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Working links edition

Lying about medical history: YMMV
Lying about criminal history: Bad

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole.
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries, you never get to leave your boat, zero job prospects.


>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
>Lying about criminal history: Bad
troll thread
Why did two of your threads get deleted?
>Lying about medical history: YMMV
What kind of shit does Genesis see?
Doesn't work
>Working Links edition
>links don't work
troll thread
Do you know what the word “captious” means?
Do you know what the word "faggot" means?
Why are you THIS mad that you can’t be the guy that decides what pictures is attached to /meg/? LMFAO
>use a gay word
>get called a faggot
>uhh why are you mad?!?!?
Pretty much everything your doctor ever wrote on you and uploaded to a computer. Some pre 2000 stuff in poorer areas gonna be paper and hard for them to find but most everything else is there.
I call you a hypercritical whiner, and you lash back with “uh ur a fgt”. Yeah, you’re mad as fuck because you don’t get to post another full metal jacket picture and links that don’t work. You’ve been doing this shit for weeks and you are butthurt that you have to wait until this thread dies to even attempt it again, since TWO of your threads got slapped down by the jannies.
The only thing I've criticized is your choice of words. You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
yeah it means "the person using this word is gay"
Stay mad and keep “fighting the good fight” on 4chan lmao also you forgot to post pictures of your fake wedding
>fake wedding
Better yet, where are all the dirlewanger pictures, or the dead Americans, or the anti-zog stuff? You don’t realize just how buckbroken you are that you have to resort to this behavior just to continue shitposting here? Yeah yeah, I know you’ll just say “I’ve never been here before” because you get flustered when you get called out, so spare the bullshit for once.
Don't know what that is
>dead Americans
stopped reading there
>>>/pol/ you dumb jew-obsessed /pol/troon. there are no jews in your walls keeping you unemployed
See? You self-censor because you are buckbroken. You keep conceding ground and what have you gained from doing so?
>conceding ground
Dirlewanger was the guy that everyone accused Hitler of being.
You lie about who you are because you are afraid of being pinned for innumerable counts of ban evasion, plus the stigma of being alone in your fight against /meg/ lmao
sounds like a bad guy. fuck Hitler and all other anti-semites
I’m happy that we don’t see the offensive content that used to be posted here. It’s no longer posted because I won.
Your giveaway, above all else, is that you HAVE to respond to me, like a chatbot. That’s how I always know it’s you. I’ll be back later to dunk my balls on your face again, repeatedly, forever.

It stops when you stop coming here, you freaky little masochist
Haven't you seen Drifters? Hitler was trying to give the jews their land back, but the eternal Anglos and Soviets didn't want that. Why else would he build camps with movie theaters, Olympic swimming pools, and delousing chambers far away from Allied bombings?
posting in the antisemitic schizophrenic samefag thread
Going to the jym to prep
Any work out guides which are related, but arn't reeking of pure SF larp?
Any guide with plenty of calisthenics is fine. Which branch are you looking into?
focus on getting as big as possible, don't worry so much about cardio
Don’t “this” yourself, redditor
Im 25 and taking zoloft antidepressants. I have a college degree.

How do I unfuck myself before 28 so I can apply for Marine Officer Candidate School? Tell my doctors I want off the medication?
Coast Guard
Start smoking tons of weed.
I already do though!
I was on Tricare for all of my life, and they caught literally everything my record. YMMV if you lived in a big city and they had a good bearing on records or if you lived in a small town where the only records that exist are in a filing cabinet somewhere.

