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After wanting one ever since I saw it in GitS:SAC, I finally have a Mateba Unica 6. Got a call from my local gun shop because they knew about me ordering two from /k/ommando store and the new production units turning out to be fraudulent. They offered it to me first before putting it up for bid on Gunbroker. When I saw it was one of the sport versions without the stupid "read manual before use" printed on the barrel shroud, I decided I had to take the opportunity.

Why have they gotten so pricey in the past couple years? When I was looking at them pre-COVID I was seeing them around $4500. Now they're all North of $8000. After tax, this set me back $10,000. Please make me feel better about spending so much money on a weeb gun /k/.

Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested? I feel like what's the point of even getting my hands on it if I never shoot it. How SOL am I if something breaks? It seems like there really aren't a whole lot of spare parts laying around.
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested?
are you fucking retarded?
it's a gun, you shoot it.
it isn't a goddamned paperweight. if you aren't going to shoot it, just take a bunch of pictures of it and resell it.
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I loved it as well but it's just too impractical for 99.9 percent of people out there. And of course the price tag. That's why your spare parts are probably going to be pricey af as well. But congrats to you for living the dream. I like to think the Deus EX HR guys were inspired by the GIT:SAC revolver as well, although truthfully I have no idea.

Have a Togusa.
>the new production units turning out to be fraudulent.
Fuck that scammer. I had a couple on pre-order with The Attic, who was the victim of said scammer before Kommandostore.

Congrats on your gun anon, I'd hadn't been paying that close attention to the prices, I thought they were still around $5k.
I dunno. Post it on Reddit and get a few thousand updoots I guess. Mention something about how you used to watch GitS with your father who's now dead from turbo-cancer so the gun is super duper special to you. Those redditors eat gobble that shit up. 10k updoots, easy. That's just about all you can do with it if you're not planning to shoot the fucking thing.
Congratulations anon (assuming this wasn't a purchase that caused you or family unbearable stress but something you can budget for over a year or two). We can't always make our dream gun purchases reality, but when you've got one singular thing you've thought about for a very long time and the opportunity comes knocking it's real nice to have the ability to make it happen.
>I feel like what's the point of even getting my hands on it if I never shoot it
Shoot it. 100%. It's not some ancient family relic it's a fun ass new gun made to be shot and enjoyed. I've got a weird $1500 handgun that went out of production and is now stupidly more expensive and I wish I'd gotten a few of them and probably would be hard to repair if at all, but I still carry it and shoot it. That's what I got it for. We can't take any of it with us.
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On second glance I guess they went with a more traditional design, oh well I have shit memory I guess. Still a beautiful design. Maybe Kel-Tec will sperg out and make it someday.
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There is a short list of things I wouldn't do for a 2006m
Thanks. It wasn't a financial stress, I'm fortunate to be a forever alone IT guy who has disposable income since he has no family. I have other guns that are "pricey," but if my Honeybadger or SCAR have an issue it's easy to get replacement parts.

One of my bigger concerns is that I've heard the grip cracks very easily/commonly when fired. Maybe I find some spare non-original grip and install it first before shooting. I'd like to be careful to keep such a rare gun in good condition at the very least. I'm fairly sure I can find someone making springs that will be fine replacements for the recoil springs. outside of that, I guess there aren't too many parts that should wear out if I only shoot it a couple times a year.
I guess it's better than the other dude who spent 10k on a nonfunctional semi auto MG 42.
The new production Matebas were all a scam? That's annoying. I remember when The Attic was supposed to import them and I was excited because I lived nearby at the time. What's yours chambered in, OP?
It's .357 although I would have loved a .44 too.

When the new production ones were up for order, I had put my reservation in for one of each.

