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Canadian Firearms General

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Last thread >>61929598
NGL you seem pretty low IQ. Makes sense you enjoy watching hockey on the Talmud vision. Its probably made for chattel like you. Enjoy it.
Guns? You off topic fucktards
So, there anywhere to go shooting near Edmonton?
Aside from, ya know, downtown after 2AM.
My favourite part of guns is the barrel.
You clearly have never had the pleasure of setting up some targets on 82nd avenue and magdumbing with a fine gentleman such as pic related
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Smooth or au natural?
That looked like a KFC bucket on his head in the thumbnail.
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Cape Gun ftw
For when the birds come by at 5:00 but the moose rolls in at 5:01.
>just bought a fx-9
what am i in for, lads
Spiralled, for my pleasure
Did anyone here actually fall for one of those
Have you ever taken a picture of yourself naked with a gun covering your junk?
Well yes, how the hell else am I supposed to introduce myself to women on the internet?
valid ar cope
Not valid AR cope. Just cope.
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k e k
i agree but this isn’t /sp/, it’s /k/
hockey sucks
Boomernutz jannies cleaned up all the negative comments lmao
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I hate CGN retards so goddamn much lmfao
>cheap ass irons
>only on the handguard
>”magpul BCM grip” (apparently i missed the memo on fucking bravo company colabing with magpul :^))
Not sure about grips but i know BCM and Magpul have done colabs on things like handguards like the MCMR line and other stuff.
lol they had to remove an entire page of comments
It’s just a normal 10$ fagpul MOE alongside 15$ fucking feyachi irons
you can buy one NIB for less than that pretty sure, or if you were one of those dudes who got the TNA email for the steal price a couple weeks ago.
Hey man, Edmonton is alright.
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One of a few reasons why I keep coming to CanGen. You can call out companies bullshit without getting muted or banned.
i was acually gonna ask if someone had htis
thanks anon
wasnt there another one with the WK181 or some shit
It's unfair to judge any new gun, without first letting it sit unfired in your safe for a few years.
They're the boomer trials. They're kinda like military trials, except you don't actually have to shoot it.
Yeah that one blew up too lmfao
They all do. Your options for war-used gund are chinese potential keyhole machines (when using steel 55gr ammo), sg-540s but they’re expensive now and ones with sights are rare, jewpups, the 10k$ g36, or the $9k valmets and ACRs. for civvie guns (no battle use) you’ve got smallhands-only sl8 that you have to troon out if your thumb is bigger than that of a 12 year old girl, the kek-teks which are toys (and used by troon school shooters) and that’s honestly about it
Too bad we don't have a cheap combat tested reliable semi auto firearm to use
That guy was a typical millenial bitch. He reported that the gun wasnt working properly and crusader arms told him to immediately stop using the gun and send it it.

Fucking brain dead retard goes out and uses it again and it blows up...and then he posts about his sob story on social media. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
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yeah. and you can type Nigger.
Yeah but I was keeping it to 5.56 guns as 7.62x39 is fun and cheap but really kind of useless for modern applications. I personally shoot 77gr SMKs that I reload and you just really can’t get that performance from x39
Don’t defend faggot corporations that use you for beta testing, nigger
7.62x39 is so useless for modern applications that a bunch of western militaries and special forces switched over to a round that has the exact same ballistics of 7.62x39
I feel like sorta way that the .308 180s could be redeemed is that someone like SBI or TNA makes a replacement/improved upper that actually functions on the preexisting lowers for the Crusader Crutch, and SRV2 Liberians now
Yeah, the stupid game was buying that piece of garbage in the first place.
i aint readin all dat
The problem is that the number of people who will buy a shitty gun and then "fix" it with a third-party upper is tiny, so most people will never know that it actually works.
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You have to call the forestry office in Rocky mtn. house and let them know you're there. People use the land for free range cattle and it's packed during hunting season.
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That’s not true. There isn’t a single western military using 300blk as a main fighting cartridge, it absolutely is superior tov7.62x39 for many reasons, and even then still sucks compared to 5.56 at most things, it’s just easy to surpress for when tier 1 niggers need to no-knock raid a safe house and body a bunch of unarmored bad guys (tm).
It gets mogged by 5.56 especially at distance.
Any gun is better than no gun and it’s absolutely possible to fight and win with an SKS - look at the vietkong and Taliban, but funny thing about the viets and taliban is they both immediately switched over to 5.56 guns the second they became easily available
Most anons seething about the game are fags from Ontario. The rest are just fags.
I'll be cleaning guns while the game's on.
>living in edmonton
>not having a gopher shooting range arranged
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canucks fan here. cheering for Oilers.
