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Pop-Up Edition
BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Live Gallery: bjd.arcesia.net/
Telegram: t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1okG9fyy7mciwiZUEsQYGNKQNnz1rv59J
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Valentine's Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Staying Warm (or) Sparkles
Current Projects: None Currently Planned
Next Meetup: Katsucon | Feb 15th @ 12:00PM outside of the gaming room (Potomac C on the map.)
Then After: NYC Doll Con | March 1st-2nd (TBD)

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>48744742
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11323675

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
thanks you for baking <3
I love this thread
>>48906379 (OP)
So i heard you fat, low testosterone, pieces of shit like anime dolls?
I am high test thoughever
I unironically have an endocrine disorder which causes my body to produce too much testosterone, but close enough.
any archive site that includes /jp/? I want to see older doll threads for ideas
Warosu archives /jp/.
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Happy Valentine's day everyone!
CUTE! happy valentine’s day, anon!
Can she eat all that herself?
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My interests in resin vs vinyl seem to flux as the years go by, i've noticed i've been liking a lot more resin dolls then i would've been around this time last year or the year before that
Hopefully by this time next year i'll have kicked my lazy butt into shape and i'll have a job and a doll (or two, or four) of my own so i can truly decide the superior medium
>the superior medium
I only have and prefer resin, but each material serves a particular purpose and has different constraints.
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i didn't quite mean that seriously
Certainly, but it can be enjoyable to learn your own preferences. Regarding the first half of your second sentence, 頑張ってね!
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Happy valentines too
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I should do something a bit more for Valentine's day while its still said day.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Happy Valentine's Day, anons!
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I wanted to wait to take better photos but I guess this pose is very today themed.
This is why I want to get a 1:6 or 1:12 doll. Its just so much easier to get in scale props for them.
Do you ever pick one of them and lay them down in a circle of all the other dolls so you can cum on them while the others watch?
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Yushina is excited for the doll meetup tomorrow. She spend some time making the gifts.
Well? Is she wearing pants?
Shes wearing shorts. I dont have underwear for her though
howdy yall! im a decent bit new to the BJD scene, got interested from looking back at /b/ brooke threads but im hesitant after reading the google doc. How difficult is styling wigs? especially on the Dollfie Dream models? im interested in taking my BJD to conventions dressed in cosplay so any advice with that will help alot. thanks in advance
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Tried to get something more... romantic going with this shot with regards to lighting and staging. Used a greenscreen and some questionable shopping for the background. Does it work? Debatable I guess. More interesting than just pointing it at my wall for the millionth time.
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I really like your girls' faceups. As for the greenscreen, some blending or darkening of the bright outlines where the background is cut out may have helped, but idk that seems tedious. It's cute anyway.
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Second attempt, now with 100% more alpha channelling. Made the clean up a bit easier but its still kind of imperfect. Also didn't take into account the amount of backlighting that would happen (notice the green tinge around the tea lights). Also fixed the hoverhand.

ShiNes really did a good job on Rin's face
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Dolls would never miss an opportunity for an indirect kiss...

This is very cute. I was scared to bring the chocolate close to mine.

Did Akira remove some pieces of her outfit because it was too troublesome? Those 10+ parts sets can be annoying when your doll moves around a lot. Lily kept everything though.

I think the editing looks good except for the space between their heads in this one.
I hope you managed to get some sleep despite your dolls making out in the other room.
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which doll is this? is from the previous thread, I just made a meme about it.
TinyFox’s Cherrie?
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Sorry 15min timer
In front of A, if anyone is still looking for us
>remove some pieces of her outfit because it was too troublesome?
That and I was more worried about staining with her outfit
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it is her, what a cutie
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had intended to go but I got sick thursday night and have barely been able to get out of bed since
indeed it is
I bought the longer wig with intent to style it somehow but haven't gotten around to it
what clothes and wig do you use for her?
Cute! I currently have TinyFox’s Aurelia, but Cherrie’s expression is really growing on me.
Ellie holding her back so she doesn't get someone killed with her mischief.
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>nothing personel, kid
Damn it mobile uploads
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Excuse the lazy pic, but happy to be posting for the first time as a BJD owner! Just got her yesterday, and keeping her in a display case for the time being so the cats don't get to her. Was absolutely worth the money, I'm glad I took the plunge.
>How difficult is styling wigs
Shouldn't be any different from styling normal wigs. Get some wig spray and take care not to touch the faceup or use heat.
Cute! does she have a name?
Well, Beth from the model name, but I haven't given her a unique name yet. Will wait on doing some customizations before deciding on anything I think.
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Thanks to the anons who came today, I had a great time. Hopefully me needing to shift the meeting place slightly wasn't a huge problem. I think we all brought gifts of some kind which was really cute. Some other people showed up from other groups and a lot of people stopped by this time, it was a good turnout. My photos arent great but I got a couple.