I'll say this, Kommando Store took like 4 years to give me my refund, but they did. Big respect for that since they were screwed over too. I guess if they didn't give refunds people could have sued them, so maybe they had to...
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Would've been less expensive to book a 1st class ticket to Italy, a 5*+ hotel suite and pay the import procedures - but glad you got what you wanted
>The new production Matebas were all a scam?
Yes. Some known serial fraudster in Italy was behind it. First they scammed Sportsman's Attic then they got Kommandostore, I don't know if there were any others or not. I was/am very pissed off though, I wanted my 2-tone 2006M snubbie.
>Why have they gotten so pricey in the past couple years?
Everything has. I got my GP100 for $530 after taxes during the Feinsteining and it's a rare variant. At the time SP101s were sub $500. These days the best deal I can get on an SP101 puts me at about $700 before taxes and LCRs aren't much cheaper.
>I feel like what's the point of even getting my hands on it if I never shoot it.
I'm inclined to agree.
I've got a Maxim 9, an oddball integral suppressed handgun that sadly got discontinued. Price seems to have at least tripled to quadrupled last I saw one listed on a site though now nobody lists one at all. SiCo has claimed they will do another run someday, but they list it as discontinued on their site, and still right now if it broke I'd just have to send it back to them again and hope, which is very expensive. So I genuinely do feel you.

I still carry it as my main woods gun though. I love shooting it even if the trigger isn't great. I got it to be a gun I would use, I did think about it but the fact that now it's a collectible or I guess hasn't changed the core for me at all and I've decided I'll just leave it in fate's hands. Also, it's not like these are $1m relics either lets not lose all perspective, there are anons with truly ultra rare stuff, or transferrables or the like. $10k is a damn nice pricey handgun but not unrunnable. At least imo.
>Maybe I find some spare non-original grip and install it first before shooting
If that'd make you comfortable then yeah go for it, that's not a huge ask necessarily.

Anyway, enjoy it. Don't let it be a source of stress, take reasonable care but also that baby out there into the world.
Any pics of what they were promising?
>ordering two from /k/ommando store and the new production units turning out to be fraudulent
I had to dig up info on this because I hadn't heard about it
Apparently some greasy Italian fucker ran a scam for preorders on new order matebas and kommandostore got fucked over on it. They never materialized and people got their money back after years
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested?
What use is a mechanically interesting gun if you never shoot it
Get some replacement grips if you have any intention of shooting it.
>the barrel finish doesn't match the rest of the gun
I would be livid.
It took me a while but I finally found what I was talking about on the Wayback Machine:


>kommandostore got fucked over on it.
They weren't the only ones. They were the last one.

>...Mateba company closed in 2005, but reopened in 2014 in Montebelluna under the ownership of Domenico Libro. In 2022 this latest incarnation of Mateba was shut down, owing to allegations of fraud and violations of Italian firearms law.
Congrats on your mateba, anon.
>read manual before use label
was that for the US market? I've seen and shot a few matebas here in italy but I never noticed that label on the ones here.
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested?
Nah, you only live once so enjoy it. Don't be a retard and magdump it every day but don't let her collect dust in a safe. I had the same debate when I managed to buy my holy grail gun unfired but not even a week afterward I had it at the range.
People called out on the scam pretty early but they weren't listened. When the owner of Mateba at the time said he was unaware of anyone actually remanufacturing their revolvers it should've immediately raised concerns. IIRC mateba nows makes some ar10s and ar15s
Oh look, it's the cancer gun from TF2
>sour grapes has arrived
also no it fucking wouldnt have lmao
good luck finding any mateba for that price here in italy, the only chance at that price if you find some boomer who died and the widow doesn't know the real price
That had nothing to do with nu-Matebas. He didn't even produce them. He was illegally trafficking UAVs armed with BATs, Browning M2s, AKs Sako and Tikka rifles. The details have never been public but his client was probably Iran given that an Iranian operative was killed in a hotel in Rome when the police operation went down. Given the magnitude of this side kick I very much doubt he had time to scam collector's revolvers for the US private market.
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I hadn't noticed, but you are correct the barrel shroud finish is a slightly different tone. I suspect this is normal given the standards Mateba had. The closer you get to a 2000 serial number the less likely anything was to be matched well is my understanding.
tell me you know nothing about the Italian market for the 12066 without telling me you know nothing about the Italian market
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I had no idea the Maxim 9 was rare or sought after. I bought one right when they came out, took it to the range once, thought it was the worst trigger I've ever experienced in my entire life, and promptly put it back in the box only to show friends. Hearing this makes me feel like it's worth more than being a conversation piece.

