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our little human eater youkai deserves a thread
So nanoka!
>>48817657 (OP)
I want to take her in and teach her how to more effectively hunt humans...
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She would love my meat
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ZUN drew her with a hat back in 2022 so she now wears a hat in my eyes
What the fuck there was official new Rumia drip?
She has the best clothes of any 2hu in my opinion
>>48817657 (OP)
Do you think Rumia looks significantly older than Flan? Flan and Remi are supposed to look under 10. Rumia is also young but I imagine her as looking closer to 13/14. Thinking about it because sometimes they're compared due to their blonde hair and ribbons but I feel like they wouldn't be confused for each other height wise.
>Flan and Remi are supposed to look under 10.
They are? I was always under the impression that it was early teens for them.
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You saw *this* and assumed she's supposed to be a teen?
I think so. ZUN once stated that Flan and Rumia have heights similar to an early teen (10 to 14 years old), but Flan still looks younger than Rumia to me because of her innocent personality
She has a simple but effective design.
>ZUN drew her with a hat back in 2022
>They are? I was always under the impression that it was early teens for them.
https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Remilia_Scarlet says she looks like she has not even reached 10 years old, near the top of the article. Flan's Says that she looks the same age as Remi. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Flandre_Scarlet
It was a silly gartic phone round but still
Hat or hairbun
i like it, but it should be a little bigger to be perfect.
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I say she's physically around 15. Who knows if her appearance does change with an unsealed ofuda though.
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It's sad how underrated she is. She deserves more love
Rumi hours?
Rumi hours.

I want to adore this fucking retard so much, like you wouldn't believe. I want to pat her head as she chomps into a big ol' thigh muscle, juices dripping onto her breast which I will lovingly wipe clean with a napkin before finally at the end of the day tucking her into bed with a hug and a kiss on the forehead, so she has enough energy to hunt properly in the morning.
I want to make new clothes for her with lacey frills so she can feel as loved as I love her, and so she can go to her youkai friends and show off how pretty her new dresses are to make them all jealous, not of the material component but of the worship and adoration I have woven into every stitch and fold on her cute little body.
If only she had been added to Hisoutensoku as a boss character like ZUN originally planned...
To her credit she is still reasonably popular for what she is.
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Extremely popular for what she is
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Why didn't he added her?
What's her secret...
A combination of Tasofro suggesting to add other popular characters instead and ZUN not knowing what her darkness fighting abilities would be like
That image reminds me of what was either a dream or sleep paralysis moment I had some years ago where I was in bed and there was a swirling void above me that seemed to be screaming at me and I screamed back at it in response.
Osana Reimu and Rereimu still making people cry to this day
I'm quite surprised that she's ahead of Suwako
This, and I don't doubt being not only part of, but the first boss of the most famous game has something to do with it
Everyone in EoSD get to be popular, even the unnamed midbosses
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Darkness Lariat. Or make her able to create a sphere of darkness with a slight delay so nobody can see what she's doing, with the person using her just having an advantage because he knows the inputs.
It's weird to think that Daiyousei is more popular than most Touhou characters
>juices dripping onto her breast which I will lovingly wipe clean
lolicon pervert
Fake Marisa propaganda... Everybody knows Rumia would win
I have to wonder, would her darkness be able to block Master Spark? Maybe not dissipate the heat, but at least the light?
It would probably block the light but it wouldn't save her.
Unless her darkness is also vaccum of space cold to block off the heat and energy of Master Spark, no.
This is bullying! Somebody stop this evil witch!
vaccums can't be cold or have a temperature at all
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How can someone hurt such an innocent Youkai...
This bitch (allegedly) eats men!
That's completely fake! She bit Reimu and Marisa in self defense! She didn't knew what to do! Also please don't call her such an heinous word...
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Rumia is so amazing that a town was named after her
I've been. But never after dark.
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Who's the most airhead of the two?
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she was planned for ULiL at some point too, but was ultimately scrapped.
pretty sure she will make it someday since she's a character ZUN himself has admitted to liking and he has already caved in to using Flandre.
He likes his EoSDs more than he lets on
Koishi, as she literally has no thoughts.
I don't believe it
another :D hu

