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Go oilers edition

Canadian firearms General
Canadian firearms General

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Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

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Last thread >>61907851
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Start a thread off right, what’s your guys favourite thing about firearms in Canada? For me it’s crownland shooting and how almost every single gun owner you talk to is into the outdoors, hunting and fishing.
>favorite thing
Pisses off cbc enjoyer urban liturds
If the oilers get this game I'm shooting a round of 7.62 with my oilers hat on. If they win the game after I'm launching fireworks and dancing like a fool.
I like dry firing them and discussing them with other people. Having a reason to go outside once in a while is another plus
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Sorry fags, but the cup stays in America. Enjoy getting cucked on home ice.
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On one hand I want Edmonton to win because Alberta. On the other hand fuck Canada we don’t deserve anything good.
once I get my PAL I'd really like try and find some hunting buddies. I really want to get out there and hunt deer :c
>once I get my PAL
Frigg off no guns come back once your a has gun.
You guys are getting PALs?
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>Same seller
>fresh STEN parts
>specifically the parts youd need for funfun times
Fucking where and how do retards get ahold of these?
ewww you mean you are only shooting antiques because you dont have a pal? not because you are interested in them but only out of necessity?
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Its just some shitlib MP getting spat on. Why is it such a big deal? Those laurentoid MPs get paid a comparatively big salary on top of all the cash that they embezzle, no doubt), so why are they whining about literal consequences of their job? Don't want to get heckled or spat on? Don't become a public figure, dipshit.
Spitting on politiciansor anyone isn't very white, I don't care who they are. Didn't your parents and grandparents raise you right?
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Yes. This is about Alberta. Leaf fans are jealous fags who give up their guns to Ottawa.
Ok fed, ill hunt with you.
When the caf stopped using them they just kinda took them apart and tossed them in pallet boxes. Tons of sten parts got sold out as scrap. I found a ton of sten parts in an old store room.
> look, he may have heavily contributed to cancerous anti-gun culture and also tried to free a pedo serial killer, but spitting on him is just not okay!
Its like whining about shoe being thrown at Bush lol
Plus why complain about this happening to the neoliberal elites? You are not even human to them.
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>Spitting on politicians or anyone isn't very white
Yes. Hanging them from town lampposts is the white thing to do
>>61919089 see >>61919181
Spitting is cringe
That guy has sold a ton of sketch shit like akm build kits, an old dewat ak47, as well as mac10 parts to name a few glowposts
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It's Big PP time
We got him to lower immigration
Can save Canada now
I dont know whether to cum or vomit
>fucking bump helmets
Lmfao feels good to be better equipped than the average CAFaggot
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>the glasses are back
I’m glad he started lifting we may one day get Prime Minister Armstrong
Also shows the genuine corelation between physical strength and unwillingness to deal with immigrants
Based black powder chad
looks like there is consequences for your actions.
>joining groups
>Gary Schill
> pearl clutching over some lib politician being spat on by some random immigrant
Come on man, you have to admit, its pretty funny.
Only 'groups' should be 3-5 of your close friends
based and true. Foster positive relationships with small communities and have a small group of guys you train with and know well in case shit goes tits up.
If you join any group to try and accelerate the collapse, you're doing the equivalent of pissing in the ocean and hoping it'll start a wave. You have no power to change the waves of history, but you can surf them if you're reading for them.
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sounds like the leftist anarchist concept of affinity groups
fuck no, I am saying that small scale organization with people you can trust is the best, going to some randos you dont know is a way to get doxxed. Patriot front in the usa is the only actually real RW group that is not feds

