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assault rifle general: qrd on the eokek 512.A65? edition.

prior: >>61952314
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Pastebin https://rentry.org/sa6c4m

TL;DR >>61945028

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The real reason to own a kac
Formulaic. Someone starts a stupid fight when it gets towards bump limit then this guy shows up to start a new thread.
So you can burn out your more expensive barrel faster?
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is this peak ar? idk why im even asking. of course it is.

Nope so you can run m855a1 with the same service interval as a bcm on m193. Psas and other garbage will shit themselves on 60k psi cartridge
Faggot. Stop trying to force this to be discord.
>stubby grip
go back
What should I look at instead, the exps3 I'm guessing? Is the HHSII combo worth it?
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why so salty?
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What kind of round count and what kind of MOA?
This general is dying, and that's a good thing
>not a military rifle
>have carry handle on gun for no reason
>have cage code
Extreme cringe, never understood the desire to try to make your gun look like it was issued when clearly it wasn't.

Also, cloning is such cope, even if you get the gun 100% accurate, its still missing half it's fire modes and an obvious pin hole, negating all the rest of the slavish accuracy.

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Whole lot of anger here lately. Have you tried any other low back pressure cans? If so how does that KAC compare to them?

Normal m4 bolt will wear out at 3k with m855a1 vs 8-9k normal service life, kac probably down to 10k from 30k. M855a1 is largely a 2 moa ammo. You are trading penetration for less accuracy than mk262
Nta but wow what a bad take.
can't believe you missed that he has a dead air can on it too
What the fuck does NTA even mean? Disgusting nigger mouth zoomer.
>wow what a bad take
Cope more about your slavish recreation of the lamer half of the fire modes.
>what does nta even mean
go back to r*ddit
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May go shoot this weekend, may not. Idk. Spiritus split rig comes tomorrow
Pretty impressive. 2bad m855a1 is 2expsive 4me
Retard, its not that low, infantry wouldn't be able to reliably go into the field without replacing their bolt first, that's 100 mags to break the bolt.