v l
The ( :D+<=I hu, even
I hate autojustification now
Rumers may be retarded but she at least thinks unlike the walking laughing vegetable that Koosh is
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It's the classic that really put him on the map, I can see why he might like it best.
Would you prefer Rumia in mainline or in spin-off?
Mainline if it's about revealing her unsealed ofuda as ZUN once intended to do
But I also think a spinoff like Great Fairy Wars but about Rumia would be a cool idea.
It would be cool if one of her bombs was just an abyssal version of Marisa's that ate the enemy danmaku.
The game could play around the ideas of light and darkness like how Great Fairy Wars plays with ice and freezing danmaku projectiles.
happy with whatever comes but would be amazing if it was a fairy war-esque game like other anons mentioned, if she popped up in a fighter my only wish is for the game to be good at least unlike the second gen stagnant air ones.
Which typically playable character would be the final boss of hers?
How would it work? Rumia being able to decrease danmaku size, putting her darkness over what are light particles?
extra stage reimu to parallel fairy wars extra being Marisa, main game fuck if I know, maybe other typical night yokai of the night like Kagerou or even Nue due to the whole darkness = unknown theme
1. Could play it safe and have it a bit like Fairy Wars where some danmaku gets absorbed by her darkness but that could be seen as lazy and get some panning like Violet Detector
2. By holding the slow button, you could select a barrage of danmaku bullets to "emit a shadow" that creates a safe space for Rumia to stand in and avoid some extremely hard patterns for a couple of seconds. Something like pic related and you can choose as to whether the shadow is emitted the left or right side of the chosen danmaku barrage. The issue with this one is that it could be pretty iffy and easily executed badly and make the player have to do a lot of quick decision making while having to dodge hard patterns but I guess that could be mended by having a slowdown effect when choosing where to emit the shadow like when you take a picture in the camera games.
3. Something like your idea where Rumia emits darkness into an area which decreases the number/size of danmaku projectiles.
Sanae for final boss and Reimu as extra stage?
>I also think a spinoff like Great Fairy Wars but about Rumia
The problem with that is that Cirno is one of, if not the strongest of all fairies, while Rumia is one of the weakest of all youkai. Who would she fight? Fairy wars was also based on a motivation mechanic while Rumia is an unmotivated NEET. What would even be her reason for fighting? The only idea I could think of is the old article Aya wrote causing youkai to try hiding in her darkness with her and her attempting to drive them out so they don't make it hotter.

Like Ikaruga or like IN youkai-human?
The idea of Rumia shifting to being the most proactive and amongst the powerful youkai simply because they are bothering her Darkness Hobo NEET lifestyle is funny
That'd never happen. ZUN does not like to answer mysteries.
Even when he decided to return to the whole Cirno being weirdly powerful for a fairy thing he only ended up raising further questions, so now Cirno is an ice fairy hiding enough latent power to tussle with some of Gensokyo's strongest but the nature of that power is also somehow associated with summer and flowers instead of cold and winter.
Larva is basically a better executed Rumia, since there's more explicit hints towards her true nature, but even then her appearance in VFiS went in a different direction by having her grow to understand life force and manipulate summer instead of doyou like you'd expect from the whole Tokoyo no Kami thing.

