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Can any anons who live there tell me how it is /k/ wise? I am probably going to be getting a job in Portland here and was curious how fugged I am moving from the MW. I know California and WA are both shitholes now for gun ownership.
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Move downtown. It's better than the suburbs less gunfire out there.

Have you learned nothing? As soon as elections hit they'll burn half the city down again.
It's pretty oka-
It's over, you're fucked.
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Paint the walls with your brain. Nobody cares or likes your sharty meme
Fuck me for asking a firearms related qurstion on a board that is mostly browsed by American gun owners. You can go back to any number of your war shilling threads now.
I work in IT so sadly Portland is where I will have to be. Not sure which of you is right here. But what is there any AWBs being discussed out there? I think as things currently stand my entire collection is okay there for the moment.
Just stop talking about guns. It's over. Move to Bend or just stop talking.
You're not that fucked. it's not great but the general rule is if you have your gun locked from the mag and ammo you are fine in the city. Outside the city nobody cares, and frankly inside too, but legal is legal.

There is a big law in slow moving limbo. So get all the high caps you want now and if you have any gat buying plans try sooner than later.
To clarify that's in transport. At home whatever, but i would keep them locked and not advertise.
This, though to be fair it seems the courts may give a favorable outcome. Still, it's a bad sign such a thing made it though legislature.
Portland here. It all depends on if Measure 114 makes any headway. Right now, Oregon is pretty good on gun rights. You have to get a background check for all purchases, even private sale, CCW is easy to get, and no mag limits or anything like that. If measure 114 passes, we're totally fucked. Like, most restrictive gun laws in the country fucked. Right now, it doesn't look like it's going to get any traction, but you never know.
Says the frogposter.
why would anyone live west of the Cascades?
>Move to Bend
Or just anywhere that isn't Portland, Eugene, or Medford. Unfortunately, Bend is turning into Portland very quickly.
fucking kek, F
Everytown rates it in the top-10 in the country, that should be all you need to know.

Portland is incredibly cucked and they are cucking the entire state. The Portland Metro/tri-county area has the population to challenge the rest of the entire state, and that's not counting the other majorly leftist cities like Eugene.

Oregon voted to pass a law last year to become basically the worst state in the union for AWBs, mag caps, permit to purchase, etc. etc. etc. The only thing stopping it from going into effect is getting tied up in the courts. There are already several other gay laws like safe storage, travelling with mags unloaded/seperate, "ghost gun" ban, etc. that are already on the books that will be used to fuck you, even if they are otherwise unenforced. Look up Measure 114 and know that it PASSED. Most voters don't even know wtf they're voting on here, they literally just look for (D) and a the bluest things possible in the biased voting pamphlets.

Not just the legislature, the populus.

Bend is already 90% Californian retirees.
>moving from the MW
Wtf is MW, midwest? You fucking OH posers ever look at a map? OHIO isn't "mid" anything except mid queer country. Also fyck your mudder.
Which one is Portland?
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Greetings from the Portland cheer squad. ?
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it's only going to get worse.
But you can help make it better
>1 asian
Pretty white in there
i see 3 asians and 3 mystery meat
Just going off offical labels anon. I typically said this state is part of the Great Lakes region since if I walk about 2 min North I'll fall into lake Erie.
>2008, 2009
This photo is also old enough to drive anon. Times change.
Why do IT cucks always end up in Western shitholes? Are the WFH days ending or something?
>Why do IT cucks always end up in Western shitholes?
Have you never heard of Silicon Valley? The outflow from that led to a bunch of tech related companies and firms to setup all along the West coast. Sadly probably part of the reason why so many of thos states are now blue probably/sadly.
>moving TO Oregano
>The Portland Metro/tri-county area has the population to challenge the rest of the entire state
This sadly is the case in other areas too like New York. Northern NY is full of beautiful rural areas and forest and more middle of the road or conservative people, who end up being subject to gun laws of New York City. It'd be great if they could split and be their own state, or join VT or something.
I've lived in Portland since 2011, how bad shit got here in 2020 was pretty overblown. With a few minor exceptions, the vast majority of the protesting and vandalism was confined to a four square block area of downtown that would have otherwise been a total ghost town due to the pandemic. If you weren't watching the news, you might have not even known it was going on.

It's far from the most restrictive gun law in the country, but it is total bullshit. I shoot on BLM land, guess who won't be complying with the magazine capacity restriction, if they go into effect?