And yet when I google it all the results are for reddit. Perhaps it is YOU who must go back.
Just fuck up my special snowflake barrel extension senpai
He said with no proof at all
Cuz he can't get one
acog it is I guess
Post your homebrew mix master cope slop rifle bro, fuck clooners amiright
>doesn’t know nta
>fire modes
No Tongue in Asshole
20keks back with the bantz. Glad to see he is single handedly saving this gay thread from untimely death by btfoing literal lunatics.
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Official production of the XM7
Forward ass-sisters how do we cope?
Full-Powered contract over-run ammo said to be coming in 2025 for Civilian Market
>homebrew mix master cope slop rifle
Explain how selecting brands for the various parts is inferior to buying an exact rendition of what military command thought was a good rifle in 2002.
Cloonershit is for zog worshipping faggots.
>coming in 2025 for Civilian Market
Weird, usually they beta test on consumers first
>t.samefag with terrible opinions
They have a full 2nd charging handle on the side they can use to push the bolt. They are coping
I want to one and done my AR setup after deliberating between this and a much shorter setup for the last few months - what would you change? I just want a high end, versatile suppressor host for eventual NVG use:
- 14.5 SR-15
- NX8 + Badger mount
- Raid-Xe
- Surefire Vamp + not sure on switch
- Stubby broomhandle
stop samefagging homo its too obvious
Former zogbot, he's right. The kit you idealize was junked when we got it and if we were given the chance to carry a rifle made on even a modest civilian budget we would all do it in a heartbeat. Only no serves or fags that romanticize their time in care about cloning to an autistic degree.
Why are total piece of shit guns like the JAKL, BRN 180, MCX Spear, SCAR, etc being shilled ad nauseum? They are all platforms that copy the AR with minor differences that serve to either be advantages or disadvantages, some more than others. Who are the retards buying them?
Go shorter, you're going to regret something this long suppressed.
Consumers. Same reason "people" buy a new phone every year. They HAVE to have the newest thing because tEcH keeps advancing and that's a good thing racist chud! Fuck capitalism btw
Capitalism. It must be stopped
Stop being antisemitic.
I don't know why people even bother with bufferless rifles. The recoil is so fucking disgusting. A direct injected gas system provides a smooth and consistent felt recoil and a hell lot less muzzle rise.
If they want a 'one and done' why the fuck would they get a super compact rifle?
Looks good if you really don't give a shit about budget. There's a lot of other options you can check out before getting a CAT though, it's just the trendy can right now.
scar is easier to clean and has longer maintenance intervals compared to an ar-15. everything else i have no idea.
My Draco arrives tomorrow at the FFL but I can't pick it up until I get my Geissele brand blemished lower receiver next week, too
Leviathan group, contracted by sig sewer, needs to insure people keep buying garbage so cohen can cash another fat check. ARs have been solved essentially, but guntoobers keep promoting wacky ideas like “bag guns” to keep idiots buying garbage (300 folders, flux raiders). See also: xm7 that may or may not punch plates with ammo you can never buy.
Fascinating, do you have a source for these claims?
People shit on guntubers but if my full time job could be playing with free guns and shooting free ammo and all I had to say was some stats and "seems good to me" I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd even shill ball sack razors and mobile games
Common sense, it's a mutually beneficial system. Manufacturer makes yet another gun that offers some perceived benefit over what you already own, they send a free one to some fag larger to influence impressionable retards that you need a "get home" gun to encounter hordes of niggers post societal collapse or whatever gay special use case. The tuber gets to make money from ad revenue and the manufacturer sells the retard the gun. What do you think popularized the "you'll die in da streets without it" memes?
So you're saying that they're sitting down, employ engineers to manufacturer and design a new gun with what they perceive to better than an AR system, and then they sent that firearm to an influencer in order to make money by selling this item? And then they design another one and the same pattern repeats?
>does a company that spends millions in advertising really hire influencers to shill their garbage?
Do you think they got the XM7 contract legitimately too?
I used to review cigars for a website and realized after about 1 week that I could just make a template and change key words/phrases around based on my perception of how it would taste given the blend and country of origin. I couldn't give anything a bad review obviously, so the reviews would stay positive. It was super easy and I got sent free cigars + a paycheck. This is exactly what guntubers do and I respect it but also don't take their "opinions" seriously because they're hamstrung by their overseers.
The CEO of sig sauer... there's something interesting about his last name......
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It's more than a job, it's a family
>guntubers shill all the same crap
>guntubers all managed by same entity
>that entity due to its influence almost certainly has side deals with manufacturers
it’s pretty obvious to me. you act like this is rocket science
>Do manufacturers make things to make money and then use marketing to sell those very things?
Is that really your question?
Only retards care for the few thousands that were bought. You and I know that we'll deploy to space with a basic bitch M4 1.5 block
>Who are the retards buying them?
"Sig Sauer. Because we caught some DoD brass fucking kids in 4K."

Captcha: YA0HD
Scars aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Not that it’s a bad rifle or anything but i’d choose AR over it every time.
If u shoot anything bigger then 556 your a fag
>your a
I shoot .338 lapua
>Have like $300 in Dunhams Sports gift cards
>They have a Sig 716 in stock
Sigbros, I want it. They're Hop approved btw
>They're Hop approved btw
Oh, so that means nothing.
Hop is a former ranger
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I got the XPI's to work with standard military plugs and civilian comms for cheap if anyone need to know how.
Let me guess, you shoot more?
I'd ask but I have no friends so I'll never need comms
>here's why direct thread suppressors are better for sticking up my asshole
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I really like the eotech absolute cowitness cheekweld but my egghead forces me to look over my glasses to get a good picture. Any other anons with this problem; what riser are you using?
who is this girl and why does she seem so familiar?
uhh who's gonna tell him
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I'll smash your fingers with a hammer
that's Michelle (my wife)
cheek or optic riser? I have a cut down magpul 0.25" cheek riser on my precision gun for better npa with a 1.5" scope mount.
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Lower 1/3rd is where its at. XPS with the buttons on the back is iconic but EXPS is better overall
Lucas simply is not entertaining in a talk show format.
>not entertaining ever.
I don't like his new number 2 much either. God bless the team anyways they are doing good work.
>@ing yourself for relevancy
My first thought was an optic riser since it would, in theory, make my angle my face more forward or square on with the optic. But it would mess with the HOB. Though, a cheek riser would make me look lower and possibly through the glasses correctly so that's not a bad idea. This is a SOPMOD stock though
face shape has a lot to do with it, i would guess an optic riser is the better solution with a 1x optic.
Sounds good in theory but when executed you actually get palmetto state armory Anderson aero red anodized junk builds also usually the refuge of morons who say milspec doesn't mean anything which really shows where in the dunning kreuger scale they are. Cloning can be pretty gay but usually leads to better performing and better rifles in general than bubba builds/newbie left to their own devices builds.
>This is a SOPMOD stock though
Tape some cardboard to your stock to see if that does what you want or not. Most corrugated boxes are ~1/8" so you have an idea of how much height you are adding per layer.
This is a great riser btw
Thoughts on Pattern 83 battle jackets?
only if you're dripmaxxing
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>uses obscure reference of a song about gay orgies and has a pictures of lady gaga saved on his pc i’m an attempt to call meat eaters homosexual
and you’re calling me gay? LMAO
this is mental illness at its finest. the worst part is that you think this is some epic own while you’re posting it too kek
Does anyone have that TCGF OF leak? Asking for a friend (Ash).
Does anyone have some good reading on either small arms armor piercing technology and/or arctic weather effects on small arms? I've been thinking about both of these a lot lately for some reason.
I feel like there shouldn't be much reason why a newer design for AP ammo, even in 5.56, couldn't go through something like Adepts' Colossus plates, plus I'd like to understand what the units/countries constantly in arctic conditions, especially ones using AR derivatives, do to keep their gats going.
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buffman channel on yt
Worse than looking at a cartel beheading video

