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Aesthetics peaked here and we're never going back.

Kill me
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I respectfully disagree
"Islands in the Stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton was #1 on the singles charts so here's the slowed down / reverb island-romping version:
The bucket trooper look was the best.
too much tech
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it will never be cool
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>Kill me
If it ends these constant threads, gladly
for me its the 'umble citizen militia
Speaking of the 80s there's footage of this guy absolutely booking it at high port, it was either grenada or panama does anyone's have it?
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seek help
>Aesthetics peaked when I was 14 and we're never going back.
Why are retards like this?
if you were 14 in the 80s and are posting here it's so fucking over for you.
You are gay. Human combat prowess has two key points, distance and brains. There's nothing more perfect a human aesthetic than high tech shooting.
What the fuck does that even mean.
>le indomitable human spirit galactic imperium death to xenos xd we're all one race the human race
please stop with this meme
we are not one species
No, the GI aura has finally fully shifted to multicam. M81 has always been kind of lame you guys post the same old pictures.
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OP pic looks so much less intense when zoomed out, seeing the guy just standing there with his rifle not ready
Go ahead. Picture the ideal soldier. He's got a M81 PASGT helmet, vest, uniform, an LBV, maybe alice gear. The ideal soldier. You're right anon.
It's a thing https://archive.nytimes.com/learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/25/is-14-a-magic-age-for-forming-cultural-tastes/

You can't go home again.
mentally ill spammer, disregard
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i want a tricorn hat...
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It’s been over for a long time
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>Ameresthetics ameaked amere amd ame're amever amoing ack.
>Ameriill ame
Yanks are nogs
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>when "do americans really" posters have a stroke
"Boy I sure wish I had less options in a firefight"
You'll have to forgive Anon. Since he was eight his biggest dream was being a cybernetic samurai for a near-future megacorporation,
Here's a Pic of Finn soldiers training in the 60's. Why can't we have this level of sovl anymore /k/?
Looking cool and being effective are two very different things. Cold war era was peak look, modern era is peak effectivity.
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>goofy looking shit strapped to your face
>retarded high-cut helmets that expose the sides of your head
>retarded fuckhuge VR headset strapped to your face
Dumb gimmicks fallen for by the same crowd that bought the cybertruck. A soldier doesn't need a circuitboard strapped to his face, he needs protection from shrapnel. If you don't have an armor carrier, you have no business opining on the needs of the infantry. Plate carriers and high cuts are for SEAL liars that frag their squad and make up a crybaby story to scam the shit out of the public before the tape of them cowering in a hollow log gets released. Don't be like Luttrell, wear a normal helmet and normal body armor like everyone else did before the Special Needs Welfare Queens meme. No one who's stacking Russian corpses like sandbags in Ukraine right now is anything like these useless faggots.

I don't remember this episode of Fresh Prince

Dumb question, does having four tubes really help that much with NVGs? Seems to me like the extra vision might be offset by the weight and general cumbersomeness.

Also are these newer goggles more durable? When I was in the Army, I got into a lot of trouble for accidentally destroying a pair of PVS-14s by walking into a wall while wearing them.
>Having a literal 3D map of your terrain with and being able to see where your squad is on it in relation to yourself at all times and being able to mark enemy positions on it like a video game is a gimmick
>Comparing it to slavic shit flinging for no reason
If ukes/Russians could have them they absolutely would want them.
>we're never going back
I mean, unless US invades Venezuela, hypothetically speaking.
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so the original panoramics were made for pilots, as the added weight didn't mean that much for them. at first they weren't sure if they would help ground forces at all, and the crayon-munchers complained that chewing on them or breathing on them wrong broke them. once some more testing was done, they figured out that while it doesn't let you identify targets faster, being able to identify MORE targets is probably better than not being able to identify them. it helps a lot for being indoors and going room to room, but in an open field it's not as much of an advantage. they're a lot better than they were, but it is a sort of minor improvement over normal goggles until you start doing room-clearing. it's good enough that the weight doesn't seem to be a concern for the guys who want them at least.
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early 80s grenada into exec outcomes era is indeed high tier
fuckin lol'd.
>oh shit it fell out
>did anyone notice?
>can i grab it?
>oh fuck the cameras right on me
>oh thanks man
>i uh, guess i'll just hold it in shame now
any value you place on aesthetics here, get flushed into the toilet once you have used this shit

modern night fighting is a total mess of stupid little accessories, and tons of shitty companies like wilcox that can't solve wobble out of the box for $500 or whatever they charge

