With her around everyone gets cooler and nicer. That's because she's the best, the strongest and the cutest.So let's have a thread for Chiruno!
Slide into happiness with Chiruno-chan!
cool thread
Instructions unclear, Cirno has taken control of the slide
>>48668327if things go right rumia will soon avenge the cute froggies.
>>48668096thanksI hope Chiruno's coolness will make /jp/ chill down a bit and take it easy>>48668327as expected of the strongest
>>48670974>Pointed earsOne day, I want to draw an image of Reimu with those stupid leaf ears just to see people's reactions to her being so grossly off-model.
>>48674594I agree with you, but the image was cute so I let it pass.really wish artists would stop with it. but Chiruno is always great
hands up, gringoes!
>>48677796The strongest sheriff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx-Rf2aQRzc
>>48674594I would PERSONALLY send assassins after you.
>>48678066well, there's only so many sheriffs in gensokyo.
>>48674594>image of Reimu with those stupid leaf ears>grossly off-modelWhat do you mean?
>>48678208This town ain't big enough for the both of us
>>48680723oh my... but wait, cirno is the strongest.. so who's the good and who's the bad?
>>48668019My most beloved tomboyish daughter
>>48680856there's a Lily Black hiding in the corner of the street
>>48681406i cant see her
>>48681406They're after the wrong lily...
>>48684111the evil twin twist, a classic.
>>48684111>not Lilly the Kid
fairies should stop these meaningless conflicts and stick together!together, they can eat more sweets!together, they can play more pranks!
>>48690644Could you imagine a world with united fairies...?
>>48692092a world where nobody need to work.
>>48692092A world where fairy yuri happens everywhere, all the time.
I didn't ask to fall in love with a fairy
Cirno has become large fairyDo you still love her?
>>48706432gonna milk the cirno until she become small again.
>>48680723Now I'm imagining a 2hu western that'd be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP11jDHwX98 but with Cirno as the protagonist
>>48690644The three fairies screwed up for trying to send their "let's unite" message by destroying Cirno's home.
I am of the completely healthy and non-schizophrenic opinion that AiPri's Chii is a reference to Chiruno.
>>48707456On one hand, I kind of agree with you in that they're similar.But I think it's too far fetched and recent events in AiPri have moved her too far away from any resemblance with Chiruno. It's more likely than not a nice coincidence. Chii is a very nice character still.I saved that image when you first posted it in /ai/.
i used to say this a lot to my sister (downie) who cried often"are you crying sister?""no I'm not""come on then cry a little lmao"Wish i could say this to cirno
>>48712450Chiruno is always so cool!
>>48717539I don't really like Kamepan's recent style all that much. I think he used to draw Chiruno more cutely. It's still a nice ice fairy, but I wish he'd tone down on the fangs and long faces.
>>48720626he just likes funny chiruno more than cute chiruno
>>48720674maybe, but he's drawn some pretty cool chirunos in the past. I guess there's still lots of other artists, but overall I like his artstyle, it can get very pretty.But still there are lots of people drawing Chiruno! I like these Chinese guys that always draw her every month. Their art is really high quality.
Anyone got a higher-resolution image of this guide?
>>48727748just draw sunny and paint her all blue and azure.
>>48668019I want to thank her for cooling me down but it appears i am stuck.
>>48733008don't worry, you have a 66% chance of getting unstuck safely soon
>>48706432Winter powered up her...
she's not impressed...
>>48741256gotta show her something more interestinghttps://files.catbox.moe/lsc27j.gif
>>48742159I don't want to corrupt Cirno!
>>48742282I want to turn her into a lewd girl!
https://exhentai.org/g/3206142/accc3dbb57/new Caramel macchiatokinda lame tho
I didn't even notice I posted the wrong image since I left the thread without checking... One could make an inaccurate joke here, but I'll leave it to say that Chiruno is very intelligent.
>>48754424>Chiruno is very intelligent.undeniable.
>>48756316Glad to see /jp/ still has its scholars.
It's still winter!But there's no winterhus or Letty thread!Only Chiruno keeps the line!
>>48764104>But there's no winterhus or Letty thread!Have you seen the state of Winter? Letty has an identity crisis this year.
>>48764149but there's so cold
>>48765578Not cold enough.
>>48765606cold enough for chiruno.
>>48768148No way
two of a kind
>>48775011it's nice to see that chiruno can be friends with all sorts of creatures makes you wonder what's wrong with frogs
Can we get the whole Western fanbase to accept "Chiruno" as the correct romanization? Or are we forever subject to the "Sir-no" tyranny?
