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New russian CASEVAC kino just dropped.
Why wasn't he carrying a gun? Was that an unlucky POW?
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>Bro could I get a medev-ACK
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Was genuinely expecting this to not be a shitpost with one of the jank bikes/golfcarts,
Insane, this war will never cease to amaze me what we've seen recorded.
Well, I knew they were doing it and probably still are but first time I've seen them cap one of their own wounded- apart from blocking troops
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>comrade I can't hear anymore!
>want to be shot there?
This shit is so depressing. What are these retards even dying for?
200.000 rubles (before taxes).
They're dying to save the white race, of course!
Blessed by the monke's mercy
dude was asking for it too. i swear these guys look for any excuse to die.
Confused that they didn't loot is corpse. Guess they were in a hurry.
Think of all the 8 year olds and washing machines we will get if we reach the city.
>What are these retards even dying for?
Unironically, the profits of gas companies. All the bluster about "muh Russian minorities" is a smokescreen to cover the fact that if the EU got ahold of Ukraine's gas reserves, they'd stop buying Russian gas and Russia's state revenue would plummet to nothing.
I love the drone shadows. How are they ignoring them?
Now they can bask in the comfort of watching Russia's state revenue plummeting to nothing because Monke is not a smart guy
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So they started a war that caused the EU to stop buying Russian energy and their state revenue plunged to nothing?
File deleted.
>just saw this on telegram like ten minutes ago

You fucking beat me to it bro.
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Monkeys aren't the smartest.
the risk they took was calculated
but man are they bad at math
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>The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
Kek you beat me to it
Just a shot, no second thoughts, not even a moment thinking about your cumrade's fate. What a fitting world they've created for themselves.
>the profits of gas companies
yes, because GazProm didn't go red first time in decades because of this war
well you see, back in 2883 BC...
sack of potatoes
i didnt know what to expect, but....bruh
>they'd stop buying Russian gas and Russia's state revenue would plummet to nothing.
damn, hopefully that isn't going to happen, oh wait...
No time for them to. When they've been spotted on the move and there's no hiding spots nearby, it's a safe bet that if there was one drone that there's several more on the way.
They thought Europe would be scared after Russia showed how strong and mighty they were. Didn’t go as planned
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I was expecting to grenade himself and kill his buddy by accident, but this wasn't better.
Fucking brutal.
Yes + NATO expansion and more isolation.
Professional spacing to minimize losses.
They just need counter FPV weapons asap.
don't know yourself and don't know the enemy
- Putin
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You can get some good stuff on the wheel of dead sons

Monke's billion dollar palace.
Not assorted cheetos and chips?
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You know, if they didn't unlawfully invade Crimea, the EU wouldn't put sanctions on them and distance itself from their exports. At worst they would have some competition in the form of Ukrainian oil and gas, which I doubt would be enough to cover all of EU's needs.
>haha they're actually fielding those funny wheelbar
god damn, I did not expect that
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>gets droned
>doesn't even try to assess the gravity of the wounds sustained, first thing he thinks is "death is preferable to this"
>friend gets droned and gestures to shoot him
>yeah, alright, i'll put one in his skull and keep walking
What the fuck, this is fucking surreal.
0 hesitation from either of them. This is routine. Completely expected, nothing out of the ordinary.
There is no surprise and no pushback against the request for a quick death, no split second hesitation in which you could assume his friend was choosing between trying to help him or granting him his wish.
There is something deeply wrong about the Russian Federation.
>state revenue plunged to nothing
Currently $120B trade surplus
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>neither hesitate, even for a second
what in the fuck even is a russian at this point? do they believe in reincarnation? some kinda esge of tomorrow delusion that they'll wake up yesterday and repeat the day till they make it?
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what the ACTUAL FUCK
He was at least missing his entire lower body. The Vatnik looked fine outside some shrapnel
Do they think they can just respawn??
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>he doesn't know about the vatnik pits
Can someone explain those dust particles before the shot? Where do they come from?
>gives up instead of waiting for the bleedout timer
Idiots like this is how they keep running out of tickets so fast
The funniest thing is that there's all this epic war drama and massive death and destruction of their military and they're only fighting against.... Ukraine
This has been known for quite some time.
Wind, probably. It matches the smoke and the speed of the smoke indicates it's decently high wind.
do you mean the explosion and shrapnel kicking up dust? probably drone dropped vog-25
I always patch my bros up
impatience is how you lose the battle
In rupees.
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honestly the guy who shot him did him a favour. he was not going to be saved by anyone and he'd have to wait for another drone to finish the job/ find the strength to kill himself / bleed to death with his balls full of sharpnel
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Trying to figure out the One True Reason for the war and pinning it on gas reserves is like saying the Iraq war was for oil.
There's just way too many different factors, and Ukraine maybe reducing some of the dependency on Russian gas would put a dent into their revenue, but between discovering a gas reserve and profitability you're looking at 10-15 years of bullshitting around.
2022 was kind of a now-or-never moment and Monke didn't even expect a war, just a repeat of the Czechoslovakia 1968 gameplan. But by committing into a decapitating strike they couldn't even backtrack into just taking Donetsk and Luhansk, they needed to win bigly.
No, they were both Russians
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> the One True Reason\
A fortune teller once told Putin that his demise will come from a "green snot". This is the reason Russian propaganda bullied hard Greta Thunberg, the reason Putin run into the bunker when he heard abour Covid, and the reason of the ridiculous 20 meter tables he still meets people at now. And then the name of the President of the Ukraine is Zelensky which is a derivative of the "green" in slavic languages ("zeleniy"), who was called a "green snot" (зeлeнaя шмapкля) by his own voters in 2021 because he looked too weak as a president.
This is the sole reason of the invasion. Putin was so much scared that he called for help to the magic of digits and signed the order for the war 22.02.2022 instead of waiting for the summer with short nights and dry roads. CIA and Bidens administration knew that well and played the ball scheduling Bidens press conference at 2:22 PM. Puting and Shoygu were horrified when heard that and still are now. They are destroyed.

