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I know that they probably would use the M56 Stahlhelm as the default combat helmet, since they were developed in 1943 but wasn't adopted during the war.
But what kinda of weapons, equipment, camo and even tactics would a modern Wehrmacht use?
But with Swastikas
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Amerika Bomber.
He said modern.
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It wasn't adopted because Hitler hated that design and wanted to keep the classic helmet around. So until his death presumably in the late 60s they would still be wearing the now iconic war winning M42. As such they would look like something akin to Bundesgrenzschutz or Spanish army from our timeline. After Hitler's death it depends on who would've succeeded him but most likely they'd keep the M42 around until a PASGT equivalent would be invented in the 80s.
>weapons, equipment, camo and even tactics would a modern Wehrmacht use
Very similar to the Bundeswehr except with more native designs for SPAG. Depending on what state Italy would be in and its relationship to Germany it's possible there'd be a lot of co-developed project in terms of aircraft. Other then that things would go along the lines as they did irl since a lot of West-German post-war designs were highly influenced by German experiences of WW2.
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Remember that in this timeline, there would not be a USSR and the cold war would be vastly different.
This is the base for any imaginative scenario.
How the US, UK, France, Italy and Japan would be like, then it's allowed more freedom to imagine.
Probably a lot like gulf-war US troops. I vaguely recall some contemporary bitching about how PASGT helmets made us look like nazis. Maybe they would be like the Austrians and retain gray as their uniform color.
>vibeo gay slop
Many postwar jet fighters designed by Germans like Willy Messerschmitt and Kurt Tank for third world countries like Argentina, Egypt and India ended up being worse than their contemporaries due to them losing ten years of contemporary experience just as the jet age was making its fastest advances, and also limitations in manufacturing in these countries. The HF-24 Marut for example never got the engines it was designed for and ended up being a subsonic ground attack plane instead of a high performance supersonic interceptor.

It would be interesting to see what the Germans would have been capable of if they were not working under such restrictions
>there would not be a USSR
Even under the most optimistic scenarios Germany is unlikely to have gone much farther than the Archangelsk-Astrakhan line. That means there's still be a huge Soviet/Russian rump state left likely bankrolled by either the US or Japan depending on who'll end up Germany's main Cold War adversary.
Just take a look at the modern Austrian Army
File deleted.

>service rifle

Probably some continuation of the G3 chambered in 7.92 since it was an evolution of the StG 44/45.


Either some evolution of Splittertarnmuster or Leibermuster

>body armor

Some plate carrier with knockoff MOLLE webbing, same as everyone else


Jackboots would probably disappear entirely except as a ceremonial dress. Even during the war the Germans had largely replaced it with low-cut boots after 1943.

>It wasn't adopted because Hitler hated that design and wanted to keep the classic helmet around.

To be fair, recalling and replacing the existing German helmets would have been a logistical nightmare, further compounded by the fact that the British adopted the similar looking Mk III around the same time the M43 was in development. It also meant that existing accessories like helmet covers and netting would all have to be scrapped and redesigned to accommodate the new shape.


I'm not sure which is dummer. The face wear that's objectively unbreathable and doesn't appear to serve any actual purpose because they're never operating in low oxygen/CBRN environments. Or the fact the SS have evidently switched back to the all-black uniforms of the 1930s.
>Jackboots would probably disappear entirely except as a ceremonial dress. Even during the war the Germans had largely replaced it with low-cut boots after 1943.
For economy reasons. Both german postwar armies went back to using jackboots.
Are there even enough ethnic Russians/Slavs left in the rump to hold the thing together stop the Muslim Central Asian republics from breaking away? I could see them holding Siberia and the Far East as Russians are still the majority there, unless whichever East Asian power (China or Japan) which wins the war makes a grab for them
>Even during the war the Germans had largely replaced it with low-cut boots after 1943.