It's going to be really tough to get waivers done if you have a medical record spanning over 100 pages. So don't make the military your top plan.
This isn't to say tricare and the military healthcare system is uniform in regards to getting your medical files.
For example, to request big files from Womack on Fort Bragg you'll actually need to be present, and for Tripler in Hawaii you just need to send the clerk a picture of your drivers license via email.
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>wanted to buy gun
>tfw no job/money to do so
>family wuz liek "OMG he's gonna kill himself"
>me like "yeah, living w/o my 2a right is kinda unbearable"
Am I fucked? Should I just join the Foreign Legion?
based. don't change a thing.
How is the first part relevant to your question?
They called suicide prevention on my ass, so I'm wondering if that will show up in Genesis.
don't worry about it
Guess I'll talk to some Marine guys I know cause Im not sure why there are troll answers in this thread
they'll tell you the same thing
My fitness standard not far off lmao
Yeah, except I received counseling to prove to them I wasn't crazy or whatever, and I admitted to having ideas about self harm.
Good idea. Getting straight to the recruiter is the best way to get this process started. The marines are more forgiving about a spotty past
just don't bring it up
What are some ninjutsu workouts to maximize SF autism?
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>pick up ssg
>Realization that I've been in just shy of 6 years hits me
>Feels like last week I was a fuzzy fresh out of osut
>Two of my soldiers were born in 2006
Fitness guide link is dead, still available on archive.org. Haven't checked the others. If you're going to post this here at least make sure to prune the list.
OP is a neverserved troll who fucks with the links.
What should I say if the recruiter asks me if I'm a white supremacist? Should I lie about the FBI crime statistics?
i had a bunch of mental health stuff when I was a teenager and somehow it didn't find anything. so ymmv
Tell the truth. They'll be on your side.
Verification not required.
>They'll be on your side.
What if the recruiter isn't white?
I’ll go through it later today, but at least some of them work instead of none. I just copied from an old thread on the archive. It’s not easy combating a no-life when you have a life, you know?
Wrapping up my degree in IR and keep getting beat out by former MIL/Reservists for agency analyst positions/internships (NSA, DIA and NRO) due to them having existing clearances. I've been told I am otherwise qualified. Was considering going CTR as a Navy Reservist. Concurrently I've been accepted into a good school for data science with a focus on geospatial imagery. What should my path be and how should I best maximize benefits? Reservist -> start school post A-school -> Internships -> Start working while pursuing part time masters? Any of you ever go to school, work and do your one weekend a month at the same time?
Forgot to add I was considering CTN as well. I have a lot of other relevant CS experience/certifications.
thank you for your service o7
It’s easy to get an age waiver for Marine Corps OCS. Just keep up with your PFT.
CTN is CWT now. Either rate will be fine given your goal but I guarantee you won't stay in agency work long as it pays like shit and there's more exciting opportunities in the private sector once you become qualified.
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>doing swim qual
>mfw watching the "dark green" members of my unit nearly drown after treading water for 10 seconds
How likely will it actually be to literally die for Israel in the next few years? Are they going to send Army/Marines to fight Hezbollah or Iran?
>Tell my doctors I want off the medication?

Just stop going to the fucking doctor
0% chance before 2030. American military interests are in Asia and Eastern Europe currently and it's pivoting strongly to South East Asia. Dying for Israel is a lesson from the last war
>another sandbox intervention with boots on ground
It would be wildly, wildly unpopular unless there was a second 9/11, and even then it wouldn't go over well. All the motivated non-politician types in the DoD are looking at prepping for war with China or other big near peer shit anyway.
This is antihibernian!
If it’s on my medical record, then I need to keep seeing the doctor to get officially off of it. Would bring up less issues during the enlistment process
>and even then it wouldn't go over well
If you're older, you would be aware that it even the march to Afghanistan and Iraq didn't go well back in 2001. There were massive anti-war protests all over the country that were broken up by the police. Any politician who spoke out was attacked as being anti-American.
It was a truly stupid time in our recent history. IMO, Americans by large don't have a tolerance for that kind of shit anymore, so there would be a larger revolt if politicians tried to start another bullshit war. This is why the politicians use the "existential threat" line whenever they're trying to drum up support for another action.
What's hilarious is that people just don't give a fuck about the chinks. Nobody cares and the WASPs and jews who run the country just can't manufacture consent the way they used to.
I think we have decades of off-shoring and outsourcing to thank for that. The Chinese have been the economic boogeyman since the late 70s, but they're also creating a real strain on normal Americans with the likes of Walmart and Amazon, so even Joe Blow doesn't give a fuck about them.
Good point. Cardio has probably been the steepest challenge for fitness for me.
Why would we give a shit about a country that's never done shit to us? Trying to drum up crap over Taiwan isn't going to do shit. Taiwan is rightfully Chinese clay.
The army will give you the ability to choose your job, while the air force let's you help them narrow it down but you have limited control. Honestly, the army wouldn't be a bad call if you have a path in mind. Much easier for you to commission too
Who's making the fentanyl? The Chinks have every intention of turning the US into a has-been, and the US has to fight for its future. If you think they're so great, go over there and see how well they treat you.
The US is trying to turn the US into a has been. Stop blaming China for shit that Bush Sr. and Clinton did in the 80's and 90's.
That anon is either a disinfo agent, or a tard who doesn't know what dime is.
No chink ever called me a chud.
The Chinese have no respect for self-hating foreigners. They’d have no qualms putting democrats, republicans, and independents in the same mass grave.
Why would anyone call you chud?
You're really bad at this. I miss schizo anon.
You want to disagree with me, but you can’t voice why. The Chinese despise you as much as they despise me. Siding with them gains you nothing. You won’t seek out interactions with them because you’re afraid to find out why I came to this conclusion.
Why would I care if they hate our politicians and government when I also hate our politicians and government? They are literally no physical threat to anyone. They can't even project power into all their own territory.
You still don’t get it. I’m saying they hate YOU. I don’t know where you are getting politicians and government from what I said. They hate YOU as a member of the collective American populace. You are not different just because you have “alternative” views. You rook arike the same way they rook arike to you.
They don't give a shit about me homie. They don't know I exist. My wife works with people in China and they're all pretty chill. They just want money.
Why does everything you write read like it came out of Google translate?
Because you're a schitzophrenic.
Your comprehension of the English language has been sullied by terminal internet addiction. A structured English sentence looks odd to you because you lack the capability to form one.
>mind broken to helmettard levels
Stop pretending you are married on the internet
You spit out sentence fragments like crazy and you use non-colloquial English. Your writing is definitely generated by an LLM, or you are a non-native speaker.
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good or bad?
Your assumptions are incorrect. Different people communicate in different ways. I am obviously not an LLM, and an ESL wouldn’t communicate the way I do. You would know this with more life experience.
Has anyone done the NUPOC program? I’m about 50/50 if I keep pursuing aviation or drop it to become a sub officer. I know the nuke program is hard as shit, but it kinda makes it more appealing since it’s hard. Also, I have a 3.6 GPA going into my senior year of a ME degree
Shit. Join the Army with an option 4 or 40 if you want to live out CoD fantasies.
Besides drills and longer boot camp, why are the Marines so hated? They've got the least hoes of any branch. Or do the Chinese assume that they won't have to fight the Army, so they tell everyone to join that?
poor QOL in comparison to other branches I assume
I am going in as a Navy reserve intel officer soon. That is my plan. Soon as I get my clearance, I'll aggressively go after alphabet soups while being a reservist.

