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It's likely that Venezuela will collapse into state worse than North Korea soon and drag the continent into a brief but very bloody war as a western hemisphere distraction against conflicts in Eurasia.

>Brazil is rebuilding itself as a military power set to build several thousand wheeled IFV, relaunch their domestic MBT, start building the CV90, make domestic nuclear subs, carriers ballistic missiles, ATGM, MANPADS etc with British, Italian, Swedish and Japanese input
>Mexico is building itself up to be the 5th largest industrial power in the next 10 years and is slowly becoming a Turkish or Egyptian style military co-dictatorship oddly with support from both the left and right
>Argentina is becoming a major NATO partner and getting lot's of fancy American and Israeli aircraft and armor
>Chile is likely to become even more chud than the Pinochet era and is building lots of German and Turkish localized stuff
>Peru has deep ties to the Ukrainian MIC and is hedging on them and was pegged to bankroll a bunch of the armor projects before the war and still plans to
>Colombia wants to buy Israeli jets and Merkavas/Namers

What /k/ontent will we see from Latin America in the near future. I expect many FX-05 derivatives and extreme upgrades of western cold war tanks, aircraft and guns.
>Brazil/Embraer getting in on the 6th gen fighter/drone train with Swedish assistance (albeit 20 years late and sluggishly like with the Gripen)
>Large scale US and Mexican military operations against cartels
>Venezuela curbstomp by all their neighbors and many other nations
>total Chinese fishing boat death
Chile adopting the Galil ACE and slowly phasing out their Swiss stuff was personally really disappointing, since they domestically produced cool things like the FAMAE SAF and represented a faint hope that we might get SG 540 and 542 imports. Nonetheless, FAMAE is a respectable arms manufacturer and will probably license other interesting weapons or whip up their own designs.
Also, I can't help but feel like if Britain continues its painful decline and if the Milei government successfully brings about an Argentinian recovery, an Argentinian victory in a second Falklands War 40+ years from now would not be unfeasible.

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>And make their bottoms big
this sounds like a bunch of baloney, especially argentina which is known for being on the verge of bankrupcy since the 90s, have you even seen the state of their navy? it would make the russian rustbuckets look like state of the art and well maintained
>Effects of BRICS Bunda Expander on Marichka
It's bundover
the Atlantic ocean is expanding
Largá la pasta base.
nah. Brazil is worthless and politically dysfunctional and so is pretty much all of south America They'll LARP as totally being back believe me bro Bolivar's dream is gonna happen but it never happens because they are e ultimately nothing but a bunch of peasants and have the minds of peasants. It's not necessarily their fault given they inherited this cuckold like mentality from the Spaniards and the Spaniards got it from the moors and the moors got it from the Arabs. Never had a chance.
Nothing ever happens, especially in South America
Argentinians are now honorary whites.

Man if you don't know about our history, you shut the fuck up.
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>It's likely that Venezuela will collapse into state worse than North Korea soon
Why now? What has changed recently to make the situation worse?
geography basically makes interstate warfare impossible in south america, those borders are pretty rock solid, geographically speaking
I've always wondered how SA has remained one of the most peaceful continents on Earth, with 90% of their conflicts being internal rather than external, especially when SA countries are typically rich in resources and their neighbours would stand to gain much by conquering them.

"No War Allowed"-tier geography actually makes a lot of sense now I think about it.
>Me silently hoping Venezuela makes a move on Guyana so the UK/US can do the funny thing
BR? BR?? BR??
So what would it take to overcome the geographical limitations of South America and effectively wage war on the continent? USAF + USN combined-tier airpower?
a navy
original post is fanfiction. nothing will happen, venezuela will recover with the help of less oil in the market thanks to the war and will turn into some isolated shithole like iran
Nah bro, brazilians tend to believe they're not spics but you niggas come from portugual and those are the same moor rape baby as the spanish spains were.
Beyond that, since the old pedro btfo himself into his cucked life in french hotel, you cunts have been begging for a big daddy to take the reigns again. Tell me, how many dictatorships you guys had? There was that army dude with the sword period, that was that manlet guy that shot himself in the heart and the 64 dictatorship. All this in a matter of some odd 70 to 80 years since cucked Pedro left.
Too poor for total war, to unstable politically to launch SMOs around.
Just another brown peasant shithole which was never an actual sovereign nation to begin with no different from anywhere else in South America. Let their oligarchs figure out how to keep their peasants complacent and just accept it’s not for middle class white people that’s all.
Just nuke us please (target the northern areas first)
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Yeah now that it's more of a negative then a positive. lol