Have you tried removing some of the baffles? I was thinking of doing the short config with subsonic ammo, I've been too lazy to bother though.
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So any Italian anons know why Mateba went into the shitter and shut down? Also is there literally zero chance PSA buying the tooling and reproing them in the US? I just want one bros and I feel like shit us becoming unubtanium.
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Thank you!

Here's an example of how most of the ones I've seen before have the warning message. You may be correct about it being only on the guns that were made specifically for the US market.
>That had nothing to do with nu-Matebas.
What had nothing to do with nu-Matebas, anon? I linked to their two websites, the first of which clearly shows the 2-tone snubbie M2006 I mentioned and the other anon asked about. It clearly says something about limited edition models with 30pcs being made. There's also another 2-tone M2006 with a 5" barrel, also described as being a 30pc limited edition.

>I very much doubt he had time to scam collector's revolvers for the US private market.
The three years of Emails I have with Sportsman's Attic would suggest otherwise. And there's been multiple people who had to deal with the same problem with Kommandostore.

I don't know anything about some high-level arms deal with Iran, but it's certainly true that he was ripping off US gun dealers for expensive collector revolvers.
I can add that Chiappa now holds the rights for Mateba but they're more interested in churning out Rhinos than making a new Matebas.
Did they get just the rights or did they buy the factory tooling as well?
>So any Italian anons know why Mateba went into the shitter and shut down?
It's on Wikipedia.

>Also is there literally zero chance PSA buying the tooling and reproing them in the US?
What tooling? Specialized tooling only exists for very high volume production, like when militaries make millions of something. Matebas were always niche low-volume production, they were made on ordinary machine tools. There's no tooling for them to buy or need. It's just the usual problem of complex finicky gun + low volume = expensive. The handful of autists who want one yet would be willing to settle for PSA are nowhere near enough to justify production. Which kinda sucks, really.
The last genuine M2006 were made in 30 pieces only in 2017 and sold at a market price of 2350 EUR. They were a commemorative thing. No idea whether some other fuckery went down in the US given that what transpired about the heavy arms trafficking with an Iranian connection is what had everyone's attention (and what led to Mateba's ultimate demise and absorption into Chiappa).

I can confirm based on my exchanges with Kommandostore. They sent us all photos of the Mateba location when a guy nearby in Italy went to try to find someone to talk to in person, which was a rundown stripmall lot overgrown with weeds. They also sent us copies of documents from their lawyers, it looked like they were trying to recover $50,000 from Mateba.
I have no idea. As of late last year the investigation was still ongoing. The only thing I know for a fact is that the rights were absorbed by Chiappa. Mateba's Montebelluna factory has been raided, basically everything was seized, and had all authorization revoked and nobody has seen from it since. I doubt it'll be revived since I don't see Chiappa eager to tarnish their name with that throng of scandals.
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>The last genuine M2006 were made in 30 pieces only in 2017 and sold at a market price of 2350 EUR
Yes, those are the guns I'm talking about. I had a deposit on one of those EXACT guns, ordered through the Sportsman's Attic, and nope, ha ha, it turns out that was a scam, and some guy named Giacomo took a bunch of money from The Attic and promised them guns that he never delivered, including one of those. So either those guns were never made at all, or Nu-Mateba was promising more of them to people than they actually had. Here's an Email I received from The Attic back in 2018 discussing them specifically.
The "rights" don't matter much as the patents expired years ago. The rights/trademark would only apply to the Mateba name. Since 2006 anybody could have made an exact copy, they just couldn't have called it a Mateba.
Fuck I didnt know that the investigation results were released since the Govenrment only shut down Mateba again recently with said investigation still going on. Also wasn't there a Mateba factory which means that there would be some tooling? Even if it's minor shit they could still use it to scale up production if they could garner interests in the product.
To add to this, my understanding is the scam worked really well because they had some new old stock parts laying around and staged photoshoots with them to make it look like they were producing new guns. They assembled a few with the parts they had and toured them around some firearms shows in Italy which got more press and false legitimacy. I don't think they made a single new 2006M or anything else, although it sounds like they managed to cobble enough together with spare parts to make it look like they had the capability to produce them.
>After tax, this set me back $10,000.
Congratulations OP, you took a kick to the nuts but you got a dream piece. You're not alone, I too kept following the info of new production models. Saw the writing on the wall when they kept being delayed. Nothing reeks of a scam like "delayed please understand". If I could get a Mateba unica 6 south of $3,000, I'd save up for it but that price is too much.
Those 30 guns were made and the sales confirmed, they all sold in 2017, most were pre-ordered. So you definitely got scammed big time, probably by someone who didn't even work for Mateba in the first place, they were already under heavy scrutiny, have been since 2016.
>Also wasn't there a Mateba factory which means that there would be some tooling?
Yeah, but it would be generic things like CNC lathes or milling machines which wouldn't really make sense to ship over. Any American company wanting to make guns like this would either already have their own, or they would be buying something domestically.

