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What if Iran gets the SU-35 that were scheduled for Egypt refitted with Chinese PL-15?

Will Israel be in trouble?
We'd get to see Chang's whole bluster about their airforce is bullshit
Not anytime soon. New doctrine, training, experience requirements... if the Russians can't even utilize their own gear effectively, what makes you think a bunch of stupid mudslimes would be any better?
Might as well buy J10 from China
Iran is run by a fragile and unpopular cleric class that has a surprisingly effective death cult military elite. If the USA had one (1) effective noncompromised diplomat this could gradually cease to be an issue but sadly that is not the case.
Israel alone is in a tight spot. But they can likely demand the US backs any warplan so while hazardous, likely possible

Iran had significantly better KDRs out of their tomcats and phantoms than the USA. You're using a rather broad brush here.
Israel's anti air envelope is a few orders of magnitude greater than Ukraine's
did you enjoy KRD with tomcats and phantoms or did you not have equipment during saddam invasion. The two narratives don't match
Make up your mind
Is that why they needed direct intervention from the us, uk, france and others?
Sounds like iron dome missiles basically run out and need replenishing from america every week or so
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The kikes have F-35, AEW&C and AMRAAM. They would make short work out of the Su-35.
Can you please try that again in English?
I feel that the F15s, F16s, and the F35s owned by Israel would eat the SU35 for breakfast
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>Will Israel be in trouble?

no. even if israel didn't have f35s they would still win with their f15s and f16s. they have better everything: advanced AWACS, better air-to-air missiles, better, ew, better training, etc

basically any iranian plane would get whacked before even getting the chance to see an israeli plane.
they also have the python-5. shorter range but extremely advanced
>shorter range
The chinese missile has a much higher range. It will only be matched by the upcoming generation of American BVR
range on paper doesn't mean shit (ask the americans in vietnam). it depends on several factors like the ability to see your enemey first before they see you (pic rel will spot iranian planes long before they dream of seeing an israli plane)

also, range doesn't mean shit if you air-to-air missiles have shitty manoeuvrability and tracking/guidance.
> range doesn't mean shit if you air-to-air missiles have shitty manoeuvrability and tracking/guidance.
This is your mutt wishful thinking
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how many aircraft has russians R-37 shot at long range? on paper it has a range of over 100km
and that changes what I said... how exactly you /pol/ faggot? I don't give a fuck where they get ammo from it's still more effective than what Ukraine has
How many have kikes shot? You only faced 2nd gen MiG 21s with those F-15/16 and AMRAAM which is a wild disparity
It means they don't have enough air defense capability/self reliance to stop an outside attack on their own
America must jump in for help
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>surprisingly effective death cult military elite
>Iran had significantly better KDRs out of their tomcats and phantoms than the USA
honestly man, whatever keeps you going, peace be with you
>Slap a huge solid rocket booster on to a medium range missile
>Accelerate it to mach 4 at launch
>It can coast 80kms away
>Its an 80km range missile while at the end of its flight its so slow it barely clings on to air

Chinese see no problem there
>How many have kikes shot?
how many what have they shotdown? i am reffering to Russia that's currently in a conflict with Ukraine and ukraine still has plenty of aircraft operating despite russians claim about "long range air-to-air missiles" which supports my point about the range only mattering on paper
ground launch reduces range even further
modern air combat is all about seeing the enemy first, not being seen yourself, and best for that is stealth, great radars (AEW&C) and long-range missiles.
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the ground launcher is for protecting high-value targets at short range as a final layer of defense. not about air combat
Israel has plenty of stockpile to deal with any short term event, during the early days of the Gaza shit Hamas was launching literally thousands of rockets in a single day and they didn't run out, and it doesn't matter if they need foreign aid from the US to replenish the stockpile since they always get it, even with Brandon slow walking certain supplies the Iron Dome ammo isn't part of it
It seems like hilarious overkill using missiles big enough to shoot down bombers for sasneeds. Seems inevitable that there's gonna be dirt cheap micro-missiles with like a 40mm grenade at most of explosives for dealing with slow moving small drones/missiles before long. Yeah I guess the big ass missiles also have much longer ranges, but if you can afford 20 mini missiles per big missile you could just have a wall of launchers loaded with them.

Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding here, since mini or not they still need the same fancy guidance systems as the big missiles and I assume that's the expensive part, not the fuel or explosives. So if you're gonna pay 75% of the price for 25% the kaboom fuck it just make full size missiles?
> Hamas was launching literally thousands of rockets in a single day and they didn't run out
Both wrong
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nta. but you're just wrong. and i don't remember israel running out of interceptors
they have missiles like these>>61959955 that they have been making for decades sitting around doing nothing. since no airforce will challenge the iaf, might as well use them to shootdown drones. better than letting them rot in some storage somwhere
>No knowledge of Basra, Kirkuk, the entire syrian civil war or their outcomes

>Ignorant of 5 second Google search results operational history of airframes in different forces

Head injury? Or shill?
If anything having shiny new jets just gives Israel a convenient target to exact tit for tat revenge for Iranian fuckery.
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this. Iran would be better advised to keep spamming relatively low-cost weapons like drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, air defense and keep working on its nuclear program.
no its your thirdie wishful thinking that paper stats which only exist to chest thump actually mean anything in the real world
>New doctrine
i think iran with its expierience in the iraq war is in a better position to establish their own doctrin
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Is it even remotely a match for the F-35?
Against obsolescent Iraqi aircraft piloted by Iraqis who refused to flex their doctrine, basically shooting clays.
No. Irbis E is shit
Part of the reason Egypt cancelled is because the radar the Su-35 variants they were getting is so limited and easily overwhelmed by EW systems like Rafale's SPECTRA and AN/APG-81's MFA on F-35
They didn't, US, UK and France only helped with the drones, Which are slower and generally much easier target. It was a symbolic statement from the allies against Iran.
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Imagine lying about things that happened a month ago
The word honesty doesn't exist in your language for a reason
>more than half
??? iran bros
They helped shooting down drones miles away from Israeli border while Israel air defence dealt with hundreds of ballistic missiles. The US only shot down 6 of them.
Egypt has 4,000 tanks and could potentially form another arab coalition in the face of WW3 and the current paramilitary unification in the levant, not the mention whatever else is building in central Asia
>What if Iran catches up with 1980's Israeli Air Force capability?

I wouldn't be too worried
Anon most of those guys were in their 30s, and that was forty years ago. I'm hard-pressed to imagine IRAF fighter-jocks of today have enjoyed the full benefit of the US training 80s-era IRAF aviation (both air AND ground crews).
>Iran had significantly better KDRs out of their tomcats and phantoms than the USA.
I'd love to hear why you think this was so.
>inb4 "specifics don't matter"
>Is that why they needed direct intervention from the us, uk, france and others?
No, that was because Biden was still trying to straddle the line between Dearborn, MI mudslimes and the US kike lobby.
Getting some foreign allies to tag in to give the appearance of "multilateralism" in US interventions is a staple of the Obama/Biden administrations as the personnel involved in both are largely the same.
>Iran had significantly better KDRs out of their tomcats and phantoms than the USA. You're using a rather broad brush here.
The F-14 came and went from the U.S. inventory without much action at all. Recall that Iran battled Iraq to a stalemate, ending that conflict with only a slight advantage, and contrast that with Desert Storm. When I talk about doctrine and tactical employment, U.S. airpower is on an entirely different level. Nobody else comes close, not the Euros, not the Russians, not the Chinese. That advantage is eroding as the U.S. fucks around with retention and DEI and China tryhards to catch up, but no, give Iran all the SU-35s in the world and it would still be impossible for them to catch up knowledge-wise.
>The chinese missile has a much higher range.
What's the NEZ on the PL-15? What're it's kinematics at those extended ranges like? Is it for taking out maneuvering/defending jet fighters, or is it like the R-37/R-77 and just another shitty AMRAAM/Phoenix ripoff best suited for long range anti-AWACS/Tanker duties?
>It will only be matched by the upcoming generation of American BVR
Given that it's a chinkoid missile, aside from the fact 90% or more of it is stolen, the stated capabilities are probably exaggerated, in the first place.
So it's actually very likely that the AIM-260 will be a missile version of the MiG-25 fiasco. In other words, the AIM-260 will probably *wildly* outperform the PL-15.
>mutt wishful thinking
Sinoid mongol rape babies are prone delusions of grandeur, we agree.
>You only faced 2nd gen MiG 21s with those F-15/16 and AMRAAM which is a wild disparity
The first AMRAAM kill was from an American F-16 that shot down a MiG-25, or is the Foxbat suddenly warm piss, according to thirdies?
>It means they don't have enough air defense capability/self reliance to stop an outside attack on their own
No it means US politicians are whores. See >>61963854
>Both wrong

