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previous >>48545395
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Just let it die until Ai's return. Nothing is happening anyway
I didn't take the sanaposter to be a dope who genuinely believes anything notable will happen with Ai, though I don't disagree with your sentiment of letting the thread die for good. There's been nothing here for years.
Went to 数字 since this thread was down, actually had some fun talking about kaiji's event yesterday.
But I still want this thread to be alive. I'll try to post here more often.
That is the objectively best place to post, but I will never share a thread with statsfaggots again. The only good thing to come from Hiyoko dying. That being said, you're going to have to try very hard to start conversations here since nobody wants to talk here anymore, maybe due to that thread or maybe due to just moving on.
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appland seems to be doing ok again
Mishiro and Nekozeno formed a unit after leaving noripro. they even have better visuals now.
He paid for the sin of winning the first time by dying early this time.
Here's some Activ8 news
What is Annin to Activ8?
VTUBER 2.0 coproduction with Asobisystem
why are they getting away with this? they are a known company that many previous work right?
They're not, technically, doing anything illegal. The lessons actually happen, they help students debut on Reality, and I'm sure if someone manages to get popular there, they'll get produced properly. Sure if a major agency did this there would be a public outrage, but Activ8 is only known in the vtuber circles, and Asobisystem is just a C-list agency with a couple of big names signed. There is not enough story, it's just another overpriced talent school.
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rather than a scam, it's a rip-off
it sucks that they stick Ai's name to their identity and then go do shit like this
i'd clip it but she may sue me
That's a he
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Peanuts-kun has come very close to being the perfect vtuber.
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She will come back one day
She just streamed Minecraft the other day. Now YUA on the other hand...
will also come back one day
My fat wife is live.
how can you tell if someone is fat irl?
anon sends them 4000kcal/day worth of rice so they know for sure
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You can hear it.
in their voice or the sounds they make when moving around?
Did Karubi and Tsurugi do well among everyone else? They are from a different time period.
Izumi new 3D
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I'm glad this thread isn't completely dead yet. My heart sank a bit when I checked for it and saw there hadn't been a new one in days
What can companies like Re:Act or Nanashi do to reboot their growth?
nanashiinc is doing alright >>48765145
I don't have much hope for either of them. At this point they'd need multiple lucky strikes à la Hololive to have any hope of getting significantly better. Nanashi needs their own 3D studio and talents who are both healthy and want to be vtubers, and Re:Act should focus on singing and fixing their internal issues.
I hope not
Sell over to some rich fans
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Everyone goes to Okinawa these days
Honestly, you couldn't even really call those lucky strikes. The biggest part of it was luck assuredly, but up until that point they were constantly networking even prior to abandoning nigh-everyone, something Re:Act as a group makes basically no effort to do. I imagine the management structure is vastly different to most companies so the chuubas there aren't pressured to network, yet the only people who do have connections are consistently among the top members of it, so you'd think they'd learn from that and swing some weight to get at least half of their company off the ground like Nijisanji did. Then again in order to swing weight you need to actually have some, and pretty much every talent who ever had that already quit and joined bigger companies or split as an indie to varying success. Their smartest choice was picking up Chanmari but even that came too little too late with nothing done from it. I can't speak deeply on their issues despite this being the meat of my post because a majority of my knowledge of them comes from Cowmea, Qu-chan, Leona, and a bit of Ciel from when anon posted about her, all but Leona of which have found vast success after leaving Re:Act and Leona being one of the three talents they have that actually brings attachment to their brand.

As for Nanashi, when compared to Re:Act they're not doing poorly. They have their problems and have had the same ones for the entirety of their lifespan to varying degrees and as such have lost many talents they never had to lose had they had half of a brain, but the members have plenty of friends outside of the company and they're not a name that only exists as "people you'd hear about in a list of Vtuber companies" or "wait, OO was part of a company?" like Re:Act firmly sits within. 774's name is known and only sometimes exists in that weird space of Vtuber otaku knowledge. I'm not really sure what they could do that they aren't already doing that wouldn't cause a thirteenth or fourteenth incident. Maybe get Brave to buy them out if they haven't done that already? Didn't seem to kill off VSPO, but also VSPO's list of members and their influence makes them seem pretty unkillable to begin with, whereas 774 mainly boils down to a handful of talents. I'd be upset if Sharu left but it wouldn't have the same impact on her company standing as it would for VSPO if someone like Mimitaya left. Well, it probably would in a different way, because I imagine the only way Sharu's going to quit is if someone gets grabby hands again... but that's a different discussion.
Ai soon
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No more mahjong
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VPI3 featuring budget-friendly LunLun
At least unlike Lunlun this one will never have to confront the problem that comes with being a mascot character and also having 3D. I'm still kinda ticked about how Shiba tried creating her own character only for both people and the company to outright reject it leaving her in 3D limbo for years until a month or two ago.
