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They took BMPs, removed the gun and turret and turned them into open top APC battle taxis. Opinions?
>BMP is regressing into erzats MT-LB
2nd strongest military in the world, btw
No more spincycle chips from stolen washing machines to control the turret
Are those really logs
they are saving their best vehicles for NATO
They've run out of APCs ages ago and are most likely running out of turretless tanks that they use as ad-hoc APCs
An offering at the altar of Shoigu
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Yes, but they are not good soviet logs harvested from wild trees in the Siberian gulags
Just weak harvested plantation logs from interior minister's cousin who sells them
this, luring the decadent Wectoids into a sense of false security before unleashing the thousands of Armatas in waiting upon Poland and the Baltics

>they ran out of MTLB...
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and losing lots of men and back ups in the process?
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what's worse is they put rubber mats on the topside thinking it would do anything
A spider has more care for its offspring than the average vatnik has for his fellow russian, please apologize to all arachnids
European Russia is largely an undrained swamp. Large trees don't grow in those conditions, so you get absolutely endless stretches of practically useless small birch forest. They could have useful wood if they worked the forests, but i assume the immediate lack of ROI is unappealing to them
Source: it's all you see taking the train from peter to moscow
To be fair the BMP is trying its best.
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Never in a million years I would have imagined something like this.
This is 1945 "Defence of Berlin"-tier, not something you do in a war of invasion you started. Why not just retreat at this point? Holding out for Trump?
At least it won't detonate like the usual BMP does
>thinking it would do anything
I mean, they might burn nicely at least...
trump will smell the blood in the water and the opportunity to one up Biden by approving the largest military aid package to ukraine yet, I hope Russians aren't holding out in hope he'll cut aid to Ukraine
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Just like Germany xaxaxaxa
Waiting for putain to die of old age / get assassinated so that they can lay the blame exclusively on him in an attempt to save face.
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reminds me 90s serb shit
>"Bring out the gimp"
who's gonna putin successor btw? let's say that he has a boating accident rn, who's next in the line for the monkey throne?
damn i get so fucking blueballed when i see those fuckers run away
that's what
>we have 20k BMPs xaxaxaxaxa Puccia will never run out
looks like in reality. we are getting to the bottom of the barrel here. no gun, no optics, no electronics, just an engine, gearbox and some brakes inside a hull.
kek. i guess it's better than chinese golf carts
Makes perfect sense, we know for a fact that there are at least 330 BMP-2s that were in reasonable condition a few years ago that don't have turrets. They were removed to make Algeria's BMPT-62s.
Russians will do anything but ride INSIDE their IFVs.
I mean, I can't blame them that much, but still.
Logs have alot of return given a very little investment. Unlike the decadent exponential that the west uses where u have to make big investments for big returns.
Looks like an MT-LB from the hull.

I hope that if Russia learns one thing from this war it's that the layout of the BMP series is absolutely atrocious and their T-15 needs to take lessons learned. How many squads have had catastrophic losses because the passenger compartment is a nightmare that ensures multiple fatalities upon penetration and the rest can't exit the vehicle?
> bundle of logs as side skirts
when it comes to russians,it can always get worse
Cargo cult mentality. Unmodified AFV bad, lots lost. Welders abortion BMP1/chicken coop Obj. 2024 good.
Yeah its a boys own adventure with ten friends instead of an awkward trio and you know Sergai has been coveting your watch so keep an eye on the dodgy cunt

Anon I...
>just an engine, gearbox and some brakes inside a hull.
and I'm sure that even these barely work considering that during the interview for the captured turtle tank the one Ukrainian driver stated that he needed to be applying a large amount of force to even shift it into gear
Didnt tests in ww2 show that having logs or concrete over the armor is worse than nothing because they make the shells curve towards the armor?
Its ok, someone had to tell him
you wont get trapped behind doors that are FUCKING FILLED WITH 500 LBS OF DIESEL
that's the joke
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Prisoners and 3rd worlders anyway, didn't need them. Btw this is helping eliminate russias unemployment and less mouth to feed. While expensive western missiles and shells are wasted on rusty junk, whole legions of brand new tanks and BMPs are being made for the final offensive push that will break the Kiev's criminal puppet government
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New smegmalka.
I could see Trump ordering an actual intervention so he can look like the strong man who went ahead and cockslapped Russia and asserted American dominance.
According to the latest polls Biden has taken the lead albeit very slightly. All I'm saying is that if Trump winning and cutting aid was my only hope there would be a lot of what ifs making me nervous.

4/10 is best I could do.
No one. That's always the problem with dictatorships: no clear line of succession because the prince-in-waiting might someday decide he's tired of waiting. The result of being a tyrant is constant and ever-growing paranoia.
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It took them 40 years to unlock the tech of a mid-tier Warsaw Pact country
>what's worse is they put rubber mats on the topside thinking it would do anything
And that is exactly why they strapped the wood logs to the sides of the BMP, if the munition missed the rubber mats on top and hit the sides, the logs would save the vehicle, checkmate.
low-profile infantry vehicles lose their edge once they can no longer transport troops inside due to lack of space
if you've ever seen the inside of any BMP, then you know
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>who's gonna putin successor btw?
There's clearly only one man up to the task.
They also break down so much that many get abandoned without actually seeing combat. They can't be recovered because Russians lack the vehicles and manpower to do that.
Holy shit
It's effective and creative but holy shit
Imagine agreeing to go to war In that though
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>no roof

return to BTR-60P
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1) russia is running out of transports
2) the BMP is such an awful IFV, spacially the BMP-1, that losing the main gun is probably no loss, that 73mm cannon really cannot hit jackshit and its loaded mostly with boderline useless anti-tank HEAT rounds, instead of HE-FRAG
it might be true, but im sure spider legs posted this message
>they put rubber mats on the topside thinking it would do anything

to be fair, they probably put em to provide some shade

one would argue it would be better for the troops to be able to see whether an FPV is approaching but oh well
BMP is history
>BMP hits mine
>everyone inside actually survives

