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/k/ - Weapons

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>Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine leaving Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - June 17, 2024
It's it normal for a sub to leave port with that much rust?:
post your own sub, vanya
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Not OP, but I have an equally retarded question, does the rust have any negative impact on the submarine's stealth capability? I'm assuming they wouldn't let it go out to sea if there was a risk that rust had compromised the integrity of the hull, but what about stealth?
What blew up today?
this particular slide thread is because images were posted of a Russian sub in Cuba which looked even worse
rent free
actually you're paying rent to the tune of $50 billion lmao
It depends on how long it's been out. The exterior of ships start to show rust spots almost immediately, after 6 months it'll start looking like that until they pull back into home port with an availability
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rust? well, not really, at least not on the exterior of the sub, you need it to be bad enough for panels to start causing cavitation, by being missing or much more deformed like picrel. sonar doesn't much care about rust on the surface of a submarine. worth noting is i don't believe that hawaii keeps a drydock for servicing submarines, so i'm curious where it's sailing to, doesn't look like it's in a CSG, but perhaps it's rejoining them at sea.
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as i said that though i do see some openings on this sub which would render it mission incapable for USN purposes, so it's likely going for repair somewhere, unless the CSG it's assigned to isn't deployed to an active mission.
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>russian sub in cuba.jpg

>mutt is glad his taxes are going to foreign pensions
Glad this kike is dead
isnt russia destroying its economy for some fuckign land it doesnt need?
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How many more times do we need to flatten Dresden before you learn your damn lesson, Hans?
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>You are jewish


>we are overthrowing you lmao.


Turns out I was mistaken. You're not German, you're just:
You didn't answer my question anon, why is russia destroying its economy for land it doesnt need? Surly becoming an international phariah and losing 90% of your trade partners isn't a good thing
That 50 billion came from Russia thoughbeit
Do you get off on being a fuckign loser?
I get off on jewish girls getting raped and NAFO apes getting mad lmao.
Ukraine is losing and there is nothing you can do about it.
Rent free
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>German American akshually.

AKA stupid swarthy apes (as Benjamin Franklin put it). Also,

>unironically shilling for Russia (the literal enemy of Nazi Germany)

I might have forgiven you if you had at the very least inherited Hitler's murderous hatred of Russians but you don't even have that. Just mental illness-induced contrarianism.

t. Scots-Irish Old South racial stock and your objective social better :)

>I get off on jewish girls getting raped

What's the Israel vs. Hamas k/d ratio again?
What did Ukraine blow up this time?
so being a loser, got ya
>before addressing your superiors
fucking hell what an uppity fag you are
>more shells than the west
I thank god /pol/ niggers are this stupid, otherwise you might awctually ruin something other than 4chan
oil refinery AGAIN
>Yet another one

FFs can't keep track of them at this rate
That 50bil came from Russia you retarded /pol/tard
>i do see some openings on this sub which would render it mission incapable for USN purposes
we got a submarine expert itt.
I do love midwit commentary from turdoid subhumans.
The 50B is from interest on 260B from "Fortress Russia"(lol) funds situated in USA, Belgium, France and Germany.
What is more important than the West giving interest from this to Ukraine is that the agreement that resulted in that also states the funds will be dissolved in case of Ukrainian defeat, so Russia can never get that money back.
The original plan was to just take the money but when it got around to actually discussing doing that they changed their minds. Children of /k/ don’t understand that it’s not as simple as calling up a bank and stealing the money. First of all the money belongs to Russia, legally — so that requires legislation to get around. Then wording the legislation is important, and it needs to cover more than just "Russia", and then it’s becoming problematic. There’s a lot of non-aligned / 3rd-world countries who trust in those money markets too and if you pass laws that makes it so the government can just steal your shit at any time the fear is that trust in those markets will evaporate. The hundreds of billions Russia put in them is because they explicitly trusted the security of those institutions, and that trust was built up over decades. Furthermore, even if they made a new law which said they can just take your stuff, the actual mechanics are difficult to figure out. Who will take charge of the account? At what price will those assets be sold, and to whom? How to compensate markets that will have hundreds of billions suddenly disappear from them? That’s why you search for editorials and opinions on it in the financial news, policy think tanks etc it’s universally called a bad idea for many reasons. So what they settled on was a compromise — they won’t touch the money, but they’ll seize the interest from the accounts since being frozen it’s just sitting there not impacting the market. Freezing the accounts at all has already done damage but they’re not willing to go all the way to outright seizure.
This is the most important takeaway
>schizo polnigger enters the thread
Yes, this particular child understands this.
But he also understands that everybody will agree that the situation is unprecedented in Pax Americana and that drastic measures are needed.
Switzerland also broke its century old streak of complete neutrality becaus of Russia and they didn't crash and burn.
>if you pass laws that makes it so the government can just steal your shit at any time the fear is that trust in those markets will evaporate
It's almost like launching genocidal wars of conquest has consequences.
>but the turdies will see!
Good. We want them to see. And learn.
>so that requires legislation to get around.
Already done, zigor :)
Not done retard, they backed down and settled on taking the interest only. In the end of the day the integrity of European bond market was judged to be more important than Ukraine. Not only that they’re giving it to Ukraine ONLY in the form of a loan — so it’s literally just the EU giving them a loan, the seized interest revenue is just being held as collateral in case Ukraine loses and can’t repay it lol.
>doesnt understand nonpredatory loan terms
Ukes will be fine after we build an economy for them, far better off than the average ruskie but still gonna be fairly low on the eu quality of life list after they join
>DEI shill for the FBI enters the thread
Most pathetic Russian sub I have ever seen, holy fuck that's Africa tier lmaooo
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For 30+ years, US Navy has asked for money for maintenance facilities. The Federal Government has always said no to the requests. There are no lobbyists in Washington for the US Navy. There are lobbyists for the affirmative action subhumans, so they continue turn this country into a 3rd world shithole. There are also lobbiests for the defense contractors, so those continue to sell new and often worthless ships to the Navy. Oh, the US Navy is also filled with unqualified low IQ affirmative action subhumans too.
This who corrupt system needs to collapse. As it is currently, the USA is a nigger, spic, useless whore (aka female) filled shithole... even lots of young white men act like nigger subhumans. So, it is not a surprise that the country is a shithole... it is only a surprise that the country is not worse than it current.
If the subs rust, why the FUCK don't they just paint them ? Is the military that dumb ???