>If you join any group to try and accelerate the collapse
there will be no collapse, its childish thinking. Look at south africa and somali they are still 'functioning' the best would be to assume the role of the anarch and acquire power in the government and institutions and slowly push your ideology
>much lower
Even the PPC wants like 150,000 we're fucked
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>Storing you ammo next to political symbology, instead of religeous symbology and canned meats
>he doesn't know
Far older than just what wikipedia tells you - it was famously used during the American Revolution
I agree, that's why I said "joining any group to try and accelerate the collapse you're doing the equivalent of pissing in the ocean and hoping it'll start a wave"
It's childish and worthless - best just to have close knit groups of individuals who you trust. Pretty standard advice for all things, really
you mean symbols, not symbology, but also that's based as fuck.
My ammo is stored beside my toolbox and sardine stash lel
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>I agree, that's why I said "joining any group to try and accelerate the collapse you're doing the equivalent of pissing in the ocean and hoping it'll start a wave"
>It's childish and worthless - best just to have close knit groups of individuals who you trust. Pretty standard advice for all things, really
my bad its friday and im phoneposting watching frasier
Sorry but that cross means you're a far-right Christian nationalist so we gotta take your guns away bud.
I wish you all the best though, Northerly neighbors.
>Free speech is a significant public safety concern
Is the Frasier reboot worth watching?
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>you mean symbols, not symbology
Iv'e been speaking the language for long enough, to think i would've book lern't it by now.
>My ammo is stored beside my toolbox
My tools used to be right beside that closet, but there was no longer enough room for them. Got me a nice rolling tool cabinet/workebnch recently, so they're no longer cluttering up my room.
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These anti-hate cocksuckers just got 440k from the government the other day. Good thing I don't pay taxes.
>huge amount of ammo
1000 rounds of 22lr, 2 boxes of 9mm and some loose x39 probably.
meh not really, it was better than I thought but it will never be the original. nothing will top early seasons of frasier until s7
That’s the dream anon, good for you. My closet became a hobby space instead of clothing space the second i put a gun safe in there lel
Np anon it’s a lazy day and I just got off work myzelf lol
Buy an SKS.
PP will break the laurentian elites.
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Already have one now what
Based sardine stacker. I've got a few 5 gallon buckets full of tins and not stopping. Gotta love that long expiration date.
>He thinks PP isn't a lap dog of the laurentian elites
lol lmao even
ya the show took a dive when he cut his mullet off
Only one? Sounds like you need to buy an SKS.
Eh already got a type 81
Only one? Sounds like you need to buy a Type 81.
Pedeau and his cabinet wouldn't be spending millions on propaganda against PP if they controlled him like they did with that O'toole cuck.
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As much as I hate the term, Frasier is my comfy show. I rewatch it every few years, and you're right, the last few seasons aren't very good. Daphne turns into a bitch, and it just goes downhill overall. Still perfectly watchable though.
I should give the reboot a chance. I don't really watch any movies or TV shows anymore, because of the extreme political bullshit that's infused into everything, but if the Frasier reboot is even half-decent, it would still be better than virtually everything else they shit out these days.

I think he cut his skullet by season 2 or 3.
save money for a vz58
I'm saving for a krinkov with plum furniture.
Every Canadian should own the following:
SKS (Left hand)
SKS (Right hand),
SKS (backup)
SKS (for spare parts)
SKS (for wife)
I already have VZ58 and it was fully decked out optic, light and sling.
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For me, it's Arrested Development.
Sorry here’s my collection so far
>mini 14
>Chink SKS
>Cooey .22lr ranger
>Remington shotgun
>savage 64 .22lr
>Remington 710 30.06
>type 81M
>turk shit shotgun
>CZ P10F

I’ll have to get an updated family photo again at some point maybe when the VZ and mini 14 is NR again
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I'm watching the clip where Niles goes to the shooting range with Martin, and I think they use real guns with blanks. There's blowback and the shells eject like they should. That's quite surprising for a sitcom made by gay liberals.
Impressive, very based. Let's see Anonymous's collection.
Don't forget goon cave SKS. Can't be caught lacking mid sesh
actually ended up being closer to 20,000rnds of ammo, 37 guns, all reloading equipment and supplies, WW2 knives and family keepsakes. nazi man got worked over.
>Saying you have prohibs on a Mongolian throat singing forum
I still have until 2025 officer
>buyback is never going to happen.
doesn't matter man, none of this matters
So fucking good
Politicians say a lot of shit, it's always a gamble of faith. Look at all the people who voted Castreau for election reform and he just said teehee oopsie no refunds. You should never trust a politician of any party or stripe.
He dindu nuffin.
It's a single issue vote for most of us. I am personally not under the illusion that he is going to "fix" much of anything. I just want my funs back.
>Good thing I don't pay taxes.
Or maybe they're two wings of the same bird and are spending millions to keep up the facade that they aren't both controlled by the same puppetmaster. Or maybe sowing division/chaos is the motive. Either way, PP is beholden to the same Jewish globohomo powers as Trudeau is.
Did anyone else find it near impossible to put back the trigger group for the SKS? This bitch just doesn't want to pop back in.
is it cocked
No. It wasn't cocked when I took the rifle apart to clean off the oil. Everything else fits nicely expect for the trigger group just doesn't want to click in.
Cocked and ready to blow inside ur mom
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the krusty the clown hair was awesome

