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New philippine wunderwaffe boats just dropped.
How can china counter armored boats without triggering american mutual defense treaty?
why are Pinoy so based?
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>water cannon
>no damage

>tow lines
>not a buldge

its over for china
vid OP?
Truly the most powerful race on earth
Weld everything shut, throw two ropes around it and use two boats to tug it against a rock so that it sinks.
>ni hao it was accident gwailo
flips made a mistake by not using water cannons too against the chinks. they have every right to defend themselves
Idk why they don't just go all out against the chinks

Like are they really going to risk Taiwan over the flips? It seems obvious who the world would side with.
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They should build in a ram like ancient galleys too
>posts a ship that isn't a galley and has no ram
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We must return.
...that's the turtle ship, which is what OP is. But they should also add a ram.
Unironically Navies need Ram Ships for low intensity border policing.
This. In a sane world we'd just put the flip ships under escort, and if a chinkoid ship attacked, sink it and leave the survivors to drown (legal if there's a risk to your ship).
>Idk why they don't just go all out against the chinks
I'm guessing they're terrified because they know and were probably informed that America won't back them up and there's a ton of conditions that need to be met before US semen and boots aid them.

China knows this and thus are exploiting the loophole/weakness etc.

I'm more surprised that despite all these skirmishes at sea they're not buying or building up a sizeable fleet. You'd think they would start begging for old ships from Western navies and coastguards as a stopgap while they buy new ones.
Why not buy a Maersk/Evergreen cargo vessel and just laugh at tiny Chinese militia?

Also have that cargo vessel carry construction materials and workers so you can jumpstart building a shoal.

Imagine how much sand and rocks your average cargo ship can carry.
That’s because it’s not a real, sovereign nation. It’s just another peasant fiefdom. Ruling oligarchs just take whatever they can take while doing the minimum required to keep the peasants quiet. A navy costs money which they’d rather have for European villas and foreign bank accounts.
Turtle boats were good enough for the GOAT they're good enough for the flips
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they should install rope launchers and toss them in front of the chink ships to foul their props
It's just a normal poorshit country anon 85% of in nations on Earth are exactly the same way. The only countries with substantial navies are Western except Russia (no longer maintained, barely functional), and China
Flips remind me of SEA/jungle asian Irish people. The vibe they give is very much the same. Just sort of laid back and content enjoying life on their pretty little island, getting absolutely shitfaced at 10 in the morning, no real ambitions just get through the day and enjoy the next day. And they both seem to really enjoy fighting even if they aren't always particularly good at it. Hard not to like both groups IMO .
Muh 40gay!

His Fantasy stuff is hot as fuck though, as befits the better setting.

Not canon.
Storm of Chaos will always be tye true timeline. Hang Matt Ward.
China will just bribe them, even if some won't accept the yuan there will always be others who will because they're naturally corrupt.

Your average Pinoy are too poor to care and would just prefer to surrender those claims if it meant survival.

They're also been infiltrated, they had a MSS agent pose and won as a mayor of some bumfuck town and the Philippine Senate are making a clown show of themselves instead of locking her up, raping her, interrogating her if there are any more agents and assets in the country.
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>safety first
Shut the fuck up chink. I may be about to order some crispy chili chicken with white rice and an egg roll but I know a Chinese spy when I see one
they're both hardcore Catholics too (based)
They should build underwater spikes, so when the chink ship rams her, they will impale themselves on it.
they made a fatal mistake when they've publicly refused to retaliate even with water cannons
not sure why they would restrict themselves with that, it only made the chicoms even more bolder
chicoms won't even attempt boarding a vietnamese or taiwanese vessel
their leaders are absolute cowards who still believe that they can cajole and engage in diplomacy when the other side has completely given up on them
China is abandoning Taiwan because the latter are arming themselves to the teeth, the casualties will be astronomical and the potential humiliation from such stunt are unacceptable for their East Asian sensibilities.

However gaining a large swath of the South China Sea by pushing out the weakest claimant (Philippines) is an acceptable consolation prize. They know America will never die for the Philippines over a bunch of rocks.
What fantasy stuff? I didn't know they even made any.
>buy old botes
>convert to drone operation
>fill hold with fuck off quantity of high explosives
>let chink ship ram drone bote
>clackidy clack you're not sailing back
>claim it was an accident triggered by chinkoid ramming

Roast a few floating bugs and the rest will stop trying to ram you.
Meh. We are shooting 500 million free in aid for 10 years for starters in weapons and building bases. When the bases get built and Filipinos will fight yeah we'd go to war for them. They are going through their trial run with the first 150 million coming now. It's a test to see if it will work or it's a scam.
Ukrainians were barely passable at the start of their war but uniromically the corruption keeps getting killed off or jailed.