There will be more cons, feel better.
I feel like for styling wigs a wooden ball on a dowel would be a good idea. Can't mess the face up that way.
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The two robots

Does she have a tail? Shes very cute.
>Does she have a tail?
Nope! But I want one for her.
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Wish I got a shot of Mizuka with the neet girl like the first katsucon.
The black haired one on the far right looks way too adorable
congrats! very cute!!
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Really nice sewing work
hmmm, i see, thanks for the advice yall!
You can use heat if the wig is heat resistant, I would double check on a small part you're either cutting off or that'll be hidden
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POV: you're being persuaded to buy more clothes at Doll Point
>cute dolls will never rob your wallet at gun point
pull the trigger
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i love the facial aesthetics of resin dolls, but vinyl feels so much easier to pose. staining is another point in resin’s favor for me though. i think i’m shifting towards resin…strongly considering trying to order from Luts for the first time

cute!! happy belated valentine’s day!

so pretty owo

congrats, anon!

thank you for sharing photos, the meets look like fun!

impressive!!! (i don’t think resin dolls could pull off this pose)
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my mom met yuzu

both from now-defunct etsy shops iirc
the outfit was probably a chinese dropship so you might be able to find it or better if you poke around
what did she say?
very elegant – great job
the key to greenscreening huehue is matching the lighting to the target background, which you did spot-on here so it looks natural despite any cutout errors
just feather the alpha more where you can't get a clean line and no one will notice
this also works because the lighting matches up
you're using an LCD as a background right?
I want to try that but I don't have a screen large enough
what everyone says when confronted with yuzu
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>both from now-defunct etsy shops
many such cases
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I prefer flat women, but I love dolls with giant fucking tiddies
Sugoi dekai
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Meetup was super fun! Again, I'd like to thank everyone who watched my stuff while I had to step away.

I was thinking the same thing after the meetup. I still have that picture on my phone. Neet-chan was simply overwhelmed with how popular Mizuka became with all those girls you brought with her
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jesus christ
Lol, like I need to be persuaded by my dolls to buy them more stuff.
She's the cutest
How do you even clothe this monster
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I don't even think the brown bag would fully cover her.
what brand is yuzu? a really like her eyelashes
volks mdd with custom faceup & dollce wig
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Less lazy photo. I need to relearn how to properly take pictures, but I still think this is cute...
>custom faceup
should of figure, its so good that it can't be anything but custom.
her poor foot is broken
Byt the looks of it: barely
By the*
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I don't think I remembered to post this doll when I got her together. She needs new clothes but I hope you like her.
She looks like she gets the ick when she looks at me.
Any tips to doing this sort of makeup/coloring
She seems a little unsure, but I think she's lovely!

Welcome to the doll ownership side of the hobby anon, she's super cute!
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The 2024 collage is here. I can finally rest.
Is this just all of them posted or do you pick and choose?
As far as I've seen, anon tries to put literally everything into the collage. It's really impressive.

It's truly been an honor. Looking forward to seeing your work resume in 2026, anon. For now, take a well-deserved rest.
I hope I find motivation to take more pictures once I move. I want to post more than just the one from last year.
thank you as always for making these, anon!! it’ll be a long while, but looking forward to the next one
Thanks collage anon. I feel like the number of dolls are increasing over the years.

Cute how sleepy she looks. I would be too wearing that comfy sweater
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Thanks for making these. Here, have this for your efforts.
kudos to you for the effort in making these
I like her but i think she is merely tolerant of me.

