Why is Kutaka the only birdhu with a tail?
She's a goddess, so she needs to be extra fabulous.
>>48754761Kutaka's gentle kindness and beauty heal my heart.
>>48754761She's the only pure-hearted birdhu in all of Gensokyo so she gets to have it as a little treat.
>>48754761The cock!
>>48754866She's so pure thanks to yuri
Giant Kutakahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dtA9w5ldHw
>>48754866What about Tokiko? Tokiko is a good girl.
>>48760480She steals books from Kourindo and Reimu.
>>48754866>the only pure-hearted birdhu in all of GensokyoAhem, ahem. While the fabulousness of Niwatari-sama's tail-feathers is beyond doubt and approach, I think you are forgetting about someone. Don't worry, you might be pardoned if you apologise for your baseless slander.
>>48762794I'm glad to see the purest and most honest birdhu is saving her name from malicious lies and slander.
>>48754761What did the chicken is seeing to react like that?
Chicken water up!
>>48764994Bird pussy.
>>48774756A hole's a hole.