Yeah, a lot of the photos you can see on the old websites make it look like they're really busy but if you look closely the details don't add up.
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested?
You don't have a choice in that matter. It's a rare $10,000 gun with no imitations being made. You didn't get it because you needed something to use, don't be a faggot now.
>So you definitely got scammed big time
Well, I got my deposit back without much hassle. The dealer, The Sportsman's Attic got screwed, as they were the ones who sent $$$$ to Italy but never got any guns. Then later the same shit happened to Kommandostore. According to my emails with The Attic the guy involved was named Domenico or Dolmenico or something like that. Whether he actually worked for Mateba or was someone who said he did I have no idea.
>they would be buying something domestically.
They aren't because they are overly designed. New production models would go over $4,000 with room to spare. Maybe even $5,000. Who wants a weird .357magnum revolver with a cool gimmick? Not many people do. You'd be lucky to recoup the production costs.
Anon, I was talking about buying MACHINE TOOLING domestically to set up a factory.

Anon asked me if it would make sense to ship a lathe from Italy to the USA. I said no, if a US company wants to make Matebas they have their own lathes, and if they need a lathe they'll buy one in the US before they will import one from Italy.
I don't think it matter because 2016 was 8years ago. Anyone still hoping or involved is an idiot. I've lightly dipped into my toes into Green Light, Kick Starters and other scams. Waiting to see PROOFS is the always the correct choice.
No idea whether you google translated some articles and you're trying to pull my leg but if the name was Domenico and the surname was Maria Libro, you got scammed by the big arm trafficker himself (or someone who used his name). Which would be somewhat hilarious. Selling heavy arms to eastern European countries and possibly Iran (or he changed his mind and had the Iranian attaché killed, we'll never know that detail I'm afraid) and running these kind of little scams of the side. It'd be so bizarre a scenario I'd believe it.
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Based Sei Unica lover. Might be my nr.1 gun, certainly nr.1 pistol, few things I wouldn't do for one.
Just a side note here, I love Italy, like New Jersey Guinea love, if it comes from there i want to at least look at it. That being said, it will be a cold day in Hell before I even think about doing business there or buying anything that I can't immediately put in my bag and carrying onto a plane.
Nigger, the last one I saw for sale in the last 5 years sold for 2400€
yeah, no, never happened, you didn't see shit, post gun
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Wow the short barrel ones are sweet, never seen
Nice nice! Does it run .38 too or does that fuck up the, um, I guess you'd call it slide?
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested?
Is it currently unfired? Honestly I'd leave in that shape if it is, that's a big bonus in value. If you want a shooter in the future you could make a profit selling and get a used gun. But if yours has already been fired then nah, go ahead and shoot the thing as long as you don't fuck it up.
Poast. Groups.

Every week. Let us watch you git güd in real time.

And, if you don't, you have to give it away live on /k/ so the cycle can be repeated until a worthy /k/night is found.
>I had no idea the Maxim 9 was rare or sought after. I bought one right when they came out, took it to the range once, thought it was the worst trigger I've ever experienced in my entire life, and promptly put it back in the box only to show friends. Hearing this makes me feel like it's worth more than being a conversation piece.
I was pretty fucking surprised to see some going for $4k+ on gb. Trigger yeah, though the older triggers seem to vary a lot. As well as my own I've shot a few others and some are pretty bad while mine and others were merely so-so, and definitely not the worst I've shot. I did go ahead and install the mid-range softer spring kit though which helps somewhat and still works with my ammo.