Confirmed janny gets 0 pussy
Speaking of; anon whos neighbours sheep were getting eaten by a cougar here;
They shot and killed the cougar, a male, but then promptly saw on their trail cams that there is another, a female with kittens.
I wonder if they are going to kerblast her an her kids too, or just leave her be.
You guys got any links to a game 7 stream? At work
Is truth posting not allowed anymore?
What about your benis poking through the trigger guard?
What was the post it's killing me to know
Anon was saying that during the hockey game intermissions that he gunna fuck his asian gf, possibly breed her something something beer etc.
Meh boring
Just some stupid coomer shit. It was deleted for a reason. Just change 4chan.org to desuarchive.org in your url bar to see the archive of the thread anon
Yes brother. SKS chads reign supreme in this General.
Good deal on a SG-542 with the classic sights
Get this off topic shit out of here
Another anon asked for a link because he's at work dipshit. Do you even canadian?
dang that is a good deal.
Only beta cucks go for Chinese women. You're fucking disgusting.
Colin L visits cangen confirmed?
Too bad you have to have an account on that cancer site, otherwise I'd buy it
>no screenshot
Just as bad as faggots who don't post a webm
Post hands pajeet
Anyone have any experience ordering a Safariland holster from a US distributor? Unfortunately they don't ship to Canada for some reason.
Find a local leather worker to make you one
Pretty sure they’re an ITAR item so most places won’t ship them. iRg might be able to help but your best bet is what this guy says
>7.62x39 useless for modern applications
You are so fucking retarded. Anything that can kill will always be relevant in any "modern" conflict
Garandfag didn’t even test 110gr .300 supers. Very dumb and unfair comparison.
Fellow nucks fan here I’m 50/50
One hand I want Alberta to have a cup again
On the other all my coworkers and family are oiler fans and rubbed round 2 in my face soooo yeah.
Pick up your targets and brass

there's some trailer trash around some areas where I shoot and they've the absolute worst people on the planet
bunch of retards, never clean up anything
Holsters aren't ITAR but try and get anything gun related shipped from the states its annoying as fuck.
Sure, and I can catch a fish with my hands - it doesn’t mean that’s the best tool for the job.
But if we’re just going to insult eachother you’re a fucking gorilla nigger fuck ya mudda
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Here ya go then. If you don’t have an account to login its not like you can buy it anyways so i’m not sure what difference it makes if you can see it or not
Me too, I just want Canada to win.
That's freedom firearms canada on YouTube. Cool guy. He must be selling it to buy when the oic is gone
Huh, neat. That’s a crazy price! Won’t last long I should think. I bought mine before the OIC - even then it filled a niche that not many other guns do.
>oilers lose
lol get fucked
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>I wish I was Florida Man
Sucks to be a leaf
Daily reminder our taxes chase away a lot of good NHL players.
Well I guess it's back to seething on /cfg/
I've really learned to despise white trash. They're at least 25% of our problem.
A Canadian gun owner knows seething better than anyone
hit and miss, try amazon maybe
holster for what gun though? i have safariland and safariland compatible for a dozen guns
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6 years ago i paid less than half for mine, came with 3 extra mags and it has the superior green furniture
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6 years ago i tried to suck my own dick and hurt by back. Now I have mesothelioma
You honestly believe the OIC is going to be gone, let alone anytime soon?? Even if PajeetPanderer gets elected he won't change shit. All he's done is make empty promises to not go after "hunting rifles"
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This post was made by gang asbestos

I had over 40 gasmasks at one point and over 80 asbestos filled filters
...40 gasmasks?
you're so far on the spectrum that you're off the spectrum
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>faggot boomer father threatens to call the CFO to get my guns taken away in his usual smarmy passive-aggressive attack
>the reason?
>because I had a dud round and some spent casings of 7.62x39 in my jeans after a shooting trip last week
What legitimately causes this "wannabe hall-monitor" behaviour?
This piece of dogshit doesn't even own guns, but does everything in his way to try and police me.

I can't wait for the cocksucker to die from a heart-attack honestly. Same piece of shit openly gloats with his cunt wife that they'll leave nothing, not even the fucking house for my sibling and me.
>threatens to call the CFO to get my guns taken away
If you're telling the truth anon then that's a very fucking shitty thing to do, especially to your own son.
Anyone who does this over some inane shit like that deserves to be thrown into the 9th circle of Hell.
>What legitimately causes this "wannabe hall-monitor" behaviour?
Power-tripping and typical self delusions of grandeur that's found in boomers and gen x.

I'm sorry you got a shitty dad, anon.
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It's an anon image board. We like to view and discuss firearms.
