
do not let them fool you, 鳥のミルク is actually nothing special
djt can never die because i drop back in every couple months to shitpost
nice 1
>>48647494im longing for your shitpost goodbye! ;3
>>48647446but im saving djt
oh pedo demon moved here i guess
>>48647533Look at the last 10 OPs
my shitposts are eternal
>>48647533where else did he post
why does shotafag post new threads at page 7?
why did the devil choose his mother out of all the billions of whores on earth to pump his molten magma load into? we'll never know
>>48647545that’s the age he likes them
>>48647545thread 作る competition
tf is かつがれているかつ + がる? idk
担がれているu dekinai fruitloop
why did i spend all these years on a skill that even a literal 50iq japanese downie will always be better than me at
>>48647678immersing isn't dekinai
video games don't count as immersion.
>>48647707this post is literally just content. nothing else. just empty babble for the sake of it.
got my bill paid for in a bar in tokyo when i managed to get this black out drunk american retard to peacefully pay and leave that was a night of top tier immersion
>>48647650ヨイショしてからにもー!ヽ(`Д´#)ノ プンスコッ
>>48647715i did something similar when i was in yokohama with my wife
>>48647985かつぐ、ヨイショって悪意なくない? flatterじゃない? 知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
>>48647941you made a guy leave so she'd have 2 chairs to sit on?
reddit ahh language
Is my understanding of this sentence, right?, なにしろそう思えるだけの収穫があった 。" At any rate the result is being able to think that"
>>48648087it's more like we scored big enough that I can think that収穫 refers to something in the previous context
>>48647650>うまく担がれているsounds like 'you're being had,' 'you've been taken for a fool'>>48648001flatter means to give someone (insincere, excessive) compliments to get on their good side. basically 煽てる, 媚びる>>48648087>なにしろwhatever the case>そう思えるだけのit was all we could think>収穫があったthat was the result (what came out of that conversation)the relevant grammar point is ~だけの+名詞
>>48648152>(what came out of that conversation)ah nvm I'm stupid listen to the poster above
>>48648144This is the next line, so could 収穫 be referring to 瑞希の本当の顔が垣間見えた?
>>48648172makes sense
What's your favorite slang for penis?
>>48648183Thank you.
>>48648198If this was the daily yiddish thread, it would be appropriate. Alas...
ai read manga "audio books" god im so brilliant with all these ideas
>>48648231good post. as a reward, have a rare matto screenshot
never meet your idols
im reblown away he sucked balls
>>48648243Couldn't be the fact you've probably been studying ten times as long as he has. The fact he could read and in record time says a lot. He probably didn't care alot about conversating. People get good at what they want to do. He now has the vocab though so he could work on aquisition and shit on any of his "students" fluency speeds. He's pretty much shitting on a guy using his own methods too. He just didn't immerse as much.
>>48648231>chin chinbut that's said at new year's celebrations!
and i cringe every time they do it
for some reason the japanese love to tell you about how they chin the microwave
>>48648296you can't ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
金づち why is hammer gold?
Need some help, was reading something and a character responds with >二ノ宮金次郎じゃないっつの!When being made to carry more stuff.Any idea what this means exactly? Best I can puzzle out is maybe the character is referencing some historical figure called Ninomiya Sontoku as a complaint for being used as a pack mule, but I don't know enough about him to spot the connection
>>48648345if it meant gold it would be pronounced kin
>>48648365in his statue he's carrying wood, so it's probably just like "i'm not exactly paul bunyan" except the referenced dude is more humble and less grandiose
can you play ffxiv on jp servers as an inferior westerner? might be helpful.
paul buにゃん
ポール部にゃん? そーにゃのかー
japs can't even understand this language. give up
>>48647243i can't understand this shit.blonde girl likes mc, doesn't she?
How do I stop my brain from shutting off whenever numbers are spoken.
>>48648424gf who rewards you with sex for parsing numbers she says
>>48648455I can't say 'six' very well. It sounds like 'sex' to native speakers :/
esls gtfo
>>48648471lol just say six
>>48648474うちなーぐちわかんにゃい(∩゚д゚)アーアーキコエナーイ>>48648475seggus!!! (༎ຶ෴༎ຶ)
>>48648471it's the diff between these two
>>48648502thanks for your kindness ;D
>>48648424numbers suck lbh
>>48648502your image focuses on american english. it's important to note that the actual point of articulation might differ depending on the accentpic related is a chart for RPand the truth is actually more convoluted and horrifying because no native speaks RP or general american
retarded pronunciation
rp is predominantly taught worldwidecope all you want
僕の為に発声講座してくれてはるけど… those are all Greeks to me desu! _(:3」∠)_
>>48648594ɪ(near-close near-front unrounded vowel). found in words like sit, shit, pit, fit, wit, dim, lip, lib, kit, dit, knit, rip, dip, whip, etc.the sound is between い and えpronounce い, then try to shift to えdoes that help?
my sharex automatically ends audio recordings after 1 second. anyone know how to fix this? I changed nothing.
did you know there's a lot of japanese flash games? just something to think about.