>Smellykaka APC
As mentioned they have at least 330 BMP-2s that were good enough a few years ago to have functioning turrets but no longer have them.
MTLB replacement?
That's not what cargo cult is.
I'm sorry Charlotte-sama. That talking pig told us but we didn't listen.
soon we will return to halftrack and all will be right in the world

AA mgs are probably coming back as well
Burns like an RBMK.
Unironically?, there's no Putin succesor.
The big issue with Putin is that if he dies, suddenly Russia is legitimately beheaded because he's been centralizing power for a while.
Worst case scenario?, USSR collapse Part Two with some poor Outer Ruski states literally secedding out of hope that they might be able to rejoin the world's economy by completely abandoning any major association with what's left of Russia. It's not like the Kremlin is going to attack anyways, everything's out in the west to defend it from Ukrainians and NATO aid. Even if the NATO attack never comes. Which will likely be the case.
>Unironically?, there's no Putin succesor.
Nikolai Patrushev is being groomed for the role.
What's his background?
A glowie. Shocking, I know.
He's older than Vlad. Not exactly a replacement unless they're going for the old Soviet gerontocracy model.
that sounds just stupid enough for that to be their plan.
Everything will be APC and everything will be understood
is what happens when you remove Shoigu, quality woodbuilding is disappear
honestly, the more spacious crew compartment is less of a death trap than the lower profile one. It gives them a better chance at surviving a penetrating round and escaping the vehicle
BMPs are so shit, so unarmored, and so ineffective as offensive units that Mobiks refuse to ride INSIDE them, least of all because they are cramped to the point even a Mobik finds them tortuous, and more importantly, the seats double as fuel tanks meaning that whenever the non-existent armor gets punctured by literally anything, you'll burn alive before you can exit your burning coffin.

It's not a new phenomenon, it was a thing since its introduction, you can see it on footage of Soviet forces in Afghanistan. The uparmoring of the top is just the logical (in a russian's mind) conclusion (because smelting them and making a better APC is not an option).
At least that was a war with multiple groups with the same garbage

Here it's this shit vs Western stuff
Not him, it's his son Patrushev Jr. being groomed to take over. But recently he lost favor so who knows who it might be
This. Horrendous slaughters of untrained, unequipped, objectively inferior troops is entertaining to a point, but eventually you want to see peer-on-peer action decided by clever ruses, maneuvers, and willpower.
Imagine Vlad dropping dead with everyone important having lost favor and their replacements still being rotated in.
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>AA mgs are probably coming back as well
They have been a thing from the beginning. Particularly against drones.
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Rolling a naval mine down a hill doesn't count as a clever ruse?
Fuggin' hell, I'll take it!
When they came out with the 100mm for the BMP-3 i'm surprised that they didn't go back and redo all the BMP-1s with a larger turret and a 100mm gun.

I want to see a Ukranian breakthrough followed by a thunder run through panicking lines of Russians getting ground to paste under the treads of NATO supplied tanks while F-16s screen their manuevers with precision strikes that spread more panic and fear, followed by political chaos in Russia caused by the disaster resulting in the balkanization of Russia allowing NATO to liberate Königsberg and establish a Western Russia protectorate as a buffer state, resulting in an intense swelling of nationalistic pride in Europeans that kicks off violent pogroms against Muslims, Jews, and African immigrants that causes those groups to flee Europe en masse.
But any amount of Russians getting slaughtered by Ukes is satisfying.
Same as it was after the goodwill gesture at Kiev. They hope that the aid will stop, that the willingness of the Ukrainian population to resist (i.e, you'll have revolts saying we don't want to fight any more), that the West (mainly USA and UK) will demand Ukraine surrender because fighting is taking too much time/money/death/more pressing matters. Or, they manage to grab their 'annexed' regions and then to just do their never ending minefield pancakes and go
>xaxaxax )))) you'll never get them back now ))) surrender ))))
And Putin consistently offers this 'peace' deal so when it is rejected he can call Ukraine and the evil ANGLO-SATANS evil warmongers.
>eight limbs typed this post
Whew lad, I'm trying to no-fap here.
The flaw in his plan is relying on the US to get tired of funneling cash into its own military industrial complex.
> liberate Königsberg and establish a Western Russia protectorate as a buffer state
Stop my penis can only get so erect
>When they came out with the 100mm for the BMP-3 i'm surprised that they didn't go back and redo all the BMP-1s with a larger turret and a 100mm gun.

the BMP-3 is another can of worms, i LIKE the idea of a 100mm cannon that could even be used for indirect fire at a pinch, but it just turns the vehicle into a powder keg, not unlike the turret tossing tanks, besides a larger turret for the BMP-1 is not an option, the turret ring is just too small, what both russia and Ukraine have done to some BMP-1s, putting a 30mm autocannon turret on it, there are some modern unmanned models but you can also place a BMD-2 turret on the vehicle if you dont have anything better
>who's gonna putin successor btw?
Unironically? Medvedev. The guys has the most "legitimacy", as in the eyes of the russian deep state, because of his previous tenure at the president's post. His current rants right now is to make him look like a clown and not a potential candidate, so that he looks harmless before putin, but once the actual fight for the throne starts he'll be the first among others.
>The flaw in his plan is relying on the US to get tired of funneling cash into its own military industrial complex
While a massive minority, that is exactly the words we're getting from some of the proper fringe-tards like MTG and ACC
It was a math joke. Logs have a very high growth rate near 0 while exponentials have a high growth rate when they are far from 0.
>russian shills relentlessly spam incoherent nonsense about troons on /k/
>they cut the gun off their BMP and now it identifies as an APC
2, report status!
its funny since as far as I remember Medvedev was presented as a technocrat in favor of dialogue with the West when he was installed as the president, I assumed his current jingoist ramblings are aimed at reversing that image among russians so nobody would suspect him of being pro-West these days
We're slowly getting there, Kriegbros
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>It was a math joke
Wrong board for logarithms anon but I appreciated it any way.
why did you post some homeless vagabonds then?
Paul harell has a vid on using trees as cover.
It’s better than nothing but it takes a lot more than video games and movies would suggest to stop rifle rounds
>Medvedev was presented as a technocrat in favor of dialogue with the West
Yes. There were two candidates before putin: medvedev the cuck and ivanov (the defense minister at a time) as the kgb hawk, ivanov fell out of favor because of scandals in the army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beating_of_Andrey_Sychyov).