Posting login-locked links without any image and minimal description, is kinda gay.
time to move out
We know the boomers ruined Canada forever with their antics
Think ahead of them for when they expire it will get crazier
I had the same situation so I did just that
>time to move out
kek gen z is absolutely fucked in this country, every single offer on craigslist and faceberg marketplace for opportunities to rent has been taken away by the pajeet horde.
My parents are from the USSR.
If you think Canadian and American boomers are bad, then you clearly don't know how much more materialistic, arrogant and scummy the ones from pidorstan are.
$600 for this beaut? Hellya. I wonder if you can store things like extra batteries in the bottom-tube-not-a-magazine thing. Brilliant.
dont buy turkshit
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Please for the love of God do not buy anything from Turdkey or anything Derya.
It is one the leve of Wk-180 and BCL faggotry.
If the tube mage were actually functional, i think that could be kinda nifty. Shooting with just the tube when your cowboy larping, but being able to use mags for extended shooting sessions.
That said, i have 3 lever gats and am yet to become bored with loading the tube mags, its funner than loading boxmags, especially singlestack or 22 boxmags...
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Thanks for the target, fren
If they aren't taken by a group of 20 pajeets, the price of rent ranges from 1600-2500 a month. Good luck trying to find a cheap place to rent that isn't located in ghetto.
That explains everything. The boomers were vapid socialists cause we got a dump of them from socialist republics
Go figure. I wonder what past PMs were thinking or maybe it was intended all along. The leaf flag after all is a neo liberal post national symbol. We need to start a new country away from all this
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I earn $37.09 hourly and I bet that shit still won't get me even the dodgiest of places.
I'm not even an /x/phile, but I'm starting to believe that there's a demiurge out there making things fake and gay.
>pic rel
The biggest problem is that all of the cheap areas are either ghettos or they are located 4 hours up north and all of the jobs are located in the GTA, so enjoy waking up at 3:00 AM and driving all the way to work.
I hate every firearm that’s ever come out of turkey
BCL and wk are fine, they're fixed now.
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>he doesn't road trip to the USA
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I feel you anon. Boomers are a curse and proof that if you have the world handed to you it makes most people insufferable cunts. The fact that we will be poor in comparison is actually a blessing that we won't turn out like them. History will not be kind to der boomer.
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Nice wood, tho.
Those derya AR style shotguns were pretty popular weren't they
The fact they are all safe queens now, is the only reason they aren't all broken yet.
Acog or vcog for shtf primary scope?
You've angered the poors.
Just order from the Canadian distributor.
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I bought a type 81 off this guy. Said he had every variant.
Libs just lost a seat they have held for 30 years. It’s over for Turdo

We're still a year out from the election but nuking the oic will be a very easy thing to accomplish for pp, plus it's easy points to score with his base early on.
This talk or FA rewrite however, requires a fuckton of legwork and time spent. I doubt it will ever happen, if only because there will be a plethora of other pressing matters to tackle by the time he gets into office.
depends on the gun but probably acog
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Yes because even left wing International YouTube channels are reeeeee about firearms

Gimme the one on the far right.
Acog 100%.
No they aren’t nigger and you don’t own guns
We’ve been through this, retard concern troll
Not only has he promised time and fucking time again, but it’s also legally going to have to be one of the first things he does due to when amnesty runs out
>look mom I posted it again!
Fuck off
Wow, I'm surprised they managed to win it. Even the Conservatives were doubtful about their chances (which, incidentally, is why PP didn't campaign as hard for it in the final days as he could have).
>Huglu HRZ
When's the last time we got a shipment of these into Canada?
Yeah I have regularly handled a relative's turkshit mossberg o/u and it's pretty nice and reliable desu
Idk, prophet river was the only store i knew to carry them, they had a bunch withinin the last year, but were down to just one month ago, and now none. (not counting the one they still have that costs 5.5k lol)
kinda wish i got that picrel one when i had the chance, i saved that pic of it because i was planning on buying it, and have always wanted an external hammer sxs. but ahwell, probably best i missed it, it is turkish afterall.
The libturd worked at Google and a university. You can't make this shit up. They have nothing to do with regular Canadians. You could say the same for the Conservative who won but at least he has a business background where you have to perform.
>prophet river
Would you happen to remember how much they were charging for them? I remember the "flaw in case hardening" one going for about 1k.
>paying more than 500 for any turkshit
I want a double-trigger exposed hammer SxS that can take steel shot and I can't afford a 5k gun.
I see your dilemma and I've been there. One thing I've learned; settling for am inferior product because of cost is the same as just throwing money down the drain.
If I ever manage to afford a 5k gun without seriously throwing a wrench in my financial planning I'll probably be able to to afford getting out of this hellhole.
I know you don't want to hear this but what do you need that for that a mossy 500 can't do? Fancy things are for people who already have the money and are already established.
