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>russian milbloggers confirm that ukraine mined the entrance of sevastopol bay using sea drones

what mines could they have used? it seems like it would be easy to defuse the mines
Land war though
Sevastopol's closed
the sea is just land with water on top of it
So that's why shills are seething today
Hitting unarmed ships is a warcrime
Boats don't touch the bottom. Does that mean this is an air war?
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war crime
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>Boats don't touch the bottom
Russian ones do.
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Damn, that is funny
How does this war keep getting more embarrassing for Russia? Literally almost every day. I really thought we would've hit rock bottom by now.
The density of the atmosphere increases the lower you can get. It is really all the same medium and only considered separate by arbitrary choice.
Now imagine what the future has in store for us
It is just payback for last year's mining: https://news.usni.org/2023/07/19/russia-says-all-ships-in-the-black-sea-heading-to-ukraine-are-potential-carriers-of-military-cargo
The desert is an ocean with it's life under ground. Made me sad to think it was dead.
>boats touch the bottom while the sailors get bottom'ed
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So what ships do the Russians currently have stuck inside Sevastopol?
Please tell me a there's a chance that the dinghies can get an assist-kill on a Kilo.
>manta mine
These mines lays on the seafloor and explode and send a shockwave up when a ship sail over them
>On the morning of 18 February 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, Princeton was patrolling 28 nautical miles (52 km) off Failaka Island in the Persian Gulf, on the west side of the decoy United States Marine Corps and naval invasion forces afloat. At exactly 7:15 AM local time two Italian-made MN103 Manta bottom-mounted influence mines detonated, one just under the port rudder and the other just forward of the starboard bow, the second explosion most likely being a sympathetic detonation caused by the first. The blasts cracked the superstructure, buckled three lines in the hull, jammed the port rudder, flooded the #3 switchboard room through chilled water pipe cracks, and damaged the starboard propeller shaft. Three crewmembers were injured, one seriously. Despite the severe damage, the forward weapons and the AEGIS combat system were back online within 15 minutes.
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The ocean and the desert are very similar, where it looks quiet and peaceful, but as soon as you do a bit of digging, an awful wiggly thing comes out and starts a fight with you.
Bottomtouching sailors...correction is needed ##
I was swimming through the ocean on a horse with no name
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>KYIV, June 19, 2024 (Reuters) - Ukrainian ferry company Ukrferry will resume services between the Black Sea port of Chornomorsk and Batumi in Georgia, according to the company's timetable.

>The company said, "Regular services accept passengers... trucks, cars, railcars loaded with conventional, dangerous or oversized cargo, caterpillar type vehicles, palletized and non-palletized deck cargo"


Black Sea Fleet BTFO Black Sea
Is this the dawn of sea defense cuckold? Helplessly watching as ukie ships sail right past him.
All the way to georgia?
Is the black sea fleets presence really so small?
who the FUCK is taking a ferry from Savannah, Georgia to Odesa, Ukraine?
Actually it's going from Batumi, Georgia to Odessa, Texas (confusing, I know)
It’s not a war. It’s a special military operation. So there’s no crime. It’s time to mine.
Crime against humanity
I would.
>what mines could they have used
Looking at your image I'm going to guess Manta mines, dipshit.
Nyet, merely returning to sea floor under own power comrade.
>country without navy
>blocks russian, supposed 2nd world military power, black sea fleet main naval port
>from fucking seaside
>with no navy at all