Czar monke decided to sit out in the prime minister chair, as to not obviously break the law on term limits, but got ass blasted because of Libya and decided to get back into power, thinking that medvedev isn't tough enough to handle things and putin would get gaddafied (knife into anus) if he doesn't get back to direct rule. Czar monke's return to presidency had been followed by a mini-purge of medvedev-aligned people from the government.

>I assumed his current jingoist ramblings are aimed at reversing that image among russians so nobody would suspect him of being pro-West these days
That's a part of it. He's the most obvious successor, but if he's seen as such (e.g. people start to visibly amass around him in the background of the russian deep state), he'll get instantly gulaged despite being super-loyal to putin (that's the chief reason he was placed in the president's seat, he was putin's bitch boy for decades). Thus, he needs to play the role of a clown, as to preventively discredit himself. "No, I'm not a viable alternative to putin", "No, I won't be able to be a better president, who'll get normal relations with the west when putin dies" and so on.

This is kinda what Khruschev did while under Stalin: he played a role of the clown in Stalin's court, as the red neck funny guy from Ukraine, while waiting for the old fag to kick the bucket.
Is collapse sudden when the enemy side is playing with cheats enabled so they have unlimited, untouchable economy and no fog of war?
Isn't that literally the reason the Russians were able to defeat Germany?
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IFVs are a failed experiment. You've been told this for years, but you don't listen. APCs are the past, present, and future.
For the glory of banan, of course!
I don't think the Ukies would even allow it at this point, given how insufferable some of the restrictions Americans tried to force on them were. I don't expect them to trade shortening the war by a few months for enabling the US to negotiate with russia over their heads.
>how insufferable some of the restrictions Americans tried to force on them were
Maybe when the Ukies buy their own weapons they can use them how they want. Very tired of the beggers demanding to be choosers too.
Why are you gay?
It was probably already damaged, and this is all they could salvage.
Either damaged in prior combat or rotted in storage for too long.
might suppress thermal signature
The grave holds nothing worse for you!
i got hard just by reading this.
Man can dream. Man can dream...
I think that's why they were usually riding on top (which I assume they were here too). Mines shred the vehicle, but the dudes on top usually make it. Of course if it was a drone...
Lisan Al Gaib!
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Hopefully the hardest of times are over in terms of supplies and equipment for Ukraine and they can cobble together something cohesive for what its all worth. There's some hard hits to come, but also plenty of punches back burning down airbases, fuel depots, ships and refineries so I'm cautiously optimistic that its on a bit of an upswing now that the norther Kharkiv front has been cooled off with the blood of 1000's of dead ziggers.
Anyone who's fought in a conflict can tell you, not a lot goes right when you need it to so you just sometimes have to keep plugging away with what you got.
But you just never give up
Never stop fighting
I would also like to see Russian prisoners be sentenced to long terms of slavery and forced to clean up the mess they made, with those who refuse to work immediately put to death.
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shut up retard
every zigger prisoner should be put to work clearing UXO for 10 years. If they get maimed, it ends early. If they die, that pays for all debts. If they survive ten years, that also pays for all.
>This is 1945 "Defence of Berlin"-tier
I've been talking about this for YEARS and no one been listening to me. This is a reverse Battle of Berlin, but this time bums are on the offensive.
From our point of view, the war looks like an unwinnable total disaster for russia. But you must understand that putin is a boomer sociopath who doesn't know how computers work and receives all his info in a carefully curated folder.
Before Ukraine received military aid in April and conducted mobilization, it looked like his plan was perfectly working and Ukraine might collapse in 2024. Avdiivka was lost only because of the ammo shortage caused by Trump and his milk fed gimp Johnson. It looked like Kharkiv offensive would collapse the front for good.
Now the scales tipped in Ukraine's favour hard, hundreds of ATACAMs, powerful sanctions, Ukraine can officially hit russian territory, fresh recruits etc. It made putin reshuffle his staff which he hates, he rarely fires anyone. I think putin snapped back to reality and realized that his resources are dwindling. He replaced shoigu with an economist who will restructure military budged, and put his relatives to keep the military in check.
I guess Trump is his last hope. It's either total Trump victory or US civil war. If nothing of this happens, he'll probably start negotiating.
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>There's clearly only one man up to the task.
btw according to Syrsky and other sources 100k Ukies are currently being trained up for future offensive ops
absolutely mogging putin with that dynamic stance
every president does what they're told, the American voter doesn't change foreign policy.
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I wonder why
Russia strink like oak xaxaxxa.
What about project 2025?
Could go either way desu. The handsome generals will tell him "Sir, if Putin takes over our ally on your watch you're going to look like a loser." and Trump in the first term really did allow the military and intel agencies to continue pursuing their goals without any real pushback. If every other week the news headlines boil down to "Russia takes another major city, America gets owned again" he will have to somehow control the narrative. He also sees himself as a master dealmaker, so he might pursue some peace deal. The problem here is that there's no conceivable deal that would allow both Putin and Trump to sell as a win to their base.
You're forgetting yourself. This is Europe's proxy war, it's not just about Ukraine. And Europe both supported you after 9/11 (in fact, Article 5 was invoked) and supported the USD as a global currency. By playing games with support for Ukraine you've definitely entered the Fuck Around phase, if you enter the Find Out phase we'll simply deal with puccia ourselves (very harshly, in ways unimaginable to you, without any concern for their stability or your status quo-related woes), maybe drop the USD as the standard we help to enforce (which will make you poor compared to what you are now within a couple of decades), and ultimately offer you our thoughts and prayers when you inevitably go to war with China (because frankly, we don't have a reason to care - Europe's security has always been about puccia and North Africa/Middle Easy, we just don't have any real interests in the Pacific). Tread carefully, because as it stands, your country is the party that has been getting shit for free.