Frasier,xfiles, and star trek tng and ds9 are my comfort shows. during covid i got take out everyday and watched them
Yeah I've had that "problem" before. It's a good thing because it means the fit is right on spec. Make sure the mag is situated just right.
its finicky. lay the rifle flat on a table mag side up. press the trigger group in hard with one hand and give it a smack with the other
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I thought it needed to be cocked. Cuz you usually remove the dust cover and bolt etc before flipping it over and removing the trigger group to free the rest of the rifle from the stock
>get guise just go on telegram and connect with other like-minded Canadians
>talk about things
>get arrested
They want you to do this. Diagalon is a meme. How much you want to bet this retard never once actually tried to do anything substantial and was just talking about memes with other telegram dipshits?
If he can get a good lawyer he can get out of this and get his guns back. That Chinese gun store guy in Richmond got off the hook for illegally transferring guns to gangsters. He's back in business from what I hear. Canada is a joke.
This is why I think Mckenzie might be a fed. This and how he keeps do8ngbhis best to run down pp and promote open rebellion.
His shows or whatever are good for a laugh
Well we know he got v& so he might be controlled opposition now in order to save his skin.
Sometimes it's super easy, sometimes really hard.
Canada has a history of using feds to stir up white nationalism and create problems that don't exist.
>you cuck
I'd you're white should be the best man you can be and know your history and who you are. That doesn't mean going around joining groups and thumping your chest in cringe demos that are fed infiltrated anyways.
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i think my sks has autism
I just had this happen 3 days ago. Take out the mag. Carefully put it back in firmly. Put your sks on a table upside down. Carefully line up the tg. Push down on it firmly with the heal of your hand.
>no Your Honour, that's just my le funny windmill meme flag!!
Get real, irony is an overused disguise
There’s nothing illegal about it though. It’s only illegal when and if you get it back into working order. Few anons are very paranoid. Back in the day before 80% lowers were banned they were advertised on CGN and everything. Dlask used to even sell parts kits and 80% lowers.
Whatever you do don't lose your mind and start altering parts. It'll go back in. You just need a feel for it.
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Same. Living in your mom’s basement and intentionally not working enough to have to pay taxes is the redpilled thing to do in the current year. Women wouldn’t want you even if you did have your own place and a cushy job and very few things are worth spending money on anymore
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It will be near 200k. 1 million are getting deported mostly temps
You think it's a real movement? You're just as retarded as those who unironically follow it. There three types of Canadians
1. the dipshit urban libtards who say diagalon is real so they can throw right wingers in prison and scare everyone but don't really believe it deep down
2. dipshit alcoholic right wing chudtards who want to pretend diagalon is real so that they can larp for purpose of catharsis but don't really believe it deep down
3. Canadians
All SKSs had shit QC no matter what people say. Mine gets stovepipes and the handguard rattles when it warms up while my friends’ are all fine. The variation of spec makes the problems different for everyone. You’ll just have to figure out what works for your specific rifle and maybe even go some smithing yourself if need be to make things fit/come apart/go back together better
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obviously he's just a WW2 history buff
Gotta ask in case you're retarded.

Is the safety on? It's gotta be on safe to remove and install.
How’s everyone coping in the Canadian job market?
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My rifle seems to be in great condition. Only the trigger group is giving me trouble. The bolt, follower, gas system, everything else came off easy and gives me no issue when I put it back in, only the trigger group is giving me trouble. It was hard to take it out and its hard to put it back in. The little button that you have to punch in that hold the trigger group, it was stiff as fuck.
Put the safety on buddy.
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Can’t get any more than part time anywhere, but the two jobs I do have are pretty nice and I don’t actually have to provide for myself so I’m not complaining. I bought all the shit I needed when I had a full time job before the bans and lockdowns and inflation so I’m more or less set for the time being
Blah blah blah

