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File: rangers somalia.jpg (201 KB, 995x1430)
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I love the chocolate-chip desert helmet and DCU uniform combo.

Post chocolate-chip desert helmet and DCU uniform combos

>thats DCU not DBDU(choccy-chip), IDIOT

You didn't read it very careful did you?
it's a very kino camo combo (green + desert) it's so retarded it's kino
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he got a chocolate chip helmet cover. as stated in the op. how do you feel now?
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wtf I wasn't supposed to get this get
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The desert wars were cool when they were shorter. I guess it's the aftermath that takes longer to clean up.
It was justifiable for the time. They only made the PASGT vest in M81 Woodland at first, seemingly not anticipating another desert war. There were some in the desert colors being made after they realized all of our body armor wasn't in the right color, but nowhere near enough to equip everyone. I've heard that sometimes troops would get to wear the desert ones, other times they were forced to wear the woodland one due to concerns about IFF and friendly fire. And then by the time they had enough to equip everyone, they were kinda starting to swap to Interceptor and UCP. I probably have the timeline screwed up somewhere.
I realize now that I didn't read the OP carefully enough. I don't think I have many images to satiate this specific request.

PASGT vests actually had a Six/Tri-Color Desert cover you could wear over the the standard vest and they were able field these en masse for the Gulf War. They were also available in limited numbers at the start of the War in Afghanistan for US Marines but because most of the US Army had already transitioned to IBAs by that point, it didn't see much use beyond those first few months.


What I never got was how they managed to issue woodland camo for both gulfwar 1&2. I understand the fuck up the first time but after 91 you had to have realized that there was going to be more conflicts taking place in a desert.
Probably similar to the thinking of many nations after World War 1
>have war you're unprepared for
>"oh well, at least that isn't gonna happen again"
>have another war you're unprepared for
See: Belgium not finishing the Maginot Line across their border with Germany despite throwing a hissy fit about the French wanting to build it across the Belgian border. Not like the Germans flanked France by invading Belgium in the last war or something.
God I love light infantry
its literally like a dark bull's eye outlined by lighter sighting ring. :)

They looked at how Nazis put big black crosses with white outline on tank turrets so enemy could used as target and said "Hold my beer".

It also creates a nice single color "pattern" for recog of enemy troop that will work regardless of background.
And despite all that they took less casualties invading Iraq than Russia does in one day in Ukraine. Crazy how nature does that

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