>>48648638actually it's not 1 second, it's just completely random.
honestly surprised i got that
>>48648624ジェ スイ デゾレ力になれなくてすみません
I have no idea what 「俺いろいろやられ損、言われ損じゃないか!」means, i searched on google and it still doesn't make sense to me, a little help please.
what the fuck I literally cannot mine because sharex cancels my fucking recordings
there is a certain freedom that comes from finally knowing what things feel "kanji-like"
okay bored now
Done my reps for 8 years now and still have trouble reading anything above Minami-ke or Yuru Yuri level. Was core2k/6k supposed to be enough or js there another deck i should have done? I dont really take my study that seriously because i know ill never live in Japan(too dumb for a degree) but still id like to improve to reading manga like Gunslinger Girl. I’m mining as well
I've been trouble shooting this retarded fucking sharex garbage for an hour now. Why is it so hard for this retarded ass program to just capture some motherfucking audio
just use obs or audacity, bro
i don't understand this retarded fucking program. literally what is wrong here that it now outputs an error that it's unable to choose a format for "$output$"? it has access to ffmpeg, it uses the virtual audio capture as instructed, and i just copied the quizmaster settings. if I remove them it doesn't work, if I put them in but uncheck custom commands it doesn't work, literally anything I do returns an error. even when I changed $output$ to output.mp3 on both commands like it defaults to without the setting. what the fuck is even happening
I can't believe I'm literally kmsing myself over this stupid ass program.
dont care
正月明けなんだけどbad news or good newsよくない知らせがありますいわゆる環境依存漢字なんですが漢字63万字が削減されるそうです削減とはいっても書き順だけ違う漢字とかほんの少し違う漢字がJISに統合されるそうですこの削減に100年掛かりました漢和辞典がかなり薄くなるかもしれない
>>48646647>N1>1.75 years>mostly reading and doing ~60 new anki words dailyI wake up do my reps; make some new cards during the day and learn them in the evening. I know about 4.5k kanji and have around 15k cards but my listening is just so awful. It makes me feel really insecure sometimes despite actually know ""a lot"".
how many dialects does japan have?
>i know 5k kanji>what does 目を光らせる meanmany such cases
>>48649491start listening to light novel audiobooks my fellow ankidrone. my listening was terrible until i started that. they're more dense than anime and you can't cheat yourself with subtitles.https://core6000.neocities.org/audio/
>>48647528please man, you made this thread when the last one was on page 5...sure people are trying to make threads before you, but who cares? what is there to gain/lose from being the OPjust wait until a thread dies before you make a new one, don't make new ones when bump limit has been reached...
>>48650379I'm pretty sure the shotafaggot has explicitly said that his goal is to ruin the general. It'd be better to not give him the benefit of the doubt.
>>48650239shut the fuck up
>>48649269languages tend to simplify and standardize over time, so it seems inevitable to me that people will collapse multiple variants into one for the sake of practicality. just like the phenomenom of 代用字
I need a DJT curated studying schedule because left to my own devices I don’t do it every day also been on my phone and slacking at work a lot so maybe I’m just frying my attention span that way
gotta agree with 553
/djt/ is healing....
>>48650680there is no need to be upset that I have more anki cards than you
the truth isit doesn't even matter how hard you try
in the end it doesnt even matter
>I have more anki cards than you
>>48650732>meishi? meiji?
>>48650768It’s Matt actually
nobody's trying to imitate jachink lil fatherless bro
https://x.com/MigakuOfficial/status/1876968932185366772educate yourself
>biblered flag
no that gives terry davis vibes. green flag.