The movement may not be real but it's fans definitely are. They just come out of the woodwork but were always there
150-200K is what we had for a long while before Trudeau got in. The problem is that we also had a fairly good birth-rate of long-time White Canadians, but that's gone now. It's a manageable number, as long as we deport a lot of the Indian and otherwise Asian and African temporary workers and student visa holders.
Been searching for a job but halfassing it lately. I haven't worked a day in my life since I've been stuck in constant schooling since grade 1 and I'm thinking it puts employers off. You need experience to get experience these days, what a shame
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huh how can i into stripper clip
Trades are in a good place however I do spend most of my money on living expenses. Not a lot of spare change left over for toys these days.
Fuckin chugs get to work at the kitimat lng TAX FREE, can you fuckin imagine?
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Wut in the fuck
How did you manage to find a circumcised SKS?
Never seen that before.
Maybe the sks-d has a different bolt carrier? Is there any other anons with one similar? Not finding much on the goog about it.
Are you saying that because you actually believe the feds should be going after them? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from.
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and now the thingy falled off
Should I use a rubber hammer or is that overkill?
what are you lookin for? The sks-d comes with just a flat bolt carrier because u cant use stripper clips because there isnt a bolt hold open
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Rubber is for sodomites, nigger.
Heterosexual firearms enthusiasts exclusively use brass hammers.
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Just watch Down Periscope and Pentagon Wars.
Sorry buddy, didn't mean to offend the fucking brasssexuals in this thread.
I love me deenz, but have you taken the /k/ipperpill?
I did watch those way back in the day.
Even lefties were more based in the 90s.
In 35 minutes, anyone still posting is a faggot
Got a mosin, bolt is fine when firing pin spring is compressed, after firing it is hard as shit to turn the bolt/reset firing pin spring. Problem is spring is not worn and issue will be resolved after shooting it a couple hundred times but is there a place I can just purchase an after market spring to not deal with it?
Keep getting flooded by jeet resumes and we don’t even have a job ad out
>Security for a pulp mill
What, you don't want to hire a 5'3, 110-pound subhuman that has managed to eke out 28 years of existence on a diet of rice, onions, garlic, and whatever spices are best calculated to produce the worst possible body odour, and is also incapable of understanding simple instructions in English or any language?
I’ve seen maybe 10 out of 500 ish resumes have a “traditional name” this last week
what year mosin
Yeah the ones we did hired got fired quickly
>wouldn’t do patrols when it was -5c or lower
>would sleep as they see security as free money as they work two other jobs in the day
>couldn’t understand the little shits on the radio
>always on phones
Etc etc
I sometimes help our HR lady for hiring guards and same. I saw one Canadian rest were pakis.
Tech in Ottawa is still fine. Retards all moved to Toronto for big money so that has left Ottawa businesses and gov desperate for any non-jeet programmers, network analysts, cloud devs, etc. making 110k which is good for Ottawa standards where the avg gov job pays ~60k. All the IT people crying about "no jobs" are all in Toronto and thought learning HTML and Python was going to make them millions.
People don’t even try on resumes anymore. I’ve got ones that were just the persons name with contact info on it. Cover letters that wax on about how much they want the opportunity to move to Toronto for this job (I’m in BC). Willing to relocate ( provide housing and loa though). Formating that’s just absolutely fucked and full of errors, resumes that are are just a wall of text without any spaces or periods or commas, full page run on sentence.
That’s not even getting into the things that are blatant lies.
>always on phones
The funny thing is that I have heard complaints from several different people (some of them jeets themselves) that the moment a jeet is given a company phone they'll immediately rack up a massive long-distance bill calling home to India.
you can trim the spring down by a ring and see if theres any improvement
Holy moly anon that's illegal.
Would rather not cut up original parts would rather get an aftermarket spring and cut that.
Good shooting spots / ranges around west of Edmonton / parkland county? Also anyone know how hard it is to get hunting access around parkland county or are most landowners pretty agreeable
Ez AF wouldn’t even bother getting “permission” just go hunt farmers don’t want to be bothers desu
Ottawa is a suprisingly nice area, at least it was for me as a tourist. How is the cost of living over there. Over here in southern Ontario, every place is insanely expensive not just Toronto. Vaughan is fucked, Markham, Hamilton is getting pricey, Barrie is fucked. Its impossible to find a nice area that isn't insanely expensive.
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Only kipperds iv'e tried were all gritty and bland. Just dead fish in salt water.
Take the mackerel pill; rich, buttery, succulent.
Goes down smooth like a beretta 92 with no rail and a rounded triggerguard.
Highest overall fat content&calories of any canned fish, that i am aware of.
not bad, not great is how I put Ottawa's affordability. Core and outer core are expensive, SFH go for 750k+ with the exception of Vanier because it is a ghetto full of niggs; if you want to live in the core rent. Suburbs are cheaper, a SFH in Orleans can be found for ~550k. Of course the lower costs of housing are equalized by lower paying jobs, majority of Ottawa workers are government drones making ~50k-60k and the number of high paying jobs are a lot lower then Toronto with there being 0 finance sector in Ottawa.