Hey OP, Portland is pretty alright. If you have to live in town, stick to the East side, it's way more chill, it's very walkable lots of good restaurants, and it's perfectly fucking safe too. Granted, in a straight white man, but I've never felt unsafe walking around at night in Portland. Downtown could be sketchier, but just be smart about it, and you'll be fine. The city has cleaned up some since 2020, but downtown has always been rough.
The gun ownership situation isn't too bad here, but M114 will blow, if it ever goes into effect. It's appeared dead in the water for awhile, but people are panicking now, since it's an election cycle and all.
There's lots of good public land to shoot on within an hour or slightly more of the city. There are worse places to be, OP.
>Hey OP, Portland is pretty alright. If you have to live in town
ty anon. Ty for telling me all of this. I have always wanted to live in the Pacific NW. Its always been one of the best looking places to live when I was growing up. I will keep that in mind when I am looking for apartments here soon.
>The gun ownership situation isn't too bad here, but M114 will blow, if it ever goes into effect. It's appeared dead in the water for awhile, but people are panicking now, since it's an election cycle and all.
Yeah when I was looking at it online Oregon seems great on paper for firearm owners, but learning what is actually going on is absolutlely horrid. Ohio is shockingly very good for firearms owners, but we are cursed in not having any public land to shoot on and have to be a range cuck. I think this was partially why I wanted to move there. I would love to just go on hikes with a firearm and camera then be able to shoot both of them on the same trip.
I am aware crater lake is on the other side of the state, just wanted a photo of Oregon to show why I like it out there.
less shit than you'd think if you avoid the protest clusterfuck zone. even then, can be some fun tourism when things start kicking off in that area. what's going onto the books is just like every other blue state, go to your LGS and they'll get you what you need anyways.
doesn't work if you're not a sperg.
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It's fucking beautiful. I'm planning on trying to move out of the Portland Metro area in the next few years, but even if you're in the center of the city, you don't have to drive too far to get away from the sprawl into some really beautiful areas. I spent this past weekend camping about a 1.5 hr drive SE from the city.
I tried to upload a pic of my shooting spot, but the uploader said it was too big, so here's a different pic from an area a few miles away. Tillamook State Forest, btw.
Yeah, I need this in my life lol. I really hope the 114 bill goes nowhere because Oregon honestly looks perfect.
as if there is something wrong with that
How did Oregon get so fucking pozz'd anyways.
Wolf creek?
My guess would be the relative small population is highly influenced by immigration of people fleeing California + tech companies establishing facilities there causing it.
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Welcome to 4chan you cocksmoking faggot
idk. Washington can blame tech workers at least. Up until the late 90s this state was pretty competitive but we eventually got 100% mail in voting and a Republican hasn't won a statewide office since (except the old secretary of state who was in on it). We've been on the slow march towards a complete one party state like California and Idaho are ever since. Similar deal in Oregon which also used to be competitive but really no longer is. The republicans there have been reduced to petty stunts in an attempt to stem the bleeding but it won't work forever.

OR is the last holdout on the west coast but it won't last. IIRC there is no AWB and no mag restriction in effect though it likely will eventually get there, if not under 114 under some other law. Like another anon said Portland can outvote the rest of the state at this point. There is some other petty garbage but nobody cares about that shit.

If only landowning males could vote as our founders intended this wouldn't be an issue.
Oregon is still better than most states as a gun owner. There's plenty of accessible public land just outside of Portland. Most states don't have public land to shoot on. We can still buy AR15s and 10+ round magazines unlike CA and WA. Also easy to get a concealed carry permit.

Portland is actually a great city. Lots of stuff to do and cool people to meet. Great bar and restaurant scene. Solid music scene. You should take up skiing since Mt Hood is so close. I didn't even own a car my first 2 years in Portland. Just rode a bike and skateboard everywhere. We also have some of the best strip clubs and cheapest weed in the country, if you're a degenerate.
>Back to texas
Are Texans moving to Oregano en mass?
No, in fact Texans are staying right there and not moving anywhere you should do that too
>I have to break the law to exist, therefore it's OK
Extreme copium.
>The city has cleaned up some since 2020, but downtown has always been rough
dude, are you on the same fentanyl as your neighbors? Downtown was great up until about 2016 when antifa, BLM, "vote blue no matter who" took full effect and covid combined with drug and homeless friendly laws ruined the city.

>far from the most restrictive gun law in the country
If or when 114 goes into effect, it'll be in the top 5 in the US, it's already top-10 for gun control.