Nobody is leaving the dollar, euro is not up to the task, and half the EU give 0 fucks about Ukraine (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, the list goes on).

t. Sames
I don't think any consequences Europe imposes on the US will be dramatic, aside from making russia's collapse inevitable. If Europe goes this route, it'll probably be more like a growing disengagement because we simply don't have much in common beyond some trade and economic stuff anymore.

The whole premise of Pax Americana was "we provide free trade and security and you help us in our expeditionary wars and actively help us maintain the USD status". This deal is shit without the "security" part, and America is actively sabotaging it by refusing to seriously support Ukraine.

It's not about morals or honor either, the shit Americans pulled (and keep pulling) is forcing Europe to spend more on military affairs. Sure, we can do it, but it fucking sucks, and the price will be that going forward, Americans we'll have less of a voice when it comes to European matters.

I mean once we deal with puccia, what's the reason to ever listen to what Americans have to say, especially after they've proven they're not a reliable ally? There's no reason, just offer USD weaker support to avoid rocking the boat, maintain trade relations, and completely disregard everything Americans want or need beyond that.
Because i like the taste
>doing anything
lol, lmao even
t. fellow eurocuck
The virgin boy diddler vs the Chad Amazonian warrior enjoyer
so powerful it tilted the whole picture to his side kek
Flex tape didn't worked.
> Looks like an MT-LB from the hull.
Check out the driver and commander hatch positions
It protects from lightning strikes
>we simply don't have much in common
they are too brown unfortunately
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Lack of trained personnel. You can teach any guy to be a BMP driver who just needs to take you (one-way) from point A to B within a day. A proper team with a commander and gunner takes months at least.

Russia doesn't have an armored vehicle problem (just yet, check back in 12 months), but it has been having a serious trained personnel problem for well over a year now.
>absolutely mogging putin with that dynamic stance
>so powerful it tilted the whole picture to his side kek

Both of those things are so that he doesn't tower over little manlet Putin (who will never learn).
It's arguably an act of submission though it sure doesn't look that way does it. You'll see him always doing things like this in pictures with Putin to avoid looking dominant or threatening. "Confident and Grateful Partner" is the look he's going for.

Is there something smekalka cannot achieve?
Tap water, I guess. They have the second best tho >>61941085
>(in fact, Article 5 was invoked
Ah yeah cool help. Barely lifted a finger and had America do pretty much everything. You're nothing but leeches. You won't even fund your own war but instead beg america to do it for you this is Libya 2.0 but with a bigger war. But thats all beside the point. The Ukrainians can use their weapons (that they pay for) how they want. If they don't want strings attached, fork out the money. If these strings are killing Ukrainians it just goes to show that the Ukrainian leader loves money more than he loves his people.
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There is the advanced shitfuckery training that involves plumbing but its not for the weak or feeble
I don't think anyone with a brain for the last 40 years would expect anything from Europe during a war.
>even a half credible credible threat of American intervention would force Russia to end the war
>"Ukies won't allow it"
Sure. Not to mention that if Trump was so unbothered that he was willing to start WW3 it wouldn't matter what the Ukrainians wanted or didn't want.
That's a real problem for Russia. Successful dictators like Putin ensure their long term survival by eliminating anyone powerful/popular/competent enough to replace them, there really aren't any viable alternatives left in Russia.
Was that a Smegmalka convertable?
yeah i've come to a similar conclusion, beyond RUSSIAN EQUIPMENT BAD. You simply can't build an IFV or APC that has a large gun while maintaining sufficient protection and crew/passenger survivability alongside the speed and range that should be expected from such a vehicle. You're either carrying a tiny ammo load or more or less guaranteeing a hit results in a catastrophic explosion.

If you want a light tank, build a light tank (or assault gun or whatever the army is calling the M10). If you want an IFV, build an IFV.

Iron Dima has little to no support base, he's just a court jester like most others in the far right. He has extreme opinion and Putin goes with something less extreme than that and appears to be moderate and measured in his approach then. as >>61938912 said it's a classic boyar humiliation ritual strategy for political survival.
Eh, if you look at opinion poll numbers, which are probably more trustworthy there it still looks like we have years of Ukrainian morale for a hot war. Ultimately I don't believe that they will have enough to take the casualties needed to restore their territories in full though. But I think it's understood that there's not much room for a compromise here, Ukraine inflicts grievous wounds on Russia's capacity to wage war, or it gets whittled down to nothing.
> it just goes to show that the Ukrainian leader loves money more than he loves his people.
Oh ok so you’re actually retarded. Sorry anon, carry on as you were.
wasted digits
>Zelensky is objectively a corrupt pro-russian retard, that got unlucky.
Clearly, at some point Putin told him to bend the knee and he said no. Otherwise, there would be no need for an invasion.