Keep it coming, /pol/estinian, your cope is fun.
150:4 is better than 5:1 in most places where math is practiced. Any more questions?
>Recall that Iran battled Iraq to a stalemate, ending that conflict with only a slight advantage
Recall that Iran had undergone a total political and societal breakdown weeks before when they were invaded. The modern equivalent would be the US and China teaming up to help Russia beat Ukraine, supplying them with liberally used chemical weapons, and Russia still losing and suffering a loss of territory. You're biased which is fine, but you can gain some insight from that conflict. It's hard to point to the Iranians failing to meet their military or political objectives post 1980. I don't know why that is, but it is a clear trend.
>Against obsolescent Iraqi aircraft
Ah yes, the famously obsolete TU-22 and MiG-25 against a force of 77 Tomcats that had been so profoundly sabotaged that only 24 were ever considered airworthy at the same time. Read literally one book.
>Any more questions?
Do you know what accounted for the inability of US Phantoms to sling BVR missiles at will like IRAF Phantoms?
>inb4 "specifics don't matter"
>Part of the reason Egypt cancelled is because the radar the Su-35 variants they were getting is so limited and easily overwhelmed by EW systems like Rafale's SPECTRA and AN/APG-81's MFA on F-35
Oh, that's pretty interesting. Didn't think about that aspect, thanks for bringing it up!
Patriot batteries in Iraq and Jordan were operating as well that night. British, Jordanian, French and American planes did the vast majority of the heavy work taking out cruise missiles and drones, with western missile defense systems severely cut the number of ballistic missiles Israel had to deal with.
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>the heavy work taking out cruise missiles and drones
If by heavy work, you mean slotting behind a low and slow aerial target flying straight and level, waiting for tone, and pressing fire, sure. I don't know how the Israeli AF would have coped.
>with western missile defense systems severely cut the number of ballistic missiles
Nice fanfiction Reza.
>The zionist entity only survives because we're geopolitically isolated and they have functional relationships
Quite the brag.
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You mean the guys that did one of the most successful and technically complex airbase strikes in history?
lol no
>seething irgc hands typed this post
3,000 black missiles of allah when?
The Iranians maintained no cadre of skilled pilots and aren't where they were in the 80s, with a western-trained and equipped air force of cutting-edge material. Their military professionalism, to the extent it ever existed (and if the Iran-Iraq War taught us anything, it's that it was only skin-deep) has only degraded further with shitty MENA sandnigger cultural problems like promotions based on religious ideology.
They were also fighting an opponent as incompetent as themselves. Whereas Israelis are world-class pilots with F-35s, let alone their 4th gens. The Iranians wouldn't have a hope in hell.
Su-35 is 4th gen, nothing like the F-35. The number is all they have in common.

not to mention that russian weapons are a sham
Even the Chinese were disappointed with the Su-35 after buying a few dozens for the PLAAF. Ironically the J-16 variant is arguably the most capable Flanker in operation today
Egypt didn't cancel it
America chimped out and threatened sanctions because israel doesn’t want it
And they tried pushing downgraded F-15s in place of it
>America chimped out and threatened sanctions because israel doesn’t want it
PL-15's are only keyed with Chinese Avionics/Radars so it wouldn't work.

Su-35's have huge radar cross sections so even though the PL-15E has a range of ~125km they'd be detected by F-15/35's far beyond that and avoided.

That being said if it's used as point defence over Iranian potential reactors/nuke sites then it might serve as part of a larger defence umbrella alongside networked/layered AA.

Would be interesting to see if Iranian ships or allied radar sites in Lebanon pick up a strike package if it's F-15E's + F-35's.

Afaik any strike on Iran would be F-15E's and maybe F-35's - I think there was a problem with range.
People need to understand that hyper long range missiles like the R-37 and PL-15 are designed to take out tanker aircraft and AWACS planes, not fighter aircraft. Yes the R-37 on a NIG-31 has kept the ukrainian airforce flying low but they haven’t actually damaged any planes I’m aware of (and I’m willing to be wrong).
It doesn’t mean a thing to have a 200km+ range missile that maneuvers like shit going up against a 5th gen fighter that you can’t even detect until you’re well within AMRAAM range.
It also doesn’t mean shit against NATO 4th and 4.5 gen planes who have advanced warning receivers and can out maneuver the incoming missile and shoot back.

So no, Israel won’t be in trouble

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