Shoygu btw is no less superstitious than Putin himself, Shoyggu is a siberian pagan and he has quite an influence over Putin to say it mildly. Putin believes that Shoygu is an avatara of Subutai (an invincible Genghis Khan's general) and that behind Shoygus back stand "Spirits of Ancestors" or whatever they call them. Their threats of "CONSEQUENCES" are no threats of aggression, they treaten that they are going to perform powerful rites for the demise of enemies. In their reality it is as real as everything else.

Pic related is the "Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces" they built recently near Moscow. A human can't really observe its beauty from the ground, one needs to be ubiquitous and stay around the complex to grasp it. It is built for the Spirits. The stairs to the heart of the Zikkurat are cast from they trophy weapons of the defeated enemies of the past (they said it themselves).

V, O, Z tactical signs are for Volodimir Oleksandrovich Zelensky. A hex.
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Nobody knows...
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Look closely. He touched his balls/penis before asking for the mercy shot. Probably something was missing. Without your rape tool life is meaningless in the russian army
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Is this wreckage from an observation drone that they're walking by?
It's Russia. It's a dictatorship. It's actions seeing how one man is at the top are pretty simple to decipher. Taking those fields of natural gas, oil, steel, the pipeline and ports means Russia loses a rival and gains those resources. Putin has been trying since 2014 with the military. This is just a flare up. It could go quiet for 4 years in a unspoken truce then flare up.
Ukrainians saw how their neighbors were getting wealthy and flipped to the west and that's how this all started. It's not complex or cinematic. It's a genocide for oil (with other things)
Why don't they shoot at the filming drone, which they are clearly aware of.
Was my first thought too, but I actually think it's the wings from a glide bomb, see the crater right next to it?
No, a UMPK glide bomb kit
Have you seen "They Shall Not Grow Old"? The British sometimes did this during WW1 also.
Monke's dream of being Peter the Great
i hate this
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This war convinced me that all those "myths" about human waves in the eastern front were actually real.

Enemy at the gates is now an actual historical documental footage
don't forget the onions
can you just imagine the shitstorm if some footage like this came outta american soldiers
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>2022 was kind of a now-or-never moment
Yeah he wanted to preempt Ukraine getting closer to the West. Now or never.

Changing the subject a little, but I'm reading a history of the IDF. Israel's motivation to invade the Sinai in 1956 was motivated by wanting to reopen the Straits of Tiran, but also to just do damage to the Egyptians who had just signed an arms deal with the Soviets (technically Czechoslovakia, or the Soviets via the Czechs) for a shitload of MiGs and tanks. Israel at this point was getting weapons from France and they wanted to wreck Egypt before it could digest this new Soviet equipment and build a new army around it. It takes some years to rebuild a force with modern weapons.

That war was a big domestic victory for Israel (not so for Britain and France), but even then, over the long term Soviet influence in Arab countries increased even more. And while the Israelis ran over the Egyptian army without too much trouble, they blundered a lot. Ariel Sharon drove a bunch of paratroopers into a bloody ambush in the middle of the Sinai that was completely unnecessary. One soldier who was killed while covering for the others to retreat became a big hero in Israel but it was completely stupid that it happened.

An Israeli tank brigade ran into another one and blew up some of their own tanks until they realized they were firing on their own guys. IAF planes strafed their own troops. The Israelis would capture Egyptian vehicles and then drive around in them without painting them or having any symbols and then get air striked. Moshe Dayan almost got shot by his own troops because he grabbed an Egyptian jeep and went on joy rides to archaeological sites during the war. They even rocketed a British ship in the Red Sea by accident (which makes me believe even more that the later USS Liberty strike was just done out of incompetence). It was kind of amazing that it worked at all but the Egyptians were really under-strength and couldn't maneuver at all.
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I know this is Russia but holy shit, he was still warm and breathing, did he even ask for it?
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I've laughed at this panel for years; I never thought this shit would be reality.