If the bases are built fast and corruption isn't insane, the Filipinos will be the next Japan.
Absolutely based
Chang greyzone warfare on suicide watch
Why can't we just hunt down the trawler militia like the dogs they are? Even if china uses the civilian card they won't retaliate against a western country anyway. Besides, those things don't have a black box so they can't prove you're out there reaping thpusands of tonnes of chinkshit
Because international law warfare (part of unrestricted warfare). We're simply too good and blue eyed to act decisively and they with force. Call it cucked if you will. China counts in this, which is why they play international law whenever it suits them, and ignores it whenever it doesn't. The positive is that thanks to Philippines the world is starting to see china for what it is
All they are accomplishing with this is the flips welcoming more and more US naval bases on the islands. Which of course China will continue to do nothing about besides seethe. It's like some kind of 5G chess.
They'll just pocket the 500 million and buy prime real estate.

They will never be an Israel who buys US equipment with the shekels they're given.
We are giving them the weapons directly with very little hard cash. They could still fence them but we will see. If Biden is reelected theyll be the big pacific push. Ukraine might go until 2030 plus. Colombia doesn't need a lot of the lower level nation building stuff anymore, so it's Philippines.
Give the Flips eleventy billion dollars NOW. Also a freighter full of spicy budlak noodles and good beer.
>If Biden is reelected theyll be the big pacific push
Go away.
China will just bribe Philippine politicians including their future presidents to cuck out those bases.

They already proven they can accomplish this with Duterte. Even if the Marcos administration will dole out more US bases, it doesn't matter since he's gone permanently in 2028.

A Beijing puppet can sit again and turn those bases empty if they want to.
Why is chink bribe money greener than american bribe money?
Americans don't give bribes, otherwise these politicians wouldn't kick out US bases three decades ago.

Chinks are even more racist towards brown Asians but they give out fat checks and these turd worlders are more than willing to look the other way.
>these politicians wouldn't kick out US bases three decades ago.
Yeah, had absolutely nothing to do with the end of the cold war or anything.
the philippines is a neo-feudal fiefdom larping as a country
clan-based politics are kang
they get looked down by everyone and they know it
but the chicoms give them money, enriching their clan so it's simply transactional
whites don't so fuck em
they missed the part where most nations had civil wars and bloody unifications, that's why regionalism and tribalism are rife
while whites see them as one brown race, they don't
a brown pinoy from the north will consider himself different from a brown pinoy from the capital and a brown pinoy from the southern islands are completely alien and foreign to him
>Give Flips eleventy billion dollars
Suddenly all Los Angeles, Florida, New York and Texas real estate are now bought by corrupt Philippine politicians, generals and oligarchs
Why are the bases back now? Did Chinese bribe money stop working? Did American bribe money start working again?
The new president tried to be nice with China but since the Chinks can't help themselves they pointed a military grade laser on one coast guard ship and he went full 180, granting America 9 more EDCA bases which are basically extensions within existing Philippine military bases. The bases aren't done yet and there aren't any Pvt. Hernandezes rolling about so they're not active yet.

The Americans never really left the Philippines, they returned during OEF when the height of cleaning out Muslim terrorists in Mindanao was at its peak. Since then they're on a rotational presence.
>The world
Is it? I wonder how many people outside of places like /k/ and /pol/ are even aware? I can't recall seeing any major coverage.
Other anon nailed it on the head. We never left but are coming back in force. China isn't the reason we are coming back. It's for resources and the people. We want the people.
The PLAN can't wipe its ass without getting a USN carrier group doing a 'freedom of navigation' run through the Taiwan Straits. Who cares what they think they can do?
this is what went wrong

>pic related for their new senate building cost P23B = $390M (despite having a 110+ million population and dozens upon dozens of states and regions they only have 24 senators)
>tallest skyscraper in the philippines = 66 floors, 318m/1043ft at $300M
>philippine coast guard budget (2024) = P29B = $492M
>philippine navy budget (2024) = $110M

this is just one gubmint waste on the national level, imagine how much more are they wasting and many more shekels are being pocketed by local politicians far away from the capital
Unfortunately they’re incredibly corrupt and the current president is the son of an über-corrupt US-backed dictator from the 80s
There's no oil in the Philippines, if they had resources they wouldn't even beg for the Americans to return.
It’s not quite that bad, but there’s definitely some language elitism (English>Tagalog>boondock peasant languages)
They have more tires.
>We want the pinay
Mmm. Pinay.
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>clackidy clack you're not sailing back
Verification not required
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>>fill hold with fuck off quantity of high explosives
A modern take on picrel would be awesome

>To ensure destruction, very large charges were used. To intensify and channel the explosion, an oblong "fire chamber" was constructed on each ship, 1 metre in diameter. The bay was fitted with a brick floor, 30 centimetres thick and 5 metres wide; the walls of the chamber were 1.5 metres thick; the roof consisted of old tombstones, stacked vertically and sealed with lead. The chambers with a length of 12 metres were each filled with a charge of about 3,200 kilograms (7,000 lb) of high-quality corned gunpowder. On top of the chambers a mixture of rocks and iron shards and other objects was placed

>Last of all came the two infernal ships, swaying unsteadily with the current; the pilots of course, as they neared the bridge, having noiselessly effected their escape in the skiffs. The slight fire upon the deck scarcely illuminated the dark phantom-like hulls....The Fortune came first, staggering inside the raft, and then lurching clumsily against the dyke, and grounding near Kalloo. There was a moment's pause of expectation. At last the slow match upon the deck burned out, and there was a faint and partial explosion, by which little or no damage was produced.