Ottawa get's mocked for being "a town that pretends to be a city" but for me that's a perfect environment.
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They're back
how much
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I ended up doing pretty good
A full can of bandoleer IVI 7.62

I’m selling the guy’s guns and some ammo for him and he’s giving me this stuff as payment. I’m happy. The government stopped giving out this stuff to target shooters a long time ago.
What is the fucking point of a semi auto SMG?
Just get a fucking hand gun
>Just get a fucking hand gun
handgun? sounds good to me
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>Just get a fucking hand gun
wtf do people just eat these by themselves? What's wrong with you?
You can eat them with a slice of bread. The are good on their own.
Would love to, know any indian arms dealers in Vancouver/surrey?
the poojeets buy all their shit from a certain group, they are merely subservient, much like every aspect of their race
Too much probably. I'm still mad I didn't buy one when they were going for $800.
id still prefer one in .380 for more pop though
Bro wtf are you me? I have one of those cans and near identical flooring lmfao. Tripped me tf out
in a timeline where Pierre destroys the OIC and we suddenly are allowed to buy handguns and other assorted fun stuff, what's it going to do to market prices? Is everything going to surge again or will the availability of alternate options cool things a bit?
i think our own market prices will depend on how much it will cost to mass import guns from usa
The shittier cope guns will drop quite a lot, better ones will mostly hold their value, and OiC guns will likely sharply increase in price due to pent-up demand and smaller imports due to retailers and importers being more wary about having too much stock on hand at once.
Depends where i fall on a hunger v. laziness ratio, at the time. I'll drill whole cans of oysters or spam into my gut too, if i have to. But i'll take a can of mackerel over either of those almost any day, shame its so damn expensive.
If you care about performance sure, but the straight mag ruins the aesthetics for me.
you can actually use the curved mags in the .380 version but you get an inverted 5 round capacity law hitting you where you can only fit 3 rounds of .380 in the 5 round .32acp mag
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I don’t think prices will come down. The Canadian dollar has been trashed the last 8 years. Part of the reason why a lot of import guns keep rising, add the two wars and yeah prices will be unchanged but hey at least you can get a VZ.
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Does thar mean you can use .380 mags in your .32 to increase capacity?
Supply chains are pretty slow to react and companies will still be wary of the Canadian market, expect a year or two of people mass ordering and companies unable to fulfil orders having massive backlogs. GP will be flooded with cope guns (Type 97, WK180, BCL, RFB, etc) good time to buy if you want something off this list.
got me
theoretically yes but the feed lips might be a little too wide
>>always on phones
Paki's just won't shut the fuck up. In world-wide telecom their average phone airtime is multiple hours per day (I don't have the exact number). By far the highest of any region on Earth. The 2nd highest are middle-east at roughly half the average airtime hindu's/paki's rack up. After that, the rest of the world puts in just a fraction of the talk time hindu's do. Back in the 80's when cloning phones was common, 90% of the abuse were hindu's. Paki's are always gabbing away. On transit buses here where I am, you will never see one not talking on a phone. At a loading dock where I greet couriers, paki's have completely taken over trucking business. All their drivers are constantly chatting on their phones, even while working and conversing with you. A co-worker (a senior white guy) is fluent in punjabi and other dialects from his govt work, he listens to them without them knowing. They're talking to wives, parents, friends etc. Remarkable insight to their behaviours. And paki's are the most racist anti-white pieces of shit you could ever meet. Goddamn... :-(
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>GP will be flooded with cope guns (Type 97, WK180, BCL, RFB, etc
>tfw I'll be sitting pretty with pre-ban AR and scalping zoomers with overpriced used copes
Not to be a naysayer but there needs to be about 1.2 million deportations a year for the next 20 years to unfuck the country.

Look to Fiji for a historical example of it being done correctly.
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He KNOWS what he's got.
>forced matching for a forced matched refurb when matching non refurbs go for $2500.
What are these boomers huffing. I want an SVT so badly but don't want to pay more than $1100 for one.
This ONE'S a REAL safe queen, i tell ya.
not bad desu
should also look for one with an avt stock, they are a bit beefier than the standard one
I remember once when I was hanging out with my friends in Gastown there was a high end clothing store with a Pajeet security guard who was literally fucking sleeping, presumably while on duty.

I took a picture of it and tagged the shop on instagram(back when I had it), hopefully he got fired.

I also have noticed that as someone of Northern European descent I get death stare glares from Indian security guards where as when I encounter white ones or even black ones it’s usually more cordial facial expressions.
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look at this dude bumping the thread for 2 years straight... I CANT SPLIT THESE GUNS UP SONNY BOY YOU HAVE TO BUY THEM BOTH
I remember a few months ago i ended up in an Argument with some delusional boomer who was trying to get like $400 for an SVT-40 magazine by saying it was an SVT-38 magazine (hint they both used the exact same magazine) and he ended up blocking me.
Not to inquire or make you dox yourself potentially, but is it a certain pulp mill located on the Western Side of Howe Sound across from Gambier island?