Shiba is the one who refused human 3D though.
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worth the wait
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Looks like they finally managed to grow again
Buy subs like Brave is doing.
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Brave bought one of IRIAM-based agencies
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Good point. If Brave can buy out VSPO with a tenth of the market share of 774 then surely 774 could buy out something like Nijisanji. Why haven't they done this yet? Is Nanashi stupid?
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I will hate Koyori forever if we get some form of endless rerolls bullshit in the main tourney
I don't think dotLive execs understand what made LunLun popular
the porn!?
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Is she known for doing that? I didn't really keep up with last years.
She had unlimited rerolls in her own HoloKoushien, other Holo Powerpro tourney copied it, and now Tenkaiji is doing it too. It's retarded and takes ages
That said, I don't think Tenkaiji's version will take more than ten rerolls, I just think it's a bad idea in general
That sounds awful.
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wanna fuck the tanuki
207th birthday...
My fat wife was live.
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Apparently it's still possible to start trending from a funny model
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Brave's CEO masturbation routine full-color photobook
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cheater cat...
Sometimes I randomly remember images like this one and that one with Deron stealing away Siro in front of La Goblina and it brings a smile to my face. I miss those halcyon days...
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sex with a man
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that's a cute girl
>The only good thing to come from Hiyoko dying
Explain yourself. What happened?
The site, dumbo
Yes, I know it's the site, but why
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What do you mean why? It's been dead for ages.
no more metrics?
I'm sure they are available somewhere
shouldn't be sad
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Lilo cute
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One of these days I'll understand exactly what this video is about.
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What a waste, she was doing so well prior to her hiatus.
Because when it died all the retarded statsfaggots fucked off since they were too stupid to find another site, or at least from my recollection of the past. It probably wasn't entirely correlated since by the time it was dying I think it was post-raids anyways so it was mostly a throwaway joke at the expense of subhumans who only find enjoyment in numbers, and also why I don't post in that thread on principle. I don't care if it's /vy/2, with that number obsession being it's cover to function on that cesspool of a board it'll inevitably attract people who believe that's the whole point. I'm content with checking it once every few months when I'm bored and seeing if there's any news for someone I used to care about but don't anymore but that's as far as I'll go.

That and I don't really want to share my experiences with my favorite chuubas on this website anymore because of obvious reasons. I don't hate you remnants of those halcyon days but I hate basically every other vtuber fan who speaks this god-awful language we call English, and those rats are always lurking.
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I miss Black Ai and her ass
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Sankyu fowa watchingu dayo
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Is there anything more cucked than being Vspo fan
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The agency that grew because of their interactions with streamers is doing an event with streamers. How scandalous!
You could have a point if it was another shitty custom and not Vspo first big stage event
I'm more surprised anon is crying about guys about a company that's had them as part of official programs for years now. There was a bit from after a New Years official stream, with that shrine they collab with, from about 2 or 3 years back where someone ended up letting a members merch hit the floor by accident. Can't remember who, I don't think it was Hendy but I think he was there. I can't remember specifically what good it was so trying to find a clip of it is impossible anyways.

I'm confused that anon cares about them enough to post screenshots but hates them enough to being a crying idolfaggot.
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Black Lotus...
Man, traplover's certainly figured out the formula. Just say every other stream you do is potentially unarchived and people will feel FOMO.
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When is she having a (flesh) kid? Vtubers becoming moms is the new trend.
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https://x.com/akkgsyk/status/1871256702471024834 I prefer this
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I've had to now unfollow at least three artists in the past year because they do this shit. Even personality shitting would be better than this trash.
Anyone still follow MaRiNaSu? I've noticed more streams from Rin's channel which seems strange.
how the mighty have fallen..
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Brave bought Neoporte
I'd ask how they manage to keep doing it with zero dollars, but knowing Shibuhal he would'va sold it for a year long free voucher to Jojoen and a handy.
CR next.
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Wonder if neoporte will be suddenly gaining a lot more subs and views than usual, seems like a common trend with the agencies that merge with Brave.
A majority of Vspo's growth happened before they signed with Unlimited.
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Hahaha, it really did happen.
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Where? I checked Reid and Konkon Aria but didn't see any major boosts post-merger.
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Strongest indie major debuting again
Didn't she just sign with a different label last year? Is she going to start collecting terminations like they're Pokemon?
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Are we ready
Don't even know if I have it in me to laugh when it turns out to be more NFT's or kzn taking over the channel.
>Produced by: Kizuna AI Inc.
>Voice Model:Nozomi Kasuga
>Character design:en morikura
Would you believe me if I said I didn't see this coming while I was writing up the part about kzn taking over the channel?
I hope they don't fuck this up
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What do you want them to do in the first place? The way I see it, bringing her back is already a fuck-up. It's not 2018 anymore and she doesn't have her old popularity or influence. It would be better to leave her legacy the way it is than let her rot as another struggling has-been.
