Which 2hu do (You) think would make for the best wife? Here's my personal (subjective and mostly based on vibes) ranking. I can elaborate on it if you'd like, although I didn't think all that hard about most of it lol. Feel free to make your own here: https://tiermaker.com/create/all-relevant-touhou-characters-t1-t18-books-and-cds-1244738
Where is Rinnosuke ?
>>48765807this is a wife (female) tierlist. kourin would in fact be a husband (male).
>>48765761>suwako good wife>reisen not good wife
>>48765761Objectively? One of the wealthier ones that can give you a good life. Ideally one of the ones that owns a large property but a place just big enough for two works too if you prefer to live small.
>>48765761but yukarin would make a great wife, op you're a baka.
>>48765761>Hina, Sagume, and Yuuka all bottom-tierinto the trash it goes
>>48766669Wait but that's almost all of them...
>>48765761Your opinions are dogshit wrong
>>48766692I actually think gume and Hina would be top tier if not for their abilities making it too dangerous to get close to them. Yuuka is kind of a tough one to rank given her depictions tend to vary pretty wildly, so I'd say you should stay away just to be safe.
>>48766327yukarin is an evil lazy hag and would make a terrible wife.
>>48766819Yuuka is probably one of the best if she actually likes you enough to share her solitude with you. A quiet life in a quiet place, with a wife powerful enough to protect that peace for the both of you.
>>48766263suwako is a nice, fun grandma and frogs are coolreisen is a racist sadist
>>48766882An useless racist sadist only good for Paizuri.
>>48766882>reisen is a racist sadistA racist sadist who uses her mind control eyes to dominate her lover and then when he's out pass him around all her friends too.
>>48767008>pass him around all her friends tooWhat friends?
>>48765761Here. Don't mind the rants on them.
>>48767206Mokou and Kaguya are for each other!
>>48767206Forgot to say that is a toh/o/ tierlist.
>>48765761Reimu is totally wife material dude, how can you be so wrong?
>>48767261She's lazy, shallow, hypocritical, and probably would just marry a rich man so she didn't have to work.
>>48767206Least racist /o/fag
>>48767265wrongwrongwrongand wrong
>>48765761>I can elaborate on it if you'd likeBy all means. What are the criteria? Having kids and being affectionate to them, doing household tasks (or the means to delegate them to servants, in case of people like Remilia and Yukari) and having a tolerable personality? A lot changes depending on what species you are, and whatever organization you belong to. Are you a gensokyan human, an outsider (AKA just food for like half of these characters), a yokai or a lunarian? Do we assume people like Byakuren or Eiki are allowed to marry in the first place?
>>48767265Unironically this. Your best bet would be the possibility of her love for you making her a less defective person. Other than that, i think she's better as a friend.
>>48766819>stay away just to be safe.Wrong. I will charge in headfirst and achieve either glory or death, and life without glory is not worth living.See you, space cowboy!
>>48767261What makes her wife material?
>>48767473mary sue
>>48767473>>48767265She's good at housework, can cook, is a seasoned organiser, has a soft spot for kids, is almost autistically dedicated.
>>48767315You're more or less correct. The idea was mostly just to evaluate how good of a partner and eventual mother they'd be, in regard to things like homemaking skill, childcare experience, temperament, etc. Being generally pleasant to be around is also pretty important for a person you'll be spending the rest of your life with, so being nice and somewhat well adjusted (by Gensokyo standards) was also a major criteria. I came at this from the perspective of your average outsider, which is why characters that are prejudiced against humans rank pretty low. Major political or religious figures (ie. Byak or Miko) and characters who's entire existence is their job (ie. Sakuya, Eiki) went into the "Not an option" tier specifically because I can't really see any scenario where they'd marry. Characters in the bottom tier are either completely unhinged, evil, or just pose a threat to you by their mere existence.
Out of my favorite girls (Sanae, Satori, Kogasa and Ran), Sanae and Kogasa would probably make for best wife for obvious reasons. Going out on adventures with qt Kogasa and making a living as blacksmiths sounds like a perfect life. Same with marrying Sanae and getting to live at the Moriya shrine, plus Suwacky and Kanako are fun and cool.Having Satorin or Ran as a wife would be tricky given their responsibilities and who they deal with on a daily basis. Becoming lord of Chireiden sounds cool but now you're as overworked as Satori and you'd have to deal with the stank of Orin's corpses and Koishi's lone neuron shenanigans. And as for Ran, good luck dealing with Yukari having more authority over Ran than you as her husband.
