All hail our princess
Great saggy
>>48683797Waggy, I don't know what that smelly werewolf told you, but catching fish like a dog won't give you compliments from human males.
>>48685149Even as she effortlessly swallows the fish whole? I mean, imagine the muscles of her throat, both intriguing and praiseworthy if you ask me.
>>48685149>smelly werewolfIf anyone smells is the fish!
the only fish I would fukc
>>48692756And so Shinmy started the Inchling vs Fish conflict as she insulted the other nations ruling princess.
dumb fish only good for paizuri
>>48695654fishfucking is wholesome.
>>48697003Such a potent image.
blue-blooded fish
>>48698276What the fish doing
>>48698276Give me full fish!
>>48702148it was posted in the AIslop thread >>48696611
>>48702374Thank you anon
>sniff sniffsure smells...
...FISHY in here!!!!!!
>>48707197>>48707192How long ago did you last change your underwear?
>>48707220I don't remember, but it smells like rotten eggs, not fish.
>>48707220She never does anon, she smells really bad down there, You can't fix her.
>>48709082I've heard that sniffing female pheromones increases testosterone. It would be unpleasant maybe, but good medicine tastes bitter.And imagine smelling her warm bra if you do want some sweet to go with the bitter medicine
Look at her go.
>>48716860The land is no longer a safe haven from the fish. Quick, we need to learn how to fly!
>>48716892She has anti air capabilities
>>48716860PUSH HER BACK IN!
Hey Waka, I just pissed in the Mysti lake, watcha gonna do, ya smelly fish?
>>48720458You sure you got strength for that? You would be gobbled up! you hear? She would kidnap you with an air supply from her mouth and proceed to breed you by paizuri back in her lair. No mercy, you wouldn't even know until you are already under the water and she is french kissing you!>Know your place virgin males
>>48720491She has high tech water filtration systems installed with cooperation from kappa, she is a smart and sociable fish
i like fish : - )
>>48720505Nooo! How horrible, imagine needing to kiss Wakasagihime to stay alive as she forcefully paizuri milks you over and over.
>>48720505>proceed to breed youThat's typo, right?
>>48721628Yup. Better be kind to fish or she will tactically marine rape you, A marape if you will>>48721642Well anon, she can breed by paizuri. Thousands of children at once anon! THOUSANDS!
>>48723975>marapeSounds more like marriage rape, if you ask me.
>>48720505Are you quoting something Waggy said in fish-speak?
I would impregnate that fish
>>48726419Thousands of children at once, Anon…Are you sure you’re ready for that kind of commitment?
>>48726517Most will perish to ice fairy anyway.
Fish are for eating!
>>48726594That’s what the fish say about YOU.
>>48726609No way!
>>48726921I dunno, I’d be careful next time you’re near a lake or stream if I was (You)…
>>48726517who said I would be a responsible parent? I just wanna see her egged, theres no rules for child support at gensokyo anyway
>>48727237she has no legs so she cant chase me and force me to pay child support
>>48727250she can fly
>>48727237This is why she’d want to turn you into sushi.
>>48727354the same way most of the rest of the girls do
>>48727282I guess she can, if she has some jets on her wheelchair
>>48727387well, I better get prepared then...
>>48727407Of course she would Anon, don’t be silly…How else do you expect her to flash-cook you after she hunts you down? Do you /know/ what pregnancy cravings do to these women?
>>48727259Fun fact: she doesn't actually fly in DDC. You can see water rings around her while you're fighting.
>>48727447What about ISC?
>>48727442considering she can bear thousands of babies, she may vore me as well. Damn
>>48727452It reuses the DDC sprite, so the same applies.
>>48727588This brings a question regarding third dimension in actual danmaku. Can Waggy swim down, or is it cheating? If she can't, she is severly handicapped in having less room to maneuver. If she can, then considering how many danmaku are some sort of physical objects (leaves, cookies, dust), Wakasagihime would have basically a bomb on demand just by swimming down.
>>48728091Three posts below that one.
>>48727688She is motorized and can move on land with speed. She already is maneuverable
>>48732390>can move on land with speedDoesn't change much about Waggy not being able to fly. If she is confined to surface, whether of water or land, she still has less space to maneuver then anyone being able to move upwards, to the sky.
Doesn't one of the danmaku printworks mention her using rain to fly around?
>>48733208She gains speed while motorized and takes off as per >>48735737, her tail,fins and gills act as control surfaces as she dive bombs into your boat to teach who fishes who
>>48727354Like that flat fish that jumps in the water surface
>>48732390Has science gone too far?
>>48727688There are actually unused sprites that show her doing exactly that
>>48683797If you ever hurt her, she's gonna fish slap you. And you know how much those hurt, right Anon?
>>48736048I want to fug this big fish
>>48732390Metal Waggy is cooler
What is the waggy saggy position on molusks?
