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If Lady Remilia can manipulate fate, then, why didn't she do it during EoSD incident ?
>If Lady Remilia can manipulate fate
You know, I've wondered if "manipulating fate" isn't a chuuni way to describe possessing free will.
She may be able to manipulate fate but Reimu is able to no sell fate itself to win.
nice feet
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>There's no way. That's just how that girl talks.
>Yeah, that girl acts like she knew everything right from the start. Something about understanding fate or whatever.
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Have you considered that losing at the end of EoSD was the best outcome for her? Manipulating fate doesn't mean the same thing as never losing, it just means that things ultimately work out the best for me.
reimu has bigger faith
Charisma beats Faith.
The Immortal Who Saw the Death of The Universe (https://mangadex.org/title/93dd0978-4b78-441f-bc70-73b42f4ea2af/touhou-the-immortal-who-saw-the-death-of-the-universe) played with this idea.
At first, it seems that by "changing the fate of this universe" she means sacrificing herself to save Sakuya, which doesn't require any special power. But later it is revealed that at the same moment she changed ultimate fate of the universe from big freeze to big crunch.
Shit's crazy.
She can manipulate my dick.
I'll just go and put my Pichuuns on for this thread
It's not clear what the limits of her ability are. It might be as minor as determining the outcome of random events(coin flips and the like) or as potent as changing the course of the universe.
Look at this refined noblewoman and her incredible knowledge of fine wines!
A dumb, brutish, fairy could never compare to her.
Nor could any lousy hermit.
...Who ruled the country as its greatest aristocrat.
I don't speak japanese
I don't trust Remy to perform a circumcision.
Remilia confidently misidentified the cheap wine as the expensive wine, mocking Cirno as a child that should go drink grape juice and then losing confidence in her own answer after hearing Miko also choose the same wine as Cirno..
That seems way too possible with how much of a dork she is
Remilia should simply have a Live Sakuya Reaction at all times

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