Is there any method besides “just keep immersing” to learnLike a more structured actual studying way of learningIf I’m not in the mood for anime I’m making 0 gains
terry davis is a warrior of god yoga "itudemo ii yo" pants is just a grifter
matt is the grifter as recently confirmed by george. yoga is an honest entrepreneur trying to make it in this crazy world.
hope 邪n伊 cleans this shit up
stfu 苦ぇr
oh shut up you pussy
>>48650239>join discord for download linkscan someone shoot the internet already? it's been time to put it down for over a decade and it's only getting worse
>>48649636Do you think people can only 1 thing or is that just limited to your own capacity? Lots of sayings also contain difficult kanji 泣いて馬謖を斬る. But you will never learn to read 瀲灩.>>48650239But what do you do when you lose the gist of what they're saying? I want to stop and think about the word they're saying. Just going with the flow often leads to me just losing any comprehension of what's actually happening
>>48651089half of it is on nyaa and more torrents will come some day
>>48651150i rewind it a bit and listen again. maybe in the beginning you'll have to do that a bunch but once you're used to the author's vocabulary it should flow more smoothly. and i don't look up every word i don't recognize because often you'll figure it out from context later as it gets used more. 本好きの下剋上 is a fairly simple book to start with
>>48651176btw 本好きの下剋上 was the first book i listened to and i missed a bunch of stuff, I listened to it once and then relistened to the whole thing a second time and my comprehension had improved a lot
prima heremight do divine next week
>>48650239i can't do audio anything. my autism causes my fingers to start tracing the characters in the air as i listen
>>48651383ながら…いじょうgee thanks takahashi-san
Do you guys have any little tricks or tips to help remember kanji? Some of the high stroke ones just seem so random and my brain can only confidently remember pictograph kanji Right now the one issue I'm noticing is I'm remembering the sentence on some cards and not the actual kanji, so if it not used in that exact sentence on anki I wouldn't be able to remember it Or is the only advice just keep doing it
uhh this is the intermediate thread lil bro
>>48651528you could learn the radicals at least so you can break them downotherwise there are plenty of mnemonic resources such as rtk, universally respected in this thread
>>48650379im just so excited that youre all learning japanese
>>48651568then get out lol
>>48651585noones made the advanced thread on the red board yet
>>48651471that's master takahashi to you, bitch>>48651528write. the. kanji.
>>48651595fortunately there is a beginner thread for you
>>48651597>write. the. kanji.vo. ca. roo
you are a turd gracing my toilet bowl *flushes*
i just understand it
>>48651528once you move out of ur anki bubble you'll find that the spaced repetition when reading is way more effective because the sentence level and text level context changes in some way each time so u are actually internalizing the use case for a word in multiple contexts. after internalizing words this way when you see it again in a different context ur brain instantly and subconsciously eliminates similar words that it couldn't logically be from consideration before you even start actively recognizing it.
dont think ive ever seen the kanji for ことわざ in my life lol
>>48651770the perils of too much reading and not enough anki
japanese people kept saying my intonation and pronunciation was soo amazing but ive never touched pitch and know i sound horrid but its kinda nice in a way that the barrier is so low
do you read japanese web pages with your font size increased?
>>48651812yeah because japanese people do that too
i dont read japanese web pages cause its a pain in the ass i just google translate it
>>48651738it's really annoying when you read out of context stuff like song titles for example
long running erotic manga is the best immersion medium. prove me wrong>easy vocabulary but with occasional new words>no furigana>effective incentive
>>48650947there wasnt a bible anywhere in that shoti wouldve already called him based if there was
>>48651949whats wrong with furigana?
>>48652085this looks like hentai, not what i meant>whats wrong with furigana?slows your gains
>he doesn't have the willpower to avert his eyes from small letterspoint and laugh
you are still seeing the general shape of the hiragana group which is a huge hint
>>48646647n1, n13 years
actually i think i agree with 095, you should avoid furigana in the beginning. just watch anime/youtube if you wanna hear how things are pronounced
any good anime this season? they all seem like garbage but still asking so i don't miss some potential gems
>>48652180another L take from bongta *sigh*
damn this general is funny but useless
>>48652180nah, furigana is great in the beginning>>48652197what use could it possibly even have lol? the answer is always read more and look up grammar online
>>48652197shoulda seen it during its peak
>>48652227read more WHAT?
>>48652291ye it was a sight to behold like a fat turd so big you question if ur toilet can flush it
sucks when i cant accept praise for knowing japanese cause i know 90% of the time spent was consuming slop with 0 thought or effort
get some prunes my guy they're a natural 通じ薬
I'm going to japan later this year. I've gone some reasonableish understanding of the common and basic topics, but since most of the junk i read is usually fantasy I've got a knowledge hole when it comes to stuff that a tourist would need and I don't even know what I should look for to fill it, any advice? Closest thing I could think up is watching some TV variety show that goes around touristy areas in japan and maybe something food related as well but its real hard finding TV show rips of this sortAlso jesus fuck I haven't posted here in ages why does the captcha timer run here as well there's like 2 posts per 12 hours on this board
>>48652438what sort of situations are you actually concerned about? i was there 2 weeks ago and felt like i would have had no problems with anything even if i didnt know any japanese. google maps makes asking for directions and about train lines unnecessary. at restaurants and bars you can just point if need be. the only thing that really comes to mind is when you get a meal from a konbini and they ask you if you want it heated up and if you want chopsticks and a bag lol
>>48652494Honestly I'm not completely sure myself, mostly since I don't 100% know what to expect (I went to a different country precisely once and a friend of mine handled most of the navigating since he was familiar with it all)For the most part I guess being able to read signs and knowing food names. Having a precursory glance at locations I can go to while also reading and hearing it in japanese would be killing three birds with one stone as well
>>48652438if you want to practice talking with someone then you should try to get a japanaese boyfriend online. failing that there is always italki and skypech
>>48652438just look stuff up on your phonethats what i do48652586bongta...
