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I've currently been trying to elvismaxx my life. I've already got the hair, some clothes, and I'm eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches for lunch everyday. Need to do the same for my EDC and general weapons collection.
What should I get to make sure my guns are inline with my new lifestyle?

>also The King with guns picture thread
Has anyone had a Fool's Gold sammy? Are they good?
Is that a Luger and a suppressor?
Yeah, but not at the actual restaurant in Colorado. A local 50s diner place near me has a whole Elvis menu with them on it. They cost $35 there, but could easily make a meal for 2 or 3 people. If you like PB&J and Bacon the flavors really do compliment each other well.
>Heil to the /k/ing, baby.
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It's a shame that faggot, Ian, fell out with RIA before they put a bunch of Elvis's guns up for auction. Would've been cool to see some of his pieces up close. Then again, maybe it's good he didn't get his grubby mitts on the King's guns.
Yup, Elvis and Hunter S. Thompson were both super into Liger pistols. There’s a great video of Hunter shooting his artillery Luger at a neighbouring farmer that was peppering his house with buckshot.
>in-n-out cup
>full fun Thompson
When people say California has been ruined, this picture is exhibit A.
People often forget, but the AR-15 was invented in California
I don't really understand why CA has to be the poster child for cucked gun laws though, there are states with much more strict gun laws than CA, take Mass for instance, you can't even get CMP surpluss shipped to you in Mass
Nickel plated Colt commander with Pearl grips.
>also peanutbutter & banana sandwiches are amazing, especially on whole wheat bread
That video of Thompson shooting at that guy is so funny. Just two unhinged weirdos living in the mountains shooting at each other casually like it’s a form of entertainment for them
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Shoot your television OP
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You're gonna need a massive flashlight. He was the original EDC crazy, strapped with a bunch of guns and a flashlight everywhere he went.
That looks like an old can of Mace or Curb tear gas.
CA is the most populous state in the Union.
Zoomer speak
You forgot
>is shooting into the ocean from a public beach
Didn't they get beat in the last census by Texas?
Rock Island Auction has sold several of Elvis's guns over the past couple of years.