>The troops of Parma, crowding on the palisade, and looking over the parapets, now began to greet the exhibition with peals of derisive laughter. It was but child's play, they thought, to threaten a Spanish army, and a general like Alexander Farnese, with such paltry fire-works as these. Nevertheless all eyes were anxiously fixed upon the remaining fireship, or "hell-burner", the Hope, which had now drifted very near the place of its destination. She struck heavily against the bridge on the Kalloo side, close to the block-house at the commencement of the floating portion of the bridge. A thin wreath of smoke was seen curling over a slight and smouldering fire upon her deck...
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>The clockwork had been better adjusted than the slow match in the Fortune. Scarcely had Alexander reached the entrance of Saint Mary's Fort, at the end of the bridge, when a horrible explosion was heard. The Hope disappeared, together with the men who had boarded her, and the block-house, against which she had struck, with all its garrison, while a large portion of the bridge, with all the troops stationed upon it, had vanished into air. It was the work of a single instant. The Scheldt yawned to its lowest depth, and then cast its waters across the dykes, deep into the forts, and far over the land. The earth shook as with the throb of a volcano. A wild glare lighted up the scene for one moment, and was then succeeded by pitchy darkness. Houses were toppled down miles away, and not a living thing, even in remote places, could keep its feet. The air was filled with a rain of plough-shares, grave-stones, and marble balls, intermixed with the heads, limbs, and bodies, of what had been human beings. Slabs of granite, vomited by the flaming ship, were found afterwards at a league's distance, and buried deep in the earth. A thousand soldiers were destroyed in a second of time; many of them being torn to shreds, beyond even the semblance of humanity.

>Richebourg disappeared, and was not found until several days later, when his body was discovered; doubled around an iron chain, which hung from one of the bridge-boats in the centre of the river. The veteran Robles, Seigneur de Billy, a Portuguese officer of eminent service and high military rank, was also destroyed. Months afterwards, his body was discovered adhering to the timber-work of the bridge, and was only recognized by a peculiar gold chain which he habitually wore. Parma himself was thrown to the ground, stunned by a blow on the shoulder from a flying stake. The page, who was behind him, carrying his helmet, fell dead without a wound, killed by the concussion of the air.
>Asians make their boat look slant eyed
Am I racist for noticing?
Flip women are nuts. I've dated a few. The worst one was some kind of BPD bipolar case who was convinced I was cheating on her with every human female we'd see in public. Complete psycho. Some time after that I mentioned my experience to a guy who had been married to a flip, and he said she chased him around with a kitchen knife. Apparently his friends with who'd also married these women had identical experiences.

Which sucks, since they've also all been very smart, funny, and aggressive deepthroat anal whores.
Flip egos were offended their women prefer G.I. cock to domestic povertypeen. The cool Flips join the US military so we get the competent ones.
It works once, but with as many maritime militia and CCG ships as China has fucking around the shoals, China can just reply in kind but with far more force. Filipinos are doing an excellent job of being completely non-confrontational and documenting literally everything so that when China eventually does eventually kill somebody, it'll be on camera and there is 0 doubt in the court of public opinion that the chinks sowed the wind.
>not including Japan
>not including South Korea
Both of them have larger navies than most Western countries.
SEAmonkey seething ITT
Maybe those gooks are alright...
More like their mutual defense treaty with America is just phony, that's why they refuse to fight back even in self-defense.

If Chinks started harrassing gook or Jap coast guards there will be hell to pay.
Brutal comeback desu, but the trade-off of being more known is that 40K gets band kids and fags.

If it wasn't, 40k is a spinoff/re-imagining of Warhammer Fantasy, created by Rick Priestly. Fantasy got a Disney Star Wars-tier retconning and raping by GW circa 2015. Can go into more detail.
Check out Total Warhammer if you like vidya. It's amazing.
Japan and South Korea are Western nations, we stole them
No I mean for the artist, I know what Warhammer fantasy is, I just thought that guy made nothing but 40k art.
Eh. Just didn't do it for me like the earlier total wars did.
That would require boarding the ship, that is a big no no, and why China has engaged in the harassment dickery up till now.
They are currently interrogating her at this very moment. The fuck are saying chink?
Wonder how much those G.I's payed for those sluts?
Flips should add a couple of 20 foot steel spikes under the waterline for "stability".
>warn chinkboats not to come close for safety
>KEK when they ram into the 'stabilizers' and get punctured hulls
any politician would be committing political suicide if they were to openly support or caught secretly supporting the chinks considering the current public opinion.
the MDT can't be invoked if they're the agressors retard
You're not the aggressor if you're only defending yourself retard.

There must be a serious reason why these Pinoys aren't fighting back despite being assaulted by China, one of them is either their treaty with America is just a piece of paper only or the current alliance only covers 'accepted' Philippine territory like the mainland and not the ones disputed with China and everyone else.