We'll never get an actual answer to the mystery of Rumia's ofuda.
>Who would she fight? Fairy wars was also based on a motivation mechanic while Rumia is an unmotivated NEET. What would even be her reason for fighting?
Well, instead of Great Fairy Wars this would be a Silly Youkai Scuffle, with Rumia trying to laze and other small-fry youkai going after her, for petty reasons. Mystia, because she believes that Rumia is encroaching on her turf of being darkness-related. Wriggle, thinking that as a firefly youkai she needs to beat darkness youkai to show her strength. Mike, pestering Rumia to buy something. Kogasa, trying to enlist Rumia's help in surprising people and then trying to beat Roomba once she denies, finding it too much hassle. Those sort of things.
After beating enough youkai Sanae hears about Rumia and thinking that Roomba might be dangerous (she has beaten so many!) goes full extermination autism on her in the Extra.
Above aside, such game could also be character development to Rumia. Something before or during the game makes her more motivated, if only a little.
My beloved (honorary) fairy daughter
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[...is so cute]
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Did you like it?
I prefer pic related
What if Rumia's talisman makes her stronger?
me on the bottom left
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Make sure to feed your Roomba a well balanced diet
>Extremely popular for what she is
She'd be more popular if she let some of the fans survive her meet and greets.
>You know, there's been a lot of weird youkai coming into my summer resort paradise lately. That's never happened before.
Imagine Rumia's comment here being literal and she owns some hidden tropical resort within her darkness
Roomba is cold...
Should invest in a longer skirt.
Miko go with their armpits exposed, yet you don't see them complaining. Youkai up, Rumia, instead of acting like a petulant fairy!
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>yet you don't see them complaining
Reimu wears a big comfy scarf to keep warm, so it keeps her warm in the cold of winter.
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What do you guys think about this image?
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I think of this gif happening.
There are multiple Rumias?!
How do I avoid this conondrum?
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Uh oh, the ofuda seal weakened
Feed her a chicken tender or something instead of your finger.
Rumia noo!
Explain the context please
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She's going to eat hiroshima nagasaki the owner of 4chan!
She will get a tummy ache! Someone stop her!
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Was she?
I know that isn't the Tasofro pixel artist he's too busy trying to make sure everyone knows Kokoro doesn't wear panties to ever draw Rumia
I find it funny he invited ZUN to do an interview but arrived 2 hours late to his own fucking interview
How would Rumia-chan react to me giving her cunnylingus
send more nanocar
He should spend more time making sure everyone knows Rumia just uses darkness to hide what's under her skirt.
Are all clothes just colored darkness?
No, the darkness goes underneath, of course.
Rumia-chan isn't some kind of pervert who'd fly around in the nude.
Big Grue is feeling fruitful, and you WILL be helping her multiply
Struggling wont save you or your firstborn from the dark
I like whoever came up with the idea that Rumia's clothes is made out of darkness too, its led to some really hot art
I like the idea of Rumia's body not being normal but a solid tangible combination of light and darkness. I've always headcanon'd that youkai which are spawned from abstract concepts such as the fear of darkness can't really be killed through normal standard physical methods like you could do against beast youkai.
aren't all youkai unkillable through normal standard physical methods
you gotta believe first or something like that in order for it to stick
>>48878004 (me)
Not to say they're invincible, I think its something like you kill them but then they turn into dust and reform back again later. If you want to kill them permanently then you go all Parappa on their ass
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>youkai which are spawned from abstract concepts such as the fear of darkness can't really be killed through normal standard physical methods
If it's physical then physics applies to it like anything else. Killing youkai doesn't mean they will stay dead though.

I like Moyazou's use of darkness as general purpose everything from a bed to a bikini
A bullet to the head could kill Reisen or Mystia but not Yukari for example
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Satori using that property was about the only good part of her manga.
only way to put down youkai is Faith, Fire, or Decapitation
and blessed .50AE/explosive7.62×51mm/explosive50.BMG/ C4/purified oil for your flamethrower, the sky is the limit.
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You can always combine them all
Him doing that is hilarious considering he can't even touch the bullets that are in it.
It'd kill them but they'd come back unless you carved some meaningful words on the bullets
Moon rabbits seem to be at least killable according to Eiki's dialog with Reisen. Probably has to do with moon purity and such.
Define belief. Wouldn't anyone attacking something be doing so under the assumption that whatever they are doing will kill them?
It has to be like some Type-Moon style weapon made from historical concepts
Faith, genuine from the heart conviction not just some token "oh lawd jayzuz save me". A good example would be Reimu's Gohei, it's literally a fucking stick with paper tassels stuck to it but because it's Reimu's weapon as a shrine maiden and godless as she is she at least has faith in her role as a shrine maiden it can cut through a Fortune Teller like hot butter
Why is Clownpi such a lewd girl
Hmmm Reimu looks off...
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Dancing in the moonlight~
Everybody's feeling warm and bright, it's such a fine and natural sight!
There's a black house burning in the moonlight
We're standing at the door and there's no one in sight
This will all be over tonight
There's something in the dark and I wanna go home
There's someone else here, we're not alone
This will all be over tonight
The moon was nice and bright last night.
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Probably by eating you out too!
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pretty sure the second gen fightans had more than one pixel artist considering the workload
Oh yeah
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Built to be hugged and loved (Platonically)
Also her tie looks like a dick. Like Dark Helmet's tie in Spaceballs. I don't think it could look more like a dick while not being obviously drawn to look like a dick.
It looks more like an insect's face
That's what Roomba does while no one watches
Is she the cutest non-literal retard in fiction?

I think so.
What if she's just pretending to be retarded?
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Rumers ended up wandering here!
Roomba was last seen in the videogames as a background character in Hopeless Masquerade
this is oddly romantic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WUSIc7W0Hc [Embed]
get that out of here
but she has to eat her vegetables, anon
If you feed Rumia a vegan burger, would she die?
It would be extremely painful.
One of the few genuinely unnerving Rumia arts out there.
For you.
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you're a little girl
Is that so?
Rumi is just doing her own thing
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Smile for the camera.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5JqPxmYhlo [Embed]
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You wouldn't plap Rumia-chan
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Would not.