The only way to not fuck it up would have been just letting Ai be Ai but that ship has long since sailed. I don't entirely agree with the other anon but I can't exactly say he's wrong when he says her legacy is more important than a comeback. Kinda like Kurumi.
The only confirmation I want is that she owns it and higher ups can all fuck off. I won't watch her but Azulim-ing it is the best case scenario for both her and fans.
jesus fucking christ she's ugly
Well I'll be. It's actually her. No catch yet, just an actual comeback.
I'll be damned. I hope AIfag is still alive to revel in this
This more realistically proportioned model with an anime head slapped on looks pretty uncanny.
Hahahaha, this is awful all around.
The uncanny new model with more human-like proportions, the boring new normalfag look, the soulless pop music made for radio, and dropping videos and streams to focus on being an 'artist.' Quitting while ahead really was the better choice, especially after the last live. Coming back to do this is the most grim shit ever.
(You) people are always bickering, bitching and finding flaws. For all of (you) nothing is OK. Nothing is good enough.
Nigga, her overalls are a flat texture and her arms look like they're from a Clamp doujin. I'm happy she's back and there doesn't seem to be an immediate cause for worry but her new model is objectively worse than her old one, which sucks because overalls are fucking hot on women.
I like it.
it wouldnt look too bad if they increased the head size. cant stop staring at the neck
Another day, another Brave shitshow. They've got a "daddy I'm sorry I've been a bad girl" clause.
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Right when they're working on securing funding. Unfortunate.
Unless the yakuza funnels money through European shores then I doubt this is going to affect their bottom line.
What the fuck is Brave europe? VspoEN?
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Some incredible names on Brave's new Chinese male group
I really hope norio gets her throat slit by someone she's fucked over. That cunt is an insult to mangaka, artist, and human beings everywhere. Surprised her youtube is even still around consider she breaks tos all the time.
emergency stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx73RUl-CU4
bratty imouto...
i'd give her a good rapin if you know what i mean
Same talent who posted this revealed that Brave was botting their viewers and subscriptions for their part of the company.
Which shouldn't surprise anyone but it's nice to see it confirmed.
But Globies have no views or subs
Wait, is that group this is from called the Globies? Haha, holy shit that's good.
Globie. Globies are talents.
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Worse than Apex. Fantastic.
The only thing worse than Apex is PUBGoo and even that's fine if it's once every year.
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Does this mean she's free of Eilene? Or has she been for years and I'm just totally out of the loop?
Aogiri signed her last year, but she was probably free since at least 2022? when Eilene disappeared
She has signed under 5 different agencies (vtuber and talent), 6 if you count the failed major debut under Pony Canyon.
The singing machine is back (In Re:Act form) :
Never saw that shit coming at all.
2025 scares me. What a weird year.
I'm not quite sure who you mean by the singing machine. The only ones I can think of that's notable for pumping out songs like no other that died would be Cocoa and Yuni, but the former I believe came back under another name and the latter is still, fucking somehow, active.
Own 600 virtual machines for homelabs, since that's what Popek and Goldberg intended. Four indie devs make a woke game that I don't like. "What in tarnation?!" As I dust the cheeto crumbs off my keyboard and knock over a tower of Modelo cans. Buy 600 copies of the game on credit, my card is dead on the spot. Try to write a script to automate install/deletion across all 600 VMs, but fail entirely because I don't actually know how to code and somehow need to power cycle the entire server rack. Have to resort to downloading superior Russian code from the internet for it, "GIT 'ER DONE BOYS" the virtual machines start running the code and cost the developers $12 every three minutes, shredding three quarters of the revenue of the four indie devs. Pull out my cell phone and call my card provider, explaining that the game copies were unauthorized charges by my son and open a chargeback. The last bit of revenue dries up, as chargeback fees are impossible to dispute. Just as Popek and Goldberg intended.
I'm meaning in regards to the crazy karaokes she used to do all the time.
I do hope she sings more again, she has a really nice voice for singing, flexible too.
She did some nice covers in her time as Mera recently.
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Ah, when you said singing machine I thought you were referring to her by a nickname that I was blanking on, like along the lines of anons fat wife. I'm glad a chuuba you like came back regardless.
Same. I was sad she may have been gone for good when she left Mera behind, but at the same time it came kind of with a certain hint that she was going somewhere.
I will miss the Mera model, even if her chest was a fucking cylinder, that rigging for her body was messed up man.
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They're finally letting her leave.
Rent free
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This is like the third time in the past several months I've offhandedly mentioned a chuuba and they've gotten into some kinda scandal. I'm afraid of my own powers.
But I don't claim the other one, the only member from there I've thought about even once in that timeframe is when I was jacking off to Azki.
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