Can't member exactly, varied, think it was somthing like:
>Grade A walnut; under a grand
>Grade AA walnut; just over a grand
>Grade AA with extra barrel swap; $1500?
>things you need
>things you want
Things that cover the bases and fill the need.
>mossberg 500
>savage axis
Use these until you're rich dumbass
>mossberg 500
>savage axis
No offence anon, but that collection is incredibly bland and atleast half the things in it should eventually be replaced with somthing better.
Why not get what you actually want, the first time?
>should be eventually replaced
You don't get it retard.
Is your IQ 75?
I've already got everything I need, at this point I'm just pining for things that I want but can't afford.
Have you ever tried doing something right the first time?
Recommending someone a savage is almost as bad as recommending turkshit.
There's nothing wrong with savage rifles. Just don't buy the scope package or just replace the scope. Get a vortex or a jap bushnell. Either you save and invest for future wealth or you be a poor dumbass your whole life. Buy the good stuff when you can afford it. Coping with cheap crap is just throwing your money away. Bland things are good functional things that get you by. Like a 2wd f150 or a Toyota tercel.
Savage is questionable but everything else on that list is a workhorse. Decent starting collection, all bases are covered.
Maid, now.
2wd will get you by if you aren't a little girl
If you like burning through winches, maybe.
I insist savage is good value but there are other choices out there. Doesn't have to be a savage.
Save for a quad. Taking a full size vehicle in the woods is kinda dumb. Also set of chains is far cheaper than a 4wd.
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Its also interesting how almost every laurentian shitlib in trudeau's cabinet has shady sanitized wikipedia page where information on their parents and background is always missing.
My dad and his buddy used to hunt moose with a station wagon.
A good portion of the more important cabinet positions are held by Trudeau's childhood friends.
They weren't hunting anon
Was raised with quads, but have always wondered if i was missing out on dirtbikes.
Quads take up alot of space, at home, and are a bitch to take anywhere, they hog the bed of the truck or require a trailer.
I think a dirtbike would be a better scout vehicle, they can fit down narrower paths, and can be haulked on a rack on the front or back of the vehicle. Leaving the bed free for other stuffs, like more coolers full of beers. (assuming you even have a bed, ala jeeps.)
I agree, I have a quad and a trailer. And am thinking getting a bike so my kid can take the quad or vice versa. The thing with quads is you need them for hauling equipment and hauling the animal out unless you want to manually pack it. I think a quad and trailer is ideal if you have a place to store them. They can also have other uses.
savage axis is a valid budget minded purchase, i would recommend saving up for something better though
You don't want to be wasting all your time winching. If you're needed the winch that often, you're doing something wrong.
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Life hack: Take the shit scope from the savage package and put it on the 10/22. It'll work good enough for that. Then get a vortex crossfire for the savage. You win.
>hauling the animal out
Tie a rope to it and drag it out with dirtbike?
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savage axis and 10/22 have no fucking soul. Axis is doable meat gun I suppose but you can get so much more for a few hundred more bucks like literally any Tikka. Everyone loves the 10/22 but you can't get funsize mags in canada because gay, Marlin 795 is a better choice IMO but really the patricians choice is a henry.
>this post brought to you by Henry H001 gang
New Henry 22s are fairly priced. I should pick one up.
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>10/22 have no fucking soul
They can be kinda cool with backpacker stock (in odg, obv)
>Henry H001
But anon, their receivers are made of zyklon B.
I’m not a poorfag lmfao
You're missing the big picture, anon.
Then what are you bitching about and if you're not poor then why the fuck would you settle for 1000 dollar turkshit goyslop? Hmmmmmm?
>2wd f-one-shitty with the 5.4 “sparkplug eater” triton
Lmfao this faggot doesn’t even GMT800 and thinks we should listen to his boring ass poorfag choices?
ATRS, x95, or sl8 if you have manlet hands
>bolt gun
Sako or Tikka
Auto motherfucking 5
Still just a 10/22 that one’s alright lel
There you go an infinitely more entertaining collection
Oh i’m not that guy, turkshit fucking sucks I agree with you there
You're a retard. I'm talking about choices for poorfags trying to not be poorfags anymore. Not trustfund faggots or laurentide government employee fags. And yes I stand by the f150, they're relatively reliable and cheap to maintain.byou have to be 18 to.post here you absolute spoiled tardfag.
Then we're actually on the same page you just don't see it because you're gay.
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Dear poorfag: reject turkshit, embrace coachgun. The only accaptable budget gun choice brought to you by based gunsmiths at greatnorthgunco. I am not them but I will sure as shit shill for them because they're great.
Goddamn you're stupid
Where are your hammers?
Thanks anon. Based. But how hard is it to get 16 g?
We get it, you're poor.