It's not like the USA and the Philippines are in equal standing, the Philippines are tiers below in the multitudes of current US alliances and commitments. Your average US politician won't bat for them much less can find them on the map. America only helps those who help themselves, see Ukraine.
>any politician would be committing political suicide if they were to openly support or caught secretly supporting the chinks considering the current public opinion.
Pinoys voted for Duterte and he enjoyed robust public support despite openly supporting for China.
that was before china was openly attacking pinoy troops wumao kun
fuck around and find out
the us would end up looking like an absolute bitch internationally if they don't step up if china gets uppity after all the very public declarations that they would enforce the MDT
>the us would end up looking like an absolute bitch internationally
Not really, this is the Philippines we're talking about. Not Taiwan, Japan, Korea or NATO.

The Philippines isn't economically or geopolitically relevant, the rest of the world won't care if America doesn't defend them or fight on their behalf.
it's not militarily or economicall significant but it's part of the first island chain. it's a strategic location and a part of us power projection in the region. it can't ignore china's plan to militarily fortify the islands and hold global shipping hostage.
flip here. duterte only enjoyed robust support when he was killing druggies. he's pretty much a political outcast with his daughter the current VP even being removed as education sec. most flips hate that he was a ccp shill.
Flick-the-Thief. Yes, I'm ashamed to know it. No, I'm not still a coomer. Getting my life together, too good looking for Rule 34.
Don't forget the Jetski promise about him riding it to one of the Spratley Islands only for him to break it and have his son (current mayor of Davao, also suspended according to a family friend of ours but not announced) Ride the jetski to Benham Rise (east of flipland) instead. What a shitshow.
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They're not building or buying up new boats.
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This goober boat has more armor than a Arleigh Burke class destroyer
He had robust public support BEFORE he supported China*
I'd say that's because of poor political maneuvering on the Philippines' part. A major component of the USN is Flip and the USN is suffering a staffing crisis: a smart politician would do what Australia is doing an integrate their population who has nothing better to do into the USN's structure on a more formal level and man new ships.
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That would impact sailing.
I suggest a protective coating of ERA at the waterline. And by ERA, I mean shaped charges.
>Be Philippino captain.
>Chinese "independent" fishing boat comes steaming up along, getting dangerously close.
>Keep straight course, and put on hazard lights. Obey water rules, keep heading, radio them to stay away from our vessel as they're getting too close, and we currently lack steering or engine control due to an unforeseen mechanical fault.
>Ship rams us. Hear a crashing, scraping noise, closely followed by a muffled THWUMP-THRUMP-THRUMP as three panels on the ERA belt go off, blowing a six square foot hole into the hull of the other ship.
>Keep puttering on because lmao armoured ship.
>Radio comes to life with screeching chinese. Look back. Fishing vessel is half capsized, people are scrambling.
>Explain later to some flustered looking official that the belt is there for defense against rocks or running aground.
>land battles between China and India seeing a return to ranks of men in armor armed with medieval-tier weapons
>sea battles between China and Philippines seeing a return a turtle boats and corvus-enabled boarding actions undertaken by infantry armed with swords and spears
>air battles between Russia and Ukraine a hellscape of tens of thousands of FPV drones intercepting each other and blowing up anything unfortunate enough to be on the ground

2 out of 3 ain't bad, nature is healing premodern warfare bros
His approval ratings were always on the high 70s-80s even during times when he nuthugs towards China. Even today, not even the current Marcos Jr. administration would not dare commit political suicide by antagonizing the former Beijing puppet.
Let's be real, there will never be a Filipino-American USN captain, even if there were he'll be American as fuck that even when he'll be rolled out in PR exercises/diplomatic missions the actual Flips will think he's white as fuck

They will always be lower rates and generic semen fodder who will have zero agency on their ships
Having a sinking ship clinging to your ship because it was nailed to you is just trading one problem for another.
What if the ship had a prow that was reinforced and designed to be used as a ram, but was somewhat concealed with the bow, so as not to be OBVIOUSLY a ram?
Still difficult legally as (while china has no problems doing it seemingly) turning into and ramming a vessel is recordable and has genuine potential for consequence, in accordance with laws and policies around nautical right of way or hostile actions.
That's why I say ERA/shaped charge belt >>61925313 . All you'd need is a few ships with an extra belt, and now every vessel trying to ram has to wonder if their ship might end up sinking.
>They will always be lower rates and generic semen fodder who will have zero agency on their ships

And that's the way it should be
>the current Marcos Jr. administration would not dare commit political suicide by antagonizing the former Beijing puppet
He really doesn't need to. Duts and his butt-buddies have been chimping out and ruining their own image ever since Marcos Jr. approved all those EDCA bases and increased US presence in the area.
>they probably asked America if they would defend them if China attacked them; American officials probably gave them a vague non-answer which may be construed as a "no"
>Highly likely with the current geopolitical climate the Americans told their Philippine counterparts that they're on their own since Israel and Ukraine come first and are more important to America's interests
>they probably asked America if they could send a USN/USCG ship to accompany them during resupply missions; American officials highly likely declined because they don't want to be seen picking sides in a multi-nation maritime dispute
>the best thing America will do for them is fly a P-8 Poseidon in low flight while their wooden dinghies get rekt by Chinese ships
boarding actions
instead of the corvus they should use jetpacks. We have the technology.
>slanty eyes figured out greentext
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>boarding actions
Too fast for them to do that and the thing almost punctured a hole in one of their ships after trying to ram it.
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>Let's be real, there will never be a Filipino-American USN captain
They are. You just need to find the news articles hard enough.

