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File: AoiRinNowaNeru08.jpg (1.8 MB, 2880x960)
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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, VTUBERCULOSIS HATE, WHERE IS RIN

Previous thread: >>48322183
How was Ahoge's hurl stream?
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Rin's MMD.
something something berry meccha uma
Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Has she ever been mama to anyone actually successful? Who's the biggest so far Ahoge?
Edo Lena was probably the most relevant but I wouldn't call her successful.
She tried connecting with the indie music vtubers from the old days and didn't really catch on so she turned into a crypto shill.

Aoi is kind of just in her own corner and it's hard to judge how popular she really is when so many of her views come from Youtube ads.
She's up to 60K subs which is pretty huge. She probably counts as a large indie now but obviously they're not real subs as her CCV and views are still so low.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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..gts aoi? why is the dof so shallow
Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Neru's utawaku.
wait which real event
Nowa's zatsudan.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Nowa is playing Valorant.
Aoi is playing Valorant.
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dangerously cute
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Aoi is playing Taiko no Tatsujin.
It seems to be true.
I just wanted to know if my favorite actress had retired or not. How the fuck this kind of coincidence happens?
No idea but she doesn't seem to be doing much to hide it. She posts valorant clips with the same IGN on her IRL account and uses the kiri GAO thing across both identities.
Kirika's sub channel on Youtube is actually her old IRL channel from over 4 years ago.
This is what I get for not going parassocial and stalking all the social media of a girl I find hot/cute. Finding out that she was Kirika all along is making me fell like the simulation is actually glitching out..
Who the fuck is Kirika?
The pink one from SiSter PRintemps.
https://gofile.io/d/jBhqyo some of AHOGE's latest streams.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Aoi is selling bread.
Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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she's so cute

won't you repry?
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Neru is playing Green Hell.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
https://gofile.io/d/qqUUrb latest ahoge stream that's archived for members only
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It feels like Ahoge is imminently about to become a fleshtuber.
Really? I don't think she would do that unless she feels like the vtuber thing isn't bringing in views.
She made a sub twitter where people who weren't bothered by it could see her posting pictures of her IRL self to keep it separate from her vtubing. Her hands and shoes and where she goes type stuff. Then she just posted her hands playing Taiko drum master on her main.
It's pretty common with indies but sure it shows that she doesn't care about the audience that doesn't want to see any of it.
I don't think she's going to make any actual content without her avatar though.
If you think about how long she's been vtubing and how she went from showing nothing for years and years and now in pretty short order went from showing stuff on the other account to on main thats why I'm saying it. It's pretty quick after traditional vtubing for so long.
I think it's just a matter of running out of things to do. She used to post full body taiko AC gameplay videos so doing this kind of thing isn't anything new to her.
Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
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Nowa is playing Minecraft.
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Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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142 KB JPG
Really bad art

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Nowa is playing Valorant.
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Ahoge has posted several more hand videos of playing rythym games
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Neru's utawaku.
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Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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What does it say?
Neru is playing RailGods of Hysterra.
what is this, diablolike?
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Neru's zatsudan.
Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Ahoge having some sort of menhera moment on the sub?
She has been single for a few months and it's breaking her.
There's a guy trying to rizz the bear in English
Nowa is playing Valorant.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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Aorin's new cover.
Neru's zatsudan.
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Aoi is playing Valorant.
Now Neru is posting her hands too
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Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
Neru is playing cooking simulator in some sort of weird zoomer vertical format with a random red girl

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Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
Vtuberculosis is back...
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Is she ever coming back
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Aoi's utawaku.
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Aoi's new cover.
Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
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1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
Aoi's zatsudan.
Neru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
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646 KB JPG
File: GklzJzmWsAAgYUr.jpg (224 KB, 1029x1727)
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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>kizuna ai is back
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509 KB PNG
Very cute bear.
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Aoi and Rin are playing Monster Hunter Wilds.
wait, rin?
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She never actually went anywhere.
Neru is playing Faaast Penguin.
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43 KB
Nowa's zatsudan.
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What is this from?
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Hey do NOT reupload Neru's derpy art!
Too late. I already sent her art to Sam Altman.
Neru's zatsudan.
Neru is playing Green Hell.
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147 KB JPG
File: FswuG5taEC0TcFM.jpg (262 KB, 1366x2048)
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262 KB JPG

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