You guys are actual assholes you know that?
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sorry what do you call this place? yucatan? sounds a lot like 'my land now'.
It's also the biggest issue with their internal development as well. Brazil's geography is terrible for interconnecting it's economic hubs, with it's mountainous hilly interior and jungles. Building rail in a lot of Brazil is prohibitively expensive, it's why most people live in a handful of cities on the coasts or near rivers, it's impossible to transport goods between hubs otherwise.
large navies and societies both willing and able to sustain total war apparatuses
three things most countries in south america have never had
Not to mention the difficult terrain making internally destabilizing guerilla groups viable, like in Colombia
Which are all way more expensive than just trading with the other countries in there for their resources.
It's a realization that is slowly but surely dawning on the collective societies of South America, it'll eventually lead them to unite in an EU style thing somewhere down the line if it keeps going.
Maybe by the 22nd century South America will be one of the world's biggest economies. Maybe. Unless, they fuck it up. Which they have a history of doing.
>he thinks i'm gonna be mad for shittalking Pedro

LMAO fuck that guy, now go do whatever the fuck you cultureless mutts do.
>cultureless mutts
sounds a lot like brazil
>worse than North Korea
>with no nukes
literally a nothingburger
literally all of south america may vanish tomorrow and nothing changes globally
When the Spanish people captured our king they took him back to spain and tried to have gay sex with him but he refused so they burned his feet. You'll sometimes see paintings and sculptures of this tragedy.

That's why we've always know there was something up with other races.
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meds and mena have always been faggots
Best korea is at least organized to a certain extent. Venezuela is gonna be haiti's bigger brother
Your daily reminder that Africa begins at the Pyrenees.
If I had to guess, russia black market oil is directly competing with them in a very niche market that doesn't have room for two players.
Can someone post the camo and uniforms of the countries of latam? Let’s see what cool designs they got
There used to be a ton of US-Venezuela ties in the 1970s-1980s, even into the 1990s before Chavez came in. It's really sad because it's like the perfect country natural resource wise and it's just a physically beautiful country as well, probably the most naturally beautiful country in South America. And now it's all been completely fucked by Chavistas. It doesn't help that the opposition were turbo cucks and could not accomplish literally anything.

I think the best situation now would be some kind of total collapse, then a US-Colombian intervention. I don't think the polity of Venezuela will outright dissolve or go away or disappear or anything but might end up like post-war Japan or pre-war Philippines, but with Colombians running 99% of the occupation. Frankly if you just shot everyone in the government, cut off all the bread-and-circus chavista gibs, seized all the foreign assets of the shit load of Venezuelan elites who scammed a ton of money then bailed, and did some land grant - home steading deal as a reward for civil service (Gran Savanah, shit basically the entire eastern and half the southern perimeter of the country is like uninhabited) to get expats to return, I think you could turn Venezuela around after a short, sharp decapitation campaign. It's run by complete fucking clowns but the country is so stacked with OP natural gifts it could still work.

Key is going to be getting expats to return. I love getting laid by slutty Venezuelan doctors and engineers with fake tits on the first date as much as the next guy but all the people with > room temperature IQ GTFO over the last 20 years. Fortunately literally all of them (100%) moved to either Brickell, FL or Katy, TX so it's should be pretty easy to find them and round them up.
You don't know what you are talking about
Brazil is governed by commie BRICShitskin retards.
This might be the worst political greentext I've ever seen. Truly a shitty fanfiction with no connection to reality.
Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Peru have left-wing governments that are very much in favor and even friendly towards Maduro. None of these countries can have nukes. The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons, nor to permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries.
Venezuela has no nukes and is so disfuncional their citizens just want to leave that shithole.
Mexico is a hopeless narco-state with no signs of ever changing.
Chile could change into a "right-wing" government. But that's it. Nothing actually changes.
Peru remains the Afghanistan of Latin America. Insanely ugly, extreme low IQ injun population. Forever irrelevant.
Brazil is on the trail to become a narco-state.
The idea of Latin America as a powerkeg with nukes is delusional.
Nah, read him again, >61919027 is a chink.
Sorry, the human sacrifices will stop.