>>48761321They are funny
>>48761321I think I overheard her and Kagerou talking about clams, once, but I couldn't make sense of it.
>>48763771>her and Kagerou talking about clamsWakasagihime was retelling how Hotate tried to photograph her.
>>48759342Beautiful fishe skinBeautiful fishe girl
>>48683797/jp/ i have a questionin gensokyo it's probably well below freezing now. does waka go into torpor when the lakes are frozen over? does she live in a special place for mermaids in the winter?
>>48769385Fishes can tolerate low temperatures
lazy big titty fish
It's cold.
cute big titty fish
There are so many princesses, but only one mermaid!
>>48789161But it's way past Christmas!
>>48786102Where is Waggy's kingdom and palace?
>>48791260My heart.
Are Waggysaggy's ear fins sensitive?
>>48794800Pretty sensitive
>>48794797Good answer.
>>48798847Fish too sweet
>>48789161Ready for dinner
>>48809692Fishe evolution
>>48759342I want to bite her tummy
>>48818565Her skin looks delicate please don't
Waggy is trying to be like her friends...
>>48823069lewd fish
>>48823069But where is their you know?
>>48823069Erotic fishe
>>48823069I don’t think that’s how it works you absolute fucking goofball of a fish
>>48809742The last evolution is missing
>>48839059The last evolution is me putting a ring on her ring finger.
>>48777363How she not cold?!
fish sex is beutiful
fish is beautiful
>>48841049And pretty boring to be honest
>>48846784Which is why you need imagination. Listen, if you wanted to spice things up what you should do is put her eggs in her cleavage, then have her perform paizuri. I call it the bowl of cereal approach to fish fertilization.
>>48841049>>48846784Depends on the kind of fish. I don't know how common it is (or where Waggy would fall) but there are fish that do internal insemination. There are even sharks that give sort of live birth.>>48841264
>>48844813Gorgeous waggy
Hey Waka, I just took a massive shit in the Mysty lake, what are you going to do about that, heh?
Bigger fishe in the pond
>>48855333There always is one, isn't there.
>>48855431Waggy could always become the one! She just needs to train hard enough. Or get help from Shinmyoumaru's mallet.
>>48855333Are we 100% sure that waggy isn't just a human girl who got bitten by a big fish?
>>48855333Fish(fish for scale)
>>48856441Good luck with that. Waggy is Shinmy’s white whale.
>>48855333Waggy needs to extend her tail!
>>48860139Waggy looks on that cookie as if she was beached. Someone help the mermaid get back to water!
>>48727407hey I remember that game
>>48860139oh so this is that touhou cookie thing people always say is NG
Waggy is a cannibal!>>48874391Makes sense to me. I have been a Touhou fan for years, and I still don't know what the hell Cookie is supposed to be.
>>48879058Plenty of fish eat other fish, anon. Wakawaka would only be a cannibal if she ate other mermaids.
>>48860139I need to eat her
Fish so fat it can't even swim out of page 10.
That's awesome Chen!
You are the stone the lakeCovered in moss like a cake
>>48685320If Waggy is all muscle, I'm not so sure she'd taste good.
>>48879356Yeah lol, she's probably eaten thousands of fish in her life
>>48683797Bump the fish!
>>48887450Chen no!
Fish, the fish
>>48913183Imagine swimming with Waka and she casually flips you 80' into the air with her tail.
>>48913195imagine swimming with Waka and you casually flip her 180 degrees
>>48862636they get together just fine in AFiEU
>>48913200This is abuse!
>>48913200What a dumb fish.
>>48913183That's a big tail
>>48916930I want to kiss this waggy
>>48913200Rub her nose too.
>>48923969You want to kiss a fish???
>>48933173She'll grant Anon three wishes if he does.
>>48933173Don't you?!
Waggy took a deep diveMaybe to play with other fishes perhaps?
>>48948267She must really love napping with the fishies.
>>48953023Not Italian, albeit
>>48933173I'll pleasure myself with this fish, even.
I enjoy this fish
>>48954570>I enjoy
>>48954651I want to pet the fish
Drill fishe
The fisheIn the laste page
this fish has no business swimming around with such a plump tail…
Catch her!
>>48986357I'm going to need a bigger fish.
>>48999688This stops here! I'm pushing her back in!
it's time to feede the fishe
>>49001773I'd give her some mayo straight from the tap
>>49001773I would prefer to eat the fishe
>>48683797eating sushi off of her
>>49008292eating sushi of her
Fish dinner!
>>49025089I love tempura!
>>49011214Smol hime
saggy waggy
>>48984534My fishe wife is so pretty and soft!
>>49035916You need to kiss it, full of love, then it will transform.Why does this photo feel as if taken around Christmas Eve?
>>49040387>Why does this photo feel as if taken around Christmas Eve?It was.>>48993649