>>48776497>makes you wonder what's wrong with frogsi'm sure those frogs are just sufferin some sort of karmic punishment. only bad frogs have to fear the ice fairy.>>48776523they're both fine to me, but chiruno is cuter.
>>48776523Part of the mystery that is Krinoh is that her name's true comprehension has been lost to the sands of time.
>>48776570"Krinoh" sounds like a supervillain name doe
Chiruno-chan turned me into a lolicon...How will she take responsibility
>>48779874by freezing your peepee
>>48764104>or Letty threadI thought there was one up. Did it die?
>>48782377yeahFunnily enough the Letty thread out of season got to bump limit but the winter Letty thread died around 100 posts
>>48783989letty was too greedy and got punished.
>>48784138...poor lettychiruno should help her!but how?
>>48788287steal some wine from remimi and drink sorrows away.
My seed belongs in her tiny fairy womb
>>48789080How do you mean to get it in there?
>>48789089I'll ask Yukari to gap some to it???
>>48792746Love that artist. very cute chirunos
What is your most advent garde Cirno?
It's actually pronounced Chimino (the mi is silent).
>>48776523I've always pronounced it as "chir-no"
>>48795520Also an acceptable pronounciation based on her Japanese name
>>48797220No, that one's a little off-base, anon.
imagine the plaps
>>48801963Don't do it, you'll get frostbite down there
chiruno being cool
>>48805605that's very nice wow!
here she isthe smartest!
We always talk about what we Chiru-knowBut what aboutWhat we Chiru...don't know?
>>48813594there's no chirudont, only chirudoes.
I need more Chiru
helpful fairy
God I wish I was Daiyousei
>>48822371Too bad they don't really hang out much in canon.I personally like the fanon interpretation of her being as eccentric and energetic as Cirno, doubling down on her shenanigans as a dumb duo.
>>48823695God I wish I was Aya
>>48823695God I wish I was Cirno
>>48823695They both drowned btw
>>48838362Ben Cirno...
>>48823431>Too bad they don't hang out much in canon.What? Daiyousei has literally never appeared without Chiruno near her. In her most notable appearance in the fairy mangas she was literally playing with Chiruno outside. Sure, Chiruno appears a lot without Daiyousei, but the reverse is factually untrue. It's very likely that Dai is attached to Chiruno.
The Chiru unseen
What's your favorite chiruno-related song?
>>48851339That's not the Chiru unseenTHIS is the Chiru unseen
>>48852934chirun bells
>>48853121chirun bellsyukari smellsaya laid an egg
Cirno looks cute with straight bangs.
>>48842915Nameless Midboss Fairy is ultimately just a hanger-on used to fill space in the background instead of a genuine character of her own, and Cirno is barely shown to care about her, and she only ended up even less distinct now that "big fairy" is firmly established as a generic class of fairy instead of a unique entity.She also rapidly grew more and more irrelevant as Cirno's circle of associates grew and she was shown with the three fairies of light more, who are actual characters of their own, and I think Aunn has more background showings with Cirno now than the nameless midboss ever did.Though personally I prefer pairing Cirno with Rumia since they're really fun in a two stooges kind of way.
>>48854500Cirno IS cute
>>48853159>yukari smells
>>48856294It's not slander if it's true.
Man I want to lick her cunny
>>48855499Chiruno never really cared about the three fairies though. All of the times they meet it is the Three Fairies that come looking for her, except maybe the end of VFiS.The understanding of "big fairy" as a generic class of being is a misunderstanding of what ZUN said. Sure, he initially thought of big fairies as stronger than normal fairies, but that doesn't mean he didn't plan for Dai to have a personality. He even at some point planned to have spell cards for her.Also, no? Didn't I mention the time Chiruno played together with Dai in the fairy manga? When has Aunn ever done that? Dai worries about Chiruno clearly showing she cares about her. Chiruno herself is pretty independent so it's not surprising she isn't shown with Dai all the time. But even then, all evidence points towards them being friends. Don't know what's the need for contrarianism here. Rumia has never interacted with Chiruno, though as for fandom depicitions it can be fun I guess. But I much prefer Dai with Chiruno.
Despite the Aya article, I do think Letty and Cirno are friends, or at least I hope so, SSiB shows them together seemingly having fun. It's a cute duo with Letty being like her big sister during the winter.Damn, Lily White is TALL for a fairy
>>48678268can aya stop stealing remiu's clothes? she doesn't have that many
>>48856384Cirno is so cool!