Thanks anon always love seeing these.
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I bought this small cart to bring the dolls around conventions. It's kinda useful.
Should have bought a stroller but that might also send the wrong message as well.
What does your doll like to eat?
my cum
all she eat is dick. she's on a strict diet.
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The souls of those caught lacking.
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This should be all of them. I'm just excluding dolls that don't feel complete, like floating heads.

From 2020 to 2022 it was somewhat stable but since then it is definitely increasing.
Why are her titties so ashy? Or is it dust? Coom crust?
does anyone know one central area to view NSFW ball jointed doll content? my apologies if this isnt exactly fine to ask
I recently got myself a few BJDs for Christmas, went in totally blind with zero knowledge just getting three that looked cute. Two of them have strings, one doesn't. The stringed ones feel kind of difficult to pose, as the strings tend to only allow a few positions and "snap" into place whereas the doll without strings is a lot more easily posed in any position. Is that normal? Why do some have strings and others do not?
Imagine the back pain...
Resin can be very easy to pose, depending on the body's engineering. Some resin bodies pose as well as vinyl ones, sometimes even better.
There definitely are resin dolls that could pose like >>48923589

It depends on the type of doll, namely the material it's made of. Resin and ABS dolls are strung, while vinyl dolls have internal skeletons.
The specific dolls you bought are probably very simple in construction and can't pose very well. The snapping is probably because their elastic is too tight, you can try leaving them in a fetal position for a day or two to loosen it a bit
They're probly made of silicone, which is one of nature's greatest dust magnets. You breathe one it and lint will appear. But it's also one of the easier (and safer) materials for home casting, and has the benefit of remaining soft and pliable in many formulations, so it's the go-to option for diy doll tiddies like these.
>Some resin bodies pose as well as vinyl ones, sometimes even better
my resin experience is definitely limited! do you have recommendations for resin bodies that you feel pose especially well?
Recently I learned about the newer Azone Q'z bodies and I'm intrigued. I already have many clothes meant for pureneemo (PNM and PNS), OB24 and Blythe. I want to know if they'd be compatible. Height-wise and leg-wise they seem to be a good match (taller then OB24 though) but I'm having trouble finding waist and hip measurements.
Is there a way to tell easily what plastic your doll is made from? For example, if you find a doll in a thrift shop, how could you tell if you're not an expert?
Thanks for the reply, I've just let them sit on my desk since I got them because I'm scared to mess them up. They're also quite heavy and can't stand on their own. I'll try the fetal position and see if it changes anything.
Guide needs to be updated with this kind of info, before mentioning brands/sizes. I think a good rule of thumb is that resin bodies are heavy and hard, more closer to antique porcelein, versus vinyl that is light and flexible.
NTA but as a noob to bjd, I found the guide to be pretty useless for stuff I was interested in, mainly reputable sellers/resellers for full sets. I ended up using a r*ddit guide instead. It's not really helpful to say "ok go to yahoo auctions for custom faces" because that's already way too much effort for a beginner.
Cute. thanks anon
Depends on your preference, but I find most modern bodies pose well.
Atelier Bimong's dolls were famous for having unique joints, holding all sorts of poses and being able to stand on one foot unassisted, but he has since retired and no longer sells any.
For more accessible (and less expensive) bodies, I've heard good things from Dollzone, Dream Valley, Doll Family-H, Charm Doll, Loongsoul, Gem of Doll and 2D Doll.
You can also try adding some hot glue between their joints and/or insert some wire in their limbs to improve their posing. Look up "bjd sueding" and "bjd wiring"
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>You can also try adding some hot glue between their joints
Dream Valley's joints are strung phenomenally and I am terrified when the time comes for me to restring any of them because I am a mere mortal and not whatever Herculean fuck they have back there stringing their dolls before they ship out.