Here's something to help clear the mind.
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imagine even having to make a kill pact with your bros like that because you know it's that fucked
Can't imagine not realizing the Puccians are one of the greatest enemies of actual Euopeans
Look at any military conflict in North Africa and Asia in the last twenty years in which Russia was involved and you can be almost certain every single time Russia did something to stop a gas pipeline going to Europe. Same reason why Ukraine was their target. Russia is nothing when they can't make sure they are pretty much the only option for gas to the EU, the gas fields in Ukraine would have undermined that or even worse, they could have undermined it AND Ukraine could have gotten their shit together, adanvanced as a country and make russians realize what a shitty leader Putin is.
1 such video could lead to entire war getting canned, people would tear goverment apart,
these look younger and better equipped than the standard mobiks which makes them basically the elite of the Russian forces at this point. and this is how they operate. 100% grim
>Used to think that you can just run away from drones since they have to drop munitions on you from high up
>FPV Drones can be used to kill enemies who are moving
How the fuck do you evade drones?
literally subhuman
if you had guns you would know that trying to hit a moving dinnerplate whipping around at 300 yrds is very difficult
10/10, anon, 10/10.
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Who needs medics when you can have one more rifleman?
Well its nice to see that Russia has advanced past the Russo-Japanese War era and is now finally entering the WW1 age
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HATO biolabs black trannies, or something.
The Russian Orthodox "Church" is a KGB-subverted, scripture-less meme too
>my head hurts cumrade, you got some aspiri-ACK
the scouting drone isn't moving very fast, just station keeping. they most likely don't know it's there. with enough altitude its blade noise doesn't carry enough to give it away.

besides FPVs can hunt just fine. one of those guys was gonna get got as soon as it had their general direction
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>first time I've seen them cap one of their own wounded
It's happened at least once before.
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>live 18 years
>i can't wait to have a family and a job to help your parents
>monke needs banan
>now you have a tread on 4chan dedicated to your retarded death and people memeing at you
why do they go to war?
the thirdie mindset is incredible. imagine bragging that you can tolerate watching your countrymen live like this because Americans wouldn't. does anyone have the wagonfull of shit copy pasta
You can see he touches his crotch first and then points to his head. He probably got castrated by the mine and decided to end it.
this. idk what you guys are on about. i'd want to be shot too if i got my dick blown off.

>Welcome to ze ve lose vonce again fest!
you are ignorant
Looks like smoke coming from his vest, probably on fire
Lm,ao, he's just a seething russoid subhuman who was desperate to try and bring up the tongo tongo ambush in some way, to "pwn" the yanks and assuage his butthurt.
That really is how their minds work. Pathetic, really.
ok bot
mercy killing
only to get rekt himself a few minutes later
>why do they go to war?

Because they want it, they want to kill, rape, and steal from people they think are beneath them. You don't know even 10% of how subhuman and deranged ziggers are because of the language barrier.
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mobik was dead anyway
he would either bleed out or lay in agony until getting torn to shreds by another drone
puts into perspective the value that life has in russia
>Ukraine's gas reserves,
Ukraine has no gas reserves you dumb fuck.
To pwn the west they're so mad haha we're such trolls z
>russian is waking up in middle of the night with leg cramps
this is a crime against russia and russians. why doesnt anyone see this in russia? why do they do nothing at all? i get that the risk is high for anal rape by broom if you get caught protesting but this is just beyond me
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The issue is that prior to the war the Donbas region was dependent on government gibs. An ageing populace and declining industry in an era where an office full of computers can contribute more to GDP than mining coal. Sure they took the gas fields. Who's gonna extract from them? The existing infrastructure could be exploited by annexing the Donbas into Russia proper, but Western Ukraine would just join the EU and follow the rest of the developed world into a transition to tech and services rather than resource extraction.
In 2014 he got what he wanted. Crimea is Russian again. Ukraine cannot join NATO without giving up territory to solve the dispute. The ultranationalists are all satisfied by the ROSSIYA STRONK feelings in the air. The West barely gives them a slap on the wrist.
I don't think the resources matter and this is an excuse for the simpletons and thirdies who believe Russia already won by capturing stuff on a map like in an RTS or HOI4. The "Kiev Feint" would have been an actual feint and Russia would just take the East. The decapitation strike attempt just tells me that they planned for Belarus 2.0 and fuck the resources, what truly matters is keeping the Ukrainians under poverty because if they do like Poland and manage to buy Ikea furniture without loans the Russians will start to wonder why the fuck do the Ukrainians have nice things.
it is possible to distill methane from humans in a bioreactor
They don't care. If it's not them it doesn't matter. I'm serious. This is the actual thirdie and by extension Russian mentality.
I can’t believe he gave monke a gravestone
unreal how casual the other guy is about it, he barely even slows his walk
>Yeah he wanted to preempt Ukraine getting closer to the West. Now or never.
There were so many factors.
Oil prices were climbing after the dip in 2020. The 2008 Georgian invasion and the 2014 Crimea invasion also happened during oil price peaks.
Germany was closing nuclear plants and the process can't be easily reversed to reactivate them.
>which makes me believe even more that the later USS Liberty strike was just done out of incompetence
The fact that they used cannon rounds and napalm on a ship really tells me the aircraft were tasked with something else and were diverted to do a hasty attack rather than conspiracy.
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>monke invading is actually just the plot of kung-fu panda 2
The biggest seething about this footage was in relation to the website hosting it profiting off the views.
Yeah, he begged his buddy for it.
sad but a nice way of dying
decades of merkel's russophile regime convinced monke that the time was right for the next phase of his plan. which could've worked, were not for the fact that he didn't, and probably doesn't still, know the capabilities of his military forces
As bad and third world as this is, they knew they were being tailed by drones, probably on a retreat from some failed push
Knew if they stopped they died, knew they'd die carrying him, bullet through the head is probably preferable to screaming on the floor knowing your guys are gonna be tracked and dragged, till sweet merciful death flies over your head and streams your screaming face to a bunch of randoms online
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>Russian CASEVAC is now just an NCO giving you a lead lobotomy
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Great post.
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this is megacope of dimwits who think everything boils down to money. Since usually they have none personally