Currently gooning.
How are diamondback brand ARs?
How does a top tier rifle duking it out with KAC and DD but at affordable prices sound?
How is tcgf so small? wtf
15 minutes down I-95 from KAC. Of course they're awesome.
sounds great, but is it really that good?
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thanks for posting. we should all remember the rifle that got saddam.
very feminine pen15.
Are you niggers really watching tranny shit? This place is nearing rock bottom
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NTA, but you've never once posted an image of that particular rifle at the range, how do we know you even shoot?
Thank you for exposing lunatics like this >>61957722
Quality has never been worse thanks to the hordes mentally ill that have tried to take over the entire board lately. You are doing gods work.
You need to study your enemy. Very thoroughly
saddam wasn't that bad of a dude. iraq was doing pretty good until it was destabilized

Yeah I came from Ashcord btw.
>never posted image of that particular rifle before
lurk moar nufag
go back
He seemed pretty ruthless. Subhuman Arabs need a hard dictator though so he was probably the best thing for them
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I very clearly stipulated at the range
That explains everything, you post in bad faith solely for amusement
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i liked him but what happened happened is all. /k/ino aesthetics happened.
I've had enough of the antisemitism. W-they are our greatest ally and if you don't help hide the bodies they will activate the Sampson option. Help me help you help yourself.
The blonde girl that climed inside a deer or whatever it was is way hotter. You could do a virgin vs chad meme with them.
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I personally really like how the dust cover tells me what the rifle is chambered in
That is his AR
He just reposts pics from reddit,he's been called out on it numerous times.
>drives a fiat jeep
>plays airsoft
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new classic firearms is unwatchable.
>Didn't know about this sub before I got rid of my A4, so here was my favorite pic of it. Friend has it now so it's not too far.
He's friends with the local pawn shop owner.
He's the original redditor that posted them
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>he still doesn't have them
You were his only chance and you betrayed him. You could have at least boughten him painters coveralls from home depot so he could pretend to have her curves.
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>the rifle that got saddam.
why lie? who benefits?
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>i diD It gaYz i goT dUh tWinTeee pOstEr
you actually spent time reverse image searching that for like the fourth time?? LMAO
Bro you're ugly
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Why is 12.5 such a hated barrel length on here?
> short enough for CQ
> not as hard wearing when suppressed
> negligible different in ballistics compare to 14.5
> an optics swap away from either
Anything outside of this range you’d be using a better caliber for anyway. What am I missing?
terrible bantz this place is fucking terrible now. at least before people who talked shit were funny and actually owned gunz. now it’s all nogunz here.
You're missing everything and you'll never understand. You're too deep in the mediocrity.