Old requirement for /cgn/ collections
New requirement for /cgn/ collections
>greatnorthgunco coach
>Henry H001
>tinka t3
Arsenal Force, ammo by caliber, instock results;
>2968 - 12ga
>648 - 20ga
>142 - 28ga
>128 - 16ga
>98 - 10ga
>87 - .410
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> A good portion of the more important cabinet positions are held by Trudeau's childhood friends.
And him using China's help to "win" elections was investigated by same laurentoid boomer that was friends with his family since 1970s.
This nation is ruled by an inbred clan of half-frog shitlibs, despite the fact that majority of population vote for a different party twice. Democracy!
You're a trustfundfag maid now
Buying a hamerless sxs is like marrying a girl with no nipples.
I mean she's mostly still there, but you know something really important is missing.
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The f150 5.4 is probably the least reliable of the b8s. Buy a gmt800 that’s hardly fucking “trust fund” advice you absolute fucking moron
Not him but I own a lot of gucci guns and I’m not a fucking “trustfund” fag whatever that means. Goddamn it’s not fucking hard to make money just go into the trades or get a degree in something useful. You sound like an art school dropout who wonders why he cant get a leg up without hard work
Learn plumbing and make 150k during your apprenticeship, poorfag
>muh trust fund
Then buy a gmt800. Just don't buy a dodge.
or don't idgaf
Kek don't do this
I’m not saying anyone should settle for turkshit nigger
No one actually cares
You’re a retard with no reading comprehension at all.
That's some Saturn/Cronos devouring his own children shit there, anon.

Most so called "unsafe storage" charges are pure bullshit to fuck over and tyrannize gun owners.
The jeet invasion has begun
Why do you people insist on always going where you're not wanted? Hmmmm?
At the gym. Why do zoomers come across as cringe and gay in public?
Cool gun, Faggot McDoubleNigger
>more 10g than .410
I wanna 10 gauge so bad I might start spewing black blood if I don't get one.
Are people ACTUALLY paying these insane prices?
I might have to quit my job and become a reseller on griftpost...
If I put up a Russian SKS with matching numbers for $1000 do you think some schmuck would actually bite the bait?
That's equivalent to what I'm seeing here with your image.
>least obsessed fnf boomer mudslime meximutt brimstone shitskin from niggerhell award
This is a shitty time for gunguys nd
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What do you guys think of my AR-56?
Quick babe new shitpost machine just dropped
Where'd you find that?wh24xr
I hate the fact that there are retards trying to sell Yugo SKS rifles for $1500+. Cock suckers even try selling beat up old Tula SKS rifles for $700.
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Allegedly the archives are being scrubbed. If you guys had something you want to save i'd suggest doing it now. I know i'll be saving nothing but the best cangen shitposts
Checked and it appears Chinese made sks is the way to go at the moment
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Holy shit Chinese sks it is boys
What are you trying to say with this post? The archives aren’t “being scrubbed” lmfao the archives self delete after a certain time which is why desuarchive, 4plebs, and archived.moe exist
Any cool guns to buy anons?
Yeah bro you definitely showed him with that full blown autistic freakout. Post a gun faggot this is /k/
Non restricted

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Type 81
Go to Jane & Finch theres a lot of cool guns to buy there
Are those both type 81 in a different style?
No black rifle is a .22lr made in France called the famas.
Type 81 lmg
a .308 conversion would have been nice
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>Yeah bro you definitely showed him with that full blown autistic freakout. Post a gun faggot this is /k/
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>it appears Chinese made sks is the way to go at the moment
Yeah I went for a Chinese SKS in the end. I really wanted to grab myself a Yugo SKS, mostly because my father fought in the Yugo civil war but every boomer faggot was selling them at $1500-$2000 which is insane for a surplus rifle. I really like the plastic handguard that the Chinese SKS has. A cool clash between the wood furniture.
Canada ain't doing too bad
Marlins should be chambered in .444marlin.
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>gee I wonder what's going on in /k/angen today
>opens thread
>I want to pay more for .45-70 and have less availability
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Could be better soon though
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.444 has slightly more reach than 45-70, and you can reload the cases as all brass .410 shells, which would make you very cool and also based.
Also it says marlin on them, so you will never get them mixed up with you winchesters, 30-30 belongs in a winchester.
I had the chance to.buy one stamped jm before covid for 800. Obviously I'm retarded for hesitating.
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based Israel selling us wonderful firearms in our darkest hour. Merchant you are my greatest ally.
Holy fuck
No the top one is an AR-15 blackops
Are you new here?
lel based
Oy vey are you some kinda anti semite?? Depriving our greatest ally of small arms??? Now??? During the noths shoah???
Wait until you meet the guy who woos femoids with photos of guns covering his.. er.... dirty bathroom thing.