>t. master in IR/European Studies
I spoke to my local Marine OSO and he said that the age max is now 42. He and the Gunny said if you are 30+ you must shoot for a perfect 300 PFT. I mean, it isn't required, but to be competitive you have to. The 20 pull ups is what kills me. The 24 minute 3 mile run and 90 second plank are a joke
You're a sperg, perhaps? That would fit as well.
>The 24 minute 3 mile run and 90 second plank are a joke
Where are you seeing that? lmao, it's 23 pullups, 3:45 plank and 18 minute 3 mile for a 300.
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>I’m about 50/50 if I keep pursuing aviation or drop it to become a sub officer.
there are no naval aviators who spend time feeling sorry for themselves thinking "damn i wish i would have become a submarine officer"
The way the USMC does contracts has always been stupid. They also treat everyone like shit. Historically this may have been an edge to keep people from getting complacent but every American has been a 2 hour drive away from a Burger King for the last 20 years. Lot of people getting treated like shit for no reason. They also kind of missed the boat on being cool guy operators because they wanted to be autists and do MARSOC.
>as well
So I’m an ESL LLM with Asperger’s? Must mean you’re a fag
>paranoid schizophrenic thinks that people on the other side of the planet are out to get him
are the chinks in the room with us right now, little buddy?
The sub officer job looks appealing in a way. Especially on the Ohio Class, or if I’m lucky, a Seawolf Class job
Their whole MO is being a perpetual cycle of abuse at an institutional level. They go out of their way to treat people like shit for no actual benefit. It doesn't make them better fighters it just makes their lives suck and people drink the red kool-aid and think it makes them better fighters.
I think their thought is if they are treated like shit then when they are in shit conditions it won't lower morale, but that's not how it actually works and you can see it in Russia today.
>still seething 8 hours later
You are seething, yes.
If you think that a US Marine lives in conditions akin to Russian conscripts, then I'd have to call you a full retard who has been taking in too much propaganda.
Yelling at someone as though they are a child with ADHD who is about to touch a hot stove is a bad thing, but it is a very small amount of Marines who haven't been given good leadership training who do this. That isn't representative of the force at large.
I'd say that the constant PT and the strict uniform and C&C regs are what cause the corps to have low enlisted retention. It isn't fun living like that for extended periods of time.
Why does Air Force medical suck so much compared to other branches?
From the medical staff?
Specifics or fuck off.
I blame a lack of practical experience. The army, navy, and usaf medics all do the hospital and clinical thing, but the army and navy enlisted medical staff are more often staffing events like the range, field exercises, strenuous pt, etc. The only usaf medics that get regular real world experience and idmts, and even that is typically in training environments.
This is the major reason why the usaf depends on the reserve and guard, because regaf doesn't have that experience.
wtf is a medical record? Do you think there is some magical database of every citizens doctor visists? Much less a way to access that data without consent?
Yes it does work like that. The issue with the russians is that they are fighting for nothing. If you kick someones ass a few times, then tell them they are about to have their cheeks clapped they will absolutely take it better than someone who has never been in a fight. But nothing is more important than having a Reason to be in a fight. Which russians dont have.
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I want to join the Army Infantry but my entire family is against it and is berating me for even suggesting such a thing. My uncle, who was in Iraq, hates the military and thinks I’m dumb for joining. My parents and grandparents think I’m going to be blown up and/or killed and get angry at me when I bring up the topic. Am I truly making a poor decision joining the Infantry? No other MOS seems interesting to me in the slightest.
>getting drunk and massacring a bunch of random unarmed women and children
That's not defending America, the man was clearly trying to spread his traditional russian values to the locals.
You likely won't be doing much infantry shit at all unless you go sf, then mayhaps you'll see combat
Google around to see what peacetime infantry is like, then decide to go watercraft operator, dog handler, incel, marines or something else instead
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>Muslims haven't kidnapped any russians since
LMAO! [Dagestani/Chechnyan mass beheading video no23.mp4]
What are the odds the US gets involved in a full-scale war within the next couple years?
You most likely will have a fairly boring 3 years doing humdrum training events and maybe (if you get really lucky) deploying to a theater that sees a handful of TIC events a year.
It's your life, you're an adult, go for it if you want.
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From midnight to nearly 5AM, the resident troll went on a tirade. What a sad display to see. His mother must regret making him.
Medical records absolutely exist, doctors build them and add them to the file over time so in the future if something goes horribly wrong they can try and establish a pattern which lead there
take your meds, schizo
It doesn't work like that. High morale and good treatment encourage better fighters.
>Medical records absolutely exist
lol, life isn't like the movies, kiddo. you live in a fantasyland.
Why do the marines have a reputation for gay rape?
My dude I can log into the hospital website here and pull my own medical records going back to 2011, and some reference things that happened to me from out of state going back to 2001 when I was 5 years old which implies they pulled it from the other hospitals I been to.