Marry Yamame Kurodani.
>>48767669confirmed man-eater that can also give you turbo-aids on a whim. tbf her personality is actually pretty well suited to being a wifehu, but as a human the cons outweigh the pros.
>>48767662Ran essentially just being an extension of Yukari's will is why I put her in the "Not an option" tier. The baggage is just not worth it even if she would in fact make for a wonderful wife.
>>48767473here are ten reasons1-She is canonically one of the prettiest girls in all Gensokyo2-She is very responsible tending her shrine everyday3- Even if she is poor and cold she treats her visitors nicely4-DFC5-Behind that cold exterior lies probably the sweetest and most loyal girl there is6-She would be a strict but loving mother7- She will probably beat the crap out of you on the daily basis8- Would probably insult you with all kinds of loving but harsh names9- Will make you spend tons of money on her10- Reimu!!
>>48767844The HSE lives rent free in anon's heads.
>>48767710Even Byakuren concedes that Yamame won't actually kill you and is actually pretty nice. By those standards Yamame is a sweetheart.
>>48767844the abuse fic and it's spinoff have done irreparable damage to the 'mu's image.
>>48767976One of these days it's going to annoy me enough to make a wholesome romance smutfic about Reimu, but today is not one of those days.
>>48767918Didn't she want to join Myouren Temple specifically because she thought the humans there looked "delicious"? Plus her interaction with Marisa in 17.5 seems to confirm she still sees humans as prey.
>>48768029According to Akyuu, humans in psychological distress are more "delicious" to youkai. Yamame was basically saying Byakuren's temple sucks for humans.
Be objective for a second. Do YOU think your favored 2hu would make for a good wife? You probably don't care if she wouldn't and would wife her anyways but would she be good at it?
>>48768066Fair. Her SoPM article does call her "a Youkai that can be reasoned with", so I might've overstated her danger level
>>48767656Alright. With those criteria in mind, here's my list.There's a few I struggled ranking, so I'll explain:>Junko, Sumireko and SuwakoAll three of them canonically had children (well, Sumireko is only heavily implied to be Renko's ancestor). Junko became an insane sagacious spirit and therefore obsessed with the family she lost to the point she most likely can't make a new one, so she's out. We don't know how good a mother Sumireko would eventually become, but at the point in time we see her, she's too immature. You could place her in "maybe good" with the benefit of the doubt. As for Suwako, if her lifestyle in Gensokyo is anything to go by, she would be very hands-off in her parenting and delegate household tasks to other people, much like Sanae does now as her descendant. I would assume that she never did any housework herself and Sanae's ancestors just did everything for her.>Maribel and RenkoThere's nothing wrong with them exactly, it's just that they live in a dystopian future where children apparently don't smile anymore, and life just kinda sucks there.>SakuyaGood option if you join the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You'll get your blood sucked by Remilia, but she's a light eater, so you'll be fine as long as you avoid becoming Flandre's pastries. Sakuya has all the skills to care for children on top of time manipulation, plus she'd be looking to train another human to succeed her as head maid, and there's no better candidate than her own child. >YuukaHer deptictions vary wildly. She's very unfriendly to humans and may kill you gruesomely for her own sadistic pleasure, but if her care for flowers is anything to go by, she'd be an overprotective mother who would intimidate anyone who threatened her child. It's honestly a coinflip, so handle with extreme care.
>>48768144People don't give her enough credit but Medicine is actually a very good and reasonable person, Medi has lived a simple and quiet life for years now so pleasing her is not hard, bring her a pretty flower (preferably poisonous) and she would likely get an interest to you, Medicine is a proud doll so she would definitely stay with you for a long time until you eventually perish peacefully on the Hill of the Nameless.And as an immortal being Medicine would take care of all your generations and your legacy would be told by her till time allows.
Sanae would be a perfect wife for me. We share similar interests, she has experience cooking and housekeeping since she has to take care of her gods, she’s sweet, she’s pretty, and Moriya Shrine probably has air conditioning and power.