>If you weren't watching the news, you might have not even known it was going on.
Oh OK, you're a moron, that makes your other points make sense.
Used to have family out in bend I’d go visit during the summers like 12 years ago. They all left and I stayed in bend just for a trip recently , its changed so much. It’s new California basically. Everyone there is a Subaru driving beer snob that sips garbage local IPAs and 13$ coffees. The amount of Californians that moved to bend have ruined the housing market. People out there still don’t make shit but all the Californians selling their shacks for 1.3 million dollars and buying up bend have made the average house cost near 700,000$. I was considering moving there, but after I saw what it was like now a days I’m definitely not. I love east Oregon. It’s literally perfect for me, tons of trees and open space, hot summers, enough snow to experience winter but not enough to hate it. Unfortunately it seems like Oregon has been taken over by invasive species.
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Californication, and I say this coming from a CA immigrant family. They also absolutely assreamed the cost of living and housing. This combined with an already significant longtime lefty population and the current image of it being a leftist paradise attracts them from across the country.
Never let Californians shirk the blame or brag about it. Anyone proud of coming from their only to bring the bullshit that ruined it deserves the rope.
It's still pretty white at least, not that it counts for much when they're braindead pinkos and homeless tweakers though.
I miss when no one had fucking heard of Oregon or at least just thought of it as shitty Washington.
>I say this coming from a CA immigrant family
You’re still part of the problem selling your shack and fucking up the housing prices
Literally the USSR. You'll have a Commissar knocking on your door so he can inspect your guns.
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I used to shoot out past estacada. Was a lot of fun. After 17 years the lack of sunlight got to me.
>After 17 years the lack of sunlight got to me.
That is fine since I hate the sun and would be happy never seeing it again.
you may think that way, but there's a reason the costco in hillsboro sells the super bright mood-lights. The summers are nice there, but the rest of the year is mostly overcast. You can always tell newbies because they have umbrellas, everyone else just ignores the misting rain. kek
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also, the best NFA dealer is ORL-LLC.
The drive out to Vernonia is worth it.
We were cash strapped rentoids when we moved up here and still are.
That's UO which is in Eugene.
Oregon sucks dont worry I wont be moving there with all the Californians and East Coast homosexuals
Texans are currently colonizing north Alabama and I wish they would fuck off
This reels of copium
bullshit my state has so many fucking texans and all of them are shitbirds of every fucking stripe. not a one of them has given me a straight answer what the fuck they thought my state was when they moved here.
How does a thread about Oregon devolve into bashing Texans but Californians?
But not*
Already covered the californians
Oregonians secretly like Califags and don't let them tell you otherwise. It's pathetic.
>t. Idahofag
because everyone already knows cali is shit, who fucking cares?
I’m convinced the Texans are the first wave of California locusts fleeing the mess they caused in Austin/Dallas/Houston/SA. Next time you meet one of these “Texans” ask where they lived before Texas
Texan here: we've actually had waves of people leave at various times due to our harsh summers (idiots moving here not realizing just how nasty and stick and hot it really could get), and then our winters (idiots not realizing how miserably bone biting cold it could be, ice storms and sleet turning the roads to shit sometimes, etc).
For the rest of us, its just how the years go. I actually met a Californian who was working at a Kroger, she complained just how nasty the winter was and said she had brought nothing warmer than hoodies, not realizing how it would be. I cordially agreed that it could be very bad, and suggested she get some nice coats, but the back of my mind was thinking "How long is she going to last?"
had one from Waco, couldn't believe he couldn't get a 30 round mag at cabelas in a state with magazine laws. pointed him to an LGS so that should have fixed that. that's the only one i've heard the exact origin of. most of them are trucks sideways in the ditches in the winter, or rolled over on the mountain. the cali-fags are the ones who blocked off a section of the interestate to have a line for their shitty transplant burger joint.
>watching the news
It's trendy
I think people overstate the difference between Americans.
Bend is ultra rich and white
What is Pendleton like?
I love the West Coast
Best land in the entire country
too bad it's ruined by democrats
Anon if someone even mentions the sun I burn. I never want to see it again lol
Duly noted, ty anon
This is why Redmond and Prinville is better.
Nobody can take responsability for their own retarded leftoids, junkies and brown undercaste so they make believe Californians moved in and managed to swing their tradcath deep red based states all the way to BLM, libtard commie blue
Because Californians and Texans are the most insufferable people in the US.
Recently evacuated the Seattle area for northern Idaho (Moscow/Lewiston area). People are better. Laws are better, but god damn the camping and hiking sucks ass compared to western Washington. Drove like two hours to the Tucannon wilderness (in Washington lmao) and it’s a couple of sandy hills with a million rules on where you can tent I promptly ignored, because when it’s a flat agricultural area all the land gets bought in an instant. I miss the nature of western WA so bad, if there are any ruskies or norks here please put a low yield nuke on Seattle I want to camp lake colchuck in peace again.
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>I know California and WA are both shitholes now for gun ownership
Good luck waiting a year for Multinoma County to issue a carry permit
No, South of there, off rt 6. I tend to steer clear of the established shooting spots. I use Gaia GPS and just poke around on the logging roads, bookmarking decent looking places to camp/shoot/explore.
>not New Yorkers
Both Cali and Texas pale before the WOAT state in the union.
fucking go away, we're full.
please dont nuke it.
neutron bomb it so the infrastructure is intact.
so many offices are gonna need rearranged and rebuilt it will keep my area employed.
wtf is this map?
newfag detected
I always saw it posted in /brg/ but to my understanding its just based on "how I feel about the states" since some of the metrics listed are entirely subjective.
Basically anywhere besides Portland is great. There’s tons of BLM land to shoot on and these old dudes ride around in old 4x4s cleaning up brass and telling stories.
You have to be so hilariously sheltered to actually think this. You're just parroting talking points you've seen online.
I have hated every person I have talked to from California and Texas. My hatred is from experience.
You're a child who hasn't interacted with anyone from the East Coast or Deep South. Away with you.
wow this sure is one pissy and bitchy thread
>t. assblated CA or TX fag
The PNW gun owners are living on borrowed time and they know it but their knee-jerk reaction is to blame the most permissible targets rather than see the rot has occurred largely from within
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I'm in New Hampshire, but hey, you gave it a shot. Despite your horrendous attitude and short-sightedness, I still hope you can stave off the inevitable and keep your salt weapons.
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>MD and DE in the Southeast
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lol meant for >>61951725
Why can nobody get the southeast right?
>KY is KY
>FL is FL
>DE and MD are yankee
>Californians and Texans are the most insufferable people in the US.
Not even close
I trucked for a few years and neither one even neared what it was like to interact with a Bostonian yuppie or a NOVAfag thinking he was hot shit for having a house in Alexandria
Lived in Portland for 2 years, and on mt hood for 5. Cops in the city are so fucking busy and over worked you will never get pulled over. Not for expired tags not for shit besides DUI. I’m not even aware of storage laws for the city but like any actual American man I rolled around w my pistol all the time.

