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/k/ - Weapons

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well /k/ what are you writing on your helmet cover and/or body armor when you're drafted?
Nothing because it's gay as fuck
On a trip to a magical place.
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>incel inside
"here for the free ammo"
>born to shit, forced to wipe
>please be patient I'm a marine
>ass towards enemy
>the sign is a suble joke
>shoot here
>don't worry I'm a trained professional
>while you were reading this my buddy snuck up behind you
better than being a wageslave
Fortnite Nigga Minion Skibidi Bruh
>what are you writing on your helmet cover
out of order

Nothing because I'm killing whoever they send to draft me.
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you already lost that game if they find you in the first place
>like and subscribe!
>hit the bell!
>content strike
>community guidelines
>banned from twitch
>you're on stream!
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Dr. Rape M.D.
Nothing because there will never be another draft in America.
I want to suck trans and femboy cocks.
Gross, dude.
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>God's light shines brightest in the dark
>The sign is a subtle joke
>I really don't want to be here
>A shame, you seemed an honest man
they won't call it a draft when your conscripted into your local national guard reserve battalion to fight the chuds/libtards, but for this purpose its the same
There will be no civil war based on the artificial Republican vs Democrat divide, either. If there is, which is highly doubtful to begin with, it will be between the ruling class / the police and everyone else.
Whoever kills me is gay
>+rep honest trader
>Twice for flinching
>This way up
>Blood bag
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>/k/unt /k/iller /k/lub
>Greetings from Kazakhstan
>Lazy Dog Enthusiast
>Were the brown women at?
>format my disks
>Swiper no swiping
>will fight 4 food
>just like in my japanese animes
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>This is the end, beautiful friend
Grub filler
>don’t tell mom
“I rape pows”
>they told me I would be a fighter pilot, but they fuckin lied
>save the tomboys!
>come here brown women it’s time to racemix
>ooga booga
>professional retard
And my personal favorite
>Never Goon
Where's the exit
Egg, bacon and spam
For tomboys
I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.
>designated monkey

"Here for the war brides"
Born to goon forced to edge
For your helmet

Born the Sneed, forced to Chuck
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>don't worry, i'm from the internet
>how do i bhop
>cowabunga it is
>do not redeem
>bau bau
>this isnt habbo hotel
>rush B
>PS3 has no games
>if only you knew how bad things really are
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The name of- and a link to my youtube account where I'll be uploading happy hardcore montages of Russians biting the dust
>Be Gay Do Crime
>>PS3 has no games
For me it would be "Notice how the enemy is shooting at me instead of playing games on the PS3"
It's OK to be white
>through spite all things are possible
>I'd rather be fishing right now
>Man, Homosexual, Class 6 Melanated
> Rock or something
kek, this is the best propaganda the BAPcels have to offer?
>my body is a machine that turns 5.56 into not hitting shit
>don't shoot me i'll cum
>yo buddy, still alive?
>one for mai waifu
>is build for BBC
ESLs get the rope
>here for a good time, not a long time



based discharge speedrunner
if there was a draft now it would be disasterous lmfao
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>unregistered hypercam 2
>Fire! Fire! Light the fire!
>it all started when they killed that damn gorilla
Nothing because that’s cringe boomer shit
Nothing, probably just a doodle of some furry porn.
Nothing, because I wouldn't be able to think of anything funny on my own.
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>Everywhere I go, I must also rape
>I'm just here for the free beer and the bitches
>I'm surprised I got this far
>If heaven doesn't have monstergirls I'm coming back
Ideally it'd be really neat if I could have transforming drawing like the sprays in source multiplayer games.
But since there's no magic then
>Naked anime girl in the front
>Futa from behind
yet another ESLpost
post hands
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I write text that looks like it was AI-generated, and then forcibly insert myself into as many pictures as possible, to fuck with history books
>ai scans area for hostiles
>sees the text
>assumes you're not real
>kills everyone but you
tf that nigga even do besides right one mid book?
Hitler 卐 Did 卐 Nothing 卐 Wrong
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>There will be no civil war based on the artificial Republican vs Democrat divide, either. If there is, which is highly doubtful to begin with, it will be between the ruling class / the police and everyone else.