Before cancelling the thing SiCo did the non-NFA model and 3rd gen with a vastly better trigger. One guy sent his in for warranty work, asked about it, and they upgraded it to that trigger and it was actually pretty good, but unfortunately there is no formal upgrade plan and I don't live nearby or know people who work (worked?) there like he did. Maybe if they ever do another run they'll also offer a general trigger upgrade service for everyone who already has one. I still love the stupid thing though, the balance is great in my own hand and it's short for a gun+can.
>Have you tried removing some of the baffles? I was thinking of doing the short config with subsonic ammo, I've been too lazy to bother though.
Nah, I use all supers anyway and it doesn't shave enough length for me to feel it is worth it. Suppression is the point of the thing. Would be cool if they did a new run with 3D printed tech and shit though, wonder how far it could go.
>PSA buying the tooling
so you want a death sentence for the gun and it's reputation?
I so fucking hate that gay warning. Several guns have all sorts of retarded shit stamped into the metal and I will never own them, not even if they were given to me for free, because it looks so fucking retarded.
Congrats anon. That’s a dream gun for me if I’m ever lucky enough to both run into one for sale, and be at a place where I can afford it.
G a y. Fuck reddit
>not shoot it
G a y
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I would suck every single /pol/tards sweaty cock for a grifone
It will work with ,38 special. It comes with two extra recoil springs, one labeled .38 special and one labeled .38 wadcutter. I've heard that it can be very finicky with .38 though. Worst case, I think even if .38 doesn't cycle that you just have the double action trigger weight to pull.
>Is it currently unfired? Honestly I'd leave in that shape if it is, that's a big bonus in value. If you want a shooter in the future you could make a profit selling and get a used gun. But if yours has already been fired then nah, go ahead and shoot the thing as long as you don't fuck it up.

I don't think it has seen very many rounds at all. Looking at it, I'd guess less than 50 for sure. I know this specific one came from a collector who holds mostly super high end 1911s, so not the type of person who hits the range more than once in a blue moon in general.

At this point I think I'm just going to shoot it rarely as a treat. I'm looking in to getting an aftermarket grip so that I don't risk breaking the original first though. That seems to be the biggest risk. I see some guy on Gunbroker selling newly made ones for $800, which seems a little excessive to me, but in for a penny in for a pound I guess. If anyone knows a better option I'm open to it.
If it has been fired I don't think shooting it sparely will change anything. It's just those OMG UNFIRED guns that get insane(er) money from boomers.
I know a guy who has one and apparently the hardest to find part for them is the wooden stock. he said he would shoot it if he had a spare but he's too afraid of it breaking.
Who? Did they tell the surname too?
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Sorry kiddo, it's not 2013 anymore and mateba prices have gone up if you can even find them. Just look at that guy with the ad that is willying to buy any mateba on our version of gunbroker and he still hasn't got one after months.
Congrats Anon.
>when I managed to buy my holy grail gun unfired
what gun?
I miss lifesizepotato
shoot it a few times, get some video, etc, then lock it up
i know people hate the idea of safe queens, but i'm a guy whos into things like minerals, fossils, pipes, and watches, so i after getting my fill, i like to keep it safe
Which part of "Italian market" did you not understand, you fat piece of mutt shit?
>Also is there literally zero chance PSA buying the tooling and reproing them in the US?
Just buy an airsoft Mateba at that point dude lmao
>our version of gunbroker
Learn to read smoothbrain.
Stop shaming spaghetti with your absolute retardation. And if there are so many for sale so cheap how about you just post some links to them and prove us wrong?
a soviet SVD.
>zero comprensione del testo
Fuck me you're hilarious. Post a gun, terrone.
PSA can't realiably make ARs and AKs and people want them to make Matebas, SPASs, Dragunovs, MP7s etc. It's hilarious. It's like someone asking Lada to make a replica of a ferrari for under 10k usd
At least before they were only for the US market due to your frivolous lawsuits, nowadays to streamline production you see them even for all the other markets.
>Just look at that guy with the ad that is willying to buy any mateba on our version of gunbroker and he still hasn't got one after months.
that nig has a collection of matebas and wants even more, i have talked to him
I gotta say my Griffone was pretty disappointing to shoot. I still want to acquire the pistol version eventually. Hopefully it solves some of the ergonomic issues of the rifle.
>At least before they were only for the US market due to your frivolous lawsuits,
That's not true anon, or at least is almost 20 years out of date. As far as I know the PLCAA (Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act) of 2005 which "prohibits civil liability actions from being brought or continued against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages, injunctive or other relief resulting from the misuse of their products by others" provides a near total liability shield from any actions others take with a gun. There is only liability for stuff they are directly responsible for like flat out dangerously defective products, criminal negligence, breach of contract and so on.