This was more a war exigency measure. The Soviets also went to lendlease ankle boots and puttees around the same time and then right back to full length jackboots when the war was over. In a situation where Germany wins, they wouldn't face such constraints
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>Vietnam War but with Nazi Germany instead

We missed out on such /k/ino bros
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They would definitely have enough to keep what's roughly the modern Russian Federation beyond the A-A line. Might actually even increase the % of ethnic Russians due to refugees from the West. Central Asia could break away if an actual unified national movement emerged rather than local bandit/warlord types movements like during the 1920s.
While whatever Russian state survives won't be an existential threat or even a global player it would remain a consistent issue for the Germans. Especially with whatever foreign power will be backing them to mess with Germany.
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german here, thought these dudes only existed in the early '50s (before we were allowed to have a real army) - then saw the gun on your pic and did some research. Turns out they were around until the 90s

we used to be so based, what went so wrong?
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Anyone got an ID on that slick as fuck jacket?
You let a DDR-commie into power for like 20 years
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They're still around. They merely got renamed to Bundespolizei in 2005 and their equipment got updated.
Like the Bundeswehr, but with the iconic M35 Stahlhelm. The Bundeswehr was rebuilt entirely by Wehrmacht officers and along their lines.
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I wrote an atrocious althis txt file about this.
Probably the same as any other modern soldier. No they still wouldn't use stahlhelms, jackboots and have giant swastikas everywhere.
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BGS Lederjacke. nothing special really. just a clean cut.
They'd be wearing those sallet esque DDR helmets.
They'd be unclothed with a ball gag and packet of condoms worn around their neck. Ideal for the Western and Russian bvll
>that they probably would use the M56 Stahlhelm as the default combat helmet
No they wouldn't the German military already rejected that design in 1942. That design was chosen because it didn't resemble the classic stahlhelm design and the East Germans wanted to distance themselves from that. They would continue to use the M42 design with improved liners and paddings (just like how the US used M1 Helmets till PAGSTs). The Spanish used modernized Stahlhelms till the 90s as well.
They were plenty of Germans in the FFL in the 50s in Vietnam so we kind of got it.
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>he doesn't know
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depends on what exactly you mean by modern. during mid to late/end 20th century theyd look something like pic rel.
today? same bland tactical look like everyone else.
so, like people point out EVERY damn thread, pretty much what the bundeswehr did but with stahlhelms instead of m1s.
>BGS Lederjacke
Jackboots made out of rubber ie. wellies, are the perfect modern soldier's footwear.
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>modern Wehrmacht
I liked it anon, I hope you can add more to it.
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still crying abdul? Turns out you can't just murder hundreds of people and kidnap hundreds more, and get away with it.
The Bundeswehr was built along American lines. The only thing Nazi about it was the embedded corruption and graft which led to purchases like the Starfighter
The vast majority of Westerners support Palestine and are celebrating the Hamas attacks, including 7 October. Nearly every European or American under the age of 30 is a Hamas supporter.

I have been surprised by the amount of opposition to Israel among all sectors of the American and European populations. it seems very clear to me at this point that your ruling class truly didn't expect this level of outrage and lack of support for Israel.
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How modern?

>It wasn't adopted because Hitler hated that design
No he didn't like the design but the bigger factor was that the benefit in protection was minimal. Compared to the cost of setting up a new production they just weren't worth it.
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Like this but with a swastika instead of a tricolor.
Yep. And the zionist boomers (by far Israel’s biggest base of support in the US) are dying off too.
>replying to pasta
Who cares, it’s true
if you're high on copium
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those rubber boots dont have any foot support or shanks though do they?
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>Probably some continuation of the G3 chambered in 7.92
Definitely this but in 7.92x41, the Spanish wanted to use original CETME/G3 design in an intermediate round designed by Mauser engineers after the STG45. However the US wanted every to be 7.62x51
>PAGST (based on stahlhem)
>Multicam (based on leibermuster)
>HK416 (HK formed by fleeing Nazi small arms makers)