Literally no civil war in history has been rich vs. poor. Even the Russian Civil War, much of the Bolshevik leadership came from the educated, the bourgeoisie, and even lower nobility. Plenty of dirt poor peasants fought for the Whites and out of their own free will.

Class war is a meme.
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>They call me monkeypox
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"We the unwilling, led by the unqualified, to kill the unfortunate, die for the ungrateful, blayt."
the masculine urge to fight as part of a paramilitary unit with iffy official recognition and batshit insane officers...
There have been plenty of peasant revolts throughout history.
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I got to kill before I got to fuck
last one made me kek
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nigger detected
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>when you're drafted?
LMFAO the US Government would not be that needy nor stupid enough to draft me.
If by some reason I was drafted, then I'll tell them I want to be sent to a federal prison in a cool place. I'm sick of the heat here.
I hate the USA and all of the Affirmative Action subhumans, so best not to put me in a combat zone with them.
A QR of whatever equivalent to the anti-China online pasta for whatever country we'd be against.
Scan be and get banned faggot.
>"Diversity is our strength yet they want whitey in the front."
>"Where the fuck is Operation: Darkie shield?"
You won't be drafted. Only idiot noobtards with zero understanding of the disaster that was the last draft era hallucinate such stupid shit.
^Mike Sparks has entered the thread.
>the US Government would not be that needy nor stupid enough to draft me.
Rather nullified your last statement with the first.
And im going to explain Odin how his ravens dont count as modern drones
>this is the face - and body - of the men killing russoids
>People keep asking if globohomo is back and we haven't really had an answer, but yeah, I'm thinking we're back!
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>Nothing because I'm killing whoever they send to draft me.
This, as a straight white male, my own government is radically more hostile towards my verybexistence than anyone they would possibly send me to fight.
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>A shame, you seemed an honest man
>born to math (+ autist puzzle piece)
>nothing ever happens
>still calmer than waffle house
>7.62 in pooper
>i was told there would be tomboys
>those fuckers lied
correct answer
>it's not camping if i win
Born 2 shit
Forced 4 wipe
>Which way to CWCVille?
“Frag the officers”.
Property of "U+2721"
This is true but he's not entirely wrong. Class conflicts usually result in a swift end because the ruling class (provided they are reasonable) will be willing to negotiate and the lower class would rather settle for improved conditions or promotion than completely overturn the system.
The whole premise of Leninism is that Lenin was coping and seething over the fact that Communism can't actually exist and that he should force it to exist by forcibly enslaving everyone
Leninism doesn't have a monopoly on opposing the ruling class.
Prety much anything said by Buffalo Bill from silence of the lambs. But it might be too long
>Would you shoot me? I'd shoot me so hard
>It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
>Do you wear size 14?
Your ad could be here
Based and gabberpilled.
>There have been plenty of peasant revolts throughout history.

And usually it wasn't just the peasantry who were taking up arms. Peasant revolts were usually supported, either overtly or covertly, by dissenting nobles or foreign governments.
"Aim here".
Drone Footage Pro
benis :DDD
Taping a downward pointing red triangle to the top of the helmet
"You lost the game"
If they scream in rage then I won't shoot at them
there it is
>What if the opposite is true?