Imagine not being a Hispanicist.

t. Criollo
man, im so glad i left that shithole, and i managed to bring all my family with me (well except my dog, still working on that)
This, this country Is fucking dead.
>t's likely that Venezuela will collapse into state worse than North Korea soon and drag the continent into a brief but very bloody war as a western hemisphere distraction against conflicts in Eurasia.
venuzuela is safer than ever tho
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>Venezuela will unite the entire South Americas as one federation that stands together as an anti-USA front
>Brazil is rebuilding itself as a military power set to build several thousand wheeled IFV, relaunch their domestic MBT, start building the CV90, make domestic nuclear subs, carriers ballistic missiles, ATGM, MANPADS etc with British, Italian, Swedish and Japanese input
No, we're not. There's no money set aside whatsoever for this and our domestic ATGM program is so dogshit that it can't even penetrate a T-72 covered with ERA.
Perfect place to drop 10+ million illegal immigrants.
>Venezuela will collapse into state worse than North Korea soon
Venezuela already is a failed state
As unrealistic as that campaign was, the story hooked me and I'm sad they canned the sequel. South/Central America needs more kino games.
>Mexico is a hopeless narco-state with no signs of ever changing.
Reminder that something like 35 candidates running in this past election cycle were assassinated
Sounds like the kinda fag shit only a featherhead would come up with. Imagine wandering around like a hobo in a pristine land full of bountiful resources for thousands of years, then getting mad when some people come and go "I don't want to be a dirt hobo"
That and the whole "enslave people and sacrifice them to evil entites" crap you had going on further down. Really it's a miracle for you the Spaniards found you and thought your women were hot as fuck, if we Anglos or anyone else had colonized Mexico there would be none of you left. Based Andrew Jackson would have turned the whole of North America into the Promised Land of the European race.
Man I fucking wish South America could be that cool IRL. I guess you have Argentina larping as Imperial Germany with their ex-IRA presidential guards, but that's about it.
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>ex-IRA presidential guards
teh what
Not meat as an insult monkebro, I personally believe Pedro the dad wouldn't have let go of his throne without a fight.
But the point remains, since the end of the monarchy, you wankers are edging for a new monarch, just can't accept it.
They will have to kill half of the population to make the continent an anti-US coalition starting with some of their armed forces, and then yet some more before anyone within the region would be willing to bend knee to some ruler from another country.
>>Argentina is becoming a major NATO partner and getting lot's of fancy American and Israeli aircraft and armor

a dozen or two of early 1980s F16s and single digits per year of modernized TAMs is far from "lots", which you also misspelled as "lot's"
Argentina is literally whiter than FUCKING FRANCE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
hilarious thing #1: fucking VENEZUELA conquers LATAM AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA mfs have no food irl

hilarious thing #2: the US like dismantled all their nukes???
Their soccer team, but not their people lmao
>major NATO partner
Consider Japan or South Korea: not in the alliance (and Xi would blow a gasket if they changed the rules to allow it), but a major partner who trains with NATO forces for readiness.
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That's a team full of immigrants with a different skin colour to the natives. The french team might also have a similar thing going on.
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I sincerely believe given our trends and by the end of the century we (along with US) will become some sort of theocratic militarist power block. Just in time to face both an Euroafrican islamist Caliphate and the next weird social experimental contraption Asia is gonna spawn.
This exact trend is happening in Mexico. Confidence in the army over every other institution keeps growing and even the center left can't really counter this and is giving them more power. Mexico has less church influence than the rest of Latin America but interestingly Mexico has been becoming more religious in the 2020s while most of Latin America is becoming less. Many are completely faithless in the other state institutions. If a military dictatorship happened in Mexico, esepcially with Bukele or Pinochet like results, I unironically think that most Mexicans would back it as long as didn't go full khmer rouge
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Brazil is pro-Venezuelan because Brazil is part of BRICS and BRICS is based and trad, and because of that they are friend with Russia - the most based country in the world
Mexico is to BRICS leaning country. USA is fucked DESU
Not being a bunch of dumb mestizos mostly
There was some thread where a guy guarding the Argentinian president or whoever had a name tag on his uniform that said "Ryan", and while wearing a balaclava he looked pretty pale. An anon explained that a lot of ex-IRA members ended up in Argentina guarding their leader somehow, I don't really remember the post.
Actually it may not have even been Argentina, I just default to people fleeing there since Hitler and Barbie both did. It was somewhere in South America at least, pretty sure it was Argentina since that's the go-to for fleeing war criminals.
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I am Mexican and I hate Russia
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>this mark things BRICS will survive the decade
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You are in minority in your country because your government loves Russia
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Meanwhile IRL Mexico just surpassed Russia economically and sent helicopters to Ukraine because you traitorous faggots couldn't help but to cheat and commit fraud on arms contracts.
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>Meanwhile IRL Mexico just surpassed Russia economically and sent helicopters to Ukraine because you traitorous faggots couldn't help but to cheat and commit fraud on arms contracts.