probably all the gay rape they do
>my dude
lol okay zoomer
Respect your elders, child. It's something you'll have to learn how to do if you ever want to move up in the military.
Could be that it was in the same hospital network like kaiser, slutter, whatev, or that the info was later sent to your primary care doc and added to the record for that out of state shit
Not saying you're wrong about genesis or anything, just adding some context as I pulled up my information at one hospital network and it was missing lots of recent bloodwork and shit that was done elsewhere, but had one old surgery show up that I can't see on another hospitals website
>expecting zoomers to know how hospital groups work
>expecting zoomers to know how anything works
they're a fucking doomed generation lmao
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Bros, I really want to do group support as a 35N. About to go to MEPS in a few weeks. Should I ask for Airborne? I also don't want to go to FORSCOM hell, so if I don't get group support, I'll be hating my life, right?
It's a gamble. Should I take it?
while i do agree, there are quite a few amounts of reports on the internet about genesis "catching" medical problems that were never mentioned and even some with real problems claiming to have gone undetected
and apparently you do sign an authorization for meps to access your record now
that's just an urban legend
False, I can personally attest to the fact that Genesis did not see some well-documented issues I had
>degree in IR
>MS in DS
How did you get into a DS program with a degree in something completely unrelated
stop lying on the internet
I'm 28 and a millennial even by the strictest definition but okay.
The records are spotty for sure but there was surprising amounts of things we could pull up when I was an ER EMT. The problem is hospitals tend not to pull records they don't need and clinics tend not to send records not requested but they still tie stuff to your SSN and can pull between hospitals, which is all MEPS is doing now so they can pull most records
are you retarded?
The youngest millennials are 30, zoomzoom
Youngest millennial were born in 1995, dumbass
>they still tie stuff to your SSN and can pull between hospitals, which is all MEPS is doing now
Interesting, makes sense and seems quite convienent
Sucks it ends up fucking over so many people for ADHD meds though
For asking where IR overlaps with DS? Ok bro.
You did statistical inference and probability theory in IR undergrad?
I'm not lying dude.
Yes, ask for airborne if that's what you want and talk to your recruiter about it.
You might end up at the 82nd as an airborne 35n but that's not a bad thing. You can reenlist for Group after your first contract as well.
A FORSCOM 35N will likely go to a division ACE or an MI BDE supporting a division anyway so don't worry about ending up mopping all day like the combat arms guys.
I want to do cool guy stuff, preferably in the Army but Im not in good enough shape for special forces. Wat do?
Meh, doesn’t represent my time in the usmc. It was hard but I guess I was lucky to have good leadership. Pulling the trigger and joining, even with everyone telling me how retarded the marines were, ended up being the best decision I ever made and I have great friends for life.
Coast Guard, bust cartels
How did you avoid buttrape? Also, as a new second lieutenant, how long should I serve before proposing solutions to improve the logistical operations of the Marine Littoral Regiment?
Get in shape.
Not enough time, I need to be enlisted and hopefully ship out in the next month or so.
>how did you avoid buttrape
It’s just a meme, don’t worry, you’ll learn to enjoy it.
>do I have interesting things to say as a butter bar?
Not really.
>>do I have interesting things to say as a butter bar?
>Not really.
What if I scored a 98 on the ASVAB?
It doesn’t mean jack shit. You can do eighth grade math and read, now get ready to meet your SNCO who has been in the field for 8 years. You think he’ll be impressed with that? Just be humble and try to learn things.
t. Got a 99 on the asvab.
Military servicemen love giving advice.
What alerts you that the advice is dogshit since everyone in uniform is now a "warrior poet" whose life experiences are actually fairly limited.
>What alerts you that the advice is dogshit
It's coming from a vet
>Respect your elders
It's always the retards who don't deserve any that spout this shit. Respect is earned, dumb fuck.
If that is your mindset, then you will not make it in the military. You will literally have to pay respect to people who do not deserve it.
It's just that I'm nooticing how easy it could be for the enemy to rape MLRs over hot coals. But if no solution is needed, there are other branches to join.
MEPS is asking for my prescription history. The problem is that I haven't had to take any medicine in probably 20+ years and since all the pharmacies I have been to have no records of me, they refuse to give me anything, not even a blank piece of paper that says "this guy hasn't taken medications ever". But the recruiters refuse to take that as an answer, they want some kind of history or written proof that I have no prescriptions. I have already spoken to like, 4 pharmacy chains and nobody was able to help. The last time I got prescribed something, I was probably like 5 years old and it would have been in some back country rural pharmacy in the South East (my family moved a lot).
What do I do in this situation? Is there a number I can call to talk to someone higher up? It literally does not matter what pharmacy.
You should check out the other branches.
Following customs and courtesies=/= respect. CC is the bare minimum to not catch paperwork, that doesn't mean you actually respect them. Though you are right, the military is staffed almost entirely by spineless fucks and good liars.
Which is why nobody should join it.