They have $$$ to like the pockets of defense contractors but not basic upkeep ? The second I would see a patch of rust those would be painted.
They just announced $4 billion to upgrade shipyards with more money to follow.
How come you post the same thing in every thread, and why do you use the same exact images?

They had to, retard. 1/3 of the Navy's ships are run down pieces of shit waiting for maintenance. Just proof this is a 3rd world shithole: lack of planning. 3rd world nigger and spic infested shitholes do not plan ahead. Also the useless holes (aka females) cannot plan ahead, either. Ask the average useless nigger, spic, cunt hole what they see the USA being 30 years from now... and you will just get a ape like look, and then they will start talking meaningless slogans of equality, equity, and gibs dem dats.
So now everything hit critical, then some shit might be done over the next 10 years. All of this shit should have been done 30 years ago, then the US Navy would not be in such a worthless condition. Low IQ 3rd world filth will do as the 3rd world. No magic dirt. The USA needs to disband the military.. it is nothing but low IQ nigger, spic, cunt hole and white niggers anyway. Might as well just save the money.
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Only about 50% are mine. I don't use the Lloyd Austin faggot pic. I also don't wish for the Nazification of the USA. I just want to live long enough to watch the USA turn into some South African/ Mexico/ Haiti shithole, like I know it will be in the future.
>there are no lobbyists for the US Navy
This seems laughably wrong on face value but unfortunately for you it's also easy to google. Regardless of that it's also clear that the navy has the ability to exert political pressure on the government through briefings, press releases, budget requests, etc. While I personally agree that shipbuilding and sustainment should be higher priorities, let's not make shit up.
Why don't they just use stainless steel?
>Not only that they’re giving it to Ukraine ONLY in the form of a loan — so it’s literally just the EU giving them a loan, the seized interest revenue is just being held as collateral in case Ukraine loses and can’t repay it lol.
Uh huh. Sure. Because a victorious Ukraine will totally repay that loan and absolutely not default on it and tell the Russians to suck it. LMAO, imagine being this delusional.

>But muh Ukraine will lose trustworthiness!
For what, making the enemies of the free world pay for them? ROFL.
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>Muh google
The US Navy does not have any lobbyists in Washington. The US navy cannot bribe congress and whatever useless fuck in the white house to do anything. MIV does have lobbyists ion Washington.
All of the Navy brass are suckasses, because they want promotions and other government or MIC jobs, after retirement. All the Navy bass can do is ask, then watch some useless subhuman affirmative action congress member ramble on about how Guam might capsize or the Navy needs sailboats for climate, or the USAF needs more solar panels.
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muh fat American fingers with burger grease strikes again.
i think the main issue is the military stopped recruiting and promoting white men and now is forced to lower the collective IQ of the organization by recruiting and only promoting niggers and mentally ill trannies
what a strange and bizarre individual. They really aren't sending their best to shill and demoralize on /k/, are they?

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