>brooo I totally need an mlok rail because mlok is like futuristic and stuff
>wait what do you mean my lmt rail weighs as much as a full length quad rail
>dude I definitely need a two pound optic setup for my 5.56 carbine!
>12.5 is so good because it can be bad at multiple things at once!
Straight up you are not equipped to understand.
Weird gassing issues considering most manufacturers can't make a 12.5 with the correct gas port size
because 12.5 and any other barrel under 14.5 is a piece of shit and technically not even rifle.
>but muhh qc/cqb
have fun dying living out that LARP
After trying, it's clear a riser will do it. It's specifically a 553; any good QD risers i should look for?
Unity. You can add an ADM qd lever to it if you must but you're better off just leaving it there and removing the eotech if it has to come off the gun.
>have fun dying living out that LARP
You will never in your entire life have to shoot someone who is more than 50 feet away from you.
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desu the hk416's gun-that-killed-Obama moniker is way better known and more memorable. Not a bad thing that a this point the term 'm16' is as steeped in history and culture as it is modern military use, so it now pervades single events in history, and represents an era
Here's your totally real service rifle bros

Still debating if I want to upgrade my 16" upper with a 16" or 14.5" CHFCL barrel, the m4 length would look cash with the current handguard
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He's just not dedicated enough. He didn't even have 1k overwhites posts.

>horrible abomination between rail lengths
>multiple gas system lengths so it's a clusterfuck
>Garand thumb testing showed it was the least efficient barrel length in terms of length added vs FPS added
It's just not really ideal for anything
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That’s not my rifle you fag.
Has any manufacturer addressed that correctly? I’ve been reading a lot of Taskers GPR-K build stuff and it seems a constant pull between this and 14.5.

*yawn* yeah uh huh ok
From what I've read, and I don't do too much of it since 12.5 doesn't interest me that much, BRT is one of the few companies that got the 12.5 gassing correct. I know DD is stupid overgassed.
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>nogunz here
We know you are
>You could have at least boughten him painters coveralls
He doesn't want anything else. I've given him multiple alternatives and he won't take them. He's a spoiled brat
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The amount of times in the civilian world you'll legally take a shot that justifies that added length will be sparse if they even exist, and it would be unwise to do it primarily for hunting. So really, the long barrel ARs are the LARPing ones ya know
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You were supposed to force the home depot coveralls on to him like he forced lucas overwhites pics on to this thread.
i will never have to do this unless shtf occurs because im white and live in the middle of nowhere with other white people.
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>He doesn't want anything else
Not true he accepts artwork. And Applebees gift cards
Is this aï generated
No it's a real nigger
His skin doesn't look real, there is no texture
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this isnt true.
Fair enough. Maybe 14.5 is where it’s at after all.
I just want something that I can use for course work at various ranges. I don’t care nor think about gay shtf scenarios.
You even live streamed it
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It's me John A2 I need your credit card info to get my tusc coursework info dump online
RIP ma nigga
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The hell is this shit man
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what is this reddit furry cringe?
erm ackshually that's a deer grill not a furry because no muzzle
it is no LARP when i am seeking to maximize every aspect of overall effectiveness of my rifle especially with the most common and available rounds in the country by far aka 55gr ball
just get a beater 16” if you plan on putting a lot of rounds through it.
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I like my DD 12.5. Ejects at 3 suppressed with h2 buffer lmt ebcg and tubbs flatwire.
What year did you buy that barrel? Maybe they fixed the gas port size on the newer ones
Why not 18.5 at that point?
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About 2 years ago. I dk if they fixed the gas port size-- never measured mine and don't know what it was before any change they may have made.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk
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what’s the fucking difference? also 18” isn’t as prevalent so less barrel options. there are plenty of quality CHF CL 20” options available anywhere with fsp if i want. also its peak aesthetic and performance
>there are plenty of quality CHF CL 20” options
uhhh, name one
You're right, I should just upgrade my SBR to 20"
What about 24" though? I know there was an anon years ago with like a 24" or 26"
Spurious argument, 55gr ammo generally needs about 3000 fps to reliably fragment, better ammo might bring that down to 2700 or something, but uncoupling terminal performance from solely fragmentation is why 77gr is considered the meta in any serious use. According to other people's math, which I'll just use as an approximation, a 20" AR at sea level, idk about twist, will reliably fragment out to 200 yards. So even a shorter barrel firing a slower bullet will end up performing far outside the 20"/55gr's envelope more consistently because it takes advantage of modern ballistics vs concepts from the 1960s.
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a r 15 shoot good
bull it neat
u smart
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>will reliably fragment out to 200 yards.
It won't even get close to that. People spout all kinds of numbers because
they're all retards
fragmentation was always a meme
Yeah, idk why anyone would use 55gr seriously in current year outside of hyper specific cases.
Nta but the discussion is about m193. I'm deducting a point. Please continue
What's your size?
>name one
bca of course. you should buy one.
>upgrade my sbr to 20”, 24” even 26”
this is unironically an amazing idea. she’s fucking blow
>spurious argument
>blah blah blah
>because i said so
this is the dumbest thing i read today. congratulations. you got 20kangzz to read something totally fucking brain dead
because 5.56 is the most common rifle round in the US and 55gr is still the most common cartridge. no one is saying it’s the best but most common meaning it’s something to consider if you are building a rifle for shtf
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The point isn't that it didn't fragment, it's that that yawing wound channel is blowing a fist sized blender through your chest whether it fragments or not. This remains true whether the projectile is M193, M855, M69420, it doesn't matter.