This is the type of nigga that gets his ass beat in boot camp by other boots lmao
TL;DR I have never been to a pharmacy, and MEPS is asking me for my prescription history. When I ask the pharmacy to give me a prescription history, they refuse because there's nothing there.
just get a real job instead of joining the military lol
Karen made it clear that I'm allowed to have a real job.

You're gonna get raped with a broom handle in boot camp then hang yourself with a towel, I see it already
Keep your fantasies to yourself faggot. I'm already retired.
Thanks for the summary.
But enough about russians
This could be true if they are turning a blind eye. Rule of thumb is they can wavier anything. It's a hand written note that explain your own your crime, and you are a better person now. Get that in your head. Medical I have no idea how the fuck they can find out anything unless you are an idiot
This, unironically. Your body alternates between the muscle fibers it exerts when you move, having more muscle mass means there's more fibers to alternate between which directly translates to endurance. This is why most grunts are huge.
They're right, it's peacetime and you should be learning a useful skill during your service time, you should pick the navy or air force.
The 21st century will probably be the most violent in history. If you ain't combat arms, you ain't shit.
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Shit you're right, is the national guard a good choice? I wouldn't mind working 3-5 days a week, learning some combat skills and chilling/working out during my days off.
NG will be deployed in the event of a major war
Okay and? I don't see any major war happening any time soon.
Then why did you post >>61970047? I was under the impression you didn't want to do AD combat arms because you didn't want to die (>>61969782 is probably right). I'm not knocking you or calling you a pussy.
ask your doctor, retard
Infantry will have some fun times but peacetime sucks ass. All I did was police up cigarettes, mow lawns, and wait around the company area for hours. Your uncle has the correct opinion but he’d also be proud of you for doing it. You’ll still be a slick sleeve with no CIB but that’s not really your fault.
Ask me about the best branch, the United States Coast Guard.
Why do I have to drive to the hood to talk to a recruiter? And how do the Reserves work if every cutter has a limited amount of slots?
The office space is cheaper? My understanding is reservists will help out at stations or sectors. Maybe they can fill a critical role on a cutter if they need it as a one off? I know ME’s can do six month stints at Port Security Units as well as reservists. Go active duty.
How many sea Mexicans have you shot?
Chicago National Guard alien invader gooks wearing army uniforms promoting down breeding with niggers. What a shit show.
Because the office was once part of the White working class area. I went to the CG recruiter in Houston a few months ago and it may as well be a spic barrio. 20 years ago, it was all White.
>illinois NG
What's that?
> smart people figured out it was a bad job
makes sense.
>sitting on a boat for years
>waiting years to actually get called up
The National Guard gets to avoid the peacetime bullshit
>deploy with active duty units
>train for Special Forces
>deploy on covert ops
>work or run a business
has anyone gotten busted / got away with doing kratom
It's a study tracking the cognitive decline of our military. Mass immigration of lower average IQ aliens, promotion of race mixing, promoting a gay lifestyle to Whites, jewish cultural marxism, You have to wonder how low that number can go before our military is completely combat ineffective.