i can't find a meme big enough to show where my sides went
>going to Odessa, TX
Unironic war crime
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>Now yous can't leave.
One of Russia's strategies was to try to strangle the grain shipments going to and from Ukraine, which is very important for the Ukies, especially whatever agreements they had or tried to have fail through.
By bottling up their major Black Sea port, and basically making the entire Black Sea a "No Ivan" zone, their ability to intercept or even threaten to intercept any shipment is denied, giving them one less option to try to bring Ukraine to the table on their terms
Also, dunking on the Russian Navy is hilarious.
The funniest shit is that the ship could have been saved. Had this been an american ship they wouls have done more than a few tugboats.
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So are the ships basically trapped there now so that Ukraine can start blowing them all up with HIMARS and storm shadows?
They are trapped until they can de-mine it which could be days or weeks.
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I'll said it will be months - you know, ziggers most advanced mine clearing system must learn how to swim first, because there's no stick long enough to reach the mines from shore
jesus christ
tpbp and kek
>ziggers most advanced mine clearing system must learn how to swim first, because there's no stick long enough to reach the mines from shore
But what if they get their hands on advanced HATONAFO floaties technology anon!? Their mine clearing could become seafaring practically overnight!!! Will ITAR be enough to prevent it?
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De-mine, comrade?
>>russian milbloggers confirm that ukraine mined the entrance of sevastopol bay using sea drones
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>Sevastopol's closed
>If he swims, he swims
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>Classics coming back
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Da, Comrade. You take ship and move it through channell as normal. Thus the channel is de-mined.
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>supposed 2nd world military power
The strongest navy in the world actually, according to these tards: https://www.globalfirepower.com/navy-ships.php
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>No problem comrade, we have dolphins to clear those mines
>mein monke, the dolphins...
Are Russian sailors not raped enough as it is?
>sevastopool's closed
sorry lads had to do it
>Leninist District

Slav place names are something else
Just a little bit of trolling.
Yes but who is Sandy Loam
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The a what?
>not mentioning Ukhuyevka
come on.
Ruskies have giant squids. Dolphins are allied tech.
Sevastopol is where the Russians keep the combat dolphins right?
I was wondering what was going on. They’re really riled up today
Any Ukrainian sources reporting on this? The ones I follow are only showing the usual stuff or being angry at yet another change in command.
>Is the black sea fleets presence really so small?
the entire black sea fleet is now hiding in the sea of Azov
>Now it's called "Azov Sea Squadron"
I think they keep them a bit further north up the Yevpatoria side of the peninsula
this site feels like it is maintained by people who's first names ends in "eet" and last name in "ash"
>what mines could they have used?
>Pic describes exactly what they used
Why are you like this?
I knew this post will come
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Daily reminder that russian pidor coped so hard about losing minesweepers. Now they can't even fucking leave or enter their port
I love those SBU niggas like you wouldn't believe
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>Also, dunking on the Russian Navy is hilarious.
Has Russian navy had any victories, ever?
In friendly fire incidents.
I vaguely remember them beating the shit out of the Turks in I think the 1700's enough that they were allowed to play on the Black Sea
Recently, can't really think of any rollicking successes of national pride. I think they send people who are too fucked up to play around with planes and tanks to go be on ships as some kind of punitive deployment
I think they had some sort of major victory over the Swdes in the 17th century, and won some dust ups against the Turks in the 18th.
After that not so much in terms of raw victories, though if nothing else the Soviet Navy at least had some nice designs like the Kirov heavy missile cruiser, one of my favorite Cold War designs, and a history of pretty decent submarines during it too.
Also vaguely remember them having a submarine ace of some fame during WW2, but other than not, not really.
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>Registered in Panama
>Sails only the Black Sea
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idk but they once lost naval battle to landlocked nation as demostrated here
What's the navy doing?

Proud Sweden with 250 stridsbåt 90 almost as powerful as puny US navy with its what 12 fleet carriers. Cope and seethe yanks.

I really think all vatniks and 5th columnists should be rounded up and worked until death. They annoy me so fucking much with their stupidity.
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But anon, then they would have to pay taxes and comply with worker welfare and safety standards while hiring people who are required to be paid more than slave wages.
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Hundreds of thousands dead and maimed, millions displaced, disruption of the global energy and even food supply. All of it entirely worth it just for that one joke.
Would it make sense to just float some scrap ships and metal hulls you quickly put together?
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>mien monke, the dolphins....
>the dolphins have defected to Norway. They were last seen playing rugby with a fishing boat.
Even worse, they effectively have no liability.

So major company can create a shell company in Liberia and transfer a ship to it. If that ship hits a cruise ship drowning hundreds of passengers and destroying the $1 billion cruise ship, no one can effectively sue them in Liberia and even if they could and win, the only asset available is the ship which probably have a loan(s) on it which are in first priority
really weird there are whales that look like my dick
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wait, they lost ALL their minesweepers?