Fragmentation was always a meme.
Nothing you said negates the fact that it's an inferior bullet for the same cartridge. It will be less effective and do its job worse for no benefit. Unless the difference is between thousands vs millions of rounds in your stockpile, considering 55gr hasn't been the standard issue cartridge for the military for a while now, the drastic gulf in availability you're existing no longer exists. You should probably shoot more, your stockpile of 10,000 55gr is not impressive nor will it help in your headcanon scenarios
It wasn't a meme in the sense that it didn't happen or didn't increase effectiveness of 55gr ammo, but it was a meme as a wounding mechanism to rely on
Point given back to contestant with accrued interest, minus tip
>minus tip
god damn it rules lawyer, of course you're a fucking rabbi too
testicle girlfriend has the funniest most fucked up looking dick I've ever seen and boy have I seen a lot of them (in the doctor books I read) ar15
>minus tip
idk why but I just randomly burst out laughing when I saw it
>it’s an inferior bullet
i’m not arguing that, why do you keep repeating this? 55gr performs best out of my 20” is all. i like my 20” for a potential shtf gun because its performance with the most common round in US and its lower maintenance/wear. also 55gr is cheap(er) to shoot.
>the stockpiles aren’t there
they still have stock piles because the military is retarded and of all .223/5.56 being sold, 55gr is still the most sold by volume.
It's like a mini hersheys kiss sitting on a squash lmao
Id have the bullet be a little slower but be able to go into cars and move through houses with a can on not including the other benefits 10 out of 10 times
This is the real deal, midlength mo bedda. 12.5 middy is hard to impossible to get right. Carbine ng
The normie stomp clap reddit music is bad
It’s like a baby carrot with two dried up raisins hanging next to it. If I had a Twitter I’d be spamming that thing on his page
Stupid argument. 14.5 is not worth the pin and weld. Outdated man get over it. Better to have the 13. Whatever pinned and welded to full 16 then a 16 or other spr.
>inb4 the least appreciable blah blah
Yeah there's like no difference no gain going from 13.9 to 14.5 but that also means there's hardly any loss, deal with it. You do not know better than Kac and the British army.
I've seen a guy who was high on meth 24/7 slipknot-twist his dick off with a cock ring he left on and forgot about for a week until it was already partially necrosed.
SBR is now a subcompact pistol.
i totally agree with this. i will say though 62gr is not as accurate and really starts to show at 300-400yds.
It's like these news have never seen the green chart showing all the 5.56 and russkie ammo yawing and shit
I love my LMT 12.5 . It is so smooth.Its reliably gased but not over kill.Its so fun to shoot bc it barely recoils but still ejects the brass with authority.It also eats steel no problems.I verified function my making sure it locks back.Its so sick because with a flash hider its not that loud ,and if I need it to be quieter I can just use my can & its just so cute & doesnt feel like its too long with a fullsice can.It doesnt get 14.5 velocity a complete myth,but its close enough & I got a 2nd round impact at 750yd with it using AAC 77gr.I love it so much,I don't care what anyone says.If ppl want to run 11.5 thats fine with me I think its great,maybe they had bad luck with a 12.5 so they dont like it.I think as long as it works for you its fine.I hope I get to use it in combat some day.
it's simple, fragmentation is very easy to understand when you can see the bullet fragments. You don't have to have the powers of mental visualization. Yawing is much harder to understand for the masses that lack the hyperborean Aryan superpower of an internal monologue.
fair enough i can get behind a 13.9. i built out a centurion 13.9 middy and its been real nice. i do prefer it over my 14.5 carbine
The only good 12.5 is too expensive for most posters here
i genuinely love overwhites one of the most soulful innocent posters on this board
Anon... ballistics gel isn't a 1-to-1 with flesh. Temporary cavities are usually about 3x larger than in people
guntubers are fun for entertainment but i rarely ever pay attention to their opinions. I'd listen to lucas though, his opinion is why I chose the Pact Timer III, hope I didn't get Leviathan Tribed on it
but can i fuck it?
Oh my gosh ,its all bullshit, ive actually just been watching commercials all these years on guntube
I haven't watched Lucas' podcast tv show or whatever it is.
I like the concept and where his head is at but I don't think he's the guy to bring it to market.
I also don't give a single fuck about what cops have to say about anything
What is it?
>just get a 13.9
What a gay thing to say
I've liked every podcast he's hosted before this one. This episode just seemed to be a bunch of LinkedIn workplace jargon that had zero material value after it was said.