I see her as a fae-like creature you should never get too comfortable with.
Something you acknowledge and maybe "greet" in your peripheral vision during an excursion into the woods.
would slap red
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I went there three days ago to drink with some locals. They told me that there's a joke between those who live in Gdynia and Gdansk that Rumia is the town of darkness, because when you leave the city limits of Gdynia and enter Rumia all of the streets lights go away.

It's true. And I find it funny
Was getting caught part of your plan?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnsxLI3Bsdc [Embed]
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You could probably play a prank on someone using this pic.

Just get a decently-sized tablet with decent resolution, zoom into those predatory eyes until you get to a "lifesized" width, tweak the brightness to a degree the tablet blends into the darkness and stash it where someone is likely to come across it in the dark.
Might actually try this NGL
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v scare & frigten
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that is one of my favorite rumia images
That poor man on the right can't see a thing. Maybe that's why he's so calm.
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Why is she so MOE!?!?
She's just a useless monster for christ's sake
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She's pretty much a cat in attitude
Fighting fire with fire. I like that.
She's looking unusually sexy today.
Instead of freezing danmaku, Rumia could extinguish their light.
Rumia could also turn into a ball of darkness that makes her invulnerable for a small time, kinda like bullet eraser in Ikusaaaaan but slower.
>Rumia could also turn into a ball of darkness that makes her invulnerable for a small time, kinda like bullet eraser in Ikusaaaaan but slower.
What about turning the whole screen dark for a moment? You can still move and shot, bullets don't hit you, but you don't see anything at all.
Could also be done in a way that staying too long within the ball of darkness gradually turns the screen black and the enemy could fire shots that can only be avoided by dodging.
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cutest retard, with the power to become the Ex
I really hate this comic. Makes me feel bad every time.
you are not gonna like this one either
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she probably doesn't brush her teeth so you just know that is BURNING
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>I-I’ll tell you exactly what happened!
>Outside the mansion,
>The vampires were sexually harassing their maid!
>Through cat ears,
>Rabbit ears,
>And other tasteless things like that…
>I feel I’ve definitely tasted a much scarier side of the SDM…
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Reminds me of a Super Mario FanGame that utilized a similar gimmick.
https://youtu.be/4bvm0XYwmPw?si=uf5X-cmDne2G2Twd&t=443 [Embed]

Really, the skies the limit with how you could incorporate such an ancient creative trope in any medium.