>Stop projecting
>Front Towards Enemy
>i'm having a great time!
>faggots implying they're man enough to ignore their platoon sergeant and lt. uniform codes

You're boots will be bloused and you WILL wear your fucking safety belt faggots.
>Look out it's a sni-
>bring snacks back
>molotov everything
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>dindu nuffin
>pol is always right
Why would I write on it?
I''ve already serbed and wrote nothing, but if I could turn back time I'd write predictions about the current wars and become a Nostradamus TV-preacher with a private jet and a huge-ass bank account


>"Pregnant Anne Frank is Best Anne Frank"


>"No, I will not elaborate"
I am not going to write anything, but I am going to draw "Loss" on it
Based and correct. Not dying for old fucks in suits and the concept of a nation state died with globalization.
If I see a fucking my little pony on your helmet then I'm fragging you.
In fact, there's gonna be a lot of fragging when the draft hits. It was already a problem in Vietnam, and shit has gotten worse since then. If you're a butterbar, my advice is don't be a douche, and don't have your own tent.
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>My feet hurt
>This artillery is too loud
>Wish I was at home shitposting
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Dunno what a butter bar is but if I get you first I'm hitting you with the
>how you like them apples?
>Glad I could help
"Don´t shoot, i got RAYGUN"
>i fragged a tranny officer and got away with it
>zigger space program
>bad dragon beta tester
>everyone i shoot is warriortard
>billions must die, but i keep missing
>formerly chuck's
>cannibal humanoid underground dweller
>i am John from Ohio Oblast
>the entire tianamen square 1989 copypasta
>uh oh stinky
>american culture revolves entire around niggers
>you will never be a real superpower
>i put the China in Dedovschina
>mobik cubes for the murder /k/ube
>ye got a purdy mouf

Should cover all bases
>Tomboy gf or bust
>It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is our plan
>100 wolves maybe more
Based AppleCHAD enjoyer
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>I'm him, I've been him, I will continue to be him
>The zaza got me speaking Esperanto
>You can't trust me, I don't even trust myself
>Konichiwa, you little jit
>I got my DNA test back
>Turns out I'm one-hundred percent "Him-alayan"
>I'll fucking kill you
>Everybody has an asshole
>My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson
>I see God
>I need fentanyl slime
>The bugs are back
>This shit ain't nothin' to me man
>born to shit, forced to wipe
Stealing this when shtf, I rofld
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>Committing sins
Actually fuck it, I'm getting this made into a patch now to put on my plate carrier
I'll just draw an ISIS flag on mine in the hopes of triggering wild conspiracy theories if i die/lose my helmet
>please be patient, i have autism
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>i am John from Ohio Oblast
>Zeg ken jij de Mobik-man
>De Mobik-man
>De Mobik-man
>Zeg ken jij de Mobik-man
>Die komt uit Vladi-vos-tok
Classic PS1. No one I know has ever heard of this game
Chad hands typed this
>I got fungus muchin' on my brain
Okay and what do you want on your helmet.
>unregistered hypercam 2
>I am devoid of all essential moral fiber
>the only time I’ve ever stood ten toes on anything, was on the opp’s neck
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>pic rel
>To the observation drone watching, you just lost the game
>I eat ass
>Specialist Needs
>I've seen shit that probably wasn't there and dumped entire magazines in it's direction.
>Rome wasn't built in a day, but this Luger certainly was
I would write this on mine.
>for God so loved the world, he gave it his only begotten son, the Aero-Gavin
>-John 3:16
>James Bond is real!
Baby onboard
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That one got me pretty good.
"G.i. Joe" and "Don't shoot me! I can cook!"

I know how shitty food can be at the frontline can be. Nobody would shoot a decent cook.
lol. lmao.
Declaration of love for my waifu
I can't think of anything better than this.
>Don't shoot me I'll cum
>I believe I've spent enough time in the company of death
>Chameleon of unparalleled skill
>I want to go home and impregnate my Chinese wife again
>...Like Antennas to Heaven
>Let's get this moveable feast underway
>How's my driving?
>I stopped reading Homestuck to be here
>One more step and you'll be turned into an example
>haha benis :D
>My K/D was positive going into this

played it to death w. the boys back in the day senpai

t. east yuro
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>imagine if the roles were reversed

So that it doesn't get confused with any other article.
Based AWWNB knower
>This side towards enemy on the back of the helmet
>Election Tourist
>Don't Shoot - Battlefield Looter
>Camping - It's a valid strategy
Since I'm Burgerstani...