Lets be fair, that isn't what is says and they haven't named a city district after that faggot. Yet.
Bring back merchant fleets dammit
An American ship probably would have never been hit in the first place.
It's more complex than that. The company who owns the boat is often different from the company that operates the boat, which is different from the company that crews the boat and actually does commerce.
>A new crest touches the bum.
player.removeitem 0004e4e6 1
How rude :(
Are you not into egg measuring?
Yuri stole them... and for some reason he also made psyker white haired girls...
An american ship would have legitimately returned to port under it's own power.
Sweden does have a pretty good navy for its size and mission tho
Isn't him like the idol of /leftypol/?
wild timeline we are in
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this entire fucking interaction, close the thread down, it's not gonna get any better
Not with quest items that junk up my inventory and can't be dropped/traded/stored in containers.
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The battle of Sinop at the start of the soon-to-be Crimean War. It was an early use of explosive shells and they wrecked a Turkish force sitting in harbor. The Turks got BTFO so hard that Britain and France got worried and joined the war to contain Russia and keep them away from the Med.
Incase someone doesn't get it.
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Get the fuck off /k/ reddit nigger
why the fuck does your dick have teeth
>senpai... im sorry... im already...
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>internet historian
One of the few good things a commie has ever done is exposing this hack
A daring synthesis
What's his problem?
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lmao that's hilarious

Likewise anon, likewise.
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*Laughed so hard I dropped my piglet.
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Absolutely none, some leftist was caught in a serial plagiarism scandal so hbomberguy had to take shots at internet historial for comparatively minor offenses.
Remember when Carnik Con reenacted that internel joke thread about concealed weapons as a live skit? It's like that. Nobody actually gave a fuck.
>HE,HE, he plagiarized some newspaper and he reuploaded the video so it's no longer the same as news story
>also he's a nazy!
why did he think it would make historian look bad?
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"Did you neglect to thoroughly cite your online sources, my dude?"
media claims this is the first time in history that remote sea mining has been conducted

big if true
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That Marichka looks familiar.
This thread is too funny too quickly Ukrainian glowies up in this bitch.
They're trapped in the Azov.

I repeat, the Azov is now a cuck puddle.
at my cunts defense university last year, we had a visit from two ukrainian officers, one of them navy. I thought it must feel pretty pointless considering they have no ships, but I guess they still have a use in planning sea denial operations
I remember when that ugly faggot made shitty LetsPlays on SomethingAwful forums.

>/int/ slang
>in /k/
>Use Azov as a justification to invade
>get trapped in the sea of azov 2 years in
>Russia, China, North Korea
>All rated easily above America
It isn't even subtle

18th century they had some combat against sweden but ended up getting giga raped at Svensksund.
Did they ever recapture the dolphins that escaped in the storm, or are they still...

>wait, they lost ALL their minesweepers?

All the ones that can help, as far as I know.
I think that 100 year-old salvage ship could also act as a minesweeper, but I'm not sure. Not that it matters anymore.
Damn the ziggers weren't lying it really is a land war for THEM
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>but as soon as you do a bit of digging, an awful wiggly thing comes out and starts a fight with you.
Unfortunately true
Orcs! Bottom touching Orc!
>due to raids

the fuck is that
A bobbit worm, named after that one guy who had his cock chopped off by his wife.
Nasty little fuckers. Especially if they get into your aquarium
They are a double-edged sword. Firstly byt not paying taxes they also don't have any securities from government. They have to relly of friendly ports and insurance companies to bail them out.

