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Why is Kutaka the only birdhu with a tail?
She's a goddess, so she needs to be extra fabulous.
Kutaka's gentle kindness and beauty heal my heart.
She's the only pure-hearted birdhu in all of Gensokyo so she gets to have it as a little treat.
The cock!
She's so pure thanks to yuri
Giant Kutaka
What about Tokiko? Tokiko is a good girl.
She steals books from Kourindo and Reimu.
>the only pure-hearted birdhu in all of Gensokyo
Ahem, ahem. While the fabulousness of Niwatari-sama's tail-feathers is beyond doubt and approach, I think you are forgetting about someone. Don't worry, you might be pardoned if you apologise for your baseless slander.
I'm glad to see the purest and most honest birdhu is saving her name from malicious lies and slander.
What did the chicken is seeing to react like that?
Chicken water up!
Bird pussy.
A hole's a hole.

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