>Liquor? I barely know her
>press F to pay respects
>as a straight white male
Feeling compelled to state this, unprompted, on an anonymous internet forum is unironically gay as fuck. Only gay people in denial do shit like this.
>"bug b gone"
based /k/orbo enjoyer
Any more recommendations for happy hardcore/gabber albums? I've recently been listening to Thunderdome and finding albums these songs were originally on but they come and go on YT. Dimitri Overdrive's No Shit To Do off Rave Guardian seems to either have been privated or deleted in the past few months, so it's hit or miss whether you can find more music you like or not. I found that through Thunderdome '96 which is one of the few times the YT music ID is helpful as it didn't seem to be in any song list available for the live recording/mix for Thunderdome '96.
t. seriously considering buying used CDs because half the shit I want to listen to isn't available on YT
>love and tolerate
>hate and penetrate
>totally not a spy
>shoutout to this war's sponsor, raid shadow legends
>entire navy seal copypasta
>just here for the violence
>they told me there would be cookies
>proud racketeer
>please delete my browser history
>try this at home kids
>forklift certified, sent here to die
>I don't know where I am or what I'm wearing, all I know is I must kill
>fricasseeing human
>stand still and wait for the flash
>"King Kong ain't got shit on me"
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fuck now you reminded me I have no clue where the fox version of this is.
left the kids for a barracks bunny
I was told there would be femboys
lepa sela lepo gore
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nvm retard me found it in a folder it shouldn't have been in
also leave some fucked up graffiti
>kkielikksmilroy was heere
"Me ne frego"
>That one had funny requests, Ill save him for the dopamine chambers
Seems fitting for a MENA Negro.
it just looks like Finnish to me tbqh
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It does have the spurdo vibes in it.
"My back hurts"
"Ran out of wetwipes"
I'll do you one better
>Get through basic
>Immediately shoot the highest ranking officer in my vicinity then myself
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its fucking incredible how badly they fumbled the bag in the last few years. We've had generations of kids frothing at the mouth to fight in ww3 with russsia/china. The bulk of our media, tv shows, and video games were a psy-op to get us primed for it, and in the final quarter they had to introduce trannies and fat sassy blacks into everything and they alienated young, conservative white men on the verge of world war 3
Depends on the enemy, if it’s the Chinese it’ll be: 你的母亲在哭 (your mother weeps” if it’s the Russians: ты вceгo лишь нoмep (you are just a number) and on the inside of the helmet: “so am I” in Russian and “mine will too” in Chinese.
Kindly let me help you
Or you'll drown
Said the monkey to the fish
Pulling him into the safety of the tree.
This or legalize nukes.
The next war will either be big, or never happen at all.
check out that cool racecar toy
Why not Tы пидop? Russians hate being called gay more than anything else.
zoomers are massive pussies. And every fag here is a /pol/tard that thinks everything is related to jews.
That’s not a bad idea either lmao
Based oldfag
>gg, no re
>and nothing of value was lost
>you are already dead
>i didn't want this
>don't tell my mom
The entire Tiananmen Square copypasta
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>project zomboid
That game any good
>this is our grave, but you can rest here too if you like
Well I'm trans so I won't be drafted. That being said I support Ukraine and your right to be sent over to fight for them. Good luck xirs!
>Sponsored by Manscaped
lmao, yes you will, the law is pretty clear, all FTM trans girls are getting drafted along with the men
"Shoot me"
>Door Stuck
sex with asian golf girls
It's a decade old forever early access game that still gets updates though they roll out slowly, autismo levels of gameplay but it's really carried by the mod community and how much fun you can make for yourself in a zombie situation. It's both highly enjoyable but also will drive you insane at times. I personally like playing either solo or just with long time friends. I don't care for playing with randoms but maybe that's your preference. To me the game needs some mods to have long term enjoyment and I'm typically someone who doesn't play most games with mods. It can be really comfy if you want a lonely survival sim which is where the game shines for me. It's also on the cheap side, especially on sale so it's not a huge commitment if you end up not liking it beyond the refund period.
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>schizophrenic and armed
ill go for the classic
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>No Putin is le bad.