>>48652581basically all the signs u need to be able to read have it written with the alphabet underneath. for food names just figure out what you want to try before you go and you can easily find restaurants on google maps near u wherever you are or use tabelog. you'll be surprised how little you need to actually interact with people to do anything in japan. especially in tokyo you basically have to go into bars and just insert urself into convos to ever even speak to anyone lol
>>48652367jouzu desu ne
nipping this one in the budshut da fuck up
>>48652836now say that in japanese
>eng subsholy dekinai batman
fluent readerjust shy of 8 yearssadpanda, anime, video games, visual novels and some books
just watch all of these and you'll be fluent https://www.youtube.com/@togeffet
>母子>ぼしi swear to god this is the first time i hear thisthe reading up until now was always おやこi'm so confused
oh yeah, they literally JUST changed that
>>48652998damn, thanks!i am now fluent in english
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUPimsa40Nostill bumpin this
low iq music
its ok i listened to sibelius earlier
mlen took a holiday
I don't get the word "留守".Sometimes it means stay at home and sometimes be away from home
post a word i dont know the pitch of
YOSHguess i'm committing
>>48653128>Sometimes it means stay at home and sometimes be away from homeno it doesn't
>>48653128check the verb its connected to and it will become clear
>>48653128る-す [1] 【留守】 (名)スル(1)主人や家人などの外出中,その家を守ること。るすい。「隣に―を頼む」 (2)外出して家にいないこと。「母は今―です」「しばらく日本を―にする」「居―」 (3)(多く「お留守になる」の形で)あることにのみ注意が向いて,別のことに気が回らないこと。「攻めるばかりで守りがお―になる」
mina... we have to stop with the one-to-one copy paste jisho posts
>>48653145in english, please.
>>48653145What is the best way to explain this? Or do I just have to guess with context?
dame we're almost at 300 replies, guess shota faggot will have to make a new thread again to prevent any real discussion from ever taking place!i'll just go back to reading my VN lol
do see something strange with this japanese definition?
家を留守にするto not be at home, leave the house unattended, be out of the house留守中にin s.o. absence留守を頼むask s.o. to watch the house (while you're out)留守を守るwatching the house (while s.o. is away)お留守になるto slack off (勉強がお留守になる slacking on on one's studies)留守を預かるsame as 留守を守る pretty much居留守を使うpretend to not be at home, have s.o. else say you're out (while you're not)留守番watching over the house (again, while others are out), short for 留守番電話 answering machine留守居 same as 留守番 but not answering machine
>>48653187>i'll just go back to reading my VN lolsee? i told you im saving the thread
>>48653185i like these word play things in japanese
i dont care what you like
>>48653191keep f5ing bitch
>>48653188yeah it looks like that anon 気に流れd lmfao
>>48653188kugi? warui? taion?
>>48653188i dont get it
you dont have to get it
>>48653188i see its fake and full of shit
"it" being the freak who capped it
>>48653234so just like you then. bazinga!sry i had to
sasuga retard lmao
>>48653239dunno about that one dude, the smile with the glasses stung more
new ゴミすれ dropped
>>48653196>word playits an abbreviation
so hi can sound like si to japanese people too
did you get it?
Do normalfags in Japan consider it disrespectful that otaku use "sensei" for mangaka, if that word is usually reserved for doctors and teachers etc.?