For puccia its about imperial aggression and restoring a third mucovite empire (after russian empire and USSR). As ukraine was a integral part in its core with the agricultural and industrial input. Raw resources and shit they have in spades and certainly low yield fields in certain parts in ukraine is just more crap into the already large pile
Are those trail runners?
>streams your screaming face to a bunch of randoms online
Lmao, can this war get any more surreal? Imagine being told a few decades ago that in the near future your death in war will be lifestreamed for laughs for everyone in the world. Peak gaming warfare, Call of Duty could never do that
>Peak gaming warfare, Call of Duty could never do that
since the war has started they have only made shit cods.
those motherfuckers at activisions better make a ukranian mission where you have to hold snake island or something
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>What are these retards even dying for?
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Apparently it was near Robotyne, ziggers were going north in another meatwave.
Can't wait to be shooting AT4s out of a Humvee turret while Cpt. Price runs over ziggers on the Hostomel airstrip.
choco milk
>that chart
wait for real?
i figured they'd hide any figures looking that way like the plague.
I'm not /biz/ but wouldn't it be nearly impossible to hide since they're publicly traded?
To be fair, there was no time for contemplation.
Drones don't generally come in packs one one.
>one one
Apparently I'm clinically retarded today.
When did Ukraine lose Robotyne? Didn't they spend 6 months fighting for that place?
>Lieutenant Danski! Did you forget leg armor today?
>Is ok komrade. I have painkiller all loaded up.
MAGA retards held up aid for 6 months
Oh man that is yet to come got to add to my bingo
>When did Ukraine lose Robotyne?
like a month ago
>Didn't they spend 6 months fighting for that place?
3 months and some change. UKR forces took it reasonably early, but failed to move past it further south, so it ultimately became the site of various Russian counter-offenses for the following year until RU forces eventually retook it.
>if they do like Poland and manage to buy Ikea furniture without loans the Russians will start to wonder why the fuck do the Ukrainians have nice things.
This. It was always about this
Reminding the real reason of war.

>Minimal wage 1094 uah $137
>Minimal wage 4611 rub $148

>Minimal wage 6500 uah - $227
>Minimal wage 13890 rub - $176
No country is perfect, every society has issues, but there something very wrong going on with Russia.
Too bad only families of Heroes of the Russian Federation get Flamin' Hot Cheetos
I like how the dude who shot him wasn't fazed one bit when his buddy was blasted right in front of him. He has probably seen some shit
wait, was he not asking for it? looks like he was asking for it. great footage either way. thanks mr pootin for the SMO
To entertain shitposters on a Tuvan tent manufacturing website of course.
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The gladiators of the 21st century. What a bunch of selfless heroes
Ukraine really looks beautiful this time of year

The way they're all dressed they are all asking for it.
Probably. He knows nobody is coming to get him, so making it quick is better.
If I stuff your leg with a hundred of tiny metal balls, you will ask for mercy kill as well. You don't kill wounded soldiers just because they are going insane from pain
They're Russians, so calling them buddies is kind of a stretch. I wouldn't be surprised if he was taking the opportunity to revenge frag his rapist.
>wait, was he not asking for it?
did you see how he was dressed
totally asking for it
so this is technically another vatnik suicide
technically at his first breath, the Russian has already committed himself to suicide by 50 due to liver failure
didn't read
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>stopped reading at nafo troons
>even in the super racist imperial 1900 a white artists depicts a japanese man and an islamist as better than the Russians.

They always knew...they had always known
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>It was a soldier
>when respawning is faster than healing
>gets hit by super secret HATO weapon that makes him realize he is russian
>upon realizing this, he immediately wants to kill himself
How does this weapon even work???
am i having a stroke? this must be someone either pretending to be a bot or someone testing out a shitty early prototype bot.
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no idea
I kinda wonder if there is some sort of game among drone operators to see who manages to make the most vatniks kill themselves on camera...
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This “Macbeth”-tier lunacy.