The TV blaster was one of them:
>there are states with much more strict gun laws than CA
There really aren't
The most important gun to have is a really nice 1911 in a presentation case, to bring (loaded) into the Whitehouse as a gift for the president so he'll give you a DEA badge. Also, remember to call everyone "Honey", regardless of their sex.
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gold pinky ring and tigers claw pendent needed. its kind of like fuddmaxxing but cooler.
>also ppl get this wrong all the time
the elvis pbj
peanut butter and bacon bananas sandwich thats fried in the bacon fat
>the fools gold loaf
an entire French bread loaf with a whole jar of pb a whole jar of jelly and a whole pack of bacon, sandwich not fried
Both Washingtons, New York, New Jersey, and a few other states are far far worse than what California is right now.
Zoomer board
Zoomer site
Zoomer future
>The TV blaster was one of them:
That gun is begging to go out and shoot trash.
Yes. Would you expect anything else from the King?
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Is there a list of what guns he owned, such that this collection can be replicated?
I'm sure some insane Elvis fan has researched that, but you can get a start pretty easily:
Slap this in Google: "site:rockislandauction.com elvis"
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Good work op
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you could certainly get all the models reasonably easy, but a lot Elvis's guns were special editions, custom jobs, and tailor made gifts.
Like you could get a S&W Model 19 tomorrow at any gun store, but you're not going to get one like this.
>keeping your finger on that pussy to be safe
based Elvis
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Anon, I think that's actually a Fisher. Pretty vicious little things.
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However they are also called "Fisher Cats" much like another mustelid, the Skunk (and IIRC some other things like Weasels?), is sometimes called a "Pole Cat". They get pretty big. You can find videos of them taking down squirrels and rabbits. Probably bigger things too.
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This nigga lives in New Vegas
Its because California’s entire image over the last few decades was to be one of the most liberal and progressive states in the union. They may not have anything *as bad* as Portland and may still be a bit better than laws in places like NY/NJ, but you best believe that California and Californians will never shut the fuck up about what they do regardless.
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Not entirely related but Capone's piece is sweet and looks like he wanted every small advantage in a gunfight.
Yeah, it looks like some kind of mustelid. If not a Fisher then perhaps a Marten.
I really like the checkering/texturing of the front of the grip. Also unintentional silencer height sights. I like the look of that.
I thought it was a mongoose
that's freeside retard
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Everyone was tacticool larping back then just like they are today. The aesthetic was way more stylish though.
What mongoose has a tail that big?
i miss pre-kike america
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This is forced perspective. Fishers are only like 3' long, including the tail, and 10#
Look at the size of the gaps between his fingers.
Still a very /k/animal though; Twink wolverine.
It was birdshot you asshole
>unhinged weirdos
You sound like a used car dealer from Southern California
Yea, Oregon, New Jersey Maryland and Delaware off the top of my head.
>Cutts compensator on Winchester 1907
Based af
My mistake. That is the same style from the Monitor BAR.
The core issue is that CA publicly champions their stance.
I'm sure it is a bit forced perspective but even the pelt I have for reference which I got from a trapper selling various pelts is 40" which seems to be about average. Most of his others were as well. If you get lucky and find a rarer larger fisher I don't doubt you might be able to get to 3.5' or maybe closer to 4' but it'd be pushing it. At that size you're nearing average otter.
Why does that moose have a come hither look?
Projection, fren. We all do it. I noticed the same with my maid this morning.
yeah, and freeside is in new vegas, retard.
ian was such a weirdo especially after that video of him sucking a black dick at some club or swingers party wish I saved the vid cause no one belives It
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this is what Americans actually look like. If you aren't like this, you aren't a real American and need to go back to europe or whatever shithole you are from
I'm not bald tho
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What did Buddy Holly CCW?
All I can find out was that "his handgun" was found in his briefcase after the plane crash
My pic quality isn't great obviously but I also believe he pinned the grip safety.
>wanting a list of guns owned by a person
>assuming such a list exists
kill yourself
Didn't Waylon get it? Maybe check what he owned.
Why are you such a massive faggot?
You'd still be a fucking loser back then anon, you can't change that
You didn't have to filename.jpg for me to recognize that still.
>same with my maid this morning.
The problem being she gets assigned to different floors and I have trouble stalking here throughout.
>>assuming such a list exists
It probably does given how much in the spotlight Elvis was. He had a huge entourage and absolutely rabid fans. That means a ton of witnesses to everything about him, and a ton of autists asking questions. I guarantee you there are Elvis fans out there who could tell you exactly what guns he bought and when. You could work backwards from auction records and figure out a lot of them but it would probably be easier to ask around wherever Elvis fans hang out.
>wherever Elvis fans hang out
The Bigfoot and Nessie forums? I swear to fuck, get a life and get your own guns.
>The Bigfoot and Nessie forums?
No, not the retards who think he's still alive. The people who obsess over his music, have read dozens of books about his life, and can tell you which one(s) talk about his guns.

>get your own guns.
I have my own collection. I give zero fucks about Elvis personally. Frankly I think his music sucks and his face makes me want to punch him. I just saw someone write the retarded comment that a list of his guns probably exist and thought I'd correct that. There are few secrets when it comes to people that famous.
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>his face makes me want to punch him
You take a swing at the king, you better not miss, bitch.
I like how it looks like a modern off the shelf 1911.
>tiny beavertail
>tiny hammer
I guess the adjustable sights are an addition a lot of modern ones add, but otherwise it doesn't.
You gotta do at least 1 ND in the middle of a social gathering to truly Elvismaxx.
Yeah the average American is a drug addled gonzo counter culture journalist or some other crazed mountain man with anger issues lmaoo. I like Hunter S, but the dude was an unhinged weirdo and he probably would’ve agreed.
why are you talking about yourself like that anon?
im sure your rabbi will sooth things over if you show him what little foreskin you have left

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