>>48653297i'll commend you for asking instead of being a krugerit's not
the duality of a dekinai
the truth is somewhere in the middle
What's the point of learning a language when AI just does it for you for free? It's so easy learning using AI as a teacher that I think it feels stupid doing it at all. It's like a "wait a minute, what's the point now".
anything decent on novelgame? lots of slop feels like
i'm following this underground idol and she only has like 5 fans and one of them is this massive pervert creep whose username is like saachan_no_omanko and he posts signed photos of saachan next to his onahole and dildos and shit and @s her and she never posts sexy photos or says anything sexual but she's basically forced to respond to him with mundane shit like チェキ届いたようで良かったです because he's one of her only fans and that's really hot to me
>>48653432if you goal was never that of "understanding japanese" then yeah, you'll be able to read LITERALLY everything in MTL'd in english in a couple of years at most
>>48653441cute she probably masturbates to his pics
>>48653443My goal was understanding the true meaning. Reading the text directly. But I can literally instruct the AI to do exactly that, at any time of the day, for free. What's the point of the skill then? The only issue now is that you need to know how to input the text yourself, knowing the characters, when an OCR tool isn't reliable and available, but when that barrier is gone, there's no value to the skill anymore because everyone essentially will have it
>>48653443mtl glasses?
>>48653432good point, never thought about it
>>48653450>My goal was understanding the true meaning>But I can literally instruct the AI to do exactly thatthat's not how it works kiddo
>>48653460ask the ai what the true meaning only natives would get is
>>48653450you simply cannot experience the true yamato spirit through the medium of english
>>48653471i mean if you do that for every single thing then yeah, but in that case you wouldn't be reading a translation but more of a dissection of the japanese script
can chatgpt explain why なんですか without the が makes it really really informal japanese? everyone i ask just says "if you know japanese, you know what i'm talking about"
ai will NEVER be able to mimic a fraction of agf's power
>>48653505>なんですか without the がwhat does this even mean
>>48653526if you know japanese, you know what it means
>>48653526なんですか - が = なんてす
always feels good to not need to mine anything in a message
>>48646757you can ""learn"" it in 2 hours with one of those kana quiz apps but you'll def have to go back to them if you want to read things at a glance
>>48653572nora? what's up brodid you finish the naruto game?
>>48653596>did you finish the naruto game?yes i did. i'm now trying to finish ff7. got tired of reading the VN i was reccomended by anon, i'll get back to it eventually.
>>48653601should've stuck to the gay cats vn
feels good to not need to mine
you can't """learn""" kana
>>48653604that was mealso YOSH
who tf is はるかむ かしの
i cant read
>>48653626遥懸夢 菓子処
stop spamming nigger
click that link? never
Is it possible to get Rikkaitan or any other browser extension, that shows stroke order of kanji characters?
no we dont have the technology
>>48646647>レベルN4 improving>何年about 2.5 yearsplanning on moving to japan later this year, still struggle with remembering stuff and specially readinghowever been getting more and more comfortable with listeningnext move would be to start training conversation online, tho I'm fairly confident in picking it up quickly there
love reading hidden shit like this
How old will you be when you finally move to Japan?I'll at least be 35. I need 5 YOE before I can get a decent job to move to Tokyo. Grim stuff.
>>48653915>これからもがんばってね!みんな大スキだよnice, 多い胸, whats the context?
>>48653921assuming you asking the post just abovefirst you not be retarded and learn how to quote postsI'm turning 38yo soon, a bit late I know but whatever, at least japanese girls seem to go easier on ojisans, also japanese hags are pretty good lookingI'm gonna be spending at least 1 year on language school there, but hopefully can land a decent job based on my experience later on>5 YOEthe what?
>>48653928they are all waiting for my cock
also make a new thread soon, I got something important to ask
>>48653952if the thread is shota, the question cannot be answered :3
Reading VNs always make me feel like a retard, because i feel like i should understand this, but i don't , does と考えているみたいだ mean "it looks like Megumi thinks" or "I want to think"? And how do i know when is one or the other?
>>48653873yeah, i substracted the dakuten
>>48653967just feel it, tho seriously its a bit abstractI guess its meaning something like "want to see how it thinks"
>>48653967usually, it's former but you can understand it as latter ;3
>>48653967when みたい comes directly after a verb without a て connector or anything it's always the "seems like" one. you can't just put a something like 見たい directly after the dictionary form of a verb
>>48653975MALICIOUS PAGE 4
>first you not be retarded andlol
>thread still up 12 hours later
no im last
don't rush, it will last a few more hours
>>48653967VNs may seem appealing, but it's best to avoid them due to the fact that most VNs are proprietary. VNs require nonfree applications that can compromise your privacy and security. In contrast, alternatives like manga, anime, and light novels can be enjoyed using free software such as MPV for anime, NSxiv for manga, and crqt-ng for books. Nonfree software often acts like malware, exerting control over users and creating potential risks. Stick to media that respects your freedom and privacy. Remember, most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!
>>48653813Looking up stroke order of each character is retarded because if you know how to write at least a couple dozen kanjis with correct stroke order, you can correctly infer how to write any other character.
>>48646610daily reminder to read the official DJT guideDJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/NEW - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/