Second is that they still fall under laws of that government and if they brake them ( like smuggling weapons for example) Panama can imediedtly take away that legal registry and mark the ship as pirates, meaning that ship and it cargo can be seized by anyone without legal repercusions.
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You goof they have a navy and marines. Those unmanned surface vehicles are ships that are part of the navy! Blowing up the black sea flee has been half anti-ship and cruise missiles and half usv by the navy and gur collaboratong. Navy procures them and GUR units pilot them.
In the desert, you can't remember your name.
Let's recall when certain posters were saying sinking minesweepers didn't matter.
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>kill on a Kilo
God, my balls are SSOOOO fuckin' blue. I might drown in my own semen when I finally get release.
Curious Ukraine has said nothing. Either they are waiting to announce it or, sadly, Russian milbloggers are posting rumors.
give me weed, whites and wine
show me a sign and I'll be willin'
oh, I'll be willin'
I think announcing they have mines would be counterproductive if you want them to sail into them
If Russians are talking about them then the cat is out of the bag. And the goal is area denial rather than actually sinking anything.
>because there's no stick long enough to reach the mines from shore
everything in that post
>that zen-like pause right after the detonation ...
did he iz OKay rite? guiz ...guiz ..?
>why the fuck does your dick have teeth
why ,,,uh .. *wouldn't* it ..?
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Every day, this fucking war...
I will not ask you to show gunz this day, because 4chan is an anime board and this is perfect.
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>the goal is area denial rather than actually sinking anything

Yeah, but T'pol's open...
Fuck you I came here to post this.
Nice taste in tunes, though.
whelp, g'nite guiz im'ma be buzy for a bit
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>A bobbit worm
>It ranges in length from less than 10 cm (4 in) to 3 m (10 ft).

Fuck the ocean. Navy is gay anyway.
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due to AIDS????
....i should call her...
No, AIDS is normal there.
I'm wheezing. It hurts. If I die, know that I died laughing at how absurd this timeline has become.
>easy to defuse
This IS russia you're talking about. Nothing is "easy", especially simply day-to-day survival.
>Especially if they get into your aquarium
From what I've heard it's unironically less painful to just scoop out each fish that's not dead yet, BURN the aquarium to the ground, and get a whole new one, keeping nothing, than try to battle a bobbit worm.
Just because you know about mines doesn't mean they magically no longer can sink your ships
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>naval battle against landlocked country
>lose a train station
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based post anon
Due to AIDS.
An American ship wouldn't have been hit and if it had, it wouldn't have needed emergency assistance to sort its shit out.
Chomsky? He's an ancient tankie worshiped by American leftoids, yes. He's also a pedophile and was a business associate of Epstein's.
Does this increase or decrease the price of Slavic female throats in Berlin??
Russian throat queen prices in Istanbul and Dubai are already at rock bottom prices. We need a Russian refugee crisis to drop the prices in Europe.
Almost certainly a stonefish mine. The UK made loads of them and they have basic IFF/target recognition.
Fucking HOW?
Czechoslovak army got caught inside russia after the russian revolution broke out, decided their best way to France was through Vladivostok (they were in Ukraine), hi-jinks ensued.
>it seems like it would be easy to defuse the mines
it also seems like it would be easy for the "world's second most powerful army" to win a "three day special military operation" against an ostensible weaker and smaller nation - yet here were are
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> No no no no NOOOOO! NOOOOO!
didn't they steal a train loaded with gold at some point?
They captured an Imperial gold reserve in Kazan, and they did mostly travel by (armored) train, but I think the two things are separate.
I must've been crossing the streams then.
Im getting old skewl adult swim vibes here
If you're going to make AI slop, at least make a pic with the habboniggers blocking crimea
A similar naval victory against the Turk was the cause for British and French intervention in the Crimean War iirc.
Anyway no, not once against a developed and modern country.
God willing we get that and kill all the Arabs in the gulf and swoop all that oil. Would help precipitate cheaper throats
a lotta remote wartime firsts are happening in this war, it's pretty neat. it's things that people have tested and done in exercise, but seeing the first practical uses of these things is fucking neat.
There was this one time where they used a naval crane to destroy an entire aircraft carrier. That was pretty cool
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Now imagine one hits a ship that doesn't have damage control, or better yet a sub that's submerged.
Taking bets on one of those mines floating away and blowing up