Honestly Mandarake probably is the best option for resales of Volks fullsets/dolls, with the bonus that their prices tend to be a little more fair than other parts of the internet. Most other resellers on places like ebay don't even own the things they list, they just relist Mercari/Yahoo Japan Auctions/Booth listings for 3x the markup to scalp the unaware. It's a problem that's only really cropped up in the last few years, but now it's everywhere.
What were the things you were interested in, out of curiosity.
Good sellers for full sets, clothes/accessories, and that's about it. Preferably sellers in the west so I'm not dealing with obscene shipping costs. I ended up buying an Aimerai from Denver Dolls, but afaik they're not mentioned in this guide at all.
Using a proxy for buying a custom face on the yahoo auction house isnt very hard. I use buyee almost exclusively to buy my doll heads.
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Point still stands, the guide is better for someone who was already joined the hobby, not for a beginner.
Just a suggestion is all, it isn't hard. If you want more unique face ups youre gonna have to join the large BJD discord and commission someone, go on den of angels or something to find someone, or settle for a stock face up.
thank you for the advice!
My of my dollfies is starting to get s loose head. I assume from taking the head on and off for changing clothes. Has anyone else had this happen? How'd you mitigate or fix this?
please stop decapitating her
How else am I to put her in cute clothes :( her head too big and cute
Silicone washers, bit of tape, clear nail polish (allowed to dry) on the peg to increase friction, poster putty... experiment and you can find the solution which works best for you!
Thanks for the tips! I think I'll try the washers. I'm a bit dubious of adding thickness to the peg as it might exacerbate the issue over time.
Does anyone have a light box they got for doll photography? What brand is it? Where did you order it?
You could probably just diy one. Buyfag guide has a cheap diy lightbox infograph but its for scale figures so scale it according to the doll size
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>straddling a snow bank in a mini skirt
Tiny Miku is gonna have an ice cold crotch
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NYC Doll con schedules have been out. The free meetup time slots at 10am and 11am look the best. I'll post my bags(s) I'll have day before. At minimum I will have momoko so look for the purple doll. I'll be going to the OC doll meetup time slot as well. Hope to see some anons at the con
Wish I still lived there, sounds fun. Have a good time!
Super cute! Three of my photos featured this year, thanks anon
developed more film
more stuff already posted as digital
hnng dem boots
these are both from the same roll, portra 800
they turned out a little green-tinted, but other photos in that roll are fine (all digitally inverted the same) so probably just cheap "white" LED lighting
>>48960619 Where did you get her stand from? It's exactly the kind I'm looking for
Your pictures are so good.
NTA but alice's collections and dolk jp both have it.
I wonder if thats a result of more people getting into the hobby and posting here, or people having more dolls. I feel like its the latter since I have 6 photos in there myself.

How do you pick between different photos of a certain doll? Some of these girls are common fixtures for these threads.
Azone's shop has a guide, but it only goes back for a fraction of the outfits. The smallest Q'z might fit into some PNM/PNS outfits, but the selection is limited. Even baggy or stretchy items have a tight fit rating. I don't get Azone rolling out this body and giving it zero support. Even DDP got more support.
I want to say it's a bit of both. Some dolls are posted frequently, but we also have a steady trickle of newcomers throughout the year.
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>"Oh, it's nice to see other Anons' dolls, people who are much more devoted to their dolls that I am with my shitty texas anime stock doll..."
>Mine made it in

Guess I'm a big boy now
Since there is zero (0) chance we will get an official Harmonia Weiss are there any good channels and tutorials for custom dolls? by Ruby needs her best friend.
I have a 3D printer, even so, it seems like the weapons are the same mold from their Pop Up Parade figures
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>you're using an LCD as a background right?
Yes, it works pretty well. You just need to fiddle around with glare and lighting.