you pay premium mil prices for what amounts to really jank shit
this isn't cool, it's just more MIC niggers, they excel in media promotion and not much else
Then he gets smoked by someone with an optic. These threads are made by poor people.
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Aesthetics , indeed
Just Cause was gay and retarded but this is maybe the best the US military has ever looked
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I ain’t reading all that grandpa. Everything that we’re using today is objectively superior.
>runs out of batteries
>gets wet
>trip, fall, glass in your eyeballs
>enemy stabs you in the back and steals it, now knows exactly where your other squadmates are
>flashing light display distracting you from real shit happening right in front of you because zoom zooms can't look up from their faggy bideo gaymes for 5 fucking minutes to kill a man
All this because you have an addiction to computer games and need to shove it in everyone's face, including Ivan and Chang?
Also, we somehow have been managing to ID enemy forces just fine without larping as John Halo, using these things called our senses. We can hear what language they're speaking and the sounds of their weapons and vehicle engines, see what gear they're using and what they look like. If you need a computer chip to tell you these things, you may be special needs. Perfect for the SEALs then I guess! But for the rest of us who'll be hoofing it and actually fighting in a real war, we're good, I'd rather save the weight of that facial brick for something like food, water, or ammo.
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>Unironic slingfag
Come anywhere my cave and I'll send you to the stone zone
what the sigma??
Oh boy, another /pol/-tier chadface meme. May as well say "I have no argument", just like those retards mouthing off about "muh multipolar world" over there.
If you really want to go there though, let's dig into the Nig Spear too:
>fat, heavy bullets, soldier is now carrying less ammo than his grandpa did for his M14
>fucking loud, requires suppressor solely so the noise doesn't instantly deafen the user, basically isn't actually suppressed and cannot be
>loud, fat, heavy bullets are somehow weaker than basic bitch .308, armor penning abilities dubious at best
>gun itself is really fucking heavy, slightly heavier than an M14
>machine gun variant doesn't have a quick-change barrel, it will melt and become a useless shitbrick like Russian PKMs do
And I want you to remember that this dogshit isn't replacing the M16 (which is still burst only) or the M240, it's replacing the M4 Carbine and the M249. The M4, being a weapon for close, urban engagements, and the M249 which does a solid job and has none of the defects of its successor.
The fags that adopted this travesty and the retards dickriding it are all braindead. Fuck you, you're all wrong.
this shit is so fucking reddit at this point
The original pic still goes hard as fuck.
I really miss green woody camos bros.
Oh how I wish our camo was closer to something like MARPAT colorwise.

t. Ukie
only in ohio fr
Don't lament, every modern military, at least the good ones have all gone to digital stuff. I know its effective blah blah but isn't the most important factor of war looking cool?
looks like a headache, and modularity is the reason. everything is covered in rails, mlok, and molle. old shit is simple and elemental. maybe in the future guns will all get integral suppresors and integral lasers and integral optics, and helmets will have integral nightvision, thermal, and comms as standard - and maybe then, things will look simple like they used to.
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The magazine fell off?
>I wish our camo was closer to something like MARPAT
If it helps, the Army also wanted that. Count your blessings I guess, at least you didn't adopt sick frog green uniforms.
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Didn’t read any of that either
>Current thing? BAD
>Old thing? GOOD
Insanely cringe meme
The passage of time is scary, I will pray you can meet your transition to the next phase with integrity, rather than cope
I know you can't read, you were raised on common core. I'm right, you're wrong, seethe more. No argument = concession.
So how much are you paid per post, 2 grains of rice? Bite me.
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>peaked here
not even remotely close
Looks like shit.
Ironic, given that you refuse to read what I've said. Or perhaps you just can't respond because you know I'm right.
Let's cut the shit, the only fags that act this way are paid to do it. How about it Sigger? Gonna repeat another non-phrase at me, maybe post another MS paint image from your shill folder? Better get to it, they won't pay your brown ass for this.
>he’s still jumping and down, typing whole paragraphs
>being this upset
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>assblasted shill isn't getting paid
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>Aesthetics peaked here
Are those hoods as shiny as they seem in the pic? I have one of these and the chem hood, but mine's OD green
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Now that's a pose I wouldn't mind having a Green Army Man figure of.
How bout if you were 30 in the 80’s, you giant fag.
I mean I guess it's technically also over, but more over as in you're almost done
You're right, modularity is the entire problem. And it'll inevitably give way to fully integrated systems as time goes on. Guns will have built in suppressors, sights, lights and lasers.
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CBRN bros..
>runs out of batteries
>gets wet
>trip, fall, glass in your eyeballs
>enemy stabs you in the back and steals it, now knows exactly where your other squadmates are
>flashing light display distracting you from real shit happening right in front of you because zoom zooms can't look up from their faggy bideo gaymes for 5 fucking minutes to kill a man