>>48857714Well this was also the scene that contains lily black before zun confirmed she wasn't actually real, so zun was probably not scrutinizing this sceneI like depictions of letty being exactly as aya described but cirno still naively being her friend and eventually wearing her down through being cute and persistent
>>48864535Everytime Letty tries to get rid of Cirno, she gives her the puppy eyes and she can't resist
>>48857714Who is that mysterious human? maid next to Sakuya?
>>48867775That's Sakuya's stunt double.
>>48873270Venom Sakuya
>>48877762I really like Cirno's butt.
>>48690644No more fairy wars
>>48779062She IS a supervillain. The strongest villain. The Madvillain
>>48856384This is HORRIFYING. How dare she beat up a DEFENSELESS old lady!
>>48858155>can aya stop stealing remiu's clothes?Only once Aya own clothes stop being stolen.
>>48882721fairies are too cute
Chiru could be this small
>>48886204she's just crouching down you know
>>48886204She can also be this big. Clearly, the pitiful humans at Team Shanghai Alice are so overwhelmed by the awesomeness of Cirno that they can't get the scale right.
>>48882746It's a fairy world, everyone else is just living in it
>>48893140you can never have too many chiruno
how is she so smart
>>48897895She's very diligent in her studies.
But how does Cirno affect you?
>>48906637these fuckin yakuza, using chiruno for their lewd business.
>>48906637A cabaret club where you're served by Chiru seems like a bad idea
>>48906676It feels pretty wrong to use someone else's characters to promote sexual businesses, especially when they're lolis.
today is chocochiru day!
>>48906637Man I'd pay top coin yo have fairies worship my cock and give me a triple fellatio with my testicles inside their mouths
>>48909074Beware of chocolate ice fairies.
>>48912155they are very dangerous because they make you so happy that your heart can freeze shocked by the ultimate bliss
uoooh Cirno-chan ToT
>>48914480stronger than crabby
As expected, everyone knows Cirno is the strongest.
>>48916586Such a fact is self-evident.Meet her once and you'll immediately see her incomparable strength!
My beloved fairy Princess
>>48918768I'd argue Cirno to closer to Gohan than Broly. Y'know, what with the incredible hidden potential that has to be drawn out by an old man that's also an old hag.Except Cirno is less of a jobber, of course.
>>48926028not her nuggies...
>>48921610That's a small chiru
what about Oppairuno
>>48938711but we already got dai-chan as the oppai fairy
>>48938753Big boobs are for everyone!
>>48901749what a stupid dumb retard idiot moron
>>48944317anon, you have been yelling at the mirror for the past three hours, are you OK?
baaka ~
How do we turn that Chiruno, into a Chiruyes?
Needs to be corrected
Cirno-chan is becoming a lewd girl!
>>48959754Finding Jesus.
>>48967380she's just like me!
>>48967443>She's just like meDon't jinx Cirno anon, next thing you know she's stuck watching youtube tutorials about freezing frogs, instead of freezing frogs!
>>48972446red ribbon chiruno doesnt sit right to me. she's cuter with the blue one.
>>48964826when does a chiruno stops being a chiruno? at what point does it change into someone else?
>>48973118Blue hair, blue eyes, short haircut, and the bowtie is what chiru needs to be chiru.Something the god awful gacha didn't care about because apparently this is Cirno
>>48973118I call this theorem "The Tits of Cirno"
>>48975446what the hell? it doesn't looks like chirno, at first glance i thought it was sekibanki and would belive you if you said it was any other red haired touhou
Cirno points the iron at youWhat do?
>>48979909hand over the candies and the (frozen) pizzas
>>48979909welcome the release
>>48938753What if Cirno becomes the oppai fairy and Dai-chan becomes flat?
>>48981705nobody can take seriously a flat big sis.
>>48984857but it was a pepperoni (frozen) pizza!
>>48989543Pale cold tummyMy pillow / platter / cumrag
>>48984857Thank you, Peterno
Chiruno mg creature
>>48994681I'd rather give her a cream enema and have her shit icecream
the strongest
>>48999996just by looking at her you can feel her fearsome power
>>49001869there it is, the last lucky digit.
fairies are for breeding
cold cold cirno
>>48994681hey uh can i get one sttainguurry stuirry crem please
the strongests
>>48994681Gimme 5
>>48994681one chocolat special, Chiruno-chan!
>>48994681>if life gives you lemons
the strongest at fishing as well
>>48976688All the Gacha care about is jacking off the SDM and music disc girls.Everyone else is left in the dusk.
Spring is here!