If so I hope not as that region doesn’t need to be shitted up.
>I can't bring myself to hecking break up this collectible pair.
I bet his wife won't give it a second thought when it comes to his estate sale.
I remember when i was 15 and i was inside a hobby shop and some old boomer was refusing to sell model trains (not even anything fancy just made in china HO scale stuff) to some guy because he said his kid is just going to end up breaking them.
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i cant even see what is so special that would justify $4250 EACH plus shipping also because hes a fag
Bro i don't know if you have been paying attention but they are trying to get these jeets into every nook and cranny of this country.
You can literally build a copy of an Envoy for less than $2000 that shoots just as accurate maybe more if you bed it with modern techniques
I would hope that they don’t actually even come close to attempting to match intake in immigration to the amount of homes being built. There needs to be an effort to allow for those who are here to have homes before permitting any immigration.
It’s a commercial variant of the British L39A1, but it was never anything special. Actually a guy has a genuine L39A1 up on gunpost right now for 3k kek
I haven’t been in Canada in over two, almost three years. I only read what people are writing online, seeing webm’s of the schieß blight & hearing first hand accounts from friends and family who are still there.
Yeah its bad
Fuck i'm retarded
what's a good caliber to rebarrel an Enfield to? .303 is too expensive.
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we were literally discussing a 7.62 nato enfield extensively a few posts above
I'm not buying some boomers weird fetish pair of guns for $8500
I was gonna call you a dumbass but I looked it up and it turns out 7.62x54R is a very easy conversion. The problem is that it's got a much higher chamber pressure, which means your Lee Enfield might eventually become a pipe bomb. Unless you're handloading, but then just handload .303.
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I don't handload, have wanted to get into it. My mentor if you can call it that, said that hand loading rimmed cartridges was too hard and not worth the effort.
I don't know any better, please be gentle.
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the cops should have arrested the father for being a racist
convert yours to 7.62 nato
7.62 nato is the 9mm of the rifle world after all
Guns are good
>see AR
you can find .308 barrels occasionally
the original bolt and extractor will work but of course it would just be a single shot unless you get a magazine for it
This they are cutting their PR times in half to get them to live in small towns.
Guns are good
did you see AR?
>google AR rn
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>look at the catalog
>kike and pigger shill threads everywhere
Why the fuck does neo-/k/ shill for the (((NWO))) so much now?
Is this board just rapefugees from plebbit's noncredibledefense?
>rimmed cartridges too hard to handload
My cousin has the most autistic gun in existence
>bull barrel
>post 64 model 70 action
>custom hardwood stock
>303 fing british
Thing shoots quarter inch groups at 100 yards and weighs a tonne
take your meds
I have a more autistic gun
>type 81m
>bent grip
>bent barrel
>bent gas cover
what in the god damn is a gas cover
you know you can straighten the grip and tighten the screw
you do own a screwdriver, don’t you?
>rimmed cartridges was too hard and not worth the effort
Nigga what
You just need the right shell plate to hold the cases
Most trouble I’ve had is primer pocket swaging .303 but that’s from using old WW2 brass
newb question but, if another member of my household gets their PAL, and eventually acquires a firearm, can i transport and use said firearm for my own personal leisure without their presence? am i even allowed to transport it without them in the car?

what did Fiji do?
1) fuck off noguns loser
2) it's illegal for you to even have access to their firearm at home, you both will face criminal charges
3) go back to wherever you came from (reddit, india, china, some other swarthy place) so you don't end up costing Canadian taxpayers mroe money due to your incarceration
They seem largely harmless to me but that can change. I'd just keep a close eye like what the feds are already doing. Whether the founders take themselves seriously is debatable but I believe there are definitely true believers among their ranks that may be a PITA
I think it's unironic bumfight tourists. I just use filters but even that doesn't block it all

He's right you know
Are gsg15 mags ar pattern?
Sneed it or yeet it?
22lr or centrefire?
NR ARs when?
That’s not autistic, that is just a gun with cerebral palsy.
No? It's a .22 mag anon. Kinda gay they are 60 bucks too
Sneed it and get centre fire.
Nah, PP is obviously better, I mean he is first CPC leader to call trudeau out on his pedo past and he also is the first to argue against mass-immigration.
He may cuck in future, he may not. He is still better alternative to laurentoid shitlibs that are in power now.
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if i didnt already have .380 pistols i probably would have gotten it in .22 just so i didnt have to dick around with an extra caliber
Could be except the conservatives have a record of more guns, less tax, and tighter immigration.
>owning a home in China
I don't think that's what you think it is
you do realize that jews solidified their control over the western world back in 1945
Why would you get a Mosin when you could get a Mauser?
well i think the appeal is cheap surplus ammo
What are you talking about sonny, i just bought a can of it for $6.27