Six months before the invasion, most people would have said he'd capitulate willingly to Russia, somehow, Putin knew he would not.
What happened?
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Invasion sarted with VDV and Riot police trying to get to Kyiv, original goal would be to get in the capital with no resistance, and then deal with protesters, and people in the government and military who could be problematic (in the territories they got by jumping them, they started to target Donbass vets first thing first, obviously they could find some of them from the locals etc. but that was a systematic thing, they had to get the names and adresses from somewhere).

Zelensky himself denied the possability of the invasion to the very end, despide US inteligence telling him atleast 2 times, and his whole idea of Rus-Uki relationships was "we need to sell out military, destroy minefields, and just be friends".

For years his main bussiness was traveling to russia and making jokes about stupid hohols, And people he brought to the government are appropriately same retarded soviet lumpen that he is, who behave towards the people and the army accordingly, and are no better than the russian yesmen that sit in russian government.
What probably happend, is russians, expecting 0 resistance, fucked up, and decided that they should finish the job then by real military invasion, and Zelensky being a disposable pawn, got discarded as an asset, and having no other choice, he had to start whole "look at me im such a patriot of ukraine" thing.
even the Heritage Foundation knows better than to mess with Foggy Bottom
>no gun, no optics, no electronics, just an engine, gearbox and some brakes inside a hull.
>and some brakes
Next on the cutting board. Why do brave conscriptoviches need to ever stop by their own power? That sounds like cowardly western thinking. Just roll ever forward and glorious tsar monke demands you can stop by colliding with hato nazis!
Also, they dont really need an engine, they can easily just carry the hull themselves, saving on materials and fuel, not that dumb westerners can undetstand such smegmalochka
>Zelensky himself denied the possability of the invasion to the very end
Because he was trying to give them an off-ramp while the US made it clear that this was not cool.
It's a face-saving exercise, which (in theory) is how you deal with shame based cultures like Russia etc.

It was a rational play at the time.
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Dude this a blue board, you can't just post such delicious smut without a warning at least.
>resulting in an intense swelling of nationalistic pride in Europeans that kicks off violent pogroms against Muslims, Jews, and African immigrants
Your wishes contradict each other. People don't go on violent pogroms during good times, like after a bloodlessly won war.
>Invasion sarted with
>Because he was trying to give them an off-ramp
Whichever happened, we can probably agree that he had a come-to-jesus moment somewhere in there.

Whether this was always an attempt to keep Russia onside to avoid further invasions or whether it was a self-delusional belief that he was cool with Russia until US told him to wake the fuck up...we'll probably never know.
Maybe when some whitehouse memoir comes out or something, assuming it's not full of bullshit.

Also I see shogun shoigoo is back in the saddle of mystic orc vehicle design. Add wood to everything. Wood will never let you down.
Do you have a rebuttal? Even agreeing with you you are pathetic.
If Ukraine was not receiving US weapons Russia might be advancing on the rest of Europe by now. You exist because we shelter you.
We can hang you faggots out to dry as well, so watch your mouth.
You’re not American.
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I was in 3-ID, in Iraq, in 2005. Who drew this? I can't read that squigly ass signature. I drove a M113. We only took it out a few times for special occasions otherwise it was HMMV.
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Why would any of us bother rebutting any rubbish you have to say?
Honestly I could see him forming the greater union state if Russia falls apart and he can hold on to European Russia
Imagine believing this
Kill *yourself*, brown boy. It's coming, one way or another.
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>to start WW3
with whom? Puccia is about as much of a peer enemy to US as Saddams Iraq army in the first gulf war. The latter was actually more cohesive, combat experienced and relatively better equipped the the modern puccian version
As far as I know, it first appeared on Mike Spark's combatreform where he claims that it was drawn by "Outstanding Army Artist Chris Ashby". Given how much of Spark's shit is completely made up, he either drew it himself or paid some random hobo to draw it for him.
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this is pure cope. it was very painfully obvious at the time he was in full denial. Off ramp would be denying possibility for war openly but conducting covert mobilization under the excuse of miltiary excercises and prepping defensive positions like minefields in expected invasion vectors. Exactly like finns did before the winter war

He fucked up and was in denial until the very last moment. simple as. What came really as a surprise was a comedian turning into a effective war time leader overnight. Monke specially held him in high contempt and was basically arrogantly parading medvedchuck around as the next ukranian tzar he is going to install instead of the silly little man
New shilling tactic?
>Ukraine will collapse!
No they won't. No they can't.
>it first appeared on Mike Spark's combatreform where he claims that it was drawn by "Outstanding Army Artist Chris Ashby". Given how much of Spark's shit is completely made up, he either drew it himself or paid some random hobo
The art style is *very* familiar.
I could swear that it was done by someone on my 2000s era web comic reading list.
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It's Operation Elusive Concept. A facebook page is still up.
at worst at least a spider makes use of its offspring by devouring them
I mean ukraine was recruiting training and mobilizing consistently from the 2014 seizure of crimea. They knew shit was coming and the donbas shit drove that point home. The issue is even at the start of the SMO there were still traitors in Ukraine. Any thought of covert mobilizations is infantile because it would have been very not covert as compromised as they were. And really the lack of hard defenses probably contributed to Russia's failure more than minefields did. Defense in depth and asymmetrical strikes were exactly what was needed in the opening months, allow Russia to exceed their nonexistant logistics rather than hold them and allow them to switch to artillery grind mode.
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>Mike Spark
i still can't tell if he's a schizo, a troll, or both
>It's Operation Elusive Concept
That won't be where I know it from. I read a lot of shit web comics back then, whatever I know this from is something I read for a month or so then dropped.
>Collapse is suddenly thing. Any side can start falling apart at any moment. So russians still having hope
I hope for Russian collapse too, but it's gonna be a living hell for Russians until it stabilizes back. And I mean way worse than the usual Russian helllife.
Should use car windows instead
>Collapse is suddenly thing
no it isnt, nothing collapses suddenly and unexpected
Russia did around kharkiv
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Perhaps a confusion with Terminal Lance?
>no it isnt, nothing collapses suddenly and unexpected
Actually that's the normal way collapse happens, both in nature and for humanity's works: very slowly, and then all of a sudden and unexpectedly.
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Wood armor is good armor.
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Tarp armor keeps mobiks nice and dry.
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>Perhaps a confusion with Terminal Lance?
Doesn't feel like it, the colouring was familiar too.
I don't really know any more, it's just very familiar. I keep thinking of ghastly for some reason but I'm sure it's not the real association.