Maxdefence on Facebook is another one. It's managed by an anonymous government worker. The news updates on PH military is there.
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The flips cucked out! Shameful display!: https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/2024/6/21/china-coast-guard-acts-vs-ph-troops-probably-a-misunderstanding-national-maritime-council-1938
LoL! It's so easy to spot a wumao!
how about putting a circus cannon on the front of a speed boat and firing chinamen at the thing during high speed pursuit? Give em some pads to land on and I'm sure enough of them will survive for the Chinese to count it as acceptable casualties.
Do Flips have to learn the importance of national defense the hard way again?
Hopefully this time it gets seared into their memory a la Poland.
LOL. The guy who said this in a press hearing is Bersamin.

I can tell you that most Filipinos reaction to hai comments apart anger and outrage on the netizens. People calling him a Chinese puppet.
People kept bringing up the soldier with his thumb cut off and how this move would be a slap to the face on the Army.

They don't like him.

If you know Tagalog just search up Bersamin china comments and look at the comments under the videos if you understand Tagalog. The citizens don't like him.
The comments by this was in some press release by the guy called Bersamin.

People where outraged by this when he made this comments. The people are not on their side.
one tactic that has been used is to drag a line across the water such that it tangles the propeller or damages the rudder
quite a wile ago green peace and chinaman fishing boats were dukeing it out in this way
The guy who said that is a known Chinese sympathizer. Sadly a lot of them slimed their way into government positions during Duterte's time since he himslef was also a chinese sympathizer.
lmao china got the philippines and the US by the balls. pinoy coast guard is far too weak and they cannot use their navy out of fear of escalation, meanwhile america won't go to war for some SEA shithole
Hello wumao
This is why America won't lift a finger to save their former colony, they're far too compromised to be saved and aren't really serious about national security.

The Marcos administration are simply all talk and no action.
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> the Filipinos will be the next Japan.

Not according to faggy youtubes
>They know America will never die for the Philippines over a bunch of rocks.
Which is why the Flips will instead and they'll do with with sharpened sticks if they had to.
>former colony
Fucking please
I am pretty sure Flick is a woman thoughbeit
>and they'll do with with sharpened sticks if they had to.
Nah, they've cucked out

Both their political and military class
They're your former colony
This is why China had already taken Taiwan today. Truly a superpower capable of force projection even in the Atlantic
The current civil war with millions dead a decade ago also doesn't help. Not to mention 80% of them live in mudhuts and electricity is a luxury for their 1%
>The current civil war with millions dead a decade ago also doesn't help.

They didn't have a civil war, both the Spaniards and Americans just lumped multiple islands as one country and left when their times were up.

Other browns accepted unification while others did not but they didn't go to war or anything, just mostly seethe about it online.
Sure Billy Bob sure
Next month we'll be seeing chink skulls getting cracked open like coconuts now that melees are fair game.
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>I can tell you that most Filipinos reaction to hai comments apart anger and outrage on the netizens. People calling him a Chinese puppet.
>If you know Tagalog just search up Bersamin china comments and look at the comments under the videos if you understand Tagalog. The citizens don't like him.
It doesn't matter, you're a third world country which means whomever is in charge dictates foreign policy.

You don't live in the first world where mounting public pressure and cancel culture will force politicians to change course or meet halfway.

If a cabinet level official proclaims that they've submitted to China then you can bet your ass that your own president thinks that way.

There are no mass protests in Manila against Chinese incursion, they're only mostly relegated online which does nothing in the real world and changes nothing in the grand scheme of things.
This is also why they also allow China to own land in the country. The Chinese government famously owns most of their Metro area, the island Palawan, and most of Northern Luzon which is their biggest Island.
I am convinced. ASEAN belongs to China. Very impressive.
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This but unironically
Damn, 11 out of 12 countries like China and the US barely getting any 50% lmao
US allies
>No geographic depth
>Demoralized populations on terminal decline
>Dismal birthrates
>Beginning to collapse
Chinas allies
>Highly motivated countries
>Emerging powers
>Bright futures
>Expansive have extreme strategic depth
The century is the BRICS century.
BRICS dollar projected to be worth 250 dollars on starting day and will trend to at least 550 dollars per BRICS dollar.