Btw its June 22nd 1958 today
Just clip the spring in half with a pair of wire cutters. That should lighten it.
Quick, grab that rifle! Lester Pearson isn't prime minister yet! It's not too late to fix things!
as opposed to owning a shitbox in toronto surrounded by nigs
Why the fuck are you still in Toronto retard? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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but its a million dollar neighborhood? why would i want to move
He hasn’t had to renew yet, doesn’t own a vz58, or ar15.
When you do the thugshaker
Should I get a .32acp skorpion or wait for the .380?
checked, you should get both so you can duel wield em
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there's actually torontoglodytes in this thread?
Should i do a review for /cangen/?
>our 5.56 gun destroys itself before you're finished a crate of ammo, should we fix the gun?
>no, let's chamber it in .308 and see if it works any better
Yeah, the Crusader Arms Crux was such a wonderful example of that concept working perfectly.
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>308 bcl siberian
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I can't be the only one that thinks the 380 mag on the scorpion is straight sex
The 80%’s Dlask used to sell were pretty cool
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id take a steel mag but ive never seen one for sale anywhere
Yuck, the lines on that gun weren't designed for straight mags.
If the shills and beta testers show that the .308 functions better than the 5.56 180 abortions then I'll feel inclined to get one as a BR
>tolerating the behavior and doing the bare minimum in response
>I'll just post about it on reddit when I get home that'll make me feel goid
Oh my what absolute faggotry
Don't forget that BCL originally ruined their reputation years ago by attempting to make an AR-10 clone and failing through 7 iterations of the product (the BCL-102).
It absolutely will not.
If it can’t handle 5.56 without breaking why do these idiots think it’ll be fine with .308 lmao
but trudeau would arrest his ass if he went against his imported voter
They just need to sell a few hundred/thousand and let the redditors complain after. You know they'll buy it just to post it for updoots and say "waow it made it through an entire box of ammo without exploding if that isn't a good durability test i don't know what is"
bcl-102 were jank because they didnt know how to make an AR run well. they mostly had out of spec gas rings and ejectors that had to be replaced.
they were the first nr ar-10s to hit the market and at $1200 i couldnt really complain.
Were they doing everything in house or were they just making receivers and then putting milspec parts on them?
some of their stuff seems to be non standard, and most likely built in house like the quadrail that slots into the upper receiver
other small parts were probably lowest bidder shit
im selling mine when the oic is lifted
Yeh, that looks, acceptable.
The straight plastics look disgusting.
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there are some non transparent polymer ones floating around also
Too girthy.
The metal ones being perfectly straight, without bulging out like that, or having wierd horizontal lines, is part of what makes them look passable.
>too girthy
That's what your mom said last night
>too girth
You're making me wet
>Black Creek Labs
No idea how this company has survived even from the time it was NEA it had a reputation for being absolutely awful
NEA couldn't even make a reliable and properly heat treated standard AR back in the day. I have no idea how they continue to this day with unproven custom spec cope guns designed by methheads.
When they repeal OIC, they may realize the mess of trying to bring back the AR restricted registry, and just NR all the guns on the list, with justification being expense and time.
>with unproven custom spec cope guns designed by methheads.
You said it yourself. Cope guns. You aren't exactly spoiled for choice up here. There isn't much competition and the sword of Damocles hangs over everyone anyways so there isn't the need to be able to make anything good.
Anybody use tangodown ARC mags? Pmags suck and are all pinned to like 4.9 in this retard country and Im too much a good goy to try repinnint them to 5.9
anyone in need of a kitter pepe
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I'll take it
I make them custom for anons if u want
just gotta prove u have the kit
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Just what I was looking for! Also, nice digits!
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youre welcome fren
>I'll make one for you
>just show me what you have
Nice try officer
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/k/ quite literally has the fucking worst board mods and jannies on the whole site.
What is the whole fucking point of having a weapons board if you can't even discuss gun rights?
I've gotten banned like 3 times in the last month and two warnings despite being on topic. I miss 2021 /k/ like you wouldn't believe, molememe was v&, no bumfight reddit tourists, finfag actually tried to make his shitposts relevant, /cangen/ was comfy, i was still in my teens. Guess that's in the past now.
are we still able to talk about big hydro directly beaming cancer at Rod (peace be upon him) or is that a kidnapping by big hydro? asking for a friend