Of course, 21st century Russians ARE on the developmental level of 12th century Scots, so…
>now i got the holed spoon
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You the war has sent us some weird shit, but this I believe is one of the things that's kinda questionable in its authenticity.
this is really good botposting anon, keep it up.
feels like the mental equivalent of hitting your funny bone on the edge of a desk.
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Why? We have heard stories of this in wars all over for hundreds of years. We just didn't have thousands of airborne cameras recording everything.
I'd be willing to bet even the famous blowjob incident happened at least a few times over the years but just without a drone watching the whole thing.
Eh, just the way a drone apparently observes these three guys in the middle of the day in the open.
what??????? this has been happening for 2+ years
True those are the yummiest
What about that scenario, to you, is unrealistic? Do you think they would hear the observation drone 900 feet above them and beam it with their AKs?
There are a lot of factors as to why a drone is observing people in the open in the middle of the day. Especially in a war that is basically defined by drone footage essentially being dropped hourly. There's a video of a drone dropping a grenade directly down the chimney of a basement and the fact that one caught this interaction is weird?
I guess I just don't see it the same way you do.
With this many drones flying around recording during a war that has lasted this long. You'll catch some weird shit most people wouldn't believe if it wasn't on camera.
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They're thinking of all the children they get to fuck and then tie up and dome along with the parents, preferably with one watching the other.

I know it's easy to take humanity for granted but it's imperative that you remember where TZD originated from. They really are subhuman vermin.
is this some kind of temple ruin in the lower right?
Most popular fiction genre in Russia is Isekai....
Russian foreign trade revenues were made state secret.
Carry him lol

anon, surveillance drones have this optical feature called "zoom" and it allows them to make observations, like this, while not being remotely close to the subjects.