>dem boots
Here anon!
Anyway, are there any quality problems with the transfer from film to digital?
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Glare and flickering
is there a place where i can see all of your dolls images? her eyes are so pretty
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>any quality problems with the transfer from film to digital?
no, I bought a dedicated film scanner that cost more than my digital camera
(doll hobbyists are known for sound financial decisions after all)
only trouble I've had is with film development, somehow almost half my developer disappeared and I didn't notice until 4 rolls in (which are semi-salvageable but not great)
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and the bad development includes this roll >>48960617
it's Portra 800 so sure it'll be a bit more contrasty than 400 and the colors won't exactly be like a digital photo
but here's the digital version and the film one is quite a bit more green
Extremely cute!
>How do you pick between different photos of a certain doll?
I mostly choose according to what I think look good and my preferences. I want to put the dolls and their anon under a good light. Nicely visible faces and good lighting are the main criteria. There are a few loose rules, I try not to use the same pictures as a previous collage and I keep only a few large pics overall.
Oh wow three of mine are in this, thanks for making this!
>didn't include any of my dolls
Feels bad man. Can't believe you left me out just because I have no dolls.
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Some photos from visiting a friend's place that had a bunch of stuff to make interesting backdrops
wow, stunning photo anon!! the outfit compliments her so well!! even with all the fun stuff in the background, she really stands out
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Akira's birthday (unboxing day?) was yesterday, and this is how she was dressed for it

Thanks! The outfit itself felt like cheating, it's really nicely made. Even the stockings are lined with skin tone to mitigate staining.
d’aww happy birthday Akira, looking so lovely as well!!

>lined with skin tone
Happy birthday
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I didn't spend time setting this up but just wanted a shot of the two of them together
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My friend has these adorable blind box centaur girls which we also too photos of
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post more sexy dolls
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bad photoshop or inpainting?
The joints? They're likely photoshopped out. I admit I am unsure what inpainting is.
This is for saturday.
inpaint is a use of AI where you give visual instructions to the image generator and it replaces certain parts of the image only.
Ah, in that case this is definitely photoshop, as this image is a fairly old one. Thank you for explaining!
As much as I like seeing doll joints in their natural glory, I can't seem to ignore the ones not fully seated
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It's been a hell of a few months. Living space renovations, changing jobs, in and out of storage places to get shit done. I mean, it's still going on, but I'm trying to get back on track. Hope you're all well!
None of my film developed, shoulda brought a flash I guess.....
I'm very tempted to buy her. I love the doll epically the outfit, but am I really wanting to doll and the outfit or just the outfit? I like her facial expression too but the doll I have has a neural expression do other facial expressions clash with other outfits? I need to think about it some.
cute cute cute!
Cute text!
That's a face that would go great with a zany Harajuku-style outfit.
Apparently JoAnn Fabrics is going bankrupt and closing all stores. Might be some good deals for those of us who make our own clothes or are thinking of getting into it.
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Big Lots too... it's a problem. Joann's closing is like when Radio Shack transitioned from selling raw parts to selling devices no one needs before going out of business due to irrelevancy. You can order things online now, but it costs more and there's something to be said for the ability to physically run to the store to grab the things you need and peruse, by hand, leftover fabric scraps, trim, and pieces to find the exact bit you need for what you're crafting. Stores like Big Lots are a great place to get things you wouldn't otherwise run into, like fancy ingredients and discount cookware... especially in my community, nothing can really replace that (on top of the local Big Lots being one of the largest employers of elderly people in my area, I have no idea what they're going to do now.) There are other options, but it's not the same. Things are rough, and going to get rougher... hang in there, Americanons.
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She goes well with the background.
Good to know about the stockings, given how they look on orione's website I would have thought otherwise. There is no way the holder above has protection too right?

She is lovely. Looking forward to you getting back to your regular rhythm once everything calms down.
Thank you both for the compliments!
>There is no way the holder above has protection too right?
You're right, those stained because I left them on overnight due to being very drunk. I wouldn't leave those on longer than for a photo shoot due to them being so tight.
If any of you guys are going to the NYC doll convention, can you please take like a million photos and post them here for the rest of us? It looks exciting but I had prior obligations that weekend.
One of my favorite clothing sellers is there from France and I know there's no way they'll ever come to the West coast. I'm so envious.
I hope it's super successful and they do it all again next year, because I WILL show up next year. I had a surgery I could not move this year that got in the way.
Get well soon anon!
Paycheck hit so that means it's time to buy more stuff for Letina! I was going to buy stands for the fairytale blindbox dolls but those can wait. I bought a few 8/9 wigs this time, a single set of eyes (16mm) and a bunch of simple outfits/underwear. I have a bunch of other outfits on the way from alice's but I didn't pay attention to the fact they all have to be made so who knows when they'll be here. All the stuff I bought from Denver Doll was in stock for SD so everything SHOULD fit. I get back from my work trip in a week so hopefully everything is there waiting when I get back. Pic is one of the dresses I bought, and I also got a pink shirt to go underneath. I've never messed with eyes before but it's time to learn.
Sounds like you have a lot of good waiting for you when you get home anon! I'm looking forward to seeing Letina in her new outfits!
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10am is when the con opens to general, so the 11am meetup time slot will be better but I’ll head to the meetup area once im in. Hope to see some anons tomorrow.
Sony makes dolls now??
You ruined a perfectly good shot with your piece of plastic crap.
That's vinyl crap to you, anon!
These are cute!
They sure do look adorable. Saw 'em on my twitter timeline and I instantly fell in love with their style, helps that they were designed by one of my favorite artists (Eku Uekura.) Seems like they're on sale as well, if anyone's interested. https://hermeow.shop/items/679293eb2e1f4713bd86ac89