See page 10


Yeah, thanks
Or the US has been de-nationalized / de-Whited / domestically ruined to the extent that dying to advance the policy of our congress doesn't make any sense anymore.

You know what's crazy is all dissenting messages about the state of our military and IC are attributed to foreign enemies when really the arguments we're making to cure the problems we're pointing out would make our country a much bigger threat to foreign powers.
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What's the best navy job that comes with a bonus?
Coast Guard, the bonus is that you're not in the Navy
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you NG shitters are pure comedy.

Top shelf stuff. Wish more Army people had this kind of get up and go. I prefer my giant tittied Army negresses to have short hair though.
Why do different branches have different looks? I’m in the Air Force, and people constantly ask me if I’m in the Army. I can usually guess someone’s branch just by looking at them, too.
you probably look retarded, but not cool retarded like marines
its over
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Do retards actually believe she's a recruiter?
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oh well if Twotter guy said
>t. NTA
>Do retards believe
>Post screengrab of retards believing
I don't think they're pretending to be retarded, desu
Skinny, bad haircuts
Fatter, stupid haircut but long on top
Sunk in eyes, mustache, normal haircut
>Air Force
Skinnyfat, hitler's youth haircut, sometimes a mustache
>Mad he will never be a Green Beret while running a 6-figure business
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ngl, she's undermining my extreme racism, we might not have to deport this one
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How about this recruiter.
LGBT Pride Month - Message from the Commander.mp4
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I did four years active enlisted in the Air/Space Force (AMA). I have no interest in going back to active duty but I've been considering joining the Guard/Reserve since I separated last year. Would a master's in cyber security from WGU (lol) make me realistically eligible to commission into the Air Guard/Reserve as cyber/comms (would also consider intel)? Not sure if I'd bother doing it even if the answer is yes desu
>mfw thinking about dealing with AETC again
Would you consider anything you did in the space force to be "fun"? If so, what was the most fun thing you did?
>Would you consider anything you did in the space force to be "fun"?
Off the top of my head, no. Due to training cycles and some luck I spent like four months stuck with a group of people I enjoyed the company of and will remember fondly for many years. The mission I supported and the technology behind it were some of the most interesting things I've ever seen, but my job itself was very boring. The only fun thing I did was talk to my coworkers, but there's only so much you can talk about before you run out of topics.
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They would be lucky to have you after you complete that program.
I swear I'm racist, but...
>6 figure business
LOL see what I mean. Pure comedy. You’d need to be one of the government’s finest to be this retarded.
But they see regular working class whites as an even greater threat to them than foreign powers.
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Well, now I've been found out.

Anyway, that chart I posted is deprecated because the CCNA Sec is deprecated. By ticking as many boxes as possible on the chart, you are opening yourself up to cyber roles within the federal government. Look at the certifications that tick the most boxes. Double check the program you are doing at WGU against what you see on the chart. The CISSP ticks the most boxes but beware of the CISSP first time pass rate. If you don't have any cyber certs at all Net+ -> Sec + -> CISSP -> CEH / Pentest+ is a good pathway. You get those four and you wont need anymore guidance.

good luck with your career bro
Absolutely, and for the same reason your average American really doesn't give a shit about external adversaries. We know our AIPAC controlled congress and ADL controlled federal bureaucracy is a bigger threat to us simply because they are closer to us.