Once China easily takes Taiwan in just a day through sheer numbers, the world will be for the better.
>chang going all out
oh yeah I'm sure Laos is going to be instrumental in some kind of war beween China and the US/India/Japan/South Korea/etc. Laos sure is a technological powerhouse
US allies
>produce almost all microchip manufacturing equipment on earth
>leading AI revolution
>invents almost every useful new technology
>world class military industrial complex
Chinas allies
>third world countries
>poor as fuck
>average IQ of 75
This is just Palestine seethe
>Russia is now a third world cuck state with no influence and will never let anyone else control a currency it has to use
>India hates China and is turning away from Russia and will never let anyone else control a currency it has to use
>China is stagnating and will never let anyone else control a currency it has to use
>South Africa can't even keep its power on
lol. lmao
That's the reason we never got Empire 2 or Medieval 3; and now, they've entirely forgotten how to make decent games.
Singapore alone could body most of China allies except maybe Indonesia simply from Singapore running out of munitions.
they forgot to make decent games long before thy started the warhammer ones
warhammer 2 is good tough and empire sucked ass
china has vassals and fair weather friends
if you are small and close by they bully you into compliance and if you are big or far off they bribe you.
The moment that china is forced to fight it can no longer bully and bribe
I always thought it was the other way round, i.e. WH40K came first and Fantasy second.
yes you are a chink we know
it was close but nah fantasy was the OG, and they took bits and pieces to make 40k
why don't we just give out piracy licenses again,like the letter of marque and alike?
they started off making miniatures for d&d and the like knocking off popular fantasy figures and tropes. Because there where a lot of miniatures hanging around the guys started doing bigger battles and that when d&d rules get very clunky so they make their own simpler rules by "borrowing" form historical wargames. And presto you have warhammer.
Early like really early 40K was also a skirmish/low model game and then became larger scale when they adapted the warhammer rules.
The real fun comes in with Blizzard that wanted to make some 40k or warhammer games but GW said no. So Blizzard "borrowed" from GM and made starcraft and world of warcraft
letters of marque was a thing only during times of war.
You'd "enlist" as a part of a countries navy but not receive any wages in compensation you got to keep your prizes without having to clear them past the prize board (and giving up a good chunk to the nation). You'd also be left to act all on your own.
You weren't a pirate under the norms of the day because you where officially part of a countries armed forces.
The problem being that most freebooters once they got a taste of the money they could make didn't stop once the war was over. Those that did often became very wealthy and respectable members of society. Those that stayed on to become pirates only very rarely lived to retire.
>The real fun comes in with Blizzard that wanted to make some 40k or warhammer games but GW said no. So Blizzard "borrowed" from GM and made starcraft and world of warcraft
like poetry
I walk past this guy twice a day.
>If a cabinet level official proclaims that they've submitted to China then you can bet your ass that your own president thinks that way.

Not by a longshot

>There are no mass protests in Manila against Chinese incursion, they're only mostly relegated online which does nothing in the real world and changes nothing in the grand scheme of things.

What do you think this is?
https: / / youtu.be/_aUyq-WRyyU?si=ySTx9e2M8cfISKR2

Seeth more wumao chink!
BRICS allies are composed of third world browns and Arabs.
Woops! update. I don't think so!

https: / /youtu.be/e-up6emlgZI?si=WgN3PniB_06RZFsB
Shut the fuck up. Korean bastard
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are the gook women as hostile towards expats as they are to the gook men
The Fips were at one point the most modern country in Asia, about 300 years ago. They are the definition of a people who lets opportunity slip by their fingers while they lounge at the beach.
No he is a chinese lapdog that is leaking US info to China to ensure that Taiwan is taken more easily.
>The Fips were at one point the most modern country in Asia, about 300 years ago.

300 years ago they were a Spanish backwater

I doubt they were more advanced than Qing Chyna, Japan (who wasn't colonized nor opened yet), Bong Chink colonies like Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc. or even Thailand

You can make a case that they were fairly developed while they were an American colony but that doesn't matter since WW2 was a thing and destroyed everyone in Asia
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the fact is if this was a japanese, korean or australian coast guard who got boarded all those chink militia would have been sunk by the us navy already and any plan vessels along with it
china would just take it in the chin and seethe while doing nothing
philippines being an irrelevant third world country changes the dynamic, america will never die or fight for them and their government knows it
What kinda retarded WuMad do you have to be to believe the US would be giving the Philippines detailed defense plans for Taiwan?
They don't even know that they only have one working aircraft, about 2 helicopters and nothing else. Philippines will bow down in a couple of minutes once China starts its operation finally. Hopefully they target the US pacific fleet too with those glorious hypersonics America can't ever make
They were. Mostly because China helped them to be that prosperous. Once the westerners started colonizing and stealing resources, it all went to shit. Should've stuck with China
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Gonna be cool to see the flips reenact their Korean war days. Those chinks are going to get a rude awakening when the flips finally get fed uo with their shit.
>surprised that WW2 veterans mog 40,000 hungry PVA peasants
Philippine military should just coup their inept, cowardly leaders and establish a military junta similar to Thailand and Mexico.