A Russian ship
A foreign warship
A fishing boat
A walrus.
Walrus would need a miracle.
I'm 100% prepared for video of drunk russian dudes in speedo's hitting one with a stick
An alligator. By that I mean a Ka-52.
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I'll say it... floats down to the Bosporus and sinks an Istanbul ferry carrying russian tourists!
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it'll be on video if it happens. some dude will be hanging out the side smacking at something on the surface of the water before suddenly blowing up.
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What the fuck Poland.
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What do you think happens when your attitude to HIV is
>no such thing, please have many babies and homosex is not allowed and therefor non-existant lalaalalla
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>it drifts to the Moskva's grave and somehow sinks low enough to blow it up AGAIN
What are the chances, honestly?
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if one does, that does it, god hates russia. i don't know how else you'd explain that sort of journey.
Isn’t this a legit tactic against those little green toe poppers?
against the little butterfly ones yes. better than the results of the chechens who were stepping on them.
would be safer to shoot them but yeah sometimes they just toss shit at it or beat it with something.
also the butterflies are pretty fucky since crows tend to pick them up and fly them back to already demined areas lmao.
it's a shit job
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>chechens who were stepping on them
do you have any visuals of that specific occurence?
if you weren't a redditard newfaggot you'd know it's against the point to offer newfaggots unprompted help
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God fucking dammit
It's just another day,
There's murder in the air...
It drags me when I walk,
I smell it everywhere.
It's just another day,
Where people cling to light,
To drive away the fear,
That comes with every night...
this is the first ten seconds of like a ten minute video. they're compassionate enough at least to run up and try to first-aid their comrade... but another guy finds another mine. cluster mine munitions are a bitch. the UXO from this war is going to be hell to cleanup.
>tfw a habbo veteran

I hate newfags so much its unreal
he ripped that guys article verbatim and tried to pass it off as his own shit you dipshit moron
If this happens or frankly if any of my shenanigans I bet on happen I'll livestream myself kayaking in to St Petersburg
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>Which way white man? Bobbit Worm infestation, or Mantis Shrimp infestation, you decide in this weeks instalment of “I really shouldn’t of put those rocks in my aquarium”
At least with bobbit worms you'll still have the tank and all your fingers by the end of it
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>At least with bobbit worms you'll still have the tank and all your fingers by the end of it
>and all your fingers by the end of it
Well it depends if you fuck up bad enough or not
Don’t they have permanently numbing neurotoxins?
Nta but why is no one talking about how the Russians lost control of their space operations and one of their satellite just crashed and they had no idea.
Shut up idiot we're talking about bobbit worms
apparently that satellite was actually decommissioned in 2021, but they wouldn't say exactly why, and now it's fallen apart in a way that would be dangerous. it could be incompetence, could be malicious, but i'm leaning towards incompetence here.
I don't really think it was decommissioned. I think it was at ultra low orbit to compensate for bad optics and Russian space command got bombed so it couldn't get it's flight path corrected. Computers used to weigh a lot and it's Russians
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>it could be incompetence
i mean all they said was 'a failure of the onboard systems due to service life exhaustion'. my guess is it could have just ran out of fuel to keep itself in a stable orbit, and declined. i'd be surprised if they were still tracking it throughout it's declination, but it did break up at a convenient time... i avoid conspiratorial thinking where i can though. people are stupid, first and foremost.
>'a failure of the onboard systems due to service life exhaustion'
After a continued and sustained assault by all the craft and wickedness the Mexican mind can conjure, my ass has suffered an onboard systems failure due the service life of the average taco (el maximumo spicey, por favour) being less than ideal.
Can't you just dump the tank in the street? I know nothing about fish but realistically what stops you from just screen clearing the problem away?
Their eggs can survive. They can also regenerate from chopped sections. They're basically Tyrannids.
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God, take me back
Anon, they ate the dolphins
Oh fuck no. Oh no
Actually, no. You will see a lot of claims online that bobbit worms' bristles carry some neurotoxin, but there is no scientific evidence I can find to back this up. Having a google for this, I found bot answers on quora picking up on the "toxic secretions" line because, shocker, AI trained on the internet just says what it reads and doesn't look for citations.

Now, some species of arrow and ribbon worms are known to carry tetrodotoxin, which is one of the more common nasty-ass oceanic toxins. It's what pufferfish have, it's identical or near identical to what blue ringed octopi produce.

There's also specific examples like the Bearded Fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) which has toxic bristles that can cause pain for many hours after contact with human skin.