North Korea, Iran, and Russia have zero superpacs running our politicians that I am aware of. When I talk shit on the internet it's not whatever external threat they are trying to re-direct attention onto conducting reconnaissance on my home network. It's our own government, as authorized by our AIPAC controlled congress.

The jews have never had their own country longer than 80 years. It is absolutely insane to allow them to hijack our government and set our policy.

I would say the effort to de-dollarize is the one area that American citizens and the jewish plutocracy have common cause because if that occurs our country is going to get roiled. De-dollarization wouldn't have been possible with a strong nationalist country leading the world. The domestic demographic, cultural, and economic attacks against Americans have made us an increasingly feudal society and have crippled our ability to outwardly project force.
>Average American
>We know AIPAC controlled congress and ADL
That's not average American shit you terminally online tumor. Average Americans care about how good their local burger joint is and what improvements they're going to make to their yard. They don't give a fuck about any of this shit you're talking about.
>Would a master's in cyber security from WGU (lol) make me realistically eligible to commission into the Air Guard/Reserve as cyber/comms
Graduate degrees are a non-factor in line applications. The only way it would help you is if you're applying for ARC and people on the board knew you personally, so they would know that you have a graduate degree.
People in your saying otherwise don't know how the process works and their advice should be heavily scrutinized or ignored.
Your chart is not only depreciated, it is incorrect since the 8570 itself is depreciated.
anyone who uses the term antisemitism unironically is a fag. i dont care what your political beliefs are either.
go 13f do infantry shit but have more responsibility and deal with less bullshit.
I'm enlisting in the service. do I lose my virginity now or worry about it later?
Do I still get turbo cancer as a firefighter on a battleship? Or did they fix that?
Which is why our country is ruled by israel and we're 30 trillion in debt. The wheels are going to come off at some point.
My buddy was on the crash crew on the Stennis. They used lots of AFFF that is supposed to fuck you up and he was exposed to constant jet exhaust and he's fine.
You’ll never lose it, and never worry. Get comfortable with the idea of an Israel deployment.
General reminder: if you join the military you are going to experience a full-scale Ukraine style war at some point in your contract.
She's a slave for BWC that doesn't shit like nigger ass. She's just trying to revolt against her inferiority of whiteness

She's a slave for BWC that doesn't smell like nigger ass. She's just trying to revolt against her inferiority of whiteness
>Average Americans care about how good their local burger joint is and what improvements they're going to make to their yard. They don't give a fuck about any of this shit you're talking about.
Maybe 30 years ago lol. Times have changed, grandpa. People are more conscious of reality than ever before, and that scares the shit out of our rulers.
Seek help
Ukraine-style? No. There's no force in Earth which could force the DoD into a situation like the ZSU and RAF are in right now. The big war everyone is halfway serious about is the hypothetical one with China, which would not resemble the Ukraine conflict whatsoever.
Nothing to worry about, I'm sure whatever branch you picked will fuck you every day.
War with China will never materialize. We need their manufacturing and they need our agriculture. The slashing of personnel, tanks, and aircraft in favor of MLRs kind suggests the Marines are restructuring as a deterrent, since a long war means China starves.
Pretty much cannon fodder at this point.
Okay but how do I know I have the specific set of gene mutations that do not react chaotically to these chemicals? Do they test my DNA and let me know? Or is this a 20 year long game of russian roulette? Just 20 years not knowing if that gun was loaded???
If you're afraid of death, you should not join the military.
So effectively enlisting is suicide and discharges are unsuccessful suicides? Lower efficacy than wrist cutting, but not too far off. Cool. Do you disagree? If so, why?
If you sign up to be a part of the military, you are signing up to die for your rulers.
Gotcha, and so for some MOS instead of rapid death the more likely scenario is multi-decade degradation of health and then death?
You don't need someone else's approval to be a neverserved, just like you don't need parent's permission to join.
That is unrelated to my genuine question, so I will assume I have struck a nerve.
I’d rather enlist to the Russian Military than a cum hungry Ukrop or US military.
We all gotta die. What do you want to die for?
I'm with you, absolutely. I saw two hoodlums murder a middle aged man once, in that moment, I wanted to do something, but I felt it truly wasn't worth it to be killed by some teenagers because I was unarmed. I love America though. I could die for America. That is specifically why I wish to ask questions to be quite clear about it.
You wouldn't be dying for America; you'd be dying for the people who own America.
Yeah I mean that sucks but the supreme court took away my right to be homeless so we're all just slaves now got to figure something out
They just said it's up to states and it isn't a federal issue
There's still freedom in America, but you have to work for it.
Obligation to create income = Slavery
You have the option to choose how you do this, but you are obligated to do this.