I'd love to have the Alice doll but it seems like you could either an individual doll at random, or just buy out the entire set.
Yeah the gacha kinda kills me. I don't need or want all of them but 1-2 would be nice. I like the vampire with drills most.
Get some more people together who each want a different doll and one of you can host a split for the complete collection. Everyone chips in part of the cost, everyone gets the doll of their choosing, the host gets to keep whatever the secret doll is as a bonus for the trouble of receiving and sending.
usually after these blind box dolls come out you can find sellers for each individual one
>I unironically have an endocrine disorder which causes my body to produce too much testosterone
I knew that the Gigachad would be into a hobby so patrician.
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Nice. Somehow made it in with only 2 posts that year.

Aimerai dolls are so cute. Any comparaison pics with MDD-sized vinyls?
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NYCDollcon was pretty fun. The con had a pretty good mix of dolls and what was being sold. Mostly resin dolls both being sold and what people had walking around so most of the market wasnt useful for my vinyl dolls. There were a ton of cute accessories and props for sell. Besides the furniture my favorite marketplace was denver doll's because of the amount of shoes they had and being allowed to try them on. I didnt get a ton of photos of the space but you can find the basically walkthroughs for sure on instagram and facebook and probably twitter too.
The con only really communicating through instagram and not updating website info was pretty obnoxious especially when it came to panel/workshop scheduling and reserving a seat at them. Staff was pretty cool from what I saw.
The doll photo stations were really cute and the meetup room was fun. Glad to see a new face stop by at our unoffical one, I should've gotten a photo with our dolls. post your mdd onegai. The OC meetup I attended was fun. Everyone just went around in a classroom setting talking about their doll lore. I wish I took more time explaining mine, but I only had Momoko.
I don't know what I wouldve done at the 2nd day not having any panels to attend and not caring about the raffles. One volks meetup wasnt enough for me and I wasnt driving another couple hundred miles just for that. Will go again. I hope they can continue to grow.
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I'm not sure why these are dark
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Momoko at the OC meetup
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Flower crowns for all my mdds.
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Furniture set I picked up. Its the tiniest bit short so mdd legs have to be outstretched some.
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Platform shoes for my last mdd
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The book on the table opens up. I'll never have enough tiny literature for my dolls.
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Other small props. Hippie glasses are msd, black are SD.
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The umbrella I bought. Its perfect for mdd but I don't know how to pose it with the doll.
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Heres a flower crown on momoko
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Walking around all day with a doll is a lot of fun, I highly recommend it. Thanks for coming to my blogpost.
Cutest doll in the room!
I kind of liked the inexplicably sexy lighting you had going on in the first couple of photos, anon.

I'm glad you had fun and thanks for posting photos! Most of my friends who attended were also vendors, so they weren't really able to explore to the extent that an attendee would. One of my favorite parts about doll events is going to meetups for random dolls I don't even own and accidentally getting a new addiction. You simply must try it next time. And yeah, this hobby's obsession with Instagram kills me.

Cutie. Your doll is next to one of my friends' dolls. Small world.