basically any modern NATO country
Grand tataria has barely 20 million people and the majority of them are in villages.
You conquer Medieval Russia and there is no USSR left.
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>The Bundeswehr was built along American lines.
Fucking Americans, you literally only believe this because of the damn helmet and simplified uniform lmao
The Bundeswehr was built by Wehrmacht veterans, from top to bottom, this is well established basic shit in German Historiography. Obviously it was later adapted to suit its strategic role within the greater NATO alliance and a defensive war for the BRD, but it was still 100% German made and conceptualized.
As a baby you had an adult male suck your dick, you have no moral high ground to lecture anyone schlomo
You're high on foreskins
>Both call themselves the "defense force"
All of its equipment was American until the 1960s
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Honestly it always pains me there hasn't been a more comprehensive look at post-war Nazi Germany through the lens of reality. At best it's just people going "yeah they'd just look like Ossies and use G3s" but for all other stuff you always get meme shit like Maus as primary tank or pure made-up garbage but nol reasonable Wehrmacht with further revisions of Drache helicopter, Katzchen APCs slowly turning into Shutzenpanzers armed with MK103s and X-7s, all the Panzers, Panthers, Tigers and E-series slowly coalescing into Leopard-like MBT with older chassis carrying around variety gear and Rheintochter/Wasserfall SAMs.
Like, fuck, it really doesn't take much to take a Spahpanzer Luchs and Puma-ify it to look more Nazi yet Wolfenstein just made a vaguely 8-rad inspired sci-fi piece of shit.
E-50 & E-75 fusion MBT would be so kino. Probably look something like the Leopard 2 mixed with the new Panther
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not a fan of the nu wolfenstein designs either, but to be fair they were never trying to make a realistic alt history or anything like it. it's all an extensions of weird war comic book stuff, pulp, popular mechanics, ect. if anything the issue is that they don't go far enough and ended up in a underwhelming middle ground
You are retarded, the Bundeswehr was formed in 1955 and adopted the G1 (FAL) as its first rifle along with various small arms such a MG42/3. The only thing that the Germans relied on was for armor/planes since the German military industry had to be rebooted.
Modern soldiers aren't supposed to ruck with 40kg on their back. They're supposed to be mechanized.
will you pay?
I hate wehraboos so goddamn much
A brand new Toyota Hilux is $40 000, even sand people can afford that.
based deadliest warrior rememberer
I used to think the outcome of that episode was stupid, because in my mind Viet Cong beat America and America beat Germany ergo Viet Cong > Germany
I was wrong about a few things haha
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The Bundeswehr was entirely American in organization, equipment and tactics. There was next to zero influence from the Wehrmacht except for whatever came secondhand from the US absorbing the German wartime experience
>how would it look like
ESL sentence construction
that's not mechanized that's motorized
Probably just multicam, plate carrier tacticool helmet with NVGs like the whole of the rest of the world. Unless you want the fashwave larper answer in which case look at concept art for metro or wolfenstein
Russian army but functional.

Todays russian doctrine is highly influenced by german thought of war. But these mongols fucked it up
Why would they even keep the Stahlhelms? It's not like US forces look in any way similar to the way they did in WW2
this. ESLs get the rope
Lol, lmao even.
When founding the Bundeswehr the personal was almost exclusively made up of german veterans. All of which continued to train in the way of fighting they were used to.
At least even into the early 2000s they still used Wehrmacht material as source for training.
They even had quite a few members of the Waffen-SS like Gerhard Deckert and Alfred Kenziora which were both part of the SS-division "Das Reich". Also 2 out of the 5 former SS members that were promoted to a general rank in the Bundeswehr.
Who gives a fuck? You're an autist retard
>what went so wrong?
Tons of things, shortsightedness, monetary strains, corruption, generational change, 5th columnists, strain from the reunification etc.