Based reloaded. Currently only load 303, 308, 556 and 45acp. I wanna get into loading 12ga as well. If I can find components to load 14ga there's a greener shotgun I really want.
Fucking based.
if you reload 307/7.62x51, try finding load data for m118LR. The ballistics are fucking incredible. It scratchers the 6.5 creedmore itch
It’s a 175 matchking with a slowish burning powder. Nothing special really.
Might not be the m118LR that I’m thinking of then because I recall this one having a 168gr OTM projectile.
I’ll look through my load book when I’m home to see which one it was
Actually google saved the day on this one - I was thinking of the Canadian C175 sniper loading. My mistake
Interesting, siarras 168’s arnt really known for handling transonic very well. the 175 match kings are much more stable from what I’ve seen and have a reputation for that. Burgers 185 OTM’s have been outshooting the 175 matchkings even though they have a slightly bigger group at 100m for me.
Jesus fuck I just started looking into the load data and the C175 is a 168 projectile and the C181 is a 175 projectile
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valmet project is wrapped up, got the cheek riser installed
Long gat is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong
vz stock? how much did that cost you
lmg barrel passes for a dmr barrel at least
like 50 bucks
valmet stocks screw into the receiver in a similar way to vz58 so a little modification and it fits pretty well but its a permanent mod
How many mags do you have for it?
like 4 but the long one kinda sucks so it doesnt count
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Very very nice, anon. Tasteful.
synthetic stock does suck a bit of the soul out, as there is no longer any wood on the rifle.
However, i still looks very cool, the stock does suit it, in a way, just like the scope.
This would be an abomination, if it werent so; as other anon said; tasteful.
when i see stuff like this, i understand why my friend throws an autistic tamper tantrum at campsites when other parties dont pick up their shit.

most canada-based players get US or other foreign residency anyways. paying 50% in this shithole place is suffering.
It’s well over 50% by the time you start adding everything up
Anyone import gun parts from UK before? What are the odds the border cops take it? I’m just talking about an uncommon part for a Lee Enfield, not even a part for a prohib if that matters
Bros! I just went to spin class. There were a bunch of middle age women there. It was my first time and they were all concerned about me but I blew them all away kek. Spin is pretty good cardio, I'm going again.
While it is completely legal they border cops make up their own rules and nobody holds them accountable so it literally matters on the mood the officer is in that day.
lee enfields are a symbol of white supremacy
I ordered some shit and they tore the package open to inspect it
everything arrived but it took months
Man they open literally every single thing of mine lmfao
Walker headphones? Opened
Kommandostore baseball cap? Opened
Fucking batteries? Opened
They will unironically flag you if you have ordered something of certain nature in the past, firearms are one of them which will result in every package you bring into the country in the future being inspected.
that's actually wild I order tons of shit online from parts to guns to gear and that's the only time it happened
but the guy also labelled the shit "glock parts" which they weren't so maybe the border guards got spooked
Same fren. I can't order anything outside the country without it getting checked.
Get it from Numrich Gun Parts in New York state.. That's where I got a couple of Enfield parts I was missing, they ship to Canada all the time and my shipment didn't get held up in customs forever.

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My mother is a literal boomer, born in the very early 60's. She's voted both Liberal and Conservative, but she hates Trudeau with a passion and I was extremely proud when she got pissed at that Toronto cop for telling people to leave their keyfobs by the front door for home invaders. She said that they should get wifi cameras so that my dad can respond with his shotgun instead, which was unfathomably based considering she's a total saint 99% of the time
I watched it. He wasn't reeing, surprisingly, considering he's a bong, which is the most gunphobic race on the planet
What up Tavorbro. Do you find that brake makes a noticeable difference? I already find the gun isn't very jumpy
Yeah I looked there but they didn’t have it, thanks though
No worries, that sucks. What parts are you looking for?
A 7.62 extractor
I found a place that has it but yeah from the UK plus an insane price for it
Also I’ve got an absolutely obscene amount of regular Lee Enfield No. 4 parts if you needed anything, they’re mostly Canadian from long branch
sometimes i wish i yoloed .308 versions of all my military bolt actions but og calibers are where its at
I’m building a pseudo clone of a L42A1
I’m only really doing it because I got an OG barrel for free and since then I’ve been obsessed with building one
The muzzle brake does help a ton, actually, even though it has very little recoil originally, the brake makes it so it pretty well stays right on target at 50 and 100m, which is helpful with the 4x ‘cog.
It’s a Dead Air, so if we ever get supressors, I’ve already got their Keymo QD system. All I’d need is a flow-through keymo can and I’d be good to go.
Have you considered asking a gunsmith to quote you a price for making one for you? I'm no fabricator myself, but an extractor should not be a difficult part to make.
