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The year of the dawa.
You should try a new type of tea this year, just make sure it is brewed correctly or the dawa will come for you!
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first post for the first doll
I shed a tear when Shinku lost her arm and when Jun rose to the occasion to get it back, it felt really good in my heart.
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dawa dawa dawa
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dollfags should check out thunderbolt fantasy if they like it
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This is great https://youtu.be/HSm6RKKKJvE?si=dBp0fJ7kRA2cIa5e [Embed]
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yo is this a rozen maiden thread
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Have they ever released an official kun-kun plush or nenroid before?
I'm just saying a kun-kun doll would be amazing.
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goddamn all the good pics are above 4mb limit
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Just use an image compressor.
How maidenly.
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I finished Träumend about an hour ago. What was her fucking problem? Why did she hate on Hinaichigo (the best doll) so much?
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I don't believe you.
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These cookies now belong to her
Suiseiseki likes to bully
Making cookies with the dolls.
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eating cookies with dolls
having the dolls cook for me.
some dolls are not doin their part... this isnt good.
Not doing their part is how they do their part
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fuck off nigger
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How is Kanaria so cute and smart?
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Gin-chan is beautiful
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Thought that was lopmon in her hand for a second.
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Piece of janku
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I love dolls
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They should have official doll making courses for at least a month or so.
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Why are there two threads?
there arent
I was mistaken it was a puzzle thread with a Shinku OP
I am not ashamed to say I would do things with schoolgirl boku
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There's no shame in having good taste
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They know what's going to happen to them...
I wonder if Suigintou would understand my sadness.
She would tell you to work on it
She probably would.
It would be so easy to put her in a large jar and cum and piss on her from time to time
>Made in Rozen
That's how you know it's a seal of quality
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>Boku Von Desu
I can't believe that was rozen's real name this whole time, talk about a twist.
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i wish to see this on valentines

or anytime really
I refuse.
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Ha I think I still have a picture of Tizzers (honorary PN) dressed up as Suiseiseki. IIRC he went trick or treating in the middle of the year to homes belonging to members of the JLA and promptly got a .45 shoved in his face but still kept asking for treats.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAghuR8GxIk [Embed]
jesus fucking christ, i am at loss of words, where the fuck was this channel hiding from me all this time?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg15723_HHc [Embed]
is this the song Megu sings in one of episodes?
nice, I never knew it was an actual full-length song
No idea why it's called "Madoka" there, it's Shun (Twinkle).
Love this scene.
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better quality
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PEACH-PIT 25th Anniversary Exhibition To be held in July 2025!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4yfMgp3C3c [Embed]
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I will never go there
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In a better world this guy drew only normal stuff
What does he normally draw?
Degenerate porn with dolls
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Gomen, I have confused him with tousen because of how similar he draws doll ball joints
That one looks nice, while tousen has something retarded and deeply repulsive about his art style, but I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it's just bad association desu.
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Doll sex
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he can draw nicely too
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Suigintou with sword is the coolest character ever
dawa is stronger
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Have I already mentioned I like this guy's covers? Because I really do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLcbJhJ6niM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhd3-nD8EIM [Embed]
Does anyone know sings this? I just found an album from 2009, in which the female vocals sound similar to those here, trying to find out if they really are the same
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Pink Gin?
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Suiseiseki would do this for me
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i feel certain recently popular anime has been somewhat inspired by rozen maiden
Which one?
ave mujica
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holy bananas
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This doll is making me feel funny inside my pants.
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I love the symbolism of the inverted cross on Suigintou's dress so much
The part where she explained it gave me chills
...and in addition it's pure edgekino!
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PEACH-PIT 25th Anniversary Special Exhibition Confirmed
All 7 volumes of "Rozen Maiden Collector's Edition" are now on sale!
- All 111 chapters from start to finish + extras & specials fully included
- "Taisho Roman x Rozen Maiden" and "Nicoichi Maiden" color illustrations published for the first time in a single volume
- New black and white "Doll × Master" illustrations
More details: https://www.s-manga.net/search/search.html?seriesid=89938&order=1
You can also read it on the manga app "Young Jump!"
Anon, remember that your happiness and love with a doll > a momentary pleasure in pants
Edgy characters are the best
Let Chuunis rule the world
Why can't I have both? :<
why didnt Shinku think of this?
you may be laughing
but this is a serious problem for me
because of porn addiction I turned every single female character I ever loved into a whore and prostitute
and I fear I might do the same to dolls. I dont want this, I love dolls, I love them as my daughters. But I am such a degenerate. I would rather kill myself than harm dolls.
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I've almost been there but dolls have always been sacred to me. And despite my own porn addiction I've remained really vanilla at heart. Some characters are simply off limit to my lust, you have to maintain that protected area as well. Or else, if nothing is left uncorrupted, then what is left of you as a human being? Let's ganbarozen together so that never happens.
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If you really can't control yourself, even if it's for dolls, then just stay away from them.
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I have come to realization that the autistic rage and resentment I feel towards Megu is caused by nothing more than pure jealousy
I've had that picture saved for so long I had no idea that was gin.
anyone knows how to find more pics in traumend opening style >>48875136 ?
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shinku dont thinku.
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Why is boku exposing her bare legs to me?
boku the hentai baka
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In case you missed the desu desu thread:
Rozen Maiden Collector's Edition Vol. 1
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yesu yesu*
Yesu hissatsu
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finally proper translation
>first batch on amazon sold out in my country
I wonder were all these dollfags are hiding
It's from exchanges if the way my copy arrived is anything to go by.
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Dammit. Fuck.
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hates what?
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When anon requests stuff but doesn't bump the thread on Sunday.
Mail desu
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>Korean collectors edition comes with extra stuff
bet they even use real paper
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Dolls combined
seems like an odd pose for a static abdomen
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White Day
blonde Kira is such a downgrade. We already have two blondes

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