BGS was mostly kino due to a necessity, as the state was allowed to form an army making a paramilitary police force was a nice way to circumvent this.
A good deal of them went to the Bundeswehr after it was formed but because the latter couldn't legally be deployed internally the need for paramilitary capabilities within the BGS remained.
This changed in '68 when the constitution was amended to allow a state of emergency and restrictions of basic rights in a crisis, partially because the allies insisted on it for complete sovereignty. Those were quite controversial back then both due to the similarity with the weimar emergency laws and because the continuity between the pre- and post-war government got more attention by that time.
Tactically/operationally it'd be a 2 million man anti-partisan/counterinsurgency force that focuses on rapid-reaction mechanized infantry and close air support. There'd be a small 'elite' force with giant tanks and fast planes for 'peer conflict' ie bullying it's puppets whenever they had an independent thought. There'd be massive interservice rivalry between the Army that fought Allied-armed insurgents every day and the 'elite' that sat around and looked scary
It doesn't matter how huge the population is if all of their manpower is tied up policing blackasses and turning taiga into useful agricultural land
Off the top of my head, 90% of USSRs population lived west of the Urals and just under or over 50% of the population was Russian. Taken together, there'd probably be a plurality of Russians but no majority
The only way Central Asia forms more complex states than tribal warlords is if they're run by non-natives like Polish exiles or renegade Red Army units
By 'today's doctrine' do you mean the old Soviet school that Russia claimed would take Warsaw in 7 days, or the shit they're making up as they go along?
Because Nazi political power leaned really heavily on tradition (or its aesthetics) for legitimacy. Making new shit for no reason would jolt Germans out of whatever interpretation of reality they were enjoying and make them reexamine their surroundings, which would be bad (for the government)
A few thoughts:
1. The order to bomb British cities was given by Hitler, so this Krummhaur guy would need to have serious balls to tell Der Fuhrer to shut up
2. I think Britians biggest bottleneck wasn't fuel or food but the shipping capacity to move it all; historically they were bailed out by the American Liberty Ships but without that support I think Britian is out of shipping early in the Battle of the Atlantic
3. Algerian, Tunisian, and Libyan oil was discovered in the 50s and Norways North Sea fields in the 70s. During the war Germanys oil came from Romania and Baku (via the Moltov-Rippontrop trade deal)
4. Mosley was in jail from the minute war started and there is zero chance he survives a capitulation
5. There is zero chance Germany doesn't invade a non-nuclear USSR, especially once the Western Allies are crushed. Destroying Jewish Bolshevism was the Nazis #1 ideological goal. I get that you're parodying the US-Soviet cold war, but that conflict was frozen by MAD which resulted from the Soviet atomic test in 1949; prior to that the Soviets were too ravaged to invade West Germany and America was too busy rebuilding Europe to think about invading Poland
6. One of the main events undergirding the design of Barbarossa was the Soviet performance in the Winter War, which resulted from the Great Purge that German intelligence had helped foment and direct. Absent this advantage, the German General Staff would have gone with a different plan.
>It's another episode of Huey LONG DONG making EVERY MAN A KING
Stopped reading after that but good for you Anon
I added the backstory as an afterthought. What would be more realistic in your opinion?
Is that supposed to be a 16" or 20" barrel?
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>Other then that things would go along the lines as they did irl since a lot of West-German post-war designs were highly influenced by German experiences of WW2.
I would speculate there would be much greater emphasis on naval and air machinery. As if they managed to complete the imperial construct the big face off would be encircling the highly militarized british isles that would have been stalemated in ww2 as well as facing off burger naval and air assets in the atlantic. That and the impeding space+nuclear race.

This timeline germany post war designes were influenced by the fact that all it was foreseen to do was fighting in german core territories to repulse eastern lemming spam off. Not much room for nuclear submarines and long range intercontinental bombers in this scenario

it would continue to exist as remnant of the vatnik union with its capitol moved to yekaterinburg or novosibirsk or something. No need for these highly fantastical scenario of germans being in Kamchatka as the furthest they could realistically administer is the volga river
only in the blyatkrieg phase of the war like the 40 km convoy to Kyiv. All these meat wave and golf cart spam with barrier troops is straight out of the stalinist playbook
See Larry Thorne.
Anyways, it wouldn't have been anywhere near the slog it was for us. The only reason the US didn't wipe North Vietnam off the map was due to shitty concerns about Russia or China using nukes, as if they were actually going to end the fucking world over a shithole like Vietnam, and due to peacenik agitators at home, both forcing the ROE to be "sit on the border and stop the insurgents that keep crossing over, but you can't actually do anything to cut them off at the root so just sit there until they give up hopefully or something idk man let's smoke a bowl"
I doubt these alternate Germans would have either of these concerns. If Mao wins in China in the 50s without Soviet support and is somehow able to turn China into a nuclear power after 10 years of starvation due to the Great Leap Backwards Into Oncoming Traffic, then maybe Chinese nukes would be a cause for concern to the Germans. But in all likelihood, nothing, be it moral or geopolitical concerns, would have stopped the Germans from curb stomping the Viet Cong with the most horrific shit they have at their disposal.
Speaking of China though, I kinda doubt Southeast Asia would have even turned communist without the Soviets around. China maybe, but in their sorry state and espousing communist ideology I could see a war between them and the Germans over any shit with Vietnam. Again, this all even assumes Mao wins the civil war in the first place, China could very well remain a Republic and be closely aligned with the US in this new US-German Cold War. So maybe Vietnam is a proxy war in that instead, I dunno. Would be cursed to see Ho Chi Minh espousing capitalist values, or a German invasion of Afghanistan.
>. The only reason the US didn't wipe North Vietnam off the map was due to shitty concerns about Russia or China using nukes,
no that was merely a public excuse. Militarily sure there would have been a thunder run up north. What would follow however is intense guerilla war in the jungles and vietnamese had supply lines and bases stretching throw the rather lawless cambodia and Laos. Whats next, occupy them too? Beyond that was Birma and thailand and the cycle just keeps going on.