A free country has no such obligation.

Yes, you see, like breathing air and drinking water sleeping outside was protected by the inalienable rights of the declaration of independence.

A fundamental right that supersedes countries, a right that is fundamental to being a living creature, was removed because the conservative supreme court wanted to punish liberal cities for not enforcing drug and theft laws. It's childish.
im about to have 8 teeth out and a crown and i want to join the armed forces in my country and im worried my teeth will not be good enough
Don't die for the NWO, do something useful instead of zogging it out, vaxxies.
What are you offering?
Got any examples?? You feed the beast no matter what.
Take care of animals and/or sick people.
But anon you pay taxes when you make money from that

Probably pay a lot more taxes than a soldier would, too
You can't avoid paying taxes, but you can avoid going to the military.
>Still obsessing about the jab even after they got rid of it
Getting rid of the jab does not get rid of the blood clots Goyim suffered from.
Paying taxes contributes just as much if not more, and you are likely to pay more taxes as a civilian.

Absolute poverty is the only way you escape moral crimes here, dummy.

If you made more than like 30 grand last year you contributed to evil more than any soldier. Fact.
Seeing as the root is tax dollars, this shit all requires tax dollars, it is taxes that are the primary evil. Soldiers don't exist without your taxes. Soldiers are poorfags and hardly pay any taxes.

They do less evil than you, unless you're legitimately in poverty.
Taxes don't exist without people to enforce them. That's why Jesus spent so much time talking to tax collectors; he was trying to reach the most evil people in society.
Chicken / egg

Stop paying taxes or stop complaining.

It is a fact that they wouldn't exist without funding. It is also a fact that a soldier personally finds them less than a middle class worker.
Oh, and that's also why he was compassionate towards that Roman soldier. We should love everyone, even poor misguided fools who serve evil institutions.

My autocorrect changes words into other words they don't even have to be spelled wrong
Read the bible / seek Christ.
You're gonna have a very bad day when you learn koine greek and read the original Christian manuscripts

It's a lot different than the Bible we know today

I read it more than you.
>It's a lot different than the Bible we know today
You can buy an interlinear bible right now. The KJV was translated from the Greke text. There's nothing in the original manuscripts which would surprise anyone.
Incorrect by an entire galaxy

Also, our actions are not truly quantifiable however our taxes are. If you pay more taxes than a soldier you quite simply play a larger role than they do.
>Incorrect by an entire galaxy
Gonna cite anything?
When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the original Greek it says that he was arrested for being a pimp and he was also found with a naked boy. Jesus was on drugs hallucinating. He was covered in a purple substance and speaking nonsense.

That didn't make it beyond the Greek.
I was devastated too
Okay I don't get it. Why don't they just run the medical and background checks in the recruiting office? Seems like a massive "flow" oversight in how they do this whole thing.
Because not everyone who walks into the recruiter's office ends up going all the way to MEPS to enlist. If you do medical and background for everyone who walks through the door you're wasting time and money.
Plus, everyone tacitly understands that some who walk through the door need a little time to be able to pass medical due to weight or recent drug use. This way, recruiters can get in contact with these people and give them time to be able to pass a piss test or height and weight before sending them down to MEPS.
1 doctor probably makes more than everybody in the recruiting office combined. There could maybe be 1 day per month where the MEPS doctor(s) comes in. But you'd also need to bring in the dentist, the background check person, the ASVAB proctors (since recruiters have a conflict of interest), and any other specialists. It's probably not worth it in the end.
A normal job does starts a background check as soon as they decide they like your application

There are at least some basics they could get out of the way, a large amount of that shit probably takes as long as a google search.
>just making shit up
dark hearted lying sociopath detected
Seethe, learn koine greek.
You’re a fucking idiot.
Yeah I was so mad about it I had to learn koine greek to find out it wasn't true

But it was true

You WILL have to learn koine greek yourself if you want any hope of questioning Dr.Ammon Hillman

You will be disappointed to find out he is right
Anyone have experience as a 13F? I’ve heard it’s a lifestyle similar to infantry but not as much BS, is this true?
>People making up shit online

Just because he has a doctorate doesn’t mean he’s honest.
Air Force likes to copy the other branches very subtly to make themselves seem cool. They copy the Army work uniform and I see alot of mustaches on base. They try so hard to be relevant.
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Actual new thread, with working links

the links in these two threads are the same, schizo-kun

Keep in mind you are blatantly refusing to learn koine greek to debunk this yourself
Cite a chapter and verse from the original NT manuscripts so we can all laugh at you.
What will marines be doing in a war with China?

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