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>Super Mario FanGame
Mamma Rumia!
>>48817657 (OP)
Love her so much
Why is Rumia giving me the bedroom eyes? It's making me uncomfortable.
what is she even doing....
her best
T-Pose loli must T-Pose.
No exceptions.
we need more Rumia horror games
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>>48817657 (OP)
My beloved monsterdaughter Rumia is so cute
Was Rumia part of the buffet eating Mizuchi
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she's the big titty one pre-sealing of course
fuckin loser probably knocked herself out running into the bamboo before they even got there
She schleep
Honorary fairy
She's too stupid to be a fairy.
She's not THAT dumb
Big Grue is for multiplication
Even fairies aren't stupid enough to blind themselves with their abilities.
Rumia is actually an amazing predator that became bored and put handicap on herself. It was still too easy, so she became the unmotivated youkai we know today, knowing that all challenges are insignificant for her.
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No, she was at church.
Rumia is still the secret final boss of the franchise
It's all part of her keikaku, it's all coming together. Her bonking into trees so it would be recorded in PMiSS and make her look retarded? Intentional
Acting all lazy and airheaded when Aya interviewed her in BAiJR so she would be considered a shit-tier youkai and an embarassment? All theatrics.
She is the TRUE MASTERMIND behind it all. Yukari PALES in comparison to Rumia's machiavellian plans. No one is ready...
>and put handicap on herself.
This part is true. She has incredible night vision and can control the density of her dark cloud so that she can see and you don't. She did it to Aya who should have excellent night vision herself, she let in enough light to read a newspaper while Aya was still unable to see. In that same article when Aya suggests blending into darkness to attack humans she nixes the idea as too much work.
In PMiSS Akyuu recounts a moment where a villager witnesses Rumia's dark cloud hit a tree. Suddenly it changes direction and he gets enveloped by darkness but it passes him by. Akyuu postulates that she can't see out of the darkness or in the darkness. Likely what happened is that Rumia hit the tree, lowered the darkness level to get her bearings, saw the human, chased him and let him go.
Rumia says to Aya that it is a Youkai's job to attack humans, that is a core tenant of Gensokyo, that "Youkai are the enemy of humans". However you aren't supposed to eat them. Despite being the fandoms face of human eating Youkai, Rumia seems to avoid going for the kill despite being quite capable of it, she is purposefully ineffective because she chooses to be.
So in a way this anon is right. She is playing dumb. Some day, some unlucky human might actually piss her off and find out she's been bluffing.
I always thought that, apart from just sealing her powers, the ofuda also makes Rumia far more docile or suppresses her will or energy to hunt. She likely did try to hunt and devour those humans but the ofuda acts last minute and makes her not bother.
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The "Take it easy" ofuda...
Honestly I would love the big twist to be that the Ofuda just suppresses her hatred of humanity. Like she's unsealed somehow and she becomes a neigh unstoppable monster who plans to kill all the villagers, leave Gensokyo and cover the world in darkness starving all humans. So the people of Gensokyo get her to agree to have one last fighting game style tournament that she is the guest of honor for and it is supposed to be her big send off but it's all secretly a big game of pin the ribbon on the Rumia.
The big twist at the end is that after she is sealed and the ribbon takes effect it turns out that 1. she has always known what the ribbon does and that is why she never tries to unseal herself and 2. the ribbon doesn't suppress her power at all, she still all powerful but she just kinda sucks at danmaku games and doesn't care if she loses more than she wins.
https://youtu.be/ZE6tSCauKJg [Embed]
That'll be her design when the next .5 drops
Look at her go!
*trips her*
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>*trips her*
I want to cunnylingus her
The ofuda actually hides a gun
Is Rumia gangsta?
No, she wouldn't diss your fly girl.
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im going to gensokyo and when i get there im going to feed myself to rumia! miracles dont happen without faith anons so i need you all to put your faith in me, faith that ill really go there! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
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>when i get there im going to feed myself to rumia
This man understands that adversity and existence... are one and the same.

i dont see why she would be so adverse to a willing sacrifice, i think you're just trying to discourage and stop me! i wont let you!
this is so cute
https://youtu.be/caWiITdWnuY?si=G_vM_Szk1kk77FA6 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Y77_cBWD5YQ?si=m7w3EKO56N2WxBZZ [Embed]
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What would manipulating darkness truly entail beyond just surrounding an area in darkness? Could she theoretically appear and be present in any dark area?
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Rumia does have standards, you know. She wouldn't eat just anyone.
standards? like?
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No weirdos, for starters.
I don't think I'm that weird... By feeding myself to her I'm possibly saving someone else. Rumia is also very cute, to feed her would make me feel like I'm taking care of her...
>ywn flow through Rumia's capillaries in her cunny
Do not be fooled, this creature is dangerous.
Nonsense. Look at her. How could she possibly resist me pulling her up onto my lap and ruffling her pubic hair?
I don't think her getting older will make her any better at maths, dude
Like my ass crack?
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will rumia spare me if I teach her the secrets of the grill?
Maybe. Perhaps you'd better throw in the secrets of the brazen bull, just to be sure.
You've encountered a terrible fate.
I thought the last frame was the back of her throat for a while there
Do you trust rumi?
I would trust the yook to behave as a yook
What a succinct way of saying exactly what I wanted.
Is that so
So it is.
Sou da yo~
Sou desu ka?
Femdom material
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Worst rejection imaginable. Actual, pure unrefined suifuel. I'd become nonverbal and catatonic on the spot until the carrion-feeders eventually come.
Rumia, watch out! There's a demented maneater on the loose!
honk the grue
Reverse-predation is still an underutilized concept. Practically made for it.
What's the worst that could happen?
The hunter becomes the hunted...
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Hobo and basement dwelling NEET
And her last notable appearance in a game was in StB
Why can't zun just make a cameo appearance of old faithful characters in ongoing mangas to let us know they're still alive and kicking.
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Erm akchually, she got a cameo in a panel in one of CDS' extra chapters. That's it.
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when the last star dies and entropy reaches maximum, Rumia will be all that left, not even the Hourai immortals can outlast her
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The youkai dap
Even the era of backholes will wither and fade...
its nice Misty and Wriggle are also there, man I miss team 9 in fanwork
You will be in snatching range
Rumia, your clothes are spilling into lake.
Lumia the lava lamp.

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