Maybe it's just similar to a lot of badly drawn webcomics I read of the era and they're conflating in my mind.
>Wood armor is good armor.
I certainly wouldn't complain about an extra layer of ablative material around my fuel tank. Might stop random frag from puncturing the vessel and spilling fuel onto the site of a recent artillery impact. Not sure I'd leave the flammable paper bark and kindling on top though.
>very slowly, and then all of a sudden and unexpectedly
When we're talking about Russian collapse, it's probably better to say chaotically or unpredictably rather than unexpectedly. It's definitely expected, just not going to happen in a predictable way or at a predictable time. The event is predictable though.
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>Have you come to look through my wares, sera?
They don't mam the turrets on these anyways. I've never seen one move or return fire in all these videos of one getting hit and ziggers dying like cockroaches. They don't even fit inside so they ride around on top. The open top with netting isn't new. We did it with Strykers in Iraq.
Log armor returns.
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>We did it with Strykers in Iraq.
What the fuck is up with all the people taking wildly different situations and pretending they're just the same? Were the Strykers opened on top like sardine cans as troops lost all hope in its usefulness?
bodybag armor is labor saving device
>Russians are creating convertable APC's
Damn, Russian vehicle stylists have gone beyond us!
Yes? They piled sand bags and shit on the floor to try and offer some protection from IEDs ams then opened the roof hatches making it open topped. 4th ID had these things in Baqubah while we had Bradley's and eveytime we saw one it looked like a jingle truck with shit stripped to it.
God I fucking hate spiders so goddamn much
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You do realize there's a difference between opening a hatch and taking a thermal lance and just fucking cutting the top off, right?
EFPs can be made in a size which you can't realistically deliver via shoulder-fired weapon or drone-dropped. And when made in smaller sizes they were often daisy-chained which meant potential for multi-hits.
A Stryker's armor would be hopeless at trying to stop this, yeah it's understandable that crews were trying to increase their survivability in an environment where the insurgency could implement a weapon that would be nearly impossible to deploy in actual near-peer warfare.
You're looking at an army scrapping the bottom of the barrel on its "infinite" Soviet stockpile and thinking "oh yeah, we did that in Iraq/Afghanistan".
Guess all that money going to the doctors and engineers is now going to be spent rebuilding their militaries that the US subsidized.
Using not one, but multiple T-34s in the 90s when so many T-54/55s were still about must've been some real desperation
Is it delusion that drives trumpfags on /k/ into ignoring every single thing he says about Ukraine and how he's gonna utterly fuck the ukrainians in the ass if he wins? Everywhere else they seem to get it, Trump = against Ukraine, only here are they still coping about 4d chess subliminal messages
Did he actually say that'd he'd do it, or you just jacking off to party politics while watching a cartelina take a machete to your daughter's neck? The US has enough money and power to keep both border held. If we have to compromise between two politicians who will give us one but not the other, we should be shooting politicians until we get a replacement who does what we want.
>Did he actually say that'd he'd do it
Yes, in nearly every campaign "speech" he's made for the past several months. He regularly says he will stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours by sitting down with monke and negotiating just how much of Ukraine vatniggerstan gets to stop shooting. Turn the news on some time, this is not something recent or a one-off.
It stops the mobiks from getting launched into air and catches them when it hits a mine.
It’s one of his main campaign promises you absolute mongoloid
>From our point of view, the war looks like an unwinnable total disaster for russia. But you must understand that putin is a boomer sociopath who doesn't know how computers work and receives all his info in a carefully curated folder.
A thing I wondering about (which we might learn years after the fact) is how much of the Russian decision-making in the beginning resulted from being lied to by displaced Ukrainian elites like Yanukovych. This... has happened before. It actually happened to the U.S. in Vietnam. There was a minority of Christian Vietnamese who had been involved in French colonial administration, and U.S. policymakers got most of their information about what was going on from them, but these people were completely lying because they desperately wanted the U.S. to intervene (for obvious reasons, they were the local upper class compradors the communists were out to liquidate).

Almost the exact same thing happened to the Soviets in Afghanistan too. The Parcham faction which was favored by the Soviets sold the intervention as a quick in-out operation, but they were saying this because they desperately needed constant support to stay in power, but if they had told any of that to the Soviets, they would have never intervened, so they just lied. And then after a bit of intervention it was hard to not intervene a bit more without losing face, and the rest is history.
It's glavset bots desperately trying to get people on their side.
The turret can't toss if there's no turret xaxaxaxa puccia wins again
There was a video maybe a week back where a BPM drives over a mine, blows up catastrophically, and the driver manages to run away. I mean he probably still died due to his injuries but it was crazy that he wasn't blown to shreds. It looked like the whole back of the vehicle got blasted to bits. They are weird vehicles and sometimes you get lucky.
>It gives them a better chance at surviving a penetrating round
That's... not as stupid as it sounds. I mean if they come up against ANY other IFV/APC or even a .50/12.7 they are going to get penned up anyway. It's better to be spread out in that case.
Tree trunks do weird stuff with projectiles. I recall seeing a vid where a guy was shooting different calibers at a medium/large trunk and for some reason 308 didn't pen, but 5.45/5.56 did. Also, you have to have a thick as hell of a tree to actually do anything meaningful, and the circular profile of a log isn't ideal for creating any coherent protection unless you make it into a plank. But at that point you are better off using any other material than wood, lol.