I have new US handguns made in the last few years with zero warnings or other text bullshit on them, so it's not just theoretical. That law isn't well known for whatever reason and I never see it brought up on /k/ but it gets complaints by gun grabbers quite a bit, it stands in the way of lots of legal strategies they'd like to pursue. It definitely negates any need for labels like that.
Am retarded, forgot pic
That's a lovely rifle version. I'm a little jelly.

From an ergonomics standpoint, the 6 Unica feels great in my hands. I wish the sights were a little better, if the front sight at least had a colored dot or something I think it would be much easier to acquire quickly. Since it's been all of one day I have not taken it to the range yet, but handling it I can't imagine that it will be anything other than a pleasure to shoot.
Stick some nail varnish on it like every boomer revolver shooter
you're quite the fucking dumbass, aren't you?
>Also is there literally zero chance PSA buying
It took PSA years to build a decent AR
>From an ergonomics standpoint, the 6 Unica feels great in my hands. I wish the sights were a little better, if the front sight at least had a colored dot or something I think it would be much easier to acquire quickly. Since it's been all of one day I have not taken it to the range yet, but handling it I can't imagine that it will be anything other than a pleasure to shoot.

I was thinking I'd hit it with a red metallic sharpie. That way I can just use some alcohol to clean it off.
I stick kick myself for not buying one in 2017 when they were like $2500 on boomerbroker. I fucking hate myself every time I look at these.
>Should it be a safe queen and stay unfired and unmolested? I feel like what's the point of even getting my hands on it if I never shoot it. How SOL am I if something breaks? It seems like there really aren't a whole lot of spare parts laying around.

All these questions lead me to believe you can't really afford it.
Shoot it and enjoy it!

Me too anon. Me too.
A less gay character in that show has a glock 33.
Much easier to find and not as dumb.
It's pretty neat and supposedly really well made. I'd shoot it a bit, but I don't think that's why you buy something like this. You buy it because it's neat. Not my cup of tea, but I completely understand why you got it. I'm glad you have that kind of money to spend on stuff like that.
For me, it's the SIG P210-4.
>You care about protecting something rare and valuable? Pffft, you aren't rich enough then buddy.

How many 0s do I need in my net wealth figure before I'm allowed to own the $10,000 gun I purchased anon?
Whatever it takes for you to both appreciate its value and feel comfortable using it, how was that not clear?
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Fucking oof

Here are my meatballs. Let me know if you have any questions
>Let me know if you have any questions
Will you sell me one for less than $10,000?
Eh I might sell the 44 magnum. I can’t really shoot it without worrying about the grip exploding
sac sucks ass and is boring anime cyberpunk law and order where mariska hargite walks around without pants on
Everybody always references GitS having the Unica 6. It’s not even the Unica. It’s the 2006M
Trash comparison
I'm so sorry about your shit taste and general retardation anon.
>loves an anime more pedantically and meaninglessly padded out than a 70s grindhouse movie with powerpoint tier animation
>telling other people they have shit taste
gay retard says what?
It's a different tone because the frame is blued steel while the shroud is aluminum.
Pretty sure the original guy was doing it mostly as a hobby. Once he died there was nothing to keep it going.
Nah other Unicas have better matched bluing
holy fuck anon I'm jealous. Dream gun. And yeah they just seem to get more expensive at the same pace as my ability to afford them increases, fuck
Someone will make a repro, guaranteed
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I’ll make repros. Just pay me $500 for each preorder

>Captcha: 2GAY
lmao, you clearly know nothing of gun manufacturing, basic business handling and market research.
functionally identical to a 2000 usd revolver.
its rare because it sucks, you could have learned to machine parts and made it yourself for a fraction of the cost.

