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Are these knives practical or just a meme?
why is the sheath threaded
Because it's a meme
If you buy one of those chances are that you have a smol penis, so the cover might work as a fleshlight for you.
Thats the only practical thing I can see with that retarded shit.
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>Suddenly need to use this knife wich obviously has no other purpose then stabbing another person
>Hold on dear afroamerican citizen, I just need to unscrew it from its sheath for 30 seconds
I guess the concept works but they would be way shittier at 99% of what you would actually want to use a knife for, requiring you to carry an extra knife anyway.
>it's cross threaded
Just get a regular fixed blade knife that doesn't require you to unscrew anything.
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Complete gimmick. Imagine what a pain it would be to sharpen that thing.
>Are these knives practical
unscrew the sheath and throw it at them
Knives are vital tools, as for weapons they range from decent to terrible based on skill and enemy.
triangular daggers are a legit thing for thrusting but this spiral thing is a total meme
Why would you use this over a pointy stick (metal). Sharp any screwdriver and you are ready to go.
Good for stabbing, useless for anything else.
And considering that stabbing is probably the last thing you would use the knife for in the battlefield, it is quite impractical meme.
I've seen these things being sold at Ren Faires and wondered why the fuck they needed a threaded sheathe
what, is it that you bash a mother fucker with the sheathe first before stabbing him with a triangular dagger?
Even then, wouldn't that just fuck up the threading on the sheathe? or break the knife blade?
just get a milsurp riot stick and a shiv at that point
There's nothing you could do with it that you couldn't do with a box cutter, and the box cutter has the added function of opening boxes.
This is something you'd expect to receive in one of those monthly MAN CRATE gimmicks.
>hang on
>I'm going to unscrew my knife
100% meme
Need to ensure it's secure when you're using it to please yourself by thrusting wildly and violently into your prostate.
It's hard enough to defend a normal stab wound in court. Have fun with this one, retard.
>Threaded sheath
Cool so it won’t break loose when your rapist takes it from you and sodomizes you with it.
Would you rather be dead in the parking lot or alive in a courtroom?
If you're worried about that why are you using a meme knife you have to unscrew instead of an actual knife
no you misunderstand I'm not talking about using a spiral knife that's just retarded.
I'm saying that if your talking about being in a situation where you need to defend your life the past thing you should be worried about is how it might look in court later. Stay alive first worry about the courts later
What you idiots are forgetting is how anyone stabbed with such a knife is 100% dead. It would take a team of 5 surgeons to fix the wound. And they'd have a time limit of 5 minutes max.

This is a really good knife.
Due to the nature of the blade you can't make a sheath that has the normal friction retention system that isn't a bitch and a half to resheath so they went with that screw on system.
No, it's perfectly easy to defend a knife wound in court if you have video evidence of your assailants surrounding and attacking you before you stab them. What is hard to defend is, flailing around knifing everyone in the vicinity including a little white girl, hiding the knife and lying to the cops about it and being drunk off your ass the whole time.
Just $845 for some 440C bro
Interrupted screw them? Or at least don't make it fine threads.
Carrying a knife that is a no compromise design optimized for thrusting/self defense is already really impractical for most people. It requires you basically carry another multi purpose knife. Should you dedicate yourself to it I think a dagger or karambit would be a better option.
a triangular knife ain't bad it's just the fact that the sheathe is fucking threaded
like why the hell would anyone do that
what's the purpose of a God damn threaded sheathe?
>It would take a team of 5 surgeons to fix the wound.
Find a single instance of someone being stabbed with one of those knives. You can't. Might as well be fuddlore.
A karambit is immensely more useful than that piece of shit. Deal with it, faggot.
Holy shit, that'd suck. Guess you'd have to rely on one of those V sharpeners for women/retards.
So the optimal strat is carrying this twisty murder dagger + some kind of pocket friendly scissors. Let's be honest here: scissors are vastly better than knives at most non-cooking/non-self defense jobs.
>people pay for that shit
yes totally useful day to day, faggot.
Remember that knives cost money. The question is "Can I buy a more useful knife with my money than the sharpened offspring of a screwdriver and a drill bit?"
At that point your answer should be very obvious.
its for "his/her pleasure" because if you buy it its ethier because you know how stupid and meme it is or because you are gay, no inbetween.
It's a meme. You want something flat that can maneuver it's way in past the ribs and into organs. Then you hurt someone so bad, only an immediate evac by a well-trained, well-equipped, well-experienced trauma team to a nationally recognized tier 1 trauma center with an experienced surgeon on duty MIGHT save them.