This is not the same video but it had similar results.
And yet we now have a war, with puccia trying to destroy a US-centric world order, and Europe is in fact doing more than America.

Turns out that, much like your larpers, your country is all talk.
I thought the BMP was legit already an APC.
Pay NATO denbts
Ruling party literally got elected on NATO and pro-ukraine policy
Worthless either way
Worthless either way
One of the biggest weapons & systems donors
Worthless either way
NATO is not another jewish-american corporation, it's a military alliance. I know it's hard when your nation is morbidly obese, but start pulling your weight.
all IFVs are APCs, but not the other way around
NGL, give that boat a fresh lick of paint and I'd probably want it.
Gavin envy
Post palps
>(that's the chief reason he was placed in the president's seat, he was putin's bitch boy for decades
I recall a leaked British document from the foreign office (I think) that referred to him as "the Robin to Putin's Batman"

>Why not just retreat at this point? Holding out for Trump?

See picrel - it's a cope, even if Trump wins.
>honestly, the more spacious crew compartment
That's not what's going on, and you know it and you know why. Also stop replying to your own posts.
Look at the vatnigger trying to stir shit up between euros and americans. He's adorable.
Picrel is a /pol/ post, it contradicts everything he's said so far. This retarded mongoloid psyop of yours of making people vote for him by pretending he's going to save Ukraine is one of your agency's dumbest so far.

>"it contradicts everything he's said so far"

It doesn't matter what Trump says - he's a senile old man going against the entirety of the Defence Department and the portion of his own party that can count to twenty without taking their shoes off. Trump is probably too stupid to realise his own plan has fucked Putin because he would be in defiance of the Russian Constitution.
You're too stupid to tie your own shoelaces, why are you trying to subvert people online? Get up from your desk, go to HR and quit right now.

Nigger, stop crying that I'm not blackpilled. I'm whitepilled whoever wins in November. Regardless, I look forward to seeing Russia implode.
>the proof is that daddy contradicts himself all the tiem!
You're barely cognitive, just leave.
Still better than vatnig medical care.

> daddy

Lol, I literally don't give a fuck which senile cunt wins in November, you're just pissed I'm nuanced and not sliding into mentally unchallenging narratives. Is Trump a mastermind, smart, or even an effective political operator? No, but he does have a record and I can make deductions from that - you should try thinking from first principles too anon, it requires more thought but it's rewarding in the end.
I mean, the logic is sound, just the mats themselves are too cheap and not springy enough.
>Imagine agreeing to go to war In that though
"Yaba daba doo!"/foot scrambling noises as we accelerate in our log mobile
>Barney stop whacking the noise stick with axe and help pedal
fpbp. Are we going to rate every pile of cow shit we find in the field?
Russia is honor culture not shame culture you dumb idiot. Why do you open your mouth when you don't know the basics?
Americans don't have object permanence to places outside America so they can't comprehend something like sawing off the top of your IFV to make a improvised APC on its own, they have to compare it to American experiences or make analogies to them to make any sense of it.

When a pidor or third worlder shits in the outhouse in his decadent hamlet without a TV crew filming it, does the American knowledge it? The answer is no.

It would be retarded if Americans weren't so charming.
Booby traps and improvised explosives are used in high intensity warfare too, and that's basically what EFPs are.
You think nobody notices you samefagging Steelefag? Half the posts in this board that constantly bring up Trump is just you ban evading.
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The exception is Israel because our Bibles usually have a little map of the Holy Land in it.
Russia is fear culture, Russians understand neither honor nor shame.
>Russia is honor culture
what's the benefit of turning them into APCs?
kek but I understand their basic idea, thinking that in theory the drones would bounce off instead of triggering the payload
Comrade, but those are steel and not rubber?
i mean Putin has a son?
Are you saying Russia switched to literal faggot armor?
And the things a fear culture responds best to are direct threats backed up by actual power and willingness to use it. If you give Russia an off-ramp, the lesson they'll take from it is that you fear them = Russia stronk.
Is that why they're calling them homosexual tanks?
The hedgehog armor is actually made of rubber (on top of the metal). At least I believe so.
idk if it is or isn't, but it was designed with a specific purpose in mind (countering lancet) and worked. throwing on some rubber mats against rpg warheads is at best the cargo cult version
>well, we already have the firestarter, might as well pile up some wood on top
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>hedgehog armor is actually made of rubber (on top of the metal). At least I believe so.

you have seen ONE (1) piece of evidence of rubber. You've ignored everything else. Why the FUCK do you base anything on the latest piece of media you saw, memoryholling everything prior?

The truth is there is no standard. They just make a cage around tank with the best materials they have on hand. This is not difficult fo comprehend.

What's tough to understand is how the fuck you saw a rubber mat fly in a webm yesterday and conclude that this must be the case for all smekalka tanks.