Outside of Portland it’s K as fuck. You can shoot on any public land. Shooting spots fucking everywhere. Just take random gravel roads into the hills you’ll find tons.

Also Portland is still a fucking awesome city. Best strip climbs in the country. Some of the best food I’ve ever had. Hell I like watching the chaos of the homeless people too. Any one hating learns about the world from the news
>Portland sucks but I ran into some old dudes who told me story’s in the woods

Opinion discarded
>Hell I like watching the chaos of the homeless people too
yeah hahaha it's a riot watching a dude on fent shitting ten feet away from me while I'm trying to enjoy lunch and a schizoid screaming about how we're all going to die on the transit bus, what a unique HUSTLE AND BUSTLE amiright?
what kind of upside-down timeline do we live in where a purple Florida is now red and a red Texas is now purple?
Best states overall for /k/? I'm highly considering moving to Cincinnati for work, and also because it's centrally located for any other city or town to visit. Good nature is nearby too. What states would you seriously consider living in if you were in your way 30s?
fuck off we're full.
enjoy being flooded by blue staters
Prineville is full, leave us alone. It's not even nice here, I don't understand why people keep moving,driving the housing prices up. Just leave us and our meth alone. RIP Crazy Dave, he was our town hobo,kind of like a mascot, still miss him.
Moved out of Portland to Norfolk VA in 2018 because I got tired of the riots and the self proclaimed "protest culture". The police force had been basically disbanded, the city is literally crawling with fent heads and the streets look like a Serian refugee camp due to the overflow of homeless people that are stealing everything not tied down.

Just got back from a visit last week when I was there for 10 days. Highlights:
>Some lady was making a campfire under an overpass inside the downtown area and had accidentally set the decorative ivy on fire, was sitting in the traffic split watching it burn and no one cared whatsoever
>walked with my fiance over to Voodoo donuts and had to step over a bunch of tweakers on the sidewalk, a security guard had to escort us into the building to get a donut
>went to a /k/ meetup on the Sunset Highway and an outspoken antifa member showed up and his pistol kaboomed in his wife's hand because he proudly never cleaned it and the gun was actually orange with rust
>it rained the entire time and was 40 degrees
>complete one party state like California and Idaho are ever since.
I don’t think Idaho is gonna be a one party state forever, tons of Californias are moving there
Texan here. Why are they doing that?
>Portland is actually great including the homeless there but let me tell you how much I HATE [red state]
Did an AI make this thread and populate it with posts it grabbed from reddit? FFS there's basically zero gun talk in here and it's at 100+ posts.
Ew, you went to Voodoo?

Tell me more about this /k/ meetup.
Fiance's first time to the PNW, had to show her the spots we used to go before they were zerg rushed by homeless people

I used to help organize /k/ meets in OR and WA (30-40 people at the peak of things) about 10 years ago and continued to until I moved around 6 years ago. They have continued meeting up since I left the region and we keep in touch occasionally. They downsized a lot and are weary of new people because of some spergs we had in the past shitting things up for everyone. A group of them I used to go shooting/camping with happened to be meeting up when I rolled into town so I tagged along for a night. Overall it was fun even if I did get hosed and talk super loud while antifa and wife were trying to sleep, that one dude makes some pretty legit 'shine.
If i see your usless faggot truck with texas plates im replacing the air in your tires with piss
It literally is, and it only ever gets posted for demoralization reasons
Lived in oregon my entire life.
Place is a fucking shithole, as soon as my house has gained enough value (rapidly approaching) I'm gone.
Bend is worse than eugene and Medford substantially.
Bend is literally little California, last time I was there was ~10 years ago, literally 70% of the license plates in the road were californian.
CA refugees.
OR was the, or one of the closest things to a libertarian paradise up until around when Brown came to office, then it shifted hard left pretty fast.
call me a schizo, but i suspect it's some kind of d&c shilling campaign. Texan hate has been posted on this board fairly frequently recently for seemingly no reason. My theory is that it's being done either by vatniks trying to meme Texan secession into a thing (similar to that one obvious twitter bot) and/or /leftypol/ types trying to get right wingers at each other's throats over dumb shit.
I was in Texas for about 2 weeks once.
That place does fucking suck beyond belief.
Wat. What's needed to be said has been said. Laws are on a fast downward trajectory but shooting spots are plentiful and scenic.
I'm not enjoying it, we keep telling them to fuck off too.
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>Texan hate has been posted on this board fairly frequently recently for seemingly no reason