>>>After Russia could not make the agreed upon payments to Mexico in either US dollars or Mexican pesos an alternative deal was brokered where Russia would settle the debt with a direct trade of vehicles and food products. Mexico was repaid with several dozen military helicopters, armored vehicles and multiple cargo vessels loaded with vodka and seafood. Much of the seafood spoiled in transit and the Mexican government refused to accept it. Russia agreed to pay the remainder of the balance with two Mi26 heavy lift helicopters. Russia agreed it would take back the spoiled seafood and dispose of it properly. Instead the food was dumped by Russian sailors off the coast of Cozumel where it damaged the local eco system. The odor of the several hundred tonnes of rotten fish could be detected on shore 5 kilometers away. Russia has since failed to supply vital parts for maintenance and repairs. Most of the Mexican fleet of Russian helicopters now sits unused. In active service, many have been replaced with American and European helicopters. In the long term, Mexico plans to replace all Russian helicopters with Mexican built helicopters. Russia has claimed that the maintenance contracts with Mexico are not valid as they were made by a previous administration.
The fuck is MIKTA based on?
I'm sorry anon but Mexico is no more functional than Russia.
>as they were made by a previous administration
Mexico is much more functional than Russia
>Whole Atlantic Treaty Organization
Countries that are mid tier socio-economic powers but not in the classical shithole commie thirdie sphere.
there's no reason, and no climate to unite like the EU over here in south america. South america wasn't steamrolled and ravaged by wars like europe, we also are not very united either, cold relations all around between spanish speakers and portuguese ones
Because most SA countries have the most ethically correct foreign policy (particularly Brasil, the largest one) of not meddling in the affairs of other countries and neutrality, going strong for almost a century of not sticking your nose in other countries, and expecting in return no nose sticking in yours
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>yankee de mierda, vayan se al carajo YANKEE GO HOME
Its also because last time a south american country tried some ww2 germany tier bullshit against their neighboors (Paraguay), making the particularly retarded decision of trying to annex the territory of the biggest south american country, they got 80% of their whole population (or was it male population? i cant recall) killed and only avoided getting their territory split between the winners due to these benevolence, Paraguay still hasnt fully recovered from that war to this day.

Only Brazil could pull off going on imperialistic wars against the others but they have been historically "isolationist" and innward looking, they are a very insular country for their size.