Suika, i think suika
>>48768144As long as she will be able to admit to her mistakes to me, at least sometimes, then yes, surely. I don't have a problem with nosy or conceited people, as long as it doesn't influence the problem at hand. If she won't, then I guess some arguments will need to end with me rolling my eyes and accepting that she won't budge. But it won't be always pleasant.She has a strong drive, passion and a way with words, so she wouldn't be boring to live with. At the same time she isn't picking up fights left and right and is still strong enough to manage most of them, so it shouldn't be that dangerous to be with her. Unlike her fellows, she has an interest in humans and the Village, so there wouldn't be a problem to hang out with her among other villagers, she already knows how to behave. I think I can adapt to her society's customs in turn. And as press production is quite a complicated matter with multiple stages, I'm sure there will be plenty of bonding opportunities over helping her in work.I know quite a number of intelligentsia marriages and in those both the wife and the husband are pulling their weight in terms of work and familial discussions, even in those that are otherwise very conservative family-models. And most of them are quite successful, from what I remember when I still interacted with them. So I'm rather optimistic.Obviously assuming she would like to be with me in the first place. If she somehow ended up in a loveless marriage, I would expect her to be terrible wife on purpose.
But which wife would be ready and willing to help you transcend your mortality so you can truly be together forever?
>>48768223My main issue with rating Sakuya or Ran highly on this sort of list is that, due to their nature as servants, their relationship with you (and your kids by extension) would always be subordinate to the wills of their respective masters. Like, if Yukari decided you needed to go away, then you'd go away, regardless of Ran's feelings. In Ran's case this is even worse, given that she's completely under Gappy's control as a shikigami. Not to mention the fact that Sakuya regularly kills and butchers humans to serve to Flan and Remi despite being a human herself. Otherwise I think the list is pretty solid.
>>48768396May I ask why Futo gets her own exclusive tier on your chart?
>>48768426Because Futo is Futo, duh.
>>48768436Alrighty then, guess I should’ve expected that.
suika is my wife
>>48768436Does it mean that you ultimately chose her?
>>48768476I'm not sure what to fill that row with until I see Futo pic.
You know I'm right.
>>48768554You didn't even get all malehus correct.
>>48768601Wriggle is right there.
I would like to marry Yuugi and help her run the onsen.
>>48768420Fair enough, I just assumed that if you're a big Sakuya or Ran guy, you'll probably try joining their factions and remain on good enough terms to make it work. I'd personally choose Alice because she probably speaks English, is nice to outsiders, does housework incredibly fast with her dolls and can teach me magic, which is pretty useful and exciting. She's not much for conversation, has a fragile ego, and there's a chance that she displays creepy obsessive behavior, but otherwise pretty solid.
Thoughts on Marisa as a wife? I think she'd be super fun to date and then have as a wife, but only if you're certain kind of person. If you enjoy being /out/, extroverted in social situations, reckless exploration and tomboys, she'd be perfect. But most autists here aren't like that and would rather be staty at home husbands, so Marisa wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.
>2hu wifemokou becaus i like her
>>48769173t. Rinnosuke
>>48769173That's why it's important for an introvert to have an extrovert spouse, so she can handle the more social aspects of life for him.
>>48769219I disagree. I like Marisa because we share a lot of interests, so we'd mesh pretty well and adventures would never lack.
>>48765761Here is my tier, based of character priority with you and the children you both could get. Character with low ambitions or duties are prefered.
>>48769563I want to be used by Tsukasa and Seija and Yukari and Miko.
>>48769573Don't forget to bring your babies to Seiga.
>>48768223>LunarianWhat kind of tier is that? Because those four here are not just very different personalities, but seemingly fundamentally different creatures with all that implies for personality, life experience and such.>>48768144Since I believe that a best wife is a best friend that you also have sex with - quite so? Most importantly, unlike with most non-human girls, our gap in life experience is not insumourntable (even though she's technically much older than any human, most of that time was spent in a semi-literal bubble), so we both have something to offer to each other. That will require me to live up to some standards of a decent and interesting human being, but that's frankly a requirement to a proper life anyway. Hopefully we could help each other to find an occupation to love and a place in life. We both suck at chores and like, but that's really secondary next to personality and is just something to get accustomed with.
>>48769850Who's your favorite girl
>>48767467>glory or deathOh, Anon, still so very stupid.You completely forgot about the third possibility: Complete and utter humiliation.Despite what she says, Yuuka isn't really all that murderous; she's far more inclined to simply bully people and consistently aims to rub them the wrong way. If you were to pursue her and she didn't like you, she'd go out of her way to ruin your reputation and humiliate you without really hurting you physically.You'd just end up as a pathetic loser remembered only for failing utterly, much like Kaguya's former suitors.>>48767844>4-DFCWrong!Reimu has lovely shaped breasts of typical size that can charm all the men in Gensokyo.>>48768420The bigger issue with Ran is that, from what we see in SSiB, she's very inflexible in her thinking and can't really solve anything that's not a strict math problem (or what she pretends to be a math problem). She'd try to control your kids with catnip and be all out of ideas when that doesn't work.