Mine will say picrel.
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>future liveleak star
>this isn't where I parked my car
>drone cam photogenic
>uglier up close
>hit by artillery
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>>61947074 #
Based and Power Brothers pilled?
>By this time the United States had entered World War I and a draft had been instituted. All able bodied men were obliged to register, but, according to the Power brothers, when they attempted to do so, the recruiter said that they were not needed. To the contrary, the United States Forest Service history of the area says that Jeff convinced his sons to dodge the draft.
>John and his brother assumed they had nothing to worry about, but after they went home the police were informed of the alleged draft evasion. In mid-January 1918, just after the Powers had completed preparations to begin extracting ore from their mine, the Graham County sheriff, Robert Frank McBride, sent a man named Jay Murdock to deliver a message to the Powers. In the message, Sheriff McBride explained the situation and requested that the boys surrender peaceably.
Spoiler: they did not surrender peaceably
this is the correct answer
Zajebię tuska
> kekistani finest
> the voices told me to do it
Divine commision to kill
The drone videos didn't help either. Watching conscripts bleed out in a ditch may excite the keyboard warriors but it doesn't do much for guys wondering if they'll be conscripted in a year or two.
considering how desperate the military would be, maybe not
On a sling
>A way out
On a helmet
>Gone with the blastwave
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My best attempt at drawing Loona porn somewhere.
>If you kill me I'll shit myself and you'll have to smell it
>Drone Drop Hero
>I'm carrying biological hazards
>Plarp Fart Shart Mart
>I'm going straight to hell when you kill me
>If you die to me your entire blood line is gay
>Make it quick
>My Steam and/or Discord login info
>Don't censor the video of my death
>No way fag
>helping the regime to force jewish cultural marxism and aliens onto other countries

Get your 50 million aliens and fags to die in your jewhad. The racist White devils are sitting this one out.
this dude turned into a tranny
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Nothing. Red star on it will do all the talking.
I'm not gonna be drafted. I'm 35 and have already served. I'd consider volunteering, but the VA has a file on me a mile thick and it's not unlikely they wouldn't even let me.
That would definitely be some shit to read on the inside of someone's helmet. That or "You fool, you triggered the suicide bomb"
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As in "aim here"?
>stabbed by a chink guerrilla armed with a bamboo spear
>Not Fallout 2
>The drone videos didn't help either.

THIS is exactly what all the Ukie shills who post on /k/ non-fucking-stop do not get. And their own ignorance is proof they are low-digit IQ trolls.