The more expensive ones can do this while also maintaining "high resolution". In this way a single drone can survey a large area of the front and "zoom" in on movement.
That's illegal genre in russia and possession can result to immediate mobilization to frontlines
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I thought my expectations for the vatniks had reached rock bottom and yet once again they were too high, I too honestly thought this was going to be a joke thing in terms of one of those silly wheelbarrows or a shopping cart or something for the body. Nope, even the vague motions towards civilized humanity, even a degenerate twisted version, was too much to ask for.
This is bullshit but I believe it
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>and signed the order for the war 22.02.2022 instead of waiting for the summer with short nights and dry roads
You are looking at the wrong day. Russia invaded February 24. Yes it was symbolic number. It was supposed to be Russian Desert Storm. Strike back against humiliation Russians suffered in the Iraq in 1991.
I mean they already stopped buying Russian gas. Pretty sure the US is supplying a lot of it now.
nobody said they were bright
even if his balls were hit, it just goes to show how fucking backwards and shitty the russian military and society is. There's a pretty well known story of a guy in Iraq who had hits balls blown 20 feet away by an IED, and his buddy scooped them up and put them on his chest as he was being stretchered onto the CASEVAC. Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine they got reattached and he had kids. Not really sure if the cock worked, but he still managed to procreate and raise a family to make living worth it
>when respwaing is faster than running back to B
Why did they even upload this?
It looks like he literally asked for it
How is russians' disregard for life questionable, or even anything new?
That was not a real peer war, in the real peer war you wouldn't have luxury of the golden hour helicopter medivac straight to hospital.
This is what happens to you in combat situations if you apply non-consentual butthole arbitration on your unit buddies
God let this be true because it would be funny
He feels between his legs and then points at his temple afterwards-- do you think his genitals got blown off and he was was asking for a mercy kill?
I wouldn't put it above the Russians to have just cynically shot one of their own wounded to avoid evacuating them but it almost seems as if he asked for it with the pointing at the end.
Especially in Russia where they have no helpful genital related surgeries
We don't hear what he was saying, but by gestures he was tapping on his head like pointing where to shoot him.
The tombstone-portrait was a nice touch, and so was the whole "ordering the Russians to leave the conference room, then leaking the video to show how easily they're bossed around".
My favorite, though, was the group of little Nork kids on the welcome parade all dressed up as sunflowers. They were trolling Putin the moment his motorcade left the airport, damn.
Honestly, same
I thought the West was talking up German and denigrating Russia just because of cold War politics but I'm really more inclined to believe all those accounts where Hans gunned down 300 Russian and the three survivors were shocked that they got medical treatment from German officers
Must be a prisoner (one of their own who was in trouble). Unarmed and dude had zero hesitation killing him. If it was a fellow zigger I presume there would at least be more than a split second of begging for a mercy killing.
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>>New russian CASEVAC kino just dropped.
>haha, what stupid pathetic sad way have russians devised to evacuate their wounded troops now!?
Russians consider all Russian soldiers in the SMO low life scum so no one but their relatives care about their death and even then the relatives blame le Ukraine nazi banderites/HATO
t. Russian
I think he lost his junk.
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If only Girkin were around to witness this along with us.
>even best korea openly mocks russia from a position of power
It is an evacuation
>He got evacuated from him mortal coil
His hands would have been tied if he was a POW
My argument is that he's one of their own who is a prisoner or in trouble. Explains why he is unarmed and w/o gear. Also explained why they domed him instantly
You presume much
I think it was probably more this case
Guy was stone cold about it too; it makes me think they all sort of agree on a suicide pact thing in case they get wounded
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I believe this wholeheartedly.
Maybe, but I'm more inclined to believe that most Russians who lose their genitalia suffer a fate worse than death
In the west we can literally regrow whole dongs from a bit of penile tissue (can't help the balls obviously) but there is no such hope for your average zigger
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What sick, twisted and demonic breed.
we've seen plenty of russians walk around without guns in this war. who knows what happened to his firearm. it's entirely possible that this isn't the first time they do this, just that this time it was caught on camera. hence the lack of hesitation.
thought we would see the new wheelbarrows in action
can't say I'm dissapointed.
Zero hesitation, guy just blew his brains out. Like it was rehearsed before. Zero camaraderie, zero conviction, zero humanity.
Glass this hole fucking joke of a nation.
>can literally regrow whole dongs from a bit of penile tissue
source? i know the first succesful penile transplant was performed in my shithole
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If any Russians are here, try and be entertaining, don't just take the easy way out.
there's a cut
not sure the soldier who shoots him is the same that is behind him in the first half, contrast of his equipment looks different
I thought it was well known they frequently didn't give troops guns/ammo until right at the front right before they might be needed and then sometimes if caught by surprise not at all. Security measure to make sure the troops don't shoot their officers.
This is bullshit but I believe it
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Gun is the same, sorry, the story is as follows:
Little vatnik got his balls blown out by drone, NCO runs up and blasts him in the fucking head.
Is this real chat?
Look very carefully because we are not so enlightened that we are beyond descending to that point. These are the poorest, most abused members of Russian society, whipped and hazed until the way their country devalues their lives is so internalized that they think nothing of the death of others; people die, and that is tragically every day life for the destitute. Cold, starvation, illness have all claimed lives around them and that was before they were sent to war. This was the common way of armies before the 20th century, here you can see firsthand that outside of Europe few countries ever truly advanced beyond it.
Imagine having to spend 50 years in Russia as a crippled man. I wouldn't be surprised if they had some sort of prior agreement to do this.
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Got my facts a bit wrong but it's amazing what we can do with penis technology these days
Doesn't work for FTM troons but for men with at least partial penii it's doable
I thought it was gonna be a funny video of zingers tripping over eachother trying to use that thing but this was something else
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>Imagine having to spend 50 years in Russia as a crippled man.
Sweet Dunks tho
>gun is the same
are you a glowie chatbot or baiting?
to elaborate, my complaint is that it makes it look like it was an instant execution when I suspect it wasn't, probably some other guy that came later, although I would've edited it the same way since it's just the important bits that create this effect on their own
Fuck you nafo troon and the grift is the same as dribbling picking it up in the morning and I have to go to the site and get the thing done and I will be there in about an hour or so and I can get it to you and I can get it was only a month ago and I love you too baby girl I love you too and I love you too and I love you too and I suck your dick I suck your dick jk I don't know what to do with it but I don't have a lot of work for you. Biden loaned I have the full of the nooks and the whyt bois futur is in the comics and the people who are not a big deal but I think they are treason big black dicks let's go Brandon troons and the people who are the best way to get into the light is a good microcosm and the people who are the best way to get into the light is a good microcosm and the people who are the best way to get into the light is a good microcosm and the people who are for troons people and they have their families in the future of the meeting to get into their families usually have their families are you going do fag their comfortable western to the left side effects of it and they are very rough for their comfortable western to be the only unicycles.
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Whatever, tourist.
It's literally the same guy, you can see the first man running further ahead when the drone zooms out again.
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This is literally the iOS feature, isn't it?
Photoshop? There is no shadow on the road, or the fact the road is over the tree.
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>a few times over the years
oh you sweet summer child
>Anyway, that's how I lost my medical license
>He begged us to shoot him. Finally, one of the corpsmen gave in, and the Marine took his rifle and did it.
From With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa, written by none other than E.B Sledge.
>A guy was hit bad, we couldn't get a medevac in time. His friend... did what had to be done.
Michael Herr, Dispatches
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Part of it is the new aspect of this war, he knows that he's immobilized by his wounds, no medevac is coming, and now the Ukies (who are watching and recording in HD) will send repeated grenade drops or FPV drones to finish him off over the coming hours.