Kill all the elites and militarymaxxx for at least a generation.
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Next it'll be GWOT veterans mogging 40,000 hungry PLA peasants.
>They know America will never die for the Philippines
>TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The U.S. Army's new ground-based missile launch system is being deployed to the south of Taiwan in the northern territory of the Philippines.
>On Monday (April 15), Naval News reported that the Mid-Range Capability (MRC) is being deployed for the first time in the First Island Chain for joint military exercises in the northern Philippines. The annual bilateral exercises between the Philippine Army and the U.S. Army Pacific, dubbed Salaknib, began on April 8.
>The MRC, also known as the Typhon Weapons System, can carry both Tomahawk cruise missiles and Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) missiles. Lockheed Martin designed the system which utilizes the U.S. Navy's Mk.41 vertical launch system, adapted for land-based operations.
>These launch systems are one of the core elements of the U.S. Army's new Multi-Domain Task Forces (MDTF), primarily aimed at addressing the extensive threats posed by Russia and China. According to Naval News, the Typhon Weapons System landed at an unnamed airstrip in northern Luzon to take part in the Salaknib exercises.
>When positioned in Northern Luzon, the Typhon Weapons System's missile range covers not only the entire Luzon Strait, but also reaches coastal areas of China and numerous People's Liberation Army bases in the South China Sea.
>A press release from the U.S. Army said the deployment of the Typhon Weapons System "aims to enhance Philippine maritime defense capabilities, while bolstering interoperability and readiness within the U.S.-Philippine Alliance."
give me an honest assessment of the Philippine military
they seem far and away the weak link in the first island chain but their geography seems perfect
all they've been doing for decades is COIN.
They've no real experience or even history with peer ground ops but at least that isn't too much of a concern when you're archipelagic; but their navy and airforce are also pitiful.
Honestly if shit heats up with them and the chinks they'd probably do better taking pages from the Houthi and Uke books and just do shipping attacks and chinese surface combatants.
They've got shit like HIMARS and Brahmos now so they don't even need to just rely on drones
and target chinese*
They lack the necessary hardware to be a credible threat, but when shit does hit the fan. The US will be dumping a ton of equipment and ammo unto them to go Ukrainian on the chinks.
not a threat in the region but just enough to stall chink invasion on their major islands until the US arrives.

also it took them a week to mobilize multiple divisions to handle a muzzie chimpout on one their cities.
They have no gear
Their training is questionable
Their generals are corrupt
They don't have a serious NCO corps
Their politicians are even more corrupt
They're prone to participating in coups and regime changes
They're losing against separatists, insurgents and even terrorists
They have no Navy despite being an archipelagic country
They have no Chairforce
They have no Coast Guard, that's why they're relying on unmarked wooden civilian boats
They barely have any modern artillery, forget about missile systems
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>Americans don't give bribes
not 300. 1950's just after ww2. they were the strongest military in asia at the time. though of course manila was also the 2nd most bombarded city in asia
>they were the strongest military in asia at the time

US hand me downs does not make one the strongest military. Korea and Japan were also flooded with US gibs especially the former during the 50s.

There's also gommunist China who barely fought the Japanese and kicked out the 10-12 million strong KMT/ROCA.

To add, they lost Marawi, lost Mindanao now to the civil war, lost Palawan and most of Luzon to the Chinese, Mindanao is spearheading an independent sovereignty as Manila is dependent on their prosperity, Visayas threatens to leave and join the Chinese coalition, Their military is also only 1000 strong.

Should've joined BRICS but became an American lapdog and as poor as Eritrea
That doesn't mean anything, US lost to goat farmers and cave men and spent Trillions a day unlike China who is anti war
>To add, they lost Marawi, lost Mindanao now to the civil war, lost Palawan and most of Luzon to the Chinese, Mindanao is spearheading an independent sovereignty as Manila is dependent on their prosperity, Visayas threatens to leave and join the Chinese coalition, Their military is also only 1000 strong.
wtf? lol. what kind of retarded shit is your handler giving you?
Based Chinks
So did Chiner. Right after the US killed millions of Gomers and severely weakened the N. Vietnamese. Imagine losing to a force that just got utterly decimated. KEK. The CCP are so embarrassed by losing in Vietnam, they tried to bury the war.
I wonder if Duterte regrets trying to suck Xi’s dick back when he got elected Cus the Americans gave him shit over executing a shitload of drug dealers.
True history unlike gung ho America the so called world police glorifying imperialism.

Reminder that no one of value likes them
Duterte was actually right and all of this would have been resolvable.
retard take, the US isn't about to abandon the philippines
no wonder the flips aren't getting swayed to the chinese side when their psyops are this primitive and off the mark
Flipland has a larger nominal GDP than Pakistan and Egypt. They can be a regional military power if they have the political will or America allows them to

Man, the South China Sea is the Chinese-Indian border all over again.
Unusually perky tits on the females. Terrible nipple color though.
Just look at Vietnam. They know the truth of Chinese dirtiness.
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Knowing those motherfuckers, the flips will likely be rolling in on orc'd out speedboats in their next resupply run.
America already abandoned the Philippines.
why don't the philippines buy sea chinooks or sea dragons?