Sounds like issues that would have been ironed out in a proper test program.
Let's see less getting mad online, more grappling with mortality pops
Am I only one who thinks GPNVGs look goofy as fuck?
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>Aesthetics peaked here
>and we're never going back.
Just give it ~150 years or so
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Aesthetics thread, lacking in aesthetics. shame.
Your milspec apple vision goggles look retarded and the troops that actually had to use it hate the thing
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/pol/ was always a part of /k/
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Ain't none of you retards even remotely close.
The peak of drip.
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Where can i get a grenade launcher like this for my A2
>Some assembly required, batteries not included
LMT were all over the place until 2022. You can still find them here and there but the prices went up significantly. I paid 1500 for the receiver and barrel in 2018 and its over 3k now
>ask dad to show you pictures of him in the 80s
>it's always this kind of shit
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ok boomer
>Aesthetics peaked here and we're never going back.

>Kill me
>Aesthetics peaked here and we're never going back.

>Kill me
I've yet to see a single image of someone with a FAL that doesn't go hard as fuck
negative, they peaked here.
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Final era of cool hat with high waisted pants
Was, yes. After /pol/ turned into an communist shithole filled with retards, contrarians and shitskins who hate white people, that stopped being the case.
It's no longer the current year.
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My lord, we've searched the ship, but there's no sign of the plans for the Jewish Space Laser
optics are an aesthetic crime
iron sights will always be more /k/ino
JLIST fucking sucks, class As fucking suck so bad drs are on standby monitoring for dehydration when training in them, and all of this is outweighed by the fact the M50 and M53 look cool as fuck
>t. CBRN stryker platoon
shut up and pose for the camera
also, your fault for not researching the job before enlisting
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The Virgin Beardo Ooperator vs the Chad Clean Shaven Cold War Commando
man, everything is getting worse
>he thinks i’m enlisted
For the record I don’t hate the job its just something to be aware of
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>Aesthetics peaked here and we're never going back.
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You're all wrong. Aesthetics peaked back in the ancient times. Why? Because they didn't care at all about blending in, quite the opposite in fact.
I know for a fact the average infantryman would hate this shit. While I was at wainwright, we regularly ate shit on the stupid ass skis they give us. It would cave our faces in so quick.
For armour it'd be kinda sick. Everyone would be updated on stats and potential threats in realtime.
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that was true through the napoleonic wars dude >>61963390
hell the french wore baby blue through WWI
What was this camo called anyway? Flackertan?
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>hell the french wore baby blue through WWI
That's just because everything in France is blue-tinted so it makes for good camo.
No it didn't, aesthetics peaked quite a while before then.
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>remember I have the box a few years back
>find it in the back of a closet somewhere
>excitedly run to my PC
>mfw I realize I haven't had a drive in quite a few years
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everyone who isnt me is wrong
Sieg heil!
thats a smock worn over the uniform in either Platanenmuste or Eichenlaubmuster
look up camopedia
Sides of your head being exposed is such a weird cop out argument from people who don't need to run comms and/or are too poor to afford a hi cut
muh sovl kiddies deserve the rope
Have fun dying to shrapnel then.
Bravo Vince youve done it again
Ive always liked this image. The guy who doesn't understand land navigation will debate endlessly:
>13.7 vs 14.5 pin and weld???
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Nah, this is peak
inb4 disagreements from glasses wearers
You think if I go to Cambodia now I can find a tween prostitute like that?
>Oh how I wish our camo was closer to something like MARPAT colorwise.
>t. Ukie
Come the fuck on, you guys literally have the nicest looking camo in the world, why would you wish to stray from it?
based and tally ho pilled
hes just scottish
Pretty sure it was "Saved by the Bell."
There's a pic floating around with two GIs or Marines either in Panama or Grenada, chatting with two girls, and I swear the Americans look like Zack and Screech.
Man as bad as the IBA and IOTV were Flak jackets were even worse.

Fuck that shit.
Tell me you havent marched a day in your life with telling me you haven't marched a day in your life.
post 500 verified accounts of people dying to shrapnel wounds that a low cut helmet would have saved them from.
I imagine him talking like Speedy Gonzalez.
just make one out of felt like we had to do for colonial day in elementary school

I mean YOU can go back personally
you can literally build an A2 (mostly) lookalike and put a flare launcher under it
you can get all of that gear from ebay
Fuck yea.
I can post the US military, the greatest fighting force in the history of the known universe, continuing to use low-cut helmets to this very day for the people who actually fight. High cuts are for "people" who pretend they're Billy Badass and write a million books about how much ass they kicked before the video of them pissing their pants in a hollowed out log surfaces. I also see an awful lot of Russians wearing them too, very telling!
The 1st Pajeet Brigade?

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