Personally, having seen hundreds of vatniks blasted apart piece by piece in horrible ways in this fashion, i'd pick the bullet.
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>It was an act of mercy, the only thing we could do for him.
Philip Caputo, A Rumor of War
>To leave them there in such agony was unthinkable; the only thing to do was to give them a quick release.
Edmund Blunded, Undertones of War
troops started crossing into separatist areas on 22nd so that could technically be considered the start of the operation. also georgian war was around 8.8.8.
retards are planning wars on advice of court astrologers. nothing to do
>bot broke again
>I saw him take out his revolver and put an end to his friend’s misery.
Siegfried Sassoon, Memoirs of an Infantry Officer
>There are moments when a bullet of mercy is the only kindness.
Wilfred Owen, The Collected Letters of Wilfred Owen
>What are these retards even dying for?
Our amusement.
>The wounded asked for it; there was nothing else to be done.
Ernest Hemingway, The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War
Russians are too apathetic to change anything. That’s why they put up with this.
>A friend, a bullet, an end to suffering.
Keith Douglas, Alamein to Zem Zem
>He took out his gun and did what had to be done.
Leon Uris, Battle Cry
>He couldn’t take the pain anymore, and a buddy helped him out.
Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July
This is why Russia is weak. They think dying in droves for nothing is victory.

Americans think killing millions of people in two countries on the other side of the planet for 20 years straight and losing only 7,000 men in the process is a failure. Until we can kill literally every non-American instantly with zero casualties, we are not doing good enough.
>I did what I had to do, but it haunts me to this day
Richie Seagram, To Hell and Back
>In the chaos of battle, sometimes the kindest act is the hardest.
Rick Jolly, The Red and Green Life Machine
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>Mr MacDonald said the appendage led to several difficult and embarrassment.
>“I went to Waitrose, there was an old lady that needed some help, it fell out of the bandage and fell out on her head,” he said. “I could have given her a heart attack."
Everybody does that, The bot.
So their grandpa doesn't have to sell his old Lada for money. They signed a contract, so surely they will be okay.
>"dumbass vatnik mofo shoulda had a thick-ass laminated basalt fiber dick protector"
-anonymoose on 4chin
>stop contradicting my worldview with facts
>be SVO veteran
>have no legs, no actual life benefits, nothing, government never ever cared about you
>all you have is some medal at best and soldier cap to show everyone that you was an SVO vet
>society hates and distastes you for that

i cant even comprehend the level of grim of being the russian soldier
you have to be fucking retarded to become one
There's a big difference between having no prospect of CASEVAC in the middle of nowhere, Pacific Ocean vs 200 km away from your own hospitals. That being said, I bet 1944 US Marines had better care for their casualties in hospital ships than 2024 mobiks.
Just for your interest - HR in russian companies simply refuse to provide SVO vets with the jobs the second they find out they are SVO vets
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Russians really love 40k.
>Amidst the chaos, some soldiers had to make the hardest choice.
Mark Bowden, Black Hawk Down
>He couldn’t make it, and they ended his suffering.
Sebastian Junger, War
>Russians: Look at this coward begging for handouts in the road when he should have died in the war like a hero!
>A merciful end, the only choice amidst chaos
Russel Stolfi, A Bias for Action
>get wounded walking distance away from your own border
>might as well be on the other side of the world in deep fucking roadless jungle as far as russian logistics and CASEVAC are concerned
>In the harsh landscape of Korea, mercy sometimes meant a bullet.
Thomas Felming, The Korean War
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> medev-ACK
> medev-ACK
> medev-ACK
>A final act of mercy, amidst the hell of war.
Larry Heinemann, Close Quarters
>Mercy, in the form of a single, fatal shot.
Gustav Hasford, The Short Timers
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>Don't bother assessing the severity of the wound, just shoot the fucking guy so you don't have to be bothered trying to do anything for him
Chudivov Bananavic, postings on /k/
I wish we could ID each suicidnik, and then send their families the recording of their last moments.
There must exist some societal breaking point. I refuse to believe they're all just mindless sheep.
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I assume the logic of the poor fuck (well, aside from experiencing agony) is if his friends walk by he dies anyway but will in some time, with agony included.
The man literally grabs his balls (or where they should be) then starts frantically pointing to his temple.
He knows he is fucked for whatever reason. Russians don't seem to control this area either, if they sent in a BMP or whatever to extract him that would just be one more to the list. I'm pretty close to converting just so I can thank god every day I don't have to be a Russian in Ukraine.
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They would just deflect blame to Ukraine, the great Satan US and its merry band of slave countries in NATO. Tzar always good.
A daring synthesis
File deleted.

You know it
Ziggers vehemently insist that all these people voluntarily signed up because they love their country so much.
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>Ctrl+F starship
>0 results
Eh. Europe still ends up buying a lot of Russian gas through 3rd parties. They're stuck trading below market rates with India and China, who are happy to buy.