it isnt worth the metal its made with and will always shoot low
then exsplain why im wrong then , pussy.
But it’s not functionally identical to a $2,000 revolver. It’s semi-automatic
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nigga.... most revolvers are double action, which makes them semi auto in behavior .

pic related, another gun you could literally make by hand. thats a semi auto revolver.

its just double action with extra steps
Semi-automatic action uses the energy of the fired cartridge to cycle the action. It’s not double action with extra steps. The Unica 6 fires in single action after the first round. It literally has a slide that is recoil operated.
>gets mogged by guns with 7+ bullets.
>doesnt get the point of revolvers
>could have had 2-4 very useful and fix-able guns for the same price.
>picked this over an AK47.
>picked this over a judge
>picked this over a street sweeper.

bruh you bought a gun with 6 bullets. even if its magnum its 6 bullets. it will shoot side by side with a double action and look almost the same on paper.

that gun looks cool. but not 10k cool.

might also want to add in that ive fired that gun and was unimpressed.
GitS has the 2006 M.
GitS:SAC has the 6 Unica and a cameo by the 2006 M.
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This seems directed to me (OP).

I already have a dozen AR-15s, four AK-47s, 2 Benelli M4s, a couple dozen other long guns, maybe 30 pistols and revolvers.

I've been 3D printing guns for a couple years now too, I have more easily repairable and reproducible firearms than I know what to do with.

I didn't buy this to carry, I didn't get it to defend myself, I bought it because it's cool and I could. The LGS owner was trying to get me to buy a Laugo Alien at the same time, would you support that purchase at $7500?

I was worried about replacement parts since they're basically unobtanium. You're right though, I'll just buy a desktop CNC mill if I have to (they're only a couple thousand now-a-days). Maybe I should take the whole thing apart and work up STL files for the parts before I add any wear. The biggest issue would be replacing the barrel, I think it would cost me more to find someone to machine a one-off than buying another Mateba. That bothers me a little because at some point it's a Ship of Theseus problem.
If you have the cash completely disassemble the gun, send parts to get measured from some professional metrology lab, replicate all wear parts and install those. Then go shoot and have fun. Install the original parts back when you eventually want to sell the gun.
>send parts to get measured from some professional metrology lab, replicate all wear parts and install those
Anon, that would cost well into 6 figures.

>You're right though, I'll just buy a desktop CNC mill if I have to (they're only a couple thousand now-a-days).
Lol, homeboy isn't even aware of the learning curve. He thinks it's as simple as clicking cycle start. He thinks he can finish pieces just by milling alone and no grinding or heat treating is required. It's like a 6 year old talking about how he's going to build a lego spaceship to fly to the moon.
Shoot it you dumb bitch. Get stupid good with it. Live.
I'd much rather try to do it myself. You can get a pretty decent 3d scanner now for like $1000. Combine that with just measuring and I don't see a reason to spend God knows how much to have some third party do the work.

The biggest barrier for me is I have 0 machining experience. I can send files to SendCutSend and get sheet metal laser cut, that's the most I've ever done for any sort of metal fabrication.
>I don't see a reason
The reason is you don't know what you're doing.
Big assumption there bud. How many guns have you made? I've made a couple dozen now.
>Big assumption there bud.
Which one?

>How many guns have you made? I've made a couple dozen now.
I own a machine shop.
Spy is such a shit class that I honestly don't mind it being bullshit
>Which one?

That I have no idea what it takes to machine parts. Why do you think I specifically mentioned getting someone else to machine a barrel? Because I sure as shit don't have that expertise or equipment.

For simple parts now I get them cut from sheet metal and finish them myself. I have an oven that can heat treat, I mostly use it at lower temperatures to heat treat carbon fiber or glass fiber impregnated polymer parts.
>an Iranian operative was killed in a hotel in Rome when the police operation went down.