I love this. I'm glad you got to spoil your dolls. I hope to attend next year. Maybe we can get a little meetup going.
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I love her
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How'd you do that or is the coat covering all the mechanisms if they aren't innately in her?
The coat is probably hiding the stepper motor and wires or whatever else damu uses for articulation. That arm likely has most of its frame replaced given there's a video of her spinning her fist around.
What makes it fun?
I'm a hobby roboticist and I'm just lurking in here just incase smartdoll one day decides to actually make robot dolls
Holding her reminds me of holding a cat. Its exciting when people notice her and ask about her or just admire her especially when shes custom, you feel like a proud parent. Being unashamed of the hobby and engaging with it on display. They usually just sit on my shelf so anything not that is a good change of pace
Hi hi hi hi hi hi
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I think she's mad I'm making her play dressup
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and bonus
CUTE! and cute cat aswell
Very charming!
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I got back from my trip and picked up all Letina's stuff. I ordered 3 wigs and two of them I don't really care for, they don;t really fit with Letina's style. I managed to put her new eyes in, and it was much simpler than I thought. I think I got the positioning pretty good but if not please let me know. I also put this wig on. It had some weird mesh on the front, like a face veil that I trimmed off maybe I shouldn't have. I think I got the styling pretty close to how it's shown on Denver doll but I was way way way out of my element trying to wrangle the hair fresh out of the box, trying to style it and as a result I used way too much of the volks spay on it but it should be fine (I may end up washing it). She looks so different >>48746638 but damn the blue eyes were a good buy. I didn't know the eyes were sold as a set, so I got 2 but that just means I have a pair for Olivia when she gets here. If I'm up for it I'll take some more pictures when the sun is out and the lighting is better.
she looks great anon
>It had some weird mesh on the front, like a face veil
that's a lace-front wig, a necessity for any off-the-forehead style
the hairs (at least at the front) are individually tied to the lace matrix so there's no cap visible
as long as you trimmed it carefully it's fine, all the lace-fronts I've seen come with plenty of excess like that
as for the spray, others might have better suggestions but I think if you keep it in and just brush it a bit (respecting the waves) it'll look more natural in a bit but still keep itself tidy
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Made a slight adjustment to the eyes and I think they're a lot better. Also added her hoodie.
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I got some King Blade light sticks for my doll. I was lucky to find them in my local Gacha place.
Very cute.

Very beautiful. May I suggest moving her wig back ever so slightly?
very cute. Where did you get the tail? been having trouble finding one for mine
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I can't believe how good the blue eyes look.
She's gorgeous as ever, anon!
Got it from Aliexpress. Sadly, I forgot the seller.
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I got a new doll
cute! (you’re more brave than me, anon; i have put my toobie’s goggles on exactly 0 times)
I took it off pretty much right after. Im not worried about staining, I just don't like stuff aside from wigs touching faceups. The blindfold is kinda tricky to get on too. And I hate taking off and putting wigs back on.
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I also went to NYC doll con, but have been pretty late on posting because of irl stuff ;^^ It was fun to see so many cute dolls, there was a wide variety and people were always happy to share. Shopping for outfits and seeing indie artists' work was awesome. And my girls got a lot of compliments~

It was nice meeting you, anon! :)) Momoko was so adorable and sweet, and had such a fetching outfit. You did wonderful work with your modifications, and it was great to meet her.

I'll post some pictures from Ellie's day out (this post has her holding the hotel key card folder), but I'm generally a lurker- would it be in bad taste to post a few of these on instagram later too? I know channer culture values posters' anonymity, but to a certain extent it seems like dolls are recognizable anyway.
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Ellie's new friend (my friend's doll)
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Dolls stuffed into a bag to go to the con
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Whoops, wrong photo!>>49045396 is the tinyfox with a rose, here's the stuffed bag
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Ellie enjoying a snack in the new dress she got :))
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Final picture of her with the glasses she got at the con
very cute!
>heart pupils behind sunglasses
I didn't know that I needed this in my life
The cooler Ellie
Hello all! If anyone plans on attending Zenkaikon in Lancaster later this month (21st-23rd), there will be an unsanctioned doll meet at 6pm that Saturday in the Holiday Inn. I understand it's relatively short notice but if anyone can attend it is greatly appreciated. This is one of the cons where trying to get a larger doll presence at so the con officials can see it and are more willing to schedule doll events in the future. It's a relatively chill con so I'm sure you'll get enjoyment out of it dolls or not.