>if you needed anything
As in you're offering? That's extremely nice of you fren, I'm good but I appreciate it
God I want a fucking Tar-21.
The x95 is cool I guess but the tar has so much SOVL.
>It’s a Dead Air, so if we ever get supressors, I’ve already got their Keymo QD system
That's a pretty good point actually, cool side bonus
Worst case I’ll just make one myself, I know guys have modified .303 ones.
Yeah I’d rather help out some anons than sell them to some boomer or something. I’ve already built a complete rifle from the parts. I have every height of front sight they ever made as far as I know from -.015 to +.120
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Yeah lol I got mine in 2017, I think, so pretty much just before the X95 came out. I probably would prefer the X95 controls desu, but I find the TAR more aesthetic so I'm not upset
Idk where I got .120 from, I think the tallest was .105
I know it’s a damn long shot but a man can dream.
Can’t be blackpilled all the time. Who knows - a year and a half from now we could all be picking out cans for our gats. Stranger shit has happened.
I wouldn't say it's a long shot at all. Apparently, had Harper won another term, we would have hat cans in the 2010's. Trudeau has destroyed the Liberal brand and the political pendulum is about to swing back hard, so we have a long period of CPC rule coming up to push them to legalize suppressors. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see them deregulated in the next decade.
harper didnt give us shit, just slowed the advances of gun grabbers until trudeau took over
They better fix the magazine laws too
Harper gave us back CZ/VZ858s and SG550s when the RCMP banned them for being converted machine guns, he effectively abolished ATTs (meaning you would have to call the range to get permission to take your Restricteds out every time without him), and he abolished the gun registry. Your rifles and shotguns would all be in a government database if not for him. He should have given us more, but he gave us a lot.
I expect them to do a lot of things, but I don't actually expect them to fix this. They aren't going to fix everything, and there are bigger fish to fry than the mag laws. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not holding my breath.
I like to think that the guys who never registered their shit with the LGR we’re just laughing their asses off the day it was abolished
Me too, kek. But for everything you bought from a store after the registry kicked in, there was no avoiding it. The store would register it in your name because it was the law.
i had all these dreams long ago when harpers majority government was imminent and nothing happened
all harper did was maintain what liberals already long established. yeah he gave us less paperwork to deal with but nothing actually useful was undone. removing the registry is meaningless if the restricted registry was still preserved. he should have gotten rid of them both if he really wanted to protect gun owners.
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Tavor 7 has the same basic shape, but somehow kinda misses the mark. looks a bit too chonky, less refined. like iwi was gearing up to make that abomination of a shotgun that they did next.
>yeah he gave us less paperwork
As in, you don't have to call the feds anymore when you want to shoot your handguns. That's pretty big IMO.
>removing the registry is meaningless
I literally could not disagree more. Registration is the bedrock of gun control, it's all toothless if nothing is registered. I agree that Rs shouldn't be registered either, but NR guns are like 90% of guns in Canada.
I actually like how the Tavor 7 looks, but I'm not paying the asking price for a .308 rifle with Tavor accuracy when I already have the 5.56 version
>that abomination of a shotgun that they did next.
That shitstain is so ugly I would unironically be ok with banning it
It honestly wasn’t as much in the public consciousness at that point. Zoomers LOVE guns, dude. Same with younger millennials.
idk he should have done more, just not stall out. i was expecting my FAL and i was not provided with one.
i predict PP is just going to reverse what trudeau did, dick around for a few years like harper, and then roll out the red carpet for the liberals and ndp to hijack the country yet again for decades
He was on the way to loosening restricted laws. That was pre-trudeau when everything.happened at a snails pace. Now that Trudeau has set the precedent of dropping turd bombs, damn the consequences, he's really made a case for just brutally and quickly shredding everything he did.
Did you goyim see that a Conservative won for the first time in 30 years in Toronto? We are so back xisters. Gonna CC a G18 soon :D
>he's really made a case for just brutally and quickly shredding everything he did
This, for real. As soon as the G-series amendments were tabled and the fudds, boomers and chugs ree'd at the government, it was unironically over. He literally handed PP all the ammunition he needed to undo everything and then some, because it's not just us AR autists upset anymore
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Man shut your goofy sarcastic ass up
Ironic shitposting is still shit posting, faggot
1927 Savage 99 30/30 discovered behind the seat of 1977 chevy c10. The original stock wood was split beyond repair, the gun was completely covered in rust. The new wood is California mesquite. It's been reblued, jewelled, and engraved by a well known Burnaby gun artist. The internals are perfectly sound including the rifling. It features original buckhorn sights and brass round counter for the rotary internal mag. I'm considering having the steel buttplate engraved with the old school Savage Indian head.