Did a strange woman rappeling down the side of the building shoot him with dum dum bullets when he was arrested?
Shoot that motherfucka. 10K isn't that bad for a piece you always wanted.
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>sour grapes

You don’t even understand the different between semi-auto recoil operated action, and double action mechanically operated action

If he can afford $10,000 for a unica, he can afford other guns too.
really neat collection
You absolutely have to shoot it, I got mine just last year, only shot it once because literally the same box of ammo had an overcharged round that almost blew up my COP derringer (I consider myself lucky the round in question went into that gun instead of the mateba) but the point is even if it blows up, you can cobbled together enough pieces to make it a perfectly viable display piece without a ton of effort.
>sadly got discontinued
What the fuck I still have never even gotten to fire mine and apparently it will be impossible to repair?
I wonder how much a never fired one would go for, maybe I can put it towards a full auto fal.
Ok last post from me after reading the thread, op this dude on eBay makes grips if you want to avoid messing the original.
Worked for me
His grips fucking suck. They blew up on my 44 unica in literally less than 6 rounds
Dang, mine is a 357, so maybe the impulse is different, don't know of any alternatives though
these things look like tillander grips and tillander just makes molds out of factory grips and churns out the absolute cheapest quality pearlescent polyethyline resin dogshit you've ever seen. it seems they're targeting poors who care more about what color their gun is than how it feels in their hand. they'll make anything if you ask them though so that's nice. probably used an airsoft gun to make the grip, for airsofters, desu.
>What the fuck I still have never even gotten to fire mine and apparently it will be impossible to repair?
SilencerCo has still been doing repairs afaik, or at least they took mine under warranty repair not too long ago. Not like they went out of business or anything, and they probably have some level of parts. Also tied into that fwiw:
>I wonder how much a never fired one would go for, maybe I can put it towards a full auto fal.
So I did write them back in, like, March or something? And they claimed to me that even though it's listed as discontinued on their site they do plan to revive it, with improved trigger, and maybe that non-NFA version. They've said that it's a much more complicated item for them to make and they don't outsource, and since the wait times plummeted they're just swamped making as many regular cans as they can. I don't know if that will actually be true or not, the timeline was the next year, but that might simultaneously mean if you want to sell for a premium you should do so now, or alternatively you shouldn't worry about shooting the shit out of it because they'll exist again.

That said I was stunned, the last new one I saw of gunbroker was going for $4500, and that was last year. I got mine for like $900 and change during a clear out. Of course it's an NFA item with all the bullshit that entails but you might still be able to do pretty well.
I live some 30km from the (alleged) Mateba HQ
there’s a massive music store in Montebelluna I’ve been to countless times and iirc Mateba is just next to it
should’ve just asked me :^)
It's cool and all but i still don't understand the point of an auto revolver
Change the grips if you plan on shooting it. Iirc, the grips have a tendency to break in a certain chambering (maybe specifically .44 mag?? Idk). Other than that, yeah shoot it. Just maybe don't run anything really hot through it (buffalo bore, underwood etc.).
Hey, that's me!
>should’ve just asked me :^)
For what? They don't sell them anymore you fucking nabbo
Grats. As a fellow owner and fanatic, you probably didn't overpay for the current market, don't worry the price only goes up, own it for as long as it makes you happy and don't worry about considering it an investment.

No, you don't have to shoot it. This is cool enough that you could put it under glass on the coffee table and it will entirely still serve the purpose of making you happy. Don't let it sit in direct sunlight every day if you do this, just to preserve the wood long-term.

Don't feel like you can't shoot it occasionally, though, either.

Yes the finish looks different on all of them because it's steel and aluminum. If you clean and oil it you can't tell but that's entirely normal and on every one of them.

357 is better because you can shoot it more, both cheaper ammo and less wear on your wrists. Another owner anon (possibly also in here) told me the 357 handgun and 44 rifle are OK to shoot without cracking the grips but it's good insurance to get the cheap (shitty) plastic grips on ebay for range visits. I did see someone make a new grip from wood, probably cnc and pricey, on GB, but try to preserve the original grip.
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Revolvers are only good for dirty work
No casings.

That being said this is my all-time favorite revolver, I totally validate this purchase. Well beyond my budget but if it wasn't I would pull the trigger in a heartbeat

I want to murder the family of whoever invented this captcha system in front of him and then remove his eyk0vwes and tongue
Because it's cool
Unfortunately, his shitty grips are the only option right now. Even with 357, his grips have cracked on my Unica. Better than cracking your wood grips though.

I am planning on making grips based on the 454 Unica. They will have a CNCd metal frame in the middle with panels on each side
Nice, if you ever decide to make enough to sell I suspect I would not be the only one interested

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