IDGAF about russia or ukraine, but I hope the winner (most likely russia) activelt hunts down all drone pilots and executes them right after they execute their families.
>subscribe to pewdiepie
then i'd commit war crimes as much as possible and end up on the news all over the world lel
until you get shot first because someone on the enemy side was insecure after you called him a fag
>Are we having fun yet?
>This isn't summer camp
>4chan told me to go here
>I blame the internet
>Back towards enemy
>I didn't start the fire
>Machine, turn back, now.
>Life just keeps getting worse
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Ha ha drones go brrrrrrrrrr. Seethe more, zigger. I jack off to seeing Russians blown up. I'll zoom in to see their faces and imagine their whore wives, mothers and sisters crying crocodile tears. Your seething against drones makes my peepee go hard too.
Who was that recording on the shooter's behalf?
iirc he set up a livestream
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>the zaza got me connectin’ the dots
>You don't have the right, O you don't have the right
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qrd? seems interesting
"Need a tomboy GF"
>well /k/ what are you writing on your helmet cover and/or body armor when you're drafted?
i hate niggers
>“Pregnant Anne Frank is Best Anne Frank”
>If they're in the AO they're enemy combatants.
>It appears there's been a mix up
>You're probably wondering how I got here
>Whaddya mean there's no candy
>Give war a chance!
>Truly this was a War Without Reason
>This isn't like COD
>This isn't Battlefield
>Is this like ARMA?
>Don't shoot, I'm friendly
>This ain't no magical place
A QR code for this video
>Show me what you've got Snake!
>I'm American, honey. Our names don't mean shit.
>It's lunatic tiiiime! Welcome to a world of madness!
>A lot of loyalty for a hire gun
>It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
>Oh, are you gonna colonize my Virgin Islands?
>"We don't even have enough computers to do that."
>Fuddy Five ACP, Gods caliber
>Averi won sharties lost
>Seed oils are the work of the Anti Christ
>End The FED, Ron Paul 4 president
>Tunnel snakes rule!

>Nothing, probably just a doodle of some furry porn.
"I shot the little man from the draft board and all I got was this stupid hat"
what timeline did you fucking jump from?
>entirety of the 1990's was "all war is fake and gay"
>You won't be drafted. Only idiot noobtards with zero understanding of the disaster that was the last draft era hallucinate such stupid shit.

You clearly aren't paying attention to what western rulers and their MSM puppets are saying. They'll have to provoke Putin into a response to use it as justification for the draft.
> WAAGMI frens
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Nigger, a general war with Russia would unironcially last two weeks at most this point. Their military would utterly crumble under NATO air power alone, at which point their only hope of averting total defeat would be to start tossing nukes.

I'll give you a hint, if they start tossing nukes, conscription will be a moot point.
>general war
i actually think this is functionally impossible because of nukes. say NATO got involved somehow, it's declared vital to the security of the alliance that boots are on the ground in ukraine. i don't think they go past the pre-war borders. not even into donetsk. i think they completely neutralize everywhere else, and then sit on the border of crimea/donetsk and let the ukes do the rest with CAS. russia has a nuclear deterrence, and that alone might be enough for NATO to say 'oh yeah we're just ensuring the pre-war borders and everything that happens after that isn't our fault or problem', even if it definitely is. though even with just having proper CAS/SEAD ran against them i don't think russia's lines would hold, nor would they even want to at that point.
Well at least we now know you are in fact a has guns, even if your a degenerate yiffing faggot.
>Unregistered sex offender.
/k/ truly is dead. I can't believe it took this long in the thread for this to be posted
GAWTBW is patrician taste
>Ron Paul 2008
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If go full schizo and replicate this beauty, or maybe the dog cancer one.
I only served to offer my bussy to all the strong men in my company
Text of the 13th Amendment struck through and I <3 McNamera.
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Tranquilo caballero
>the holocaust didn’t happen
>It didn't happen, they deserved it, and it should happen again.
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>Battlefield Looter
>For Tomboys
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Allow me to add to your schizo rant then, pic related (was written by some angry black guy who had a bad day at Home Depot or whatever).
Probably just a regional manager sick of having his plants stolen overnight because he's too lazy to get staff to move them inside.
t. have over 1000 free home depot plants in my basement
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Nah it's well documented that he's a disgruntled black customer, also pretty based by the looks of it.
>I just wanted to grill
that's not a Satan-II, that's a Topol-M (and it's 10x better with sound)

Satan is launched cold and has a booster charge that skedaddles away
>thanks, Obama
> this soldier is not to be trusted with explosives.
better video
Belarus KGB came to arrest a guy who was protesting back in 2020. The guy with a shotgun died in a shootout, but he managed to make sure that two little piglets will never see their glownigger father coming back from work.

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