Generally speaking, I like Lucas and T-Rex's content though.
>british army
I do know better than them. They're a bunch of nogunz retards.
Is just making it because larper retards think 13.9 is cool because they're chasing retarded civilian trends, which in turn become retarded eurofag trends.
What is the fucking point for this?

I would hug her, what could go wrong this this decision?
anon dont fall for the shapeshifters tricks
I need to go get a SCAR 16
Samefag. Gay samefag.
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why does the scope have a mini scope?
so it has a friend and isn't lonely
13.X instead of 14.5 when you are just going to pin it back to 16 is retard bait. People going out of their way to and build an even less effective weapon that's the same length at the end of the day astounds me.
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I’m so sick of seeing this dudes ugly ass rifle. What should I take KAC fags at for this 14.5 carbine 3.2, BNIB URX3.1 to match, BNIB urx wrench, and BNIB matching deluxe 3.1 rail panel kit?
a bloo bloo
Your argument seems kinda dumb. 13.7" allows for you to reach 16" with specific suppressor ready muzzle devices. Why throw nearly an extra inch onto the end if your goal is going as short as possible without dealing with SBR bullshit? If you're doing an SBR you likely aren't going above 12.5"
So 3000 for the entire set would actually be fair. Looks like I’m funding my Raid for my URGI off a KACster.
geissele is gay
let him spend his money on garbage
someone is cooking new pasta
Ah yes, its dumb because vapid consoomers buy an oversized suppressor mount instead of the much shorter ones from the suppressor manufacturer themselves because they fell for the solgw king of grifters marketing after he got fire sale pricing on 13.7 barrels when the 249fs dried up and has now made it his brand.

Hell we could even talk about how the only reason 13.7s exist in the first place was because dumb arfcomers kept bugging Noveske to pin 7oz flaming pigs on the end of their title 1 rifles despite them being specifically developed as a booster for 7.5" diplomats.

Don't buy dumb shit and you won't have dumb problems/compromises on your rifle.
>I hope I get to use it in combat
Hey fellow gun lover, I got a discord group you should join. Unrelated how strongly do you hate grocery stores?
Sell me the 3.1. I will actually buy it if you drop a link.
shill me a few i need to expand my humidor
Currently visualizing a realistic apple in my head and rotating it gang, while wondering how I'd feel if I'd eaten one for breakfast.
>Co workers love saying did you know an apple gives you more energy than a cup of coffee anon!
Fuck off
Compressing everything. Moving everything back giving your build a better center of gravity is something only people who shoot a lot can appreciate.
coffee and apples give me the shits
i prefer zyn and caffeine pills
AR15 for this feel?
Surefire 3 prong makes a 13.9 into a 16.1 or 16.2. You are an idiot. Attacking the suppressor mount of all things when the most popular mounts for 14.5 are surefire 3 prong and their equivalents. Just shut the fuck up you contrarian loser you're grasping at straws now.
For the shits or the zoomies?
little bit of column A and column B
>attacking the suppressor mount
Go have fun with your 13.7 deadonairival-specific, plebbit copium, pegged and gelded gun length.
what is this retarded bullshit supposed to be good at?
This would likely sell really fast if you posted to the gun accessoriesforsale sub leddit
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Yeah I’m banned from Reddit. Just like any self respecting man should be. It will sell really fast anywhere. I want scalper prices for it though. I want to find either a full power raid or OGL for my new 14.5. My nods show up tomorrow. Well I guess today since it’s now Thursday.
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Hahahaha HawkTuah am i right guys???
I have these 3 too and was wondering what they're worth. the rail is aac marked though.
>newguns here