There are reasons.
I went to Portland and went to Oldtown and I felt like I needed a Chinook full of Rangers on stand by to bail my ass out. Interestingly the only time I've been called a homophobic slur was in that liberal paradise... we went out to the country side and that was awesome though. And all the people in the small towns couldn't wait to shit on Portland when they realized we were from out of state.
>their own retarded leftoids
We've always been very interested in preserving the natural beauty of our state, people seem to mistake this for a general tend towards being socialists, which just isn't the case.
I don't give a fuck about junkies, I've literally never had a problem with one. All of the ones I've stopped and talked to were from out of state originally anyways, so they're literally not our junkies anyways.
>brown undercaste
Oregon was the home of the Klan for decades and has always been one of the whitest states in the country.
>they make believe Californians moved in
no they definitely did move in, they have been doing it for a long time and people have been mad at them for as long as it's been happening.
>tradcath deep red states
we've never been that, our state just used to respect individual liberties and expect everyone to keep to themselves. That was the whole point of moving as far away from the rest of the country as possible.
>all the way to BLM, libtard commie blue
our governor is not an Oregonian, she's from Pennsylvania, our state government is largely not composed of Oregonians. They don't represent us.
>antifa member showing up

Thank you for justifying why it’s a good idea to screen people before organizing meets. Didn’t Andy NGO identify a good chunk of those guys as pedos and sex offenders? Great way to get everyone busted is by having one of those felons at a meet handling guns.
Nah, at least not Oregonian gun peeps. They know the rot is within, even if it flows up down and around all of I5. Everyone in the state generally fucking absolutely hates Portland, but Portland has enough population to push the whole state around. Look at the stats on measure approval by county and you'll see how deeply divided the state is. Things like M114 are passed essentially solely by Portland, some counties opposed it by as much as 95%.


>I don't know the laws, therefore the laws are good
>I love having homeless people steal anything not nailed down and tag anything that is so they can smoke feny in broad daylight across from an elementary school until they pass out and shit themselves with their dick out and set their tent on fire
>The city that's ruining this whole state and can't wait to strip you of rights for the next nanny state fad is actually le based
holy fuck you're retarded. KYS immediately

best answer in the thread

Truth. Who could have predicted that a lifelong deep-stater that didn't get elected to the governorship and was only appointed after a smear campaign on the previous governor (that was proven to be a nothingburger in court) just threw their hands up and quit, would lead to the state's degradation?
>I work in IT so sadly Portland is where I will have to be. Not sure which of you is right here. But what is there any AWBs being discussed out there? I think as things currently stand my entire collection is okay there for the moment.
I know a guy who had to work IT in Portland for a while during the CHAZ shit. You probably don't really want to go there, the AWB stuff is just the icing on the cake.
Is hiking in southern OR safe? Mainly worried about guerrilla grow ops
That was before the anti-Texan posting began, and when the news of that started to circulate, the posts were al about how that guy in particular was a retarded ziggeroid who got raped like a bitch with little to no shitting on Texas or Texans in general. I suspect the recent uptick in anti-Texan posts are less organic than you suppose. Texas-hate is, if nothing else, a forced meme.
I dunno, you can only take advantage of that level of anarchi-tyranny so long before it eventually comes to you to make an example to justify its existence.

Imagine one of those homeless people decides to break into your home to steal something to fund their fent habit and you end up shooting in self defense. Your ass is grass thanks to the DA you helped elect with your inaction. You keep thinking they won’t enforce those laws but remember, you’re counting on a pig cutting you some slack. Unlike Mexico or Ukraine, American cops won’t take bribes to leave you alone unless you’re rich.
I’ve only passed through Portland so I can’t comment too much apart from what I’ve heard from locals and from MentisWave’s videos. It’s not even the activist crowd and vagrants that make the area bad, it’s the liberal hippie boomers who are essentially the landed aristocracy. They form a more influential voting bloc than you would think.
Gurilla grow OPs are relatively rare now, there are some places down there, like Wolf Creek area, and others, outsiders don't go in there, because they won't come out, cops won't even go in there.
No. Texans are fucking niggers. California and Texas are two sides of the same coin
>you’re counting on a pig cutting you some slack.
their budget for investigations and stuff is pretty small too. If you were to do the very minimum to just clean up after defending your home and get rid of the body before the cops arrive, which probably won't be for hours, they probably would just drop it. If you use a PCC with a can then in a lot of neighborhoods you probably wouldn't even get the cops called on you.
I've always found it funny that West Virginia is lumped in with the South when it purposefully broke off from Virginia

Virginia and Maryland can barely be considered Southern these days themselves
source: my dad (mom) who works at nintendo
>"Entirely subjective"
No the point of it is to illustrate that DemoRats proceed to destroy states the minute they gain control and that if you don't vote against them you lose your rights. It's how Michigan went from a 12.5 to 9 on my scale in 1 year because democrats flipped the state house by 3 votes. It's how Minnesota has Red Flag laws now, by 1 VOTE
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What would it take for Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Northern California, and Northern Nevada to join Idaho?