Speaking of that haven't seen any sieges recently, i deleted my /cangen/ folder after getting v&
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not if he has anything to do with it
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I think nods would be pretty cool. Would put me at an advantage in a societal collapse above most people. Imagine me seeing you innawoods before you even know I'm there
Don't buy a pvs7.
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you ain't gonna see me, boy
dudes with thermals will see you first
Thermals are like 10k. The average Joe isn't walking around with that
its like 4k for a decent thermal monocular or 4x scope
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Cheapest thermal googles are 5-6k. Might be worth saving an extra 2k
Nah kitter anon is based let him aspie in peace
>has been banned multiple times
>likes finfag
Absolutely warranted lmfao get fucked
Agreed about the bumfight shit tho
>got v&
What for? Lose your funs?
No but some 4 letter agencies took an interest in me.
i'd be interested to know how many are around from before molememe days who remember how great it was.
Stupid fucking leaf
So how did you get v& and manage to keep your guns? That doesn’t make sense
What were they interested in?
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>tfw 23 and now get paid $37.09/hour and get a 15 minute break and 30 minute lunch at my new job
We're all gonna make it bros
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this is my mh25 thermal bridged with a pvs-14
Nice. Camp job?
which direction are you trying to pop it back in?
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trigger guard latch can vary a lot, dont be afraid to be rough with it you can pound fence posts in with the SKS.
That's pretty good for your age! Well done, anon, you worked hard for it. Once you get your own office you'll love it.
>That's pretty good
remember this is cangen, so hes working for three 5 months out of the year on income tax alone.
I don't know how normoids are making ends meet at the moment, I truly don't understand it.
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a nu
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Restoration work at a Catholic private school actually. It's a fairly old building.
The only downside is that it's in a neighborhood that gives of the snobby rich namby-pamby liberal vibe and having to drive 20km there and back, and hoping a streetshitter or chink doesn't cause an accident.
I know that feel.
I had to pay $166 for fucking groceries today. I might as well continue buying pm's in ounces.
>hunting people for their canned beans and spare socks
>PVP with other NODs users
The only trve pvrpose of NODs is night-time navigation and maybe ranging, for whatever reason youd be doing that.
The people who use NV professionally, like ZOGbot deathsquads, have much more than just a piece of a gear that costs a maxxed out credit card; like access to med-evac and a line of supply. Spending used car-levels of money just so (You) can LARP harder is foolish.
Doing any kind of firefight-ing at night is silly and you're only going to be realistically facing off with other anons with and without NODs, not so much aforementioned spooks which wouldn't be poking around innawoods unless there's strawman-able reason for them to exterminate aforementioned LARPers somehow being a problem for them.
Using NV innacity/urban environments gives you the leg up, same with thermals, in my dogshit opinion than using them innawoods where getting dronefucked is now a real possibility.
>inb4 poorfag cope
I'd rather buy more ammo, or a helmet that makes me less-dead when hit than "buy a superpower" costing many loonies, that most anons dont have or care to spend on such things, outside of their main rifle from the options we have left to choose from, and setting it up.
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I remember in Mad Max: Fury Road when Furiosa handed one of the wives an SKS and said "reload the clip" and I was annoyed they said clip instead of magazine. Then I bought an SKS and I understood what she meant.
>exact same setup as Chinese misty
Curious. Gonna drop the cold harbor supply discount code or nah?
>hunting people for ... spare socks
Stockpile while you can.
Clearly I will add to that saturation and no man nor beast will stop me
25 and make $44 an hour starting ($60 on graveyards and weekends), double time and lieu days on holidays. Usually take two 20 minute breaks and a 30-40min lunch, 20 minutes for shower/change time at the end of shift, and clock out 10 mins to the hour but still get full 8 hours with paid breaks. Should be getting a substantial raise this year hopefully since we're negotiating a new contract
>t. Union member
Please explain on what Fiji did, or could you post a link instead if you're feeling too tired tonight?
Either way though, at the end of the day, Pierre is really the only good option, insofar as firearm ownership is concerned. Our political situation is just damage control, choose the least dogshit puppet.
What, do you mean like no income tax? Fuck, looks like they might be able to afford the upgrade from listerine to shitty vodka this year huh
This shit always cracks me up. They hate what sustains them entirely. Ungrateful fucking parasites.

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