I would have posted about this earlier but I'm not actually hosting this one and I just found out about it last night. Hosting Katsukon and Zenkaikon back to back would be a lot for me. If we can show the host for this one any support we can that would be awesome.
I'll add it to the next OP, thanks for the heads-up anon!
God shes so cute, I didn't notice her heart pupils before. Glad to meet another anon. I double post most to my instagram I just don't advertise it here

Super cute, I love dolls with food
Her kimono is on backwards, the left side is supposed to be on top. Right side on top is for when the wearer is deceased.

Don't worry, I have to remind myself of this every time my girls wear kimonos or yukatas.
Any anons going to be in Tokyo next week for I-Doll?
No I will be at the September Osaka I-Doll but I would love to see photos if you're able to take any and your haul of course.
I thought the next one was going to be the sixth doll of your lore. 2B is a nice surprise.

I can't resist dolls with smaller dolls.
Shaky! I like this kind of pic.
Oh my god she's fucking dead
I want a yukata before summer for my girl, but all the ones I find at the usual places aren't to my taste. Is there any place that specializes in kimono for dolls or should I just look into making my own? They seem to be pretty simple in their construction.
I don't know any shop that specializes in them but I've seen some gorgeous kimono/yukata come up on mandarake. They tend to sell very fast though.

>They seem to be pretty simple in their construction.
They're just a bunch of rectangles put together with straight stitches. They might look intimidating but really they're one of the easiest garments to draft and sew for your dolls.
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Thanks! ;^^ She's in something else now, but I'll double-check next time she wears it. My phone may have mirrored it, but I know for a fact that I've messed it up before.

It made me want a tinyfox, or maybe a chimikko to pose her with... but I'm at critical doll-capacity, I'll really start losing track of them and perhaps go bankrupt too. I suppose that's also just part of the fun of going to meets, getting to take their photos together :))

My friend has said that they're easy to make, and she doesn't have problems finding patterns on etsy and booth. My girl's came from Dollyteria, they have a wide variety and different prices if you're okay with paying intl shipping (in my experience, it's usually about 20 usd for just clothes, more if it's a whole doll).

Search term yukata:

Search term kimono:
This is giving off crazy lesbian stalker + her victim energy.
Holy shit, impressive. What sculpt is that?
That looks really fucking cool
Praise to the Omnissiah
It's a custom DD body https://x.com/aimai_middle/status/1892914741758271753
wow, i love this! thank you for sharing!
yes, but not like it's not a one-off
that person is well-known for the armor, robot limbs, and other accessories for DD/MDDs that they sell
>125k jpy
holy shit worth it
aaand into the guide that'll go, ty anons!
I was sure one of the anons here bought at least one of the arms, but I can't find any evidence in my saved pics
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Here you go anon
ah that's right they were Hana's
I wonder how they make them. I loved to see the process even if its 3d printed.
Super cool
You should 100% bring those to the next meetup
>I wonder how they make them. I loved to see the process even if its 3d printed.
the surfaces are too smooth for even hi-res SLA, so they have to be molded
injection molding is prohibitively complex to do at the craft scale
so my guess would be epoxy resin cast in silicone from masters (which might be hand-finished SLA) (like resin BJDs) with additional extensive hand-finishing on the cast parts
then again they have features normally found on injection molded plastic, not resin due to stress characteristics (the finger joints, bolted larger joints, all likely friction joints)
so maybe they outsource injection molding? but typically I think min order sizes would preclude how quickly they sell out given the market for doll parts like this…
New thread ready to go when the time comes, any other announcements? I've added Zenkaikon, and I-Doll for much later in the year. Thanks for always bringing the news here, anons.
Modification to the Zenkaikon announcement . Meet is in front of the elevators in the Holiday Inn lobby
Thanks anon, cheers. I'll make a note of that.
>>49080049 →
>>49080049 →
>>49080049 →
New Thread
Immediately after clicking post I remembered to change the photo challenge! My sincere apologies for the inconvenience, anons.

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