Liberals need to stop enslaving conservatives and let them go.
What good would that accomplish? With the amount of people moving to Idaho, it's only a matter of time until it becomes blue, or at least purple.

You can't escape blue cities. Idaho has them too.
They hit a 3,000 plant grow a few hours ago in wolf creek lol
you reek of fox news brain
Eastern Oregon is fucking garbage though, nothing worth having out there, the west of the state is where the good land is.
all layers of government in Idaho are firmly conservative, all except for the municipal cities which are liberal.
Boise is firmly blue, and boise alone is 40% of the population of idaho.
Idaho will be as bad as oregon within 8 years.
>8 years
Holy fuck that soon?
I’ve been wanting to leave Texas for the West and public land but there’s nowhere to go it seems
All the beautiful western states are beyond help except maybe Montana.
WA took 30 years to turn to commifornia after going blue
OR, 15 years.
ID will be soon. With all the commifornian transplants, and the economy being completely fucked (very high housing/cost of living prices with a very low median income) the only people who can afford to move there are silicone Valley fucks.
There's always Florida, probably the only conservative state that got redder and more prosperous.

all the other conservative states are either in economic decline or becoming more liberal.
Portland is ultra-shitlib central, enjoy living in that filth. Overall gun laws are decent, you can concealed and open carry.
>.t jackson county
Do you know how legislative seat allocation works anon?
>.t live 15min from Medford
It's literally in the first stage. 13 Counties have voted to join Idaho
Florida is a shithole, and has fairly bad gun laws.
- >>61950994
Oregon used to be really dope for gun owners. But over the years liberals and idiots have made things more difficult. No more unlicensed open carry within Multnomah County for instance.
We're full
Collapse of the federal government
It's fine, the key to happiness here is to avoid identifying with the orderly members of the local populace (some of the most suffocatingly neurotic rule-following and -enforcing people in America) and develop an appreciation for and sense of amusement with chaos and strange behavior. If you don't think you can do that, if breaking minor laws or seeing other people break major ones stresses you out, you're probably not going to be happy here. If you don't depend on looking to other people to determine what to do, you'll probably love it—lots of space to create an interesting life.
Ukie ar tourist brain rot kys faggot
> liberal hippie boomers
I've lived in Portland for more than a decade, this really is the worst part of it. The protesters aren't a problem, and they weren't a problem in 2020. The city wasn't burning down, and the area that most of the activity went down was a ghost town due to pandemic closures anyways. And junkies/homeless largely won't fuck with you if you're smart. Sure, car break ins happen. They've always happened here. And the cops are useless. But it's out of touch libs that make this city the absolute worst place to live. And I say that as a fucking socialist. And no, Portland is not socialist, or even that far left. There's a small but vocal contingent of misguided anarchists here, but they're even more out of touch than the libs who run this town.
Tell me more about this.
Never underestimate a Floridian or Texan’s ability to hype up their purple shithole as some bastion of right wing politics
>tell me how it is /k/ wise?
idk, but what i can tell you is that portland traffic will always be fucked by faggot ass washington commuters who will clog up your little 4 lane bridges all over the shitty
The entire PNW has some of the best self defense and castle laws in the US. With explicit callouts not just covering personal safety, but the loss of property as well. Even most of the Midwest and South does not do this
those worked real well when communist kids took over the downtown district, all that property was legally saved and secured
oh wait...
> it's out of touch libs that make this city the absolute worst place to live. And I say that as a fucking socialist
It really do be like that here—most people you think you could commiserate with, like this poster, are profoundly out of touch at a core level you’ll never bridge
Oh no, it’s not safe for investment bankers or Federal lawyers to go to work? I can’t even wait in line in front of the Apple or Nike store anymore??
>And I say that as a fucking socialist
Why are you retarded? Did you come here in 2022?
You saw all of Texas in two weeks?
You sound like a massive faggot
>we've been blaming Californians for a long time so it means they're responsible for Oregon natives not winning political offices!
Lol keep coping, none of you fags had to sell your houses to dirty foreigners in the first place but here we are
>inb4 th-they weren't REAL oregonians
Yeah apparently only 5 of you fucks actually exist and none of you vote. My point stands, every single time some town/county/state/country changes values its the perfidious outsiders who forced themselves in to take advantage of your economy and in no way shape or form could be the result of the kinds of constituents attracted by the other laws you passed in the first place. Should habe focused on cuktivating the culture you hold so dear instead of being stubborn kikes wanting outside money without the influence.
>none of you fags had to sell your houses to dirty foreigners in the first place
for the most part we didn't, they moved here, bought land, then subdivided it and built developments on it.
>Yeah apparently only 5 of you fucks actually exist and none of you vote
How would voting have stopped our democratically elected governor getting forced to step down over a manufactured scandal and some Spaniard being put in his place? The simple fact is that we tried voting and it didn't work.
I saw enough of it to know l it's and ugly shithole with garbage people and niggers everywhere
Springfield here, grew up in Roseburg. Oregon is great, Portland sucks but it's really not as bad as the memes would have you believe (at least until they start rioting). Housing and cost of living fuckspensive but my way of coping is thinking of it as prohibitively expensive for niggers and I can just deal with the white trash like I've done my whole life.
Also springtucky here
Sure you did kiddo
where you like to go shooting? I used to go to Lost Creek until BLM rangers started harassing everyone.
Willamette national forest
I'll fill you <3