I've worked in corrections for 11 years. I've witnessed at least 40 or 50 knife incidents, 7 of which were lethal. All 7, the groid got it in past their ribs. This isn't easy because ribs are thick, so a pole is harder like a shiv is actually harder to get in than a flat knife as they will try to twist or poke it rather than use their palm to move it up or down, clearing the rib and into the organs inside. Only experienced killers know how to do this effectively with something that isn't flat. For a regular person, it is much easier to do it with a flat object. Which is how 5 of those deaths occurred. The other two were with guys that had already killed people with similar weapons and were already going to the chair.

surgeons can fix the wound so long as it doesn't make it into the ribcage. Even then, you'd be surprised what a surgeon can do to save someone's life at the cost of major irreparable organ damage/dialysis for the rest of their lives. This is easier to do with a flat blade than something that requires a difficult motion like twisting, which is difficult for most people to do once it's stuck inside another human especially if that human has a lot of muscle and fat. Your hand is not an impact wrench.
complete meme. Buy a good flathead screwdriver with a non slip grip, shank should be about seven inches. Make sure you sharpen the tip
why are knifefags so cringey and retarded? Every single knifefag is the gun equivalent of this
>Go to prison for 14 quntillion years and make 0.03 cents a day and 14,000 for a private prison
united states of homelessness win
Ah they are not really, knifefags can be quite interesting and so is their hobby. Its not their fault that OPs lump of shit got made and I'm the screwdriver anon. There are a vast number of cringy tactical larp handguns as well with red dots, even lasers and flashlights on them
wonder where they post cause I don't think I've seen a tasteful knife fag on /k/

At best its historical sword people or spear chuckers
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It's not exactly a new concept to make your poking implement of choice have multiple edges and odd angles so it's harder to stitch up.
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>why is the sheath threaded
So you can attach a suppressor dummy! You wouldn't want to be engaged in a ninja duel and have an unsuppressed knife, shaming your ancestors!
Well because a long of it is affordable or easy its always going to have a lit of tards but equally you also have ar15.com which is neck deep in clinically retarded individuals. Let's face it the age of the stupid internet is here. Embrace idiocracy. Knives have a place in a weapon collection and there is a nice list to tick off to get the major variations and ethic ones, you will go from switch blades, to autos, punch daggers, balisongs, boot knives, neck knives, survival knives (serious and meme) side openers, gravity knives, bowies, fairbain, tanto, applegate, cut throats, jambiya, katar,kinjal etc etc etc as well as some brands like puma, optinel even the good old swiss army. Its a nice comfy area of weapons collecting. Bayonets are a nice area too.
That is to make the blade lighter and stronger, its nothing to do with creating a worse wound.
if you get stabbed by that knife you get screwed
The idea of the spiral is that it's supposed to corkscrew a bit, automatically causing some ripping too.
The sheath on OP's is tarded though.
My friend had one of these. Not something you want to get stabbed by. Yes, he was an idiot.
Yea no its trash. Because of simple physics.
Stabbing is much easier with a flat sharpened tip than a 3fold sharpened tip which obviously wont be as sharp and pointy as the tip of a flat knife.
To pierce clothes and stab someone really deep you would need to apply much more force. Its not that great.
In addition, you cant really slash with it and cause slash damage. Its only for stabby stab which liimts the knife in functionality.

So even for killing its not that great. Only if you want to stab someone and run away, which is something that nogs do.
Seems like the kind of weapon that would be demonized in a courtroom. Imagine defending yourself with this thing only for some attorney to convince 12 people too stupid to dodge jury duty that it's "specifically designed to cause horrific wounds" or that you're some freak who was looking for an excuse to stab somebody with your meme knife.
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People need to realize that just because something is new or different it doesn't mean it's better. Stabbin' knives are a mature technology. A 6-8" flat double-edged blade has been the standard for centuries.
Oh no, don't threaten me with life in prison and no anal virginity.
Sometimes dead is better.
I'll give you the bone that this would indeed be the shit back in age of the spear.
Good luck trying to sharpen that thing

To keep the blade in a watertight container. That thing is going to rust like a motherfucker
if there's even a cloud on the sky.
>A 6-8" flat double-edged blade has been the standard for centuries.
Ackshyully older knives tended to have a larger upper range than that and single edges were arguably more common. Daggers with no cutting edge whatsoever weren't uncommon and knives of all sorts could have pretty much any cross section, although I've only ever seen one straight up round dagger.
It's a Microtech product, so of course it's an overpriced gimmick that's supposed to be jewelry for men. Practicality is not why knifefags buy those things.
arent these things a war crime because of how effective they are
Based on what? Your imagination? Movies?
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Because having a strap or a clip is not autistic enough for the people who would buy that piece of shit in the first place.
Like a drill.

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