The only cou
>The only other country who could try something is Argentina but we all know why they never did.*
>What /k/ontent will we see from Latin America in the near future.
once militarily built up they will engage in warfare with each other with cartel-tier brutality and massacres of civilians on a scale unimaginable before
they will never be militarily built up because the government is perpetually paranoid about the military to deliberately gimp it whenever they have the chance. They pretty much are a self defense and internal police gendarmie.
I don't see how this would realistically happen. Latin America has it made under Pax Americana. Nobody is stupid enough to try anything overt in the western hemisphere. The one time that they did almost caused TEOTWAWKI. That pretty much limits external nations to running some black ops shit to try to lessen US' influence in the region, which the US is capable of running counter ops to.
So, it would have to be an internal thing. You could say that certain countries have a bone to pick with the US, but they mostly want to be left alone and are okay with the status quo.
But let's say for the sake of argument that either the faltering state of Venezuela, Brazil, and/or Argentina go through a Weimar Republic era and unite the spics, glorifying the Incan and Aztec empires for reasons. Maybe this is a result of the US declining as well. How do they get it to happen? If there's one group that spics hate, it's other spics. The whole "viva la raza" thing is kind of unique to the spics that live here but refuse to become American.
The only way that I can see this happening is as a joint effort to destroy the cartels and the drug trade. So maybe there's a coalition to take them down which necessitates military coups across the region.
THAT would be pretty /k/ and would be COIN across one and a half continents with some urban and jungle warfare, but without the frankly OP levels of air support that the GWOT coalition had. I can see Mexico taking the lead in the operations north of the canal for obvious reasons like industrial capacity and geography. Either Colombia, Brazil or Argentina would have to lead things in the south, but I couldn't even begin to guess how that would turn out. Maybe every county handles things internally but they share intelligence and joint ops are limited to actions that take place on or near a border?
This is one of the most retarded takes ive ever seen in these threads.
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I really like the Brazilian Air Force lizard pattern.
argies don't even qualify as honorary rats
Their economic policy is turning them into honorary Venezuelans.
Why doesn't the US draft the veneco migrants for ww3 with th promise of regime changing venzuela and giving them a bunch of gibs if they stay west aligned
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Brazil has three lizard camo patterns for each branch of the military.
I really like the Navy one.
He's either 16 or 55
>Mexico is a hopeless narco-state with no signs of ever changing.
Not if the military overthrows the civilian government. The only reason the narcos even exists is because of the patronage of all the different governors and politicians and shit. Get rid of them and they'd get wiped off of the face of the earth. Combined with the current trend of mexico becoming increasingly industrialized and economically developed, and the country could turn out pretty well. The main thing is to make sure the junta doesn't last forever and that it can peacefully transfer power back to a significantly less corrupt civilian government (which honestly could be next to impossible depending on who exactly would be in charge).
Only the Mexicans care about the aztecs and only the Peruvians care about incans, the rest of us larp as spaniards. If we'll ever unite into one noationlistic state it'll be based on our common spanish heritage no matter how much that makes the spanish seethe.
>that color contrast between south africa's palm and the rest of her hand
damn, i'd love to get a hand-job from her
sorry, lad she's a devoted Catholic. Only marital sex for the sole purpose of procreation and foreplay after running it through and getting it approved with padré. You can use cycles to try and prevent pregnancy (this time it'll totally work, 6th time the charm)
>sorry, lad she's a devoted Catholic.
South Africa has a protestant majority dummy.
source on this? I can't imagine Russia or Mexico agreeing to trade in fish and vodka
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Argentina is the blackest nation in the world.
Fuck the Argies
Putin and his literal sock puppet saying "sorry we had elections last week, I don't know who this Medvedev person is"
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It's an almost impossible scenario. Latin America will never unite so I had to come up with a similarly batshit reason to get the idea going
you carbont-taxed eurocuck fucking wish you could have Milei
>Russia failing in Ukraine invasion
>China flirting with Philippines and practicing total envelopment of Taiwan
>Venezuela acting crazy
Let’s fucking go boys. Jungle kino and big booty Latinas ftw
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Si, si, por supuesto que si.
Nah, we just pretend we like people for free gibs while laughing at their backs, the only idiots who fell for the russian meme were Cuba and Venezuela, and virtually all the competent people already fled Venezuela. All is left are favela vermin and their narcomilitary.
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More accurate representation of BRICS
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A more FoS pic also a mid finger to /chug/ for daring use Frieren in their stupid sticker, the real Frieren would put ziggers in the "demons" category.
Monroe Doctrine. It's America's sphere and you will play nice. Or else.
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Franco actually wanted to for some sort of commonwealth in the 50s with former Spanish colonies. He was also wanted Argentina and Mexico to build nuclear weapons along side Spain. This potential block is also why the US pushed hard for the Tlatelolco treaty. Franco also tried to push for Mexico to accept the Montezuma family back as a sort of non political symbolic noble family. The Montezuma royal family are still around and still have some positions in the Spanish military and civil guard.
It wasn't a trade Mexico wanted. Russia in the 90s was poor as shit and commies in the Mexican government financed the Russians getting some Pemex oil drilling equipment that had fancy German designed parts. The Russians failed to pay Mexico back for it as Russia was in utter financial ruin so the Mexicans just begrudgingly agreed to take whatever stuff the Russians could give. The South Koreans got their Russian tanks in the same way.
Kick jews out and they unite. Just need some more bukeles and I promise you it'll happen.
I know a girl from argentina. She is most definitely not white. She use to be really stylish and cute but over the last 5 years she gained a lot of weight and now looks like a typical latina mother. Her youth, gone. It's amazing what a few years will do to a girl.
>a few years
also a lifetime of goyslop, advanced glycation end products, lipid peroxidation, elevated insulin/glucose, etc
I've seen pics of sqaws after 20, they always morphed into goblins

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