>>48769967He's obviously talking about Kaguya.
>>48768554why is my china girl in the dead zone?
>>48765761Wat nou?
>>48767206Chen and Mike are "disgusting furry" but Orin is "almost perfect lady"? you got some fantastic logic going on here little buddy
>>48770632>chinaAnswering your own question there.
>>48765761Wife actual humans. Kill all the youkai and the mixed humans. Simple as.
>>48771429The humans aren't any better. Spare no one.
>>48770632Ovaries so dry they crackle when she does her pilates.
>>48771968i should kick your fucking ass
>>48766819Poor Yuuka...
>>48770004>Utter humiliationYou fool, if I were not prepared to sacrifice all I had for Youkai Moe I would be unworthy.What is a paltry humiliation to a man like me, with no dignity whatsoever?Every day I am kicked into the gutter, I will rise up and march on down again, every day. If my legs falter I will crawl, if my arms give in I will drag myself by the teeth if that is what is required of me.There are only two options here, anon. Anything else is but a test of my will.
>>48770004>If you were to pursue her and she didn't like you, she'd go out of her way to ruin your reputation and humiliate you without really hurting you physically.The joke is on her, as a social recluse I have no reputation to ruin. She could talk all the shit she wants and no one would know who she is talking about. They might even think she made me up.
>>48771968Well a changeless hourai and a shikaisen whose true body is a literal plate are wives for life for him, so clearly the children angle isn't the issue here
If no one else wants Eirin, I'll take her
In fact why won't I post a tierlist myself based on my simple criterion>>48772753With all due respect, what hope can you or any human have with Lady Yagokoro? Even if she agrees to be wed for whatsoever reason, you'll always be nothing more than a pet for her - cherished, as we cherish our cats and dogs, but still a pet. An animal. And that's in the best case. An equal and mutually respectful relationship is simply impossible with such an ancient and wise being.
Glad people are being sensible about Koishi at least hehheh
>>48772979Hard to maintain a marriage with someone you forget about the moment they leave your line of sight.
>>48773002you could be married to Koishi right now and not remember
>>48771296Well, if you pull your shithead out your ass for a second, you'll guess why Orin's in here. Snarky fire cat lady and can ever turn into a fucking cat! (fucking incredible!) And if you die because you're stupid then at least you would have someone to laugh with you at your bullshit. + her Eurobeat theme is fire. Also she would hate niggers.
>>48773090To this day she is still the only 2hu I have ever seen in a dream, complete with memory tampering mechanics...
>>48769850>Lunarian>What kind of tier is that?It's a meme tier that I fucked up because I forgot to add Sagume. They're kinda troublesome to marry if you're just some human because depending on how attached to the lunarian mindset they are, their whole purity thing would make them recoil in disgust if you touch them, unless you happen to be a pure being.>KaguyaShe's lazy and selfish. Not really wife material and clearly doesn't seek marriage in the first place if she's turned down every suitor with impossible tasks. On the plus side, she doesn't mind the impurity of Earth and would be friends just fine.>EirinShe wouldn't entertain the idea of marrying a human, unless she's ordered to by Kaguya, or somehow sees it as an extension of her punishment, which is a rather negative basis to build a relationship upon. With that said, Eirin would make a good wife because she's very skilled, and autistic enough to solve any problem with fancy magical drugs.>YorihimeShe's already married, but basically perfect if you happen to be her nephew (which would make you a lunarian, rather than human) since she can master any skill instantaneously, and can channel the power of a lover or marriage-related deity if somehow required.>ToyohimeAlso already married. As one of Eirin's former students, there's a high chance she's also a prodigy. She seems affectionate to her pets, and this likely extends to the people she likes.>SagumeShe's pretty reasonable, and the most likely among lunarians to give some human a chance if she likes him enough (though you'll probably have to keep it secret or Lord Tsukuyomi will be very displeased). Communication would be rather awkard due to her powers, but it's workable. We have no explicit information on how good her household skills are, but chances are she excels at everything because lunarians are just written like that.
>>48772282More sad Yuuka please!
>>48772282>>48777095OOC, Yuuka is a sigma female.
>>48772926>Already marriedThat's not going to stop me