I watched that video and I live in Portland. Mentiswave is about 99% correct. The problem is it's not just "boomer" shitlibs, but shitlibs in general. Boomer hippie retards are just the most annoying because they are old enough to know better and yet they still brainlessly accept whatever horseshit msnbc shovels into their decrepit boomer retard brains. But the whole "watch msnbc and question nothing free love man" hippie faggot mentality is also present in some gen X and millenials here. They are low information voters who think they are informed because they read the news posted on reddit politics. It's all so tiresome.
>They are low information voters who think they are informed because they read the news posted on reddit politics.
They're basically Californians with the baseline arrogance of New Yorkers but absolutely none of the literacy or fashion sense
>Can any anons who live there tell me how it is /k/ wise?
Not many fags here so you will not be happy.
>not full of fags
lurk more
Like I said on his video, the hippie lib boomers don’t need to know better because they already own property and won’t have to deal with the aftermath of their decisions for very long. As long as the homeless and antifa aren’t shitting up their nice neighborhoods, they could give two fucks about everyone else.
>t. newfriend
You're the kind of insecure pencil dick who would fuck the range trap and lie about it afterwards.
As someone from California, this is absolutely correct. It’s actually a perverse form of libertarianism they preach where they want to be able to engage in hedonistic excess and have the state (ie you) pay for all of it. None of the actual safety nets and programs they shill for is designed to have people escape poverty but become dependent on them instead. They act like they want to own a home but they really just want to be able to only spend money on just the stuff they want (frivolous electronics, booze, weed, overpriced food, etc.)
Since no one else has said it, live in Clackamas county right next to Portland, somewhere like Milwaukie or Happy Valley, and not have to pay the bullshit metro taxes while being just as close to everything.
I will keep that in mind anon ty
>"I went to Houston once."

The post.

I'm not just biased, because muh state. But anyone calling Texas a shithole (at this point, ask again in 20 years.) is retarded. My only gripes about Texas have almost zero to do with landscape, the people or whatever. It's that Texas is weirdly strict with regulations and licensing for many career paths, as well as property ownership, and certain weird laws that actually get enforced. But that's about it.
Lol at Texans in their huge pickups they probably owe 95,000 dollars on, instantly driving like a scared little boybitch when there is a curve in the road or some rocks from a mountain visible. Breathing heavy carrying their multi cam diaper bag
no that sounds exactly like everyone with Texas Plates in Arizona. on top of that, they're scared of heights so they go ten miles under the speed limit if they are driving next to a cliff.
It is not horrible but it has weird laws which make it somewhat substandard for /k/ things. Absent some changes in the future it is also headed down the California path. Other non-/k/ related things are also bad there too.
Ten miles under the speed limit is like...not that bad. Just pass them, anon.
My job is pushing me around to consider relocating to the US (it's consulting, and we are starting to get clients that need their consultant to be physically in the US). For now, they say I can pick anywhere because I'll have to fly out to clients anyway.
What's a better state for /k/ and /out/ activities (because if I'm in the US I'd rather enjoy these things) - Montana, Vermont or Wyoming?
>cascadia flag
Russian IW is not working here. You will be the one Balkanizing, Ivan.
Vermont is not all its cracked up to be. It's a high tax state and all of the /k/ or /out/ stuff you can do is pretty limited because of land ownership and the fact that the state is tiny.

Montana and Wyoming are great choices. Don't sleep on Oklahoma, Texas, or Arizona. Hell. I'll throw Utah in too. OR..or..Idaho.

But out of the three you are considering, I'd go with Wyoming. Winters aren't as shit. There's more range of scenery to look at, and if I'm remembering correctly it's cheaper.
Anon you called a bot here

Do you need it explained using ponies or sonic the hedgehog OC comics?

The implication is that credit card truck boy drives fast and races people on the straight stretches, but turns into big baby/grandma when the road gets scary, so all those people he raced now have to pass him.
t. massive piece of shit/dirtbag
based and accurate

t. pussy/european
>Anon you called a bot here

>Do you need it explained using ponies or sonic the hedgehog OC comics?
I'm not understanding the reference here.