Is there an appreciable difference in the performance and "effectiveness" of 5.56 soft point vs hollow point projectiles? Assuming all other factors are equal out of a typical 16" ar.

>SP vs HP against nogs in a t shirt at standard home defense ranges?
>SP vs HP against nogs in multiple heavy leather jackets?
>SP vs HP in terms of over penetration through walls? (i assume the difference, if any, is negligible)
>SP vs HP as a generic, slightly better than m193 if I have it already in my mags, big igloo round?
Doesn't seem to be available in europe unfortunately, might have to get the smith enterprises one but it's almost $200 here

>ACOG or the ELCAN
Too expensive

Should I just get something like a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 1-6x24 or are there better options around $500?
did shoenigger learn punctuation?
Let me don my A2 grip for a moment and say that shot placement to CNS is all that really matters. You're using flesh wound and bleeding out as part of the effectiveness of rounds. That won't matter if you're already dead because you shot an attackers love handles off and he kept coming insteading of popping his head open or severing his spine.
What do I name my hypebeast IG shirt/patch/sticker/sling brand?
>inb4 NGRS Group
Forward Advancement Group
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I second this
>popping his love handles open
Very A2 thing to say.
Sick of seeing that retarded meme everywhere
I'm out of the loop please explain
dumb whore on tiktok made a sexual innuendo about hocking a loogie and spitting on a dick to suck it, “hawk tuah, spit on that thang” and its viral and being forced into meme merch and its so fucking overdone and cringe its sickening
A woman mimicking the sound of spitting on "that thang" went viral on TikTok
Social media and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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We are well and truly lost as a society.
It's a good thing we have ar15s to cuddle with at night
the debate between 13.X and 14.5 is stupid.
cloooonerlulz highly aesthetic but is a shitty carbine gas.
shortest min barrel in muddy that is nice to shoot

both are nice:)
hawk tuah spit on tcgf’s tiny thang
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wrong on both counts lol
Can I please post a funny comment from a faggy guntuber guy for your enjoyment without tailspinning the thread?
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I recognize the shape of that wound channel
the fact we are talking about this gay shit in 2024 when everyone knows 77gr out of an 11.5 barrel rapes is ridiculous
Newfrens and no-shoots need the rundown sometimes. Would much rather spend the day explaining why meme barrel lengths are bad then watching some guy larp about owning a ranch and guns.
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>faggy guntuber
Russel did nothing wrong
Your brain is buckbroken. Sf3prong is goat
morning arg, ya bums
Except sweating so profusely he ruined a pistol barrel in a single day because the round corroded in the chamber.

Which is absolutely hilarious.
11.5 is valid has its special place, 14.5 vs 13.x is dumb as they are essentially the same negligible performance gain/loss. And you're still pinning and welding to 16. Nobody is pinning and welding an 11.5 to 16 nobody is talking about 11.5 you have terrible reading comprehension.
>not sweating in this weather
some of us aren't sub-saharan Africans
All AR's between 10.5 and 20"
Are fine fuck off and go shoot sperg
This guy is a scalie that believes he’s a lizard btw
12.5 is 2" shorter than 14.5 and 2" longer than 10.5. You people are insane. Unironically none of this matters. If you spent half the time doing anything else but thinking about this your life would improve
The guy lives in AZ it’s hot as fuck there
>Enters Autism Rifle General
>Why aren't you normal!?
Gentlemen, a single day. Twice.

