Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, VTUBERCULOSIS HATE, WHERE IS RINPrevious thread: >>48322183
How was Ahoge's hurl stream?'s MMD.
>>48682680something something berry meccha uma is playing Valorant.
>>48697054Has she ever been mama to anyone actually successful? Who's the biggest so far Ahoge?
>>48701952Edo Lena was probably the most relevant but I wouldn't call her successful.She tried connecting with the indie music vtubers from the old days and didn't really catch on so she turned into a crypto shill.Aoi is kind of just in her own corner and it's hard to judge how popular she really is when so many of her views come from Youtube ads.
>>48701986She's up to 60K subs which is pretty huge. She probably counts as a large indie now but obviously they're not real subs as her CCV and views are still so low.'s zatsudan.
>>48714024..gts aoi? why is the dof so shallow