>discovered behind the seat of 1977 chevy c10
Elaborate, kek. You bought the truck and previous owner just forgot the gun back there? Fucking sick if true. Also, very nice
>It honestly wasn’t as much in the public consciousness at that point
I think it was, but guns were considered more of a rural/older person's game back then. Nearly 20 years ago, jesus fuck. You're absolutely right that zoomies are big into guns and this will be the death of gun control in North America.
My cousins neighbour bought the truck and found the gun. Sold the gun to my cousin, who takes on projects. I bought the gun from my cousin and financed and decided the refurbishment with the guidance of my cousin, who knows all the gun guys in western Canada. My cousin does stock work so he found the wood and arranged the milling and the finishing stockwork, including hand checkering, for me free of charge. I just don't have time to do these things myself but am getting to the point where I can start learning. My cousin and these other guys are all old men so it's up to us to carry it on.
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Beautiful, good story. Quality post, anon.
One minor nitpick, the shape of the stock, its lines, and the way the checkering abruptly ends right here, just doesnt sit quite right with me.
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scratch the complaint about lines/shape. Looking it up, it seems they came factory with funny looking furniture, yours looks better than this, though i would like to see it from a different angle.
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>The muzzle brake does help a ton, actually, even though it has very little recoil originally, the brake makes it so it pretty well stays right on target at 50 and 100m
Actually that makes a lot of sense considering you're running a magnified optic. I didn't consider that, but you're going to notice muzzle jump more than I am with a red dot
Why do Turks have a chokehold on the bullpup shotgun market here? Why can’t Mossberg, Beretta, etc. turn one of their reliable shotgun actions into a bullpup so we could finally get a good bullpup type of shotgun.
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You'd think there would be some incentive too, as in murica they have to have 18" barrels on all their (non nfa) shotguns, so they have to be about as long as ours do, (they are treated differently than their rifles, which can be 16") rifles.
Instead they just use shockwaves when they want a short shotgun.. because they cant easily get picrels.
Because honestly, nobody who isn't a noguns actually wants a bullpup shotgun. Anybody who wants a compact long gun for cqb wants a carbine, not a shotgun. Besides, this is Canada. You don't have to pay a tax and submit your fingerprints for an SBS anyway, so for the tiny niche that wants a short shotgun, they can buy a Class III 590A1 as easily as the 20" model
You never had to carry the registration papers for your SKS inna woods and it shows.
Anybody, who lives under the oppression of barrel length restrictions, and who doesnt just default to "but muh ergonomics", and can looks past or enjoy the aesthetics. wants bullpups.
Those turk things are alot of fun and would be nice to have, if they werent such pieces of shit.
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Pic related has been a pretty fun cope.
I dunno, when it comes to shotguns, I don't get it. There are no reliable high-capacity box-fed shotguns, so a conventional SBS just seems better in every respect. I'm one of the TAR21 anons, so I'm a bullpupfag myself, but it only makes sense for rifles personally
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It is. When it comes to shotguns, it's a struggle and an advantage when it comes to feeding it. You cannot swap loads on the fly with a mag fed shotgun and it is an incredible pain in the ass to carry any significant amount of ammunition. Tube fed is really the most efficient way to go... Buy a shit load of shotgun cards and double stack them into your AR pouches, you can keep it fed for days with alternating loads of whatever the fuck you want. An SBS is the most practical defensive arm in Canada.
You should circumcise that magtube, goyim.
x95 fag here, love pups. Had a turkpup shotgun and would not have sold it if it werent such a steaming pile of ass, it was alot of fun, and ofc handy like a pup, you cant get semi's that short to carry innawoods except as a pup.
But yes, i intend to replace its absence with a shorty moss pump, and a SxS. seems great minds think alike.
I'm a retard and read SBS as SxS. ignore that part.
>When it comes to shotguns, it's a struggle and an advantage when it comes to feeding it
>Buy a shit load of shotgun cards and double stack them into your AR pouches
Absolutely correct on both counts. I recently did a tactical shotgun course, and I ran Esstac cards in my chest rig AR mag pouches. I learned the advantage of being able to swap loads on the fly, though my arms were absolutely fucked from 8 hours of non-stop loading and topping off, kek
All good anon lol, really it changes nothing about your post
Like I need a warm welcome from you cucked benchods. Do the needful and commit MAID, saaar

I see a clear lack of guns with you bloody basterd. You must be a Canadian™, better you than me
I long for the day the saxon awakens and every persed lip cries out 'deportation'. Its coming, I can feel it.
Very based. I share your eagerness for TAV. In other news I bought a vz-61. They are danged expensive but I always wanted one
Sure I'll whore her out likr she's onlyfans, which angle?
Make like a jeet and migrate brehs

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