That still did not solve the problem of being unable to consistently spot movements in the thick jungle vegetation+ humid mountainous terrain. That and at least for changs the concern was they would come in spamming their muppets if US troops made it to the norther border. Korea was not so long ago remember so it was not completely unfounded. mao was still sitting on the emperor throne too

It was a lost cause without managing to reform south vietnam into a functioning state with a strong military so they can police their backyard themselves and keep the pinkos out
The insurgents can't hide in the trees if you defoliate half a continent.
did you forget agent orange? they tried that.
The production would have been less expensive overall, less stamping steps meaning you can increase production with what you have on hand already. That and the fact that the helmet allowed soldiers to better hear and distinguish sounds like engines to determine if incoming planes or vehicles are friendlies, and it doesn't get pushed over your eyes by your pack when you go prone. The protection due to its sloped design was just a side effect.
If you take out their leadership and completely fuck over their conventional military forces, then all that's left is some Viet Cong cells, so essentially disconnected terrorists hiding in the jungle of a mostly reclaimed free nation. That's loads better than sitting around doing fuck all.
>vietnamese had supply lines and bases stretching throw the rather lawless cambodia and Laos.
>Beyond that was Birma and thailand and the cycle just keeps going on.
You mean like what actually happened because we sat around doing nothing of use? Do I need to remind you about Domino Theory? The Pathet Lao in Laos, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia? The attempts at a communist takeover in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines which all failed due to direct western military intervention that didn't sit around doing nothing?
So yes, that is the next step. You crush the communists every time they come out of their holes and never stop, because the alternative is slavery and death for tens of millions of people.
>That and at least for changs the concern was they would come in spamming their muppets if US troops made it to the norther border. Korea was not so long ago remember so it was not completely unfounded
Oh fuck off
>It was a lost cause without managing to reform south vietnam into a functioning state with a strong military
When the other side is being armed by the Soviets and China, that's not happening. How can you possibly have expected a small nation like Vietnam to stand by itself against the traitorous northerners and their scheming handlers? I suppose Ukraine can stand up to the Russians alone then, no one else backing them up?
The only two things that changed are indeed the name in 2005 and and them losing combatant status in 1994.
those german conditions aren't so bad if it wasn't for the "replace your population with browns" part they have buried in there.
It would be the West German Military equipment, with East German Uniforms, but poorer, substantially so, since it wouldn't quite have the influx of american dollars rebuilding it..

Basically would have G3's but they'd be in 7.92x33mm Kurz; they'd also use a 7.92x33mm MG-42 equivalent;

Aircraft would be somewhat different, more German designs, though it's really hard to tell where they'd go past the 1950's; they'd probably have the TA-183 in service at least until the mid 1960's or 1970's... so it 'would honestly probably look a lot like a blend of Sweden/Italy as far as the air force is concerned.

So basically:
>Leopard 1-ish tanks. but like with maybe 76mm-88mm guns rather than 90nm-105mm-120mm guns..
>Fighters that look like some weird mixture of FIAT and SAAB aircraft, but with the role of "interceptor" in mind rather than ""
>East German Uniforms, Including the helmet.
>G3 Rifles in 7.92x33 Kurz.
>MG3's also in 7.92x33 Kurz.
>APC's that look like a BTR-152, or something..

>no rockets.. no money for rockets...

>I'm assuming this is a Germany that survives simply by Hitler Dying sometime in like 1934-1935, preferably to either one of his SA/SS goons who thinks he's going 'too soft' on the j00s. (or who rather uses this to explain why he got passed up for some promotion or some bullshit)..
>Himmler, Goebbels, etc. are all killed in the ensuing power struggle.. their power was in the Nazi party and they lacked the charisma or background necessary to "hold everyone together" correctly.
>Another German Civil War or long term low-level street fighting like the kind that characterized the Wiemar republic...
>probably it ends with some military coup and one of the generals takes power.. Genie is put back in it's bottle poised to explode another day..
Conflict Zones in this TL:
>Prussia (internally, might just push for independence as Germany is a basket case)

as always the Kreigsmarine gets jack shit
The Helwan HA-300 and HF-24 Marut are examples of 1960s jet aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Kurt Tank. They were both hot shit, partly due to being built by third world countries, but also because the designers had been out of the game for a while and were no longer at the cutting edge of aeronautics. Presumably designers in a victorious and well-funded Nazi Germany would not have faced the same constraints.
>>Leopard 1-ish tanks. but like with maybe 76mm-88mm guns rather than 90nm-105mm-120mm guns..
reasoning is that "WW2 doesn't happen in this timeline".. therefore there's not as much need to rapidly up-gun tanks..