I believe the reason that the "bobbit worms have toxic spikes" rumour is pretty simple - they're one of those infamous sea critters that people already know of by fearsome reputation, and look at them. They're glistening, iridescent, wriggling things. I would not want to touch one. Everything in my hindbrain says touching one would be bad news. They become a focal point for all the shit you don't want to interact with in the ocean, that squirms and hides and bites, and so of COURSE you attribute to them the stories you hear of other posionous worms.

We know things in the ocean can be poisonous or toxic, and seemingly WAY more so than land creatures. There's that coral that leaves you with long term pain. There's stonefish and sea snakes and all that. There's cone snails which are practically walking geneva convention violations, given that they mix up toxins on the spot to meet their needs.

But I promise you, I have just spent the last hour doing an internet autism and I cannot see any actual papers or studies describing toxin in bobbit worms.
Don’t forget the jellyfish that causes a sense of impending doom.
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There is no going back and things will only get worse.
Now we understand why the band on the titanic played.
Based and cath PIS has brought Payeets and Nigerians.
Can you eat bobbit worm?
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Yeah, but I'm not sure you'd want to. I'm not sure in engaging in mortal kombat with a 3m long worm with a box-cutter for a face is worth something that tastes like whelks, when you can just eat whelks instead.
Lol the denial
Nta, but I appreciate the time you took out of your day for this post. I will sleep safer at night knowing things that can cut a fish in half with their jaws cannot also permanently numb me should I cross paths with one.
aw shucks
>you know what else won't bite or permanently numb you but looks like a horrible oceanic wriggler? I can show you.
autists who wanted to gatekeep an internet meme seething rn
Thanks frend
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Audible kek
All this bobbit worm stuff made me look for the story of the guy fighting one in his fish tank.
The good old Irkunji Jellyfish, why God decided to make a nail sized and nigh invisible bag of death that induces an all consuming urge that you’re going to fucking fucking die right this instant is beyond me. I guess he thought the Whitsunday Islands were too nice and decided to add them and the toe biting Toadfish to make it little less like paradise.

Yes, a fair few SEA peoples do consume Bobbit and similar sea worms (usually in soups if I recall). Although they usually make sure they are dead before consumption.
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>it would be easy to defuse the mines
YOU do it then. Nothing brings down an argument easier than "it should be easy to..."

Russia: didn't want the Black Sea anyways...
Needs red tie and no shades.
Nice attempt though.

Dude's supposed to be NDGT-ish too.
>Has Russian navy had any victories, ever?
Well...how do define the Russianness of their navy?

move boba
>Their eggs can survive. They can also regenerate from chopped sections
Move the fish to a temp tank and boil the substrat?
How small are the eggs? How long are they viable?
they never did want it.
They mostly rely on the US enforcing unrestricted trade on the high seas. If that ever goes away, we're back to the 1600s.
>They mostly rely on the US enforcing unrestricted trade on the high seas. If that ever goes away, we're back to the 1600s.
Let's see, in last two years we had two cases
-Durka-durkas from Yemen firing at ships with America still not being able to deal with it
-Russia attacking Ukrainian ports and any merchant vessels going in/out of them
So when exactly is America actually enforcing this "unrestricted trade"?
To yesterday.
>Durka-durkas from Yemen firing at ships
Might have something to do with Iran paying and equipping the durkas to do it, kind of like how foreign states hostile to America pay you to shitpost here.
>Might have something to do with Iran paying and equipping the durkas to do it
And that changes situation how exactly?
>countries are paying pirates money to hunt enemy merchant vessels
>Iran is paying Durkas to hunt enemy merchant vessels
>If that ever goes away, we're back to the 1600s.
Lol, lmao even
That's exactly why I mentioned that it might go away. In both cases, the US government was deterred (in the latter case, possibly bribed, as well) from dealing with pirates and illegal blockades. O.K., so there's not much that could have been done in the first case without risking a shooting war with Russia, so that's at least a *little* understandable... but Iran is de facto closing the Suez Canal via their Houthi catspaws, and they are paying no price for doing so--in fact, they're being rewarded with lots of American cash in an insane attempt to make the mullahs "friends".

This will *not* end well if policy is not changed.
It is easy if you're not an incompetent 3rd worlder, so extremely difficult for your average russian
>but Iran is de facto closing the Suez Canal
They seem to not be doing all that good of a job at it, though.

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