They've got major loss of capital, minimal outside investment, can't use western banks and have an epic level of brain drain, but they do still pump gas.
I thought When I was younger that he was shit by a sniper. My brain didn't even record what was really happening.
And then russians spit on them if they return back alive.
"If you truly had loved your country you would have died in the war"
I have doubts russia will ever release truthful suicide statistics, but if they did those will be horrifying.
wtf thanks anon
i thought the same thing
Now *that's* what I call a humiliation ritual.
Are those first 2 guys unarmed?
>And then russians spit on them if they return back alive.
>"If you truly had loved your country you would have died in the war"
Isn't that stuff mostly said and done by geriatric fucks from the USSR era? The kind of trash that is slowly on its way to extinction?
Maybe this shit will eventually be a thing of the past. Doubt young russians share the same mentality.
A good portion of mobiks are from the dregs of Russian society, expendable meat that no one from the Muscovite core would feel bad when liquidated even in the most horrifying ways. That and the fact that ex-convicts of the worst crimes that survived their contract are now added to the pool of SVO vets. If I was HR I wouldn't take the risk either.
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>Father Artemy Vladimirov, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke on a television program about the alleged “resurrection” of the Chinese national, who had reportedly died from a gunshot wound to the abdomen during the war in Ukraine. According to Vladimirov, this incident is not an isolated case.
>“On the battlefield, there are no non-believers. We have numerous testimonies of Christ’s victory over death. My wife sends me many military videos. Before Lent, I watched a video about a Chinese man who participated in the special military operation, received a fatal gunshot wound, and resurrected. Saint Luke of Crimea appeared to him and healed him,” Vladimirov recounted.
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He asked for it. If you look at him, he is indicating to shoot him in the head. Damn
Who's laughing now. It was all part of the resurrection ritual, as written in the scriptures.
>Enemy at the gates is now an actual historical documental footage
I'm fond of the idea it was a psyop that leveraged vatnik patriotism to meme it into reality because a Russian dub/subtitle of EatG is more accessible and interesting than 60yo b&w propaganda videos
He was just spamming the thread to get it to bump limit, notice how he stopped as soon as it reached 300 posts
I did it once because it was funny.
I guess, though I'm willing to bet that this war will bring out the whole new wave of it afterwards
death cult, probably
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Stop revealing classified information or I’ll psychically assassinate you with CIA-approved methods.
fucking Kill Stealer
>And then russians spit on them if they return back alive.
Several have been literally stabbed or axed in the back over it to.
"Placiba za SMO" or something like that
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Very nice.
Here you Anon, I made a goofball version of this comic long ago which might help you out a bit.
cute, we'll put it up on the fridge
To be fair, in that situation, the guy he came across was disembowelled, had no legs, one arm and most of his face was gone. This guy may have been fine but he panicked and his buddy just cold-heartedly capped him as he sauntered by.
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Like >>61926957 said, they actually had to ban it because too many people were committing suicide in the off chance that you can actually isekai yourself into a better life.

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Here you go, Anon.
This vid is pretty much the allegory for the entire war. Let it live forever.
Apart from having the no legs thing, it actually looks kind of fun scooting around like that.
That's the fun part, they have no NCO's.
I mean ... this is funny and all but it's not like his survival chances would've been great even if they somehow did manage to get him alive to one of the orc chop shops. If anything I guess the other guy should be commended for at least sparing his zigger comrade a bullet to put him out of his misery.

The yellow banan of Ookraine. The Monke in Moscow wills it and thus it shall be done.
What the fuck are you on about? Gazprom just announced its first net loss in twenty years. Again: A resource extraction company. Lost money. Despite gas being traded at the highest price since October 2023 (and crude oil being stable for even longer).
>Russia invaded February 24.
No, they invaded on the 22nd. That's when they officially recognized the occupied Ukrainian territories as "theirs" and send troops in.
>The Vatnik looked fine outside some shrapnel

nah homie, theres no "fine" there, the drone exploded right between his legs, his whole lower body is full of shrapnel, MAYBE a western doctor could save him, but in russia? nah, hes fucked
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>this is for shooting back and crippling me after i invaded your country!

like some other anon said, truly a humiliation ritual
I'd ask for mercy and expect just that.
A painless way out of this misery. Not a fucking bullet to the head..if that's the only option my nation and military would have to offer, that's not the country I would want to fight for.

Especially if you consider their ideal>>61926703
Just think about it.
You got paid to shitpost on /k/ and now you've seen all this. You know it's not going well and it's not fake at all. You suffer. Every video is the straw that broke the camels back, but you keep on walking.

This is just another low for you and your country.
You might have known the guy who got shot. You might even know the shooter. Yet you're here. Paid to shitpost, so that you can influence this horrible democracy, that has taco Tuesday on their carriers while their poorest people live in trailers that offer more luxury than the average Moscow real estate.
Loot.That’s what they did when the war started and they still steal everything they find.
It appears to be a reconstruction of the ruins of an old Roman theatre.
A Parthenon
Nigger, the Russian "state revenue" is there to pay for Putin's hold on power not to actually be used for anything useful.
This mansion must be abandoned and a meme at this point after its reveal.
I bet the Monkebunker under Mt. Yamantau has been turned into something that would put even dwarven cities to shame.
I believe it lmao
>Russia invaded February 24.
But Putin's anouncement on Russian tv about his decision took place on 22.02.2022
>Russians suffered in the Iraq in 1991
Russia supported the operation in 1991
"Comrade my buggery tool is gone, I can no longer punish your ass."
"I understand sir I will mercy kill you and find a new officer to sodomise me"

Truly a heartbreaking tale of Vatnik love.

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