>>Fighters that look like some weird mixture of FIAT and SAAB aircraft, but with the role of "interceptor" in mind rather than ""

meant to say "rather than Fighter-Bomber" or CAS platforms.. basically, they don't have hardpoints just cannons, like a lot of early war allied fighters. (Spitfire, D.520, Hurricane Mk.IIB, bf-109A-D, etc..). Not A Pound for AIR TO GROUND, it makes your planes look fat and ugly.

>Berlin is still a degenerate cesspit, as it always was and will be.
>Germans are still fond of being fucking autistic about everything.

I was going to list a hundred other changes I'd like in this fantasy world but whatever.
good point,

again I'm not sure they'd have "hardpoints" for bombs without WW2 to really re-enforce the demand that "fighters need to be capable of CAS!".. though perhaps the "little wars" with it's neighbors/internally would help make that point
>When the other side is being armed by the Soviets and China, that's not happening. How can you possibly have expected a small nation like Vietnam to stand by itself against the traitorous northerners and their scheming handlers?
not without help but it would really have helped if the south veitnamese gov wasnt so fucking stupid. like:
80% of the country is budhist? yeah lets discriminate against them and follow a stupid catholic agenda.
It's not like killing Diem helped anything. As much as the Buddhists may hate it, Diem was the only shot they had at a functional government like you say. It's not like they were mass-killing Buddhists under his government either, Diem just gave preferential treatment to Catholics and put them into more positions of power. Is it not representative of over half the country and a little undemocratic? Yeah. Is the alternative of a bunch of reds running around killing anyone who believes anything other than communism any better? Fuck no.
And as we saw, killing him only made things get way worse, from the military having to take over as basically warlords just to hold up the crumbling fucksack of a nation and the guys in charge now being convinced that the Buddhists were in league with the communists and plotting to overthrow them, with General Ky even threatening to kill every Buddhist leader in the country if they so much as thought about it. Great plan, you played yourselves. Should've just sat down and been content with how things were like Buddha taught. Then again, the Buddhists did want to negotiate a ceasefire with the communists, who of course never would have honored such a thing as the Tet Offensive showed, so maybe they were just rubes being used by the enemy to take over.
Diem did nothing wrong.
>Diem did nothing wrong.
just because the guys who suceeded him were even dumber doesnt mean he was not retarted.
hell south vietnam could hace even democratised and been the south-east-asian counterpart to worst korea and taiwan in modern times
Still makes him the least retarded man in the country. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. Democracy has to wait until the voters aren't sniveling communist rats and their lackeys waiting until they can cut your throats in your sleep. Total war on all communists, forever, is the only way forward. Until they're all dead and every single book of their ungodly "literature" is torched so the curse can never surface again, we can't have nice things.
>There was next to zero influence from the Wehrmacht

Most of the senior officers of the Bundeswehr well into the 1970s were former members of the Wehrmacht.
Germans have a weird thing with Native Americans. The only Bundeswehr base outside of Germany after WW2 for a long time was a base adjacent to a US base in New Mexico near a big Native American community. A bunch of the Germans stayed and mixed with the natives. Their insignia are a combination of the Native Zia star cross and the Iron Cross on a shield in the colors of New Mexico.
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Muh noble savage
Ironically the whole thing was started by a pacifist christian who hoped for the natives to be fully civilized.
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The same modern shit that every other developed nation is using right now you dumbass wehraboo.
I dunno Anon. If offered the choice of living with any extant native population on the planet, Native Americans would be pretty high on the list, provided we're talking about the modern variety.
oh sweety don't you know that /pol/ is 90% self loathing shit skins now?

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>Pictured: Soldier from the Waffen SS 2nd Werewolf Battalion
>r/pol moment
I like the alt-history videos made by this old guy, fun, but just believable enough to get immersed
>Do you really have Nazis in the military?
Das Reich
this. as a German I am convinced Merkel has been working in the interest of the Russians all this time.
Man I really like this one
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Angela Merkel was the greatest tragedy for Germany and Western Europe since the Bosnian War.
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please dont talk like that about my waifu
At least they're white I guess?
you're waifu a shit
goofiest helmet of the 20th century
Stop talking about penises.
>never read Devil's Guard
I didn't as a child

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