It is very funny, I assure you.
I get it. But it's just crazy to think that one specific length, along a continuum of acceptable lengths...is somehow not acceptable . Austists pride themselves on being intelligent but they aren't. They're just maladjusted
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>believes he’s a lizard
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>continuum of acceptable length.
Thats where your wrong bucko.

12.5" with a properly drilled gas hole is still 1" more or 2" less than the right number of inches.

Really love mine but learning occured and 11.5" was acquired.
It's not unacceptable. If you buy a good 12.5 it will surely shoot and you can get it to run reliably enough with the right tuning. But 11.5 is better in every way except for muzzle velocity and that is by a narrow enough margin that 11.5 is the way to go for DI SBRs
weird barrel lengths and being outside of the norm in general, at least for mechanical things like guns, is mostly a recipe to spend more money for little to no gain. that's why stuff like 12.5", fcd parts, fotm grips, and .300blk are discouraged.
It's not "unacceptable" it's just r*ddit and you need to embrace that.
Being intelligent and maladjusted are basic traits of autists not sure why you're surprised
Most FCD parts are great you little bitch. Just don't spend $60 on a dust cover
Seek help guys
I'll add that the badger safety is better than the duck one
Very good answer.
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Do you even have a 12.5" mein nigga?
you will never be happy again.
He’s active on furry websites
is that the worst thing you can say about him?
It's the worst thing you can say about anyone
>I'm going to minmaxx my center of gravity with 1/2 inch of barrel
If for some reason I had an opportunity to get a 13.9 option for cheap I might go with it but there's so many great out of the box 14.5 options that I can't really see that happening.
Follow your dreams bro
anon im active on e621, i comment 'i wish that were me' on all the TF art
stop replying
way to go cumhorn you tailspinned the thread
Viper PST is good. You want to mount it to a carry handle though?
One of my buddies keeps sending me memes of her.
I don't understand how this could happen. I SPECIFICALLY requested the opposite of this.
You are literally me (unironically)
Well at least the artist drew the reddit gun correctly. Fur(scale?)sona needs to be more obese just like him.
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No I don't and likely never will.
All this 12.5" talk has given me a hankering for a 20" ar and a steak cooked to perfection (medium well)
>(medium well)
Alrighty. Just trust me then.

Noice gons.
14.3" is so fucking sick
8.3 Hanson has yet to fail me
16" middy with the quad goes pretty hard ngl. I want to do that with mine but the handguard would cost more than the upper.
Thanks man. You as well. you're probably right in the actual technical details. I'm half trolling. I had fun.
If I ever do have a 12.5 it'll be a "kino" build because I think they look neat and for no other reason
Midwest industries has one that is FSB compatible for a reasonable price. There is always the DD as well but yeah, I agree it's over priced
Yeah I know but if I'm going to do it I'm going to do it right.
The only help I need is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through him all is revealed, he appeared to me in a dream and told me 11.5 for DI and 10.4 for pistons. These are the divine lengths and do holy damage to his enemies. He did mention 12.5 is okay for Gothic Serpent builds
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>all of overwhites' posts from yesterday deleted
Top Kek
Imo the Midwest industries is fine. I don't see it as a compromise over the DD really. I own DD and MI products are they're both fine.
I will not stand for this persecution.
Troy has one for the same price as the MI but it looks better in my opinion.
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They really are kicking my boy while he's down.
literal blasphemy
I wish it was 20fag instead.
Dan do you like anime
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Even ash photos get a ban these days
Do I have to post my 20" AR to get this thread moving?
Our unsalaried friends are completely out of control.
I'm sure it is but I want the centurion
It’s just not the same. Unless you’re the meatposter it won’t change anything.
The day that I become a URGI owner is getting closer
Funny you say this. (Same guy here). I really want the 14.5 complete centurion upper as well for the barrel
>Keep seeing this mentioned all week like it's the holy grail but don't know what the fuck an URGI is, look it up
>It's a standard 14.5 AR15 upper with a FF mlok handguard & fatter charging handle
What's your point? Ever AR fails at basically the same point after 600-800 rds of continuous full auto. The geissele was way less catastrophic than the DD upper failing
It's a SPECIFIC mlok rail (mk16) and an exceptionally accurate mid length gas barrel

Lmao. If you only knew.
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