>The implication is that credit card truck boy drives fast and races people on the straight stretches, but turns into big baby/grandma when the road gets scary, so all those people he raced now have to pass him.

Are people in Arizona all retarded? Or is this just a Flagstaff thing?
>Ten miles under the speed limit is like...not that bad
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I live in SE Portland. Cost of living and housing sucks here, the people are faggots, but the geography is great. Gun laws (outside of Measure 114) are pretty okay.
Beaver Dam Rock Pit for BLM plinking, Douglas Ridge Rifle Club for 200yds+ shooting, up to 1,000yds.
There are a few other hidden places that I like to keep secret, though. You can probably find some of your own if you're willing to grab a map and explore old logging trails.
I’m just an ol country boy from Texas, I drive 10mph under the speed limit and can’t understand what them edercumated folk write on the internet
Why can't you pass them?

I think you had a fat finger moment, or at worst a stroke. Because half of what you said made zero sense.
Who is the fat bald wojak in the upper left supposed to be?
>Why can't you pass them?
I'm not the guy you're responding to, but in less sparsely populated locales, it's not uncommon to encounter people driving under the speed limit in all available lanes. If I lived in the land of 6 double-wide lanes and the population density of Oman, and if the slowpokes stayed as far to the right as they could get, I'd be cool with it.
>cascadia flag
European hands typed this
No, I never went to Houston.
I need to move to medford
that, or a giga-autist with an axe to grind
>the only people who can afford to move there are silicone Valley fucks.
I hate these people so much. Fuck the laptop class
FUCK OHIO, also you deserve Portland.
Can't wait for a tweaker to stab you or when Trump wins blm burns your shit down.
>Can't wait for a tweaker to stab you or when Trump wins blm burns your shit down
pussy ressentimént justice fantasy 2024 edition
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Nope just hate Ohio simple as.
You guys can't even keep the pond we gave you clean.
I don't know which sub humans are worse you guys or califags.
> t.Michigan.
SLC is a decent air hub in an adequately gun friendly state>>61950994
Correct. VT is cucked now with mag bans, wait times and Red Flag laws bored country cops are all too happy to enforce. Outdoor training facilities are also banned after 1 guy made and enemy of his county zoning board so they banned his setup for the entire state!
Ohio is like every other state around it and will never understand the hate it gets.
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Lived there for seven years, it's not for everyone. You have to be able to at least stomach small-town Appalachia (and understand all that that entails), have some form of winter hobby to keep you sane, and endure the soul-crushing mud season. On top of that, live with the fact that Massholes and New Yorkfags are just a hop and a skip away.
This anon knows.
New Yorker living in Oregon here, this is pretty spot on. This place really is where young people go to retire, too.
>I've lived in Portland since 2011, how bad shit got here in 2020 was pretty overblown. With a few minor exceptions, the vast majority of the protesting and vandalism was confined to a four square block area of downtown that would have otherwise been a total ghost town due to the pandemic. If you weren't watching the news, you might have not even known it was going on.

You're so full of shit. They rioted every night in a American city's downtown for 100 days straight. That's unprecedented. They attacked out to the Burnside Police station and took over bridges. It was practically an enemy occupation.
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I may not be an American.... But Portland? If ya wanna survive, I suggest you bug out within between 12 hours to 72 hours whenever "peaceful protests" are going to happen.

That means you're going to have to keep your shit minimalistic and portable enough to move out.

If you're dealing with a desktop plugged computer, plan within 24 before an evacuation and moving out of states or away from the city if possible.

If impossible, your only last hope is praying to God that you'd oughta survive.

Good luck OP.
plus I forgot to add in hours to the "plan within 24" bit.
Superb b8
>Practically an enemy occupation

Lol not quite. Sometimes they'd march around and block traffic. Big deal. There were more broken windows and instances of graffiti around town. I really don't give a shit about the police departments, the cops didn't do shit for this city even before George Floyd.
idk I live in the Beaverton/Tigard area and I never hear gunshots. I only moved here last year but from what I can tell West Portland/Beaverton/Tigard/Multnomah is pretty damn quiet. Even the junkies have been no worse than North Carolina junkies. People exaggerate about Portland.
114 is dead in the water as long as the state legislature stays gridlocked which it seems it will. Oregon and North Carolina, where I came from, are very similar. Hippies and techbros in the cities, rednecks and farmers in the boonies, politicians retarded, and gorgeous trees. It's a microcosm of America, beautiful in its inherent brokenness.

Oregon just happens to have better drugs than most states.
>114 is dead in the water as long as the state legislature
It's not a legislature issue at all. It got declared unconstitutional per the state constitution by a judge in Harney county. The state is appealing the decision declaring it unconstitutional but it doesn't look good for them as the courts did not allow it to go into effect while being appealed.

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I'd love to get an XM-8 right now lol.
>Captcha: XM8RN

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