Like wtf even goes through your mind?
I can see you're delusional.
Russian whores are forever loyal for some pathetic reason
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Dat is propa orky
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time is a flat fucking circle
I can practically hear robot unicorn attack
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>Europe defying ZOG ever
>Europe having serious armed forces anywhere outside of maybe Greece and Turkey
I know it is impossible, but I'm still dreaming of Girkin to be the one
Schizo. And I mean the genuinely, no shit, seek-out-a-professional-shrink kind of schizo. Guy was off his meds 25 years ago, and he's only gotten more unhinged since.
>Booby traps and improvised explosives are used in high intensity warfare too, and that's basically what EFPs are.
99% chance you'll get clipped by FPV
1% chance the enemy managed to lay a fuckhuge EFP in the path you're gonna take without getting picked up by drone surveillance
What's your focus?
not exactly. not too much different from gun trucks used in iraq after the invasion.
>trump is le bad roosian agent
is that what you're trying to say or something else?
>start pulling your weight.
Aren't most Euros under the 2% funding
>Trump is probably too stupid to realise his own plan has fucked Putin because he would be in defiance of the Russian Constitution.
I'm now surprised that Putin hasn't outright killed Surovikin for pulling out of Kherson (City).
>be putin
>fire surovikin for pulling out of kherson >get arrested by yourself because that simultaneously disparages the army and acknowledges that Russian territory has been lost.
>implying the laws apply to Tzar Monke just like to a random faggot off the street
You failed, retake Russia 101.
If fucking jihadis could lay those in Afghanistan while facing the USAF and all the drones and recon and surveillance the US and half of its NATO allies could have in the air and on the ground, you can do the same in a high intensity war where you have a formal official military force behind you.

And FPV drones are still not a main threat compared to artillery.

>Re-armed Russia’s biggest Eastern Euro rivals with the most advanced equipment available after decades of budgetary neglect
>Began the lethal aid program to Ukraine
>Was the biggest force for European military re-armament since Eisenhower
>Repeatedly annihilated both Government forces and actual Russian troops in Syria
>Threatened a war when Putin tried the exact same kind of troop buildups in Estonia that preceded the Invasion of Ukraine
>The most anti-russian president since Reagan is somehow a Putin puppet
>Even “muh rhetoric” amounts to statements Ukraine should be given a long-term loan akin to lend-lease in World War two and Europe should spend even more to BTFO vatniggers harder


It’s alright, steeleanon has to believe these things otherwise his worldview will implode. Trump has to be a Russian shill, because otherwise he’d be a nuanced, complex figure to analyze instead of the devil incarnate the likes if the daily show portrays him as.
I go to 4chan, I see Twitter posts
I go to Twitter, I see 4chan posts
>A thing I wondering about (which we might learn years after the fact) is how much of the Russian decision-making in the beginning resulted from being lied to by displaced Ukrainian elites like Yanukovych.
I kind of doubt it. From the sources I trust (nothing on the "inside", just people in RU segment of internet who have a good forecast record), I heard that the initial decision-making was mostly driven by, funnily, Covid.
Because of the pandemic, which was taken very seriously in Russia, Putin was very isolated and refused to physically meet most of his cabinet, except the very very essential people. Which just happened to be the FSB and security ones, because these are the most essential members of government for a dictator. Which just happened to be, coincidentally, the most hawkish and conservative members of government.
Once you take a guy who is already getting senile and has a predilection for "righting historic wrongs", put him in physical proximity to even more hawkish fucks, and let that situation stew for a few years, thoughts about easy victories start to appear.
A lot of them were locals paid off to do insurgent activity. The entire point of an insurgency is doing things against the background noise and normalcy of everyday life. The complex nature of the GWOT has been debated ad infinitum on /k/ for over a decade, try to keep up.
There's a big difference between the busy streets of a town where hundreds to thousands of peple are hanging around and doing their daily tasks and the greyzone where no soul would ever have any worthwhile reason to be there unless they're military.
>you can do the same in a high intensity war
Not this one.
>And FPV drones are still not a main threat compared to artillery.
That's great. Even if hit by an artillery shell, the FPVs and nade droppers will come to mop up the survivors. If your opponent is low on artillery shells, he'll slam an FPV into you and save the shells for a much bigger assault.
So what's your focus? The shit that's never gonna happen? Or the situation you KNOW you will find yourself in when you drive across that grey zone?
Ukranians are supposed to die in the war not make progress. They are gifted everything by the states. People here still think they're going to win. Even though most of the Ukranian forces are dead already.
Proxy wars are fun for /k/ though. A chance to roleplay as soilders and generals. If the U.S wasn't constantly funding wars. /k/ may have to actually talk about guns.
Agreed, here in Utah Mormon Autonomous Oblast many are fed up with taking of crops and wives to furnish criminal Kiev banderite regime.
Patriotic senatboyars MUST stop funding bombing of Donbobwean younglings. The Ukraine is losing, which is why we must stop sending aid to criminal Nazi Jew Zelensky.
I am patriotic Yankee Paul Blartovich, shopping center gendarme, amd I am approve of this message.
>Russia turns AFVs into battle taxis
>Israel turns AFVs into battle taxis
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Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, no.
A lot of his aids will be MIGA stooges, and Israel is the one of the closest allies to Russia that has drinkable tap water.
Israel sold the drones Russia used to invade Crimea and also disabled the drones Georgia had purchased when they got invaded by Russia.
Russia also makes lots of deals with Israel that are to its benefit.
I’m not confident at all they would be hard on Russia.
They would probably be more eager to tariff the EU in retaliation for ICC rulings than working with them on Russia.

The fact that Zion-Don is a flip flopper is also not a selling point.
Thinking the Russian constitution matters at all to Putin is asinine.
>whaddabout da joos
Pretty much all countries are arming up right now. I hope you didn't expect it to get done overnight.
Japs are honor culture and they're literally the opposite of russians.
You understand booby traps were used heavily in Ukraine in WWII by both sides, right?

>min-maxing in IRL
You wanna know how I know you're an idiot? You think APCs are not AFVs.
>muh Israel
>muh MIGA buzzwords
You know what Eastern European country also has friendly relations with Israel and buys Israeli gear? Ukraine. Half of their small arms designs are licensed made Israeli guns.
Japs are the most stereotypical shame culture there is. Read the actual sociology on honor culture and shame culture instead of just being an American and thinking in nominalist terms.

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