buy a dozen and use them to ferry shit to the old ship

even an evergreen/maersk ship is cheaper
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why can't Changs stop being so obnoxious and cringe? is it some cultural image thing? really fucks them over
What happens to the ERA if a swell is covering the waterline? Incompressible fluid vs steel. Wouldn't that potentially be a problem for the ship's hull?
Because letting the chinks chink on the beached ship gives them better optics internationally and provides something they can point at for moves that would normally be extremely divisive or outright unpopular. Reintroducing US forces to the country would've been political suicide if not for the chinks.
>this magic spelll confuses the bugmen
I think its an unearned sense that they are somehow superior? Its kinda sad actually. Theres a reason asian males get no pussy.
Showing good-will or just acting covilized around them is a sign of weakness for Chinamen.
Chinks and East Asians in general have an unwarranted sense of self-superiority, especially towards brown and dark-skinned Asians.
Vietnam is worth like at least five of those other countries combined and Singapore knows everything there is to know about China's weapons, so I think we lucked out on quality
>better optics internationally
that does nothing for them
america won't lift a finger to help them
they don't get any kind of gibs from the same countries who publicly blast china
all they get is deep concern tweets which does nothing
the troops there on that beached ship will still starve
if china tries to sabotage any pinoy military helicopter it's going to be war
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>america won't lift a finger to help them
one way to find out eh pinglong?
>they don't get any kind of gibs from the same countries who publicly blast china
?? that's why no one takes you wumao seriously.
>using weapon systems from the country China tried and failed to invade to beat China
Those Filipinos sure love being poetic.
Chink gonna seethe
Chink hands typed this
This is definitely a Chinese wumao.

That or it's some chino drinking the ccp propaganda cool aid.
Duterte can suck small Chinese dick

>EDCA sights

See the more chink!
LOL true
Ironic. Because Flip dudes tend to have the highest rate of asian Americans to be in interracial relationships.
behold! pinoy battleship!
No one in America thinks Pinoys are Asians.

To Asians they're practically Latinx and among Latinxirs they're even more foreign.
I swear theyre like brazilians in that there's probably a filipino that could pass for a local in most countries
i've seen gorilla black flips, the palest chinkiest looking flips, flips that are basically entirely spanish looking, etc.
This is why I consider flips the most dangerous race. They can easily assimilate into any culture, climate or nationality. They can easily play the long-game in conquering another country just by settling in, integrating, and slowly whittling away the locals with their halfbreeds. Pretty sure they're well on their way to fully taking over California.
on the upside at least they TRY to integrate. I would rather have 1000 flips over 1000 pakis or 1000 pajeets chances are they didn't actually lie about their qualifications when they migrated like the jeets or have no plans of actually integrating like muzzies. The downside is they almost always vote blue despite being generally conservative. their women are freaks in bed though
what is it called? where can i look up more about it?
Someone post that pic of a 2nd gen pilipino giving birth to a blonde blue eye baby
>Chinas allies
>>third world countries
>>poor as fuck
they are all commodity power houses though, especially agrarian commodities. they could starve the west if they stopped all food exports.
a stop in mining exports would be almost impossible to compensate, especially if they manage to sea blockade australia on top of that. also chinese industry would be very hard if not impossible to replace. it would take decades to rebuild that industry in the west.
Yeah I'm sure the entire world will fall into pandemonium once Malaysia halts their durian exports.
china, india and russia are the biggest wheat producers in the world. russia is the biggest net exporter. you can repeat that for most grains, livestock and a lot of fruits and vegetables. BRICS is the leading producer in all of these.
when india decided to halt its sugar exports, the world market price for sugar quickly doubled. imagine if brazil did the same. you would have a sugar supply shock like never seen before. sugar would be like sandy gold.
For sure, India will help China since it is the most closest friendly country they have. Not to mention the west is now starving to death since the start of the sanctions. About half of Europe froze to death even
I remember that. Sugar become 2500 dollars per gram
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>ongoing border dispute between India and China
>soldiers have been in all out brawls
>some of those clashes even resulting in casualties
>India will help China
They need to bring back Monitors
Just a thick guy with engines, armour, couple of guns and if you get in its way, fuck you, get rammed cunt!
Its not like Flips are any strangers to gas-axes to make weirdo vehicles, just get them some plate and a big old bote, they'll figure it out
>ongoing dispute between nazis and soviets
>they hate the fuck out of each other
>implying ussr will help germany
>1939 french: "this means germany will not attack us because then they would be vulnerable to an attack from the ussr and probably have a 2 front war again which would be in our favor"
>molotov-ribbentrop pact happens
>germany and ussr now best friends
>1939 france: fuck, merde
You have to remember that this is the same kind of retard that thinks that BRICS is a real thing and not just something a couple of guys from Goldman-Sachs made up as a thought experiment/ shit post idea that sounded interesting.
To add, the USSR and Germany are still friends to this day and the west is still experiencing the effects of The Great Depression due to its lack of development and control over greedy Wall Street investors and Hedge Fund managers
>all that comments screeching about muh US bases and how that means China aggression is justified
Chinks and Russoids really share the same mindset
>that mason symbol between the pipes
Like how russia made Europeans endangered when they cut off their gas and froze to death. Every winter becomes an extinction level event now since 2022
Remind me again which timeline the nazis and soviets joined forces in WW2 and Russia winning in it's 2 day special security operation in Ukraine?

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